The path to repentance - Khutbah by Nouman Ali Khan

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I'm very lucky lady nut mother who well Stan you know who will stop when we know B he when I taught karate when a true double dad you can surely and now I mean sayidina muhammadin alla Romana blade by lahardee era when a shadow a la ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika lah when a shadow and a Mohamed Abdullahi or a solo of sallahu wa ta'ala with Buddha didn't suck noob who Aladin equally he survived Alicia he de la la la la la he was seldom a thirsty man until qiyama a man in a stock of Haditha key table Rafael already had you muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam but in the shower woody must have had to have in a cooler that's a typical double-talking balada local our attention now called more intelligent pick them him be let him in a Chicano regime in the metal midoriyama the lady mayor - ooh I will jihad letting somebody - would I mean Khedive him McCarron Allah WA Nimal akima well they said they Toba to the ladida amalouna say he had a mouth guard in a total and well they maemunah go far after the night of the murder of an edema a lot mulatto condom in home but we should see somebody worse in the MV what a minute oh sorry but also be healthy what I was of the sudden having ever been heard I mean so - Lissa is a surah I've given full bus from before today each other hard I'd like to highlight three I up from the surah and just a little bit of context the Sudha was revealed early on in the life that the prophet establish salaah Lamar you saw them in the city of Medina these are Muslims that are now starting to form a community many of the people that have now accepted Islam are new Muslims so it's a large population of new Muslims and there are people that have been Muslim for many years from the profits are the career Nakao but even then many of the laws of islam it not yet been revealed so the halal and haram very limited amount of that has been revealed and so they didn't really know what the code would of Islam is and what Allah allows and what he doesn't allow and actually you'd be surprised if you do a deep study of Medina especially early Medina you'd be shocked to know that it was actually a pretty pretty liberal society it was a very open society and people didn't know right from wrong in many occasions and one such thing was the relationship between men and women nowadays you know you have a you know non Muslim culture of dating and other relations and you know consensual relations and all of that cohabitation outside of marriage and all these kinds of things are commonplace is what we think is Western society now but actually much of that was already in place in Medina by the time of the prophets lied to them when he moved there this was actually already happening there and the Quran came to address that society and this was particularly a problem especially for young people young people were they liked each other they ended up their relationships together and it was no big deal it was just what did what they did all along and nobody batted an eye and now all of a sudden Islam came and there were restrictions and guidelines on the interaction between men and women and what was what kind of relationship they can have and this was actually a challenge it was not an easy thing and so Elijah would have addressed the issue of men and women ending up in relationships together you know outside the fold of marriage how are you supposed to deal with that and what early on the la razón reveal about the couples inaudible New Year's in ah don't go don't approach it and even though this I up were Maki and then or even reveal Medina was a new society these people are who have been given a lot of time to you know really internalize the teachings of the Deen so Allah took a gradual approach in trying and teaching them and even a gradual approach from the Muslim community on how to discipline when that sort of thing happens so Allah as I gave them welded on ESEA me having come out Luoma when two of them meeting a boy and a girl and up in some kind of a relationship and they do something shameless even all the way happens then what should you do a lot you know this is not the later law the final version this is the early law because they're not ready yet so let's assume I caused them both pain hurt both of them what in the world has hurt both of them meet when you asked us a have I that I mean what this meant I'm a quote double hip our blood is a pretty exhaustive study of this ayah what does it mean what has hurt both of them and you would think that means torture them and beat them and all of that actually the vast majority of the companions and the early commentary on this ayah is actually something that a human skull them yell at them hurt them I seeing how could you you should be ashamed of yourself and I was actually lectured them and you know admonish them words actually candy mitten know the physical stuff and actually the furthest narration you find on this is by evening on a bus or the Illuma who says first of all scold them and then you could take a stick and hit their feet and this was the punishment for this great crime and Xena is not a small crimes and I was actually the Kabyle is from from the major major sins that a larger warns us about he