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Hello everybody! My name is Markiplier. Welcome back to Yandere Simulator. Now in this video we'll be exploring the brand new way of eliminating a rival which involves befriending them. And if I know anything about friendship, it involves doing a lot of favors for each other and then slowly exploiting each other for personal gain. Maybe I'm confusing that with something else.. but in this game, you get to talk--hi, senpai. How you doin'? Hey. You look good today. You look great. You're looking wonderful. (Deep inhale through nose) ANYWAY! So you talk to a certain someone by the name of Boobs McKenzie here, and she obviously has so many problems going in her life that she needs other people to help her out! So you go over here you go "HI, YOU LOOK.......TODAY." What. Why's this....wait, what de fuck?! What de fuck?! Hahaaiii.. (Character speaks) Yeah... Huhh. WELL. HUHH. It's funny you should ask that, because I know all about the weird size of your boobs. I am very well aware that your chesticle region is just bizarre, misshapen, and malformed but! We also have the task to do this because we can go to the sewing room, which is on the first floor. I don't know if this was the new addition or not but it's on the first floor, right here, and you go in here and you modify the thing, right.. right..righssbff...This should be working! Ok, here we go. Ok, I had to restart the game because for some reason I must have messed something up when I---Hello! Um, you're missing the seat a little bit there but that's perfectly ok, I'm not gonna question it too much. So supposedly, I think we just modified the uniform, because I don't know how, physically, I was even capable of doing that because Boobs McKenzie has quite a few things going wrong with her. But, hopefully this will get her on our good side. Hiii! Hi boobzie, how you doin'? I have something for you. Oh! I know! Oh! You're welcome! Your comfort--oh shit. Hello there. Your comfort is my Number One priority at all times. I lo-ughhhoh-ve you! You're my (disgusted noises) favorite! Oh God, I don't know how much of this sappy bullshit I can take, but Boobs McKenzie, you're doing great or whatever.. I don't know, fuck off. So now, we go to class. And then I believe, I believe, Ok, I believe the next step is on lunchtime you go up to the rooftop and then you wait for her to go behind a certain something and talk to someone... somewhere... Don't mind me! Don't mind me at all... Hehohuahahaahahaa... No... Mhmm. Yeah me too! Also that. *Markimoo is Not Okay with this development* Ugh. Oh jeez! Ok! Wow, that is some seriously messed up shit. but now we got that news! So now, what we can do is we can go down to her locker, and then put a note there, to request to meet with her. So, hang on, it's alright. Pressed the wrong button... So, if we go over here, and then I believe, is that senpai? Hi! What are you doing here? Oh, it's so good to see you! Then you go to her locker, and then you're gonna leave a note requesting, "I wanna speak with you about... domestic abuse. Please meet me..." Let's see. "..on the school rooftop at... thrrrree-thirty." I believe. "I hope you'll be there." Finish. Ok. So now, what's gonna happen, if I'm not late for class, she's gonna go up to the roof, after she sees her note, and then she's gonna go up there. 3:30 might have been a little bit too...soon. But we shall see if this pays off. Which hopefully it shall. I-I had to do this again. I''s now Tuesday, and she's gonna come in and I'm gonna tell her to meet her at 7:30 because, when she comes in, she should see the note pretty soon after she arrives and then she should be able to just go right up. Yeah. Like that. Maybe you should so go for it! Go now. Go now. N-now would be good. N-now? Lady? Lady.. Lady! Op, she's leaving! Ok. Does this mean she's going on the roof? Might be. Ok. (Funny accent) We're gonna follow you! We're gonna understand what you're doing! We're going to try to comprehend your actions! So she's going to to over there...Yes. Yes! YES! This is exactly what we were hoping for! So, she's gonna go over there, and she's gonna do her thing, and she's gonna go over there, and she's gonna do her thing, and then she is going to be right there and then I, need to try not to push her off the roof. But