STARTING FIRES FOR SENPAI | Yandere Simulator #13

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I wonder if Mark realises how many fans he has that are like this 😂

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/MiniSpaceHamster 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2017 🗫︎ replies

Imho that fucking skelly delly doo bullshit needs to STOP.

i don't know why but it annoys the hell out of me... probably because in his prey series he spent hours saying it not a just few times but almost every other sentence in every video, then it seemed to pass on to other vids, most of marks stuff i like but that just gets on my last nerve... Then the rest of the episode is tainted...sure i could stop watching blah blah blah but with out seeing it how do i know he's said it ?/ stops saying it and is more calming and funny ? The high pitched strange voices didn't help either...

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Milospesh 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2017 🗫︎ replies

I just about to post this.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/FuntimeSonic 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2017 🗫︎ replies

do more

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/messipro 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2017 🗫︎ replies

I love when Mark plays this game, it's just so wacky and fun. It's a shame that development of the game it's kinda slow, but it seems like there is so much to do now.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/theje1 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2017 🗫︎ replies
Hello, everybody. My name is Markiplier and welcome back to Yandere Simulator. Now, it's been a long time since I played this game, and there have been OODLES of updates. What's mission mode? Ooookay... Whoa... I don't know what this is... Hi! Oh, hello! I don't know... [mumbling] Whooaaahhhohohoho.. Ooookay I don't think I'm ready for this! I'm gonna go back. I'm gonna get out of here. Excuse me. Sorry, I came into the wrong place. You have a lovely day there! Oh my God, look at his eyes! Oh, he's so cool. Yes! Nah, standard is what I was always in love with in the first place. I don't need to change him. He's my senpai, and I LOVE MY SENPAI! I uh... not 100% sure, uhh... where to even begin because I'm just gonna- I've already seen this, thank you... I know, you can't feel anything. I can't feel anything either. Ooohhh God. So going into this. I just wanna see what's new and I don't imagine there's gonna be like all that much new, but... I just want to know for myself... what... to... get ready for. Oh. Ohhh, a BUTTON?! Oh, I pulled it off the ground and it fell off of his own coat! He left it behind, I think he left it for me! (GROANING) An omen that we'll be together forever! I'm gonna use it to staple my face onto HIS face! We'll be attached via button! Okay. Corkboard? (GASP) I'm gonna get so many pictures of Senpai. OHHH, I CAN'T WAIT! Looks like they turned off the town because there was literally no point to it right now, but OHHH IT'S BEEN SO LONG, SENPAI! (gross breath) WHY WON'T YOU LOoOoOVE MEEEE!?('cause you're weird) Everything looks so beautiful now- Oh my God, is that the Tree of Love!? (demon noises) I will love you forever... Right here in the flowers! Oh my God. It's fucking beautiful! Yes, I'm gonna save that and I'm gonna Photoshop Senpai into that picture ECLH ECLH Did they change this animation because this looks a little bit different... BLECH ECH Where's my super speed? OULPH BLLECH Oh! Loooooonnng.... Long steps! [markiplier makes music] Ah. Still a robot for the club. Well, lemme just explore the axe on my own. Yes... That seems adequate. It's locked? Is it locked to my axe?! Is it?! Is it locked?! COULD IT BE LOCKED?! Oh okay, fine. It's locked. Is that a... is that a mulcher? Is that one of them thar mulchy mulchersons? Ah... well, not yet, not till I get the lay of the land What is THAT? I don't know what that is, but I'm oh... I'm so down for that. Whatever that is. Helloooooo? Hello! Anybody here? Anybody wanna get DEAD? Anybody want to high-dive into an empty pool? PLEASE tell me that's an option. "There is literally an actual force field around the pool and you can't actually fall into the pool or anything. Just letting you know." Ah! Okay! Well... [more singing] Woohohohhahahah.. [laughter] Heh.. Ahh.. Senpai will love me, now that I've ascended reality! [evil laughter] [even more singing] Okay, alright! [more singing] Oh my God, Senpai... [GASP] I can be closer to him than ever! SENPAI! Please turn around if you love me! Turn around if it's true