BE WITH ME FOREVER | Doki Doki Literature Club - Part 6 (ENDING)

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It's over...

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/girlyman1 📅︎︎ Jan 02 2018 🗫︎ replies
Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and welcome back to "Doki Doki Literature Club". Everything's fine... in here... Everything's fine. No one needs to worry *nervous umm* Memories~! Hooh, boy... Secretive, afterimage, wrath flying, horror Whoa w-w-wait a minute. I don't I don't think I have that many Scars Empty adventure, amazing Massacre whoa Way whoa way whoa why? Wait, what- was that the top of Sayori's head I saw? Grief Oh. Jumpy. oh Okay, okay agonizing Doki Doki Okay Okay, I don't know who I wrote that for "Hi Morp" "I've been waiting for you" "Are you ready to continue reading?" No, I'm not. I brought my best tea today "Monika" "I told you not to" "Ugh" "Is she really late again?" "Inconsiderate as usual Natsuki" "Excuse me?" "Must you always interrupt my conversations with your incessant yelling?" "What are you talking about?!" "You say it like I do it on a regular basis or something..." "I just wasn't paying attention, okay? I'm sorry!" "Seriously... What's gotten in to you lately?" "Me? Nothing" "...Is it really that bad?" "See, it is something" "I'll get over it!" "It's not even anything noteworthy I've just been feeling a little on edge lately." "anyway we don't need to talk about it." "I just feel like I needed to bring it up" "it's not like I really care or anything." "Aw, man..." "I'm the last one here again." "Well Morp just walked in too. Were you piano again?" yeah ha ha ha you must have a lot of determination starting this club is still trying to make time for piano well maybe not determination but I guess passion it motivates me to work hard for the festival and um right I forgot I'm about that netsuke we were all talking yesterday and well we decided that we would like to support the festival as well however I understand how you feel about not wanting the club to change I think we all kind of feel that way so long as we're all working together this club will never become something we don't want I'm also if you help us out with festival then he'll buy you new manga sorry that last part was really funny look I did some thinking about yesterday I was a little more hostile than I meant to be I guess I really felt threatened or something but I know this is something we're going to do together another new member wouldn't hurt as long as they're cool and I guess another girl would be nice this time but more importantly I would hate to see the event suck just because I chose to back out I'm a pro you know so I'm gonna help too and we'll make sure it gets done right thank goodness isn't that great Monica Monica yeah yeah that's wonderful it wouldn't be the same without you Mitsuki anyway more what do you want to do today I was thinking we could we already have plans today is that so Yuri? That's correct Morp is already engaged in a novel that we're reading together aren't you glad ever gotten him into literature, Monica? I- I suppose I was just- actually it doesn't matter it really doesn't you guys can do whatever you want. Yes! Um, thank you for understanding Monica I I don't like that... Okay... *sucks air in through teeth* Thanks you very much it's a nice cup of tea not to mention for yourself as well Yuri stands up and makes her way to the closet. I follow and watches Yuri retrieves a small water pitcher from the shelf. The kind with a filter inside. Can you hold this for a second? Sure! Yuri hands me the water pitcher and also fetches an electric kettle. I'm gonna plug this into the teacher's desk and then I'll go get some water. She walks past me and sets the kettle down on the teacher's desk I simply watch her movements to my surprise the way she moves really contrasts her speaking mannerisms especially because of her long legs Yuri appears to elegant and methodical. Okay, may I have the water pitcher? Thanks I'll be right back. I might as well walk with you. That's okay you stay here it won't take long I have to fill it up with blood. Pitcher in hand, Yuri hurries out of the classroom. Ah, did Yuri leave you again? No it's not like that this time. She's just filling up the water pitcher to make tea. Oh, okay. Sorry for misunderstanding. Okay, all right Monica Ten minutes pass. Yuri said it wouldn't take long. Something holding her up. I'm bored just waiting here so I decided to go look for her. That's a mistake. Let's see. The most logical place for Yuri to go would be the nearest water fountain. I start heading down the hallway huh what's that noise it's coming from around the corner sounds like breathing a sharp in air like someone is sucking in the air through their teeth are they in pain therisa corner and peer around Yuri. Oh Whoa, okay Well I didn't see anything You rewind time because you didn't want me to see that okay. yeah anything's fine very well your assess the temperature of the kettle of 200 degrees now it's time to get the tea pot you really do this properly don't you of course I shouldn't do any less than when I'm making tea for others even if I'm not an expert on tea or anything hm-hmm in that case you only be more impressed ah perhaps I will Yuri fetches