over here, I can offer help. Boink! Yes, please stop intersecting your arm with your boobage. Yup. Uh huh. Ohh. Ok! Oh. Huhh. (deep voice) Loan sharks... Mhmm. Ronshaku... Ronshaku Loans! Oh, don't be so quick to judge! Ohawhawha! I know many a tricks! (deep inhale through nose) (low, sexy, throat rumble)'re welcome, Boobsie! Don't worry about a thing because I know exactly what to do! It's almost like I've got a...special intuition about these things. Matters of the mind, you see! And I will get to the bottom of the matter in no time. So! There is a new character in school, which I now just connected the dots and I'm pretty sure I know exactly who she is. This lady! Right here. If you would just, boink! Hello! Send it off. That is, Musume Ronshaku! So, Musume Ronshaku, needs to be kidnapped and we know how to kidnap, don't we? So I need to go to school. Hang on one second; need to go to the nurse's office for stuff and things. Nothing you need to be too concerned about but it's probably something that's not gonna go too well for you. Well, lemme just do this. Where'd you go? You still followin' me? Good. You better hurry the fuck up. Alright, so we're in here. Badabing, badaboom "Biology Increased. Follower Valid. Syringe Held! Door Closed." Alright, we're gonna close this door. Close it. You're gonna come over here Alright, boink. Uh boink! (strange noises) buh..buhb...buub...buga..beeew! Ok. All good in this neighborhood! Boink! Time to go to class. (strange noises) Wahahuyhuay... (lowered pitch) Wahahuyhuay... Time to learn more biology. Why not? I'm a bookworm. That's...all good to me! Education is fun-ducation! I love spending my time in class! Thinking about the (whispers) people that I'm going to kidnap! Alright now we're gonna go home and we're going to just see (blubbering) YEAH! Alright, so now that it's night, we go down to the basement and then we talk to this person! Hi! We're going to record a little video! I don't know why. Huhh. I don't know why this was only available at night! But, ok! Uh huh! Oh, ok! Uh huh. The-These are interesting vocalised texts! (low growl) yet... Wohoohohohoho! Uhhhh.. All of them?! Durhhh... Daahhhh! Me monster! I know me a monster, me! Ok! Thank you.. Convenient about that! Ahh you know.. Yeah... You don't wanna know.. Oh, for legal reasons! You should be! You're welcome! Yeah! See, we're in tune. We're one in the one.. Ok! (evil laughter) Hehehehehaahha.. Ohohohoho! Oh shit.. Oh! I thought I was just going to ask her to stay away from senpai but I guess we're gonna get her oohohohohoo! This is a long, roundabout way to deal with someone, but I guess it gets them away from school.. (reads from screen) "Yandere-chan waits until the clock strikes midnight. She renders Musume-ch-" oh. Wait. What?! That duddnt.... Huh?! Oh.. Oh! That was me returning her. Oh, ok, I got it. Hello! Welcome to my humble abode! I live here all alone because I probably killed my parents. Yan-chan? (quietly) Yan-chan... Uh huh. (devil voice) I was spawned by the Universe! Bleagh.. Uh huh. Well, I can probably tell you now, considering what's about to happen. Uh huh! I agree! Just like me! um..(giggles) excuse me.. Ohohohoooho! (maniacal laughter increases in volume and intensity) My God! Hohohohooo..! (uneasy laughter) Oh my God! I mean, I knew it was gonna happen but holy shit! Oh, man! That was terrifying! That was horrifying! Holy crap! Woah! Woah, woah... Anyway! That is the newest way to eliminate your rival in Yandere-chan! WOW. That was something holy shit! Anyway! So THANK YOU everybody so much for watching! There's gonna be new updates to this game all the time (crazy la paint outro begins) but if you wanna see something else from me in this series let me know in the comments below. Thank you again everybody so much for watching! And as always, I will see YOU, in the next video! Buh-bye!
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 5,889,342
Rating: 4.958755 out of 5
Keywords: yandere simulator markiplier, befriending rivals, eliminating rivals, yandere simulator update, yandere dev, markiplier, markipliergame, funny moments, funny, funny gameplay, funny videos, funniest, hilarious, friend, rivals, anime, boobs
Id: 4NXPTtbs5qc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 16 2016
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