love! Oh. [PAIN] Fine. Whatever. It's fine. I don't mind, I don't mind, I don't mind, it's fine... The art club, the occult club, drama, cooking... Musiiiccc... Ohh... Martial arts, photography, science, gardening, sports, gaming club... Yeah, I don't THINK so. *whispers* I just think about Senpai. Oh my God. There he is! Oh... He's such a dreamboat! Hang on. Lemme get.. on my hands and knees here. Fuck, yes! Oh, God he's so beautiful! Could there be a more perfect man?! Don't mind me Senpai! Don't mind me crawling up on you! Just need the perfect snaaaap! Boink. Got it. Ah, fuck how- Fuck. Sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! What's up with me? (BOINK!) I love you. Alright goodbyee! Oh, hi, are you real? Oh? I probably shouldn't do that. But here I go anyway! Doink! Boink. *slight chuckle* What is this? Alright. E.. Okay. R. Okay, well that was easy! You're truly stupid. She's so stupid. What's wrong with your face? You're so dumb Hahaha, I got the key *giggles.* How did I do that? How the frick did I do that? And why is there this, like right here? Alright, don't look, I'm stealing these. Alright. Got it. Let's put my hand out there. Yea I got nothing, nursey wursey.. I got nothing. I'm not gonna open that right when you're in here, I guess. Maybe I should. Yeah, you keep looking over there, I'm gonna do this. Whatever this is. Open that. Take that. Close that. Hohohoh.. Hohoh.. Ohohohohoh.. I don't know what I got but I think it said "anemic medicine." I don't even know what that is Teachers.. Hi. Hello. How's it going teachers? Hey? What's up? What's up teach? Hey? How's it going? Just a student checking in on you.. I love to leearn and learning is real coool.. Ha ha I'm gonna steal this right now.. Right here, right now. Ok, so there's the option to steal something Yeaa.. Alright, okay, alright, okay.. Oh- Ooo- Hey, how's it going? There? Hey? How you doing? Hi? Can I talk to you? Oohh.. Nothing yet. I would NEEEVVVEEERRR! Do I look like someone that would ever misbehave? I just love my Senpai too much to misbehave, unless Senpai wanted that and then you know.. [mumbling] Oohh, what are you? Magical girl wand! Ha- Fuck. Ehher I can't use it.. What is this, magical girl costume?.. It's dumb I'm- gon do it.. Uh oh, I probably shouldn't... I shouldn't do that. Ha yAHHA! No! I magic- I just used my magical girl wand! [markiplier noise] Ohh god.. Okay, so apparently, Magical girl wand is just something that you could fucking kill people with! Great to know, good! I love reality, where Senpai doesn't have to remember how I killed everybody in front of him [singing] It's a good day to be me! Alright, what else we got? Martial arts still here, whoo lovely! Let's see- Light music? Wow, what are- fuck are you?..What the fuck? What? I don't know what that's all about.. Boing! [playing piano] [piano music] Hell yeah. Hi! Wh- pray? How do I pray? Summon Victim? How do I pray? Do I need something to be able to pray? How do I pray to you? Forgive sins? Please! Hello?.. I don't know what any of these do.. Oh, they're working.. Oohh.. Summon victim- Ooh- What? Oh- Hi! Hello! Wh- Okay? Ohhhh! That's what the selection is. Ah- Ff- Ahh, got it.. Summon weapon?... I'll leave those here that seems to be a place of infinite power and it's not- shouldn't be for us humans- Seiance? [gasp] Bl- Blowtorch? Why??- Whahah?? Why do I have a blowtorch?! What am I gonna do with that besides make Creme Brulee? Hi Info-chan, how you doin' Let's see if the roof is any different. Hello? Hi! Ooh! Gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip what's going on over here? Spy? Can I spy on y- What the fucking hell?! [laughing] Ah yeah, Y-You getting anything over there? I'm getting a whole load of gossip here. Hi! Hello. You're- Neither of you are Boobs McKenzie Bwell.. What are these- I never did understand what all these magazines were for. There's so much like- Like- Whenever I play this game like, it's always just in the mindset of- brHAARH Get the new thing murder, in the new way but I've never actually like, stopped and explored everything. Like why do I have a blowtorch?.. Who am I gonna light on fire? Is that possible? Can I- There's a gas can... That's an option.. What is this? Oh, good, dumbbell. Can I- Ff- Fuckin' heavy weight. Can I just?.. Can I really just fuckin' drop a heavy weight on someone? Looney Tunes style here? I wonder. I really wonder. Hang on, here.. I've got a new method for murder.. Also that's fifty kilograms! Oh my god! I'm so str- Look at me go! Look at me- G- Fuck, dropped it there, right on my thighs. Look at- Look at how fucking strong I am! I am a god damn beast! Look at my- My