puts cotton and Zinner on the same platform he's a loose in our that the fluid nerves will let him and I have what is known so those two things are hand-in-hand they're very serious crimes and that was already known and that's with Allah with Allah they are mighty crimes but when a you know society doesn't know much about their religion and they're just coming into the religion and these kinds of mistakes happen then even though with Allah this is a massive crime you have to take a gradual approach so they appreciate the seriousness of it they can't see the seriousness of it just because you immediately say this is the worst thing you could ever do there needs to be some tough eeeh some kind of development some kind of you know it needs to dawn on these few these young people that this is a very serious thing and so large it reveals at that first Illuma and then he adds hahaha are you are in Houma and if both of them repent and they fix themselves they no longer you know fool around there they're better now or they were marry if they do something like that then but I'm glad leave them alone don't bother them anymore meaning this is not a label you put on them forever and ever this isn't the case and by the way even when such a crime of such such a thing happened it was actually you know the for witness thing was already in place which I won't talk about now but just appreciate something how Allah taught the community early community of medina to deal with sinners how do you deal with sinners and if they openly said that they're sorry for what they did that you just leave them alone you let them be you don't put that as a label on them that they wear the rest of their lives but I move on and then about ads in the locker at the welcome Allah has always been someone who accepts Toba Allah has always been something someone who's been merciful and loving and caring in other words a lot of doors have not been closed for someone who committed a sin I wanted to take time and mention these three ayah this was the first of the ayah which is considered missile because the more harsh punishments for such a crime if it happens in public were revealed and so to note that's that's a separate discussion but what a lot of solutions didn't do he took this opportunity to discuss a sin a grievous sin that does happen that did take place and used it as an opportunity to talk about sins at large you know Paulson how are you and I supposed to think about sins you know this is the month of seeking of love forgiveness this is the month of us turning back to Allah and actually seeking his help and and making changes in our life you know what sins you commit I know what what sins I commit we have to take an introspective look at ourselves and really deeply take a look in the mirror and honest look in the mirror and be able to talk to alive this month and really truly apologize to him really truly mandalas that's that's the purpose of this month the entire purpose of the revelation of the Quran is that the human being returns back to Allah that's the entire point and if we're not turning back to Allah we're not asking him for forgiveness we're missing the entire point all of the worship that we do all of the dollars that we make all the prayers that we make all of the fasting that we're doing all of that is just there to put us in a better to ask allah forgiveness that's all but all of this so that we are in a better place so we can apologize to allah so we can make promises to allah that we're going to do better that's what the point of all of this is so what does it let say he says mmm adobo - are the LA repentance and accepting repentance is only something a lot takes responsibility for no one else you cannot seek forgiveness from anyone else you cannot turn back in that way to an evil the intima in them I am the beginning for us this house but if the saw only and only Allah can accept repentance the way that he does and he has made it mandatory on himself I don't want in Novato battle bad Allah he's it's something that he's taken is promised you he's guaranteed it he will accept repentance for who I would like to be a part of that guarantee you would like to be a part of that guarantee he qualifies it in this ayah who are the people that will turn back to Allah and apologize to him and repent to him and go back to him in humility and Allah will actually accept their apology Linda they are - to be jihad a team those who who do sing who do sin and they do so ignorant ly and they do it out of emotion this is the part that we really truly have to unpack it understand first of all yeah we're doing is use the Mubarak for misuse ammulu are that it's DeGraw you got it doubled on it means something that happens over and over again in other words somebody's been in a habit of saying they'll be doing sins for a while and they've been doing it and doing it and doing that they're still at it they're still left but all this time what happens is their emotions get the best of them their temptation gets the best of all they're there at the might at the time their excitement gets the best of them and they keep falling into the same trap one after the other and so for some people their sin has become an addiction and they keep falling into it and when something is an addiction your brain stops working your rational mind says this is not a