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Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and welcome back to Yandere Simulator. In this episode we're gonna try to get our "rival" Boobs MacKenzie expelled from school. And they should be arriving soon... *quick inhale* HELLO MY FELLOW CLA- *exaggerated gasp* Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii (socially awkward Mark) *makes mating calls while thinking about how Senpai's pants would look on his wall* Who the frick are you? Okay, so there's numerous things you can do to get yourrrr Rival expelled from school The number one thing you CAN do is rely on Info-chan Who if you DIDN'T KNOW- -is bit of a creepy creEEEper *stutter* fuggin fuckin' OBVIOUS! *panty shot taken* Ok there we go freakin' lewd *creepy voice* DON'T MIND ME HEEEEEEEEY!! HOW'S IT GOING THERE FELLOW STUDENTS (victims). I'M JUST CREEPIN' OUT SORRY PARDON ME Alright everyone ignore what i'm doing right now because it's really, really, like, REALLY creepy. Mai Waif- is that, is that-wait wait, whoa hang on, whoa, hang on a second, hang on, wait a minute What? Hi, what the fuck? Don't, don't do that. Stop being shy! Don- stop be-, stop being shy! WHOP Got ya! Ha haa, ok. Mai Waifu Described as "kawaii," "mo" and "dare-dare" by her admirers. (Markimoo has bad pronunciation) Has sworn her heart to an independent game developer living over seas. Prefers to spend her time alone fantasizing about her loved one. Well. *tsk* Looks like the developer has a cruushh. (You do too Mark we know that.) Good thing its not Boobs MacKenzie. GOOD THING ITS NOT SENPAI BETTER NOT BE ANYWAY.. Ahh shit, *girly scream* don't run away! Heah heah heah I need to get this! Aaauhhh! jus- Auuuhhh Senpai, noooo! Senpai don't look at me! I'm sorry senpai! I'm so weird, ehuuuhhe. Ahhaaaa, here we go, schemes! So, you go to Info-chan, *pets moustache* and then you have schemes that you can do. Expose dirty fefret *another minor stutter* Frame for theft, smoking, panty shots, and cheating. So the easiest one to do is smoking. I believe. (Info-chan: Pleasure doing business with you) Pick, cigarettes.. Oh, I coulda done that I already knew that. Gimme some cigs! (Info-chan: Pleasure--) Pleasure, pleasure doing business with you! Huaaaaaaaaaaohhh! So she drops them from the upper story window up there. actually lemme show you that just so you guys don't think that I'm, dickin' around. pack of cigarettes! Drop it! Oh.. Apparently she- NEVER MIND she's not gonna do that! Well ok alright then.. Attend class? Ohhhh that was supposed to be the coup de grace! Oh! I'm supposed to do these one everyday! Ohhaoohhh I fucked everything up! *majestically singing fuck* Ok! So were starting back again and this time I think I actually do have pictures of everybody which is really creepy and disturbing, yeah.. But needed to be done question-mark?? *awkward voice* I dunno if that's justifiable for the actions that I just had to do *short impression of chainsaw* So I have- Info-chan: What do you need? I need Schemes. Imma expose a dirty secret. Bink Info-chan: Pleasure doing business with you So: In the services menu... I need to purchase a dirty secret (o-o) And then report it to the... Counselor. Provide Dark Secret. Nice. You're gonna love this I've got video footage of Kokona selling used panties to a boy from anoth- *disgusted Mark is disgusted* Teacher, teacher! it's horrible! I KNOW! EXACTLY! YOU SHOULD HAVE SEVERAL WORDS! THIS IS BAAAAD! Okay-anyway... NEXT scheme! *click* we need to frame for theft. I GOT IT! For lunch, then later for smoking See, I might as well get all these now, I guess Cause I can buuuuuy... Shit, I need one more pictuuuure... I'm gonna get the cigarettes, but this time- OHHHH! I can SHOW you! Ohhh, I can show you. Won't that be fun? Alright, so the drop happens... Right by here. So if I look