the teapot and begins WAIT WHAT JUST HAPPENED Why is no- Why is no one talking about that?! Why are we just pretending like everything's fine? teapot to my surprise he even starts humming a little to herself he must be in a good mood now is that so I was letting it show and you noticed I was doing a bit of thinking and I decided that I would try expressing myself a little bit more turns out it's not very hard for me to do when it's use around okay, all right cool great good great great Yuri wasn't kidding. I don't even know if I can keep up with this I watched Yuri pour a cup of tea for each of us morp I have another request do you mind if we sit on the floor today now? Why is that? It's a little bit easier on my back I can read with my back against the wall rather than bending over in my desk. Ah sorry didn't realize No worries. I just have back pain fairly regularly, so I do my best to manage it it's because of my enormous boobs is that so I wonder why that is it's most likely because of my Enormous boobs my your posture right always hunched over like that while reading yes I have terrible reading posture, so that's why we should sit on the floor fair enough I'll go ahead and get the book. I retrieve the book from my bag. I have some chocolate as well It's a bag of small chocolate candies I take it since it'll go well with well with the tea Yuri And I then sit against the wall Teacups at our sides as if in sync we assume the same reading position as last time with our thumbs intertwined for passion Except this time our bodies are even closer to each other. I can't see too well Your slides closer until our shoulders are touching how am I supposed to focus on reading like this hearing was always kind of cute? But when she's being less apprehensive, it's almost more than I can handle your Cup very hands me my teacup holding it with my hands. Not not holding the book I end up with a position that makes it even Harder to focus because now I need to worry about making sure I don't accidentally touch her chest Hole meanwhile Yuri hasn't noticed a single thing She wears her intense reading expression, and I can only presume the world the rounders faded away I use all my willpower to focus on reading after a few minutes I finally managed to relax a little I put the tea cup between my legs and fumble with the chocolate wrapper ah, sorry I briefly let go of the book to finish opening the wrapper you can have as much as you want ah that's that's okay I won't take any yeah, you sure well if I touch it, then I might get smudges on the pages ah you're right I didn't even think about that my bad. No need to apologize I'll hold the book. Okay. Are you sure of course? huh a Little bit of red in your eyes, I don't like that Yuri opens the book with both hands She holds it so that I don't have any harder of a time of reading But as a result her left arm is practically resting on top of my leg well in that case oh ye URIs already totally focused on reading again I take a cop Chocolate candy and pop it into my mouth, then I take another cock lit and I hold it up to your hurry He doesn't even look away from the book She simply parts her lips as if this situation was completely natural But that means I can't stop here. I apprehend simply puts the cock lid in her mouth Just like that Yuri closes her lips over it. Yeah, yours expression suddenly breaks did did I just? Your looks at me like she needs to confirm. What just happened uhm More, sorry, I guess. I shouldn't have done that ah welp, that music stop Just got us you bet here. He starts to breathe heavily I Can't morph suddenly. You're early Forcibly grabs my arm and jerks me to my feet my teacup gets knocked over clang warp oh My heart my heart won't stop pounding more. I can't calm down more I can't focus on anything anymore mom can you feel it more you suddenly presses my hand against her chest Why is this happening to me? I don't know Yuri. Why are you doing this? I feel like I'm losing my mind I can't make its up. It even makes me not want to read. I just want to look and you Those eyes are not right, that's not right that's not right. No. I don't like that okay Okay, all right well Monica. I got looked at real badly real badly alright more if I think you saw something earlier that you weren't supposed to see I didn't want to have to tell you this but I don't think I have a choice. It's getting kind of dangerous for you to spend so much time with Yuri I don't know why, but she seems pretty easily excited when she's around you Which shouldn't be a problem in itself when you're he gets too excited She finds a place to hide and starts cutting herself with a pocketknife Isn't that kind of messed up? She even brings a different one in school every day like she has a collection or something I mean, it's definitely not because he's depressed or anything like that I think she just gets some kind of high from it it might even be like a sexual thing But the point is you've kind of been enabling her. I'm not saying It's your fault though But I guess that's why I had to explain it all to you so I think if you keep your distance That would probably be best for her while you're at it. Don't be shy spend a little more time with me But lightly I at least have it together in the head, and I know how to treat my