Elden Ring - Story Explained - The Beginning

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drags of the golden lineage who sought power and purpose in the past under the shadow of Queen America's statue the signs Slaughters the newly awakened barely conscious the tarnished is approached by a maiden and her Steed the cloaked individual appears to be searching for one who would seek the Eldon ring her goals are obscure and her identity remains hidden surveying the perimeter we find ourselves in a damp coven illuminated by a golden tree it seems as though the maiden had left the tarnished with various healing items the flasks of crimson and Cerulean tears a sacred flask modeled after a golden holy chalice that was once grazed by a tear of life it is said that a finger Maiden will bestow two such chalices upon the chosen tarnished when they meet the one washed up on the gravesites was sure to die until this flask offered its gift of Rejuvenation to seek the Elden ring the supposed finger Maiden appears to have saved the life of the tarnished offering them a means to restore their Vitality under vague purpose venturing forth the tarnished enters the domain of lim grave a territory far south of the earth tree bordered to the Northwest by The Cliffs of stormvale where its ruler godric resides the skies above remain ever clouded busking over the great steps of the pale lands the Earth tree stands firmly above its Aura flooding The Horizon in rays of Golden Light the last sap one stripped from his bowels but has the age of Plenty came to a close the tree instead came to be worshiped as an object of Faith a monument of the golden order a shining Beacon of their might the answers we seek surely lie within its heart one could easily Miss mistake the beauty of lim grave for Comfort however every corner of this region is filled with malice a stalwood tree Sentinel patrols the hills on Horseback wielding a mighty golden halberd an Armament difficult for any mere human to wield a testament to their strength the Sentinels are the living Rampart of the earth tree the other standard to which all Defenders of the tree Aspire Guardians also provide Aid in its preservation humans who had formed an ancient part with the Earth tree it is said that their deaths LED not to destruction but instead to renewed eternal life as Guardians from the roots of the earth tree minor trees have sprouted from the land Crystal tears are formed slowly over the ages where the air tree's Bounty falls to the ground basins are placed at the feet of minor Earth trees throughout the lands between in order to collect their crystallized tears this Flora is safeguarded by Earth tree avatars and ulcerated tree Spirits they emerged in the wake of the Elden ring shattering determined to protect the Earth trees Offspring appearing to hold great power the Earth tree has given life and purpose to these creatures beneath the lands between is an underground network of catacombs structures housing the bodies of those who are laid to rest through Earth tree burial their remains are protected by the Watchdogs they are battered and broken due to their lengthy tenure ruling over the tombs these entities are yet another guardian of the earth tree in the distance a sight of Grace can be seen this tiny Golden Aura is the grace of the earth tree the very light that once Shone in the eyes of the tarnished close by the war surgeon white musk Vare speaks out to the tarnished oh yes tarnished are we come to the lands between for the Elden ring unfortunately for you however you are maidenless without guidance without the strength of runes and without an invitation to the round table hold you are fated seems to die in obscurity are you familiar with Grace the golden light that gives life to you tarnish you may also behold its golden rays pointing in a particular direction at times that is the guidance of Grace the path that astonished must travel even if it leads you to your grave Grace's guidance will reveal the path forward most certainly to Castle stormvale over on the cliff the home of the decrepit demigod godric the grafted the cunning surgeon offers Sound Advice however his friendly nature is not but a facade failing is malicious intent for now we have little choice but to heed his words and begin the pursuit of godric advancing further we come upon the Church of Allah a multitude of these holy landmarks are found throughout the land between places of worship with historical significance housed within each structure are statues of Queen America and radagon a reminder of the people's Devotion to the order blessings were bestowed upon The Devout through the use of sacred tears during the age of the Earth tree these tears were used to spread the faith for theirs was once a certain blessing residing in this decrepit Chapel is the merchant color the land has been tainted by Madness since the shattering of the Elden ring it's only tarnished like yourself who keep things from drying up entirely the Tradesman describes the dire state of the lands between furthermore he makes note of his people urging us to both protect and offer them trade he warns us that invoking their wrath is to be avoided as they are deeply unforgiving their Firm Stance most likely stems from the punishment they endured by the golden order a grudge which still Burns within their soul should the need arise they will retaliate but if left to their own devices they will remain as peaceful Tradesmen crossing the fields of lim grave the tarnished narrowly avoids a Detachment of godric soldiers a common foe in this land nearby a site of Grace provides a moment of respite for the weary tarnished it is here where we are once again greeted by the enigmatic Maiden she reveals herself to be melanin an alleged finger Maiden have you heard of the finger maidens they serve the two fingers offering guidance and Aid to the tarnished but you I am afraid are made endless I can play the role of Maiden turning runes into strength to Aid you in your search for the Elden ring you need only take me with you to the foot of the earth tree additionally she implores the tarnished to seek out the demigod godric who inherited a fragment of the Elden Ring The pact between the tarnished and melaner will Aid both parties the maiden will assist the tarnished in Surge of the Elgin ring in exchange for being guided to the base of the earth tree lastly she gives us a whistle an instrument that can be used to summon a spectral Steed allowing the tarnished to Traverse the vast stretches of the lands between as their conversation concludes Melina vanishes for rest assured she remains ever at our side along the journey the tarnished encounters bark a demi-human who became a seamster following in the footsteps of his mother should we find his mother's sewing needle it can be returned to him for which he is grateful as time passes Buck believes that above all or the tarnished we will become Elden Lord moreover he appears to be a severely insecure individual an insecurity stemming from his physical appearance as he refers to himself as ugly for this reason He suggests a visit to Ronaldo in order to utilize her power and be reborn should the tarnished Grant bark a larval tear a material required by the Amber egg cradled by Ronaldo Queen of the full moon to birth people Anew he will journey to Reya lucaria Academy after undergoing the process of rebirth he takes on a form much akin to the malformed students of the academy the seamster is unable to speak a symptom of his rebirth shortly after Bach is found dead a tragic end for one who sought to eradicate their