"Without Strong Families, We Have NOTHING" (meet my father, Edmund Hulse)

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what he represents is patriarchy we're here to do work as men as patriarchs there's nothing more natural [Music] welcome back to day three of the 21 convention special patriarch edition 2019 of Orlando Florida our first presentation to this day day 3 is actually a special presentation by two speakers it's gonna be Elliott Hulse and his father I'd be a very fortunate experience very lucky to go Delia its 40th birthday party a few weeks ago in st. Pete Florida I got to meet his dad right away I was like this has got to be Elliott's dad of course it was the guy was awesome I think I told him right away that his son was speaking at my conference in a few weeks on fatherhood he suggested very quickly that he should give a speech and I was like yeah that sounds pretty good I didn't know if he was serious or not but as it turned out he was I talked with Elliott about it we set it up you guys about to see that interview between Ellie and his father go down I'm very excited for it and first up you can have Elliott and his father so without further ado I'm gonna welcome Elliott Hulse back to the stage next Elliott morning gentlemen so one of the first questions that a man is met with is who is your father always we see this in many traditions who is your father that's why we get our father's last name because there's something of the pattern of the man from which you come in that name who is your father and so I am very blessed to have a very strong father a father whose name I can be proud of and a father who has a very unique background he wasn't raised in the same kind of culture that we were my father is from the jungle if you will my brother my father's from Belize and he literally literally grew up without wearing shoes climbing trees swinging from branches riding horses bareback you grew up wild he'll tell you and it is from that wild man's seed and character that you see me he came to America when he was you know maybe same ages you guys there's young men you know and and married another Belizian woman and raised us in our culture what you take of it but with many of the jungle law of the jungle attitudes and behaviors and stances and admonitions so I have a unique upbringing in that it was in America but with a very primal veneer and so he's got a lot of unique ideas a lot of unique experiences very different than many of my friends fathers and so I thought it would be amazing for us here on the Sunday morning to gather some wisdom old school wisdom alpha male from the jungle wisdom that my father has to offer and so without further ado I would like to introduce to you my father Edmund house hi guys morning the ad mother - you can have a seat right over there so this is this is my father and you see he sitting up on his high horse behind you there - which is perfect because he loves to fish that's not a normal face yeah one of the things that I came to recognize very recently about my father especially as I become involved with you guys in the manosphere is that he is the alpha male that we were always talking about I didn't know that I didn't realize that when I was a kid growing up in fact I kind of resented him because I grew up in a world where they turned the children against the father and the parents this is what the media and the school does my father was very strong and as a result I wanted to fight back and it wasn't until I was much older had my own children that I began to realize that my father had it right the entire time and that it was great and it is great to come from a strong home with a strong alpha male leader so I'm gonna ask some questions here very basic questions because my dad's answers usually aren't basic so it's a great way to get the ball rolling here and so my very first questions for your dad was if you can offer to the guys what or why you think family is important family is important because it's strength its power so without a strong family you're nothing so to become a strong family you got to have a lot of love to and respect for your kids your spouse you know so that it's very important to have if you don't have respect for yourself and love for yourself your family becomes weak so that's the first thing that I think is very important to have a really strong family a good family and spoiler to have family that that can support you in whatever you do in respect you you know so that's one of the main thing to have a strong family you know to have strong kids you know so if you have a weak family you'll have weak kids and you want your kids to be strong you know so that's basically how I feel about having a it's important to have a good family do you think it's important for for people to have families yes it's important to have family you got to have a family because what's life with all the family what are you living for what do you exist in for you know but not just to have family because you want to have a family it's a reason to have a family and the reason having family is to make the world a better place you know some we are the world you know so there's a lot of you know there's so many things in my mind and I want to stay here but I don't have limited time because I could go on forever as far as family concern so how is the world a better place when we have strong families because you respect each other and give a lot of love to the world you know and that's the only way you're gonna have a good family you know it's with love because love is powerful we don't love you have nothing you know so family needs love and what do you mean by love love is mean that you can you'll do anything for your family yes a you will die for your family you know would you go there for your family who died for your family in here good so if you don't have love how would you die for someone I'm saying it's in love they give you the strength to do whatever you want to do you know so if you want you know I'm trying to find words for you guys here because it's a lot involved when it comes to