here, and you go in here and you get a favor and you- not that You get a drop and a pack of cigarettes Boink! And then you get out of here Boink. Aaaand, ferplubs *wet fart noise* Okay, and there you go You got this, you take this...UPSTAIRS!!! TO HER BAAAG! And then put it into her bag and then report her tooooo... I should probably put this as my current scheme by the way. Yeah there we go...alright "Place cigarettes in your rival's bag" Which is exactly what I intend to do. Am I on the third floor? then you put this in her bag and then you can go right back down to the counselor, and tell her about the horrible thing you just did (realizes what he said) but don't say it was you! say it was BOOBS MacKenzie she'll believe THAT! TEACHER, TEACHER! IT'S HORRIBLE! KIDS'RE SMOK- oka- s- eh.... I guess I can only do this once a daaay. mmmmmkay meeer-alright ill just see-see-see you teach'... But first, I'm gonna steal me a ring 'Cause that's what I like to do. So, right here if we just accelerate time a bit There we go. She put da ring down and then I takea da ring Okay So I'm only gonna frame her For so many things at once But it seems like todaay Things are generally done so we're gonna go to class. We're gonna do the Psychology because I don't feel like anything else. and then we gonna do the thing with the thing (slurred) Ok, goodbye everybody! Goodbye! Goodbyyee! BINK! (smooth cut there) Okay There we go The guidance counselor asks Kokona or Boobs MacKenzie uh-huh *starts petting beard* *adds some eyebrow-action* Oohhh... Oohhh...(higher tone than before) Oohhh... (higher once again) Ohh (now just shorter) Oohhh (higher again) Ohhh Nohh (lower) Boobs MacKenzie, what happened to you? alright, time to go to bed got to sleep Yeah! And we got tomorrow to deal with.. And then another thing to frame her for tomorrow.. (rude) *inhales* Awwooooo..!! WOUGH!! WOAUGH!! Okay..anyway.. Alright, no time to waste! BRBRBRRAAA (GOTTAGOFAST!) Where am I going? Oh god..I don't even know.. Counselor! Where's the Counselor? Over here? Okay... Teacher! TEACHER! Wait, was this the right scheme? Info-chan: What do you need...? Theft.. YESTH (Mixing Yes and Theft together closely) Theft! Okay, so I should do..THEFT--first. *Changes his mind* NAH I'll do the smokin' first..! OOOOOOOHHH!! I KNOW! I- THIS IS HORRIBLE! SOMEONE STOP HER! SOMEONE STOP ME! uh oh UH OH! UH OH! (louder than before) UHHHHH UUUUUUHHHHHHHH OHHH NOOOOOO-- okay anyway NEEEEEXTT go to sleep with sweet dreams of senpai filling my head~ *maniac giggling* aaAAAnD schwooftie! wwOAOaaHH NOoooOOO TEACHER, TEACHER, AGAAIN! I'M SUCH A TATTLE TAIL OH WE DO AND A MURDERER but that's a whole 'nother story don't worry about that one I'm just- just- JUST FOCUS ON THE NOW of the things because that's all we can do as humans. uuUUH OHH *constipated noises* NOOOO! OH GOD NOOOO! okay anyway *slurred* anoTheR suCceSsful daYy tiM e to drEamp oF swEet seNpaIiiiIiIIIIi! >3< He's for me... *snore* NOT FOR YOU... *snore* he's for me.... *snore* NOT-- WINGININGIINGINGNGNING okay target acquired! bibbitibobbiti-bibbitibobbiti-BOINK! okay, got that, steal phone, GOODBYE take a panty shot what if I did it of myself? (slurred) Ith that a-not appropriate-- time to be super stealthy about it... no one will suspect a thing~ Wait, she's swift-- there we go *laughing* Boink! There we go save that I'm done here Hi Senpai! Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Hiiiiiiiiiiii I LOVE YOU ♥ (Creepy Stalker Markimoo) i love you (whisper) Oh god OH NOTHING. I just declaring my love among the rose petals, it was supposed to be beautiful i'm sorry *awkward breath* Okay, so, I think I can go to class Er, I think I can go to class again. If I...do dis right... And, so, this will be before-- Okay, so I need to go to the cooking club right away... And the cooking club, I believe, is on the first floor... Right by the faculty room. Cooking Club, here we go. So I need to put this right...yeah! There we go! And then I need to wait for her to FIND it. Which means that I just need to be right here. She's gonna find her phone... And then I go RIGHT to the couns'lr--... Haha! Okay. So, got that! And then, Counselor's Office! Teacher, teacher! TEACHER. oooOOOOHHHH...! Whaaa?!? Why would I!? *high-pitched* AHH!? Okay, don't mind me screaming right in your face! 