self-doubt by raising who they once were is it worth going to such lands destroying oneself to fit into normality the fate of the seamster need not be so tragic found within the Hermits Village is a prattling paint a twisted clay sculpt of a demi-human head it emits a voice stating you're beautiful the object embodies unconditional love unrestrained Assurance it must have been a mother speaking was always the only one who said I was beautiful and now my dear Lord let me hear her voice if I may dream just once you feel the same way my mum did my Lord do you think I'm beautiful despite these looks should the tarnish reply with the S he'll Proclaim my Lord I'm forever in your service May the Throne of Elden Lord be yours near the seaside ruins the bloody finger Hunter yora is encountered he advises the tarnished to stay clear of the Dragon agile found patrolling the skies above the lake confronting and felling the great flying dragon rewards us with its hearts and offering used in the dragon communion consume a dragon's heart at the altar to make its power yours magma worms are the result of such communion those who have performed the dragon communion will find their Humanity slowly slipping away once they fully succumbed to their fate they are left no more than worms that crawl the Earth those who participated in such communion an act in which one consumes the heart of a dragon or abhorred by Dragon kind this Unholy ritual led to the founding of the Church of dragon communion followers of this Faith aptly named themselves the dragon-hearted their vile acts invoke the Ayah of exites the Dragon communion Revenger he did not forget his hatred even as he succumbed to the Scarlet wrought hunting the dragon-hearted with no remorse in regards to yora as his title would suggest he is a hunter of bloody fingers he describes them as tarnished held him thrall by cessblood zealots who stalk their own just remember no kinship with their elk remains their Madness precludes it don't know your emotions stay your blade the tarnished can assist yora in his hunt aiding him in the assassination of bloody finger narius and the Raven Mount assassin nerius wields the dagger roduvia indicating their allegiance to the Lord of blood Moog at the second Church of Maraca yora is found mortally wounded mustering the strength to speak the hunter mutters his final words eleanora it seems I am no much for you but I've learned a thing or to myself you see I've sliced the finger off please please [Music] no longer do not stand the immaculacy of your sword your flesh your fire eleanora hails from the land of reeds yora's Homeland it seems the Ronin believed his Target could be redeemed emotions stayed his blade resulting in his passing a contradiction of the very advice he gave to us the tarnish succeeds where Europe cannot defeating the Violet bloody finger though the plains of lim grave arrive with danger there seems to be no shortage of friendly faces hello hear me I'm stuck I am Alexander also known as the Iron Fist and as you can see I'm stuck here please can you help me out of this Alexander is a living jar objects that are brought to life by human flesh and blood they are all rather kindly folk perhaps they are made to be better than their innards the Colossal jar is stuck in the ground he requests us to give him a firm smack from the rare to knock him out of the hole the tarnished obliges freeing the jar from his prison their paths converge once more at the Gale tunnel when speaking with Alexander he elaborates that many great warriors reside within his vassal they dream eternally of becoming a champion due to this Alexander has embarked on this quest to become a fabled fighter he makes note of a festival of combat held at Redmond Castle the seed of starsker dradan participating in this gauntlet will allow Alexander to test and better himself to fell legendary foes and eventually become the mythical Warrior he believes he can be for now the two-part ways upon stormhill the tarnished makes contact with d Hunter of the Dead a man clad in gold and silver armor the intricate design of his suit resembles D and his twin brother they are of two bodies and Minds for one single soul not once do they stand together not one word do they speak to one another perhaps this armor longs to find its way to the other day the masked man warns us of beings known as those who live in death he advises to avoid the nearby death touched Village as it is overrun by the undead under tibia Marina a Shepherd of the undying his purpose is to eliminate them as they are a blasphemy against the golden order their Immortal existence prevents them from returning to the Earth Tree in turn Dee hunts the undead prying death intrudes from their frames the masked man instructs the tarnished to seek out garank Beast clergyman for death root belongs to garank not the undead as night falls upon the Green Hills of lim grave the night's Cavalry arrive Dreadful nights who'd on a cloak of Shadow and armor as black as night they wield weighty jet plaque Armament while riding funeral steeds the nice Cavalry who now wander the dim roads at night were once led by the fell Omen and were deliverers of death for great warriors Knights and champions loyal to morgots these soldiers hunt in the dark a reminder that the fell Omen is not to be trifled with and that his rule is still in effect returning to the Church of Allah abiding chill fills the air the lunar princess Rani reveals herself disguised as a pale doll resembling her tutor the snow witch Renner akin to melaner she provides assistance to the tarnished granting them a spirit calling Bell an item that enables the host to summon Ashen spirits to fight by their side these souls are yet to return to the Earth tree under surge can be called upon for Aid Ronnie Ponders when the tarnished will Tire of there are basins to the two fingers whereas melaner Shepherds us to become Elden Lord Rani seeks to end the cyclical rule of the golden order as of this moment Ronnie Dows will meet again hinting that she does not believe that we will support her cause after a few parting words Rani disappears and the cold along with her moving forward the tarnished encounters a man Wolf atarb the Mistwood runes unable to draw the man's attention we return to the merchant color who teaches us the finger snap gesture with this the creature can be called down from his Purge he introduces himself as Blythe in defiance of the Fate he was born to Blythe swore to serve no master but Rani as proof the sword was imbued with a cold magic at the moment the oath was sworn he would defy Destiny itself if it would have him turn upon his lady Blythe instructs us to seek out the large blacksmith at Reya lucaria we can discern that Rani has assembled a small team of like-minded individuals to further her goal of ending the age of the golden order should they chew use to follow blight's Guidance the tarnish will be one step closer to joining Granny's cause leaving the Wolfman behind the tarnished Journeys to merckwater Cave here they drool patches the untethered before delivering the final blow patches pleads us to Spur his life feeling sympathy the tarnished obliges patches will open up sharp amongst his Wares is Margaret shackle shackles were used to bind the accursed people called The Omen and these ones were made to keep a particular Omen under strictest confinement an item that may prove useful later Purchase states that he mustokas for a demi-human leading him to ambushes in addition he implaus us to open the nearby chest as thanks for allowing him to live the chest in question