ELECTROCUTING FOR SENPAI | Yandere Simulator #14

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Hello, everybody. My name is Markiplier and welcome back to Yandere Simulator. Now we've got some updates in this game It's an entirely new game engine from unity 4 to unity 5. But again you guys don't care about those small, insignificant details when it comes to the love that I feel in my heart for Senpai nothing else really matters But what I do know is that in this build there have been some bug fixes which just means that oh I get new and interesting ways to get rid of senpai's enemies. I don't want to get you overwhelmed by the amazing glory that is Senpai too early in this video no There's work to be done because believe it or not there are scoundrels and Basic bitches that want a piece of the Senpai pie, and I will not share my Senpai. We have to dispatch of them in ways that only we know and I think you know exactly the way that I'm going to be dispatching Boobs McKenzie first Cuz last time I was thwarted (Spongebob: Who lives in a pineapple), but not this time No, not on this beautiful day, not on this glorious morn of which I will love Senpai for all my life in all eternity, and we will be together forever AAAAAAH It'll be beautiful. So how about you join me for a journey? A wonderful journey of love and destiny and murder a little bit of murder a little bit of murder... Anyway Riding on the winds of love Ah yes, dumbbells great Dumbbells which remind me of my enemies those that would thwart me from Senpai ah One Dumbbell for the only lover that Senpai needs in his life, and it better be me Two for the perfect couple on campus the most beautiful and adorable one that everyone talks about Three for, as in three's company in there shouldn't be three when it comes to me and senpai so you got to blast them over the head with a dumbbell book. Four for the number of holes I'm gonna put in the face of anybody looks Senpai's way and five for the number of children that I'm gonna give Senpai when we're finally married ah But you all know about this. You all know what's about to happen. You know I'll know what I tried to do, but I don't know if it's gonna work because it... Oh, they seem to have fixed my leg. Oh that was bothering me a whole lot last time well, okay. That's good to know That's good to know. This game has been updated and actually it runs a bit more smoothly now. Which is awfully nice, but Hopefully they have solved this problem. This conundrum of the balcony, this little weirdness as we are in the city that is floating on top of the sky for some reason But I'm gonna overlook that fact. I've only got eyes for Senpai. It doesn't matter if we're in the clouds. No no no, it only matters if my love for Senpai can be felt through my actions And the actions of which I speak are the ones where I drop this dumbbell set on Boobs McKenzie's head. And then she could go splat splat and then she'd go bye-bye and nobody see her again She g... She dead. Gonna wait now. If there's one thing I learned in Yandere Simulator it's patience Patience to wait here for half an hour without moving a single muscle while waiting for my opportune target to present herself off this balcony Oh only if she dared to actually think about Senpai which I don't think that she would I mean that would just be ridiculously stupid of her HAHAHAHAHA I don't even know if... ooh hi I don't know if it's gonna work, but uh bombs away Whoopsie. "No it can't be..." "No, it can't be..." No it can't be I don't think it is... "This is a tragedy. Why would anyone do this? I'll call the police immediately." Oh... "There's been a death at Akademi High School. We need help right away!" Does this help? Wait... Teacher, does this help? Senpai, where are you going? Sen- Senpai? Senpai! What was that? Senpai no, we're gonna sweep this up. Where did the body go? WHERE DID THE BODY GO? WHERE DID THE BODY GO? Teacher, does this help? Teacher am I helping? If I do it faster does it help? Does it help more? Teacher, I've got no one else to impress but you. SENPAI RAN AWAY! Does that mean there's a body over here? Is that what happened. Oh my God! Why is she there? Why is she? Why is she there? Well, better clean that up. Hey! Hey! Wake up! Wake up! Boink boink. Wait. Hey Boobs McKenzie come on, wake up! Come on. It was just a prank bro. It was just a prank. Oh come on! It was just a prank bro. Bunch of idiots over here. Don't know what a prank is. Pff... ("I'm Ethan Bradberry") Hey. Oh yeah, cowering in fear. I know, I know that feeling. Look. I'm so scared. We're all scared. We're all scared here together. AAH I'M SO SCARED! WOAH FEAR IS FLOWING THROUGH MY BLOOD! I'm scared. You're scared. We're all scared. You need some help there? Look at your knees. Uh oh... The police have arrived at school. The police discover the corpse of Kokona Haruka. That's not her name. Use her proper name! The police are unable to locate any murder weapons. The police question Yandere-chan, but cannot link her to any crimes. Hey, I was trying to help. I had a mop. I was trying to mop up the blood. If you noticed I was mopping up the blood real good. Ah... The police do not have enough evidence to perform an arrest. The police investigation ends, and the students are free to leave. Well, How handy-dandy that do? Alright, I guess we're good then. Yandere-chan stalks Senpai until he has returned safely home, and then returns to her own home. Yeah, that went amazingly well. Well good for me. Time to go rest my weary head and then hope for a new day where Senpai doesn't love anybody else but me. Senpai, do you wanna love me today? Is today the day that we are going to be together forever and this day that today is never ends 'cause we're together forever? Is that the day that today is? SENPAI! Oh, it's a little drearier today. Did people die? Ooh nooo... Did people die? Ah Senpai. Hey, Senpai. *sniff* Aah... You smell so good today. You smell good everyday. I know *sniff* Aah, do you even know I'm here? ...giggle a girlish huh haha hihi ha. Do you get my girly giggles? I'M SO GIRLY AND CHARMING YOU LIKE THAT, RIGHT? WHAT DO YOU LIKE? I'LL BE THAT THING! You all know that's not why we're really here. We're here for so much more than that. Well exactly one