Elephant Rifle vs Body Armor 🛡

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hey what's up man have you done today's sponsor yet no i'm just getting stuff set up for the video i haven't even started the video yet well i heard your sponsor today was keeps you know the male hair loss prevention company and i really liked them a lot so i was going to see if maybe i could help you well sure i'd be happy to let you help awesome man i love keeps i mean obviously i love keeps i mean look at this i mean the last thing i want to do is end up looking like you dude i cut my hair short on purpose i like having short hair yeah whatever man you really need to check them out i mean you don't even got to go to the doctor you just like go online and you talk to the doctor online and then they send you your medication to your house so you don't even gotta like stand in line or anything and then you'd be looking fresh like brandon herrera man because that's that's he's like my favorite oh well this is news to me i didn't even know you like brandon well i mean brandon is kind of weak and puny but he's got really pretty hair and i've got really pretty hair hey where are you going hey you may not want to try keeps man because it like just helps you keep your hair it's not going to grow back what's your problem man you just my hair let's see how much that golden hair you keeps now no no what's up everybody my name is scott and you're watching kentucky ballistics we're back out of the range and i'm super excited because i get to have some more fun with the elephant gun today but before we get started i want to say thank you to keeps for sponsoring today's video keeps is male hair loss prevention treatment they make a solid product and they wanted to sponsor today's video i'm very thankful for that they showed me some love so be sure and show them some love use my link in the description down below and it'll get you 50 off your first order now let me show you what we got today here recently i introduced you to the elephant gun this is the cz 550 magnum and it's chambered in 458 lot this thing was pretty impressive i asked you what else you'd like to see me shoot with it and the number one request seemed to be body armor so caliber body armor has sent us some body armor to shoot they offered to send this they're based out of louisville so they're a kentucky company i like that but what really impressed me is they're willing to send me their body armor when they know i'm gonna shoot it with an elephant gun so that says a lot about their product and how much confidence they have in it this is not going to do well against the elephant gun this is a 3a soft armor plate this is ready for 44 magnum and i don't think that's gonna stop much of anything today but this right here this is steel body armor i believe it's ar 550 and it's rated level three plus so it's good for five five six five five six green tip 7.62 by 39 should be pretty tough stuff and i'm curious to see what happens when we blast it with the elephant gun so there's really no point in me shooting the soft armor that's rated for 44 magnum but we're going to do it anyways all right here we go this thing is so ridiculous let's check it out so blew right through the soft armor like i expected i mean just cut right through it and then destroyed our cinder block but this is still good we'll save this for another video this plate is rated for 556 7.62 by 39 and lots of other things let's give it one shot with the ak before we blast it with the elephant gun and make sure it's good to go let's go check it out okay let's check this thing out no hole in the back side so that's always a good sign looks like we hit right here and it caught the round no bulge in the back and it looks like the coating pretty much stopped all the splatter okay i'm excited we're gonna hit this plate with two different rounds we're gonna start out with this one this is a hornady 458 lot 500 grain dgx it's a bonded round and has a very thick jacket and i'm guessing that i am probably going to need a new cinder block after this here we go [Music] [Music] if you were wearing that plate oh it'd be so bad well looks like the plate stopped it there is a bulge though oh my goodness oh my goodness okay that's just the plastic coating man this thing is hot okay well the plate held up it stopped that round but man it put a bulge on the back and destroyed the cinder block busted the coating around it there pieces of it look at that there's a piece of it right there he broke up pretty good okay now we're gonna hit it with this this is the nosler 458 lot 500 grain brass solid take into consideration that this plate is not rated to stop an elephant gun we've already shot it once with the elephant gun and with the ak-47 so if this makes it through remember all that it's not even rated for this gun also since this is a steel plate and this is a projectile that will not expand or give i have angled it slightly to the right so if we were to have a ricochet it's going to go that way and into the dirt [Music] another cinder block bites the dust okay well we knocked the plastic covering off the plate goodness gracious that's from the ak that's from our first shot with the 458 watt and this is our second shot there's the plate and it appears that it stopped it wow after seeing how much damage the first shot did i figured that brass round would have had a chance at busting it but it didn't that's a pretty tough plate i kind of want to shoot it one more time but i'm out of cinder blocks so we'll just have to set it right here move this out of the way let's hit it one more time with the hornady dgx bonded round we don't have the plastic coating on the armor plate anymore so maybe we'll get some cool splatter on the second camera holy man this thing kicks like a mule well there's where we hit we did some damage to the front of this thing and put another big dent in it but it stopped the elephant gun for a third time that's some pretty tough stuff ken folk i'm not gonna lie i'm having a lot of fun with this elephant rifle i think i'm gonna keep this series going so what would you like to see me shoot next with the elephant rifle let me know in the comment section down below if you enjoyed today's video as much as i did do me a favor and give it a like and if you're not subscribed to kentucky ballistics do yourself a favor and hit that subscribe button also make sure you check me out on patreon facebook instagram and twitter and check out kentucky ballistas clothing links to all those can be found in the description down below or on my website kentuckyballistics.com again my name is scott thank you so much for watching kentucky ballistics and i'll see you next time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Kentucky Ballistics
Views: 1,267,407
Rating: 4.9174829 out of 5
Keywords: elephant rifle vs body armor, elephant rifle, kentucky ballistics, elephant gun vs, elephant gun vs body armor, kentucky ballistics scott, elephant gun, body armor test, 458 lott, 700 nitro express, 600 nitro express, scott kentucky ballistics, elephant gun vs armor, most powerful, most powerful gun in the world, kentucky ballistics elephant rifle, biggest rifle in the world, kentucky ballistics body armor, most powerful gun, kentucky, ballistics, scott
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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