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hello everyone my name is stacy and welcome back to mineclash i am here with grazer and we are about to go head to head in the elytra flying challenge grazer are you ready to fly i'm ready to fly i'm not ready to lose please be ready to lose i want you to fly stacy go go fly go we are on the snapshot so we can push each other yeah we are on what is it 15 w 41b right now for this challenge and this is a uh what what are you scared what what's the problem no don't push me off what are you doing i don't want to fly just yet i don't got my wings on so stacy what is this challenge exactly what are we gonna do we're gonna use uh maybe you haven't heard of this this item in minecraft the elytra oh no i actually never have heard of it i mean you've heard of it a little bit because i like showed you the child yeah she showed me how to do it oh no stop now she showed me how to do it and then uh and then i don't really know i kind of know what the item is but i don't know what the word means like what does you know what the word means at all no idea what the word means maybe it's a kind of like bird or something i don't know all i know all i know is that when you put this on you look like a giant moth wait let me see let me see oh look at me i'm a mod have you ever seen like mothra versus godzilla uh yeah totally i totally have seen that stacy a lot no never oh i used to watch it all the time when i was a kid and my mom would make me mothra pancakes what does that even mean it's a giant moth and he fights godzilla and it's awesome but is he do does she stuff like moths in your pancakes it's just pancakes in the shape of a mom oh okay i got worried for a second i thought you're eating mom all right so listen for those who have not been keeping up on the snapshot which is like how do you explain the snapshot it's the developmental version of minecraft so like minecraft is a game they're constantly making updates to it this is one of the new updates it's not officially released yet but they they put it out so we can like test all of its bugginess or make challenges out of it exactly and that's what we're doing here today these let you fly in minecraft will not really fly but like glide glide exactly um would you like to demonstrate i will demonstrate i will do a perfect demonstration here we go okay whoa okay now but don't complete the challenge there you go there you go whoa did you put your feather falling boots on yeah i did all good so yeah so that's the gliding um wait how are we supposed to get back up now that you've jumped off too did you not take your book oh i did i did but we haven't gotten to the book yet we need to explain them so this challenge here with the gliding uh is separated into three minutes there you go there you go separated into three different sections we got the obstacle course we got the distance challenge and we have the cloud jumping stacey would you like to explain what each of those mean in depth yes so we're going to do best two out of three wins i love pushing obstacle is that what's happening right now the obstacle course is this series of hoops i actually need to turn my render distance way up because i'm not seeing all the hoops okay well there are hoops and you have to go through the hoops so that's that challenge exactly so you've got to make it all the way to the end if you don't make it all the way to the end then you use your book you come back to the start you make it all the way to the end i can't remember if there's a winner button there or if we'll just know who makes it exactly i feel like we'll know who makes it but yeah that's the first one i'm nervous about this one the distance one is pretty self-explanatory we start on a platform we jump off and you by aiming and controlling it whoever goes the farthest wins that round and then the last one the cloud jumping is actually using a tutorial that captain sparkles posted about using a punch two bow with the elytra wings to actually keep boosting you upwards as a way of gaining height it's hard it's very hard so if we um if it's a tie then we go to that one and it's whoever makes it to the highest cloud uh and pushes the button on the highest cloud uh will win the whole thing exactly so now grazer are you ready to lose i am ready to fly and win and soar like an eagle stacy i'm nervous i'm not very good at this so let's um i guess let's just go i don't know how do you want to start this i was thinking like we do rock paper scissors to see who go oh no because we go at the same time don't we probably have to go at the same time yeah yeah okay all right i'm gonna take a running start maybe uh maybe i will too but yeah on your go we'll go so keep inventory is on in case we die we have perma day on as well the only thing is if it rains we'll just have to toggle no big deal but uh yeah upon your uh prompt okay readiness we'll go on your mark get set oh go oh oh no no no you got a little bit oh no i hit this oh no i hit it i don't think i can make it now i'm gonna miss it i missed it i missed it i missed it okay okay i'm i'm going i'm going here we go here we go did you start over already yeah i had to start over oh my gosh this is okay there i've done it i've done a one wait how do you do this i hit the second one no ah yeah you hit the second one come on come on come on okay come on the second one's actually quite hard glitched i'm glitched wait so if you get through one are you allowed to start from there like i don't understand or do you have to go all the way okay i'm just hard i'm gonna do it in f5 i think oh geez oh no there's no oh this is easier do it in f5 grazer why am i helping you okay don't do it in f5 f5 is not easier oh i hit the ring wait how do you get through all this stacy i can never make the second one ever i made it i'm on like the sixth what oh i'm not gonna make the six oh i was so close grazer oh i either go too high or too small crazy i was so close to making it oh come on come on come on get the speed oh no oh no oh awkward okay what nothing i just fell really bad oh my gosh how do you make it through the the second one stays i don't know i did it though i literally can't do it you have to tilt your cursor up yeah