Cops and EMTs encounter PARANORMAL Activites while working (r/AskReddit - Reddit Scary Stories)

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cops and other law enforcement people have read it what were some cases you worked on that made you think even if for a moment that something supernatural or paranormal was going on I have posted this before but here is my possessed woman's story spoiler alert as a result of posting this last time users suggested she could have suffered from catatonic schizophrenia was driving along and found a girl just standing in the middle of the road my initial thoughts were to just to tell her to pay attention but it was clear that while the lights were on nobody was home during my whole time with her she never uttered a word I was left in a weird situation she had done nothing clearly needed help but medically nothing seemed wrong as I am pondering what on earth I should do the girl suddenly start spinning now spinning is not illegal and I'm starting to think this girl is one of those protestors that wind up police I've dealt with troll station before so I think crack on spin to your heart's content then she loses her balance and falls whacking her head on the side of the police car great so I call an ambulance but she seems fine still not talking but she is looking up at the sky it's a nice day so fine enjoy the Sun I do some writing and look back at her now bright red face and watering eyes and realize she is trying to damage her retinas by forcing herself to look directly at the Sun that's a new one on me so now I'm holding a book or something above her to shield her eyes ambulance arrives and we get to hospital and now she has forgotten how to walk now I'm 99% sure she is a wind-up merchant but I get her a wheelchair in the wheelchair she strikes up a I'm a little teapot posed and keeps this up for the next hour zero movement just frozen with her arms out so I now have three potential situations one she is pretending to be frozen in time two she is suffering from a mental health issue three she has been possessed by now I'm convinced it's the latter but I Section her and leave her with professionals a week later I call the hospital and they tell me she is still frozen former EMT firefighter here one night we got a call to do a wellness check on someone who dialed 9-1-1 but didn't respond to the operator we pull up to the address and the house looks perfectly quaint and a little old lady greets us at the door we asked her if she knew who placed the call but she told us that she lived alone since her husband died we barely got back to the station before a call comes in again same address as before so we drive back out talk to the old lady again then leave again and just as we get back to the station same call same address no response we drive out there again believing that the old lady must have been confused but this time when we pulled into the driveway the old lady wasn't at the door to greet us there was no reply at the door but it was unlocked we take a peek inside to find the old lady was on the floor and wasn't breathing we rushed in to help and got her to a hospital in stable condition when she woke up in the ambulance she still claimed that she never called us and that we arrived almost immediately after she had fallen it was a 15-minute drive to her house from the station before she was admitted to the hospital she asked me in another EMT if we could bring her knitting needles in bag of clothes to her in the hospital I offered to pick up her stuff because I had a friend who lived in that area and we were gonna hang out anyways I pick up my friend and drive to the lady's house I ran inside to grab the bag and knitting stuff while my buddy sat in the car but just as I was leaving I swear I felt a hand on my back and heard a voice say thank you when I get back in the car my friend asked me why couldn't the lady's husband bring her stuff to the hospital I explained that her husband was dead but when I said that my friend said but I saw an old guy in the window he smiled and waved at me at first I refused to believe in anything supernatural so I called the police and asked them to do a sweep of the house I thought it was a squatter nothing was out of the ordinary and no one was inside I later brought my friend to visit the lady he started describing the old dude who was in the window but the old lady almost immediately started tearing up and said that's my Harold obligatory not my story but when I read this I thought it was pretty effed an elderly lady phone 9-1-1 and requested that they send some policemen down to her house because she saw a shadowy figure lurking in her backyard she was living by herself at night and didn't feel safe watching someone through her window when the policeman arrived the door was unlocked they walked in and found the lady seated facing the window and they went to go check the backyard there were no signs of anyone attempting to break and enter and nothing was missing she had very tall fences surrounding her property making it nearly impossible for anyone to get into it they did however find footprints on the inside of her home it was quite possible that she had left the door unlocked and wasn't looking outside but rather at a reflection of someone inside of her home behind her EMT here once had a call at our local mall show up in an eight-year-old was having breathing problems her mother aunt and cousin had just been caught stealing and it was late at night we assumed the breathing problem was stress-induced once we got into the back of our unit she looked My partner and myself in the eyes and said that she lived at a bad place she said she lived with demons and I crap you not as she described the demons her heart rate plummeted to 90 BPM to 45 BPM in a matter of seconds My partner and I looked at each other and immediately started trying to lighten the mood and preparing for a code she ended up being okay I will never forget that experience edit yes once we had her stable police were definitely involved my medic contacted CPS as well my grandpa was a RI O in Vietnam basically the guy who told the pilot where to go and what was ahead one day him and his team are finishing up a mission and one of his buddies in another jet barrel rolls over them he then descends into the clouds