Elliott Hulse: Masculinity & Strength

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hmm all right good morning what is going on my brothers I'm live with Elliott Hulse good morning Elliott morning Richard what's going on my brother ah man today's been a great day I woke up first thing in the morning and did yoga and then I meditated then I took a quick shower got dressed and I'm here having this great conversation with you man nice so the plan is we're just going to rock this for about 60 to 90 minutes we'll see how it goes we got some chat open on the side over here if you want to catch our attention super chats are always welcome they pop out nicely got a few questions for Elliot and just catching up with what you've been up to and how things are going so welcome to 2019 man it's another new year do you do new year's resolutions by the way I get asked that a lot yesterday i sat down and I decided what I wanted to complete what I wanted to get done this year so you see this big calendar right here so what I do is I take my notebook and I put all the things that I want to do and then I jot it up there so it actually gets done if it's not on a calendar I use that in Google Calendar now in calendar it doesn't get done cuz it'll slip my mind so that's what I spend my new year doing that looks like it works on a dry erase marker - right mm-hmm yes I got 12 months up there and it's good I'm a big picture person I have to see from the helicopter viewpoint otherwise I get lost in the trees do the same way like I try to focus on like you know twenty thirty thousand feet up and then kind of exit like I don't I don't micromanage what it is that I want to get done it's like I'll I'll kind of paint the picture of one of what I want the goal to look like and then I just find the dots connect themselves when you just throw yourself at it yeah is that what you do yep yeah same same here cuz trying to have really narrow goals or focuses has always seemed to leave me hanging you know I always get frustrated so I have more like a spotlight view of things rather than like a or floodlight view of things rather than a spotlight view I try to just step back and see what seems to be coming what seems to be unfolding I use my intuition a little bit the sense what it's about but rather than having right down to the number or the micrometer for everything that I want to accomplish I take that approach you tune in a lot more to your intuition lately and I noticed from your earlier videos because I was because that was a bit of like a background fan around 2010 11 or so when you first started putting them out it was kind of what inspired me to start adding like talking head videos to my script especially when I was doing it in the car and you were just like the big strong dude that was just shouting at the camera with a lot of intention that you kind of like molded into this woosh kind of spiritual man and did that happen during the break from YouTube or was that just like an evolution based on content that you consumed and just updating your beliefs you know there are layers and layers and layers to every single one of us and what you're just experienced are just different layers that I had just been shedding over the years you know so when I was at my most layered I guess you could say I was 250 pounds a little over 250 pounds those professional strongman beating the out of stones and tires and myself I tore both biceps I mean I really went as hard as they can go so injuries it's interesting that uh its injuries that sort of help my soul emerged a little bit more in Robert Bligh's book iron John he says every wound is a wound and he explains how that means every single time we especially those of us were physically oriented have a physical wound it causes a sort of more evolved version of ourselves or at least a different one you kind of froze up there for a second I'm not sure if you guys in the chat I heard that how's the audio if you guys in the chat can just let us know that it's working and flowing nicely it's just helpful just to know what this goes it's a bit of a delay there's probably about a five ten-second delay I'm just gonna keep an eye on that first mmm by the way wait well you guys are in there I know you've got access to that like button give it a smash like a fat feminist smashes cake for us please it's the message out it lets you to know that this stuff matters it's working okay we're good yeah it froze up a bit on the round okay well hopefully it doesn't come back so you're fairly new to the red pill stuff right like you did a you did an interview with Rollo on your channel I watched that that went really well I've noticed that for red pill type of content most guys come to it as a result of trauma usually in a relationship girl broke their heart they go through the divorce machine like everything seems cool in your world as far as I can tell right so was there some trauma that brought you to the red pill or was there something else that you know led you to it I'm just curious about that part well I'm a mentor it turns out I'm a mentor to millions of men worldwide so I like to think that there's a collective trauma there's a collective pain and if one of our brothers feels it we're all aware and so I would get like I started getting questions from young men about McDowell hmm and about nofap and you know both of those were kind of new acronyms to me and I did a little research and looked into what they meant and I realized that I had a lot of blind spots in my own development of my own character and my own masculinity because everything has been perfect for me you know everything is everything is been great you know I love my life I love my wife I married my wife when I was 23 years old we started dating when I was 14 years old we have four children and so I don't I never been out there I've never been out in the you know dealing with women in that way my wife is a great woman she's a very rational woman she's a very supportive woman she's a great woman so I didn't really realize what kind of issues a lot of young men that were out there dating we're dealing with until those questions started coming my way and it gave me enough it really gave me a window into an entire realm I wasn't aware of but then also reflected back to me where I was really living with blue kill pill conditioning right blue pill conditioning but just unknowingly you know so various things like seeking acceptance from women not even just my wife but women in general I realize like I I've bitten my tongue and I bowed down and I've pander to a lot of what I didn't I instinctually knew was wrong or didn't really resonate with me to be a nice guy and so that was just one of the many things that big Tao kind of showed me and then with no fat that really exposed mean in terms of how I've been living my life as a married man I didn't realize you know these nofap is is that these young men are abstaining so McDow abstaining from women but then no fat goes deeper because they're abstaining from beating off so it's like alright so you stay away from women well you can always beat off right but this combination of moving away from women men going their own way and we're not going to we're no longer gonna be subject to the animal desire to ejaculate all the time and I you know at first it sounded like oh well these kids are addicted to porn and jerking off but I had to check myself because then I said well what would happen if I stopped having sex what if what if there's no sex in my in my marriage my wife and I and the minute I I was able to look at myself and say okay if what else is available to me and what is it what else is really there in our relationship and what else can grow if there's no sex and so that just gave me an opportunity to look at very many other addictions that I didn't realize you know I know I that I knew I had but sex for sure and it's a big conversation I had this weekend with a lot of guys that I was working with is a huge addiction that slides under the radar and causes us to be slaves to those who give us the sex without us really knowing it you know mmm so Rolo says sex is the glue that holds a relationship together what are your thoughts on that Wow that's a very good point and I would agree with him the thing is that when that when that glue at least for me you know I was 14 years old when that glue bound that was still a teenager I was basically our preteen so I was glued to my woman at that early age you know and and we've been together since and so all those stages of maturity that would that most men go through on their own I did glued to a woman right so for me more than anything the the recent awakening that I'm addicted to sex gave me just a little bit of a a little bit of room in that within you know that glue loosened up that glue a little bit so that I could see myself in absence of who I've been glued to 25 years yeah so I like the glue the glues great I love being glued but I also want to know who's who I want to know who I am without the addiction so here's the deeper personal question is she the only woman you've had sex with no we you know it's funny I once heard that the 90s the children of the Generation X were the most promiscuous generation having sex at the earliest recorded and so I was 12 years old when of course that sex Wow yeah I was like 19 dude I was I was just not out there until I was in my late teens interesting Wow so questions for you about your recent videos because I was because I was kind of you know watching him the last couple months and you were doing these bodybuilding workouts like just kind of switching gears I'm I'm very ATD so you're gonna notice is not gonna be some very good segues here's for you and for those of you watching the chat yeah you