EMTs/Firefighters/Cops Reveal Their Weirdest Calls

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paramedics firefighters cops what is the weirdest thing you've come across during a call when i was on the fd we had a call for a power line down at a cell tower up on a hill in the middle of nowhere this was during a bad storm power company trucks were all tied up already when we got turned out we get there and the power line for the cell tower is lying in the road there is a number on the shack at the bottom of the antenna so we call the number while trying to get a hold of someone from the cell tower which is running on a generator and possibly still energizing the line that is laying the street we realize the door to the shack is unlocked so we're all standing inside it out of the rain but the assistant chief is on his phone talking to some guy about the antenna and all of a sudden he goes pale white like a ghost then walks out the door into the rain and tells us all to get out turns out the guy on the phone had told him that whatever happens don't go in the shack because it is infested with brown recluse spiders that are attracted by the warmth everyone was crapping bricks when they heard that sorry if i rambled i'm well into a nice bottle of rye oh there was a time in the winter when we were looking for body parts in a field after a bad accident trudging around in knee deep snow this old timer steps on something round and hard and crunches it he almost fainted he thought he had stepped on someone's head turns out the field was an old pumpkin patch and it was a frozen pumpkin my uncle was an emt and fire captain for a while he does some different training type stuff no which means he doesn't go out on calls much anymore anyway his weirdest story was about two guys who got killed by a farmer his firehouse was on the border of a suburb and farming community so with there being a lot of land people would go ride dirt bikes and motocross bikes these two guys like to jump some dirt piles or what have you on this one farmer property and he didn't like it he tried to get them to stop in various way but finally he had enough of it he one day put up in a clearing open pathway a thing of high test fishing line or something like that between two trees one of the guys on a motorcycle came through at head level and didn't get his head taken off but the line seriously cut into his neck and he ultimately bled out and died my uncle was the one who was called to the scene to try and save him but he was pretty much dead when he got there he says that call has always sort of bugged him because it was a younger kid 20 something and it was such a cruel way for the farmer to deal with his problem my mom's cousin was riding a dirt bike through the woods one day and hit a barbed wire at neck level that decapitated him i get told that story every time i even think of buying a bike went out on a wreck where these two out-of-state kids over-corrected vid off the road hit a dirt hill and landed in a tree neither of them were seriously injured but it sure was a sight to see a brand new tundra stuck in a tree about six feet off the ground for our friends outside the usa six feet comma 1.8 m yihor a guy had accidentally hung himself in his garage he literally had a contraption he had built that held him in a harness one of his arms controlled a rope that was attached through a pulley system with a cord cob at the end as he pulled the rope the cord cob did the job on his backside the other arm controlled the same kind of pulley but at the end was a noose that was tied around his neck needless to say he pulled a little too tight on the new sand it was a nice normal neighborhood and the guy was married with kids with a seemingly completely normal life if autoerotic asphyxiation is wrong i don't want to be old six seven zyto jnmv i've got a few i came to an unconscious unresponsive young male in a bathroom w massive bleeding it turns out he was getting frisky w a plunger and his feet slipped out underneath him and it just ripped his hollow and solid organs apart he was obviously doa another was an old lady whom hadn't been seen outside her apartment for quite some time and wasn't answering the door we knew she had died as we could smell her from outside the fire department knocked down her door i told the firefighter to go in and he was like no way it would be an emergency fully knowing that she was almost 100 dead lights were all turned off and it was 2 a.m so each room i had to flip the switch there were bloody paw prints all over the place and in the bathroom the toilet seat had been flipped up and there were bloody paw prints all around it as well when i flipped the bathroom light i was pretty sure what i would see but it was worse than i had expected the cats had started to eat her after she had died i was 19 at that time it seems i have scrolled too far down the comments tt i'll keep this one short we responded to a call where our mid 50-something year old semi-frail looking male bit his early 20-year-old something son who probably outweighed the father by about 150 pounds or so about 25 times all over his body everywhere arms neck torso legs it was ridiculous they would eat marks too like he was trying to rip skin away apparently they got into an altercation over who knows what and the wife mother had to break it up by threatening them both with a large kitchen knife which the police confiscated but the kicker was there were no drugs or alcohol involved another was when we responded to a child who fell and hit his head on a tire that was sitting in their yard why it was there i have no clue but anyways i went to check his pupils when i noticed one was completely freaked up it looked almost like a tiny cat's eye i almost flipped an absolute crap because this kid seemed perfectly fine vital's good