more thing more than that because we're here to dispatch our arrival in a way that we weren't trying and failing to do last time. Oh no, no no no today is a very special day and there's a very special thing to be able to do on the today that it is. Oh, yes Oh, yes, you get a double feature of dispatchment. Step number one: Go get a bucket. This is the wrong place. Here we go. A bucket. Fill it with water. Magical water, you didn't even need to bend over to do that. Then when you got your bucket of water go take it to the science lab wherever the hell that is. I think it's on the third floor. Oh there it is. Oh convenient. Oh good. You got your unspillable bucket of water and you got a screwdriver. Handy-dandy tools for your everyday... ...teenage... schoolgirl life... with murder. And then you go over here. And then you just dance your way down this hallway, and you go over and visit your friendly neighborhood Boobs McKenzie who is oddly enough alive. Hahahaha, how did you get alive again? I wish I could know that. How you guys doing. Oh what do you think of Senpai? Oh, you don't know who that is? All good for you, but don't be insulting about it Come on. Give me your honest opinion about him. What do you think of Senpai? HUH? Don't say he's too handsome or else I'll kill you, but also don't say he's ugly or I'll kill you for insulting him. Yeah it's best if you just all shut up and don't do anything. Wow Boobs McKenzie. Do you have any place to be now? Do you have any place that you might want to go to with your stupid boobs and stupid hair? Huh? Is there any place that you might want to uh, oh, I don't know conveniently go so I can get you isolated and then maybe create some happenstance for you to be dispatched. Anything like that? You want to go for that? Whoah. She's off like a gun. Where'd you go? Oh Boobsie oh where'd you go? Oh, no. Oh, let me follow you from a safe distance. Oh going to the bathroom a oh whoa. Oh you are. Oh no. Oh, no. Oh, okay. I mean, that's good for you. What could go wrong and... arguably nothing. Oh yeah, you stay in there. I'm going to uh unscrew this. I'm going to uh carry this again. I'm going to... ...uuuh I'm going to... Ah this yes. *sploosh* Oh oops... "Did someone really just throw water on me? Why would someone do this?!" I don't know. I don't know why someone would do this, but I'm gonna squeak squonk over here. Hey "Ugh! I have to turn the stupid lights back on..." Oh no, you do? Oh no... Oh my god. OH! Whoah okay! Boobsie? Boobsie.. All right BLINK TWICE IF YOU'RE OKAY! BLINK TWICE IF YOU STILL LOVE SENPAI! Okay, alright then. Gonna save that for my collection, I guess. My weird horrible murder collection. Ahaha, but anyway... Aaah... That was an eventful bathroom trip for not me and someone else. Oh well... Is no one gonna notice this? What happens if I just go to class? Senpai! Oh you know how these bathrooms are... Two go in one comes out... It's the fucking hunger games in there. What can you know about life? Anyway... I'm gonna go to class. Don't mind me just standing on the desk here. Yandere-chan attempts to attend class without disposing of a corpse. While walking around school a teacher discovers a corpse. Teacher immediately calls the police. Teacher informs the rest of the faculty. Oh this seems bad. Police investigation, okay. The police... Ooh... Police arrived. The police determine that Kokona Haruka... Again not her name. ...died from being electrocuted. The police treat her death as a possible murder, and search the school for any other victims. The police are unable to locate any corpses on school... Except for that one, you know, that one corpse they weren't able to find any other. Unable to locate any murder weapons. The police question Yandere-chan, but cannot link her to any crimes. The police do not have enough evidence to perform an arrest. The police investigation ends, and the students are free to leave, haha. Would you know it. Yandere-chan stalks Senpai until he has returned safely home, and then returns to her own home. Who'd have thought? Who'd have thought? No one would have thought that? Oh let me rest my weary head. Dreaming dreams of Senpai. That's twice in one video that I've killed Boobs McKenzie. I didn't know that it was gonna be such a slaughter here, but maybe I could just finish it all off. Where is the button for the costume menu? Hm, wait, what other modes do they have? Blade hair mode? Is this what I think it is? Ladadadadadap badadadadadap boodadadadadey dadoo Okay, so it didn't do what I thought it was gonna do. I thought it was gonna slice people up. Nope but apparently not. AAH! THAT DID THAT! OH THAT DID THE DEATH TORNADO! Hayaah! Hayaah! What the fuck? What the fuuck? Hayaah! Oh my GOD! AAH! No one notices this shit? Whaa! Senpai almost got caught up in the blast. Why does no one notice... You're stepping over the bodies! Sorry Sorry I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Well... Well, well, well, oh my god THE LEGS! UUUUUAAAAAAH Everything about that is UUUAH! 'scuse me. Hi, you're still standing. Oh my god! Ah! That's UUUUGH Oh god! Fudge! Oh my god, Senpai don't look over your shoulder. It's bad news over there. All right let's reset this nightmare. Oh my god. This is a fever dream. Everything's back to normal. Ah good okay. So, we can end this with things not being so unbelievably terrible. So thank you everybody so much for watching. There are more things in this version of the game to explore. More easter eggs, more ways to eliminate your rival, more stuff in general. So if you know what you want me to do then write it down in the comments below, give me a suggestion you know I may take it I may not, but otherwise let me know how I did in the comments below. Let me know what you think of Senpai. But you know what'll happen if you answer slightly wrong. So thank you again, and as always I will see you in the next video. Bye, bye.
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,128,108
Rating: 4.9603257 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, yandere simulator, electrocution, gameplay, lets play, secrets, easter eggs, game glitches
Id: iXju4d9q-FQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2017
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