they never saw them again he just vanished they searched for weeks but no crash site no communications nothing just puffs gone this is unexplained and probably just coincidence but I still never mention it to my co-workers I spent some time as a homicide investigator we would respond to all apparent suicides and investigate them just to make sure it wasn't a homicide usually we determined a motive for suicide and found a note or other indicator that the person killed themselves one guy just taped a note to his chest that said happy now [ __ ] and made sure his wife found him after he hanged himself but occasionally you get a case where all forensic evidence indicates that the person killed themselves but there's no note and no discernible reason why this person would be suicidal these are people in good health with decent careers and a seemingly happy family life but who knows what's really going on with someone here's the part that freaks me out I've worked maybe 10 suicides like this the last three before I left homicide all had the same thing at the scene these was a little decorative wicker lighthouse at each location it was the same lighthouse same design and painted white and blue it stuck out to me the first time because it was by the bed where the body was but two weeks later I saw the same darn lighthouse on another suicide and even pointed out the coincidence to a patrol officer a few months later I go on another suicide and I see that same wicker lighthouse that's when it clicks that it's always been unexplained suicides I go back and look at crime scene photos from every suicide I've worked in two of them I see what could be the wicker lighthouse but the angle is often there's too much junk around to say for sure I didn't know I thought it was creepy as hell but I transferred a couple of months later and I let it go mate you're going to wake up one night and there will be a decorative wicker lighthouse on your bedside table not law enforcement but em paramedics slash fire late summer night responding to a call in a rural area My partner and I were driving down a winding two-lane highway in the middle of nowhere no light of any kind other than the headlights and moon we're coming up on a sharp right turn when I see a man traveling across the grass from an area of brush he's moving very quickly and smoothly as if hauling butt on a bicycle no up-and-down motion like running obviously I'm pretty confused about a hillbilly on a bike in the middle of the night but not surprised he comes to a tree and stops it's about this time we're driving by him look out window and see a man standing next to this tree with no bike or anything in sight just standing there staring at the truck passing by my hair is standing up we continued towards the call and I asked my partner if he had seen that guy his response is man I thought I was crazy I was an EMT for a while we got a call about someone who was riding their bike at a breakneck speed when they hit a car head first without a helmet we went over immediately despite the fact that it was broad daylight and we were in the middle of Suburbia on a Saturday nobody even came to check on this poor guy seriously the streets were empty usually a massive crowd gathers around violent accidents like this so his skull was pretty much smashed in and he was unresponsive it was the worst head injury I'd ever seen we assess that he had a major skull fracture a concussion and he was bleeding profusely he was also missing teeth and had a minor road rash but fortunately he wasn't missing much skin to give you an idea of how bad it was this was the kind of injury that most people don't survive if you did survive you'd basically be a crippled vegetable normally we would have moved him off the road but when someone has a head slash neck injury that isn't very safe my partner who was also training me as I was still kinda new went to check his pulse while I began to unload our gear he crouched down felt for a pulse for a while and then stood up and opened his mouth to say something suddenly the guy effing jumped up he didn't use his arms to pick himself up he just effing jumped to his feet it startled the two of us he looked at us smiled and attempted to grab his bike we tried to stop him but we didn't exactly want to wrestle him to the ground given his condition he gets away from us and bolts into the woods without his bike My partner was an even more disbelief than I was he just stared at where the man had run off mouth agait then he turned to me and muttered he had no effing pulse man I asked him if he was sure and he swore up and down that the biker was clinically dead we contacted the authorities for assistance and they sent a search-and-rescue team into the forest I don't know if he was found or not because we normally don't get much information about patients after they go to the professionals keep in mind that this was the Pine Barrens so they had a lot of ground to cover my best guess is that he went to a loved ones house out of confusion what I found out about that is head injuries bleed like effing hell so you'd think the guy would leave a long red trail of blood for the cops to follow my dad used to work as a correctional officer at Goulburn jail in Australia which is probably one of the oldest and hardest prisons there a story he tells of his time there is one I always remember he said that the whole place was creepy anyway not helped by some of the inmates at the time including the notorious Ivan Milat on which wolfcreek is based anyway first thing he noticed was that dogs would outright refused to enter the prison he said they couldn't get them past the gate no matter how hard they tried but the creepiest occurrence was one night when they heard the sound of running booted footsteps everyone was in their cell so they couldn't figure out what was causing it next thing all the doors of the open and unoccupied cells on the top floor were bang shut one after the other with loud clangs then they see the source of the running noise now dad swears this is what he and his colleague so he has another witness saw apparently they looked up and saw what looked like disembodied hobnail boots run down the aisle right over their heads banging as they went dad decided to stop working in the prison not long after this super creepy