good idea I shouldn't be doing this but that part of you shuts up and you just do it well think about it later you know and this is where the word soup will be important to understand the word soup is one of the several words in the Quran used to describe sin and the word sue actually comes from Sola or the word salad sour or so so that means of course something ugly and hideous that people get away from açelya as an ugly evil sin and watershed fondue chiffons job is to take something hideous and ugly and make it look beautiful was in an oval shape on our mother do you know the home so harmony so wanna marry him they're dirty the ugliest things they do for me to look beautiful this is chiffons job make good deeds look ugly and make bad deeds look really good make them really attractive make them how can I stay away I mean and so so she thought will use every tactic if you just do this you'll feel better man don't you want to be happy by happiness about Nobu yeah yeah that's a pretty good idea this is gonna feel better this is you're gonna you know you just follow your your win your temptation if you have this you will want anything else or once you have this will become a better person I just need to just do this this one time and after that I'll be good cuz I'm just Restless I just need to get this out of my system you know and then I'll be fine all these beautiful justifications for sin he teaches and the law says cut through all of that and be able to see that actually sin is at the core of it something ugly and it will only bring ugliness in your life now how's that I believe so long ago settle into the new bottom it'll pollute sins bring death to the heart sins we bring death to the heart every time we sin there's a more there's more ugliness there's a there's a black patch on our hearts and we the inner part of ourselves is getting uglier we think it's bringing Beauty into our life we're enjoying our life but we're falling into sin but we're actually making our own lives ugliest where we can be insides of ourselves ugly if we're turning into a corpse from within the Quran describes itself Indiana Montana Heian it came to warn people that are truly alive what that means is a obviously everybody's alive we're all breathing but there's a life inside there's a spiritual life inside that warning of a lust book the guidance of the lusts book is only going to resonate with people who still have something left alive inside of themselves deep inside themselves and that's the part of yourself and myself that keeps getting killed off more and more and more and more by sin and the nature of sand is is serious you know we we and I'm often giving you this analogy before but it's it's important to reinforce some of these ideas Allah gave us all kinds of abilities muscles you know limbs eyes for example if I don't use my eyes for six months so I just put a band-aid over my eyes or I could have pulled over my eyes for six months and then somebody removes the blindfold six months a year guess what I can't see my eyes won't work if you lie down in bed and you didn't walk around for a whole year you're gonna be able to stand up after that year know what Allah gives you an ability and you don't use that ability you lose that ability hello ah you know that's the nature by which Allah made things the same way we say Allah has given us the ability to repent he's given us the ability to feel bad and that bad feeling should turn into repentance it should turn into you apologizing to Allah shedding a tear really truly feeling something in yourself but if you allow yourself to sin and then sin again silence him again you can sin again the ability to feel even to even feel bad goes away here it will even turn that off now that nufs enough said the woman I love that describes the self inside of us that blames ourselves that feels guilty that's gone those of you that are insane Allah knows who you are that's between you and Allah your sin and you don't even feel bad anymore that's a dangerous sign but if those of you that are insane you realize you're doing something wrong and at least something inside there's still poking at you this isn't right I shouldn't be doing this I know I'm doing it but I shouldn't be doing it I shouldn't let my emotions get a hold over me and take over me and allow myself to fall into this time and time again if that is still there our hope is still alive hope is still alive and for people like that that let their emotions this is really what jihad that means it doesn't just mean ignorance so there are people who commit sins because they don't know any better that's part of the meaning jihad but the other meaning of Jehovah is actually when you say that Allah Mashhadi the one who can't control his feelings the one who can't control his urges and it keeps falling into sin a person like that olara someone is also considering you got overwhelmed you got overexcited from the heat of the moment you committed the mistake you did this be Jehovah and then after you realize I shouldn't have done this I should have allowed the animal part of myself to take over I shouldn't have allowed you to beautify this for me and get eyes at the moment and turn everything off every sense of consequence what's going to happen how I'm going to stand in front of Allah all of that's turned off this is why the Prophet SAW