End of Days w/Rev Joe Morris

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[Music] thank you great to see I what a treat to be with you I'm blown away every time I come how cool everything is it makes me mad and sad for the rest of the world when they have to put up with their piddly buildings and their Mickey Mouse setup when you have the absolute best here I I mean I I send pictures to my wife and daughter and son-in-law of all the different parts of your church and if I try to do all of it they just be quitting overwhelming us with text but you just want people to see it I'm just blown away I love being with your pastors how normal they are your pastor Dean makes me laugh he may I don't a man you have normal pastors yeah you're blessed you're so blessed and just their hunger for God and a hunger hundred for wanting everything God has for us you know not not you know not satisfied with the status quo but heaven you have things for us right here before the coming of the Lord you have great things for us thank you sir great things for us and and pushing for that yeah if you're not striving for that you're just on cruise and this is not the time to cruise when you see the finish line you run faster you think about the adrenalin you get at the end of a race when you see the finish line it means your hearts beating faster it means your senses are intensified everything about you gets more intense and the church has to get that that we're looking at the finish line and man you just living here the last couple months you can see why we're we're really getting close to the finish line so the wonderful thing is you have all the answers because he was raised from the dead everything about your church's death could not hold him down he rose victorious over death hell and the grave and then he put that mentality into you he didn't tell you to be strong he said be strong in the Lord and the power of his mind so you're not laboring to be free you are free you're not trying to be victorious you are victorious you're not trying to be a king you are a king I think we're gonna be blown away and we're raptured we're caught up and we go for the throne and we see the glory and the radiance of the throne and the Lord's gonna lean down go by the way you had that in you everywhere you went why are you on the earth you have this treasure in earthen vessels Wow hallelujah so we're very blessed and that's what I love about your church you push for that because I believe there's great things here before we leave I mean for the world it's very scary but for the church there is no bad news I mean it's just we're just blessed and to have the technology where we can see all these things coming to pass that point to his return it just gets more and more exciting because so soon we're gonna see him face to face and man that protocol to seeing face to face how wonderful it is that all the sudden these songs we sing to worship Him we honor him and service we do the extreme as we can without exploding that all sudden we're gonna be there seeing him face to face hallelujah Coleen sends her greetings she hasn't got to be with me I don't think one time since I've been here but I didn't hire her for that photograph we're actually married praise the Lord so we're blessed and man I'm so glad to not be preaching on line tonight hallelujah glory to God I mean glass couple weeks I preached in London England then priests and Boise priests in Spokane all from Oklahoma and a couple other places too but I'm just so glad to be here there's something about gathering together there's something about it we need each other and there's something about because it's biblical he said forsake not the assembling of yourselves together as some would do especially as you see the Day approaching so that's we're gonna get into tonight it's a little bit about seeing how close we are and as we see how close we are we make changes you know if you really thought the Lord was coming back tomorrow I think he'd be kinder tonight could you imagine Jesus coming tomorrow hey what are you doing no I don't know I think there'd be a kindness the sweetness about you all the orange rhiness of the flesh would kind of go I kind of need to chill on that and be kind because I'm about to meet God face to face so it's a reckoning for our souls to make some changes because we're about to see him and it Tunes us up because it is the hope that purifies us even as we were pure your strength will be tied to your joy and if you knew Jesus is about to come back it'll it'll absolutely blast your joy because all of a sudden we're gonna see him hallelujah man it's just a great time great time why don't we pray and we'll get right into the word Lord we thank you for your word we're so nourished by the written word of God we're in awe that you gave your life Jesus we've gathered together tonight because we love you we honor you we bless you we magnify you we're amazed that you let yourself be beaten that you let yourself go to the cross and that you were raised from the dead so father help us display this resurrection before we are raptured help us demonstrate that death could not hold you down so we thank you for your goodness and your mercy and your kindness to be displayed in this hour like never before in the midst of a perverse and dark world we thank you for the church being stronger than ever before being more of a witness than ever before being more of a voice than ever before I ask you Lord to amplify your voice through this church Lord what you've given choose life to do Lord we thank you there'll be a performance of everything that was spoken over this body we thank you for heaven thoughts heavenly mentality heavenly actions heavenly deeds for every person in this room Lord