talking to this properly but the size of his pupil when compared to the other indicated moderate to severe head trauma plus the whole abnormal pupil shape which i've never seen before well after i flipped a crap to myself i asked the mother it turns out he was stabbed in the eye by his sister with a pencil when he was younger this my friend is why you must always get a good patient history my mother who was a case manager for a while had two interesting stories a homeless woman who was a paranoid schizophrenic came into my mother's office with a severe infection in her foot when my mother asks her if she thinks she's ready to be discharged she proceeds to tell my mom that she did not have an infection in her foot but that she was turning into a pterodactyl and the other is that another man who had schizophrenia explained to my mother that the voices in his head told him to cut off his dong and feed it to his dog and he did okay i'm an emt one of my teachers told me once about the craziest call he's ever received he's sitting at the station and he gets a call for a lacerated finger they arrive at the house and sure enough a woman is sitting at the table with an extremely bloody finger they patch up the wound and head out the door and before they get on the truck the woman taps him on the shoulder and says that's not really why i called you and he says well what's the issue mom and she responded with i crap you not i have razor blades in my fanny apparently this woman had a sleeping disorder in which she would sleep walk and put crap in her tea and butt well i suppose that's a fairly decent contraceptive i'm a volunteer empty a chubby lady in her 30s made a 9-1-1 for severe abdominal pain it's two in the morning so i just woke up tired and drowsy as my partner and i get to her house the husband is there at the door and tells us it's no big deal we walk inside and find the woman laying on the floor on newspapers surrounded by cats must have been four or five cats laying next to her licking her tea yes the woman was giving birth she did not know she was pregnant we saw the little baby being delivered next to cats even worse they had their four-year-old boy stand next to her as he watched his mother gave birth in pain the little boy was crying the cats were still licking her the husband was standing there like it was no big deal we had to call our county back and update them about the situation they sent paramedics to assist the cops showed up before we even got there told us it was ugly they were right when i was still doing clinicals for my emtb cert i had a ride along with a company that serviced rural areas the first call we went to was a woman with chest pains we pulled up to a house that looked like it was made with toothpicks and styrofoam it was a dilapidated shanty in the middle of the woods cue the drop of my stomach knowing this is going to be a weird one we walk in and the floor is dirt not covered in dirt actual dirt there was a burn barrel in the corner no electricity and a dinghy mattress on the floor covered in tattered blankets the pt looked rather weary while i was checking her vitals and i could see the shame in her eyes we put her in the back of the truck for transport i gave her some nitro and tried to talk with her a bit it was a really sad and strange thing and it still sticks out in my mind seven years later of course we had a looped out drug user later in the day that was weird too but only because i've never seen someone enjoy drinking activated charcoal that much we were dispatched to an elderly couple's residence with a woman calling in to report that her husband had fallen in the shower groans from myself and my partner as we banted about who would have to deal with the soggy old man parts should anything be wrong down there we reach the residence and are led upstairs to the shower where we find a perfectly alert older man sitting down on one of those handicapped fold-out shower seats the shortened conversation goes like this hello sir i'm john and this is smith with paramedics and are here to help how about we give you a hand and help you stand up i can't stand up yeah we know that's why your wife called if you let us take your arms we can help lift you up no sun you don't understand i can't stand up take a look at the seat and you'll see what i mean the construction of this particular shower seat with several wooden slats arranged horizontally with the attachment points of hinges that could swivel just slightly when the poor guy fell backwards in the shower he plopped down with such force that the slaps open side to side allowing just enough space for his nut sack to squeak through after which the slats probably snapped back into place firmly binding him to the chair we tried to open the slats again but that only succeeded in applying pressure on things which obviously did not want to be pulled on at that moment eventually we called for an engine company who extricated the poor guy by cutting off the entire seat which is how he was transported never did get to find out how things ended up for him all emergency response jobs and medical jobs are no longer on my list of fullback positions thanks everyone a real team effort ensure that if anyone needs to count on me for any medical problem i will just start vomiting in the corner lol if that's how yuo feel i strongly suggest you do not ever try and take a look at a car accident on the side of the road when you drive by you may get much much more than you bargained for as a volunteer firefighter i can say i've seen something that is now forever implanted into my brain well i was in the app bay doing my training and learning the rigs and whatnot when i hear this banging on the roll up doors i run over open it up and these guys start saying help my friend he's bleeding man hurry up so i run inside tell the