Allah describes I am still signing or hey no steeple wah wah movement whether is the zhonya's Nero movement well one more thing when the when the one committing adultery are committing you know fornication at the time they're doing it they're not a believer at the time somebody's sitting there stealing they're not a believer at the time somebody's drinking alcohol at that moment they're not a believer that doesn't mean they left Islam that means that reminds them of Allah everything that puts a stop to what they're doing everything that was going to prevent them from disobeying a line such open fashion all of that was turned off there was no you mind left in the heart the only thing in the heart was no the beautification of the sin this not this they were just hypnotized by this that was all that was left inside the heart and then when that wore off maybe that you mind came back and then they felt bad what am i just done what did I just let take over my heart there's nothing more valuable you owned than this heart there's nothing more valuable and then this heart when guidance is removed when you allow and I allow sin to take over when that happens that we have violated the most valuable treasure that we have so when you realize that violation has happened what does Allah say from Maya to wound up in clan even then after the sin has been committed and thus it didn't happen one time maybe it's been happening lots of times yeah balloon then they repent but they repent soon after soon after this is an important piece of the puzzle because chiffon comes to you and chiffon tells you how are you gonna face a lot after what you just did you're gonna pray really you're gonna walk into the Westin with what face you should be ashamed of yourself and you tell yourself man I even feel guilty reciting Quran I feel guilty making who am I to make God look at what I just did look at what I just come in you understand you start telling yourself that Allah has checked you out Allah has closed his doors on you because you finally did his faith you violate its so much of what he commanded and you did such a big sin you let chiffon win now you know this is this happens in every one of our relationships if you really disappointed your father if you really disappointed your mother if you really disappointed your boss if you fail the exam you're not going to show up to class the next day I don't know if I can face my professor I don't know how I'm gonna walk in or if you know it's the day you know you you're late you don't just walk in the front door of the classroom six volunteer teacher hey how's it going professor and said now you come in from the back door kind of sneaking avoid eye contact because when you disappoint someone you wanna avoid that's what we want to do Chevonne uses that it says why don't you do that with a lot avoided by now you messed up with a lot you messed up why would you talk to a little go talk to you you should just keep a distance you don't deserve to talk to what is wrong with you bro that's just all you so you have no business talking to Allah Allah says I have made it mandatory on myself in the Matata Namibia holiday soon my atubu diamond Khedive then they made the last soon after then they make the lesson that meaning don't wait yeah there's a clearing of shame you're embarrassed how can you speak before Allah but that embarrassment that you feel that is actually a sign your iman is still there that is actually a sign you're still a believer that is actually a sign that your tears before Allah will be accepted don't waste those tears don't delay that and he says what would I tell you to party those are the people that love you so what Allah will accept you to Velarde what kind of the who are anemic akima and Allah is know Allah was always full of wisdom Allah Azza WA did if you wanted you would have been fallen into sin if Allah wanted you know I love those who commit sin and then come back to him Allah loves those people doesn't hate those people he loves those people shed behind convinces you Allah hates me that cloud that you get in your head you know after everything I've done I've met Allah hates me Allah is gonna burn me those are thoughts from Japan from nowhere else but Allah knows all the time he's just waiting for you to turn back and you you have you and I have to just turn back in humility the best the most important the most important conversation you are going to have an to have with a lot and this month is asking genuinely for his forgiveness and to do that you have to openly admit and I have to openly admit in our conversations with them our sense to him aren't our weaknesses to him our failures Stan and then do that openly and do it immediately yet - wouldn't I tell you anything what kind of Ottawa power Hima but but there's the there 300th I wanted to talk to you about these were two of them this is the last segment where they set the DOMA and koba repentance is no good the next move the first group these are the people who stopped is guaranteed I'll give it to them I've made it mandatory on myself coalescence but there's a group who stole by is no good even if they repent it doesn't mean anything I don't want to be from that much so I better know who they are they get disqualified well they said Oba Nadine I haven't gonna say yeah for people who keep on doing sins over