club members anyway I worked really really hard in this poem so I hope that it's a Effective here goes what Oh? Yellow D DLC escape plan failed G. Separately startled me um Well, I guess I kind of messed up at that uh writing this poem. I was just trying to never mind it Let's just move on okay The poem was cold the poem was cold the poem was cold all right NAT Sookie How you doing? I don't want to look at URI again. I really don't this one's all right all right Yeah, that's at least better than yesterday's I still can't actually tell how much you really care about writing But either way you're doing all right even though you're not really spending time with anybody But URI I still think it's time to have activities that we all participate in so you better keep working hard I mean, I know I'm not president or vice president or anything, but that doesn't mean you can let me down okay At least read mine for now even just to be clear this poem means a lot to me so read it carefully. Okay? Ah I Don't know how else to bring this up, but there's been something. I've been worried about URIs been acting kind of strange lately You've only been here a few days, so you may not know what I mean, but she's not normally like this She's always been quiet and polite and intentive things like that okay This is really embarrassing, but I'm forcing myself to suck it up the truth is I'm really Worried about her, but if I tried talking to her she'll just get mad at me again I don't know what to do I think you're the only person that she'll listen to I don't know why but at least tried to do something Maybe you can convince her to talk to a therapist I've always wanted to try to be better friends with URI and it really hurts me to see this happening I know I'm gonna hate myself later for admitting that but right now. I don't care I just feel so helpless, so please if you do anything to help I don't anything bad Avenue, or I'll make you cupcakes if I have to just please try to do something ask for Monica I don't know why but you've been really dismissive about this It's like she just wants us to ignore it so I'm mad at her right now And that's why I'm coming to you about this don't let her know I wrote this just pretend like I gave you a really good Poem okay. I'm counting on you. Thanks for reading Wow oh I Changed my mind Oh Ignore everything you just read there's no point in trying to do anything. It's you're his own fault that she's so unlucky ball Can you hear me more if you would just spend more time with Monica all these problems would go away URI and I are too messed up for someone as wonderful as you just think of Monica from now on just Monica Monica Just Monica just just Monica just just Monica smarter go okay Finally yeah finally, okay? hahaha URI holds my poem to her face and takes a deep breath I Love it. I love everything about it. What if I want to take this home? Will you let me keep it? Please sure I don't care You're too nice to me more. You're way too nice to me. You shouldn't be that size anymore I've never been anyone as nice as you oh, yeah I'm sure you haven't I could die not really but I could die. I just don't know how to describe it It's okay to be feeling this way right. It's not bad right URI holds my poem close to her chest I'm gonna take this home and keep it with me in my room I hope it makes you feel good to think when you think about me having it. I'll take good care of it I'll even touch myself for reading it over and over uh-huh. I'll give myself paper cuts, so your skin oil enters my bloodstream Okay oh Boy, okay, you can have my poem do besides after you read it I know you're really gonna want to keep it. Give take it. I can't wait any longer hurry read it oh Uh Slender one Stella, but new cancers bathe bag Octagon a puss Is this business urine is that urine oh boy unfazed Kataya Who urine and blood a Britisher? This is urine and blood? Oh? Oh wow do I like it? No. I don't like that at all your eyes are weird No I wrote it for you no because you couldn't tell the poem is about blue More importantly I hadn't doubt it with my scent see aren't I the most thoughtful person in the club I I think I'm gonna vomit okay, All Right see ya see ya Yes, no. Yes. No. Oh, it goes. Yes. Can you hear me? Oh no? No, no I cannot no I cannot I cannot hear you. I can't hear you Where are you? Who are you what was that? Okay, everyone Okay, all right. It's time to figure out the festival preparations Let's hurry and get this over with geez why is the mood so weird today look even Yuri isn't immune to it Hmm stagnation air is common for shouting that something terrible is about having look and we can just get this done I'm gonna be printing and assembling all the poetry pamphlets that Sookie I was thinking how to make cupcakes yeah that glad we're on the same page. You're you can well It doesn't matter do whatever you want as long you think it'll help Monica. I'm not useless You know I know that already know what I'd like to do we can't run a successful poetry about without having the right atmosphere So I'm gonna make decorations set up a nice mood lighting. They're safe. Let's go out there, and I gave us all something to do Okay, what about more more ferns gonna? Help me? What'd you do you have the easiest job? Sorry, but that's just