is but another trap sprung forth by the conspiring Merchant if touched the chest will transport the tarnish to the location of a rune bear seeking Vengeance patches once again attempts to kill the tarnished but this time without getting his hands dirty visiting patches once more he appears shocked to see us survive the deadly encounter lastly patches stays that he will leave this cave behind perhaps he realized he could no longer Swindle the tarnished therefore he has decided to move his operation elsewhere delving deeper into the Wilds of lim grave we meet alone Wanderer everyone's been grafted everyone who came with me they crossed the sea for me they fought for me only to have their arms taken their legs taken even their heads taken taken and stuck to the spider did you know if you're grafted by the spider you become a chrysalid it's quite a lark when you think about it the worrisome lady warns of the dangers her people had faced she notes that her courage is lacking referring to herself as a craven by means of assisting us she offers a spirit jellyfish a creature that can Aid Us in the battles to come despite being left behind she holds fast to Hope instructing us to deliver a message to the chrysalids in Stormville Castle unfortunately the being she refers to have been sacrificed for grafting as confirmed by the Chrysalis Memento Memento left by the chrysalid sacrificed for grafting a brooge wrapped in red velvet traces of blood are visible faintly visible Spirits tried to convey something put their voices cannot be heard delivering this message results in her withdrawn to a place known as the round table Hall old where according to her she'll seek a new purpose the solomand to her companion's Journey has granted her a spark of hope she'll not let them die in vain throughout slimgrave the footsteps of a Titanic Beast can be heard accompanied by the sound of a droning Bell these creatures are known as The Walking mausoleums the mausoleum is where the bodies of soulless demigods are Lane to rest and these soldiers followed their masters into death by severing their own heads from their bodies his bowel rings in constant mourning for the soulless demigods headless Mausoleum nice endlessly God these nomadic entities their armor is adorned with wing-shaped ornaments evoking the death bird a self-inflicted curse that ties the spirits of these loyal Knights to the land having willingly beheaded themselves so that they may serve their masters in death the Sigil of an eclipse sun is emblazoned upon their Shields a symbol of the protective star of soulless demigods it aids the mausoleum Knights by keeping destined death at Bay Resolute the nightstand Eternal awaiting the rise of the slumbering demigods the peninsula to Lim grave South is named for its unceasing rainfall Redland of lament it is in this place the Weeping peninsula where we meet Irina she reveals that the Servants of Castle mourn have rebelled her father Edgar secretly escorted her from the premises but he remained behind Edgar's honor would not allow him to leave the castle in such dire hands written upon a silk handkerchief is a latter from Irena to her father an attempt to convince him to abandon the castle she then hands the message to the tarnished instructing them to deliver it to her father having made the journey to castlemorne we see that it is overrun by Miss forgotten the denizens of the castle were met with a grim fate that burnt corpses are stacked high and strong strong from the ramparts a mad pumpkin head also resides her a gladiator who attempted to stifle his Panic by encasing his head within the dark confines of his helmet despite this he was driven mad by Bloodshed at last we discover Edgar sat alone atop a tower I'm Edgar Warden this Castle as ordained by Lord godric himself where you can see how things have turned out the menials have all rebelled they gave me good service or so I thought but it seems it was all an act delivering irena's letter Edgar displays his gratitude for reaffirms that he cannot leave until he reclaims the sword of Castle mourn navigating to the buttered shores of the peninsula the tarnished and Edgar battle the leonine Miss pigotten A much larger and ferocious counterpart to the Miss begotten encountered earlier in the creature's possession is the blade Edgar seeks together the duo Slaughters the Miss begotten prying the grafted-blade Greatsword from his Corpse The Sword is a relic of a champion one who defeated an entire clan of Warriors cementing their swords within a single Armament no longer Duty bound Edgar leaves the castle behind only to find his daughter deceased greener how could this be my daughter deserved better the Fortnight with me I chose Duty over my daughter's safety and that is how fate is answered I'll find them the fouled wretched responsible for this I'll hunt them down and exterminate every last one of them rest assured Arena it will be done in our absence Irena perished a tragic fate for any father to Bear the blood-soaked murder weapon found plunged into the ground is reminiscent of the Miss begotten insinuating that one had ventured from the castle and killed Irina this single act drives Edgar to the edge of Sanity fueling his bloodlust perhaps he felt that her blood was on his hands he was unable to protect her and the Very creatures he contested with ended her life at a later point in time Edgar turns his weapon to us no longer of sound mind the broken Knight fails to see reason the tarnished has no choice but to retaliate perhaps in death Edgar and Irina can be United once more journeying through Lim grave the tarnish discovers the Waypoint ruins housed within is the Sorceress Selen a Stern practitioner of magic if requested to teach us sorcery selin reveals much of her backstory she hails from Rhea Lucario Academy the authorities of The Institute exiled her from the academy labeling her as an apostate which regardless the tarnished desire to learn sorceries cannot be dismayed Sullen agrees to teach us and elaborate on the history of glenstone's sorcery our art draws upon the powers embedded in Glenstone but what is the nature of such power Glenstone is the Amber of the cosmos golden Amber contains the remnants of ancient life and houses its Vitality while Glenstone contains residual life and thus the Vitality of the Stars it should not be forgotten the Glenstone sorcery is the study of the stars and the life therein to the north of lim grave we encounter the extravagant Kenneth hides he compels the tarnished to reclaim his forts in the South as it has been overtaken by a night Commander from stormvale the man's hatred of godric is made clear as he recounts the Lord's many failures his animosity most likely stems from the theft of his thought by one of godric's underlings Kenneth also views himself as the rightful Lord of lim grave further fueling his contempt once thought's height is cleared Kenneth rewards the tarnished with an erdsteel dagger an object suggesting that Kenneth is of archery royalty interestingly he says that as part of his rule he will establish contact with the demi-humans once more as according to him under the rule of true order the vulgar should not be left behind furthermore he enlists the tarnished into his service promising them the reward of Knighthood after a while the nobleman returns to Fort height and admits he does not have the authority to grunt the title of night to the tarnished as godric is currently the Lord of lim grave although he sees himself as the deserved ruler of this land he proclaims that he will surge for a stalwart lord of the proper lineage