cop here partner and I were dispatched to a welfare check elderly guy nobody had seen him in a few days mail overflowing in mailbox missed a doctor's appointment car hasn't moved etc we both know we are about to find a body we arrived on scene and can't get anyone to the door look through the window and sure enough we can see his foot on the floor in the living room My partner is a corporal and pulls rank and makes me go first door is unlocked and as soon as we open it we smell a mostly fresh dead body almost relieved we both enter and he tells me to check vitals on dead dude he is obviously dead with lividity dried feces on him and dried saliva around his mouth so I go to stand over him and see if I can get a pulse at which point he takes a deep breath rolls over and asks why we are in his house at this point we both start screaming oh crap sand what the f as we both run out of the house we call dm's and they transported him said they couldn't get a blood pressure or pulse on him I think he died a week later in the hospital I still get jokes about raising the dead I am a CNA in a local hospital one of my patients just had a quad bypass open-heart surgery and I went in to check her vitals the room was dim and the hall was quiet I'm looking at her and in the corner of my eye I see something dropped from the ceiling out of nowhere it makes a big clunk sound and I turn to see what it could be there's nothing there at that moment my patient looks up at me and say my dad's here passes back out I finish my job and leave when I would go to that floor again as a floater I would hate to go into that room this is a good supernatural slash paranormal story rather than a creepy one I'm a detective and spent some time as an expert on sex crimes and crimes against children it was the best slash worst assignment I've had one case I had came in at midnight a young woman with a toddler comes into one of the precincts to report her ex-boyfriend raped her during a custody argument long story short it was legit and one of the most violent and sadistic cases I've ever had so I'll spare the gruesome details I still have no idea how this woman made her own way to a precinct with a toddler part of the investigation requires me to talk to the toddler victim said the toddler was present for everything I'm a child forensic interviewer as well during the interview the toddler recalls their father becoming angry and hitting the mom then the toddler said that the nice woman showed up and she couldn't see past the nice woman the nice woman held her and told her that they were both going to be safe and sang her a song in a different language the toddler said the nice woman went over to the front door and knocked on the door then the nice woman helped them and their mom to the car before flying away in the victims interview she said that her ex-boyfriend had a knife to her throat and put it to the skin to cut her throat open but he got distracted for some reason then ran out of the apartment she had no explanation why the suspect was caught about eight hours later he confessed to absolutely everything when I asked him about the knife to the throat he said this I swear to God I was gonna cut the bitch's throat open but I thought I heard a knock at the door and thought it was the police once I saw it was clear I ran outside he is now serving life in prison and the mom and toddler are safe and doing well I'd love to know more about the nice woman I work in a pre-civil war town that has lots of antebellum homes that survived the war ghost hunters have been to the town on several occasions there is this one antebellum mansion that is more of a museum that gets alarm calls semi frequently every time the side door to the house is open in the kitchen has all cabinet doors and drawers open every effing time the caretaker says it's been happening since she started looking after the place about 30 years ago we don't clear it without backup EMS called to a house with police at around 3:00 a.m. relatively small shared house with a lot of rooms and people who don't know each other living there caller reports that there is blood everywhere all on the walls staircase in the kitchen on the doorstep he thinks one of the upstairs residence is in two dodgy stuff which I assume was meant to be drugs or crime of some kind or whatever well we opened the door and sure enough there is blood everywhere it's all on the floor and all the way up the stairs it goes into the kitchen too but stops at the back door there's a pool on the front doorstep but not a big one a couple of cops go upstairs ahead of me I'm there thinking well crap if someone's lost this much blood there isn't a great deal we can do for them anyway and if whoever did it is still in the house we're about to have a major scrap on our hands in the UK police are unarmed we go to the door the dodgy guy is in a knock he kind of answers like yeah the cops say they're police and they need to have a word with him he comes to the door and pyjama trousers and says he was asleep he's not injured and has no blood on him there's none in his room he lets the cops have a search in his room is all fine seemed like a regular guy to me we speak to all of the other neighbors in the house and the cops search their rooms and nothing no one heard anything that they told us anyway and no one had anything suspicious in their room there was no blood in anyone's bedrooms it was only on the stairs hallways kitchen and front doorstep the two cops call for a dog unit to attend and search the area the dog arrives but tracks the blood no further than the front doorstep whatever had caused that blood to be there seemed to still be in the house and we had no idea whose blood it was thought it could potentially have been an animal's blood somehow but unless it was a large animal there was way too much for that and I hope we'd have found a bleeding large animal in our search I had control pestering me to redeploy to another job so I thanked the cops for helping me clear the house and said I had to go they said they were gonna go do a wider search and then resume as well as there was nothing they could find I never heard any more about it and as far as I know there was no murders or anything like that reported after that incident so it's still an absolute mystery not a cop that