know you did the strongman stuff and you were talking about doing bodybuilding workouts and it was interesting doing them in your garage and when you're talking about the bodybuilding workouts you're you were also talking a lot about red pill and being like the red pill Morpheus and things like that are you still doing the bodybuilding workouts like you're still working on that or were you out in the self-care regime for yourself well and I bounced from thing to thing sometimes and because I'm so physically gifted I can build muscle at the drop of a hat and and I also suffered from any injuries so that want that my latest bout into building muscle with bodybuilding once again exposed me to my deeper wounds I'd say the body is the mind so it's all one thing but I really had to come face to face with the fact that I've got lots of muscular imbalances that would I'd be better served addressing rather than trying to put on mass again I've already in other words I've already done that you know I've already been 250 pounds massive so I've taken a different approach since then that was like over the summer and since then I've been at which I've been doing for many years but most recently quite exclusively just been doing yoga and so I do yoga and I mean fasting quite a lot like I haven't eaten since Monday so I've been fasting quite a lot and it turns out that you can actually build muscle while fasting I'm not interested in it I'm actually interested in just shutting down and actually you know I'm not afraid to lose muscle either too so you know that's where the pendulum brings me at this point you know Yoga and fasting how tall are you by the way five nine and what do you weigh this morning I was my lightest in many years was 193 pounds well I prior to this I just I typically walk around you know 205 yeah cuz cause like you look like a thick dude and that like the natural genetic gifting that you have is bonkers to me because I can't get to where you're at I mean like I just started TRT about eight nine months ago and it's it's been good like it like it got me to a place where I wasn't even at when I was 28 a fairly low dose but you're able to build muscle like really easy like even back in the early days in your strongman time you're talking about doing a cycle on testosterone and you know perhaps even stacking it like what was your experience coming off exogenous testosterone introduction and then and then rebuilding you know using the genetic gift because it's hard for a lot of dudes right like I'm just curious about that a little bit but could you restate the question well just curious what it was like for you to to to start start building to strengthen the muscle that you would normally lose because when you introduce the exogenous testosterone your body it shuts down your body's own production right like you went to like like you blow up and then you come off it and it's like you know a lot of guys start start having what is it that women usually have it's anorexia you know where they throw up they you know they always think that they're too fat sort of thing like I know a lot of guys in the bodybuilding community or the strength community tend to have this thing that I call bigger Exia where were they mean big enough I'm just you know what that was like when you came came off that and then went back to you know building strength and muscle with your own you know endocrine system the one that you're gifted with well yeah and so I became a professional strongman naturally so I had everything it took to build lots of muscle lots of strength without taking steroids there's you know genetics I work hard I know what I'm doing but genetically gifted in that way when I did use from I think it may I may have made men from like September or October 2009 right onto like April 1st 2010 I was using so there's a couple months there that I was using it it was ridiculous because the biggest difference was that I didn't need to rest anymore so I would get stronger but it would take that you know I trained three days a week I because of the intensity that I was training when I was natural I needed lots of rest which was okay I took a full week off every month and I kept growing when I went into the cycles I just didn't take any time off like I wasn't tired and my numbers kept going up and so I just kept pushing it and pushing it and pushing it was like I'm I don't need to rest I'm just growing stronger until I I got to April and it was right before my first pro show so I you know I wanted my pro card early the year before my first pro show and I popped my left bicep so apparently you know I was growing too fast for my attendance and so I stopped at that moment and like we're talking about you know being a DD and the pendulum swinging I I went from happily went from 100 250 pounds back down to about a 100 200 pounds and I was running tough mudders I was doing Spartan races I think I did about four of those between the two of them I start I tried out for the CrossFit Games in other words I just dropped it I dropped the whole thing completely I was like all right well I put my mind so I could go back to strongman but was like I already did that I've already done so I just leaned right down I didn't need the same kind of strength that I had before and if you notice that's when my youtube video started getting really popular so if you started watching me in 2010 I was a huge but by 2013 definitely 2014 I was I was like what I am now like 195 pounds and I was I was shredded and I was making those videos with my shirt off so I didn't I didn't care I didn't need it it would definitely wasn't as strong as when I went as a professional strongman but it didn't matter to me so I didn't really look at it mm-hmm when when you talk about all the different like disciplines you've gone through with strong man stuff bodybuilding yoga CrossFit Tough Mudder type of competitions in your experience what do you find is the best way for guys to develop strong you know you talk about becoming the strongest version of yourself so what is the best way to develop a strong useful body that's not going to be prone to injuries because obviously when you're pushing it right to the limits you're gonna pop a bicep you're gonna you know you're gonna break things you know from time to time everybody does I mean the body can only take so much stress right what's your view on that for dudes watching right now well the very first thing I would say is that there's a difference between what's gonna build your soul and what's gonna build your body and a lot of time or build your body in the right way so I have zero regrets for powerlifting and per strongman in fact it was my not only a great gift to me but one of the greatest gifts that I gave to the young athletes that I trained because it didn't just build their bodies and their strength there's something that is released like a beast is released when you just rip that seven hundred pounds off the floor pick up that three hundred stone pound stone there's so in other words I like the fact that that type of dangerous or you know you're more prone to injury with strongman and probably because they'll be out objects might not be the safest or the you would say minimum effective dose for building muscle and being strong as a man but it builds something in the soul something in the character something that is that's sorely needed which is an attitude if you know what I mean mmm yeah so you know when young dudes are like 14 15 16 years old and they're just getting that budding testosterone but they're really usually unsure of themselves maybe you just put a barbell in their hand and start having them get strong and shout from my gym one of my root i-two rules huh two rules you can shout I encourage you to shout shout scream to the top of your lungs because you'll see there's there's a tremendous amount of power that's released from the body that's why Bruce Lee what needs to kick people's asses he's made all kind of noise and then I remember Monica Seles is a tennis player I had a crush on her when I was uh when I was like you know 12 or 13 years old and I realize now that the reason why she's a tennis player if you don't know Monica Seles and I used to just get turned on by the fact that she every time you the boss she went I didn't know what it was as a kid but they were that sound I was like oh my god I love this woman so but the reason why she was doing that is because you know she was a beast and she smacked that ball I wasn't a tennis fan but other Monica Seles her I think it's I think it's got something to do that whole female copulatory you know vocalization you know that response to that that like sexual sound of the sort of thing because it does tie into sex right yeah this was before having sex this is like you know I was a kid no I even before yeah I was like 10 or 12 I had a subscription to Sports Illustrated for kids and so I found the level of Monica Seles because of her humping sounds yeah but as an adult or like you know for for a lot of guys the minimum effective dose meaning like what can you do that it doesn't you don't necessarily have to make a lifestyle out of it or change your entire life that may not have the same effect as going hard that way in a gym is simple body building and I think body building is a isn't art it's a science it's a meditation it's wonderful now the term body building itself has gotten a bad rap just like a lot of other things right like he said patriarchy patriarchy before you know it's got it's just a word but it's got a bad rap my god what do you think that word the term bodybuilding has a bad rep well because you look at the professional bodybuilders and you know a lot of people see that and they realize that it's for most people unattainable