a strong family first the way I look it is this first you can start with you you got a look at yourself and respect yourself you know and but you expecting yourself your kid will respect you you got to give you kids like energy strong energy and the only way you're gonna do that is by you respecting you who you are you know it's not material stuff that make you strong it's the love that makes you strong and respect for each other's you know everyone you know it's not only we're talking about family right now but I'm talking people wrong you we're all family yeah so if we don't respect each other how can we do good for each other you know that's the main thing is you know is mainly love you know and so what this is we're covering this patriarchy mass this morning and so it's a reference to the Father above also right and so what do you think what role does the almighty play in family the Amira controls everything the almighty controls everything in this world and controls you you have no control of nothing in this life I never think of myself control in my life I never control my life the way I am is from the almighty see and if you could just live your life by doing the right thing for your family with the right intention it doesn't matter what you do just do it from the heart you're saying it's it's you know the main thing is what you feel in you and if it's good or bad as far as someone else it doesn't matter it's what you feel that matters you know you feel goodness that's what it is you know that's how I'll get it what does it mean to be a good father a good father is mean be there for your kids a hundred percent you know give your kids whatever it needs to be better than you you know the bottom line you got a mirror mirror or okay so whatever we do Oh kids will do you got to work hard as far as a father is because your kids got to see you work so we gotta work to build a strong family you can't be lazy you know you get up every day and you do something anything for the right reason that's probably benefit you on your family you know that's been a a good father you know to be there all the time for you kids you know you know just like some people you know you have a job you work you go home you don't go home some people go hang out with their friends associates and they have their family at home you got to be there for you from at all time watch them grow you know what to make mistake keep them in line just teach them respect discipline they have a lot you can't have your kids disrespecting your home and this is what happened you know such basically the whole thing you know being a good father is be there on all time for you kids you know that's alright that's what I do for you guys what are some of the biggest mistakes that you see other fathers making with their families mistakes and I assume the father and the father does is that they're not there for a kid they are they don't discipline their kids that's we gotta have rules we'll he'll have rules if we don't discipline our kids and teach and respect for their family which is Cymbeline's you know model father and brothers and sisters if they don't respect their home they will not respect anybody so we did or discipline him so we don't have to have the government discipline them and if we don't disappear a little kid the government will discipline the kid anybody in here want the government to discipline their kid I don't think so so but if you discipline your kids for them to respect others they'll have a better life you know that means a lot you know I know on your part in my kids part I'm not talking about I'm talking about my phone I gotta talk about my phone cuz it's all I know and I do whatever I have to do to make my kids smart strong mentally and physically your kids got to be strong mentally and physically in this life and the only way you're gonna do that is by you showing them and they're giving you respect you know a lot of parents the kids doesn't respect them how can you have kid talking their parents like they talk doing their friends that's not good what is this kid gonna grow up to be respect no one there get himself in a lot of trouble you know so that's basically how I feel you know respect have a lot to do with it you know what about the relationship between the mother and the father and how important is that in the family that's very important relationship because kids we are a mirror for kids and if your kids see us respect disrespecting my wife or my wife disrespecting me that's not good then the kids gonna start disrespecting the mother so it's very important to have respect for your spouse whoever it is you know if you're married on that some people did not marriage so I'll say you know partner you know so that's very important how does one find a good wife and what didn't what does that mean to be a good wife good wife is very difficult it's a chance in life but to find a good wife is again everything you thought with respect and love and we all have issues and faults we're not perfect and it's mainly understanding so from the outbreak of a relationship we gotta come clean with each others you gotta say well look this is who I am and not someone else this is Edmund accept me to wear em and who you are I got accept accept you for who you are I gotta make adjustment with your fault because we all have faults we're not perfect I can't look at your faults and say you're a pain yes you can't do that you can't respect each one's fault and make your adjustment and then it becomes natural of the world while you don't even see the faults no more because we accept each other's and then after that it becomes love just start loving each others because I love you for who you are not for someone else a fantasy I'm not gonna pick on you because do you snore at night maybe I talk in my sleep at night some people they can't do it stuff like that didn't want to make that adjustment that's why some relationships some people sleep in different beds I don't want to sleep a different bed than my wife you know so we have to make a ladder just means if you won't have a good