Sins We Commit When We’re Scared and Vulnerable | Khutbah

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dear brothers and sisters last week we talked about this powerful dua the supplication that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam taught us to have to remove our anxiety to remove our fear to remove our grief and we talked about how simple it is and we talked about some of the distinctions where the prophet salallahu taught that young man to seek refuge in allah subhanahu wa ta'ala means which refers to anxiety about the future al hasan refers to grief about the past from laziness i'm sorry from inability and laziness means when you don't have the strength you actually are fully incapable of doing anything for yourself which is when you have the ability but you don't have the will laziness the inability to do though you have the means and the prophet salallahu cowardice and from stinginess those two things where you hold back either your courage or you hold back your wealth out of fear of what you will be letting go should you spend from yourself in courage or should you spend from your wealth and generosity and then from the burden of debt and from being subjugated to man now i'm going to venture to say that the last part of this hadith is actually the most misunderstood part of this hadith even though it's the most easily identifiable part of the hadith people know what it feels like anyone who has been in debt knows the misery of debt and may allah allow everyone that is suffering from the burden of death to be relieved of it we know what it's like to be at the mercy of another person and how humiliating that can feel to have your stakes rest upon whether or not someone else is going to show you some mercy to be at the mercy especially if someone that you don't particularly like maybe or an enemy or someone that just makes you feel little no one likes to be in that situation may allah however when the prophet salallahu was seeking refuge in allah from these things he was not seeking refuge in allah from these things because of the worldly consequences of these things which is very powerful if you look at the hadith the prophet saw sallam is really seeking refuge in allah from from bad characteristics from bad traits he's not looking at the worldly consequences of these things as much as how those worldly circumstances lead to consequences consequences of the hereafter meaning if i am lazy i'm i'm not doing what i need to do to better my situation in the hereafter if i am stingy then i'm not spending in a way that will elevate me in the hereafter if i am cowardly then i am not showing the courage that i will be asked about on the day of judgement that these are things that have ahira oriented consequences hereafter oriented consequences now what about debt the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam was a man who could easily never have a debt there is probably no one in the society of medina that did not need to worry about debt like the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam not even been awful why because if the prophet saws had a debt all he had to do was this and then everybody would pay off his debts who would not respond to the prophet saw i said i'm saying i have a debt yet in his humility sallallahu alaihi wasallam he died in debt but not so i'm gonna make this distinction first there's a difference between owing someone three thousand dollars or three hundred dollars and owing them a hundred thousand dollars or two hundred thousand dollars there's a difference between a debt that is crushing you for years and years and years and years and a debt that you know it's it's it's smaller it's more manageable and the prophet saw sam's debt was manageable debt and that's from his wisdom wasallam that though he lived the life of poverty he did not are salat was on debts that were not manageable so till the last day of his life he used to for example do business with some of the people of the book in madinah he actually owed he he pawned his shield sallallahu alaihi wasalaam to a jewish neighbor at the day of his death he was managing those types of relationships with society and teaching the ummah how to transact but refers to a that is insurmountable that's just really over your head but he could have even done away with that too right so guess who was surprised at why he seeks refuge in allah ta'ala from debt so much she said to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam i'm amazed at how much you do is you seek refuge in allah from a dame from debt like it's it's on one hand you can easily do away with it on the other hand the prophet saws does not take on unmanageable debt yeah i'm surprised how often this comes up in your dua and the prophet sallallahu alaihi was that when a person is in debt when they speak they'll learn how to lie what and when they make promises they'll start breaking their promises what a powerful hadith he's our teacher he's saying that the greatest consequence of debt and being in a compromising situation in a vulnerable situation is not the humiliation when you get that phone call or when you have to meet your debtor and the debtor starts to become rougher with you it's that you might take on the akhlaq of nifak the characteristics of hypocrisy to get yourself out of that situation and you might get good at it you might actually get good at it so yes brother insha'allah i was waiting on one thing and then you make up stories about why you're late on paying the person back you make up stories to delay you start lying and getting good at lying you start making promises and breaking those promises more frequently and so you take on half of the characteristics of the monafite of a hypocrite while trying to get yourself out of a worldly situation do you see how profound that is from the prophet salallahu i'm not doing this because i want people to i don't like the the feeling of having my ego bruised a bit in this world or some of what comes with that it's because when people become accustomed to compromised and vulnerable situations then eventually they start to compromise of their deen and they start to compromise of their of their religion and of their characteristics to get out of those situations and that's why the prophet sallallahu alaihi was done another profound hadith that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam told a man shall i not teach you some words that if you say them allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will take care of your debt your dane particularly your debt even if it is like a mountain your lawful so that i don't resort to the unlawful let me have enough so i don't fall into haram that's my reason not because ya allah give me more halal income so i can have a bigger house so i can have a nicer car it's okay to ask allah for those things but my main concern is that i don't want to be in a situation where i have to dip into haram and your father will be lika and this is a hard one to translate and bestow upon me your favor your bounty so that i don't need anyone but you allahu akbar i want to keep needing you i just don't want to need anyone else why am i bringing this to the discussion for us when you see those hadith where the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam teaches us to seek independence you know he made the sahaba take bay'a to him allegiance to him that i will never ask anyone for anything even if one of our whips or something in our hand fell when we were on top of our horses and camels we would get down and get it ourselves so that we don't ask someone else to get it for us it's a mindset it's a mindset