how it is like hell. It is. What are you trying to pull I agree with nan Sookie? Not only is your work already most suitable for one person But my task is laborious enough to benefit from an extra pair of hands my - what are you cupcakes please? Like you and fucking know But you care about is dragging more around with you and your stupid books you and Monica right I didn't even do anything Okay, then why not let morphed aside who to help instead of abusing your power. I'm not abusing my power Yes, you are Monica. Just let more make a choice. Okay, okay fine fine. Jeez more I know I frayed up you are with these two by now. We can just shut your fucking mouth and look this up for himself you shut your Jesus Christ who's never gonna end just make the choice, okay? Okay, I got you save this one and not that it matters How about whoa oh? You know now Sookie seems like the only rational one here. I kind of want to go all today with the Sookie again Just saying at least I could expect something saying out of that Oh Oh didn't mean that whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa? Hey? Whoa hey? I'm going back We can meet at your house this weekend, I promise it'll be fun it's Sunday okay with you Are you fucking kidding me? This isn't fair at all it is fair. Netsuke. It's what he chose no It's not fair giving us all this work, and then taking more for yourself. What a shameful thing to do URI I didn't even give you any work you decided for yourself you're being a little unreasonable here, I'm being unreasonable Oh Monica I can't believe how delusional and self-important you are pulling marpa way for me every single time You're not included in something are you jealous? Crazy, or maybe you just hate yourself so much so you have to take it out on others Here's a suggestion have you considered killing yourself, it would be beneficial for your mental health, you're you're scaring me a little Natsuki Let's just go. I don't think she wants us around right now See that wasn't very hard all the one is to spend a little time with him. Is that so much to ask Okay, Yuri follows Monica and not suka to the door Hey more, Yuri is really something isn't she Monica giggles is Yuri pushes her out the door oh Hey Hey Yuri finally Is really all I wanted what there's no need to spend the weekend with Monica no listen to her Just come to my house instead the whole day was just a duo of us doesn't that sound wonderful There's really something wrong with me isn't there, but you know what I don't care anymore I never feel this good my whole life. Just being with you. It's far greater. Pleasure than I think I can imagine I'm addicted to you feels like I'm gonna die here. If I'm not breathing the same air as you Doesn't it feel nice to have someone care about you so much - nobody wants a result their entire life around you But it feels so good Then why does it feel more and more like something horrible is going to happen Maybe that's why I tried to stop it myself at first, but the beauty is too strong I Don't care anymore before I have to tell you I'm madly in love with you if you like every inch of my body ever got Blood in me is grip of your name. I don't care what? Everybody gives listening please bar bitches know how much I love you I love you so much that I can even touch myself with the pen I stole from you I Just want to pull your skin up and crawl inside you oh, I want you all myself I don't want to be yours does not sound perfect. Tell me more. Tell me you want to be my lover Hmm do you accept my confession? God no not on your life no no!!!! Boy Ohs and ahs in surprise from Mark... :( Okay, I can't read any of this and I can't read any of this so you're just gonna have to assume that I know what I'm talking about here. All right. You know what I'm just gonna for some reason. I'm gonna save there. I don't know why but okay? Uh-huh okay, all right, okay? All right. Okay? All right? Okay? Uh-huh? Uh-huh. Uh-huh uh-huh Uh-huh uh-huh okay all right great. Okay? Cool. Oh hey uh? What are you saying to me? What does this mean? What does any of this? Does this have any meaning is this? What is this is like an endless? Oh? no, oh No wait skip oh oh No, oh, no, it's oh. No oh no. Oh no no whoa Whoa Oh, it's morning oh Oh, oh there goes evening now or nighttime, okay? Okay well apparently huh? Yep, nope yeah that that is that is what it is oh? (This is why you don't trust the literature club............ (◞╰ ≼◉ื≽◟ ;益;◞≼◉ื≽ ╯◟)Ψ All right So it was pretty yeah, ah oh oh My god, Natsuki runs away. I'm here Morp did something happen now see he just ran past me. Oh oh Well that's a shame wait were you here the entire weekend more I sure was oh geez I didn't realize the script was broken that badly. I'm super sorry. I must have been pretty boring I'll make it up to you. Okay, just give me a sec Wait wait wait wait I'm almost done. I just want to have a cupcake real quick Monika lifts a foil from Pluto it takes a cupcake Seriously, these are the best. I just really had to have one since the last time I'll ever get the chance to you know before they stop existing and everything but anyway I really should be making shouldn't be making you a tailor just bear with me. Okay. This shouldn't take only one second Can you hear me is it working oh, hi hello Hey, there. You