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hello everyone and welcome back to mineclash my name is stacey i'm here with grazer whoa no grazer's not here today i am steve how may i help you oh that's right i got i'm alex and i'm here with steve hello you can even call us i'll leave get it because steve and alex i don't know who's supposed to be doing the intro i don't know if it was supposed to be steve or alex because uh grazer that whole like you do the intro if you won and you do the start if you lost i never have a good idea i thought for once i literally thought i was like dude i had a good idea for once and now it just is going away well no it has to yeah it has to go away because it just gets a little too complicated because for example to let you guys in on a little bit behind the scenes of mine clash since summer's coming up we recorded like two episodes on one day and then all of a sudden a major update was done to minecraft which is why we're stephen alex right now what did you say yes sir no i said yes okay anyway so i contacted grazer because i said listen they introduced so they introduced the new uh 1.10 snapshot which was like crazy i didn't think we were gonna get it this soon i thought we would get it maybe like a little bit before minecraft no i have no idea what is in this snapshot stacy this is all a complete surprise to me it's a little crazy because every youtuber has been making videos about it but look at this look at this and i have no idea see this egg in my hand yeah hello milk toast what you can spawn cats you can spawn cats now oh my god i did a whole video on my channel about how like you can now spawn like donkeys and mules um but the the most amazing thing is that there's a new mob the polar bear which is why we're in a snowy biome because i didn't want to just spawn in a polar bear i want to find a polar bear oh my god guess you said that you said you had to kill a polar bear so are they like a boss i can't believe it i just i this challenge is going to be so hard because i want to just find the polar bear and just admire him but we're going to kill them is he hard to kill i don't think he's that hard to kill i don't i don't know i've never i've never killed a polar bear in real life or minecraft so this is your first time all right so this is both of our first times killing oh my gosh look at this cat's face he's old what's he doing all right so what is the challenge stacy what do we got to do all right so grazer the challenge is the following you have to get these four new blocks what the is that thing that looks like the thing in star wars where anakin got killed i will get to those in a minute once you kill the polar bear you're gonna get either i think they drop this every time maybe it's a chance oh no oh no no you're either gonna get a regular fish or there's a small chance that you could get a salmon okay is that why on our boards we only have one item frame here so we just have to put the one that we get from the polar bear when we kill it exactly all right so the four new blocks and one of the salmon by the way i don't think i've asked you yet grazer um are you ready to lose no i am not ready to lose because you're going down way this is 1.10 and img 10 now so this is the first time where i am going yeah that's my side oh okay let me go so anyway to answer your original question if a polar bear has a cub then he's going to attack you right away oh shoot and that's not going to hurt much right it's like a mob so it's like a not like a zombie hit i'm hearing that it's compared to like a guardian oh shoot okay that's pretty good but if he doesn't have a cub then he won't attack you at all so that's going to be even harder to have to kill him i don't want to kill all of them i don't even know what they look like so i don't know if that looks cute or not i know what they look like but i've never seen one i think this is a polar bear right here grazer i found one right i know okay so let's go over the new blocks okay people the grays are there for a second i was like what okay it's really sad that even you call that a grazer so the first block is the magma block oh is that this thing this thing right here the lovely one yeah and so it's hot to step on you can find it naturally in the nether which is why we have the nether portal but you can also craft it with four magma cubes okay and not magnetic what's a no it's a cream cube it's a magnesium yes yes four magma creams get you the magma cube which actually i was watching videos about the block since it's like hot to walk on it's kind of a cool thing like it's gonna be used probably like in a lot of like you know people's houses you could put like carpet over it so someone just like like a trap oh yeah so sick i'm just thinking of ideas now okay that's a really good one all right so then the next one over is the nether wart block which i think is in my opinion kind of pointless but i mean it's not ugly though for what it's not as yeah i'm just happy anytime there's a new block to build with honestly yeah so exactly that is just a full crafting table of nether warts so we made sure that there is a fortress nearby i think you have to go north out of the portal exactly the rule is you can only take one side of the netherwort because obviously there's only one spawn and you need to make sure it's fair for everybody and also before you continue there are challenge guides yeah there are challenge guides here you can bring them along with you it'll just tell you everything on the go because it's a little bit of a happening welcome to the 1.10 snapshot challenge yes challenge people magma block netherwort block red nether block and i think it's red another brick block and a bone block and a polar bear dropper it's the red nether brick and then the blue yeah exactly so these are all new blocks which is why the challenge guide is so crucial this time because i'm not gonna remember how to make these or what they're called and whatnot and what they look like so for me another brick block is two nether bricks and two pieces another