and over and over and over again and they really in their head they have well I know I messed up but there's not the last 10 days of Ramadan yet I mean I still got some time before a makeover in other words you there's the mini you make you messed up and you went back to a line mediately and the other group I messed up but there's a timetable I mean when the time comes I'm hoping I had one of the odd nights and I get my entire record cleared I'll be good or I have I didn't make my booking for Hajj this year so might as well fill in the stack with as much partying as I can because I'm gonna wipe the record clean anyway when I go to Hajj so in your head they're like and you know this Chicago lead is most active right before Milan starts because most angry like oh man I can't even walk I don't even watch TV this one I'm not even gonna do this or that house like one more day okay all right and then you just tell yourself let me get really and they said bond overdrive right before know a lot and check on is an overdrive right - hold on ends right after it ends I got it's over you know freshly out of chains and so are you you know that's not a match made in heaven that's a match made in hell and then we fall right into sin right after oh my god I can't believe I'm free this is the idea that I got time I'll repent later let me come forth or there's my good deed somehow should be able to but me but I do a lot of other good things so it should balance out should be okay this is not accounting with a low hey let me see your good deeds over your bad deeds okay you know what you need these good deeds it's okay you can do some color on the site no problem it doesn't work like that that's not how it works allows them to describe someone who justifies justify as a sin justifying the sin is different than doing the same when in your head you're gonna pay with this thing you're okay with it because you say well yeah I know this is a weakness and I do it but at least I do this other good stuff because I'm I say yeah Adam ha ha but we here at the Guru this is not Beca vasyutin Pharmacia that it's cassavas idiot and in the ayah whoever earns is same meaning except they've accepted it they engage in it openly even if it's one thing but you would you accepted it as a part of your life and you're okay with it then that one sin can take over that one mistake can take over everything you do for good Anika's hubbell not those are the people of fire Allah is not concerned about the quantity of your sins Allah is concerned about what goes on in your heart in your mind when you engage in sin and if you engaged in saying are you even feeling bad but that sin happens human beings Allah says though the Prophet describes of Allah simple Lubin ER the thought that would all children of Adam are children that make mistakes over and over and over and over and over again it's not like once you make dough but you're never gonna feel temptation again it's not like once you make the way you're never going to be mess up again it'll happen but you're not planning on it you're not scheduling it just like you're not scheduling your nobody that's scheduling your sins either well you know I mean last weekend I messed up and I'm not gonna mess up your child until at least until next weekend you've got a planned out already nope all you tell yourself you know I messed up but I know myself probably chances not even though I feel really bad chances are next week I'll be doing this again you tell yourself and you have you accepted it you can give acknowledge that you've submitted before something other than a lot someone other than what you've submitted before your own hawa you've submitted before your own sin as though it has control over you and it dictates your future this is unacceptable to Allah well they said to tell whether you're gay I'm gonna say yakked notice there's newbie Johanna anymore SSA yeah why it's not just out of you you got emotional or you have a you had a weak moment and you did it in your head it's now a part of you that's just what I do what can I do I can't help myself me to offer me I don't have no fears just may God when they love a guy because you know as I am I just know what I am I'm just I'm just a sinner can't even help myself this is unacceptable Allah says about people like that remote Karla in needletool on this kind of a person at the very last moments of their life when death presents itself to them then they say tawba y'all I'm so sorry I messed up I know I'm not ready to meet you and I apologize for everything that I've done I feel really bad for everything that I did but these kinds of people well the Nina Yamuna hunka father and by the way these people know good their togas no bread nor is it people people who were never Muslim to begin with who died disbelievers meaning a lot but these people in the same category as non-muslims non-believers who died denied over there in the same category why because of what does not want at the very last moments okay I'm ready to go five-time me up because you know we know that if you're alive and you're busy you know if you make the well you're alive and subset all previous sins were forgiven I'm reminded of someone I knew in New York a very old fellow used to live across the street from there's a big motion in 96th Street in New York City in Uptown I was a fellow who