aMAZING MAP! - Minecraft Diversity w/ Stacy Ep1

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Gabey when it's go quick welcome back to the channel I am here with someone who some of you may know and some of you may not but I'd like to introduce you to my new friends Stacy hello so Stacy also has a gaming channel her link will be in the description for you guys to go check out so me look at me now looking at me okay I'm looking hi thanks for having me yeah I'm excited we have never collab before so this is our first time doing it and we're gonna be playing a map called diversity so the very white map yeah well its diverse so if you guys can tell there's little wool colors up here so the goal of the map is to collect all the different colors of wool and the way that you do that is you do a different map in this map I know it's confusing and then you collect that color wool so the cool thing about this map is that each little minigame map is different than the next so that's where you get the name diversity now I told you though there better not be any parkour I'm pretty sure there's probably a parkour I don't know I'm bad at that too so yeah we will let's go ahead and see what's in here so we have oh guides it's recommended wait oh you got the recommended one the other one on the other side says reading is for chumps guide oh do you want to read that one okay or do you want me to be the chump I'll be the chump wait so okay it's just it's just the description it's okay show me the chump so what does that book say it says this is diversity hello your side well it's gonna be page two diversity this one has nine pages oh yeah complete the branches to collect the wool warning traveling to and from hub will clear your inventory this is like the set up stuff yeah okay so this one says that let's see each cutter block is achieved by completing a different genre of Minecraft challenge monument blocks are scattered across the map in branches access from the hub there's bonus rooms where you can take a colour if the challenge is too difficult for you okay so maybe that'll be the parkour yeah yeah alright so there's a bunch of rules we know the rules don't go into creativity you don't break any blocks unless told to and don't cheat you're ready to do this I think so okay let's take a step into this first room so this must be let's seeyou adventure oh oh this is what we're supposed to fit the colored box Oh introduction adventure arena which one do you want to do first I'm gonna be a rebel here and I'm gonna say that we should do the introduction one okay I was gonna say I know it's out of order I know all right this is step on this don't tell me it's not working so those errors meant something all right well I'm gonna go cry now in the corner I'm just gonna let's skip the introduction oh my life I have wool now alright so we yeah we had to activate commandblocks so yay and Wednesday oh hey yeah mine disappeared okay so now we need to insert that into the chest this is the introduction okay challenge was definitely challenging so something exciting gonna happen when I put this wool in this chest I think so I didn't even know that was possible in Minecraft technology an item down oh okay good so now you understand how to build the monument so I guess and we already did the introduction out here probably right yeah that was it that was the introduction it just talked about how we need to complete all the leads with all the colors I thought we would have to take the colors back up here but this is this guy yeah that's awesome so I think it went ahead and unlocked this for us so we can choose okay definitely this is gonna be cut up into many episodes for you guys um I'm excited about this what do you what do you want to do oh no it's parkour branch do you want to take a step inside the parkour no your brain I didn't think it would let me okay rule number one don't don't do that partner cuz it's wool it's so easy to break it's okay it's okay okay what do you want to do first do you want to do a real is your favorite color purple is yours I don't want to say what it's my hair my hair color white and we already did it we already doing yeah well this one's labyrinth feein labrynth Ian I have no idea what that is well a labyrinth it's a maze Oh do it okay yeah I'm bad with the Oh instructions oh oh look this is cool the labyrinth branch three stages are you here with me yeah can you not see me no I can't see you what I can see you probably have to relock hold on let's go ahead well wait I'll just go maybe should I return to the hub and then come back yeah you could try that let me read this oh we're both back here oh all right well if it doesn't work I can just I see you can you see me I can you can yes okay let's go ahead and read these instructions one more time so the labyrinth three stages reached the end the purple wool is yours yes all right that's all right Stage one I guess should we stick together Oh again oh my gosh oh my gosh this is huge whoa do you want to stick together or deal one together I mean we could still see each other but we'll sit together let's go right okay let's stick to the are the right always rule you want to do that was that a thing I don't know I just made that up should be a way okay no turning left we're only turning right because we just made that rule up okay and it'll help us well now we have to turn left oh so I guess our rule is wait look see we'll turn right I feel like wearing the Triwizard Tournament now that's a dead end try bizarre tournament Harry Potter for omame use oh no no I watched I watched it but I don't like remember everything you remember from the book I don't know I don't know I don't read really I know I should read a lot more I've been trying but I just always get really sleepy I just get so tired I hear you I'm okay this is really confusing I'm do we do have a plan here each going with the I am trying to only turn right okay just follow your heart yeah and when you can no longer turn right then that's when you go left you don't think that uh hopefully it'll teleport us back to the hub when we get there right you don't think we have to come back oh gosh that would be terrible would be the worst well there's three stages I think we actually did the first day yeah how do you know oh yeah all right checkpoint Steve - oh wait which way are we supposed to go this Gary way yes gonna happen I'm just gonna walk on the side right are we doing our right rule uh yeah let's do it hey be careful though cuz if you run you may be hungry by