may it be a foretaste of what is to come the glory of God upon the church as we were caught up to be with Jesus we thank you for it Lord we give you glory we give you honor and we give you praise Jesus wonderful name and everybody said amen you know the Lord is so amazing I think I'm afraid for their lockdown I was preaching in South Carolina had a couple words of knowledge toward the end when I was from preaching and one was a carpal tunnel syndrome and one was a somebody's knees are getting healed and one was someone had the inside of their nose was severed and the Lord was healing that and so I called those things out and I'm in a hurry because I preach too long when ten times you know so I didn't call anybody down you know so after the service this guy like six foot eight maybe almost seven feet tall he comes lumbering down and he said hey I want to say something which is really not really a cool thing usually to let someone you don't know say something because I didn't know if he was gonna go you know Casta that try to cast the devil out of me or not but anyway he goes hey I want to say something both my arms got healed of carpal tunnel my knees knees got healed he said I text my wife she'd had some brain surgery and they went up through the inside of her nose and they severed some of the inner part of her nose trying to do the brain surgery she text him back while he's sitting there and said my nose healed up why laughter you text me and I can breathe perfectly amen God so cool you don't even have to be in the room to get healed you can go hey I can't make it tonight Lord but go ahead and heal me anyway amen I was in Corbin Kentucky just before that at Chris Romines Church and he said this the time before when I was there I didn't know about this he said I had a word I didn't remember he said I had a word about palsy I said there's somebody here you got palsy I didn't call him out I just said well your Lords healing you right now and this woman was sitting there and the lady beside her they're all do all new to this you know the lady beside her says you know what I think he's talking about you because what just came on you just came on me and so she gets healed of palsy so that night at 12:30 at night she calls her a denominational pastor at 12:39 and she goes I know the Lord doesn't heal people anymore but I think I got healed tonight of palsy all my symptoms are gone and the pastor said to her you know what don't tell anybody but I believe Jesus still heals people to come on so he's just so good people not in the room get healed people that don't even believe in healing get healed of palsy he's just he's just amazingly good so I want to get into some things that that are blatant that are exact that are precise that pointedly show us how close we are to the finish line because you make changes so you know for every one verse there is about the first coming of the Lord eight times more about the second coming so it's very documented Paul talked about the baptism 12 times coming of the Lord fifty-two times so it's very documented there's there's all these verses about what the earth would look like just before his return why so we would have a heads up why would he want you to have a heads up so you make some changes you accelerate you get trash out of your life you get the things out of your life that are distracting you because I couldn't imagine a runner has these running his race sees the finish line goes I think I'll make a call no you don't make a call then we in other words you don't do stupid things when you're finishing your race it would be ill idiotic or ill-advised to go why don't I have a cup of tea right here at the end of the race no the the most important thing is is to accelerate so I know we hear that over and over again but we're gonna look at some things to show us how close we are because we're so close I mean you have the coronavirus in Matthew chapter 24 verse 8 Jesus said there'd be things that were happening on the earth that were similar to a woman going into labor he said he called them birth pains just before the tribulation he said you'd have world war he's had families you'd have pestilence you'd have earthquakes Israel had two earthquakes last week the Vatican had one earthquake at the exact same time Israel had an earthquake Spokane had an earthquake the pastor texts me from there he said men our whole house just shook so it's not just that there's a radical increase of those Oklahoma has so many earthquakes a couple years ago there was almost 2,300 in one year yeah I moved from California back to Oklahoma all sudden the house starts shaking I thought this actually feels like an earthquake and my wife's from California she goes North quake and I'm like so I mean the windows are the pictures are moving off the wall so I mean so the Earth's getting ready so you have a pandemic because jesus said something would be on the earth that would get everyone's attention how many of you ladies when you went into labor did you go hey I think I'll go bowling today no when you went into labor you made some changes to get to the hospital faster than average you know I'm saying you didn't go well let's just fit this into our day no no you went straight to the hospital so in other words there's an urgency about you could you imagine telling your wife oh yeah we'll get there in a little bit no man when your wife goes into labor you're like we're getting to the hospital I'm not birthing this baby like from the movie Gone with the Wind that's what that lady said I don't know anything about birthing no baby I hey I'd say let's get to the hospital let's get there right now so these things that are happening should communicate with us they should preach to us much less all the signs