'Kaaay... You gonna... I-d-I-I gueth I'm DONE. ALRIGHT GOODBYE THEN. GOODBYE EVERYBODY HAVE A LOVELY TIME. *gasp* D'OHUH *constipated* SHIT. I DUNNO! OH NOO~! ONLY ONE MORE STEP LEFT~? To expel my rival... >=} My rival will be destroyed... *evil laughter* *evil laughter intensifies* The last scheme...is for cheating. (Info-chan: Pleasure doing business with you.) Pbrbreasure doing bithneth with you... Alright: *Tiny motorcycle on helium* Okay, faculty room! So, we take this, We take this, We go upstairs, Into Info-chan's domain... And then she will help us... Here we go. Info-chan! okay...Why would yo- I'm only a murdering psychopath Why wouldn't you d-nots trust meee? (slurred) okay, so now, we, should be able to put this duplicated desk che- frrpt dep- duplica- Fuuuck. we should be able to put this duplicated thing-a-ma-bobber onto her desk right about now....funk soul brother, And then report her! Oh my god senpai! You're about to lOVE mE! (Jesus mark, you're creepy) *Very heavy inhaling* YOU'RE ABOUT TO LOVE ME!!!! *Even more inhaling* YOU DON'T KNOW IT YET! *Mark utterly destroying his throat* YOU'RE GONNA LOVE MEEEE! *demon-possessed, grudge monster inhaling* IS THERE NO ONE LEFT AFTER LOVE!?! *INHAAAALE* WHO WOULD YOU LOVE!? *that...sound* BUT ME *Absolutely phenomenal reiteration of The Grudge* Haii ;3 Okay. Teacher, teacher, teacher! O~hh no~oo... Che~eating! aaAAAaahh... Good. Okay, so that means that as I go to class... We're gonna see... Something happen, and it's 'cause I learned so much about psychology, don't you know... Uh-huah! Ohh! OHHhhh I don't either, hehe... YES... OHhh NO~OO! ♪ *whisper* Someone's getting expelled... *evil laughter* *sensual beard-stroking* *the eyebrows are back...* Uh oh... "No!" "Oh, noo...! ;_;" *mock-sobbing* So, now, I wonder, if I go home after this... If I go home... Is it gonna show... The normal game over where bad things happen, or is it gonna be some sort of pleasant resolution? Who the fuck was that... dark-lookin' fella? Okay, so maybe...maaaybe...MAYBE! MAAAYBE Maybe? *squeak* maybe? *highest cutest pitch audible to human ears* AWWW, come ON!! BUT IT WAS A RIIIIVAAAL...! NOOOO~oooo... Okay. That's just 'cause no victory is implemented yet into the game... So, that just means that...it just hasn't been built in yet, But it's getting there! So THAT is how you expel your rival! So, thank you everybody so much for watching and let me know what you want to see in the next episode of Yandere Simulator And I'll get to it in a short while. Thanks again! And, as always, I will see you... in the next video! Bye-bye! =D *Crazy La Paint outro* Where's Chica!? I still haven't found Chica! Bluhhhh wind wind wind wind wind wind-- *jump scare* FUUHUHAHAAACK!! But I don't know! What would I know? I need to fill my man with love by kissing m-him on da back-m-uh-da nape of his neck! Everybody stop looking at me like that! *Dodododododooo*
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 6,924,934
Rating: 4.9316225 out of 5
Keywords: yandere simulator, yandere simulator funny moments, yandere simulator markiplier, yandere simulator ending, game, gameplay, funny moments, funny, anime, markiplier, lets play, lets play yandere simulator, expel, rivals, yandere dev, yandere, simulator
Id: VgnZVfro52Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Thu May 19 2016
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