that almo that the strong believer is better than the weak believer it's a mindset that you seek a position of strength to be the giving hand the upper hand is better than being the lower hand it's a mindset for our community oh allah don't make us a fitna a tribulation for those who disbelieve they see us in weakness they think that they're beating us and because they think that they have power over us then they feel even more invincible and immune to having to believe in allah because look we're crushing the believers we seek positions of strength as individuals and as communities first and foremost so that we don't resort to that which is displeasing to allah because allah knows that sometimes when we're vulnerable and we're compromised that's when we will compromise our faith and that's when we might do things that are very dangerous and there is no greater example it's one of the least flattering stories of a sahabi that you will find that i'm about to share with you but it's shared in our tradition for a reason and it's actually shared by the man who is guilty was one of the veterans of badr the cream of the crop of islam the best that you can think of of the companions the prophet salallahu wasallam was about to go to mecca for the conquest of mecca haltom looked around and he didn't have tribesmen in mecca he didn't have family in mecca meaning if things go wrong there's no one from the kuffar the disbelievers in mecca to say okay we'll protect him we know this was a bad fallout but at the end of the day these people put tribe over creed we'll protect our tribesmen and we'll take care of them had no one in mecca and in his moment of feeling vulnerable like i'm going back to mecca i don't have anyone he did something horrible horrible what did he do the prophet salallahu confided in a group of companions about his plans to go to mecca took those plans wrote them in a letter called one of the disbelieving women and gave that letter of the plans of the prophet saws to go to mecca to deliver to the heads of quraish that's treason of the highest order right i mean that's really compromising the mission compromising the prophet saws putting the prophet saw isaac a very bad situation and this is a person of bad a veteran of badr so the woman takes the letter she puts it in her hair she wraps up her hair over it she puts her on top and she makes her way jibril islam comes to the prophet salallahu so the news from the heavens comes that there is a letter in the hair of this woman and she's in a very particular garden right now ya rasulullah send someone to go stop her and get that letter back the prophet saw some calls and he says go to this particular place there's this woman she looks like this and that and she has a letter in her hair with the news of what i plan to do in mecca make sure that you get it from her so they go quickly to that garden they find the woman they tell the woman give us the letter she says i don't have a letter allah says look we can do this the easy way or the hard way we really don't want to do this the hard way give us the letter she takes it out from her hair she's not even muslim takes it out from her hair she gives them the letter it comes back to the prophet saws if you are halted right now i mean you could deservely be deservedly be killed you almost put the entire community at risk because of your own compromise your own vulnerability your sense of insecurity shape one played with that with his head in that in that manner so the prophet saw some calls up i thought about all of you and you have people in mecca to take care of you if things go wrong this person has his tribesmen and i wanted to have a hand with quraish in case things did not work out so that i would be protected too and ya rasulullah i knew that allah would give you victory in any way and that they were not going to be able to overcome you i mean it's it sounds contradictory right but he's saying to the prophet saws i did not do that out of any allegiance to kufur out of any wanting disbelief or out of any getting out of islam it was a moment of weakness i regret it i hate that i did it but ya rasulullah don't think i did that because i'm i'm abdullah no babin saloon and i want to undermine islam i want to hurt islam i got weak shaytan got me in my weak moment the prophet saws here's his excuse um let me take care of him that's answer and he's right right i mean in the sense that justifiably so this is treason the prophet saws looks at hatab and he says he's telling the truth and he said yeah um it might be that allah looked to the people of badr and said um do as you will allah subhanahu ta'ala has forgiven you and so allah has forgiven you seek allah's forgiveness and go back subhanallah the prophet saw some could have killed him and he would have been justified he didn't do that sallallahu alaihi wasallam what was thinking he got weak and sometimes when we get vulnerable that's when shaitaan finds his easiest way into our heads that's when he finds us in our low points in our low points when the money is tight haram money becomes so tempting when we feel like we've been wronged it becomes so easy to wrong someone else right isn't that how a lot of injustice perpetuates in society someone wronged me so i'm going to wrong somebody else that's how cycles of abuse take place in families entire families my parents abused me i'm going to abuse my children too because shaytan preys on those moments of insecurity and vulnerability however let me just put one thing aside with hath no one of us ever went to bed so how to committed a grave crime but he had a grave a great deed on his scale that's unlike anyone else so we don't count on getting the forgiveness that hath got but we learned the lesson of how and we learned the lessons from these hadith that first and foremost when we make dua to allah oh allah oh allah put us in a position of strength it's not because we enjoy arrogance if that's your intention when you're making the dua because i don't want to be talked down to i don't want to feel less that's not the right intention for these dear brothers and sisters when you supplicate to get yourself out of these situations and by the way if a person ends up in a situation of weakness regardless that we're not a people who believe that those who are wealthy allah loves and those who are poor allah hates no you're being tested with your position of strength others are being tested with their position of weakness but you seek a position of strength so that you don't find yourself in a position of compromising your faith recognize the tricks of shaytaan when he comes to you and tells you you're weak you're in debts you've been wronged it's your turn it's okay a little bit of this a little bit of that and for those of you who have never been in that situation may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala keep us all out of that situation make that the intention for the of that allah protect us from being in a position of being overburdened by debt or subjugated to men not because it's going to hurt my ego but because it might hurt my achievement i might develop bad qualities and characteristics and traits i don't want to develop may allah protect us from ever resorting to haram as a means of curing our harm may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala protect our character protect us in this life elevate us in the next life foreign you
Channel: Yaqeen Institute
Views: 54,108
Rating: 4.9543042 out of 5
Id: QwtFBqEjAlc
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Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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