presumably to Aid in his rule of lim grave for now we leave him behind and venture to the stronghold of godric the grafted steadfast the tarnished answers Stormville Castle before long they are halted by marget the fell Omen the reclusive king of Landau Capital hunts the tarnished attempting to Snuff out their flame of ambition having slaughtered countless Champions during the shattering the fell Omen has become a horror to those who Harbor Ambitions for the Earth tree or for lordship wielding a staff and Conjuring phantasms of golden Weaponry Margaret displays his might the grace given delivers blow after blow but the tarnished will not yield rising from each death the tarnished in Jaws learning from each encounter recalling the item the obtain from patches Margaret shackle is activated resulting in the fell Omen being temporarily imprisoned by the Seal of the territory capitalizing on this narrow window of opportunity the tarnish the sales markets in the end they lift their blade and deliver a decisive blow bringing the Monarch to his knees the fell Omen warns that he will show no mercy the next time they meet although his hunt was halted momentarily Margate is certain we'll cross paths again it is important to note that upon his defeat we do not obtain his great Rune implying that he either retreated before we could obtain it or he did not have it in his possession at the time maybe more God believed he would not require the spoon of power when dealing with lowly tarnished crossing the bridge would come upon the gates of stormvale gatekeeper gostock advises us to take the side entrance into the castle he warns not to end answer through the main gate as it is heavily guarded by taking a detour the tarnished can Infiltrate The Castle undetected although gostock offers reasonable advice he is not a selfless individual should the tarnish die within the castle the gatekeeper will steal a portion of their runes this is hardly a surprise considering stormfail is home to godric and his ilk at last we enter the heart of Stormville Castle all manner of men and creatures defend this Landmark lion Guardians prowl the paths grafted Scions Scurry the dark corners of the keep and lastly banished Knights soldiers who were the by Misfortune or misdeed were forced to abandon their homes most of these nights were sent to the fringes where they were forced to start anew with only despair for company these first warriors were each and all accomplished perhaps that is why despite their territorial losses they were still named Knights interestingly Edgar the commander of Castleman was once a banished Knight as seen by his armor history also tells us of two renowned punished Knights known as the wings of the storm the first Oleg Allied himself with morgot slaying a hundred traitors in his lord's name earning the honor of Earth tree burial the other Ang Val rejected the invitation of the grace given choosing to keep watch over a masterless castle for many years gaining Renown as a hero of the fringes the shunned yet able Fighters travel the lands with some choosing to fight in the name of godric exploring the inner confines we come across a lavish painting of Godfrey godric's love of his forebear is clearly displayed many limbs of grafted victims are suspended from the ceiling perhaps signifying that godric is attempting to match his ancestor in power through the act of grafting the painting serves as a reminder as to why he commits such atrocities upon the denizens of lim grave during our foray we meet the sorcerer Roger his spellblade attire is reminiscent of aristocracy hinting at his origin he notes that the castle is filled to the brim with tarnished Hunters who seek worthy foes to sacrifice for grafting furthermore Roger states that he seeks something in the castle something that warrants exploring such a dangerous location few can see beneath the veneer of his affable Persona according to his attire Roger spent his entire life behaving with utter Detachment no one noticed the anger grief regret or fear that existed along with it perhaps he has knowledge of a frightening truth one which he is hesitant to share with any other in a dark room deep within the keep a woman stands above a deceased banished Knight conversing with her reveals that she is nepheli Liu a capable fighter who suggests forming an alliance to challenge godric the crafted it should be mentioned that her familial name Lou is identical to horalu the Royal name of Godfrey first Elden Lord a link that suggests she is a descendant of the chieftain of the Badlands all that remains is to venture through the fog and confront godric the grafted his form almost Twisted beyond recognition due to the countless victims grafted onto his frame he wields a golden battle ax emblazoned with the figure of a beast representing the strength of Godfrey first Alden Lord and patriarch of the golden lineage godric refers to himself as the Lord of all that is golden a self-assigned title believing himself to be worthy of the moniker Elden Lord his erotic combat style displays little sense of strategy he brawls like a mud Beast as opposed to a skilled master of combat as the tarnished gains the upper hand Godwin amputates his arm grafting once more he fuses the head of a dragon to his wrist bending the reanimated creature to his will he Sprouts forth a torrent of fire this newfound power is not enough narrowly avoiding the Reign of Fire the tarnished executes godric obtaining his great Rune first godric was hounded from the capital by radon then defeated by Millennia and lastly felled by a nameless tarnished a coward dies many times before their death it is only the Valiant who taste death once what a pathetic excuse for a lord you were Craven to the Bowl pushing me about like that and after all that grafting where did that get you godric you filthy slug feel it feel it feel my bloody Wrath with no fear of retaliation the gatekeeper chastises the Fallen Lord it seems even those who followed godric did so out of fair not loyalty with godric slain the tarnished attains the great Rune of The Shard Bearer to understand the significance of a great Rune and its utility the tarnish Ventures to a place ripe with knowledge and wisdom a safe haven for those wandering the lands between with a path unclear oh this is a rare occasion I can't remember the last time a new turnist made their way to the round table allow me a word of advice as your senior you are a mere visitor to the round table nothing more a house guest yet to earn their keep following a warm welcome by Sir Garden ofner the all-knowing the tarnished finds himself at the covert quarters of the two fingers the round table hold a gathering place for all manner of adventurers Craftsmen and warriors who vitamend the Alden ring and become Alden Lord Champions would gather at the round table hold in days long past when the two fingers were masters of aeration their flesh Yet full of vigor as leader of the Round Table Gideon vowed to become all-knowing gathering information on the lands between and piecing together all he could on the infamous Shard bearers who had claimed the shattered remains of the Alden ring Gideon's two most trusted servants were his adopted daughter nepheli Liu and his right hand man enter of the royal remains ensure's armor is composed of bones that belong to an ancient Lord The Soulless King the lord of the lost and desperate he was known as ansha not only does the armor not belong to the servant but neither does his name Gideon's reaction to the tarnished infers that the round table had long lost its Glory with very few finding