wart combined in the crafting table but i haven't checked this out yet but i'm hoping that they introduced red nether brick stairs and fences because otherwise that would be really mad i would i would like that you you would not like that at all no i'll be mad if they didn't do matching fences and stairs yes because that would look good i thought you just said it would look really bad and i was like well that's awkward i need another brick gate like i don't think that there's ever been another brick gate in minecraft um and then the last one is the bone block which i'm actually really excited about because i just think it's like a nice i'm always looking for like white variant blocks it's so clean i like it it's nice it's really nice looking it's just a crafting table with bone meal in there bunch of bone meal but do you want to know the thing i'm gonna probably blow your mind on this because you probably haven't watched any of the snapshot videos nope none you can find like pockets of these underground like coal what and they're in the shape of like fossils like like rib cages and like giant heads so like skulls so it's like a mod as if you would find it at mom it's almost like there's dinosaurs buried under the world now basically that is the coolest thing ever but i think it's only like in deserts and swamps which if you think about it is really cool because the swamp is kind of like have you ever heard of the la brea tar pits where is this place in los angeles where there used to be tar and like all of the like mammoths and stuff would get stuck in the tar and then like wolves would jump on top of the mammoths and start eating the mammoths because they were stuck but then the wolves would also sink into the tar and then they discovered like all of the fossils look it up okay it's a cool thing and i'm glad that like minecraft relates to it so like you can find the fossils underneath the swamps minecraft definitely relates to that like why wouldn't but obviously i think for the purposes of this video we're gonna need to kill skeletons to get the bone meal instead of finding the fossils which i'm super excited about because there's also a new type of skeleton that lives in arctic biomes how much new stuff is there i don't know i mean that's about it oh okay but there's also no no there's a new zombie called the husk the husk and these are all gonna be found in this biome right here uh i don't know if we'll see a husk but we will probably see the stray which is the new skeleton okay all right i'm ready to win i'm so excited so it can't be it obviously doesn't need to be peaceful grazer so maybe take it off just a suggestion because you always look at that it was on peaceful wasn't it okay so like i explained in the beginning of the episode we are no longer trading off weeks of saying who gets to go first or who gets to stay welcome because everyone's gonna be confused in the next two episodes because whoever wins on this episode we've already filmed the next episode or whatever it might not be so just so you guys know for the next two mind clashes it's just gonna like this is not a thing anymore okay all right you're ready count it down see if that let you do it all right thank you no it's not a thing grazer stop making it a thing on your mark get set set go to go to the nether blocks first i'm going for the blocks the blocks is probably better because then you can search for the polar bear also at night when you're getting the skeletons but i'm so excited to see you polar bear well that might be your downfall i'm heading it might be my downfall but i can't like i have stacy think about it you don't want to have a loss because you wanted to see a polar bear early on yeah but you don't know how rare the polar bears are that's true that's like you might and i don't know how big this they're not that rare okay gotcha wait where i don't see this lava block you said there was a lava block in the nether that i can achieve and it was the it was the magma cream block right i can't fight it anywhere i'm screaming they're so pretty oh my goodness i'm so sorry she's over there okay i want to get hit by one because i want to see how they what they whoa how much damage do they do oh no he loves me oh no he doesn't oh no he doesn't oh i almost died ah i'm sorry you're so beautiful i don't want to do this pour a polar bear all right executed i don't want to do this it's his time though it's gotta go i love you oh he didn't drop anything yes his death was for nothing it's okay there's another one there's another one oh i feel so bad i want to just like play with these guys forever oh my god i don't want to kill them wait what no no what what we have a problem houston we have what's the problem the skeleton kind of made the pigment angry in the nether by shooting them and now they're all after me oh boy this is not good okay okay wait a minute you found like a regular skeleton in the fortress yes that's what i was gonna say i was gonna say i found a skeleton in the fortress and i got short she did oh no magma blocks anywhere all right um so okay there said that there was blocks in the nether that i could oh my god i will give you a secret like i'll give you a hint about them if you want don't die don't by the way keep inventory oh it is not on oh no okay yeah you gotta make sure you're paying attention i can't find the area of the fortress that the netherworld said i'm trying to decide if i should help you about the magma block or if i should just be like why is there only a specific place it's found kind of i didn't know that but kind of yeah it's under lava okay i would just assume so thank you all right i'm gonna grab my half of another word and i'm going to oh on how did you get to the fortress you know what i just went straight north and it was there but i don't know how i'm getting out no but like how did you get down to the fortress what do you mean how did i get down i jumped down it's like a two block jump isn't it oh it's like from like the top that's it all right so okay we technically need how many pieces of netherwort