i am like way up watch me it's not working second one this one's hard though it's the first and then the second one is just i made it through the third one come on cece go up i don't know if it's better to kick your legs or like fly a different way oh how do you make it through the floor strategy to this i feel like there's a strategy because i can't make the second hoop i think there is a strategy and i think you don't have one i literally fail every time i reach the second hoop i go too but i do go to like low down good news for me oh okay made it through the second hoop oh no now you're doing it i made it to the third one no no he's doing it okay come on cece here we go made it through the fourth one oh man and made it to the fifth one what no stop it it's underground wait i fell on the tree does that mean i lost yes i touched the tree dang it come on nope oh gracer i'm tired of this oh no there's no way i'm making this do you actually play an f5 and it works it i've been doing better in f5 come on stacy i just want to get to the part where you go oh i'm doing good this time i'm doing really good this time no okay go through oh stacy stacy oh oh no i'm gonna miss this one no okay did you see me i made it to here no i didn't see you i didn't see you what am i really not gonna make this i made it to the roof forest and then the next thing you do is you go underground here that's the one i failed on oh i almost okay okay all right stacy you're so close oh oh this is a good one it's a good one oh no he has a good one all right go up stacy go up how did i hit the third one i should have gotten this is a good one yeah i don't know what the i don't know what your block radius is with these wings on you know what i mean oh no lexi why did i hit that one why did i hit that one can one of us just make it past the roof forest once it i don't i think that's only halfway uh yeah because then we got an underground part this is the hardest one i think out of all three of them i think so too um come on i don't know why this lime green one keeps getting me though come on come on come on let's see this hoop perfect okay come on oh i did it hold on i'm through the green one i'm through the green one hang on cece go up go up go up i hit a tree i hit a tree am i still in it no i'm not still in it i don't think you're not still i didn't oh but i'm doing it though okay i'm gonna go back cause i technically didn't do it but if you can get into the cave it's really easy whoever gets past the green one's gonna win i did i almost did it that time why am i not flying oh gosh i went out fine i almost died wait i'm not flying anymore i'm not either our wings are they breaking what the heck is going on they're not broken have we done this too many times i don't know i don't do it anymore it's not doing it anymore what the heck i'm gonna relog oh you hit me did i i think so off grazer darn it oh boy yeah this is really hard oh oh i'm getting really good at clicking the book me too such a good uh a good method for teleporting back whoa all right good job stacey oh grace are so much higher than you though oh but look you went faster what how did that happen i don't know why i don't know i'm watching you right now i'm watching you oh no you're doing it you're going to the green one cece no cece no no oh go go no way no way don't make it no did you make it no no i was watching you oh that was so close you made that that would have been it game over that would have been it do you aim directly for the target or do you go telling anymore oh good luck to you grazer he doesn't want to tell anymore no why not i had the taste for victory are you on his victory stace i wa wait where are you are you behind me where are you no i hit a tree right before the cave no he was there i knew it i knew you were being quiet all right am i on the floor for you i did you step on me what nothing i'm kind of stuck i'm glitched this isn't fair i think i know what i'm doing now i'm glitched yeah yeah you keep clitch you keep pushing i have to reload going down into the cave this isn't fair no no no through the lava no no i'm landing no no no yeah look at where i landed stacy tv to me look at how far i made it no i don't want to i'm doing a good run right now i was halfway through i made it past the lava and everything dang it come on stace i just want to make it into the cave oh i can't wait anymore it's doing that glitch come on there we go i'm not gonna make it what's your closest you've been just to the right to the cave entrance oh okay i haven't been in the cave yet the cave is kind of difficult to navigate a little bit no way i was in the cave once wasn't that well kind of but like i had hit a tree and kept going oh come on come on right behind you i i don't think i have enough right behind you and i am doing good this time i don't think i have enough adrenaline going into this oh i hit the lime and i could have stayed on it come on come on come on don't land on the tree you're making it okay weren't you beautiful i'm in the caves through the light blue got a lot of adrenaline here go see the pink and this is where i failed last time take full speed ahead no i laid it in the seat this is not possible i keep landing like five meters before the the finish line oh i'm pretty sure nathan or jazz panda did it how do they do it they're going to be like this maybe like this maybe like this go stacy go go make it to the cave make it to the oh i made it to the cave oh no yes wait does it count if i just hit a tree and wait hold on grazer does it oh i hit nothing okay darn it darn it i made it in the cave it's yeah it's hard it's hard i made it past the lava glazer i know how to navigate the cave though too that's how do you make it down how do you do that nose dive though i had to do a nose dive do we need to be clicking space i've not been clicking space this whole time really yeah what is space i've been holding space but what does it do exactly i don't think it does anything but oh maybe i should be holding sprint though yeah that's what i folded that's not not space held looks like i'm gonna have enough adrenaline to hit the cave again momentum momentum oh no no i'm not momentum adrenaline this is hard oh no i pulled up too