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hello everyone and welcome back to mineclash my name is stacy and i'm here with grazer the floating head hello we're in spectator mode stays we're in spectator mode heads just floating around the little terrain hello gracer and no i'm not ready to lose oh all right you're gonna lose anyway so we're in spectator mode because i actually want to check out the challenge before we start it we're in the start room right now this is the convention confusion challenge aka the pack south 2016 challenge yes so for those of you unaware pack south is in a couple of days and this challenge is themed after well what is it themed after it's inspired it's it's themed after pack south it's also inspired just by like minecon or any type of gaming convention vidcon uh basically there's a huge convention floor underneath us right with booths and displays and yes uh similar to like vidcon or minecon and what we're going to be doing is when we go through these doors eventually it's going to spawn a bunch of mobs but the mobs are disguised as like fans and convention goers now where did you get this idea of a challenge from well it's funny you ask grazer so the object of the game is going to be there's going to be a seeker and a hider it's basically hide and seek and i'm like let's just say for example i'm the hider and you're the seeker you you're going to have to make it through all of the fans and all of the other people and try to find me yes and my job is going to be to try to avoid you as much as possible the inspiration from this came from maybe real life grazer trying to find me at conventions and she's telling stacey i'm going to be there and she's like yeah and if you watch the minecon vlog that i'm a meeting grazer you like ran up behind me like yo stace it was like olly found me oh yes i did i didn't do good so now it's time for her to redeem herself and hide once again and yeah i wish i had a disguise now the difference for this one though stays is that we're gonna take turns right so yeah i think we should take turns and we should decide like how many like i think maybe the first person to win three rounds okay and the hider has four minutes to hide and if the seeker does not find them after four minutes then the seeker loses and the hider wins okay yes so where does all this take place let's go straight down to the convention floor oh no oh my god oh my gosh are you freaking serious i'm gonna go into creative now they did not build all of this yes they did no they didn't yes they did a map that was already made that you guys downloaded and that was it no this is the convention center that they built uh this took them about a week oh my god they all worked on different booths of it you can go like see here's the main wall shirts build team booth oh my gosh this looks exactly like a freaking convention all right i'm kidding i've been to multiple and it looks just like it look it's just panda over here if you look closely you have a merch booth somewhere oh my gosh i found a i found a grazer fan she's named too oh my god i l why i love you oh that's not a name omg i love you got it got it i thought it was like her name's emily by the way there are like um tunnels that you can go to that connect different parts of the convention no and this is like the backstage place yeah so you can like hide from me further this way i really like the actual convention center there are these places that look ugly that are backstage and you walk through them and then you get to the main these are shortcuts that you can do yeah yeah that's exactly how it works look it's a mesa mesa explorer oh my goodness which of the booths are going to give me free stuff i want free this is p-dog wolf you asked the queue we give the a contact us at what there's an email address i don't know look here's free stuff you can have beetroot what no no no no this thing actually works okay i'm gonna ask a question and it's gonna give me yes or no ready okay is stacy going to lose this challenge all right no what it gave me no i'm gonna win is grazer going to lose this challenge yes no this is like this is like when you go to minecon and you get to like go into the convention before everyone comes in oh my gosh and i've had that experience look this is an elytra um demonstration booth look at that look look the elytra wings are floating right there that is so cool we did not do all this oh believe it grace eric items believe it oh that's by generic unicorn this is so where is your merch booth though i want to find it is it this huge huge castle here what is this i don't know it looks like it's a small world a world of hopes and dreams there's a dog in here wait a minute will it blend there's a dog in a blender ah well we found your merch oh stacy plays merchandise oh it's so cute and look there's a maze that we can hide into books too oh that's a good thing to know i'm amazed exit to maze grazer what is this do you recognize this no oh no freaking way it's my ink shack oh that's so cute wait so where's my merch though i just have to find the dark red like yeah look for gray and red look for gray and red it's got to be over here there's a freaking there's a jungle here oh no this is like where the grazer this is there's some stuff in here i think from minecraft story mode as well like this is a chicken i've never played story about killing i don't grazer i'm really scared to hit this will it blend okay i really want to see this all right do i just click this nothing nothing oh good they're not going to get blended up stace what did you think will it blend all right i'm so this is you know this challenge is going to be hard actually because it's like really disor oh that's spongebob for all of your spongy needs i can't find my merch place i can't find your merch place either expensive fences see merchandise this is a fire truck station there is a roller coaster that is like on a train that nathan one day built and i can't find it and this this is like a real life convention oh here it is i found the train let me see where things are really like disorienting after a while oh my goodness the train get in to ride the train no i'm not no no i clicked it before going no no grazer why would you press the button it goes all the way around so oh look at it it's so cool look