and unnatural and so I back when bodybuilding first began I think of guys like Eugene Sandow bodybuilding was more about health than how huge your muscles are so these guys you know a lot of the body builders were also wrestlers back in the day you know Eugene Sandow I think of George Hackenschmidt their bodies didn't look like Ronnie Coleman's know or wanted this year anyway I've had the Ronnie quote the special on Netflix was that Ronnie Coleman mmm-hmm did you see that haven't you got to watch it man dude is in a rough state these days like you know from from from all like the heavy lifting that he used to do because he used to push some heavy for a bodybuilder like he was not a strong man but he used to move around some heavy metal and like he's paid the toll you know his body is a mess right now he's in constant pain you know that that's I think that's what turns people off that that side of it but if you take a scientific approach and you really know what you're doing you take your time and you build a well-balanced body it will make you look better you feel better you'll be stronger you'll be stronger you'll be more alpha just by mere virtue of having muscle yeah it's not gonna it's not gonna do any harm to you I don't think I mean I've like for me it started when I my dad gave me his Charles Atlas stuff I don't know if you remember him yeah back in the day right yeah yeah so so it was a mail order package I still have it somewhere is it mail order package and they kind of stapled together and it basically taught you stuff like dynamic tensions right which would be like you know push in like this like use your body weight you know to do this to be your chest you could do your chest this way as well by pulling apart you would do your bicep by you know curling up like this just with resistance and then push-ups and things like that and I started doing that when I was like I don't know like probably 1314 probably around that same age when your uncle started to teach you about you know lifting heavy stuff and power lifting and I've always done it like all my life and I never tried to compete anything although I I did want to compete in a natural bodybuilding contest when I was 39 just before I sit in 40 because it was like that line in the sand before your masters but um it's a lot of work like the the diet the lifting and the social pressure over as well is fairly strong because people people constantly ask well why are you doing all that work you know why are you putting your body through all that like what like what are you trying to accomplish like why are you trying to be that version of yourself sort of thing it's interesting you know people like to it's almost like a shaming tactic where they'll say you know settle down and be more average mm-hmm talked about being a little bit yeah you know just be yourself you know just be more average you who the hell wants the average in this world you think about that I have some friends from Australia that they say that in Australia they call it the tall poppy syndrome and apparently like when the poppies grow they like to have them even you know these plants poppies grow you like to keep them lit but if one shoots out too high but they go right in there and they got to slice them down just to keep everybody level and everybody the same so I think it's sort of a a means by which people keep themselves feeling okay about themselves because there's no sense of responsibility if nobody else is doing big things nobody else is breaking the mold and nobody else is doing anything act exciting if nobody's pushing and nobody else in my environment is pushing the limits well then why do I need to push the limits why do I need to get stronger why I know I need to do anything everybody else is a lazy fat but the minute that other guy a minute like your brother or your friend or your neighbor takes action be it you know lifting or business or whatever it is that shines a light on me and now I got to check myself and say okay wait a second this guy's doing something number one that puts a mirror on me and maybe I don't want to do anything or I got to confront my inherent psychological weaknesses in order to feel good about myself when this guy's around because he's definitely being a stronger version of himself that's number one and the number two is people don't like change and if for example you know you and your buddy go out and have beer every weekend and you decide well you know I'm gonna cut out beer he's not gonna like that because you just changed his whole script he changed his whole plan he's looking forward to having beer with you this weekend and you're punking out because you want to have a protein shake let me ask you about that change right because when you kind of kind of flip him back to the red pill sort of stuff and you know rolla's works I know that you've read the books now do you find that people protested when you adopted these new beliefs that you learn from the red pill community yeah of course and I love it it's the greatest thing ever in fact it feels like it's been there all the time and if you've watched my videos even before I become wit red pill aware you can sense that this guy gets it and so it's always been there but I did I wasn't conscious of it and when like so for example yesterday I put up an Instagram post about feminism I saw that yeah you sure about that Johnson right yeah so I had to share it and here's the thing the the sentiment of that post which you know basically says something to the effect that of you know for a woman to go work for an employer she's liberated she's free but to serve her husband and her family and her children she's like a slave and for me from the deepest core of my truth I really believe that that's a problem I mean in a myriad of different ways I know it's a problem and it's a problem that most people aren't willing to or anything don't even consider because we're all tech slaves and it's in the media and the world loves to you know push us and one day out you know in particular direction but anyway my point is that uh I feel so good with all of the backlash like it's I feel like I'm cleaning house like what's been way too long that I've had all these betas on my list that aren't willing to open their eyes it's way too long I've had all these feminists on my list or following me even if they're unconsciously feminists or blue pill conditioned people so I'm like a spark so I'm willing to to die in order to create the fire so when I drop something like that and it turns into like I'm on Facebook it's a it's horrendous I think they're like almost 2,000 comments right now most of which are like Elliott's lost his mind and I want to attack me or unsubscribing I'm like sitting there like yeah yeah yeah like I mean I don't have nearly as big of an audience as you so I can imagine the backlash when you introduce red pill theory to an audience that subscribe to you or notions of strength you know masculinity because when I look at you like I you know prior to you talking about the rational male and stuff and you know we had John one of the early Redman groups as well as a guest talking about masculinity because you're kind of new to this sort of stuff and you know we were getting it off the ground and I guess I would probably you know if I to categorize you I probably put you somewhere like a blue pill alpha where it's like you're naturally the alpha but you still subscribe to some blue pill conditioning that you didn't totally understand why you did - I know that when I read the book for the first time it was like some people go through like this red pill rage you know a scenario where they just get pissed off and they hate the world and hate women or they going fall out of Midtown they just disconnect and for me it was like it was like soothing it was like oh I get it now it all makes sense right all this all this BS that I've gone through and all the results that I got that didn't add up like you're told to do certain things in life as a man you know and they tell men and women very different things like they'll tell guys do the right thing as in man up do the right thing as a man I mean he'll women do the right thing for you girl Yeah right so I mean like the messaging you get is very different and at some point you wake up to you're like oh that makes sense now I get it I mean so so so people like disconnected from you like if you've been called things like a misogynist have you been said you know you hate women or anything like that like I'm just curious yeah which is funny because I have three daughters you're married you know yeah I love women yeah so I I hold grounding camps and these these events it's funny because I in retrospect I realized I was going against my nature when I did this but I started doing the events where we do active meditation and bioenergetics so it's it's a lot of embodying and quite frankly a lot of shouting a lot of chest pounding a lot of tribal dance a lot of really deeply masculine things but before I did my first one I went to a retreat in California I would just invited as a guest to you know participate in the talk at this retreat and they had lots of men and women and I think this is when I lost my way I realized wow the women bring men and not so bad to have pretty girls around so I decided that Trent grounding camp was gonna be for everyone and you know of course because I speak mostly to men it was mostly men but we get quite a bit of women and when I decided to which was earlier this year it was in June this year or last year 29 2018 I decided to cut women out I said something woken me and I was like they need to get out of here actually I was seeing things it was the one in January that I had I was seeing things that I know I didn't want