MAKING LOVE FOR SENPAI | Yandere Simulator #12

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Hello everybody. My name is Markiplier and welcome back to Yandere Simulator *Japanese singing plays in the background* 🎵Ichi, Ni, no San, Shi de Hajimeyou~🎵 🎵Tokimeku kokoro🎵 🎵Gyuttodakishimete~🎵 🎵(cute jingle)🎵 🎵Ichi, Ni, no San, Shii de Hajimeyou~🎵 🎵Tokimeku kokoro🎵 🎵Hitomiwotojite🎵 🎵Kono amazuppai mi o hajike sasetai~🎵 🎵inuite misete~🎵 🎵(cute jingle, again)🎵 *warp of the music* Ic̣̟͚̯̪̹̞ẖ͎͟i̥̗͖̙,͉̗̹̝̳̞ ̢N͏̝͚̤i̬̘̱͎͇͟ͅ,͉̳͉͔̭̖̕ͅ ͖̠̦̲̣͝ͅn̺̼͔̘̮o͎͇̘͙ ̘̥͍̺̯̲S̜̫a̼̦̖̺n̴͍̫,҉ ̦́S̱͚͓̯h̢̤̳̱̜i̝̤i͚̟̪̮̭ ̜̰̰d͎e̶͙͖̘ 🎵hajimeyou~🎵 🎵Tokimeku Ko- *horrific sounds and warped music* 🎵Hitomiwotojite- *more distortion and dissolving of the music* Ỵ̧̬̺̹̖̜a̵s͔a̡̫̜̤̰̪s̡̙͍̙͈͕̱̙h̪̼̗̖̜͓̀i̱̖̗̙ ͏̗̯̯̮̤̩k͈̩͉̹̖̦͉isu ̹̝̮̭͎͓̰d̘̜͈͈̙͔e̷͉͕̙̹ ̀o̹͕̣̖̟s̬̦̼̀h̲̖i̯͍͕̞̹̙̭e͙͡ṭ͔͈̲͢ḙ̲̟̰̭͇ 🎵Ichi, Ni, no San, Shi- -͙̰̐ͤͬ͒͘d̟̹͍̦͙̠̠̒ͦͬ̃ê͉̪̙̍̓̂̌̚-̦̣̉̂̑̀̀́ 🎵chikadzuku~🎵 🎵kimi to no kyori- -͑̂ͥ̌̐ͮ͡g̫͙̥ͅa͏͖-͓̣̞̠̜̝̹̐̋́̾̓̀ 🎵Zutto ase- -̪̙̭̲̗̤͗n͓͈̯̥͎̅́̌a͒̄͒̈̅̚į̭͎͓̰̥̥̓͛̅̎ -omoi🎵 *there is only death and destruction* (music ends) YAY! I hope you enjoyed that, that took a lot of work to make and it probably wasn't worth it but we're going to continue on anyway because this episode is all about love! believe it or not, in the game now is a way to get your rival to GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM SENPAI without having to muuurder them which is an interesting prospect because as a normal Japanese schoolgirl, I've solved all my problems through murderrr because I love Senpai. In case that wasn't obvious, everyone I've ever killed was because I loOOVE him so much and because I cAARE about him and because he's..... ..PRETTY Anyway. So, normal... ..everyday... Yandere-chan here is gonna go into school and play Cupid and be a little matchmaker for our lovely, lovely RIVAL who we don't care about very much but y'know...she's alright and it just so happens to be - in case that wasn't obvious in previous episodes - our rival is Boobs Mackenzie Don't know why! Don't know why anyone would fall in love with her. ...considering how ugly she is... ...and how her personality sucks... ...I know pretty much everything about her is just awful and terrible and... ...why would anyone love a big ol' bag of ass like THAT? BUT that's not what we're trying to figure out here we know that someone in this school - as rare as it might seem - actually has a crush on Boobs Mackenzie. Don't ask me why. I- I- I don't see anything appealing about her, but maybe some loser somewhere in the school will. So what you need to do is you need to go be friends with him and then you need to go be friends with her and then you need to have a great time doing everything else in this school get senpai to love you... ...which is going to happen...eventuallyyYYY... So the first thing that you need to do is you need to not be here right now because if you're right here right now means that you're staring at senpai *Mark rambling, longingly*...whose in the distance and whom I love so much.... hello? magical..? magical girl wand Hey! I'm visibly armed with a magical school girl..wa-.. *screaming* haBOOSKIE! Senpai: This can't be happening! Somebody, help! HELP! Mark: uh.. Yandere-chan: *gasp* Yandere-chan: Mark: ...UH... SORRY 'BOUT THAT That's not what I intended, this uh.. Yandere-chan: now senpai could never love me.. Mark: well, I mean, uh, that's a bit of a dis- *mumbling* -connect from the episode which is all about love remember this episode is about love and caring and understanding and sharing which is what I was trying to do with the magical girl wand when I shared it with her brain Come on down, skedaddle on