End the Blame Game - Amazed by the Quran w/ Nouman Ali Khan

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Selam aleykum water level cut everyone welcome to amazed by the Khurana series in which I like sharing with you things I find amazing about the Quran today a phrase that the brothers of use of mentioned what Hakuna Matata he almond saliheen after you throw him into a well or kill him even after that you'll have the exclusive attention of your father and then you know some time pass passes and you will be good people but the Kuna man badly he comments on anything these people have in their mind that they are bad maybe they're not saying they're good people because they're saying we're going to become good afterwards so yes I have a problem but the reason for my problem is that one over there and once he's out of the picture then I can actually be a good person again there are people in this world who deny that they're bad at all like Shaitaan has beautified their deeds to them and they think that they're doing great you know they're there wha-ho me abouna inaho me hacen una zona they assume that they've done great work but then there are people who actually know that they're wrong they know they're messed up but they won't acknowledge that it's themselves that has to change they'll blame some outside factor or usually some other person and say so long as that person's in my life or so long as that person is doing this this and this I have to continue to be you know a terrible human being and once I can get rid of them or cause them harm or do you know in this case even kill them or remove them entirely until I do that I have no way of becoming a good person in other words your goodness is now entirely dependent on another this is the biggest lie of person can tell themselves that you hide your problems your own flaws and character and you mask them as somebody else's you know somebody else's the reason nobody else is the reason for the way you are you are you have the ability to change and you can't blame anybody else otherwise there's no difference between you and use those brothers you hope to become a better person but you know how can you you're still with this this person over here or they're still in you know it's because of my dad it's because of my mom it's because of my brother it's because of my wife it's because of my husband none of that should matter none of that some of the greatest prophets were Mary to some of the most terrible women in the world and they were the greatest people some of the greatest prophets had horrible children some some prophets had terrible parents that didn't say well I had a tough upbringing and brahim at least I was like I said a tough upbringing what you want me to do it's not going to do that Subhan Allah we cannot hide behind other people for our own flaws in character yes they impact us yes they emotionally scar us but you know what this is a disease and we have to we have to learn to stand for ourselves this is something a lot each's us in his book but ensenada enough see he bossy ah well oh well comedy like this is what I want to leave you with a human being is actually in best view of his own self I'll enough see he suggests even only on himself meaning you cannot see anything more clearly than you can see yourself even if you come up with excuses he deep down inside you know and I know may Allah make us of people who don't hide behind excuses and don't put our problems and our flaws as the responsibility of other people burdening them with it may allow them to help us fix ourselves to the best of our ability and better our relationships with people all around us but a collage alaykum Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa khatim salaam wa kafa tula if you enjoyed this video please do share it with friends and family if you want to see more videos from this series click on the box at the top if you want to see other videos click on the box at the bottom and don't forget to hit the subscribe button thanks
Channel: Bayyinah Institute
Views: 61,112
Rating: 4.9875145 out of 5
Keywords: Nouman Ali Khan, Arabic, Quran, Islam, Bayyinah, Bayyinah TV, Bayyinah Institute, Koran, Islamic, Education, Muslim, islam, muhammad, muslim
Id: m11Qc88Y1Q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 37sec (217 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2016
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