the time we finish this oh that's right you know what I'm thinking I'm thinking we have to step on all pressure plates - like all the way to the end because maybe it's gonna teleport us somewhere that would be cruel so cool ok so we go right we have to go this way right yeah right roll it's like whenever I go mining I always put my torches on the right so I know how if I went that way if I'm coming or leaving so that I never get lost in mine that is so smart I always say I'm gonna do that and then I just go into the mine and just put them everywhere okay I'm not gonna give up why would it I I would like to give up really oh there's a button oh I didn't realize that's the UM that's the one freebie oh I know each level you can choose a freebie yeah oh no yeah let's not we'll save that I don't I have no idea where we are now Pharrell I am turning around we didn't come this way Yeah right I don't think so I'm pretty sure we haven't done this way oh this looks like the beginning actually yeah wait we came up the other side cuz we came out the other side let's go back to sweet let's go back this way cuz we'll be deeper into the maze so okay I don't remember um I think we need to go straight right yeah but now we can go either way let's try this wait did we already do this one did we I think we did this I don't know Oh God now I'm turning around hmmm that's one I think I'm overweight where are you I'm coming back okay I think there's something this way okay but by something I just mean more maze so let's turn here oh my gosh you can be stuck in here forever look let's go down this one it'd be really sad if you know well there's a crappy month from now we're like 37 so weeds I think oh god I'm really turned around now I'm turning left and breaking all the rules I love you go all the way to the end you never know I guess it's true yeah right here oh no no I do not know we need to do this one because parkour is just for the both of us this is oh this is oh this is hard I don't remember which way we've gone and which way we have it dead end I know me either I'm running I'm sprinting for this one I'm going left ooh yeah this is new this is a give up one again okay no let's go in a circle sway ooh ooh what's this what's this what no nothing are we going give up oh we're back at the beginning you know what I'm back at the beginning well okay let's try this soon we separate I don't know cuz then both of us may have to find the thing maybe not because remember when we hit return to hub both of us go there oh that's true okay we'll listen I'm gonna go this way okay and I'm gonna go left this time okay what should I don't know we can stick together or okay okay I'm gonna do left because last time we first came into this one and we did right so let's do left please just oh no that's a still maybe a new area okay look see this is where we were now we have to remember how to get back here because I feel like this isn't important that's a give up button there is it let me check what's over here give up button yes or if there's a give up button but then right to the to the left there's a way to go okay so let me go this way here okay let's go straight first so let me think wait what you got I'm thinking okay that's me thinking right here okay give up button is we've went this way so when we come back to this hallway the only one we have to do is the right or when we come back the left uh-huh okay so keep that in mind okay all right so we're going left who are we yes this looks like a circle I'm gonna go this way okay I found another give up button nope this is a dead end okay so now we need to go back to that one spot I don't remember where what it's here right yeah it's here this way yes okay so let's come all the way down here and we'll go left left dead end we shouldn't have done the labyrinth first blessed give up know what I will render another left this seems like a long way oh my gosh are you fry I'm done I'm lost I don't I had it I don't think I remember way back never give up sign oh my are you for real okay I'm going left I think this is somewhere in I thought you'd give up on there's another give up there's an available here oh wait help me now come this way okay no we haven't gone this way yet oh okay checkpoint one more left yay wait you hear lava oh my god I do what's in here torches yay okay we'll split these last ones grab those oh I already split grab grab the 16 one yeah okay okay listen so we'll use our torches to help us in the rains so rule is always keep your torches on the right so then you know whenever you're walking if they're on the right you were facing which direction when you were going okay sense yeah okay okay oh three two what what what are you going to die I'm on fire okay we need to be careful so okay I'm gonna do the right rule why do we need the torches I don't oh oh I have an idea so your place whenever yeah whenever we go whichever way like I'll place it right here on the floor okay so cuz we're gonna go this way and then we know we could I place one here I don't know I'm alive though it's okay we have a checkpoint and I have torches still so we didn't lose them okay good okay so yeah we'll put the torches on the floor whatever direction we came from so yeah put one down before there you go I'm scared to push I'm gonna push you in the I'm gonna I don't want to push you in the lava it'll make you feel better no I don't want to do that okay okay so are we going this way that way I lost oh wait it's not really hurting me that much I think it's like if you stand in it uh-huh I only lost half of a bunny head this weird texture pack thing my health is like bunny heads and carrots okay you want to split up you go that way and I'll do this way so I put a torch here yes okay okay and I'm always doing the right roll to the right that's my only option okay so this is a dead end I got I got more I have one more area to explore Oh Oh oooh this goes far okay let me check if this is oh no wait a second oh no it's not a dead okay I have a dead end so I'm coming back oh you should come to this okay please think we solved it already no oh god yeah okay oh okay I mean I'm on a fire watch out for the lava okay thanks for the warning oh you're not gonna like what's around now what is this just telling you that right now go ahead and look oh my dear Lord yeah let's do a right roll okay well do you know what I just thought of what would be so means what is if we're supposed to actually run through one of the lava walls that's true I don't want to try I don't I don't let's