relationship what are you looking for sex is that a relationship you know we're looking for a perfect woman there's no such thing as perfect so let's make adjustment to each other's it's just at your workplace you work in a place you've got to make adjustments so it's all about adjustment and that's the only way you're gonna have a good relationship and a good wife a good partner make adjustment then everything just becomes normal you're not forced I'm not forcing you to love me you can't force anything in this life there's no such thing as me making you love me because I buy you a beautiful outfit or buy you the best car and order of women that's banging stuff you're gonna love me and respect me we respect each other's and make adjustment in our life and you know respect comes after you know life goes on that's how I look at it it works for me I don't look everybody gotta um try to make people love them I don't try to make anybody love me you love me for who I am and that's the way it's got to be all right if your force is not gonna work so I think that's about the best way you can have a relationship you just leave it alone let grows you know because it's as you get older we change you're not the same person anymore we could change for better or worse but it's always better you know what are some of the biggest mistakes you see men making when they choose a woman that's another thing they're looking for perfect woman they're looking for beauty they guys this woman have to be a certain loop but it's not look it's inside its what you have inside matters it's not how you look you gotta love yourself no matter what you look in the mirror you look at yourself and I love you I love me the same and men and women they want to find this guy tall guy good-looking guy have a lot of money that's what people looking for instead of looking from inside the heart of the men the heart of the woman that's what you got to look for the goodness you know I want somebody's gonna care for me my wife's gonna look good for me cook me good meal make sure okay make sure everything is beautiful with me I want someone that's going to do it I don't want somebody that's gonna look out for themselves and don't care about me or care about what I can give them and that's the problem it's all you got a look from the inside the goodness of a person heart I don't need a beautiful woman and got a bad heart and don't care about me or my family and my kids I don't want that I want someone have beautiful from the inside and inside shows the outside that's the whole thing when it comes through you know woman anything any kind of relationship people just look at the wrong reason you know things what they see I don't look for that I look for you as a person what you have inside you matters to me it's not what you look it's to me you're beautiful no matter what what's beauty anyway I understand what Beauty means your eyes are beautiful your hair is beautiful you parties me what is it it's just what you see it's what you feel yeah so that's what what are some of the indicators of a woman with a good heart but let's see know that she's a good woman what good woman is going to it's very easy it's just like how you doing make sure you have a good meal make sure you close you're taken care of make sure you kids are taking care of you know respect you that's a good person you know not someone that weren't how they look or what they want it's looking to see what my husband needs a want you know well mainly need you know my husband needs to be nurtured and returned you're gonna do the same thing you know say action-reaction you do good for me I do it for you if I if you do bad for me why would I want to do good for you I'm saying and to me that's a lot of mistake that people make you know when I was younger you used to say you don't need a useless well I don't you don't need to use sense woman I mean and you know when I say useless woman a woman doesn't like you say doesn't care for you doesn't want to do anything you just want to say wrong look pretty or whatever it is and let's put this way I'm not just talking about woman I'm talking men a woman need a strong man and man needs a strong woman and we worked together as a team we're partners if I'm doing all the work and you don't want to work then I don't need you and vice versa if my wife comes home that does everything take care of my kids taking my home do everything nice to me and I'm being a fool and I don't wanna do nothing I just wanna let roll all day and drink beers and watch TV she don't need me get rid of my ass I'm saying so it's the same thing you know if I have a woman I come home my kids are running wrong on their ass bump the bumpers you nut change your smelly over the place the place is a mess what she goes home do all day home worry about herself her hair looks and I'll coach you I walk in the door she's like beautiful here all down nails all done pretty but what's all this stuff that's more important to me than the way you look right now men they worry about the fancy cars and stuff they don't care about the family right that she needs you know so it's a two-way street guys you just work together that's all we got to do here you know you got to find a woman it's gonna work with you and if she doesn't work with you then you don't need her and you got to look at the same way you got to do right for your woman and in return you're gonna get right right just about any but I can say if it doesn't work then this just doesn't work you gotta get rid of it yeah what's most important in raising children oh you put in the road and children there's a lot of something important and so discipline is one for sure responsibility you gotta give your kids responsibility and you as a parent you're an example of your kids so whatever you do your kids will do if you get up every day work hard your kid will see you a hard-working man you take care your family you come home help out with the kids put their homework you gotta be doing for your kids every day that's very important you know the families work and unless you willing to work