we'll get into that preach to us why is it preached to you they're there right in front of your face you can't go I had no idea anything was going on yeah something's going on Jesus is about to come back so with that grab your Bibles there and then run with me back to Isaiah and we'll look at why we get into this little show us something before we get into all the signs and signals look at Isaiah chapter 46 look at verse 9 versus that you know real well but they're just good to be reminders of what we have and how flawless God is think about it hundred billion stars with a hundred billion galaxies and that he calls my name just so we'd have twinkle lights at night I have no use of all these galaxies no use of all these stars but they make a wonderful nightlight for all of us and they're very cool he just is a very extreme everything about him is extreme there's nothing average about the Lord so watch what he says here in Isaiah to help us about end times so he says in Isaiah 46 verse 9 he said remember the former things of old like this he says remember the former things of old I am God there's none else I'm God there's none like me well you could say that again declaring the end from the beginning and from the ancient times things that are not yet done saying my counsel shall stand and I will do all my pleasure I'll give you Joe's 20/20 rendition he basically said this is how you can tell I'm God you want to put me to test this is how you can tell I'm God I can tell you what's going to happen before it happens no other God can do that you can talk to a Buddhist you can talk to a Muslim their book doesn't give you future this is the only book that gives you future because he's been there done that made the t-shirt Ezekiel prophesied the very year that Israel be regathered as a nation happened exactly to the day Gabriel prophesied to Daniel the year Jesus would come the first time came exactly to the year it the flawlessness of it is pretty radical so listen to this I noticed a lot of info before we get into it but it'll it'll bless you about the Word of God the word is so good and so nourishing and so strengthening and I was real praying this afternoon before it came tonight and he was reminding me of the strength that's in you tonight there is a deposit of such boldness and strength in you that no other generation has ever had generations didn't even know what didn't even know how to talk about it much less live it to see you're not moved by what you feel do not move by what you see you move by what the word says about you come on before we get to these ten names think about mark 11:23 and 24 Jesus says you could use your faith for FIGS you could use your faith for obstacles mountains you could use your faith for desserts our desires desserts sorry deserts mountains and then desires think about that two-thirds of your faith two-thirds of your faith was for dessert and desires one-third of your faith was for mountains you don't even need all your faith to move a mountain 2/3 of your faith was just to bring you joy desserts and desires so there's a strength in you tonight I'm telling you it'll I say well I know the Word of God well you need to know the God of the word and that's the difference you get to know the God of the word you use coronavirus whatever I mean there's there's a strength about you that the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus makes you free from the law of sin and death remember Lakewood do that one that when the bubonic plague was there in South Africa and they were asking him how are your workers not dying how are you not dying everybody else is dropping like flies he said well put the bubonic plague on the microscope I'll touch the edge of the microscope and when I do watch what happens they put the bubonic plague on the microscope Lake walked in there touch the edge of the of the plate and the in the sand the plague started dying right before their eyes I see that didn't happen by accident he's standing from the mirror and go God lives in this man God lives in this man God lives in this man and all the messages you've heard get you ready to walk in front of that mirror and go God lives in this man God lives in this woman come on you've got something in you that permeates that overwhelms everything I'll get back to my signs here in just second but you know what Jesus said hey some of you won't even taste death until you see the kingdom he took him up on that mountain all of a sudden he began to show them the kingdom he begin to radiate through his pours he began to come through his hair his hair became white because you couldn't contain that kingdom it started coming out of his skin that's what's in you Peter Peter woke up said we need to build some buildings he said we need to build some churches come on because when you see what it is it makes you a builder a planter let's do more hallelujah so look what look what the Lord says listen the first 10 names of guys in the Bible it's so cool I know you know this but it's just awesome a lot of in focus I'll hang with me for just a second man Adam means man Seth means appointed eNOS means mortal Canaan means sorrow mahalia means the blessed God Jared means shall come down Enoch means teaching Methuselah means his death brings Lamech means the sparing and Noah means rest put them all together man is appointed mortal with sorrow the blessed God shall come down teaching that his death brings the despairing rest gives you the entire plan of redemption with the first 10 names of guys in the Bible because he said I'm God I'll tell you what's gonna happen before it happens so with that we can have peace about him showing us all these things that would take place right before the coming of the Lord so we'd make adjustments