paramedics they go outside while i grab the gurney and when i get there i notice a younger guy probably in his early twenties with a blood-soaked crotch i begin to think to myself now why one earth is there blood all over this guy's pants right in that region lol so we get him on board cut his pants off and look down there apparently he went to sit on his drummer's stool the seat rocked off and he sat straight down onto the metal pole which then pierced through his scrotum and left his testes hanging out pretty gnarly but luckily he was taking it like a champ props to him for that it must have hurt like balls well he had his hands in his pants the whole time when we cut the pants off his fingers were actually inside his scrotum he didn't know that his nuts were hanging out or that there was another hole down there basically all we did was grab some gauze place it all down there not inside and just drove him with his hand in his nuts lol i thought that was for me but interesting anyways lol i'm a uk firefighter one time i had the unluckiest guy he was a raging alcoholic and he decided he wanted to end it all by throwing himself from the top of the hospital so he jumps off [ __ ] misses the floor he hits another roof so dazed he tries to aim for some metal railings in the hope of impaling himself he jumps again overcompensated for this jump due to previous failed attempt he hits the wall on the other side and slides down into an open sewer outlet still alive as it was one of my first days on the job i was sent in to get him it's not easy to reason with a drunk homeless guy he literally cannot kill himself will's knee deep in crap and pee good times i had a guy once who accidentally got shot in the butthole with with a speargun the spear entered about 2.5 feet into his body he was alive and laughing another time a lady on her way to a hot date was shaving her vag while driving in order to save time seems legit well she swerved into the bushes and crashed her car about 30 feet deep into the woods swerved into the bushes lol once we responded to a call african-american child four years old severe burns on face and shoulders turns out his mom had been cooking chicken wings and he reached up and grabbed the pan and pulled it down grease burns airware so we say we're responding and our eater is 15 minutes not 5 minutes pass dispatch 301 301 go ahead mother reports having applied mustard to babies burns a wives tale in the south acknowledged dispatch five more minutes dispatch 301 301 go ahead mother said the child didn't like the mustard so she washed it off and applied ketchup aside he muttered she won't stay on the dang phone for me to tell her no at this point my partner snapped back on the radio 301 dispatch go ahead 301 301 wants to know if mother is trying to turn baby into a hot dog over laughed my butt off until we actually saw the poor little bastard he looked horrible burned and condimented some people are just too stupid to have children yeesh a relative of mine is a nurse so she's not necessarily a first responder but this is still a weird incident one day she was doing a pelvic exam on a morbidly obese woman she lifted up one of the lady's fat roles for some reason and under that role was her horse still in the wrapper she shows the patient what she found and how does that patient react the patient takes the whole host from the my relative and proceeds to eat them during the pelvic exam being unaware that there is food on your person due entirely to your level of obesity should be grounds for entry into a mandatory weight loss program i did a ride along with a police officer once i was with him from 3 30 to about midnight the first call of the evening was to a lacrosse game a player had sustained serious injuries when we got there the paramedics had already arrived and were dealing with the player the kids female had snapped and punched trough the skin the bone was jammed deep into the dirt and the kid was in a position where all of his weight was on the snap femur sort of like a half-kneel half-sit he used his lacrosse stick to balance the bone was maybe three inches into the ground very little blood some muscle tissue i threw up eventually the paramedics sedated the kid because he would scream when they tried to move him just awful i went to college for natural resources law enforcement didn't really learn much but we heard many stories of our professors past experiences so here is one of the weirdest he was working in a state park in northern ohio at the time he got called to the restrooms by an older lady who said that she had seen a man sneak into the women's bathroom and hadn't seen him come out yet his partner and him went and checked it out and there was no one to be seen they came back out and asked the lady if she was sure that he hadn't came out yet and she said that she was positive they went back in just to make sure and they took a look into the toilets they were the outhouse style bathrooms and there the man was waist deep in crap covered head to toe in it i remember a news article about a guy who did this in some outdoor bathrooms at the bottom of a hiking trail he said he went down there so he could get pictures of girls going to the bathroom messed up man a friend of mine came and talked to a few of my friends about drug abuse he is a former cop he told us a story about how a man on pcp got into a dispute with his wife and eventually escalated to him ripping off his own manhood with his bare hands they took him to the emergency room although while assuring him as he requested that nobody else would touch his manhood until they got him into surgery i have a friend who is a paramedic and he got called out to a situation in a trailer park 16 year old girl won't tell about the condition he comes in and finds her with her pants down white washcloth covering her