to keep a family together then you don't need to have a family if you're lazy and selfish then don't have a family it's not for you you gotta be willing to get up every day and work work out the house work in the house there's unlimited work when you have a family unlimited until you die I have a family right now and I still work for my family because now I have grandkids you know I want my grandkids to be strong I wanted to see their parents are strong they weren't parents are strong so those kids the next generations will be even stronger so it's very important for you guys to get up every day work towards your family and relationship and your kids will see that your energy they will feel your energy discipline is a big deal responsibility respect it means a lot you know this man respect me right now and always respect me all my kids respect me because I showed him respect and I showed him what it takes to be strong you can't be weak to kids you gotta have tough love everybody wants the kid to be happy you're saying I want my kid to be happy but you can't be happy all the time and you're not gonna be happy because you gotta follow my rules so I'm gonna make you very uncomfortable if you don't follow my rules because you're already making me uncomfortable because you're not following my rules and respect so if you don't do that for your kids what you think is gonna happen they're not gonna be strong you know people who the kids start crying and acting up right away to become weak oh here kid stop prize happy no I see you're not gonna have that tough love tough love brothers that's very important it hurts my heart hurts it's painful to see your kids suffer you know so right away you want to become weak no you got to stay strong so that kid will become strong my dad was strong he didn't give it on me I didn't weaken him so what in return that's what he's gonna do so that's important very important you know I remember when I was a kid you used to say I'm just gonna be the bad guy I'm the bad guy yeah I don't care you hate me I don't care which he hates me I know he hates me I know my kid doesn't like me I don't care do what the hell I say you're gonna keep your grades up you're gonna do your chores your responsibilities and if you don't it's consequence I don't want you to love me I don't want you I don't care about love right now from you because I have to look for you I'm doing this because I love you the right intention whatever you do for your family do it with the right intention that's what it's all about you know I'm not doing what I'm doing because I hate you I do it because I love you I'm trying to make a strong man out of you a strong woman it's not only a strong man you got if you have daughters you got to make them strong I have a daughter and she's strong I make a strong family I want a strong family why would I want a weak family but if I don't show my strength to my family how are they going to be strong I gotta let them know that I am the king of my house understand I control my home that's you and that's all you have to educate understand so they become a king and in return if you have a weak woman she'll become strong you gonna make him strong and you want to run you want a strong woman right so it's all you start from you and okay so just be tough love two kids I'm not telling you go abused your kids then we got to be there for your kids 100% 100% focus for your family that's what I do I get mad when people doesn't take care of their family I haven't respect for anyone that doesn't take care of their family and say that breaks my heart because you know what one day you will know that you up and then you're gonna blame the kid people blame everybody for everything they never blame themselves he's a bad kid there's no such thing as a bad kid okay no bad kid you made them bad because you're not there for him kids will do things that not right would maybe call not right they'll make mistakes they're little kids they're learning but you already I don't you brought them in this life so you have to guide them they go one way and you know it's not right they're gonna hurt himself put them back on truck whatever it takes don't ignore it so hey boy I tell my no family kids that's a big deal it's not a game he's not just having kids because oh it's funny now so that's tough you know you gotta be tough so if anyone have kids in here I mean there's a lot of broken homes and stand that and because it's broken homes it's a lot excuse you know and that's another problem because you have a kid and you have a broken home you figure out it's not my fault is my partner's fault he's raising the kid she's raising the kid or whatever it is he she make the kid that way no no no no no no it's not your partner whoever you had woman or whatever you have the kids it's you because even though you and your partner is not together that doesn't mean you can't be a good father you say you can still make a man out of him because you could be there for him the same way you think or no when you were together with your partner living together with your family you can be the same way not being together with your spouse and with your kid you could see you kid every day just like you're living with at home spend time with that kid don't just hear the government say give you two hundred hours a week for McCadden and then you're okay you say that my troubles over no no no no you can be there every day pick your kid up from school Cory's house where it is making to business don't go have another kid some play for someone else it doesn't work out to have another kid then you have these kids all the players in lost trucker you goddamn kids who's taking care of kids you know so that's that's another big deal so it's a lot of things that's happening right now that it's not good and there's no one to be blamed but you so you have to think about that so I'm sure there's people in here I have a family together I don't know and as families broken but so be there for your kid don't say I can't pick up Johnny today because I got to go someplace I gotta go hang out with