like nine plus oh you need uh you need nine netherworth why do you need oh yes no no no that's right my entire side though of netherworld didn't even consist of like as much as i needed i only have 10. what like my entire side of i'm gonna have to grow my own nether what it looks like because i didn't get enough yeah that's a rule you're gonna have to grow it you know what i'm not i'm not fussed i got bones already oh no it doesn't work on netherworld i forgot how could i be so stupid i was so like down and just like oh whatever it's not a problem i would totally kill this skeleton but there's also a wither skeleton wait are you actually gonna make me grow this you know how long i'm going to wait how many are on my side one that's like oh there's there's the same amount then yeah you go only ten a lot of times in fortresses there's more there's chess which is why i'm going to look for them now or there's multiple nether wart farms i'm looking for the chest first and foremost oh i see your name tag this is i'll go down here chest about a chest not a chest is this it is this it no we're good we're good i've got another word needed and required let me use the ax okay i can do this right to get my i think this is probably where the nether word oh no wait that's not did you take this chest wait you said that it was diagonal netherwort another word another brother rack another bread no another brick yeah but it didn't work still i put it on my four crafting table netherworks you don't have another brick yet another oh it has to be the new nether bro okay got that got you got you guys no not a new nether brick like a an actual brick not a brick block oh oh oh oh i got you because i never looked it up i just kind of assumed it was the block okay crazy where's another wart do you have any of the netherwork yet there's two pockets in there just waiting for you you found a second yeah there was two pockets so i'm good to go on the nether warts this is horrible i'm loving it loving it i found you right here i can't find another wart i'm lost i'm lost too i don't know where the portal is wait this is a it's a pillar no is this no there's no it was south it was so yeah we have to kill this blaze okay let me check cords this is north and then this it was over this way i'm so used to spam clicking ah stacey's not having a good time i'm loving this i'm loving this what is that that's what i found a magma cube good good good get that magma cube you'll need it for the block i need to i need to kill my polar bear now i have not seen my polar bear out of the nether i wanted to save it for like the last you know grazer i can't i can't find where oh no it's easy i should be putting down torches to signify like where i've been yo why didn't i do that and we need to do this and then we need to do i don't know what all the blocks are so i'm burning in lava i'm burning in lava oh you just lost everything no daisy no no damn alex i'm so sorry give me my stuff back oh my gosh i'm gonna lose are you unable to turn a netherwart block back into netherwork yeah they haven't done that yet i'm not done here then i accidentally made two and i'm missing one netherworld no yes dang it dang it dang it this is not good wait i have to get all my stuff back he's so stupid are you serious do you really want me to answer that all right i'm going for the polar bear though i've been waiting long enough i want my polar bear oh is that him or is that the is that the skelly here do you want to do you want to toggle snow real quick oh it's the stray oh god this cannot move i feel really defeated well i wouldn't feel defeated yet because i still gotta go and find another word again and if you were smart you'd follow me to it oh wait i'm so excited what i put my polar bear drop in my frame so you just need the nether items yeah oh no i have not found a polar bear yet this is not good grades are not i found another stray oh he gives you hunger i was literally about to win okay uh bone block and then baby zombies why all right i can't afford to lose there's two baby zombies i can't afford to lose this we gotta go get that netherwork grace go go go go go go go go go why are there two baby zombies i need to follow grazer i thought wait did you find no you didn't find a polar bear i know i haven't found one yet i'm doing this first because i know that i know where the netherward is so i'm just getting this off the list and then i'm looking for it no you're not allowed to take more nether award than you've already taken you have to leave me another wart oh wait how am i gonna do it then i can't find another fortress i'd have to find another fortress you can't take my netherworld that's the rule i just remembered that i took did i take all i think all of my both my packs all right that's what i was going to check for if i took it off if i didn't then i'm going to go do a new course i'm going to take a picture though boom why are you here why aren't you going to the netherwar i had to take a picture of the cords just to make sure i can find the portal again if i have to find a new fortress but the uh yeah the fortress is over here i'ma check this is the moment of truth no i'm not about to do this i'm about to lead you right to victory here go for it no thank you i'm going out of here i'm going to find another fortune are you serious i can't lead you to victory the minute i lead you to that you're going to find it i'm you're going to win oh i got withered what yes yes go go go go go go gage did you get all the netherword or not don't take my stuff don't take my stuff i didn't take it any i didn't get any of it actually it's still why don't i die instantly from wither oh stays dead where's the interior of the nether fortress where is it i can't find it this nether fortress is not my friend it's not my friend either but here it is i think i found the you have to leave 11. i left uh yeah yeah yeah oh oh up here wait so i only need to leave 11. you have to leave 11. that's so that's all i need to leave other than that i can take whatever yeah can you come kill this wither skeleton