to see from my men and they were they were totally distracted by the women they were all like what's the term that he's like virtue signaling and talking yeah yeah peacocking virtue signaling and then I had some married men that you know I only think of one but I'm sure it wasn't the only one that ended up cheating on their wives at the event and I'm like okay this is got to stop so I put an end to all women coming in and a lot of them hate me now a lot of them and a lot of the blue pill beta dudes that were there that you know we're having a good time that love me now they hate me I was I was in entrepreneurs groups for quite a few years and I noticed that the conversation we had in our private forums always seemed to be watered down I like I just couldn't put my finger on it and one of the things that I did when I created my men's community on my channel was I made it clear this is a men's community it's not because we hate women or we don't you know value anything about the feminine side it's just I know that the conversation changes when there's females in the room and I don't think that men can work on becoming the best versions of themselves the most masculine versions of themselves if they have to water down their ideas and the conversation that's exchanged you know women have their space as men have their shared spaces and I think that that works we have a new version of feminism today I'm not talking about like gender equality feminism where you know you're like I've got a daughter you've got the result girls obviously so like I Drive a car vote have a job awesome you know but but but I mean the version that we have today is a little bit different I'm just wondering what your view on it is like what you've learned about it about the version of it that we see today yeah this this this new wave of feminism that we live with today like I'm just curious about what your observations have been what works really well in politics is having victims and oppressors and it worked really well to keep us separated as race and race you know I don't think racism really exists I think it's a it's a it's a concept that was created in order to shame some people and to append to make others angry I don't think there's an oppressed and oppressors just me I think there's what it's turned into is the shamed and the angry and so we see it with race we see it with religion we see it with sexuality you know homosexuality and now we've got like trans sexualities where you know people say there was like 70 different factions within sexuality but then feminism fits right in there with that where it's become one of these tools by which Weber whoever is perpetrating these isms creates in order to create separation and to disintegrate the individual and the family so our sexuality has been completely disintegrated then though men are more like women now and women are more like men the family has been completely disintegrated we all lose with this new form of victim and oppressor consciousness [Music] I've gone down this rabbit hole a couple years ago right and I've been starting to think a lot lately about the environment that we live in we've seen Roman empires come and go we've seen the Greek Empire come and go we've seen the Ottoman Empire come and go I've gotten to the point now where I've started look at this version of talks of feminism and it's and it's looking like to me anyway that the environment that we live in toxic feminism could literally be the end of the West we see men avoiding marriage I see guys getting vasectomies at 19 because you know because the risks that are associated with marriage we see guys going hardcore mgtow because of things like me to the hostel Family Law system that we live in all these things and I don't see it improving it I see it pushing you know I see it pushing into a supremacist movement where like like women have equality you know what I mean like they've had it for a long time yeah particularly in the West yeah like they've had it for a really really long time but like every movement has to come to an end like like every mission has to end at some point but it's almost like it's it's just manufacturing new ideas like its manufacturing indignation on a daily basis and it's grasping onto things from like periods of time that you normally wouldn't even go to like you know the whole Cavanaugh situation that we had you know last year where it's like some random from 20 years ago can literally change the course of American history sort of thing and it's good that there's pushback but to me it's scary like the way that I look at things and the way that things are coming a good friend of mine Aaron Cleary I don't know if you know who he is he's another author he wrote a book called bachelor pad economics and he has a channel and he and he more subscribes to like the notion of just enjoy the decline like watch it burn sort of thing like I can watch it I'm kind of on the fence here but I'm but it's so bizarre the way that I pay attention to the landscape today especially with politics and feminism and the way the red pill kind of wakes you up to the reality of these isms and stuff and it's just bonkers just so weird yeah well I have to agree with you that it is going to be the it is the decline of the West I've been thinking about this a lot lately to that it's interesting that it's western women that are that are fighting they're men that are angry with their men and that Western men are being more and more feminized when the West has been the most have given women so much more and put women on the pedestal so I think about like Muslim men and like you know if you live in Iran or a lot of these Muslim countries in the Middle East they're women aren't even allowed to show their skin you know so you think about that so you got the middle you're the West I just told you about you're the middle where women aren't even know how to show their skin and then you were China where you keep they don't want daughters we got so many friends here that or my children's friends that are Chinese little Chinese little girls because these white women adopt Chinese babies the Chinese don't want little girls so when you really look at the world and if you really want to explore the the anger used the word indignation and how on illogical it is irrational it is how much it doesn't make sense you realize that Western women have it so good to a pathological degree and that's really what we're dealing with we're that we've been given so much freedom that it's actually pathological yeah yeah and guys are still really subscribed to those blue pill beliefs you know there's still you know subscribe to you know make her more by becoming less herself right now put her up on a pedestal support her but by becoming a lesser man yourself we said there's a book that I haven't had a chance to read I think it's called estro generation have you read it no I got a summary from a buddy of mine but a basic but basically it kind of you know dives into the like the way that estrogen has basically infiltrated society everywhere like we know that when women are on the birth control pill m8p and it goes through the water treatments they can't get the estrogen out of the water it's just not possible so a lot of guys are drinking water that's estrogenic you know those compounds that are put into foods that are estrogenic and I mean like even my men's community I've got dudes that are in their 20s and one of the things that we talk a lot about is masculinity testosterone TRT and things like that and when they share their blood labs it's like there's guys in there that are in their 20s that have like blood labs that are pretty close to what women would have for testosterone levels in their 20s so it's like you were saying early you know men are becoming more feminized and women are becoming more masculinized I mean you talked a lot about masculinity too right oh yeah of course what your observations on that I mean you I've seen some talks that you've done on you know your channel with your grounding camps and you know some of the highlight reels that you put on your Instagram and stuff like that what have you noticed well I would definitely say that masculinity is in crisis I mean that's it's very evident even by what you just said in terms of the normal natural hormonal levels that are associated with being a man are being manipulated and dropped and it's funny too because I remember a couple years ago going to a couples workshop with my wife that was led by two women and you know even that but then I was like this is wrong I remember the woman talking about what makes a boy different than a than a girl in utero and you know and then she talks about how the the male embryo is bathed with testosterone but the way she said testosterone it was almost like a she had a distaste in her mouth almost she said it like with resent like testosterone so you got on one hand the the genetic and chemical manipulation of what makes a man man and then on the other hand you have this ideology that there's something wrong with masculinity and it needs to be fixed yeah yes you have a ton just gonna give a quick shout-out to the super chat here Williams says Elliott got it right I think the red pill has shown itself instances in our life we just didn't know it was red pill keep up the great work thanks for the super chat man appreciate it yeah when you were a kid what did you want to be when you're growing up all kinds of masculine ha ha I wanted to well I wanted to be anything that was dangerous let me put it that way so I want to be a fireman of course I want to be a football player when I played football then I wanted to be a Marine and and it's interesting that didn't turn out so I ended up becoming a strongman so I mean everything