and we'd have joy the whole purpose of what we're gonna get into for just a few minutes is to make you see how much he loves you he's not mad at you not frustrated with you not ticked off with you he loves you I mean think about this think about Colleen our getting married could you imagine calling out of the day of our wedding Colleen is walking down the aisle and I'm standing there and all sudden Colleen goes oh my god I'm getting ready to marry that guy another one bites the dust see that what kind of concerned me as I'm standing there she's walking down the aisle she goes oh my god here we go and she saw bent over like this all bowed over and she's got her white dresses looked like she'd been rolled in the mud she's walked down the aisle there he is right there I'm about to marry that guy no I won't hurt walking down the aisle go on man this is the most exciting day of my life Jesus won't you just like that to have the most exciting time of your life just like you're about to meet him come on [Music] and when Colleen and I got married I had my best man take her the day of our wedding take her before we got married went up into the house or putting all their makeup on everything my best man took up a gift from Tiffany's tour I had my best friend playing the piano in the backyard Sofer favorite songs cuz I want her to be happy the day we got married I didn't wanted to be sad the day we got married come on I didn't want a CD C playing in the backyard I want you know whatever if that's your got your mojo whatever but but I want her to have some songs that she liked to make her happy if I think like that think how the Lord thinks about you oh come on he wants to bless you wants to surprise you he wants to lift you up he wants you walking different that's exactly what he said when you see these things lift up your heads indicating you can be downtrodden when you should not be downtrodden if you were sad the day of your wedding you probably made a mistake I'm sorry I mean if you if you were bummed out like I here we go no no no no it's the same thing about the rapture of the church we should be like man this is it whoa hallelujah people should tell us to break that pill in half whatever you're on you're just too happy all right grab your Bibles go to Luke 21 and let's look at how close we are Jesus is gonna say some things that are super super easy to understand about his return now remember the rapture is signless but the Second Coming has tons of signs so he's going to give you some information not about the rapture but about the second coming of the Lord so if you want to know some timing back up about seven or eight years and you're that much closer to the rapture of the church so we're very very privileged very very blessed so look at Luke 21 grab your Bibles there how many you still glad you came tonight come on how many glad you're here you're not in jail come on Presley all right that usually gets everybody so that's good good good defense records Luke 21 let's go down to verse 24 you know this so well but look at it for a moment they'll fall by the edge of the sword and shall be led away captive unto all nations this is verse 24 of Luke 21 and Jerusalem shall be trodden down to the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled that's such a radical verse Jesus cuz hey when you see Jerusalem get one back by the Jews the times of the Gentiles is pretty much up I mean that's a pretty crazy statement so what happened in 1967 in your lifetime not two hundred years ago not five hundred years ago 1967 Israel got Jerusalem back in the six-day war amazing the miracles that happened you can't even get into all of them you know what everything revolves around Jerusalem the Bible says Jerusalem would be a cup of trembling for all nations if you live west of Jerusalem you read left to right if you live east of Jerusalem you read right to left everything goes back to that piece of real estate the devil so dumb he puts a mosque everywhere in Jerusalem everywhere Jesus did something important I mean see you go right here and go well this is where the this is where the Ascension was you go right here and there's a mosque right here this is where he was beaten you go right here this is where the resurrection was the devil is so stupid he tried to put a mosque everywhere Jesus did something cool that's how stupid he is all it does is give you a tour guide you go the Lord do something cool here he did something cool here did something cool here without fail on the Temple Mount in the Dome of the rock in the arabic it says in arabic in a circle there is no son of God there is no son of God there is no son of God why there is the son of God and death could not hold him down come on so this it's real everything about its real so in that six-day war all those miracles that happen were remarkable for Jerusalem to be won back that's a pretty big deal so watch Jesus in a couple verses lower here get even clearer to your hammer that home people say it that way to pound at home for us to get it cuz that's so Bo look at verse 29 he spake to them a parable what's a parable for to make what he had just said makes more sense he said look at the fig tree and all the trees fig trees the nation of Israel said look at the fig tree and all the trees when they now shoot forth her bud and that happened in 1948 the fig tree but Israel's regathered as a nation the miracles that happened for that are too long to even preach about you can preach three or four hours when you see the fig tree bud I like this in verse 30 when they now shoot forth you see and know of your own selves that summer our harvest is night and likewise in the same manner when you see these things what things when you see the fig tree bud and you see