their way to it but this does not discourage Gideon's search for truth knowledge begins with the recognition of one's ignorance the realization that the search for knowledge is on ending upon arrival the tarnished is directed towards the two fingers to seek their guidance for the journey ahead circling the round table brother Karen can be found he is a man of cloth one who explores the secrets of the golden order and teaches the strength granted by the two fingers through incantations his reason for this is so that one day if a tarnished of the Round Table holds should become Elden Lord I might counsel them ensuring order regains its proper form writing rule over men moving ahead Knight dialos of house hoslow can be encountered he's notorious for being all talk but little action and for this reason his older brother Juno inherited the family Legacy with Little Resistance Juno was a Stern self-possessed man of a few words his achievements made him seem Out Of Reach and so the younger aspired to be like the older yearning for the day that he would tell the tale of house hoslow in blood knowing full well that it would break his brother's heart having met the tarnished dialos is Keen to question the newcomer asking if they had rubbed shoulders with a woman by the name lanya she's my servant but fickle is the wind take your eyes off for for but a moment and she's good as gone the words of the alos is sure that losing sight of Wanya is of common occurrence and yet he worries for safety as she's no mere servant but a companion since childhood also at the round table is sorcerer Roger he was earlier met at stormvale he Reveals His true intentions behind exploring the castle explaining that he wishes to uncover the secrets of the shattering and the black knife conspiracy encroaching upon a hidden path Roger discovered a misshapen corpse below stormvale belonging to none other than Godwin himself the Sorceress curiosity got the best of him as by approaching the corpse Roger was impaled through the chest and left inflicted with death blight now at the round table his condition appears to have worsened he warns the tarnished that he is on the brink of a deep Slumber with what little time he has left he urges that a black knife print in addition to the curse mark of death be retrieved to Aid in his study these key items reveal the objective truth of what took place on the Fateful night of the black knives the Catalyst to the shattering of the Alden ring Having learned that Luna princess Rani orchestrated the plot Roger States the following can you become rani's vassal to advance our agenda while in her service you'll be able to take a poke around on the slide and determine the location of her original body that bears the curse mark I realize that I'm asking you to put yourself in grave danger but I know you've got what it takes placing his trust in the tarnished Roger can rest easy knowing the truth will inevitably surface the sorcerer falls into a slumber one that he would not awake from beside the Hearth of a warm fire the tarnish is reunited with the woman from stormhill Shark who reveals herself as Rodrigo empowered by the champions of the round table she too seeks a purpose of her own in the distance the unrelenting sound of a hammer striking an anvil Echoes through the Labyrinthian Halls of the hall put to work by smithing Master hoog a chain Craftsman who labors to no end I'm a prisoner and these are my chains I'm trapped by the hold undying smithing for you fools the girly boy here she's crestfallen and can scarcely swinger blade but she has a gift for spiritually perhaps her lies Rodriguez purpose in the room beyond the Craftsman resides a Woman by the name fear a deathbed companion who once Drew Vega from numerous Champions and laid with an exalted Noble who had passed channeling the energy she had harnessed into his deceased body in the hopes that he would draw breath once more but before I could bear the noble into new life I was awakened by the guidance of Grace and chaste from my birthplace What Fear viewed as a sacred Act was condemned by others regarded as vulgar and thus she was exiled from her Homeland traveling to the lands between fear would cross paths with Lionel the line-hearted when this chivalry stauntless night met fear who had been driven from her home he declared himself to be her father despite her tribulations fear still wished to be a deathbed companion the death of the first demigod Godwin led to the emergence of those who live in death deemed as pitiful products of unending life they were haunted by the golden order having experienced similar Prejudice fear was sympathetic to the undead and wished to act as their protector she along with her followers believed that Godwin will one day be reborn as the prince of death and rise up against the tyranny of the golden order this begs the question why does the deathbed companion reside at the round table it appears her cards are kept close to the chest as her schemes remain concealed from the tarnished a headlice finger reader Anya as the voices of the two fingers finger readers are said to live lives Eternal and one is even supposed to have served as a wet nurse to royalty the two fingers are served by former assassins of the Round Table those who were tarnished themselves and had lost the guidance of Grace recruited by the fingers they took charge of eliminating others who had found Grace lost there was a time when tarnished who had strayed from guidance feared nothing more than utter silence conversing with Enya the words of the two fingers Channel through her great album ring root of the golden order anchor of all lands Giver of Grace Wellspring of all joy until it was shattered the tragic Corruption of the order has taken its to across the realm life lies in ruin fall into pieces foul curses and misery spread unabating but the greater will has not abandoned a realm nor the life that inhabits it so it is that the tarnished are Guided by grace called to act Brave tarnished your great room is a handsome Shard of the Eldon ring seek another of its kind to become the Eldon Lord and restore the golden order with their purpose engraved the tarnished sets their gaze to the acquisition of the remaining great runes held by the demigods to carry them to the heart of the earth tree and reforge the Alden ring as Lord radagon once attempted the two fingers has high hopes for the tarnished that even if they should be wounded even should they fall they will continue to fight for their Duty the tarnish travels to leernia of the lakes in search of Queen Ronaldo of the full moon who clutches an Amber egg inhabiting the great Rune of The Unborn given to her by radagon the majority of liernia known for its vast forests an ever-present fog is sinking into a lake the Academy of Rhea lucaria Towers over the north while at its base spreads the town built around it now flooded as the tarnished emerges from stormvale Castle they are met with a mysterious woman with her eyes concealed behind a blindfold she awaits at the lake facing cliffs my name is hayata and I'm journeying in search of the distant light if I might be so bold as to ask would you donate any shabri grapes in your possession to me hayata is a blind Maiden in search of a distant light that would allow her to become a finger Maiden maidens Traverse the lands between for different reasons some to seek audience with the fingers others to find the tarnished who they were destined to guide hayata believes that to reach the source of light she must call upon the help of a shibri grape described as a yellowing oozing