that I've wanted to be or have become is like danger and aggression and masculinity yet it's at its best those are all my favorite things still are my favorite things what lesson did you have to learn the hard way and how could you help others avoid that same mistake you know a lot of people are not gonna like this or understand this but I'm coming to this assertion these days that number one promiscuity with men I don't think it's a good idea you know you know in the back of the day they'd say like man can go you know women would say this that men could have as much sex as they want a woman is a well I think men are too if they spread themselves out too much and I don't I don't think it's a good idea and it from my own experience and this is you know this adds to it premarital sex or pre being in a committed relationship sex so it blinded I became by having sex at such a young age so I've never been promiscuous never you know I've been with lots of women but by mere virtue of having premarital sex and having sex at a young age I know that I lost a part of myself out of this you know Rallo called it the glue we had the conversation about glue before I was like the minute I started having sex I was I was glued right there and that addiction has gone for me had gone completely unrecognized and as an addiction you know wasn't I love my wife but I realized that if it wasn't for the sex wouldn't have stayed with her that long I wouldn't have been with her all this time there were so many instances where we were much younger where I was like I think I should break up with her but then she would come and I would come she's come over and you know I'm gonna break up with her and you next thing you know we're having sex so I was deep and she knows it's now - yeah I was deeply addicted and manipulated by her sex at a young age and I look at you know I was with was 60 young men this weekend and that I started our conversation with that I started our conversation we had three days together doing great things what I wanted to nail this in the beginning and I asked men I asked the men and it was it was a group conversation if there was no sex what would you have to do with women and it was a tough conversation for a lot of us because nobody's really looked at it that way you know I tried I tried to illustrate it this way I said okay all right because a lot of guys weren't getting it if there's no sex what why why would you bother with women why would men bother with women if there were no sex and you know there were all kinds of responses and stuff like that and it wasn't until I I gave this I gave this illustration that they were like oh and these are all mostly heterosexual men and we had one homosexual and one bisexual guy but at so I said to the guys - okay good you know you guys who have girlfriends or wives imagine this you you go to bed one night with your wife you know you you snuggle up you go to sleep and everything's great you love your wife then you wake up in the morning and she gets out of bed and you notice where there was once a nice sweet soft vagina there's a penis that grew there overnight how do you think your relationship would change now that there's that there's no bagina there yeah that you're not going to be having sex anymore and they were in a lot of them really at one guy broke down in tears he was like you know he they never realized he's like it's the only reason why I'm still with it for him he was going through a tough time so the only reason why I'm still with this crazy and it was like i opening so one thing I would say you know to answer your question to come full circle is don't be a and be mindful about premarital sex or pre-commitment sex because if it's an addiction it can be an addiction and for most guys it is but they don't know do you think that marriage is still a good idea in today's world not the way we do it here in the West I don't think there's any reason to have a government contract with another human being about our love life I'm a libertarian anyway so I'm not interested in government being in any part of my life but that what the marriage contract and the government intervention is not designed for for men it's designed for power and control by the government through the woman which is exactly how the devil always gets his due that's why the snake came to Eve not not Adam so what's his name Hitler said that the best way to control the population is to take the father's out of their home and make the women dependent on the state and the minute you sign that contract that's what you're agreeing to well that's what they've done you know it's been that way for a long time now it's been that way for decades now where the state is now the head of the household it used to be that the men had responsibility and authority of the household now men still have 100% responsibility but no authority the state has all the authority and is now the head of the household when it comes to marriage so I mean if you choose to marry and/or even if you don't marry but if you live in a way that the state views as a marriage and have kids you're you're literally signing over the rights for the state to decide and for her to decide and by the way family law is not friendly it doesn't encourage women to be to behave well it encourages them to maximize their hypergamy on the exit with the divorce law then you're basically handing over a like you're playing Russian roulette with a six-shooter with five of the Chamber's loaded hoping that one time out of six she's going to behave well on on the exit and give you a fair arrangement fair access to your kids and not divorce rape you and that's reality the world that we live in today and it's it's sad because you know like you've observed men like to pair bond right yeah it's it's it's built into us yeah and so do women I mean I think there's nothing I think the traditional marriage or the way we did things in the past is great and so I see one of two things as viable options for young men and we spoke a lot about this yeah yeah number one I I gotta be honest dude I know you guys have had certain big towers on your show and stuff and there's some arguments that ensue but I think make times a good idea I think Macau is a good idea and I encourage more men to realize they don't you don't need a woman to have a great life so I you know even though I'm married all these years I I think that it's a good idea I think that it's okay I think that if you think that it's beneficial on a society level and on an individual level then do need to go their own way and then the other is if you're gonna get married I I wouldn't definitely not do it with the state man I really know what the answer is with regard to America's I know the state right they'll they'll say your marriage you married even if you're just living together and you never sign the contract I would like to see a return to traditional gender roles in and outside the home it made sense it was okay nobody was victimized and there was no oppressor I think it's the natural way for men and women to be with one another yeah so let me take you to task on that because you're saying that that you think make tau is a way to go it's the best way for men to behave but you're also saying men shouldn't be promiscuous and they should pair bond with women I'm seeing lines blur here right so because we're all individuals I honor and I even praised those who have chosen to go their own way I think it's okay the line is blurred because I'm not that right so right away it's like how can that's why a lot of people you know sometimes confused about the things that I say because my life is a lot different than some of the things that I that I support and so yes I do support that and yes a-also do support now the only way I look I would say migt out first go your own way first but if you're but I do believe maybe nation maybe only because I'm it's been my experience then you know I'm kind of live under a rock this way but if you find a good woman and you can maintain that sexual polarity and that balance in the relationship and in the home it can work it can be great but if it's not this then it's gonna be it's gonna be ugly what would you consider a defining moment in your life Eliot well I mean I had tons ooh every time I each each bicep I tore was a defining moment in my life you know although those were defining moments of course having sex for the having sex and getting married you know B being with women that's a defining moment it that changes us and I think that's a big part of what I want to point out it's like you it it's easy to say that we're unaffected as men but I think we're deeply affected by our sexual relationships so that's I mean that's defined let's define me building my business defining moments you know I have three daughters and of course each one was a defining moment but I also have a son and my son's the youngest go figure right I was the oldest of all the boys you know growing up in my home and king of the boys always the strongest fastest biggest and so you know alpha on top of the pack just by virtue of being born as a kid and then here's my son who thank God I'm his dad who's got three older sisters and lives in a far more Beta fide feminized world than I ever did and I think one of the defining moments as it relates to him was probably ease eight years old now probably like the last year or two now he's kind of past the mommy phase being a dad to a son and so he and I go camping he helps me out in the backyard we do things together and that has really shed a new light on my role as a father but more so as a father of a boy hmm you're doing a lot of pitching for the non Jobs Revolution at one point which to me I took it as you know job basically stands for just over