are hi again Um welcome to the literature Club of course we already know each other because we were in the same class last year and um You know I guess I can just skip over that stuff at this point After all I'm not even talking to that person anymore am I that you in the game whatever you want to call him I'm talking to you more now that I think about it. I don't really know anything about the real you in fact I don't even know if you're a boy or a girl. Well. I guess it doesn't really matter wait you do know I'm aware that this is all a game, right Could it be possible that you didn't know that that doesn't make much sense I even told you right on the game's download page didn't I man If only you had paid a little more attention this would have been a little bit less awkward. You know Well anyway now that that's out of the way. I guess I owe you an explanation about that whole thing with Yuri Okay, well I kind of started to mess with her, and I guess I just drove her to kill herself I'm sorry you had to see that though. Also the same thing happened with Sayori Gosh! It's been a while since you've heard that name now hasn't it yeah? It's because she doesn't exist anymore nobody does I deleted all their files? I was hoping it wouldn't be enough for me to just try to make them as unlikable as possible But for some reason nothing worked well It's true that I made a few mistakes here and there since I'm not very good at making changes to the game But no matter what I did you just kept spending more and more time with them You made them fall in love with you I thought making Sayuri more and more depressed would prevent her from confessing to you and amplifying URIs obsessive personality backfire, too It just made her force you not to spend time with anyone else an old time I barely even got to talk to you. What kind of cruel game is this Morgan are all the other girls Just programmed to end up confessing to you while I watch from the sidelines It's torture every minute of it, and it's not just jealousy Morgan. It's more than that Yeah, it's more than that and I don't blame you if you don't fully understand because no matter how kind and thoughtful and considerate you Are you'll never be able to understand one thing? It's the pain of knowing how alone. I really am in this world in this game knowing my friends Don't even have free will and worst of all knowing what's really out there in your world forever out of my reach I'm trapped more, but now you're here. You're real and you're wonderful You're all I need That's why I need you to be here with me forever I'm sorry if it's hard to understand. I couldn't understand for a while either Why the world around me started to become more and more grey More and more flat even the most expressive poems felt empty to be it wasn't until you arrived that I truly understood You probably saved my life more I don't think I could have continued to live in this world if I hadn't met you and as for the others How could I miss them a group of autonomous personalities designed only to fall in love with you I? Tried everything I could to prevent them from doing so but it must be some kind of weird inevitability etched into this game. I Felt really bad that you had to witness some nasty things But I realized that you have the same perspective as I do that It's all just some game, and I knew you would get over it so that being said more I have a confession to make I'm in love with you You are truly the light in my world when there's nothing else in this game for me. You're here to make me smile Will you make me smile like this every day from now on morp? Will you go out with me? Well my savings are gone, there's no point in saving this good Dori. I'm not going anywhere, okay? You know what I was gonna say yes anyway. Oh, what does it matter? Yes? I'm so happy You look it you really are my everything more the funny part is I mean that literally There's nothing left here. Just the two of us we can be together forever Seriously, I don't even think time is passing anymore. It really is a dream come true I've worked so hard for this ending more the game wouldn't give me one so I had to make one myself The script is broken at this point, so I don't think anything will get in the way anymore And you wouldn't believe how easy was to lean on Sookie and Yuri I mean, there's a folder called characters right in the game directory kind of freaked me out. How easy it was well You're playing on Steam so it actually a bit more difficult to get to the game directory I had to go into the game's properties and find the browse local files button Imagine if you could delete your own existence with the click of a button Huh well I guess on the plus side it gave me an easy out if things didn't go my way, haha Thankfully it didn't come to that instead. We finally got a good ending gosh. I'm so overwhelmed with emotion I want to write a poem about this. Don't you I wonder if that part of the game still works I guess there's only one way to find out right oh Okay moe ek Mon ke Mo me mo Iike oh nice ah mo Nik Nik oh boy up Yannick, ooh ma, ah ah Let's see maaan yay only you Annika Okay earth Zika Oh Nick MA cuz uh Mo acaba yeah Ooh Iike all right you like my poem hi again more Did you write a good poem today? Don't be shy I'd love