Jerusalem one back when you see these things watch this no no not wondering not since not perceived when you see these things no know that the kingdom of God is night hand so he's saying these things so you can know something not go well you know I just don't really understand know so you can know in other words these two events are pretty big deal israel's regathered Jerusalem's one back he said the group that sees those two things watch what he says now look at the next verse I got ahead of myself look at verse 31 verily I say unto you this generation shall not pass away two also fill what generation the one that sees the fig tree bud and Jerusalem one back he said that group of people won't pass away two also filled I hear people go I don't believe that it don't matter I'll hear people go I'm not comfortable that it don't matter there's not much you can do about it these are some radical events that Jesus goes if you're paying attention you can go holy cow he said when that happens and that happens I can know the kingdom of God is about to come now that's two signs we got about fifty now but I mean that's pretty wild for the Lord to give us two main things he even said you can see it and you can know it hit Kenneth Hagin prophesied about right before the coming of the Lord there'd be a spirit or an attitude of seeing and knowing upon the church where'd that come from that verse right there so weird to have an attitude of seeing and knowing not blind and dark not when wandering seeing and knowing yes think of Kenneth Hagin born in 1917 mirror what happened in 1917 I know this is a lot of info but hang with me 1917 Allenby an australian general flies into jerusalem and a biplane and they've been passing out leaflets allenbys coming alibies coming they didn't even know what it meant in Arabic it mean a prophet sent from God to deliver you your land so not a shot was fired they dropped their weapons Israel got their land right there in 1917 same year Kenneth Hagins born the Lord appeared to his mother told him to name him John she goes on like that name own name of Kenneth don't you love that I so weird and huh and the Lord told his mother that he would have a part not everything would have a part in giving the earth ready for the second coming of the Lord I mean I preached in Rhema it Illyria Germany Rhema Australia Ramnath Singapore Rhema Geneva Rhema Norway Rhema Switzerland Rhema loose on three or four ramas in Switzerland I'll book us brother Hagin sowing the word no fanfare sowing the word sowing the word sowing the word yet he would have a part not everything but a part in getting the earth ready for the second coming look up Hagin in the Hebrew Kenneth Hagin know what Hagin means one to go before it a pair of people for the coming of the Lord same definitions John the Baptist there was a lady in Marquess these church in Tulsa she's a real normal lady she had died a few years ago they defibrillated her and got her back she goes to heaven she's talking to Jesus she saw brother Hagin she goes oh look there's Kenneth Hagin Jesus said you mean John so if your name spoke to me John it's gonna be John okay you can run but you can't hide okay let's play I was like don't you love that yeah that's not Kenneth that's John Hagee so anyway so so we're privileged we're all we're all blessed a part of this charismatic renewal to get the word and hear brother Hagins all done things and some things into all these preachers that made us put the word first why where there's a change coming for the earth there's a change coming for the earth the king of kings and the Lord of lords oh come on the first time he came in humility he was beaten and he was he was stoned and he was ripped apart he was mocked and humiliated this time he's coming back in glory you talk about protocol come on man the Bible says that the mountains even break there'll be no more mountains because they're so vibrating apart at the entrance of the King a six-foot-tall being comes back to the planet and every single mountain is broken away Wow he's carrying some weight with his entrance hmm man we're in for so many cool surprises Wow giddyup hallelujah all right let's go back to what the Bible says here he said you'll know this you'll know this you'll know this you'll know this you'll know this there's no guessing to this when you see Israel made a nation you see Jerusalem won back you can see and know of your own selves I mean look how the Lord did it he said when they bid again to bud likewise that word likewise you know this spring I was home for the first time since 1986 I got to watch the trees bud usually I go and come back go and come back the trees already voted i sat there and watched them bud you know what I've never seen somebody go hey summers not coming this year seriously the trees just began to but I can tell summer is coming the trees preached to me just like the trees preached to you he said it'll preach to you when Israel's made a nation so we have two main signs that's pretty good well I know we've heard all the signs but man there's something about getting a menu how close you are so those are the biggies right there then after that you got the Hebrew language restored because God said just before the coming of the Lord he'd restored to them a pure language okay one hundred and ten hundred fifteen years ago you know what an Israel no one spoke Hebrew now they all speak Hebrew because God said I'll do this just before the Lord comes back how cool is that so you're living when God's tangibly doing things to the planet to get the planet ready for God because that's God's language come on amen all right after that you got the Ethiopian Jews the Bible says right before the coming of Lord he'll go down and get them in 1992 18,000 