Minecraft Bed Wars: Stacy's First Time! (Funny Moments)

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[Music] wait are you okay I don't know what to do that's the point yeah played bad words before uh-huh I actually haven't even really watched anyone's entire yeah you actually haven't recorded with wills so long he's changed his name he's they'll grip we need you use the iron use the item shop yeah anything you desire yeah so you buys it so the beginning of it is pretty grinding but once you get into it it's actually pretty okay so I don't know what I'm doing teacher the basics of this game well there's two eyelets with diamond generators of one an emerald generator in the middle you gotta get all that stuff to get other stuff that it's better for our team yes [Laughter] like to help you defeat your opponents if your bed breaks you do not reach ya the cool thing about H being here is that he's got a record on this game and pressures on because he's won 12 times and he's only lost 12 times [Laughter] okay bring it back you can buy team upgrades so we get better iron-forged we get shop and sauces up it's like exponential growth pretty much [Laughter] back until our bed is completely destroyed now if someone breaks our bed we don't read that's why we're defending our bed and that is why it's called bed wars and that's why the game is so dang popular because people love sleep so why wouldn't they defend their bed why don't we have blocks around our thing yeah there's like a deathmatch and Dragons which no one ever makes it to that point so don't go five diamonds yeah no you need to get diamonds from these islands that we've built up to next to us you know what the next enemy to enter your base will receive blind yes yes yes yes we want that oh it's already a lot yeah I bought it already okay this is frustrating this is one of those things where like you guys already know what to do for emerald and the emeralds we got to block to the middle which was your job and you didn't do it [Laughter] super to break yeah that's good to put on the bed yeah put glass put like put like wool you know put like all this we just build like a giant mound yeah mound that's a good one yeah it's like you took mountain took off the end and then put a D instead of a T I'm going for red I think Ont item sure click the AMA and then by the chain thank you Oh if you kill someone by the way and they fall in the void you get all the resources that they had in their inventory totally dying but only you don't respond when your bed is destroyed [Laughter] so yeah you just you don't die until the bed's gone who's collecting all the diamonds because I have one oh we got four diamonds we can buy something alright let's spend all of our money I'm gonna come into action with you okay we're gonna fight oh you're into the diamond yes oh and by the way H I got five diamonds so I'm buying you try your bum by the arrows - this is this is just come on you have to buy everything touch to eight arrows cost ok which one should we go for should go to green green green [Music] I'm dying my green I dyed my green you're done Oh Stacy that oh I killed someone nice you got him there you go remember guys it's it's Stacy's first time ever I'm going to bring this yes so you're gonna die I guess grip wops tutorial did not help you out wait so which one do you like better uh Stacey King Tyler grip whap is that a cantaloupe carefully yeah cos King Kong is also a weird name so the reason he changed it was because he didn't like that name anymore so now he's grip wah wah swords my new alias yeah come on I don't think it's real what is it about it's about is like you know famous youtubers are doing rice coming stuff I wanted a 3/4 letters followed by three oh I thought it was you like the big whopper jr. at Wendy's [Music] alright see see we're gonna go to where do I go what did you get why do I need this what you get oh oh this is sell it to the item shop and you're getting achievement yeah what does that do nothing [Music] yo there's a guy coming this way these days why are you killing him what I don't know I feel really good in this game mode you're not even gonna give him a chance to live Oh what CC save me where are you new title I died oh yeah you died too alright H why didn't we like killed anybody yet what's going on why is this game like progressing so slowly I don't know but I feel like our beds gonna be broken any second now really are we doing that bad no I just feel like it's gonna happen well how would they even mind to our bed oh you could get like invisibility potions and all that stuff too yeah [Music] yes okay triple - one double kill you got a double yeah red is coming from above from above you need to get we need to get as much out as we can and fireball them screaming I'm buying stuff for us sharpened swords have reinforced harbour and they open our Chester no no just just swing to swing they're invisible just keep doing a key doing it keep doing it well I get the front of the bed I purchase the mine see the bed [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] well we