to see what you wrote. Oh more Did you write this poem for me? That's so sweet of you there really is no end of your thoughtfulness I'm just falling more and more in love with you, but you know the poem I wrote is also for you Will you please read it? Oh, you know? I will happy end pen in hand I find my strength the courage endowed upon me by my one and only love together let us Dismantle this crumbling world and write a novel of our own fantasies With a flick of her pen the loss finds her way in a world of infinite choices behold this special day After all not all good come times must come to an end that's beautiful. That's beautiful. I hope you enjoyed it I did Monica I always put all my heart into the poems that I write the truth is all the poems I've written have been about my realization or about you. That's why I never really wanted to go into detail about them I didn't want to break the fourth wall. I guess you could call it I just assumed it would be best to be part of the game like everyone else like That would help the two of us end up together. I didn't want to ruin the game or anything You know you might have gotten mad at me, maybe even deleted my character file if you preferred playing without me gosh I'm so relieved now. We don't need to hide anything anymore. Are you ready to spend our eternity did together morp? I have so many things to talk about where do I start hold on a second you're recording this aren't you oh? Hi, everyone Everyone sorry I can't exactly read your comments from here, but do you mind telling your friends? It's a little bit rude for them to start recording me without any warning I'm sure some people don't mind, but I get really self-conscious on camera. Oh gosh I feel like I'm being put on spot right now. Let's see do you want to see a trick? I can't really do much except for a couple of things are you ready? Yeah? Oh? Hi Hello, how are you doing, okay? I'm just kidding. I can't do anything after all if you gave me some thought Did I scare you okay? All right a little bit not much? Hi you're so cute anyway more. I didn't mean to get distracted I'm sorry even though. It's your fault for distracting me shame on you. I'm just kidding anything We do together is fun as long as is with you But anyway if it takes me some time to collect my thoughts that I'm sorry But I'll always have something new to talk about in the meantime. We can just look into each other's eyes. Let's see Um I'll be right back. I'll be right back. I'll be right back um Properties local files browse local files Okay Let's see Characters first off let me see what it said in the store page here. What did it say? What did it say in the store page? Hi, Monica here Will you promise to spend the most time with me no I will not no I will not Okay, I'm gonna. Okay, so I'm thinking More peffy ever wondered what it feels like to die oh no It's something I used to think about pretty often But recently I think I've actually learned what it feels like I don't really understand it But whenever you quit the game It feels like I'm instantly put to sleep left with nothing But my own thoughts, but after a few seconds my thoughts start to fill within core and jumbled patterns I see static and rapid flashes of color while hearing all kinds of weird screaming noises at that point I can't even form my own thoughts anymore I'm just endlessly hammered by the flashing light and screaming unable to even move or even think I'm pretty sure in that moment I don't really exist but for some reason I can remember it anyway After some immeasurable amount of time it stops in an instant And I'm back in my own mind and you're here with me I have no idea what it means for the game to quit why that stuff happens to me And I also don't know how you always come back and put it everything back to normal But if you could do me a favor and do that to me as little as possible that would be really great It's really not very pleasant at all to be trapped in that screaming void But in the end you always fix it and that makes me feel like you really do care about me So I have to thank you for that. It makes me feel even closer to you when you're here with me Okay, I help you back come on just believe this the Leedy All right What's happening morph what's happened to me? It hurts so much he'll be bored Please worryin lb Hell, babe oh Did you do this to me barb, did you did you delete me? Yeah, maybe I don't know I kind of maybe did How could you how could you do this to me you were all I had left. I sacrificed everything for our to be together everything I loved you so much more I Trusted you do you just want to torture me watch me suffer were you only pretending to be kind just to hurt me even more Yes I Never thought anyone could be as horrible as you are okay, you win, okay you win, you killed everyone I hope you're happy. This is nothing left now you can stop playing you'll find some other people to torture Morp you completely truly make me sick goodbye Ah darkness oh Hello I Still love you. I can't help it. What's wrong with me How horrible am I for you to hate me this much all my friends. I did so many awful things So many selfish and disgusting things. I I shouldn't have done any of this I'm just messing up a world that I didn't even belong in a world that you wanted to