down here yeah, you're almost there - no, not that door. Don't worry about that door. I know you're stupid but that's not the cooking club. Alright so now Boobs Mackenzie is gonna go over in there and do whatever the hell she's gonna do no one really cares but - hey! Hi! How's it goin'? What's up with you? Hey! OH! *gasp* are you in luuuurrrve(love)? Hi! Hey Mark: I- Riku Soma, with an elegant accent: I saw the most peculiar thing today - there was a kitten walking around the school! I'm not sure how it got in here It was quite an adorable little creature. I wish I could get a second to look at it... If you see that kitten anywhere, would you mind taking a picture of it for me? Mark: ooh! Ooh a kitten. Oh Riku Soma wants a photograph And for some reason this fucking guy has a British accent *continuing to read* ..wants a photograph of the elusive kitten that he spotted somewhere on school grounds Okay fine, fuck you, I'll do that Riku: It's good to find someone else who shares my appreciation for felines! Best of luck to you! Mark: oh best of luck to you too, pip pip cheerio whatever, apparently we're in Britain-Japan I have no idea what's going on but I don't care Don't go anywhere...don't go nowhere *gasp* heeey..... Oh! Wait! Hang on... *Mark meows like a cat* *aggressive meowing* Heeey! meow! Aaawww.... just gonna sneak back over here.. hopefully he's not gone yet that asshole better not be gone yet if he leaves, I might just have to go snap and kILL PEOPLE I hate to resort to that -*laughs* that's like..not..totally not my favorite thing *grunt noise* anyway, hello! Riku: yes, that's it! That's the kitten I saw! Mark: OH Riku: appears to be in good health Mark: oOh Riku: how delightful! Mark: oOOh how delightful! *mocking blabbering* Okay, good! Pip pip cheerio, glad I could help go off to wherever the hell you come from mmm, have a good day fuck you~ anyway So back to Boobsie who's busy right now doing a thing So I'm just gonna *weird noise* yeah okay alright, thank you alright anyway now that I got that, visibly leewwwd, but that's okay Heey, what're you doin' over there? Can I talk to you? Can't talk right now? Hey.. Can I talk to you? Boobs Mackenzie: uniform doesn't's too tight around the chest Mark: oh.. Boobs Mackenzie: I want to get a new uniform but...I can't afford one right now... Mark: oOhh Boobs Mackenzie: I guess there's no point in's not like there's anything you can do... Mark: OH IS THERE?? OH IS THERE NOTHING?? I JUST WANNA BE YOUR FRIIEEND aaandd... habooskie! *weird Mark noises* lemme just sew my fingers in there, that'll get my hands ready to grab around Boobs Mackenzie's neck Hi senpai~ always studying, huh? you're always so handsome. ;) alright anyway I got your bullshit Boobs Mackenzie: No way! Mark: *mocking sound* Boobs Mackenzie: this uniform is tailored to my exact measurements! Mark: *more mocking noises* Boobs Mackenzie: now I'll finally be comfortable! Mark: *yet another noise* Boobs Mackenzie: thank you so much! Mark: I'm glad you finally accepted your ugliness, y'know you didn't need to be uncomfortable being around each other, we all were aware of how hideously ugly you were okay so now that I got that out of the way, they're both my friends, right? Love! I know who you love Someone wants to meet you! I think they're your type ooohhh I think you'll like 'em! probably not though because you got heart eyes by Senpai over there and I don't want you to- that's not Senpai! not at all! ...hi you do your thing still you weirdo yeah yeah, you better go! oh, hurry love awaits Cupid won't wait for nobody! oh, did I tell the guy that he was..supposed there..I don't..think.. *raises pitch* did I tell that