Ethiopian Jews were airlifted in one day the c-130s flew right down into Ethiopia airlifted the mouth first time ever an airplane came with a hundred and eighty people when they took off and when they landed they had 187 people there were seven babies born on the plane while they're flying they said what do we put on their versa together they were born in Egypt where they were in Israel put airborne praise the Lord so you got a tangible miracle the guy that paid for is a guy from America paid thirty million dollars he was known for running from the law he was living in Europe to stay away from the law from America America pardoned him for doing that one deed for the Jews so God's doing things that he said he would do just before the Messiah comes so after that that's that's pretty radical because you know what on CNN Headline News this still freaks me out CNN Headline News Chuck Robert said an exodus that eclipses the book of Exodus listen when CNN's preaching about what the Lord's doing you better lift up your heads the Lord's about to come back that's how big a deal it was for CNN to say an exodus that eclipses the book of Exodus 18,000 airlifted when did it happen your lifetime because God said I'll do this right before the Messiah comes alright then you've got the revival the Roman Empire United States of Europe they've got the they've got the woman from the book of Revelation on their money you can go look at their Capitol building in Strasbourg France it's not similar to the Tower of Babel it's identical to the tower Babel so that systems in place for the Antichrist I mean you talk about crazy it's in position though the wording on it is saw will be our own gods we don't need God it's horrible okay so that's a tangible physical sign for us everybody still with me you can google that look look at it look at the building it's not similar it's identical to the tower Babel I don't even have time to get into it with all the markings are from Nebuchadnezzar the art out front of the building is a molecule of iron magnified because Daniel saw iron and clay right for the coming of the Lord crazy okay after the Hat you've got the fertility of the land of Israel 120 years ago Mark Twain was there he said the land is so desolate it won't support life yet Israel produces 90% of the fruit for all of Europe what if New Jersey produce 90 percent of the fruit for all of America we'd say man New Jersey's got some good dirt come on what's up with New Jersey well Israel's the size of New Jersey 90% of the fruit for a continent because God said I'll make the land preach for me you can go up on the border man I don't even have time I don't even have time to get into all this but Israel you can go up on the border of the goal on right we're serious no one has to tell you where the border is you see lush dark green grass you get right here in this dark brown dirt there's no grass at all that's Syria Israel I ask my Israeli buddy I said to you guys you Scots super Turf Builder what do you use I said to get my grass to look like your grass I've got to fertilize it four times a year and I even called Scots a couple years ago and said hey what's up with your fertilizer it's not working and the lady told me on the phone we detuned it because people thought it was too dangerous because it was so strong I said now I can't get my grass to look right israel's grass looks like that with no Scot super Turf Builder because God's Word said I'll make the land preach for me [Music] so it's tangible they're all there's many more things Israel has more trees than any nation since they've been keeping count God showed them how to put a tray underneath all the trees so it collects the dew and the trees grow up more and produce more season produce more trees it's just blessed because God said I'm gonna make it blessed right for the coming of the Lord so there's many more but let's run through them this these are some things that happened in the last few weeks you had the ritual baths around the Temple Mount fill up with water all the rabbi's said man the Messiah is about to come back hadn't happened in 2,000 years Sea of Galilee overflowed the rabbi said the Messiah is about to come there were foxes on the Temple Mount this was on the front page of the Jerusalem posts would it be something that Israel's more secular than America would it be something for the New York Times to put on the front page a sign showing Jesus is about to come back wouldn't you go man front of the New York Times to put that that's crazy what if the Washington Post said here's a sign showing us the Lord's about to come Jerusalem Post there Fox is on the Temple Mount lamentations 5:18 it means the Messiah is about to come one that happened just a few weeks ago this is crazy rabbi of excite Kaduri head rabbi years ago in Israel he lived to be like 110 years old right before he died he put in a note for it to be opened a year after his death that he'd come to know to accept Jesus as his Messiah it rocked all of them so bad because he's like the Kenneth Hagin of rabbis I mean they'd be like I mean you know saying like they're they freaked out Wow Jesus is the Messiah but they looked at other his other writings he said right before the Messiah comes Israel be ruled by two Benjamins last week Benjamin Netanyahu and Benjamin God's Gantz made the decision to do Dulli or jointly rule Israel because of the pen pandemic of the coronavirus that the Messiah would come back when 2 Benjamin's are ruling Israel last week 2 Benjamin's started ruling Israel it gets so extreme I think about Ezekiel prophesied there'd be fishing the Dead Sea guests when they showed up last year 2019 Animal Planet channel I'm watching she says Israeli ornithologist as a bird specialist she said we don't