for the ugliest booth in the ugliest booth probably that's what i was looking for i would imagine that that's what it would be i looked i found the porta potties not there uh i would think that it would have been closer to yours maybe it's like really hidden and like out of the way on purpose maybe it is so that no one goes to the moon wait a minute this kind of looks like pizza razor's merch i found it it looks like a slice of pizza over here oh i saw that what's in it it's my merchandise which you own actually and i own your merch miss stacy please your blue shirt is very comfortable all the time why thank you i'm thinking of releasing it in a different color ah all right so are you ready to play okay grazer i'm going to be the hider all right here we go good luck oh i have armor i see a fan i see a fan of you see fans okay wait maybe i should do this lingering potion there we go i love look at all these fans oh i see a stacy fan oh wait i need to be hiding from grazer yeah how am i ever going to find you in this okay i'm going to make a rule that i'm not going to shift you're not going to shift okay well that's that's it oh no i shifted i saw your name i had to shift well i think that the best option for you right now would be to remain shifted in this space like now come on don't get me with the narrow crazer i'm not getting the effect oh my gosh look at they're my fans or they're not really my fans because they're not mobbing me come on come on i think they're not coming after me they're not going after you because they're my fans where were you all right oh i let my guard down are you kidding you unshifted right next to me i didn't see where you were i thought i ran away from you but i was confused because i thought that the i thought if i'm in survival aren't the mobs supposed to like mob you well yeah they are actually supposed to that's the whole thing is i thought they were supposed to be like chasing you yeah they weren't chasing me so i guess they were nice little fans they were just walking around doing their own thing they weren't chasing me either okay i'm gonna darn shoot i just lost it around like that's not fair this should have been a practice no practice that's one point okay all right all right here we go okay got the bow where am i oh i'm here i'm in uh wait a minute this isn't fair i have speed now good good good good you have speed too wait i have invisibility potions that i spawned with yes but do you have speed too oh no i do not need a crazer yes it is and i'm gonna help i'm gonna have to try to remain couch i'm in a back hall i'm not even in the convention hall yet oh boy thanks for the tip all right well i just shouldn't have said that do you have a name yeah you do have a nametag so i'm gonna be able to see if you get close yes you will look at all these fans so i'm allowed to crouch or no um i mean it doesn't matter because i have a potion of invisibility you can't see my name anyways no but you're supposed to be wearing the armor i am wearing the armor but you can't see my name with the potion this isn't fair why did they make it so that the fans are dressed as us they're dresses us and they don't come after us they just chill they're just like oh look there's stacey nah i don't want her autograph i have the perfect hiding spot though i've been the perfect one you'll never find me oh i'm probably not ever gonna find you i'm gonna start moving around though just because i know you'll never find me there so it's i gotta make sure you have a chance oh yeah yeah i showed your name oh and on the first arrow two grazer the first arrow all right one one one one okay i'll win this one no problem here we go okay you can i barely saw the spectral arrow effect but it's pretty cool it is wait what is the effect i don't see it the effect is that it outlines your body so that you can see someone through like buildings and stuff so if i shoot a wall and you're behind the wall it'll show me you so are we wait have we made a decision yet on the whole shifting versus not shifting thing i i don't care if you do i mean maybe not but if you don't i'm gonna be able to find you very easily so i would say maybe yes but you'd have how about yes what nothing i thought you were after me how about yes but you have to move around a lot these fan girls you're supposed to be asking me for my autograph hello little fan oh little stinky girl can you tell me where stacy is no you just turned around oh wait what was that i just saw something run across here what i don't know what you're talking about molly's eating in the background there was something i just saw something run in the background here look like a fan of me it was like a like a dark like fan robot thing looking i don't know though i guess i should take this time while i'm trying to locate you to check out all of the nice uh exhibits of the convention center oh what is this it's like a what is this what is this big like red and white building right in my building i haven't seen a red and white building it's like in the corner i actually kind of want to check it out i only have 300 seconds but i kind of want to check it out see what it is nah you can't get in there all right all right so we're looking for someone in full iron armor greys they can be shifted but they are always moving okay so that's the rule can be shifted always moving always moving yes got it i thought this was you for sure probably just one of my fans you know my fans that actually aren't that interested that i'm like right here in the convention center at least it makes it a lot less obvious though that's true molly stop eating let's get a vantage point here stacy please so you can probably see me all the time right everywhere i go um i did for a while but now i don't see you i'm gonna run awhile for a while when how long ago i know where i've been well i was at the red and white building no yeah were you what i saw that across the street i was right there oh my gosh how did i not see you i looked behind like every corner are you there anymore i guess not hey maybe no you're not you wouldn't direct me directly to that building if you were still there hide me fans hide me oh boy what's in this this is where i saw the figure like walk out you have speed that's so not fair i can't find you though that's the problem wait you could be back