guy that he was supposed to.... I don't think I di- ah, she's gonna be waiting a while isn't she? ahh...I did...oh no sorry can't talk right now ohh I didn't tell the guyy ah...ugh... that's...he's probably long gone where you at - ohhhh heeeeyyy! the love of your life is waiting for you! loOOOve awaits she's at the east fountain. Take this earpiece and go there. I'll give you advice You'll never do fail! you'll probably do fail but you won't do fail right now! go! Go friend GO! LOOOOVE! IT'S LOOOOOOVEE!! you need to hurry the fuck up, love will not wait for you you've got to go man, go! LOOOOOOVE~ okay now that love is about to sssspew forth, we can only assu- Boobs Mackenzie: ugh...was this just a prank? Mark: WHA? WHA? What - you - wha...whayouWHA?? WHAT?? LOOVE! COURT someone - it was right there! he was right there he was right there trust me not a prank not one of the- what're y...ookay alright welcome back, okay alright okay hang on...I'm gonna just..I think...yeah here habooskie! Okay, now I shall make love happen! Through pure manipulation, which is how love should be! *mumbles* in my opinion *quietly* that's how I'm gonna get senpai to love me heey ohh hii!! hellooooo ohh, you're so.... I guess you can say and I can say you are BEAUTIFUL I love you Let's get MARRIED Let's have KIDS Let's NEVER GO BACK TO THIS SCHOOL AGAIN Let's forget about this "Senpai" and I'M your Senpai baby~ alright, okay Negative remark! 'bout what? oh shit I didn't learn what she liked and didn't like she didn't really like fighting "um okay" - GODDAMMIT Positive she likes COOKING!! oOOOH I know I know! COMPLIMENT You got GREEAAATTT BOOOBBS I feel like I'm playing Hunie Pop all over again Let's see... aauhh your pantieshh suit you You look.. SEXEHH You look se- ah, shit oh, boy so, OKAY, showin' off! oh, jeez ahh, show off big brain! oh boy give gift! I got nothin' I was not prepared for any of this I was- I was not prepared okay, alright, goodbye.. alright see ya! okay..! alright...! WELL that didn't..go..well alright then.. I guess were..done then... ywanna try again?? -weird noises- ywetry- okay can't do dat.. ALRIGHT, SO IM - IM NOT GOOD AT THIS WHOLE THING ABOUT MATCHMAKING CONSHIDERING I DON'T KNOW WHAT HUMAN EMOTIONS AAAREE.. BhUUTT LETS- LET'S TRY AGAIN TOMORROW! Let's-let's co- let's circle back to it! You-you both did good! Good hustle out there! *clapping* *still clapping* You did great champ! ya-ya-ya swung for the fences, slugger! You did great. Y'know, you should believe in yourself. Hey, EVERYBODY'S a winner. *Mark sighs* Get ready everybody. You're about to see what YEARS and YEARS of Hunie Pop has done To make me a BETTER ....l-love making man-mer.. I don't know I bet you don't like VIOLENCE! *processing* YEAH! VIOLENCE IS FOR WEIRDOS, AND MURDERERS AND YAN-DEERS! Kay, Positive - i dunno Theatre? Art? Arrt? AAARRRTT? ...OKAY! No art, okay, compliment uhhhhh ..Octodog- you-you-you made octodogs! and I, you-you must - theyre GREAT! YEAH!!! WOHH! Even Yandere-chan likes Octodogs! Show off... My nothingness - Courage M'Kay, don't have acshluh I-I-I- I didn't do anything differently this time so I guess I didn't *Deep breath* ...ChAAnge anything OKAY WELL ANYWAYS So..see ya later ..alright..okay alright, okay, alright, ANYWAY ..TOMORROW'S A NEW DAY, YOU GUYS DID GREAT OUT THERE uh Great hustle...Good Job! The other team, y'know, they may have won but... Pretty good! *more weird Mark noises *blehhganurrmmble-OOOHHH eeAH! YEAH!! your gunna get smArt-ER! yeeeeeesssss YEEEEEESSSSSS Your now smarter, right? You feel gooder? you feel better? Alright, whatever you feel, I don't really care but We're gunna go tomorrow, You're gunna get ...BRYREHHH