understand it's the largest gathering of predatory Birds ever in history 172 different species of predatory Birds she said we don't understand it man I freaked out I understand it right after the rapture of the church he had the zekiel 38 war and god calls on the fowl of the air to come clean the land up seven years later at the battle of armageddon he calls them the fowl of the air to come clean the land up again you've got the cleanup crew in Israel right now now I know here people go really you think the Lord's coming back seriously no it's all his all vices all I have my chance I mean it's just signed if you're signed I designed it for scientific sign that for sign that who signed it for sign why would the Lord go to so much trouble he loves you he loves you so much he wants you excited he won't you expect that he wants you almost where he's like man I'm about to see the king there's many more men will be lovers himself if selfie six house in Los Angeles last year a guy had to selfie sticks crossing the road I almost got hit by a car cuz he was concerned with taking photographs of himself with someone told you 25 years ago there'll be a time when people are taking photos of themselves obsessively I said what men will be lovers themselves so we have all these signs many many many many other signs I mean my favorite I've told you before Aerosmith's lead singer Steven Tyler got saved so Lenny Kravitz led him to the Lord that's even more of a miracle when Lenny Kravitz the evangelist Lenny Kravitz how crazy is that so I mean there's just tangible physical things having tangible tangible tangible tangible to where where the Lord made it to where you you don't even have to hardly be paying attention in other words if you're if you're remotely paying attention at something hmm something's up now the sad part is the Lord so sweet and so kind he won't force his knowledge on people doesn't doesn't put in other words if you're not hungry and thirsty you won't be filled so let's go to the signals for me because I preached too long you guys are so easy to appreciate preach all night many more signs many many things in there about how close we are let's talk about signals just for a couple minutes because there's so much of this that's pertinent to why we're living right now specifically our nation so there's things about asteroids that I don't have time to get into but you know you had blood red moons on Passover and Tabernacles okay how crazy is that to have blood moons on Passover and Tabernacles four in a row I heard people say well nothing happened well it's not supposed to happen those are indicators just like you turn your blinker on indicating you're about to turn the blood-red moves were indicators for Israel that something's coming okay because the Bible said this would happen so you got blood red moons on Passover Tabernacles when's the last time in a NASA called a tetrad when's the last time you had four in Rome Passover and Tabernacles now Passover is when he died for us Tabernacles is when he's gonna come back and Tabernacle with a man so the heavens are going I died for you I'm coming back I died for you I'm coming back when's the last time you had four in a row 1967 when Jerusalem was won back 1948 when Israel's made a nation 1492 at the Edict of expulsion when the Jews were kicked out of Spain I told the Lord the last two where the gap was 19 years and 48 years I said Lord you're just showing off now come on that series was made a nation come on that's excessive and then this last year you had the Bethlehem star you don't hear a lot of preaching on the Bethlehem star but member of the Bethlehem star is when Jesus was born they were the Magi said hey we're gonna ride for 700 miles on camels and we're gonna go and see this king that's gonna be born how'd they know that Jupiter Regulus and Venus came together Jupiter a king planet Regulus regal King planet being a spinner for mars women are from venus mean it's a mother planet the truth so all three of them came together at the birth of Jesus and how would you like to have some guys riding by camel for 500 700 miles I've done a lot of motorcycle rides and if I told my buddies hey we're gonna ride for 500 miles when we get there it's gonna be over the top they'd be saying the whole 500 miles this better be over the top this is a long ride to not see something come on so they get there and they do see something they see Jupiter they see Regulus they see Venus come together and the constellation was Virgo this last year NBC Nightly News so we have a celestial event we got Jupiter we got Regulus we got Venus I'm like holy cow that's the Bethlehem star first time in 2,000 years I mean so you got the heavens signaling I'm coming back you got the Bethlehem star then you had mercury do a flyby the Sun went down directly over the Temple Mount the coordinates for the Temple Mount planets formed a sickle the moon formed a sickle Orion's change this instrument to hammer it hammer and sickle on the same day what's that Russia's symbol God's trying to tell them they're getting ready to go through the threshing floor and see I don't need those signs all right III mean eyewitness I don't you have a witness in your spirit Jesus about to come back okay the last signal I'll give you because I want to keep moving is because it's the last days you know this that's what I tell the police officer when I get stopped by for speeding officer it's the last days you know you got to keep moving that really hasn't helped me but anyway I've tried not once many times officer its last days you got to move as fast you can what Jesus is coming at whatever so hey are you here you go here's your ticket but you know this one this one hit home for a minute and don't don't don't