here no this is where you spawn this if you were here and then i went that way that means you probably came this way i'm still moving you tried to trick me you you have only oh my gosh the time is ticking and i hate this i love it i've got it 400 is actually quite a while i was thinking it's too op if i shift but like with speed 2 you can cover quite a bit of ground yeah again oh no no no no no come on come on it's so hard to see you even from up close goodbye no that's two for me why did i unshift i was like i gotta run for it but then i forget you have speed i have speed oh no that was my one to win oh my gosh oh i know that i'm so stressed i should i have one more point stacy if i literally out hide you here i win i got impatient i got impatient all i have to do is out hide stace right now 450 seconds on the clock that's all i have to live for and then i win oh my gosh i'm such a i literally knew that i needed to just be cool but you i wasn't gonna be able to shift walk far enough out i don't see you yet good where are you stace now you can see oh oh my gosh that fan's scared so oh my god i had a heart attack almost i was shifting around the corner and a fan just popped up and i thought it was you just waiting there for me i wish it was oh my gosh okay i know exactly what i want to do i'm just hoping you let me do it you got to keep moving i am moving i'm constantly moving i wonder if shifting works for me how did you not catch me right there what like i'm not close to you but i was just in a like a very very visible area and you were nowhere to be seen i see your name now uh you might want to turn around you go the opposite direction maybe why would you help me because i'm your friend you wouldn't be helping me i feel like you're gonna aim for the hallways or something maybe we still have more than 300 it's okay all right where are you i don't see you anymore this is not good good grazer all right i think i know where i'm gonna hide you all right you're moving right yeah constantly moving and i just made noises but constantly shifting yeah yeah yeah i really want to win i really want to win okay i wanted to go with like a tactical approach but i think i just have to hurry okay so you were shifting where where are you i don't see you i'm about to take a huge risk it would be a huge risk to go in a hallway while shifting yeah okay this is where you were last time oh 200 seconds 200 seconds oh no why did i come in a maze now i can't get out good no no no no no no no no no no no let me live i was so yes two to two grazer well i mean if i win as the seeker here which is very likely i win anyways so it is likely actually because this the hiders never won i know which means you're in trouble stacy game stacy yeah what are you gonna do to hide for 400 seconds i'm gonna have to pull out all the stops this isn't oh man you're really gonna try hard to make sure i don't win and that's what i don't like okay that means i know you're gonna try harder jeans i need to get a vantage point right away here the way i know the map i know that the route that you take directly leads out to this red and white building which means that you will be somewhere around here unless you took the other way in the hallway which would lead i'm just going to go to your spawn point and try to kind of try to trace your route from there see all right so you're not at your spawn point which is what i assumed which means you must have taken the other all right so she unshifts no that's not fair where did you go i just saw you right over here daisy you're here somewhere i got away i got away oh my gosh i got away i went so far i just booked it are you serious oh keep running stays keep running oh what i got away from you i went so far i'm like on the other i never mind i don't know where i am huh i saw you go over here and there's not really a place to go out like after here i'll check in the buildings dang it did you actually get away that sucks the hallways are so i mean there's like not that many people on the the controller no what'd you say nothing uh you're not here such a risk oh my gosh it's such a risk what is i need to check these halls no you're not in the hallway you might have ah why would you you definitely came out somewhere here and i saw you on shift and you walked from the red and white building over to like this thing here that's like a mushroom and then you shift it again which means if you've been traveling it's not been far no i ran i would have seen you run you wouldn't you would you definitely had to have shifted out of this area as i did not see you depart and that means that by this point after all this talking and searching you easily could be out of the area by now easily even with shifting i'm keeping my eye out over there though just in case i see an unshifted name tag somewhere i'm i'm yeah i'm keeping guard you could be away but i'm keeping guard on this specific area just for now you can work what about these win that trees not fair no not once did any of us i win as the hiders i feel like it's not fair that you went to the spawn point like i should get a 30 second head start to like choose a hiding location you want to try one more yes i want to be the hider you want to be the hider but i want you to give i want you to close your eyes for like how much time all right 20 seconds i'll count to you it's 20 19. i'm closing my eyes i am not even moving by the way you ran right by me in the hallway like i was in the corner of the hallway five four no three no this is not a thing no no ready or not no i messed up grace i messed up bad and uh you just made a huge mistake yeah i know you said you're in the hallway you unshifted right here what the heck you'd already won all right greater well i have a feeling that in real life as well you are going to hunt me down at pax south yes i am and i'm going to find you okay we'll be friends yay congratulations i lost another episode of minecraft go ahead and do your outro thank you guys so much for watching this episode of mineclash and thank you to the wall shirts build team for building it yeah until next time paige and molly love
Channel: stacyplays
Views: 599,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 12sec (1392 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2016
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