had one tell us a story when I was in like gr6 I lived in Pei Prince Edward Island we had the opportunity to talk to an officer it was supposed to be like a DEA re-program thing at the end we got to ask questions and of course there'd be the typical questions that kids would ask like did you ever shoot anyone he's shot at but didn't actually shoot anyone or so he told us then someone asks what's the creepiest thing you've seen I probably don't remember all the details because it was years ago but it went kind of like this there was a small island just off the coast of Pei and one night people had called the police to report a baby crying from the island the police show up and sure enough they hear a baby crying they make their way over to the cries but when they get to the island the crying stopped they searched everywhere and guess what they found nothing no baby or any sign that someone might be there they started to leave the island and immediately the baby crying starts up of course they go back and it stops I can't remember how long they were looking but they haven't found anything and you could tell it has been bothering him for a long time by the way he talked about it it always creeped me out and I doubt I'll ever forget about it weird things happen on pay police officer working the desk 1500 to 2300 fire alarm signal goes off many many years ago the police department offered alarm monitoring service still had 10 to 12 places that were hardwired and it would require pulling apart a lot of equipment to disconnect the system so we just kept it going first shift dispatch has already punched in so she took it I'm headed out the door to the fire department when 9-1-1 rings from the same address I answer it no one in the other end assumed they barely got to call before passing out I bolt out the back door hop in a squad car radio in the 9-1-1 call on channel 3 that both police / fire can hear and that i'm going directly to the house arrive just as another unit shows up no signs of smoke no sign of anything older woman comes walking up the street pushing a wheelchair with an elderly lady her mother they lived there and just went out for an early evening stroll before dinner tell them what we have going on nobody else lives there and as far as the elderly lady can remember the alarm was disconnected from the house years ago during some renovations they don't have any alarm system either just a couple of smoke / fire detectors we do a walk around the house get to the back door off the kitchen and you can clearly see and smell gas we turned off the gas at the main setup some fans to air it out and find a cracked gas line going to the oven daughter said she spilled some coffee she was making for their walk and had to move the oven a few inches to clean probably broke the line pushing the oven back in nothing else in the house is disturbed and both phones are on the hook fire chief shows up about 15 minutes into the call he goes over to the two ladies and gives them both a hug he's nearly in tears the elderly lady in the wheelchair her husband was the fire chief 60 plus years ago for our department the daughter her husband passed away a few years ago he was also a member of our department never believed in ghosts or spirits but that call made me think maybe people who spend their lives doing good are allowed by some power to look over their loved ones every so often here's an odd one that I still have trouble believing today and you physically had to be there to believe this I was 19 in a volunteer EMT we got a 9-1-1 dispatch call to a house that's been abandoned for well over 15 years police fire and EMS weap the house and say it's clear so we am's myself and captain go in we go upstairs to the top floor of this farm out and it's extremely cold the temperature outside had to be 80 degrees Fahrenheit oddly enough the windows were wide open so I slam it shut this window took some effort being as old as it was to close and looking out at the fire truck and ambulance in Clear View in the driveway he asked me what the noise was so I told him I just shut the window that was open we checked crawl spaces closets basement which also had an eerie feeling of death in there were shackles on the pillar I guess it was for farm animals when being butchered at least that's what a firefighter told us we then proceeded outside and my captain says I thought you closed that window looking up at it I said I did who opened it so I go back inside expecting someone to still be in there and it was empty so I simply closed the window once more check the window too to see if it's spring-loaded and maybe I didn't close it properly nope typical sliding window so shut once again I went downstairs and back out the window is still shut I looked up and saw a man in a plaid shirt put his hand to the window and once I focused he was gone but easily decipherable that it was a white male in late 50s with short black hair so I thought nothing of it it bothered me when I got bored and daydreamed I began to do a little research on the property about who owns it and if anyone lived there to my surprise a friend of mine said his uncle lived there his whole life on the farm he was the last one to pass away in the home the uncle lived with his parents which they passed years prior also in home so I asked my friend if he was late 50s short black hair and died upstairs his face dropped and he said yes he passed away from diabetes he did not take his insulin and was found dead by his brother a few days later after that I look into that window every day driving by prayer on my way to work [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: ReddiTV
Views: 322,958
Rating: 4.8593216 out of 5
Keywords: cop cases, cops, supernatural, paranormal activities, paranormal stories, paranormal, paranormal reddit, ghost stories, real ghost stories, alien stories, askreddit, reddit stories, askreddit horror, reddit, r/askreddit, ask reddit, reddit story, askreddit stories, reddit top posts, best of r/askreddit, best of reddit, updoot, reddit aliens, redditv, reddit tv, toadfilms, askreddit scary, reddit scary stories, askreddit creepy, creepy stories, creepypasta, reddit horror stories
Id: wc-TqNgV8yM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2019
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