broke you know create your own gig and run with it what's your view on life as men when it comes to generating wealth and creating purpose and putting a little dent in the universe with an on job saying like can you explain that I think as men were talk about defining I think work has always defined men and I think that's okay I think that's great the difference between the Industrial Revolution when the work that defined it men were them being cogs in a system and what's available to us today is that we could literally use our own blueprint our own fingerprint to go into the marketplace and create something wonderful from the world that is a true expression of who we are so it's like entrepreneurship take into the you know to the greatest degree this day and age so I think that it's a great opportunity this day and age particular with you know is a great opportunity for men who would otherwise be stuck as a cog in a system because there was no other way there was no other way you had to be a factory worker or a farmer there's no other way to now realizing the age of information that those things that call your soul like so for example you know I know that you do this to a degree as a business you know you love masculinity you love men you love sharing this message it's great that you can do that thing that your heart is called to and monetize it earn a living from having to have an even exchange of value with the marketplace shout out to the superjet here from liver dad says thanks Elliot and Richard for the great work may need to learn how to live for themselves and not for women greetings from Brazil thanks man yeah you know making yourself your own mental point of origin is is different you know we're not we're not encouraged to do that as as dude you know we're encouraged to be a cog in the wheel you know become one of the sheep and when you when you unplug from that condition and go and do something different and great it's it's it's always gonna be challenge I mean your family's gonna be the biggest challenge you know I've I got it I'm sure a lot of dudes out there that have gone their own way and created their own business to put a dent in the universe I've been I've been told well why don't you just get a job you know that's not making any money but I think it takes it takes it takes a little bit of natural talent but it also takes an unrelenting desire to be effective and find a way to create like significant value with what you're doing right you still talk a lot about the non job stuff like you still encourage people that way like I know you're grounding camps are more like active meditation and naked cussed and shouting and stuff like is that something that you're still on well I started making those non job videos back in 2012 I think or 2013 and it was in this concept of internet entrepreneurship was brand new really I mean it didn't explode the way it did right now I was lucky to not lucky but you know I I sought it out when the internet basically just came about I didn't have an email address in college and when I decided to start my own business I knew right away and this was like 2000 and 2003 that the internet was going to be I was going to need to learn marketing I was going to learn how to use the Internet in order to reach people to hire me as a coach come to my gym and then ultimately I ended up started starting to sell products but by 2013 I kind of like I had it nailed and I was doing really well and I just saw it as my responsibility to liberate the next generation by letting them know hey guys things have changed now you may have just gotten out of high school you know I've been out for a little while now and I'm out in the real world and let me tell you that it's not what they told you in fact because of the advent of the internet which we take for granted but it's still very very very new we had the capacity to you know not just with the internet you could build an offline business I have gyms all over the country but you can use the internet to break the bonds of the societal conditioning I told you you need to go to university you need to get a big corporate job actually don't need to do that and I'm proud to say that now you know that was 2012-2013 you know what are the six years later most of the events that I go to that I teach you know when I had a grounding camp that I have shrunk camp events which Trent camp is all now is all about helping men open their own gyms the majority of Millennials are entrepreneurs are thinking about entrepreneurship so it literally is like just the way things are going to go and I if you end up working in an organization I still believe like so for example I have lots of guys that work for me but they're all entrepreneurs and they're all business owners so they all I don't pay them I pay their companies and I encourage every single one of them if you're gonna work for strength camp you need to have your own business and you know it's and it's beneficial on both ends of the spectrum you know we sort of step out of the matrix a little bit with taxes and whatnot although we do everything legally and we make sure that we don't cross any boundaries we step out of the that matrix a little bit as a as a company but then also more than just the tax benefit and you know what it is to have a business of your own the mindset that I think is responsible for all men is that I am sovereign over my life I'm trading some of my time and skills with this organization in order to in order to have an exchange of value but I am not subject to I am NOT I don't even use the word employed by I am NOT I'm not owned by the company I work for I own myself and we have an exchange and so I think entrepreneurship is just a good idea you built a big audience on YouTube you think it's still a good platform for guys to broadcast to share messages and ideas and to build a business office yeah it depends on your predisposition you know some guys are better at writing you know and I encourage those guys to write or guys or you know they got a face made for radio so make make a podcast you know what I'm saying and then some people are good-looking and charismatic and have really good information and so YouTube Instagram so I really think it depends you know on what your what your leaning is what advice would you guys give to guys that want to broadcast a message on YouTube I mean since you were so successful at it well you gotta look at it you're gonna look at it two ways and and you know I've gotten the two mixed up lots of times sometimes I'm more on one on the other but there and they kindly support one another but I encourage you to think of yourself as a business person first not as a social media star or celebrity or somebody was a big following but following doesn't mean if you're don't have a business and so I encourage them to work on their education and their business and their marketing skills and their their skills with whatever product or service that they're developing that's first and when that's first you have something to stand on to then allow social media to fuel it just supports you and that was the way it was for me I was a gym owner and then I started creating publishing ebooks that was first I didn't have youtube I didn't know YouTube was gonna be what YouTube was but I still was a gym owner and I still published books it wasn't until I started making YouTube videos or realizing it's so funny that okay well if I make more YouTube videos I get more clicks to the links to my products and to my services good but somebody mentioned the hodgetwins before one of the things I learned while making those videos and growing in popularity is that you can earn money from YouTube specifically YouTube well knowing about the other ones and back then you know the amount of views and following that I had keith hodge hit me up one day and he was like why aren't you a YouTube partner I was like because I have a business I mean what are YouTube money for and he said dude just turn on the ads just just become a partner and then tell me what you think and so you know Here I am I've got my business everything's going well I'm getting leads I turn on YouTube as a business with the with the ads and I was like doubling my income at one point I think the highest I ever earned a month from YouTube revenue just for making YouTube videos was like 34 thousand dollars and a cent I had a sense that like it was it wasn't gonna last forever so I put all my eggs in that basket and just went hard creating those YouTube videos but right about the time that I had a sense that I needed to back off making the YouTube videos I needed to go in a little bit more I need to build my business a little bit more stable and I need I had my family was growing right about that time you they call it I don't know what they call it but there was add POC ellipse but there were a whole bunch of different like YouTube started changing and the money that a lot of guys that were social media stars and youtubers were making began to drop and so these guys were scrambling cuz it was like that was depending on all of this money and I saw as what a shame you should have treated it you should have been a businessman first rather than rely on YouTube for your money and as that money started to continue and continues to plummet and the rule so Dan Kennedy the marketing teacher of mine says the the the the most dangerous number in business is one and if you're relying on YouTube where you're relying on Instagram where you're lying on one of these things to pay you or to bring you leads and not focusing on your business and and really working on other means of other streams of income or other means of marketing then you're gonna you're definitely going to suffer like I saw so many people do yeah