eyeball of the infirm the surface is shriveled and the inside is squishy not unlike a large overly ripe grape throughout their journey into Leonia the tarnished crosses paths with hayata on multiple occasions be it at the Petrified ruins Gaetan Bridge or Bellum church with every meeting hayata requests a shibri grape to further guide her upon sensing the nearing of the light she makes one final request to be presented with a fingerprint grape eyeball of the night vike inflamed yellow Sid with a repulsive fingerprint burn akin to those that marred his entire body shabri grapes are human eyes and the fingerprint grape is the eye of an Infamous Knight of the Round Table hold vike no other tarnished was closer to the throne of the Alden Lord than bike but without announcement vike traveled far below the capital and was scorched by the flame of frenzy did he make his choice for his maiden or did some other Force lure him with suggestion it appears that hayata wishes to follow in Vikes footsteps to travel through the Subterranean shunning grounds of the royal capital and seek an audience with the three fingers to present herself to the flame of frenzy why would hayata wish for such an end upon closer inspection things begin to make sense hayata is noticeably similar to Irena identical in voice face and even both being blind theory suggest that following irena's death her body was possessed by none other than the most reviled man in history shibrieri reinforcing this theory is that following the death of irina's Father a shibri grape can be retrieved from his body suggesting that his sudden descent into madness was no fault of his own with the knowledge gained vykes unforeseen change of Alliance is better understood why would a knight on the cusp of becoming Alden Lord jeopardize everything they've built towards to sacrifice themselves to the flame of frenzy unless of course strings were being pulled from the Shadows alternatively vike may have sacrificed himself and in place of his Maiden to clear the layer of thorns at the base of the earth tree his Maiden would have needed to self-emulate at the forge of the Giants although her purpose bids it so vike couldn't bear the image of his Maiden turned to ashes and so he pledged his Alliance to the flame of frenzy a subsequent means of burning the Thorns blocking access to the Earth tree one oversight foiled the Champion's Ploy entering the palm of the three fingers without the removal of his armor a crucial necessity if one is to be accepted as a servant Now All That Remains is scorched iron blistered by the three fingers like vike before her hayata is Led down the path of the frenzied flame in times past every single person who attempted to control the flame of frenzy succumbed to Madness after a desperate internal struggle unaware of the powers at play the tarnished provides hayata with the tools required to reach the Forsaken depths beneath Lindell at the very bottom lies our lord lord of the frenzied the three fingers who holds us enthrall continuing from the lake facing Cliffs the tarnished arrives at the church of Erath the church is outside the lands between dedicated to the teachings of the two fingers send confessors out to follow the guidance of Grace the confessors are loyal servants to the two fingers ready to hunt down and quietly dispose of their enemies inside the church a glintstone sorcerer named topes can be found he is a member of the Academy of rail lucaria however whilst he was absent the shattering took place and the Academy's Gates were sealed shut making entry impossible without a glintstone key once presented with a key topes will depart from the church and return to the academy he's later found dead at his desk located at the Academy's graveyard and in his palms a sorcery can be acquired revealing topes truth the lifelong pursuit of topes the bluntstone future Generations will learn they will know the foolishness of the snaring sorcerers who ridiculed this Theory little realizing that it was in fact a discovery worthy of a new conspective of the academy from this discovery we can derive that topes had been in conflict with his colleagues at the Academy whilst he worked tirelessly to create a sorcery worthy of the title conspectors which is bestowed upon rail Lucario Scholars whose Pursuits were deemed worthy other Scholars denounced his theory scoffing at his ambitious Pursuit his office being placed at the Academy's graveyard speaks volumes on the lack of respect or appreciation that topes received from his peers perhaps he was not unintentionally locked out of the academy but cast out instead nevertheless topes proved himself in the end placing his mark on the academy with a sorcery worthy of the highest honor in his own words future Generations will learn they will indeed learn of his commitment and sacrifice to his craft they mustn't forget the name topes the bluntstone as the tarnish travels west of Leonia they arrive at the Village of the albinorex a place adorned with corpses revealing a massacre had taken place the home of the old albinorex was destroyed by the curse mongers but perhaps hope is not lost for them to find their Promised Land Albin oryx are life forms made by human hands thus many believe them to live in pure lives Untouched by the air tree's Grace regarded as a lower life form the Albin oryx were haunted by many including Omen Killers one of whom patrols their Village Omen Killer's pursue a cursed beings who were born with traits of The Crucible era it appears their jurisdiction extends to any beings born with irregularities the albanorics were shunned by all but one place Nicola's halik tree for this reason they sought to Journey to the hidden Kingdom for this Revelation they had Loretta to think a once Royal carrier Knight who went on a journey in search of a Haven for albinorex and determined that the helic tree was their best chance for eventual salvation with hope for a brighter future the albinorex wielded Ivory sickles as evidence of their dedication to the helic tree despite never having entered its presence exploring the ravaged Village the tarnished finds Albus an old resident who had survived the massacre by disguising himself with the environment the urban oryx lived in peace safeguarding half of a secret Medallion which would grant them passage to the helic tree this drew the attention of sergody and ofner who also desired The Medallion by his orders his men attacked the village murdering anyone who would stand in their way the one remaining albanaro clasped tightly the half Medallion and hid until the pillagers had given up their search The Medallion is the key that leads to the city virtually acquaint treasure for we who cannot make the journey but for dear Latana it is needed to fulfill her purpose My legs will soon fade and with them my life alas this is the immovable fate of all albinorex in his dying well Albus entrusts The Medallion to the tarnished asking them to seek a woman named Latana who is also an albinaric she traveled to Leonia along with her wolf companion Lobo in search for a path to the helic tree taking Refuge at the Village she was attacked by The Intruders and as a result her wolf Lobo was slaughtered and she was left at death's door alas like a true warrior she did not surrender the whereabouts of The Medallion Latana lays low at the lakeside Crystal Cave inside the slumbering wolf shark in exchange for being guided to the helic tree Latana in forms of the location of the second half of The Medallion and voluntarily turns into a spirit Ash as to be carried by the tarnished they say the other half