junk a long story short her boyfriend gave her crabs and with her 16 year old carnally repressed trailer trash influenced mind she thought it was a good idea to spray raid all over her junk red swollen genitalia losing some sort of pus like discharge i don't remember what all he did for her other than put her on ice while taking her to the hospital and the only thing he heard afterwards was that something had to be drained when the doctors took her in oh god that stuff is dangerous if you just spray it in the air around you i'm none of those things but my bro is a cop and his wife is an emt one of my close friends is an emt as well so i've heard a few stories one of the first stories i heard from my brother was during his first month on the job they got called out to this guy who was walking around with a gun talking about killing himself several cops get there and have weapons drawn in case he points it to them or anyone but he just keeps it on himself yelling well he finally pulls the trigger no shot goes off then he does it again no shot again no shot then like the fourth or fifth time he finally gets the gun to fire and doesn't hit himself well enough to kill himself only blow off half his face and still be alive i guess that's not funny but it was a heck of a story for his first not generic call my emt friend told me about a guy they had a call for that ended up having a celeb stuck up his butt they were totally professional no laughing or anything all the way to the hospital with the thing running in the ambulance they kept it together they get to the hospital and the first thing the doctor says is does he want me to take it out or just change the batteries and they all lost it cop buddy of mine once told us about a domestic disturbance call he got it was two gentlemen gentleman a was inserting a mayonnaise jar into gentleman b and inserted it more so than gentleman b preferred so enraged gentleman b hit gentleman a over the head with a frying pan whilst threatening to kill him after the police arrived the two had to be taken to the air one to be treated for blunt force trauma to the head the other for the removal of said mayonnaise jar the end thank god i thought the jar might have shattered a man late at night walks into a with a huge overcoat on backwards on his crotch region is a huge bulge the man asks to go see a male doctor immediately with emphasis on the male he walks into the room takes off his overcoat and there is a cat on his dong he was freaking the cat and because the human dong is too large it killed the cat because the cat died all of its muscles clenched up and the cat was stuck on his dong tl dr don't freak a cat i cried a little friend who used to be an emt responded to a call concerned a large woman with diabetes he ended up becoming friends with her dude is seriously the most charismatic mother you'll ever meet later down the line she had to get an above-the-knee amputation some time later he came to visit her in the hospital she was in a wheelchair he was sitting in his own chair she starts putting the moves on him punctuated by rubbing her stump against his leg needless to say they don't keep in touch comma rubbing her stump against his leg i won't lie that's kind of adorable my father told me this story he was talking to the firefighter chief apparently a naked black man broke into the firehouse got into a battalion chief's office and began smearing his poop on the walls when the battalion chief got there apparently he screamed like a little girl guy reached out the window and hit the electric wires with a curtain rod no idea why someone would do this when you take a big shock like that there is an entrance wound where you make contact and an exit wound where the charge returns to earth usually this is on the patient's feet unless of course in leaning out the window your junk was in contact with the windowsill tl dr guy manages to burn his junk off completing a circuit i used to work with a guy who was an emt in milwaukee wi and said that the stupidest call he got was for a guy who had a big zit on his face the guy requested to be hauled out by gurney sounds about right i had someone come in by ambulance last week because her foot had been hurting for about 20 minutes for trauma or injury was just sitting on the couch and her foot was in her words just a little sore and i wanted to make sure it wasn't broken searching for a man's nose sliced off by his visor on his motorcycle helmet on first shift i can't explain the physics but his nose was sliced not ground off on the road with the amount of blood on the helmet visor we assumed it was the sharp edge a man with compound fracture of his femur that pieced his car door and pinned him to it yes he went to the hospital with the inner interior part of the door still attached a guy who stuck a shotgun in his mouth and blew off his head and good portion of the car roof he was sitting in old volca ginger now with a sunroof a steel door leading to a marijuana grow up in a house that had a pit dug in the floor on the other side with landscape beams with spikes in them as a trap basically they had it set up so if you kicked in the door and rushed in to rip them off you would fall in the pit as soon as you rushed in as you would not expect it vietnamese punji pit style if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video so bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
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Keywords: paramedics, firefighters, first responders, cops, weirdest 911 calls, weirdest 911, weirdest 911 call ever, weirdest 911 calls reddit, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: dtJpNhMbbl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 11sec (1451 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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