it's it's um it's weird I mean I I kind of launched the channel then it was 2014 was after after a retreat that I was on and I started the channel you know the notion of lending entrepreneurs success stories with their fast cars and I've never changed a channel and I'm never gonna change the channel name because I want to be true to that origin but you know like you and many other guys have including myself I mean you kind of like move into different areas we talk about different things that are of interest to you might be bodybuilding might be strength training you know for me it had a lot to do with the red pill awakening that I went through the YouTube revenue is not one it's not reliable and - you're building a business on their platform and if you treat it like a hobby like a lot of people do when they broadcast themselves you're gonna get paid like it's a hobby so for me personally I think ad revenue is very small it's it's probably worth less than ten or fifteen percent of my total revenue for the business and I do treat this like a business I mean it's you know it's the reason why I put premium content behind paywalls this is a reason why I speak it's the reason why I create exclusive stuff that doesn't end up on YouTube because I think it's incredibly important to do that it's a good place to get recognized though like it's a good place to get found if if you put out great content that answers questions and I think you did this really really well in the early days to when you were putting out like almost daily videos you get rank and you get recommended you're gonna draw a lot of eyeballs in which kind of leads me to the next thing like I started to notice with the stuff that you're putting out it's almost like he became the father that people didn't have like there was a lot like there was there was an audience of men that were fatherless that were asking you questions that they should be asking their dad that they didn't have the opportunity to ask what is that all about like did you did you notice that at all because I've seen that in my videos a lot too lately where guys are like you know I wish I knew this 20 years ago I wish that you were my father growing up or something like some version of that well there's no doubt that we're living in a father barren landscape either just not having a father father being minimally involved for fathers that are just so blue pilled and beta that they that they're like having two moms at home and so I was just making videos because it was my job was just my business it was what I did and what and you know how to answer questions I didn't think to deeply of it I was just doing it and it wasn't until I started doing live events I stopped making YouTube videos and I live down here in Florida basically live in the swamp is that on people here but when I got out of here I stopped making the videos and I started meeting young men at my events I then began to realize and it took a lot of growth for me to step into this that I am like a father I am a father in many ways to perhaps a million young men out there and so even like for example this weekend so many of the young men confided in me that you know I was like their father figure and tears came to their eyes about how their father was either mentally disturbed or my mom only spoke poorly about my father and I didn't get to see him a lot there really as Robert Bly would say in iron John their father hungry and in order for me to step into that role is he I had a father I had a pretty alpha father I still have you know he's still alive in order for me to have the compassion that's required for me to step into that role really required me quite a few years of self-reflection and evolution where now I can you know if you would have said that to me years ago I would have either had a denial about it which I knew I was in denial about it for a while or sort of an arrogance about it like you know look at me how cool I am everybody looks up to me and so it's a very very very very important and a role that I take very seriously and I feel that role in my way for so many young men you wrote a book called King what was that about well during my hiatus you know I call it hiatus I've called it many different things including going down into the tunnel where I a lot of this transformation that I just mentioned started to unfold I became interested in the work of Robert Moore and and Carl Jung and specifically Robert Moore and much of his work the archetype of initiation you know the initiation rites of passages for men but one of the things that he did was he took carl jung's concept of a quad rated psyche where you know where we get the thinking feeling being doing concept of what it is to be a human being but he superimposed it upon the mythological archetypes of the king warrior magician and lover and so the king is or let me start with warrior because we all know warrior so well it's about doing you know it's kind of its innate in our in our nature as men is to do is to protect is to provide but then we also have our thinking capacity which is the magician you know I like to think of the magician more like a priest like every man is a shaman or a priest magician just reminds me of a dude pulling a hat okay a rabbit so it's not resonating with it so I say priest every man is a priest in his home in his world and then also lover and this is where we get our sensuality you know most of our addictions come out of wounded wounded lover aspects of you know our hearts but then there's a king and the king in this equation of you know thinking feeling being and doing is not thinking he's not thinking the king down fake the king doesn't do anything and feeling just gets in the way the king is just being you know and so you say being and it's so confusing to people and this concept of being being and the concept of King is so mysterious to people and so there's so much association with it that is like we used you know we were saying before different words just have associations with it that are that are inappropriate and so when I began that exploration knowing that I was delving deep into my own evolution and wanting to bring my concept of the four layers of strength which interestingly enough before knowing anything about this match perfectly with each one of those four those four archetypes well I wasn't gonna call it lover I wasn't gonna call it and really what we're all looking for anyway is the stillness of being you know that's really what we want everything that we're reaching after everything that were you know david deida every familiar david zeta in the way of it leads to the fact that men are always looking to come to a climax we're always looking to come to an end everything that we're doing because we want to solve that problem we want to reach that goal we want to have that ejaculation and a part of what comes with that final release is the Dimmu nation of striving of seeking of meeting of addiction and the ability to just sit and be still and to allow and that's really where the King gets gets its power in our consciousness an ability to be still and know and allow our lives to unfold what is called even the kids think of the new of the new version of Elliott Hulse you know the more red pill sort of version than one the folk it's just more in the masculine uh well interesting Lee it's not new like I said before like I've always been this way and so I'm not very different at all the difference is that just you know just these past few years really just the past year I've been more vocal to my audience about it they're the ones getting the wake up Mike my family know me they know the way I am they know that this is not anything strange or different I did have to confront some things about myself earlier this year with my wife and it was a little bit it wasn't a little bit of a challenge with us because I I needed to explore my own consciousness with regard to my relationship to her and so you know I discovered things like being addicted to sex and you know and then when in that in that way as most men do pandering and kowtow because we know that that's that's the source of sex of my addiction so beyond that which was a huge awakening for me and I feel so much more aware and liberate and I think that was a missing piece in my message to young men I'm basically the same we always get misquoted somewhere you know or misunderstood somewhere with what we do and how we broadcast and you know on social media channels especially on YouTube what do you think that you're misunderstood about the most that the term is quoted on the most well I'll tell you what I'm most misquoted about can't seem to get right is that when people said who's like I got to back you up about five seconds because your Wi-Fi cut out or something it just kind of froze up this isn't so good start again so the one I miss understood it a lot of things and I even misunderstand myself about a lot of things and I'm okay with that night that's great well being misquoted and it's probably my most famous quote besides become the strongest version of yourself is breathe into your balls breathing into your balls and it's a concept that I've explored and show and taught and speak about for years people say breathe through your balls and I can't figure out why they can't get that right and I think it has something to do with not just the phrase but the consciousness associated with owning our manhood in that in embodied grounded way and so I hear men and women saying breathe through your oh it's not about going through the balls guys not going through the balls we're not dropping through the floor the balls are there for a reason that seat of our sexuality is what we want to tap into and breathe into the balls people and how does one breathe