my friends so Johnny's waited for you oh my dad didn't come pick me up all right kid feels he's not gonna be a strong kid it's gonna be weak cuz he's sad respect yourself so when your kids see my dad he said wow that's my dad you're saying I want to be proud of my dad I want to go to school pick my kid up my kids say well all our friends oh that's Jenny's dead guy looks respectable he don't walk in there looking bad no respect for himself his clothes looks like you don't have to be that way don't I'm not judging anybody but if you work you'll be okay you say if you're gonna have two jobs three jobs I don't care you make a choice you have your family you got to do what it takes to make that family right choice so you go to school you're looking like you know jacked-up teeth raggedy clothes but this is Johnny's dead everybody look at his Johnny's dead you think Johnny's feels good about himself - no that's my dad that case embarrass make yourself respectable keep your head up strong so it's kids well I'm pro that's my dad that's some dirtbag you don't have to make yourself that way nobody have to make themself that way don't blame no one else but yourself respect your goddamn self you know that's how I feel there anybody else anyone in here that can't make them self-respect take forever family that you love if you love your family you respect yourself first you respect yourself sir good so do you want your kid to respect you you're not gonna go you screw a kid's school looking like a bum right that'll make you kiss ed so we can all do that man but yeah the problem is you driving a cells outside for $80,000 you have all these various things material stuff that means that's my most annoying I don't like it what people gotta be away can't you be happy with yourself well that's my problem boy it's my problem because I love kids they're innocent they aren't your noises so why can't you do the right thing for your own family but yet you can turn on tell me you love me you love me you're my friend I ain't got no friend if you don't take care of goddamn kids you can't love your kids how the can you love me till Sammy that's my problem don't tell me you love me all right take care of family first no excuse so hey guys that's where I come from and I will die for my family you people say you do the same thing right well then just do it just do it my friend it's a beautiful thing family's beautiful I get full strong mentally and physically kin and I got eight grandkids and they all touch all my ear so tell me but don't with my family all right so you all have to feel the same way love powerful love is strong so if you love your kids you'll do anything don't blame anyone blame your self okay that's how I feel I didn't want roll myself up I started slow way but I can't do it because it's me anybody any question ask me just ask me anything more life I could tell you anything you want to though life is simple we make it difficult because are we looking at material that's the problem and the bottom line that means nothing family is what you need love like I love my soul right now this one talking about that so guys I know you guys can do it man and I tell you it's a big reward big reward man Berlin will hard with everything relationship it's work that's what I do I'm 68 years old I still work and I'm working till I die and I'm gonna get later till I die you understand because that's what make you strong well I want to be 50 years old 45 years old but I feel like a old man why you don't have to be that way you don't have to be that way guys he takes a lot of work but man yeah it's so beautiful I have my grandkids coming over every Saturdays I watched him run around wrecked my house I don't care don't touch that don't break that for miles I don't care about they do what do they want they're happy but again people worry about things I don't care about things I care about family that's big man yeah now pay me too much mind guys cuz I could get off the wall you might think I'm nuts but I'm nuts so ask me something man what do you wanna know does anybody have any question for my crazy father whatever you will know he he's like yo Edmund because you know we've got someone right here yeah well family you talkin brothers sisters well if right now you got family owned ok good what you plan to have fun right Mike well well see the way it is right I got seven brothers three sisters I'm a big family I can't control anyway I can't even control myself some time the American told me so I can't put my energy into my brothers and sisters I've brothers and sisters that there's really fuck-ups but I can't put my energy in them because that's not my responsibility I did create that but I create him he's my responsibility I'll make sure he's righteous I can't make sure my brother my sister's right just let it be brother leave him alone if you can't deal with them walk away because if they're not doing righteous that's negative negative I don't want later I don't do a negative positive just beware is positive you know it's just like if you don't you don't want to be wrong stupid people to message to people people that's that doesn't want to help themselves you want to be wrong people that's smart intelligent so when they're you become intelligent right if you're onto somebody that's like dumb stupid you I'm a hard to say worried but I gotta say construe well what do you call it then don't want to do something I don't know nice words bullet you have a nice word all right you know nice work and I tell you this is your stupid you're done yeah you update that's the only way I could put it you know so I don't want to be wrong those people I stay away from those people so because I want to be stronger and make my family stronger so any question and then a question what just try and see if anybody put their hands up and I'll pass the mic well I think we should bring it full circle my man yeah well you know there's a lot more guys about life that mobile life I got a lot of stories beyond cuz a lot of went down in my life raising families it's one of it like a lot of stories about