How to Stop Thinking Too Much About Future I Nouman Ali Khan I 2019

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and the first of them is that human beings we have a tendency to have reassurance we wanna we want to be sure about something we don't like risks we want to make sure that we're protected in the future you know feel for example making a move you want to ask a hundred questions before you make the move if you're considering a job you ask a lot before you consider a job things like that right or if you're investing your money then you consider a lot of factors before you you know you invest your money especially when it comes to our children but we're gonna put our kids in a school we do a lot of investigating before we put our children in a school but at the end of the day the reality is that Allah Azza WA JAL did not give us assurances in this life of the future in this life at all we have to do the best we can and at the end of the day every step we take is an act of telecoil in Allah it is an act of Reliance in Allah because you can have the best plan in the world and things will not work out anywhere near what you thought and you can have no plan at all and everything will get straightened out that can happen and it certainly does happen so you have many instances in the Quran in the prophetic narrative as well salallahu alayhi wa sallam where things are not they don't look like they're gonna work out at all like musa alayhis salam being thrown in a basket that doesn't look like much of a plan but that is actually the means by which an empire is destroyed you know the the the empire of faroan and the oppression of Pharaoh and against countless people came to an end because a baby was thrown in a basket so Allah has his own way of making things work out on the negative side also there are people for example people ask all the time people are worried about their kids and I know there are some young people in the audience but and I'm gonna try to balance this conversation between parents and and the youth insha'Allah Allah parents are constantly concerned how do I give my children a proper education I want to make sure they're good Muslims I want to make sure that I don't have to worry about their Deen things like that and you hear enough horror stories and enough lectures to be terrified of this scenario you know and then there are people you know I don't want my kids to be like you know severe sobs children that's really you know like so there's enough of those conversations you have over then you know it's it's great but the the thing I want to share with you is on the one hand you have you know situations where children are raised with the best of character without even a parental figure like the story of use of alehissalaam right he is kidnapped as a child so there is no father or mother figure really for him to look up to so one of the lessons that we derive from Surat Yusuf for instance especially as parents is that we cannot underestimate the value of early education and not just and I don't mean education as in memorize disorder learn these drawers know how to make will do that's what we've turned education into education for us is informative in nature it is not transformative you know so in the in the previous talk you heard repeatedly this idea of having our children internalize the deen and so that's that's something that we're gonna talk about in a little bit in sha allah tala but that's the first you know reality that i wanted to remind myself of i do not control the guidance of my children and you do not control the guidance of your children as a matter of fact we don't even have any control over the guidance of our own selves so the fact that you're sitting here is you know blessing that we're sitting in a gathering of muslims trying to learn something about the deen of allah but this is not because you had a super righteous upbringing there are plenty of you sitting in the audience right now that are parents themselves that have made some pretty big mistakes in your lives and if you look back there wasn't like a set formula that ensured that you will receive guidance from Allah Azza WA JAL that you followed and that therefore you have guidance this is actually a gift of Allah that all of us have to acknowledge came to us from Allah Azza WA JAL but regardless of that we have to make some efforts on our part now on the negative I didn't get to mention on the negative on the negative you have the case of no Hannah his Salam in some sense the father of all humanity but you know what's remarkable about nooh alehissalaam unlike our messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Makana Muhammad had a methodical Muhammad's life Salam is not the father of any of your men any of his male children did not live long enough on this earth to see the aged they were where they would become men no honey salaam did in fact have a son and what an what a great opportunity your father is a prophet that's pretty awesome and not just any profit in allele as Manabu so I will new home actually the first messenger of great resolve the messengers of elite status the five of them he's the first of them actually he's the trail blazer blazer in this in this legacy and yet if you study his legacy the first thing that hits you and hits you really hard is the fact that he couldn't get through to his wife and he couldn't get through to his son who is he gonna go ask Allah other than Allah Ya Allah what can I do for my son to listen to me you know when parents come and ask what can i what can you give me something that if you just say that then my son will transform you know Holly Salaam couldn't get through the who his own son you know Yusuf alayhi Salaam is awesome and he was a beneficiary of the advice of his father but wait a second Yacouba Islam had other kids too they were not just beneficiaries for a little while they remained beneficiaries of their father's advice for many many years and yet until the very end of their lives to be down the road that they are the entire story did they actually turn around and make Toba so it's not in