lived in an apartment complex across from it a Hindu old guy he was 78 years old and actually at the age of 82 he walked into the Weston and took Shahada at the age of 82 and a week later he died a week later right and this entire life he's lived and he was a devout Hindu he lived in ship his entire life his entire life and that that that one Toba and all of that is wiped clean we're not talking about that we're talking about the kind of Toba fit our own did phenomena the water reached over here these currents are he's gone they're all around already the old guy in his waters over here he's about to drown and he says fine fine I'm going to be able to the slighty I'm ready to believe I think there's no God except the one that the Israelites believed in okay okay fine fine like last minute insurance policy no no good if you and I keep pushing Archie and tell my actually literally means I feel bad for what I did and I'm promising a lot of making changes so what doesn't is I feel bad yeah little cop a little a lot yeah I thought what mark up and then you go do it again and then you come back again yeah a little I feel really bad again but I'm gonna go back now this is not what though buddies this is y'all gonna say yeah then they say no though I mean it for real this time well those are the people that we have prepared painful punishment for they play with this glorious gift of like a what is that glorious gift Toba last thing I shared with you about so much it's not something small they're not just asking Allah to forgive when Allah accepts your double what happens if Allah accepts your table when it's genuine and you truly repent before Allah and your heart your heart will know if you truly repent it or not you know if it worked or not when that happens the moment that that happens what is Allah say oh okay you little mouse a year Artyom has enough what kind of level or for other things Allah says well I accept somebody's repentance then let's imagine that your sins were this giant mountain yeah and you would think if Allah forgave it that means that this giant mountain of sins disappeared nope when Allah accepts your repentance he turns that giant mountain of sins into a giant mountain of good deeds he doesn't just remove your sins he converts them into a good deed in your favor that's the value of Toba though it's not just getting your sins forgiven it's actually turn it this is the love Allah has for someone who makes them one I didn't do a mountain of good deeds I'm going up to the mountain of sins and because Allah accepts my Toba he converts it you bugged it'll upset ya after him this is why would anybody want to miss out on that gift there's no the key words here that I want to leave you with is min continued Allah accepts the dobo of people the repentance of people who do it immediately very soon after so don't delay this don't sit there and think about it and what does it mean for you and this is the last thing I know I'm taking over my time 60 seconds and I've done in Java what does it mean that you're making tawa practically practically it means there's some things that you and I have to change in our life there are some people that you have to cut off from your life there are some behaviors that you have to discontinue there are some things that are going to be emotionally painful they be financially painful maybe physically painful but you gotta do it that's part of your Toba you know a penance that's between you and Allah that's your life but you have to make that call you have to be honest with yourself and you have to do it soon it's a test of whether or not you want that then this thing that you desired so much that has found a place in your heart or you want that something ugly that's been beautified you want that remove and you want that replaced with the actual thing that's beautiful which is the guidance of Allah is elegance the Iman of Allah the true love of allah may allah azza wouldn't give us the emotional strength the willpower to be able to genuinely make Toma and to make the change that we need to make that we know about them only Allah knows about that and we know about may allah azza me that give us the strength to do that especially in this month that the share of the interchange that the only battle we have to fight is the one with ourselves will give us the ability to conquer ourselves and submit ourselves wholly before him barakallahu li walakum coupon monitor team when I find you when I come in I happy with Hakim salat wa salam wa everybody hidden in hasta la da da - a chronic regime in no muhammadun arundathi nominee he wasn't able to steam up allah muhammad wa ala muhammad famous elite r-rahim of anatomy in the cosmetology allah wa barik ala muhammadin wa barakaatuh rahim well anyway methylalanine in the cosmetology by the last rahim allah tabouleh in omaha will be a Q&A Sandra Bernhard Natasha you will make our political life full of the - no I'm not gonna survive innocence I can't
Channel: Bayyinah Institute
Views: 193,964
Rating: 4.9324274 out of 5
Keywords: Nouman Ali Khan, Arabic, Quran, Islam, Bayyinah, Bayyinah TV, Bayyinah Institute, Koran, Islamic, Education, Muslim, islam, muhammad, muslim
Id: M-A6q7V8YUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 3sec (1923 seconds)
Published: Fri May 18 2018
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