of The Medallion is beyond the Forbidden lands north of the archery in Castle Soul on the mountaintops of the Giants accessible by the grand left of world before leaving the village nephelia Lu makes an appearance lamenting the unjust Slaughter of the innocent villagers she's reminded of a similar sighting she witnessed in her infancy the oppression of the weak murder and pillage unchecked a waking nightmare met by men [Music] she may have been helpless as a child but now a grown Warrior she vows to seek Justice to let the scars she inflicts be a warning to all who think to pray on the weak on her return to the round table Hall nephelia learned that it was her father who ordered the attack on the village revealing his true colors the cruel Gideon turns his back on his daughter and I can no longer trust in trust him where is the Justice he reports in that father has always given me his guidance and now I've lost it her brain scattered and fueled by a river of emotion nephilic confines herself to the basement of the Round Table uncertain how to proceed to help guide nepheli out of the depths of her sorrow the tarnished gifts her the ashes of an ancient Monarch the storm Hawk King the remembrance of the revered Hawk who once ruled over stormvale inspires nepheli to stand firm and persevere through her hardships joining forces with Kenneth height nepheli becomes the Starlet Lord of lim grave reigning over Stormville Castle the two can be found at the Castle's Throne Room sharing command of the region along with them is gatekeeper gostock having endured the tyrannical rule of godric the grafted he may finally be content with the new and just monarchy I have indeed selected a new ruler lady in afelli is strong and just worthy of the burden of limb Grace lineage such is the sincere opinion of I Kenneth height notice I remembered the vow I took when I first became a warrior saw many moons ago this land is much like the one from which I hail I will call upon the storm to drive away the foulness that has settled on the winds returning back to leernia a peaceful Village hidden on the side of a cliff can be found it is home to many friendly jars who wish only to be left alone jarburn is a young resident of the village a nephew to Iron Fist Alexander akin to his uncle jarburn dreams to one day leave the comfort of home and tread the Warriors Path he expresses that until he finds a worthy potentate to care for his village he is unable to in good conscience leave jarberg the tarnished offers to care for the village in his absence however jar Burns assessment reveals him unsuitable for the task at hand hmm your skin isn't so smooth is it you need slick slidy hands to be potentate you know I'm sorry cuz but I don't think you've got what it takes what's a shame hopefully a day will come where the sun rises on a worthy leader to alleviate the burden carried by jarburn traveling further the tarnished reunites with the mischievous Patches at the scenic Isle you're making your way to the Earth tree no well I heard something that might help a special means of reaching your destination purchase recommends the tarnished allow themselves to be captured by an abductive virgin expressing that it has unique transpositional powers which will transport them to the base of the earth tree to no surprise patches is once again up to no good rather than the earth tree the abductive Virgin transports the tarnished to the Inquisition chambers of volcano Manor alas the tarnish knows better than to take advice from a trickster with that said patches does prove useful after all by the way uh have you met that girl Raya she's a strange one but I believe she was in need of help Raya is found east of the scenic Isle she is a servant to Lady tanath of volcano Manor and is currently scouting the lands of Leonia for potential recruits my mistress sent me off on an errand but I was accosted by a Ruffian and now I'm in a bind that Thug made off with a precious necklace I need someone to retrieve it Raya speaks of a petty Criminal Who had stolen her necklace the black God big Bogarts it appears that selling boiled prawns and crab alone isn't sufficient for a life of riches avoiding unnecessary conflict the tarnished purchases the necklace back from the thief and returns it to its rightful owner before making her return home Raya places A Letter of Invitation in our Palm Brave tarnished seek the Altus plateau in the realm of the earth tree prove yourself by making this journey and the volcano manner will fully extend its invitation to fight amongst a family of Champions a generous offer for another time as for the thieving Merchant delighting in his food will form a bond between the tarnished and The Black Guard even if his so-called crab looked have come from a crayfish not that it matters it's delicious all the same heading towards Northern liernia we enter the academy Gate Town where we once again come to find night diallos leaving no stone unturned the Scion of house hoslow had found his servant lanya with her body painted in dry blood diallos stands in mourning he deduces that her death was at the hands of those who serve volcano mana and swears vengeance upon them they laid hands upon my servant lanya and I refuse to let the insult stand the tale of house hoslow is told in blood I diallos swear to deliver the message at the entrance of the Academy of rail lucaria the tarnished happens Upon A corpse possessing a map the map seems to point to a meeting place the man it came from surely desired one the sole means of gaining entry into the academy a glintstone cave following the directions given the tarnish comes to face Glenstone Dragon smarug a colossal Beast who dwells west of the academy smarak was a devara of sorcerers and over time his body became corrupted by their glintstones as a result his fire breath became infused with Glenstone magic felling the dragon procures a glimpse on key allowing the tarnished to set foot in the academy as a protective barrier a spell was once cast from the highest Belfry of the academy covering the entire institution's grounds within the academy Scholars populate the majority Halls utilizing glintstone in defense of their institution Glenstone is the foundation of sorcery which serves as a conduit launching magical projectiles at foes this is a universal first step on the journey to true knowledge of sorcery it is said that glintstone sorcery was founded by an ancient astrologer through the discovery of the oldest primeval sorcery the founding grain of stars the glimpse of the Primeval current that the astrologer saw became real and the star's Amber rained down on this land the meteor that struck also gave rise to a race of ancients with skin of stone known as Alabaster Lords furthermore Glenstone Sorcerers are the descendants of astrologers a fact that the carrians remain aware of even if their fate has been long severed from the Stars Queen Ronaldo was once a young astrologer one who gazed at the night sky as she walked she had always chased the Stars every step of her journey then she met the full moon and in time the astrologer became a queen since the age of the Earth tree Curry an astrology withered on the vine the Fate once written in the night skies had been fettered by the golden order evidently the order did not approve of Korean astrology likely out of fear of the age of the stars as time passed the uncovering of the Primeval current created a rift between Sorcerers it became a forbidden tradition of glenstone's sorcery yet to those who cleave to its teachings the act of collecting Sorcerers to Fashion them into the seeds