our hands and we have to accept that we have to be like things to be in our control we like things to go exactly as we want and so long as you have that you yourself and I myself haven't internalized one of the most fundamental truths of life on this earth we are a baaad we are slaves we have a master the Masters in control we are not in control we are not in control now that we accept that then Allah will give us advice on how we can earn his favor because guidance from him is a favor and you you have to work hard to earn that favor and you have to provide your children at an opportunity so Allah can favor them as well you do your best you knowing full well you cannot ensure anything if our beloved messenger salallahu alayhi wasalam turns to his daughter he turns to his daughter and says yeah fatima - been to mohammed tequila for Anila I'm like ooh I mean Elahi Shayan fatima daughter of muhammad you need to have your own taqwa of allah you need to be cautious and aware of allah because i will have no authority against allah with when i stand before allah in your favor i won't be able to help you if the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam whose shafa'a we are all hopeful for all Yokoyama is telling that his own daughter his own daughter and we have to internalize that reality I've taken too much time for that one comment but I think it was important to set that foundation Allah says then after them health came you a useless generation a disappointing generation came what makes them so disappointing listen to this Allah o salata they wasted the prayer Allah is telling me in you a nation a generation has been wasted they are no good there is nothing coming from them and what makes them no good the first crime the first tragedy of these people they wasted the prayer well a miracle Torah Casa La Rocca da sallekhana Kosala Posada Fasulo Lemieux salut la mia colada he did not say they left the prayer he didn't say they were lazy in the prayer they didn't say they forgot about the prayer the language is very precise he says they wasted the prayer now how do you waste something how do you waste money you waste money in a number of ways or how do you waste an opportunity you don't take advantage of it you waste money if you put it somewhere where it doesn't bring you any benefit you wasted the money you have something good you didn't do something good with it you wasted your time you could have something done something so much better with your time in other words there's something there but you're not using it the right way that is also wasting it so Allah is not necessarily talking about people who don't pray he's not limiting the conversation to people who don't pray he's talking about people who don't benefit from their prayer they don't benefit they've wasted it the prayer is supposed to transform me it's supposed to transform you it's supposed to change something in us you why is it supposed to change something in this is already this is the remarkable eloquence of the Quran in the previous ayah we learned people heard the ayat of our Rahman and when they heard the ayat what happened to them what happened they fell into such that tell me what happens in your salah you stand and you listen to the ayat of iraq man and what are the next phase in salah what's the next phase in every rakah are the final phase you fall into sajda in other words what you physically do you're supposed to experience emotionally as well you're supposed to be so overwhelmed by the word of allah that you just fall and before allah it's supposed to actually not only be a mechanical thing it's supposed to be a natural consequence of experiencing the word of allah as a matter of fact when you recite the ayat you should want to go into such that not because you ate too much or because you're tired but because these ayat are so powerful that you can't even hold yourself up anymore you can't even your knees are wobbling because you just you're overwhelmed by allah and you just want to fall when is such that described in the Quran when magicians see the power of Allah of a stick turning into a snake regular people they all think it's magic the magicians got a snake mooses got a snake but the magician's know they're their industry so the you know that's that ain't no magic that's for real so what do they do what happens to them they fall into sajda when people of the book come and visit the rasul of allah Salalah jinns travel a lot they don't need a passport right so they travel across cultures they travel across galaxies I mean they travel you know there are some some places where they cannot go authorized access only was she happened also then you know meteor showers are hit on them whatever but they go all over so there you can imagine there even multilingual a group of jinn you know the jinn were stuck on the earth when the prophet's life saddam was receiving the quran did you know that jinn can travel in the sky but when the Quran was coming down the sky was locked down they couldn't go every time they tried to go to their usual hangout spot next to Mars or something they got shot down you're like where's all the security from angels security like never before and they're not allowed to hang out where they normally hang out so they're all stuck where on the earth you know that's why in surat elgin answer and the newtralizer who feel armed they didn't let me ask good was sama they didn't say we knew that nobody will overpower allah on the earth they never mentioned the sky you know why because they can't go up there they're stuck on the earth so now they're hanging out in on the earth and they're traveling around just hanging out and a group of them passes by rasool allah salallahu I leave some reciting Quran they're just passing by him reciting Quran they all stopped and it just started listening jinns started listening and because they're multilingual they're actually even familiar with what they recite from the book of musa alayhis salam so they actually you know what happened Allah describes the scene well it's a rough night like enough for a minister mahathir oohoo : see - they're talking to each other they're passing by when they came in the presence of the Quran Allah says they said to each other shut up listen here a listener once we do phenomena Kolia when he was done when it was all done then they were ran back to their nations moonbeam going to warn them yeah Cabana in a salmon Akita Banzai lombardi Musa we just heard a book that came down after Moosa there they're so amazing they just heard it right now and they're overwhelmed jinns are overwhelmed this book came to human beings first and foremost well where's our reaction when Allah says they wasted the prayer will lie if you think of the if you think of the ayat about prayer and the true engagement of the believer with the Quran with the word of the lights actually in the prayer it's actually in the prayer now I'm gonna you know deviate subjects a little bit I this ayah that's that was the first crime by the way alvaro salah they wished it the prayer I'll tell you the second consequence in a second but we need to build up to that a little bit this happens when a useless generation comes up who didn't make prayer my final comment why did I share this dark picture with you this seems a pretty depressing talk but you know there's another ayah element about monogamy no Saudi huh with the exception of those who repented who revived their faith and the one who did good deeds who acted righteously fula al-hilal and Jenna well I of the MU - aya they're gonna be entering Jannah they will not be there will not be no wrong will be done to them in the least bit what does Allah do at the end of this ayah a useless generation came but even within them there will be people who can make Toba they can fix things they can go back to how things are supposed to be so if we us and our children are in the danger of falling into health we can become caliphs we can become caliphs we have to fix this we have to understand the urgency of the matter today communicate with your children be an open conversation with your children be cognizant and not afraid not overwhelmed by the evil outside learn to raise the kids so they can stand up to that evil and do the right thing stay there the only the only hope left for Humanity is people who stand up for them for the word of Allah what did Salah do Salah by the way we call it a comatose elias if karma means when you stand and when you stand you don't lean the values in society have a wedge this book is I am because it it makes you km it stands up straight its values don't budge its values don't move now that Allah gave us these values this Quran look at what happens they wasted the prayer they let go of the prayer when you let go of the prayer the entire moral worldview that comes with the prayer is also gone when you waste the prayer that's what that means so what's the next part what about of shahe wat they follow desires what if I just summarized to you what world are we living in now the consumer world that we live in now where the ultimate good is what following well-being your thirst just do it sound familiar we're officially becoming a nation of what double shahad follow what what the desires what the shahe is follow desires and then the final in the worst downfall for Sophia Konoha then they will fall into deviation and lay literally means a curve deviation which means their values will deviate and they will deviate more and they will deviate more and they will deviate more until finally the ultimate guy the ultimate deviation is when they fall into Jahannam that's where that the seed of desire they say anthology semana botton does the sky rained vegetation the sky does not rain vegetation the sky rains water which leads to vegetation here it says they follow deviation they followed by the way I know I'm over my time but that's ok they'll forgive me the first meaning of lay a Balala well Hiba listen to this the first meaning of lay is misguidance so they're misguided there's no standard for guidance anymore and second of all it is disappointment so they will follow something and it will not give them pleasure so they'll follow something else and it won't give them pleasure and they will constantly be disappointed suicide rates will go up people will live miserable lives depression will go up anxiety will go up people will have fancy cars nice clothes people have all these things but they will not be happy they'll be miserable they'll be on antidepressants or they will take loads and loads of drugs because they don't want to face reality because they're too disappointed there in the IE then a lie means alpha sod corruption things will get their thinking this will make the world a better place it will become more enjoyable but the world will become actually only on the surface more enjoyable the reality of it will be a kind of ugly corruption you can't even imagine they're gonna sell these clothes in the malls at two hundred three hundred two thousand percent profit that are going to be made in factories where people are working like slaves even animals shouldn't be treated that way and if somebody decides to do an investigation on them well and good but don't do too much of an investigation because you lose your job in fox or CNN facade will come corruption will come because there's no guidance to keep humanity in check to keep its greed in check and the final meaning of latest Arcana he hashamayim allah argued he said ye also means the abandonment of prohibition in other words there is no such thing as wrong there is no such thing
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Keywords: shortimaanboosters, nouman ali khan, nouman ali khan 2019, nouman ali khan latest, How to Stop Thinking Too Much About Future, how to stop worrying about the future, how to stop worrying about the future islam, how to stop overthink about the future, amazing reminder nouman ali khan, nouman ali khan new, nouman ali khan reminder, islamic reminder nouman ali khan, daily reminder nouman ali khan, islamic lectures nouman ali khan
Id: d9knV2MBrDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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