fast perfect what what getting a nice round in here it looks like getting a nice solid round what no i have a lot of adrenaline i'm heading right for the game momentum momentum momentum oh oh no dang it you were so silent there i was nervous you're on fire i can tell when you're doing good because you're going so fast and the adrenaline is just amazing worthy ooh i did a different kind of a strategy there you're kicking it a little bit i don't think this is getting too fast okay we went through there i don't think it's fast enough okay actually you're not kicking me anymore just pull up pull up stacy pull up you made it through now get to the cave get to the cave get to the cave go down go down go down go down no how do you even do that i want to just try it from the cave just so i can see how it's done oh yeah you've never been in there i've been like i've been in it once and cave time yeah it's all about finding how to properly tackle this game oh i did it oh no i hit the last block i hit my head on the last block and then i win you did not just win i won from the very start i finally figured out how to do it i was doing it wrong the nosedive was all it was you had to you had to execute the nosedive perfectly so just one right in front of my eyes zombie win so grazer wins around one is there a button there though were you correct or not oh use your television to return to course start okay so yeah we finished we use no all right well we have to uh go on to the next challenge then i guess good job well let's go what are we waiting for let's go to the next challenge it's this way it's this way we just walked there yeah i thought we could teleport there yeah we do oh okay okay next challenge since grazer won i refuse i'm gonna go log you know after this i am going to log in there and spend like eight hours until i do it i just see you on the server just all night like four yes still trying to do this okay this is the distance one uh you hit this button to set your marker so hit the button grazer okay and then we both take off any way we want into the the distance and it's whoever goes farther wait what is what is this reset like what is this resetting that's going to make it so that when you touch the ground it will spawn a block that marks where you landed perfect all right uh so since i won do i have to the choice for you to go first sure do you want to go first all right that you can see next week's challenge over there oh yeah you can all right i'm gonna aim for that hill i'm gonna beat you on this one okay here i go why am i going first because i won go ah there we go am i kicking no you're not kicking at all you're going nice and smooth nice flight okay pull up stacy pull up pull up have you landed it oh there my block oh there's my block oh it's bad you're gonna be bad you're gonna be good here we go no all right grazer has taken it i didn't see you yet oh no i just jumped i just jumped oh my gosh i must have had the worst round of all time i think yes oh no oh yes no i think i'm doing good no where are you oh actually i know where are you i don't even see you oh there you are i might land on there no no land land yes yes i won that round doing it doing it yes don't hit me grazer well stacy no one has won yet i've won one you've won one they're still the third and then the cloud one i need that one all right to the tiebreaker to the tiebreaker we go so this one is uh i don't know what we got here uh-huh there you go first of all how's the durability on your wings the durability on my wings are pretty dead i'm in the rest oh okay yeah me too so you can see that there are two clouds up there there are actually a total of four clouds you cannot even see the third and the fourth you've got to make it to the fourth cloud oh you're invisible for me now are you on this platform i'm just on the mountain behind oh hi what are you doing i just i don't know how long it would take you to realize okay so in your chest you will find a bow with infinity one and punch two there is not a there's supposed to be a a notch apple well maybe we'll live maybe we'll live maybe we'll live okay okay cool so the idea is and it's really really ridiculous but this was a captain sparkles video from jordan you you fly like normal but then you hit yourself with one of your arrows with punch two and it will propel you higher into the air than before what you heard me you have to jump off here and before you land on the ground you need to hit yourself with punched one two so you're gonna make me go first aren't you wait we don't know we'll go at the same time like you can see that this is my side all right so it's just whoever now there is a button at the the fourth cloud that the winner like there will be a clear winner if you press the button you win okay so we're just it's like the first one we just go at the same time until one of us wins okay all right ready and i don't i think we need a notch apple well i think we could do uh okay yeah okay all right well no if we die if we die i guess we just come back here don't we we come back here but it's always good to have that that unlimited you know that unlimited uh there you go do we want like how many notch apples do we have per chest just like 64. what all right i'm going to eat a nut apple all right me too and uh they're counting down all right three oh no i'm gonna do a five for this one uh three two one oh man oh okay you did it i see how it's done now okay teleport to the cloud jumping okay i got a little bit oh i see the fourth cloud right there stays what are you gonna win this like right off the bat oh i see the fourth cloud right here oh i did it i'm up to the second cloud oh great sir i won am i in the thing help me out of this wait let's see if i can make it up again let's see here oh i lost it's actually pretty stuck there there you go now you're stuck now i'm stuck all right grazer congratulations you've won i'm gonna fly back thank you guys for watching this episode of mineclash paige and molly love you go rescue dog goodbye
Channel: stacyplays
Views: 726,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft
Id: sVW5ILttKTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2015
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