him got a straw but my son about Degas or Maggie got stories forever good stories do positive story yeah well yeah you want to close your down close down better you know I think would be interesting I mean we still have seven minutes oh okay maybe talk a little bit about your childhood growing up in Belize and what was that like and how that shape your way my life three I like to be free I don't buddy with me I won't do what I want to do what I want to do how I want to do I don't like to be controlled Kingdom want to be controlled right you like to be controlled no what the wants to be controlled I don't anybody control me I get up in the morning I want to do some more doing and was that like that's what it was like when you were a kid when I was kid that's what I do you know let's really swing I learned on my own I didn't have a dad that was my dad loved me I know my dad loved me but he was that around because he was always out working to provide I might have seven kids seven boys and three girls hey she ever hands full she can't handle offs who's gonna have a crazy guy like me now so I always do what I want to do how I want to do and learn on my own I'd have somebody sit my ass now and teach me I gotta figure my life out that's how it's born up friggin up just like you guys got to figure your life out you don't need anybody to tell you what I mean it's good to have structures just like I've stroked on my kids it's nice but mainly you have to figure things out for yourself you know but it's good to have a guide what I didn't have that you know I didn't go to school and have all these stuff that you guys had you know I go to school when I feel like I'm like school anyway boring I'm gonna go dead yeah I don't want to learn that what I need that for I want to go out and do things climb the tree run around chase the doc do anything nice stuff happy stuff so that's what I do when I was a kid you know when I'm hungry I think what I want I'm hungry today I see fruit or whatever it is that's the kind of life ahead it's good life I like it I came here there's so many that took me a while to figure out things but again I figured out you know it was different kind of jungle you know buildings are all of the same me so it's a lot of different things guys in there that's kind of life I had Bo you know but I have no complaints I could complain about a lot of I could say you know I didn't have this as mosquitoes eating my ass up you guys have no a/c you know I've got to sleep tonight I got mosquito blowing my ears just buzzing my hair and I'm sweating my ass off so you know what I do brother to sleep mentally meditation bunk my mind I don't hear no mosquitoes and I'm skinnier than buying me I ain't hot you make a judgment huh you wanna live like that nobody wants to live like that but that's it's a good I mean you know I get used to it and it made me stronger because now if I wanna lay right down and sleep I can sleep right there it's all in the mind control the mind man you sit by adidas bank your mind you exist that takes practice but if you practice it one do you be able to do it it's a good thing trying to practice that shut down the entire brain that's a good practice guys so that's why I do how do i trade that's reason why I don't let anything bothers me another thing as government one thing here in this life right here you know stop worry about there is nothing to worry about in this life nothing because you have no control of nothing you think you got control everybody I control I'm smart because I driving a Mercedes I'm smart guys like a big house yeah no smarter than me you smart every one of you guys here smart and I am smart too we're all swatting own way so you're not better than me I'm not better than you not because you have move more things you think you're smarter than me you can't even run your own family home are you gonna be smart on me right so that's how I look at it so we've got one minute and I I was hoping maybe for that last minute you could share what your hope is for all the fathers in this room and maybe all the fathers in the world what do you hope to see and wish for us all well I hope that every father and everyone to build a strong family all you have is your family my friend you don't have friends you understand you have associates co-workers pairs whatever you wanna call them your family is your friend man if I'm gonna be there for you I'm saying you do the right thing for your family they'll be there for you you're gonna get old I'm getting old and I hope that I never need my family to clean my ass what if I do leave my family my ass I know they will and that's a good feeling yes a but if you don't do the right thing for your family believe me you'll pay you could pay today you cap it tomorrow but the bottom line you will pay you know I have my daughter that's a hospice nurse because every one of my kids are very successful because I'm pursue change the hospital she told me stories about guys or family and never do anything to her family she can tell and the people that do good for their family she can tell on their dying bed family is there with love because all it was love from their family and the one that didn't give the love just to have no long so that's you want that happen to you would you like that happen to you have no love when you're dying bed no nobody wants that but if you don't give the love notes your family that's what's gonna undo and you remember one of us thank you Dad [Laughter] [Applause] the problem does Edman loss yeah make it happen make it happen you guys are beautiful what he represents is patriarchy we're here to do work as men as patriarchs there's nothing more natural than being a bomb
Channel: Elliott Hulse
Views: 97,605
Rating: 4.9089952 out of 5
Keywords: elliott hulse, bioenergtics, dynamic meditation, active meditation, personal development, grounding camp, strength camp, personal growth, advice
Id: TkR3oarOvXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 29sec (3629 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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