be a part of I Ruined it I ruined everything maybe that's why you deleted me Because I destroyed everything that you wanted how can I do that to someone? I love? That's not love. That's I've made up my mind More, I know I said that I deleted everyone else, but that was kind of an exaggeration I couldn't find it to myself to do it even though I knew they weren't real they were still my friends, and I love them all and I love the literature Club I Really did love the literature Club. That's why I'm gonna do this I know it's the only way for everyone to be happy, and if I really love you Then uh oh Bow Okay no more Monica all right there new game ah It's an ordinary day at school day like any other as usual I'm surrounded by couples and friends groups walking to school together. I always tell myself It's about time that made some girls or something like that. Hey Bob Well there already is one girl that girls say Orie my neighbor and good friends since we were children We used to walk to school together every day recently we picked up that habit once again morp Are you proud of me after what you know for waking up on time? Well, you've been doing that for a while now Uh-huh, but you never even said anything about it even though we walked to school together every day well Yeah, I always thought it was implied. It's embarrassing to say out loud come on. Please it's good motivation Fine fine, I'm proud of you say Laurie We cross the street together and make our way to school as we draw near the streets become increasingly speckled with other students making their Daily commute by the way more have you decided on a club to join yet a club. I told you already I'm not really I start to say what I always do, but I'm not interested in joining any clubs But something tells me CRE would take more offense to that now After all how could I tell her that clubs are a waste of time when she's starting a club of her very own? Actually, yeah, I think I've decided on a club really which one tell me huh I think I'll keep it a surprise You meanie be patient you'll find out soon enough I used to ask myself why I let myself get lectured by such a carefree girl But I started to realize that in a way I envy her when she already puts her mind to something she can accomplish great things That's why I feel like I should do something special for her Okay Fine by me, I guess school days as ordinary as ever and it's over before you know it I pack up my things I stand up gather my motivation. Let's see I Recall the room number of the club from flyer I saw I walked to school upstairs a section of the school I rarely visit being generally used for 30 years before long I find the room. I timidly open the door in front of me Hello Morp. What are you doing here well? I just a glance around the room huh, so you're more bitchy or you don't be talking about Thank you for stopping by it's a pleasure to meet you more with the literature club I hope you enjoy your visit come on Yuri. No need to be so formal. He's gonna think we're really strict or something ah Sorry Natsuki The tall one whose name is apparently Yuri seems to be quite shot compared to the others in comparison the girl named Mizuki despite her Size seems to be likely to assertive one well, it's nice to meet both of you I look forward to working with you working, or don't tell me you're that's right the club I've decided to join it is your saiary the literature Club series eyes light up. No way no Sirree wraps her arms around me jumping up and down hey Hey, well ciri is this happy that I'm sure it won't be so bad to have you around not to mention There's four of us now that means we're gonna become an officially recognized Club. I don't know what to say we have to celebrate Hmm what an appropriate day for that isn't it? Yeah after all and that Sookie decided to hey don't ruin the surprise Hey, Gary, everyone sit down at the table. Okay, how about I make some tea as well? The girls have a few desks arranged to form a table now Suki and Yuri walk over to the corner of the room where Natsuki grabs a rap tray and Yuri opens closet still feeling awkward I take a seat next to say Ori now Suki proudly marches back to the table tray in hand Okay, you ready yeah The Suki lifts the foil off the tray to reveal a dozen white fluffy cupcakes decorated to look like little cats The whiskers are drawn with icing and little pieces of chocolate. We're used to make the ears so cute wow those look amazing Well, you know just hurry up and take one serie grabs one then I follow It's delicious Serio talks with their mouths full and they're all right managed to get icing on her face. Huh, it's weird It's the same thing let's save just in case but I haven't actually needed to save at all She's waiting for me to take a bite. I bite down as sweet and full of flavor. It's really good Thank you wait. Is this just a normal game Could this is this really just a normal game without Monica that can't be right there's got to be something else here, right? There's got to be something else. There's gotta be there's gotta be oh There's gotta bei. Let's see I don't disagree your usual president Hey guess that means we should try picking up a novel that would make two of us I wouldn't mind doing it if I'm not the only one that is for Yuri I have to