so i can get my stuff you want me to do that for you is he still taunting you over there i got my sword i feel like some of my stuff might have asked oh no oh stacy no i don't want you to flop like this i'm flopping grazer and i was doing good i found the polar bear first this is i fear oh and you know what i shouldn't be feeling bad because you win like every time why am i feeling bad why do i just is it just because we don't have armor like why did i just get instantly killed by a wither skeleton and a blaze that is kind of weird how you did well i did take like a drop the second time you came back you did not have your armor anymore right can you kill the guy first oh no oh i need to leave you 11. i died i can't upload this this is embarrassing you have to for once grace needs to shine it's time to shine no i killed the polar bear you know what i will do for you stace i will skeleton you will see a chest you will see a chest with a delivery of nether wart for you just for you yeah because i feel kind of bad you know you're you're upset you keep getting killed i feel like this is the least i could do for my girl stacy you know what i'm saying really where's the chest how do i uh get out of the fortress i don't see the chest anywhere i don't know i'm coming i have to get up the sportsters first i think i remember where you died can you go and get my iron pickaxe down there oh man i don't even see it where is your iron pickaxe go get my stuff behind i know is it in the same spot oh i see the wither skeleton hey there with us kelly how are you okay here's my chest plate uh-huh yeah go get my uh my sword should be hold on is there like a pickaxe down here there it is can i survive this fall do you think you can survive up to 24 block drop no i don't know all right i will personally see through it that i collect your stuff and bring it back here we go i will carry it back for you i don't think i've ever died this many times in a mine clash this is good grazer finally gets to have the last laugh this challenge isn't over it's over the thing is i can't get that magma block without the pickaxe and the pickaxe just fell down good news for you can i have your pickaxe if you go back to your spawn there will be a delivery man from grazer 10 inc what your door is another oh well that that's bad because that's not where the delivery is going to take place where did you go did you take my stuff i took your stuff and i'm delivering it back at spawn for you in the nether or in the overworld hold on a second i'm dealing with a little bit in the uh in the nether and another come to the uh the portal in the nether as soon as you get in i can't because i dropped down here so i just i'm gonna have to all right i'll come for who knows what time that was it's to become nonchalant at this your delivery has arrived what stuff do you have um how'd you get this back it's all yours your pickaxe and everything now there's one complication i didn't get any bones there's one complicated oh you want me to throw some bones in there too here let me toss some bones in there a bone i thought here i'll toss in an extra there you go now there's one thing one one little complication i don't got the lava block for you i do not have that lava block for you but magma cube magma block but i know you can get it close to around here somewhere in fact i can see one yeah you can see them from here so good luck i have to go find a polar bear now and i can only hope that the polar bear is like mega rare i'm hoping that it's not like you said here we go i have no sword by the way good luck and i have no food i have uh i have no no i don't have your food or your sword so i uh those were lost unfortunately but now i have this and i can do this and uh this is unlucky we wanna do super unlucky and then where's the polar bear wait do they spawn in broad daylight or only at night no what it's well it mimics real life grazer like in real life when it hits night all the polar bears come out but then in the daylight they're just gone so so what do they spawn like do they spawn like a cow or a sheep like in packs like randomly around or do they spawn like rabbits what's their spawn on their blocks down here oh maybe she didn't maybe that'll buy me some more time i can't find the polar bear where did you find it how far did you have to walk out okay there's some over there is there any closer am i seriously gonna have to block over to there i seriously hope i do not find one with a cub oh did you find one i found them with a cub oh man no okay he wasn't that hostile towards me though i got to kill him i killed him pretty quick you already killed him i killed him stace i'm on my way back do you have the magma block i have it in sight cece you better not be playing me right now i better win you better not be winning right now stacy don't you be clicking that button right now no i stepped on the magma block i got it don't click the button i'm not at spawn right now good i'm not either okay good because uh fortunately you have lost another crazer it's over oh you didn't even get tv that's funny look at the fireworks oh no i got tp'ed into the middle of the nether and fell into lava and died again oh well you died so much this round and i got all the victory so you can go check my board over here a fish the red nether brick and the nether wart block thing you're about to have ever lost this bad are the cats here can i oh you've lost this bad you want to reflash the wizard of oz we don't speak of that challenge all right oh my gosh no that wasn't fun i think it was really fun all right i know exactly how i'm gonna kill you stacy are you ready for this i think you kind of know how it's gonna happen already you're gonna spawn a polar bear in some cubs yep goodbye why is he mad no paige and molly love you go rescue a dog
Channel: stacyplays
Views: 575,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Stacy, Stacyplays, Stacy plays, Stacy vlogs
Id: soag4bi_T3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Sun May 22 2016
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