have to go and get emeralds from the middle yeah we don't have emeralds a difficult task well I just bought a bunch of in this pot that I fail yeah [Music] get him out of here like that we have the mining fatigue he's dead anybody wait so whole team just died once they're dead they're now they're dead forget was it alright red so anytime you see a red person just go for them because you're literally yeah I'll kill him bye guys did you see how thick that was that I got that bad Oh we'll have to watch it back afterwards basically there's this guy here that was always waiting to kill me and he killed me several times don't die Stacy or else it's over now what no no get out get out get back here get back here we're doing H that would be awful no it's a red we can eliminate him for good what a jerk where are you buddy I know not sure if you were curious about did you just blow up our home what does that mean so that means they're doubt forgettin so don't die now don't die say so you got to keep the 12 and 12 streak intact wait if I die I'm totally dead like your back green and yellow yeah yeah well guys that was really not good on our part no it wasn't like should we build a Sky Tower yeah you guys want a sky base yeah down yeah yeah let's go base one arrow all right I've got a sky base solidify guys you just get to chill down there and relax and watch as I am undefeatable up here no your defeatable oh okay glazing each other in barbecue sauce freezer build this up more blocks yeah yeah yeah then I'm dead I'm dead and dead and dead and dead bye okay now we got it no grip whoops God wills dead for good Stace no this is the this guy's joined with one firewall it's perfect it's literally perfect because if it gets hit by a fireball we'll have to escape the fire it's kind of fun stop jumping in front of me and I thought I fell off the sky base all right yo how do I am after say goodbye to the commentary right now guys I see you after the game will is leaving the vid peace out will peace now that it's down to us 3 what do you say we do stays no one's coming for us yeah we're know it just keeps coming to die oh I see him alright ready go to the right charge the right let's go guys how long is the invisible potion 30 seconds so don't drink it yet it you didn't drink it did you oh ok we're almost that red red is eliminated there's no threat over so we're safe here yeah ok yellow guy over here yeah that's him let's kill him crazy you've done it again no wait you buy no armor the whole game doesn't know yeah zilch another yellow guy over here but yellow guys he just respond right yeah so now we have to go to their base and actually destroy them I don't think that's gonna work well well yeah it is because we have inves ready you guys have TNT as well yeah I got one TNT going we don't want to get more than one TNT yeah are we drinking now I'm drinking if you see someone walk ya don't know going face it go okkkk invade the base invade the base I'm in the base of in the base I killed him I killed him he's dead yet the TSE get another one get another one I'll get all good do you have a pickaxe the TNT doesn't blow up glass no does it yeah I just learned that today yeah do you have a pickaxe intact I do I have a pickaxe okay so they're all just chillin here I don't know what like this is why the game wasn't moving at all because they're not leaving it's a baseball term protection game they're staying to defend their back and therefore yeah yeah but that's boring sneaking oh it's you yeah these guys have not left their base yeah but there's so many green and so many yellow they're gonna eventually ingate I know it's when grazer is alright the only thing is is we gotta somehow pass three minutes and thirty seconds of time grace can you hide in the top of this when everyone's beds are Auto destroyed so they have to engage their force to engage oh yeah hide in the chickens I have to unzip to get there or I can do that oh my okay alright I'm in the team no I'm in here I love it's like you're team blue and there's a trail of blue going up for that guys I'm glad you bought your tickets for that and that's the vid we were gonna wait another ten minutes we could have logged off and like done something else and there's only two people on each team [Music] twelve and thirteen wait this might be intense there's one green guy left into yellow and the one green guy probably the kill CI gulps go yellow that actually was I can't I can't do all this editing so the underdog of the century here he comes we can I expect him yeah I'm in this point of view I'll just pretend like I'm him okay I'm green you going the wrong way dude throw the diamonds yeah good good smart crazy yeah all right oh yeah he's behind you Wow Wow that was really intense
Channel: Graser
Views: 177,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft funny moments, minecraft video, minecraft survival, minecraft stacyplays, stacysays, minecraft trolling, bed wars, minecraft bedwars
Id: of-5C_wR-lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2017
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