let's save that as a last resort okay okay so we're coming this way I just went all the way down to the furthest one so we couldn't go right in and then we have to go left oh oh this is a dead end Oh Oh for bunny heads down now if you get lost actually if you get lost it's gonna be hard to tell which direction if you die and have to start over it's gonna be hard cuz we put torches or we already walked we should put torches where it's not that direction so if we come back out here yeah okay let's do that I was just listening to your tie now you can help - I mean if you have any suggestions for toys rolls please I don't what you sounded like you have a I thought it was a good one now so now we put the torches down on the routes that we aren't gonna go no no so we'll go down this way and then if we come back that's when we'll put the torch so we know not to go that way you know everything yeah yeah is that a dead end no there's a right so I'm gonna go that this is a dead end so we're gonna put a torch there cuz we never have to go through it ever again this keeps going well this really keeps going okay I see something oh let's see let's do the room oh I'll be careful if you die it's gonna suck trying to make your way back over here okay this is a dead end and I'm dying okay oh oh no no cz no no no CC oh the bunny hits okay this is a dead end - let me come down this one I'm still on fire but oddly not dying okay dead end okay I'm gonna do the right row oh this looks promising oh no oh sometimes you die more than others alright should I do one of these other ones done I think this is actually the way really cuz it is still going for Oh on fire on fire really on fire ah do you have food oh I'm trying not to die I'm reaching a little bit oh wait wait if I step on these I'm gonna wait for you okay my health is regenerating okay actually I don't know which direction I came uh yes okay it's a long little pathway that you just always see your nametag so you just went straight here did you find the end I think so there's a return to hub button and then there are multiple uh pressure plates just stop what I don't know why oh dear no oh god no what this looks like it's like the center what do you think that we just need to what are these what are these little pressure plates for I don't know maybe from whatever maybe maybe it's a happy thing maybe it just means that all of them get you the wool okay oh you know what I you know what I think it is what so these are all colored right yeah so I think this is probably like the halfway point to this maze so you can kind of use the colors to show which direction you don't go maybe I stepped on it Oh checkpoint step on a play checkpoint hey yeah I got a checkpoint but you're so this doesn't it no it's not the ending that's not the ending um which direction should we do yellow it's yeah the right okay let's do the let's do the yellow please be the yellow one this is long corridor I'm going right oh gosh my lord these are like really long mini games oh boy it's no joke okay to the right Oh to the right again oh okay this is why yeah I know this is a dead end okay okay it's all good on the neck yeah I'll put a torch right here oh gosh is this you know you can turn here Oh turn more okay so I'm gonna go to the right I think this is a I think this was a loop wasn't it well maybe maybe not B doesn't look like there's more down there yeah okay maybe we just went the right way don't go ya know so made it made oh my gosh what what no come here come here I can't see through your head I'm scared to moves a ladder like it if we just did it I'm gonna be so surprised oh wait what in the world oh we're on top another checkpoint at least wait so we got a checkpoint hold up don't run on the lava run on the glass oh my god you don't want to tell me twice okay so it's another we're out of the weird maze I wonder if we just have to get to that end over there yeah that is definitely the end point um oh this is a dead end okay yeah so let's try to look ahead um wait a minute if you like when you fall down if you went do that lava you all down we have a checkpoint so should we go different ways we can just to spice it up a little bit um I wonder you can actually now we just technically jeongmi job can you I mean I don't see why not anything about jumping oh wait no wait how are you how are you supposed to jump how are you supposed to jump on this I wonder if that's just an another entrance to here to the checkpoint no I'm pretty sure you okay I'm gonna try to do this but I may fall in the lava because the roof is low so okay I'm gonna get up running start I mean it's gonna be hard to jump in there maybe is there like a lever that we need to fall okay I'm gonna try it okay I mean I'm in the purple wool room beautiful okay wait can you just right there if you do it will it return both of us to the hub I think so but do you want to you want to see it okay I made it purple is your favorite color one two three did you get it oh yeah I got it wait I don't see it okay stand back I think it's gonna show up I wear a thing laughs here yeah Roxy no I can't see you oh I'm here in spirit yay okay well we didn't see you okay well we did the labyrinth I feel pretty good about our progress demolished accomplished so we only have what nine no yes yeah no the the introduction count yes that was hard super difficult yeah we only have nine so I don't know watch honey you want to do I have to choose purple what color do you want to do oh I don't know I guess I guess we can decide in the next episode okay or maybe yeah let's do that cool silver yay we did it I like this map I did do I am pretty excited it's really like techie and teleports you places I like it but I hope you guys enjoyed it be sure to check out theses town I'll put a link in the description and if you guys are watching this from her channel hi let us know if you guys enjoyed the video by leaving a like and if you guys aren't subscribed to either miss be sure to head over to the channel and subscribe but thank you guys so much for watching I got I'll see you guys later
Channel: iHasCupquake
Views: 3,990,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft map, diversity, minecraft game, game, games, gaming, gamer, fun, map, maps, cupquake, ihascupquake, quake, funny, girl, custom map, mini, mini map, series, mini series
Id: MQ5Y-9WxVyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 4sec (1864 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 05 2014
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