shoot the messenger but this is kind of crazy okay we we know President Trump midway through his presidency June of twenty first couple years ago I was preaching in Birmingham there was a Blood Moon Wolf Moon super moon that that day when Trump was born there was a blood-red moon 700 days later Israel's made a nation okay when Trump was elected Benjamin Netanyahu had been in office seven years seven months seven days when Trump was inaugurated he was 70 years old 7 months 7 days moved the embassy to Jerusalem after 70 years and Jesus is gonna come back on the Feast of Trumpets we kind of know that that's kinda obvious that's when the Lord's coming back you say our presidents name and our vice president's name you're saying the coming of the Lord trumpets so Israel is ruled by 2 Benjamin's okay what is that wrong Iran say about Israel in America Israel's Satan and America is the Great Satan Israel's ruled by 2 Benjamin's and you say the name of our president vice president you're saying the coming of the Lord good night everybody drive safely start the car I'll be right there come home no I'm just telling you these are days of your days of destiny days of destiny right I mean how much do you need to go wow I need to get my act together this is it could you imagine having all the revelation of all those signs and just kind of going well you know I'm kind of busy Wow okay whatever I mean the word the word is engaged when Colleen and I got engaged we talked more not less could you imagine getting engaged why I'd ever talked to her no you talk more your relation gets more intensified leading up to the marriage the church has to get engaged I'm telling you everything in the world is going on to keep the church busy it's like you know this and that what are we supposed to be doing about that that's the church and the church is filled with glory filled with grace filled with the presence of Jesus has the authority of Jesus has the name of Jesus has the the conditions of heaven floating around on the inside of you you've got the kid you've got heavenly conditions all over you Paul said when Moses came out from that glory they had to put a lampshade over him because he was so radiant they put a lampshade no room because it was so bright and Paul said that was no glory in relations to what you have in Christ I've never been in a service game pageant pastor days getting ready to peach pass out the pool the Ray Bans he's gonna preach and also man he's gonna get so bright it's gonna hurt your eyes that'd be a bizarre service wouldn't it they go here we go even midway into it it's gonna get bright well Moses would come out and they had to put a lampshade over him and Paul said that was no glory in relation to what you have in Christ so we have all of this that's been imparted to us for the very end to have a two-minute warning mentality players are more crucial I heard see people go people go why do you need to know about the coming of the Lord tell a quarterback that when there's two minutes left he's looking at the play clock the plays are more crucial you can drop the ball at the beginning of the game but you can't drop the ball at the end and it freaks me out when I'm watching quarterbacks that aren't paying attention in the play clock they're just kind of oh well we're playing football no look at the play clock get your play off so you don't run out of time that's the church oh it's the last days okay no look at the play clock so God's given us all these things to look at the play clock so that we're not just whatever so what happens your relationships intensified there's an intensity urgency about your life he loves you loves you loves you loves you loves you listen there's there's a song coming into the church there's a spirit of prophecy coming into the church where they'll be inspired uh pterence whether it be things come out of your spirit come out of your soul you'll go I'd never heard of anything like that in my life it'll bring glory and honor to the canyon it'll produce joy and victory in your own soul it'll wash away things of old that you tried so hard to get rid of all sudden as you're singing those songs to him and magnifying him and glorifying him there's a transformation that comes my friend it's gonna get more and more intense as we get closer to the rapture I believe we've got a little bit more time not much but I believe you're gonna harvest like crazy I believe pastor Dean will put a helicopter pad on top of a church got people coming in by helicopter have a doorway opening the top of the roof people are swinging in and maybe Greg's got a Batman suit on he comes flying out like Batman whatever take I just think man the the gloves are off man if the devil thinks he can mess with us with the coronavirus what do you think the church is gonna do come on yeah we're gonna function like the church and I'm so excited for you because I want to close right now but I'm just excited for you I'm thrilled for you when I said those words at the beginning there'll be a performance of everything that was told you of the Lord I believe there's been things prophesied over your lives over this house that we almost have that feeling this is coming to pass and that's coming to pass over your life and over your life and all of a sudden you see a season of all sudden everything being fulfilled and then we're caught up and we're like wow look at that we were in the middle of the greatest move of God that ever was [Music] [Music]
Channel: chooselife CHURCH
Views: 1,558
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Rev Joe Morris
Id: hGbmy8jpmF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 0sec (2640 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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