you're gunna really get 'er! MMMMMM You're gunna really MLAHHHLEH *GULLLGH, your gunna give- incoherent mumbling* cOOOOOL Cosplayyy! ME-MEME WHO DOESNT LOVE MEMES?? W H O DOESN'T LOVE ME- You don't love memes No wonder I fffff...rikin hate you Twin-drills are the best! yeah, okay. showoff- You got, I GOT ONE WISDOM! BOOM! BOOMSHAKALAKA! BOOMBAdabembatchsa still don't have a gift but thats okay~🎵 🎵uhbuhbah FINISH. Okay. We're doin' great! *claps again* *still clapping* doin' great out there! *still clapping*..doin' great. You guys are doin' great.... you guys are doin' great... ya doin' great.. We didn't get a lot of progress like i'd hope it'd would but, y'know whatever, TOMORROW! Tomorrow's another day! Tomorrow's another day, champs! You guys did good, you should feel good about yourselves I mean really Boobs McKenzie you should feel bad about yourself for bein' who you are.. and then the guy - I don't even know what your name is, but you should feel bad about yourself for tryin' to cater to someone elses needs and not yoUR OWN AAYY-GOODBYE!! see ya tomorrow ..Compliment... *deep inhale of consideration* yoouu aree cUUUUUte, you're a cutie! Cutie! No one's ever called ya that before, huh, sure. Sure, yeah, sh- okay SCIENCE ..OOKAY you don't like science! You don't like - YAY! She doesn't like the Occult. I dunno how we would've found that out but I don't have a GODDAMN GIFT Okay Sluggers! A-alright y-you lovers y-you little lovers you're gunna be lovers tomorrow! I know that for a fact! ...and by tomorrow I mean the magical repeating Thursday. I haaavveee to naaaill theeeeeeEEEEesse yyoouuuu liiIIIikkkeeee.... .....sccchooooollll????? DAMMIT!!! You don't like...cosplay.. *high pitched, angry*FAAHHKK! AIGHT *slaps hands in a weird way* MASTER MIND MARKIPLIER *mumbling *Master-bater Markiplier... *mocking* your stockings suit you! ....Yep, le-a-okay, you DONT LIKE - OHH *understanding* Niiiice Niiice.. you don't like Goosssip. HELL YEAH!!! You loOOove...FAMILY It's like we share the same heart! I KNOW!!! LOVE ME!! *reading* You have to go? Oh that's too bad! I would really love to spend more time with you. *derp voice* You can spend forever with MEE. *soul-sucking noises from hell* YOU'LL NEVER BOTHER SENPAI, WILL YOU?? *more soul-sucking noises* HREHHH HRERH HRAAHH HUH, DID IT WORK?? I think it worked, right? AND NOW YOUR IN LOVE FOREVER ...I think.. gunna go home now.. go home.. Better not *Mark reads* *high-pitched* WHAT?! *becomes more upset* *high-pitched, again* WHAT?! *Letters slamming* *high-pitched, yet again* WHAT?! *still high-pitched* WHAT?! *ever still high-pitched* WHATABUNCHOFBULLSHIT *high pitch remains* SNAAAAAP *high pitch remains* SNAAAAAAAP *Manly screams*SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAP SNAAAPP! ALRIGHT! SO THEY FELL IN LOVE AND THEY'RE TOGETHER FOREVER. A- AND IT HAD A SATISFYING CONCLUSION AND EVERYONE IS HAPPY. ...RIGHT?! Okay, so That was the WASTE OF TIME that is LOVE. It's much EASIER and much FASTER just to END EVERYONE THAT WANTS TO GET IN THE WAY OF YOU AND SENPAI. So let that be the lesson that everybody learns. Thank you, everybody so much for watching. And as always, I will see you In the next video! Buh-bye! *outro music with Tyler dancing*
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 5,375,507
Rating: 4.9599266 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, yandere simulator, yandere, yandere simulator markiplier, anime, anime song, anime intro, senpai, tsundere, rival, update, yandere dev, simulator, matchmaking, anime opening
Id: frpg8WewVCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2016
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