Don’t Be Judgmental - Amazed by the Quran w/ Nouman Ali Khan

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Salam alaikum everyone welcome to amazed by the Quran a series in which I love sharing with you things I find amazing about the Quran in this ayah allah addresses his prophet directly so allah Holly who said um this is after the Battle of butter and some of the worst enemies of the Muslims who didn't just poke fun at Islam or criticize Islam or even try to defame the prophets like them these are people that have now entered the battlefield and are thirsty for Muslim blood and a few of them have been taken captures of war so now they're POWs and the profit is being told you should address these POWs should you should go to them and talk to them and here's what you're supposed to say India LM in Lahore you obey Him here on utakome Heidemann maha da Minko if allah sees or if a lot discovers or likes tests any good that lies deep within you the phrase begins with if it happens to be the case that Allah knows that there's good inside of you I don't see good inside you you were just trying to kill me moments ago in the battlefield but I'm not going to deny that maybe Allah still sees good inside you it's an incredible thing to begin with that at a human level it's impossible to see good in the enemy of war that you just captured all you see is the enemy and yet a lot commands this prophesy of them to let them know that even if I may not be able to see good on you right now Allah still does and there's a possibility that that good will come out and you'll Allah will see a way through for you subhanAllah it's an incredible incredible acknowledgment of what goodness lies deep embedded deep inside people and how we just even in the most positive like most obvious cases are not in a position to judge may allah azza wajal make us some people that don't find it easy to judge others especially what they have in their hearts when we think that the case is a clean open-shut case there is no such thing as an open-shut case we can criticize behavior sure you criticize what people have said what people have done but to judge their character altogether or to label them as good or bad people that's not up to us Allah knows what lies deep inside of their hearts barakallahu walikum salam aleikum to language I can't sell my declaratively if you enjoyed this video please do share it with friends and family if you want to see more videos from this series click on the box at the top if you want to see other videos click on the box at the bottom and don't forget to hit the subscribe button thanks
Channel: Bayyinah Institute
Views: 62,954
Rating: 4.9728217 out of 5
Keywords: Nouman Ali Khan, Arabic, Quran, Islam, Bayyinah, Bayyinah TV, Bayyinah Institute, Koran, Islamic, Education, Muslim, islam, muhammad, muslim
Id: lclWN2i15Sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 29sec (149 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 07 2016
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