knees are caving in on themselves though.. Ow! Ow! Ow! Owwa! Oochie! Nyeaong! [Markiplier noises] Senpai, I got you a present you like it?! Oh shit, I dropped it. Lemme pick that- 'Scuse me, Senpai. I dropped my 50 kilogram weight. Oh-ho-ho, sorry.. [singing] Who can I drop this on? How can I- I'm gonna look up how to drop this on someone Because that's what I wanna do in this episode, right now. Fuck yeah. I'm actually- I'm actually uhh, right on time for it hang on- I gotta get to the roof! Ahah.. I gotta get to the roof real quick, hang on. Ow! Oochie! Gee! Blor- [squeaky mark ascends the staircase] Going to the front now, skoodley doo. Gonna drop a heavy weight, boodley doo. Gonna drop a heavy weight, boodley doo. Are you down there? Yeah you're down there, why can't I drop this? Can you tip over- Gah- Tip over. God damn- Ohhh shit! Well- Tha- Fu- Awwh I caught it! With my ethereal powers. There we- Come on- Just- Get- Fuckin- GoOoO!! She's right down there! Just- Uwaugh!! Just drop the heavy weeiight.. Come oOONnn! Fuckin' do it! . It won't work, I can't jump. There's no jump option. Ah, frick. Frick frick, ow! [markiplier.exe has stopped working] Gonna get Senpai, my crush and Boobs McKenzie (mark what) It's gonna be the best and I love to be me. Gonna put this over here in the thingg~ Gonna put thi-Oh fuck gotta slow down time because it's going too fast. Gonna ne- Whoops fuck Can't carry that thing and talk about murder Gonna take this up the roof noow~ Well slippy slappy door goes slamming in my face now. Going upstairs if I can just figure it out I don't know how to walk up stairs right now Things are going way too fuckin' fast but here we go now, getting to the ledge, is she there? Not yet. She's not there~ Hi Boobs McKenz-get ready to eat lead~ Boink. Boop! But it didn't even hit her! It didn't even hit her! Oh, come on! Wait, hang on I got- I didn't even fucking hit her! Hey Boobsie- Hang on- Lemme- Don't mind me, I'm gonna take a second try- second stab at this. Here we go. Hurr-Zoop! Alright Boobsie what the fuck-where did you go? Jesus Christ this is such a bitch now! There we go- oh- oH- OH- yeaH AND- D-DR-DROP IT like it's- God dammit! God dAMMIT! How'sat s'posed to work? That's stupid! Imma stab you, and then you're gonna be like, "Oh, I wish someone crushed me in my face!" She's not over there, it's over to the left more.. It's over to the lEFT MORE. Just a little bit, Oh- Ah- Mm- Ah, c'mon! You can do it. I believe in you, Boobs McKenzie! I believe in you! I BELIEVE in you! I belieb, I belieber in you. [inhale] I believe in you. And I believe that you're gonna stay away from Senpai.. If you just go to the left~ if you just go to yOUR RIGHT. Come on- Naawwhh! [sad mark] Eyyup! S'koosh! Owwh, come on! It don't work! It don't, freak-flip-dickin' work. It don't fli- [mark noises] I'm gonna, j- Hang on I got another idea to get you gone. Hey, let me -Let me, uh, pour the gasoline in this- in here bucket. Where are ya, Boobsie? Oh, there you are- Ok, I'm gonna pour ya, and then I gotta be quick after it gets on there. Oh doh! Uh, is it c- Sssaboosky! Flick and BOOM! [evil mark face] [screams of terror do mark a frighten] Ssswoop! Woop! Ohh, shit. Oh god! Wait hang on let me, take off these.. Fuuuck. Ouh geez, She still just hoverin' there? You didn't see nothin'! Uh oh, near body. Hey do you mind if I just, uh.. I'm gonna take this body.. 'Scuse me. What are you- What are you talking about? What am I doing? Yo- You don't know what I'm doing! Oww-wee! [whiney mark] You don't know what I did. I was just trying to take her out of the fire...- Anyway! So that is.. There's a whole bunch of new stuff because I believe that particular way of finishing someone off was uh, put in like, last year So there's a whole bunch of new stuff, and I want to go through it. Uh, but it's going to take a few episodes to do it. So expect some more Yandere Simulator coming at you very soon, because there's more schemes And there's more ways to get rid of your rivals other than just murder Murder's pretty extreme. Burning someone is.. pretty extreme. But she wouldn't be CRUSHED Anyway, so thank you everybody so much for watching, let me know what you think down the in comments below and as always I will see you in the.. Next video. Bye bye!
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,947,813
Rating: 4.9501495 out of 5
Keywords: yandere simulator, senpai, starting fires, yandere, markiplier, yandere simulator update, yandere simulator markiplier, yandere simulator eliminations
Id: k4hgw18tyEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2017
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