into balls well so I've always been a physical guy you know exercise has been my thing but I've always been a into self exploration into spirituality into religion into being the strongest version of myself in the soul so being into psychology and sofy I spent a lot of time studying a lot of the other great masters and one master that I came across who revolutionized my my perspective on so many different things was Wilhelm Reich are you familiar with Wilhelm Reich no well Wilma Reich was a student of Sigmund Freud and I love the fact that Sigmund Freud has two of the most radical but most diametrically opposed students that I love that's why a lot of people misunderstand me because I'm on all ends of this poem on both ends of spectrum Carl Jung we spoke in terms of the spiritual world and so he was radical in that they called him a mystic this guy's that ground that grounded down to earth he's making up all this religious stuff and so he's on say he's on the far left end of the spectrum what a lot of people don't know is that he had another student that was just as wet maybe more so so much so that the American government had him banned killed and burned all his books on this far into the end of the spectrum is wilhelm reich and wilhelm reich understood and showed how the body held the trauma and that in his in his practice rather than speaking with his clients he found that he needed to observe them particularly their breathing and their body while they were processing trauma when he began to notice is that when people would speak up or bring up memories of trauma their body you the look in their face would change or the color and their skin would change certain muscles would tighten up certain muscles would tweak certain some people certain parts of the body would just go limp and and all of these physical defense mechanisms were related to a stifling of the capacity to breathe deep they're all defense mechanisms to to make the breath shallow and so a full orgastic wave which a full breathing wave is where some where the entire organism from tip of the head to the bottom of the to the perineum right you know right between your your the tape they call it because it ate your balls that taint your your butt hole right in between there where the pelvic floor is from the tibia to your pelvic floor there is a there should be a natural wave that accompanies every single breath that we take and if you look at a baby sleeping you'll notice this wave and the baby there's an extension and there's a flexion well that same extension and flexion is associated with proper which is you know you can go really deep here the proper expression of the body during the sexual act there's a particular wave that there's a righteous wave there's there's an optimal wage for our bodies as we're stroking and we're having sex and so he recognized this and he called this this capacity to breathe with that wave in that capacity to have full orgastic release which is the ultimate in sex and sexual control he called it the orgastic wave so in order to to be the strongest version yourself had that full orgastic wave in your ability to breathe in your ability to have sex but everything in-between there is all about being able to express yourself self-expression everything there that's associated with that can be or oftentimes is stifled is blocked we have an inhibition due to muscular neurotic holding patterns all designed to block that wave so he recognized that there was that there's a tremendous amount of neuromuscular and I use the term neurotic holding pattern associated with the eyes the jaw across the neck and heart the heart solar plexus belly and pelvic floor they're very similar to the chakras and and you notice in the east although he knew nothing of it and when I say come full-circle when I say breathe into your balls what I'm doing number one is pointing out the fact that we're all so tense and tight and stuck that we don't realize that we're breathing shallow and that we're not we're not breathing down into the pelvic floor down into the perineum and we're not getting that full orgastic wave that's associated with full self-expression in sexuality so number one I'm pointing it out that most of us are cut off mostly we're cut out what we'll cut off in a lot of different places but our sexuality is cut off right at the belly right at the pelvic floor right at where we have our elastic band for our belts and for you know it's interesting you know I don't know if it's a I don't know how I don't want to point say it's a it's a conspiracy against us sexually but a lot of the tension that we that we have it cuts us off from our balls come from the type of clothing that we wear and and sitting all day long in the East a lot of men would wear like gowns they didn't they didn't have they didn't have their their balls tied up like a bull and we do right now I'm gonna sit here with a pair underwear and some elastic I'm like I'm not I'm not as free as I could be here and so breathing into the balls full circle breathing into your balls means resolving those blocks throughout the body and relaxing being the only way you can breathe into the balls if you're King being in such a still state that we can tap into access our sexual power that is physical that's what our gonads are down below into our balls nice nice well we're gonna we're gonna wrap it up on on that note very very shortly I want to back to you just one second I'm just gonna shout out to my channel sponsor because this stuff matters the tactical soap company Grande Ike so company by the way there's always a link pinned in my description and the top comment if you guys want to grab some of that stuff that helps support the creation the content you're showering anyway it's pheromone infuse soap and it's all natural doesn't have any nasty estrogenic crap in it which is going to lower your testosterone so check that out what are you working on this year it's 2019 I kind of want to watch why name is broadcast you know point to what it is that you want to share with these guys that are watching we got like close to 600 people live right now well if you're interested in the things that I'm talking about which are well researched in fact in trauma therapy they're talking about this now talk about breathing into the balls in trauma therapy trauma release therapy they're talking about this and a lot of the men that are coming back with with post-traumatic stress syndrome a lot of this body psychology stuff that I'm spouting right now which might sound crazy was is number one it's ancient and it was highly developed by in the West by Wilhelm Reich and his students one of which is Alexander Lowen the creator of bioenergetic analysis and so you know what I'm saying might sound a little crazy but beyond just doing your research and seeing that these are things that that are a lot they do make sense they are logical and they're true they can't be spoken about in order to bring about change in your life and that's why I created grounding camp and a grounding camp rather than talking about the concept of taking back our balls breathing into our balls releasing ourselves from neurotic holding patterns that have been keeping us as good little boys since our you know our mommies told us not to touch our peepees and you know what and schoolteachers we practice osho active meditations which is a lot of physical embodiment of masculinity we're not just talking about it we're doing it but we're doing it in this in this controlled environment where you really get to let loose and allow everything to be where they calm so that you can have you stop your ears are killing it let me just stop for even first sec just go back about 10 seconds because you froze up again well I was just saying that that grounding camp we do active meditations which is a controlled environment for us to attack in to embody and express our masculinity physically and then also bioenergetic breathing and it has a lot to do with what I was talking about just now breathing into your balls and and and really tapping back into your natural state of being and all of your capacity to self express in a courageous confidence masculine way so yeah if you're interested in those kind of thing go does grounding can't calm the website is a little I'm updating it right now as we speak but uh stay tuned I have another one coming up in June in New York if you're interested in something like that awesome alright well thanks for joining me for today's broadcast stay on after I end the show I just want to chat for a couple more minutes but thanks everybody who did the super chats and who tuned in to watch today we'll catch you guys in the next one oh by the way announcement we have a special announcement tonight on my channel I've got to create the vent and share it but at 9:30 I'm going live with Anthony Rollo hunter and Jorge Bruno for a very very coming back so make sure you subscribe to the channel you hit the notification bell so you don't miss that I'll be on tonight at 9:30 probably for about 15 or 20 minutes just a quick one thanks for watching guys peace out
Channel: Entrepreneurs in Cars
Views: 34,804
Rating: 4.9183211 out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneurs in cars, be better, richard cooper, tips for men, masculinity, elliott hulse, the strongest version of yourself, elliott hulse interview, who is elliott hulse, strength camp, how to be stronger, strong man, become stronger, strength, body building, #hangoutsonair, Hangouts On Air, #hoa, grounding camp, non jobs revolution, king, colleen hulse
Id: magPro8JWP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 26sec (5126 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 09 2019
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