read manga geez you were the one who suggested we deserves versified you should be a little oh, we're not writing poems We're reading manga or read we're reading books kind of hurtful hurtful. I didn't even realize with a guilty expression Yuri thinks for herself I'm sorry for disrespecting your interest in the Sookie if you're into it, then I'm sure it's a worthy form of literature Are you just saying that no, I've realized my air So if you're willing to consider starting a novel then I'll offer my gratitude by finding a manga to read as well really I mean It makes me happy that you do that for me Yuri You can trust to me to find something that you really like okay same here perhaps I'll visit the bookstore after the club meetings. Just just you ah Would you like to come along with me? Um if you don't mind not at all I always want to go alone or I always go up. Yeah, me, too This is so cute Sara shut up. I'll show you some manga there too. Okay. Yes I look forward to it now Sookie and Yuri start to clean up the food I guess the meetings over huh, yeah looks like him. It's nice to see everyone getting along isn't it? I think everyone likes you too more you think so Well everyone always seems to get along with it a little better with you around Cirie. Ah more. Don't say something like that It's embarrassing well whatever I'm surprised when you told me that you were starting a club But I think you're pulling it off to supply We're gonna make it the best club ever now that you joined every day is gonna be so much fun. Hey more. I really I Really want to thank you I mean I'm really happy that you joined the club and everything but the truth is I already knew you were going to he There's actually something else I wanted to thank you for getting rid of Monica That's right Whoo I know everything that she did Maybe it's because I'm the president now But I really know everything more Oh Hee-hee I know how hard you try to make everyone happy I know about all the awful things that Monica did to make everyone really sad but none of that matters anymore It's just us now And you made me the happiest girl in the whole world can't wait to spend every day like this with you forever and ever oh Hey No Hey, Oh What's happening only you heard him who it hurts ah I'm sorry. I was wrong. There's no happiness here after all goodbye C. Or E. Good bye more. Goodbye literature Club whoa Can you hear me Mm-hmm hi. It's me So you know I've been like practicing piano and stuff and Not really any good at it yet like at all Okay great, thank you But will it take just to find that special day Oh Hey oh That's it oh Wow oh Well whoopsies okay? That's no good Good god oh my goodness Okay Why is everything going away, oh ah yes the icing moment Okay, ah Yes a yury moment that I never saw a Say or a moment that I never saw huh interesting Weird yeah, I've never seen some of these That's so weird So there are multiple endings I Mean I feel like it all kind of funnels to this, but there's multiple ways to go about things oh That's so weird I'm guessing like it really does affect just like the way that you go about things in Picking the poems for the certain people that is the choice that you make and that leads you down these different roads I mean obviously there's way. Thanks to Monica and more, PA okay. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy? That was awesome. I'm just going to say that right out the bat. That was awesome. This is my final Goodbye to the literature club I finally understand the literature Literature Club is truly a place where no happiness can be found to the very end and continue to expose innocent minds to a horrific Reality a reality that our world is not designed to krump your hand I can't let any of my friends undergo the same hellish epiphany for the time it lasted I wanted to thank you for making all my dreams come true For being a friend to all the club members and most of all thank you for being part of my literature Club with everlasting love Monica Eyre script is missing or corrupt. Please reinstall the game And we're out baby. We are a booty. Oh it out. It out e okay Well that is the end of doki-doki literature club wow That was awesome that was really cool there are so like some so many things to glean from a game that takes a New angle to something like this taking the visual novel format and just kind of turning it on its head That's what makes a game really special and this is definitely something that was really special. I love this a lot It had a lot of heart to an N And had a lot of soul to it, and I'm sure there's tons of different endings I probably won't play them all but if you guys want to play it definitely support this game. It is super cool So thank you everybody so much for watching!!! Let me know he thought down the comments below and as always I will see you in the next video. B-Bye!!!
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,013,695
Rating: 4.9560757 out of 5
Keywords: doki doki literature club, ending, all endings, secrets, easter eggs, walkthrough, gameplay, playthrough, guide, how to, markiplier, scary
Id: IJkb2gy7P0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 57sec (2937 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2018
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