of stars is but another path of scientific inquiry despite it being heretical there were prominent figures within Raya lucaria who were tempted by the reign of stars when Azure glimpsed into the Primeval current he saw Darkness he was left both Bewitched and fearful of the Abyss sorcerer lusat beheld the final moments of a great star cluster and upon seeing it he too was broken the tolerance for such disloyalty was close to none resulting in the scholars banishment since the grand Masters azur and lusat were driven from the academy no one has achieved their formally held rank in time the school of Graven Mages was formed to continue the teachings of primeval current in consequence practitioners of the Forbidden sorcery malformed into a spherical amalgamation of Glenstone crowns reflecting two former rail Lucario students olivenus and lazuli the lineage of the olivinous conspectus began with the Sorcerer lusat And Its adherence continue his study of meteors on the other hand Scholars of lazuli conspectors adopted a heterodox Pursuit their views the moon as equal to the Stars some meddled with forbidden sorceries whilst others lived by them the crystallians are inorganic beings yet they live they cleave close to the ideals of the Primeval current under such they are revered guests of the sorcerers they were so proficient that the Christian a group of sorcerers studded the crystallians in the hopes of accessing the secrets locked in their faint cognition the crystallians faint cognition is known as the wisdom of stone the inscrutable crystallians have but one clear purpose to safeguard their crystals onto the end one Theory posits that they yearn for the return of their creator who will carve them new Brethren primeval current is but one form of sorcery disgraced by The Academy of real icaria another is aberrant sorcery which is derived from a Blood star this form of magic draws its power from faith it was discovered along with red glintstone by those exiled to the north for committing unspoken crimes their punishment was severe the guilty their eyes gouged by Thorns lived in Eternal Darkness there they discovered the Blood star incidentally Stone Digger sorcery was also criticized although not forbidden it is a mark of a failed scholar a stigma that extends to the Glenstone miners of the crystal tunnels maneuvering through the academy the tarnished must stay vigilant as the scholars are not to be mistaken for mere academics they are formidable fighters in their own right a glintstone Arc was granted to Sorcerers who depart from the academy to embark on Journeys in order to fend off large groups of would-be adversaries their faith in the SARS offered them immense confidence on their expeditions even during the blackest nights sergeants underground or imprisonment in jail the stars are never far from a sorcerer's side at the peak of a long and arduous Journey the tarnish enters the domain of the carrion Queen countless juvenile Scholars are seen scattered throughout the grand Library whilst Ronaldo hovers above ground believing that her daughter Rani died during the night of the black knives Ronaldo devotes herself to the art of reincarnation some speculate that she Embraces her Amber egg in the hopes of one day resurrecting her daughter in a futile attempt Ronaldo fights to ward off the Intruder but neither her magic nor her Scholars a recall to the tarnished defeated ranola desperately crawls towards harambar egg shortly before her fate is sealed the voice of Luna princess Ronnie can be heard revealing that she had survived the night of the black knives and has since kept a watchful eye on her mother shall not be disturbed by thee foul trespasser send word far wide thank you for the last queen of Korea granola of the full moon and the Majesty of the night she conjureth Ronnie conjures an apparition of her mother and her prime to challenge the tarnished on equal grounds born Anew Ronaldo's sorcery is unrelenting firing all manner of projectiles and summoning various creatures to fight on her behalf although formidable she falls short once more and the tarnished Champion claims the great Rune of The Unborn with the battle worn Mercy is granted to the Korean Queen Ronaldo accepts her fate and remains in the grand Library tending to Haram Beret and offering her Services of rebirth in search of Rani the last princess would travel north of liernia towards the home of the carrion family this territory once belonged to the Korean royal family their manner lies not far beyond this point when the Raya lucari Academy turned on the Guardians the Knights of the cuckoo descended on this tract after leveling it They carried on to the manor the Guardians were taken off guard but their strengths had not waned and they repelled the knights onslaught by Conjuring an enchanted snare that remains potent to this day War counselor eg a close Ally of the carrion family warns of a dangerous spell that surrounds carrier mana and praise the tarnish turns backer once the Mana appears desolate and the atmosphere clouded with a bluish Hue every step taken runs the risk of falling into an ambush a finger creeper dwells around every corner and spectral Knights hide in the shadows the tarnished Treads carefully with their weapon at the ready at the Moon gazing grounds the Eternal Warden Royal Knight Loretta awaits this adversary takes the spectral form of Loretta Knight of the helic tree who journeyed far in search of a Haven for the urban orix the spirit who appears before us is the same proud night but from a time when they were in service to the Korean royal family from atop her Steed Loretta punishes would be trespassers with the use of her sorcery great bow and glintstone Infused War sickle Vanquish in the Royal Knight opens the path to the three sisters a secluded land barred from outside interference similar to Kari Amana the surroundings are perpetually shrouded by Mist in addition to colossal pillars of glintstone piercing outwards from the soils of the earth as the tarnished closes on Ronnie's rise clintstone Dragon a jeweler emerges from the fog a jeweler a devara of sorcerers was bested by Ronnie and subsequently swore a nightly oath to her Dark Moon as a protector of the lunar princess a doula engages the tarnished in combat but before the battle concludes the Towering Dragon retrieves living to fight another day Rani sits Atop A high-rise Tower anticipating the arrival of the tarnished here we verify that Ronnie was the culprit behind the night of the black knives chosen by her own two fingers Rani was to be a successor to America to become the new god of the coming age but Destiny would not impose its will on the lunar princess the women of the Korean royal family looked to the Moon to guide their face ranis is a moon dark and blanketed with rhyme carving her own fate Rani turned her back on the two fingers and now seeks to rid the world of their influence accepting the tarnished into her ranks she introduces her most trusted allies some of whom we had already met there is in my service a half-woven warrior by the name of Blythe I would have thee join him in searching for the hidden treasure of nocron the Eternal City ah and there will thou find EG my War counselor and salavis preceptor in the Sorceress Arts also he'd not their peculiarities feel secure in gaining from them what advantage thou canst live Sullivan and EG are all working in service of the tarnished who prepares to Journey to the Eternal City of knockrum and claim a hidden treasure harboring a means of slaying the two fingers a daunting Mission bestowed upon a more than capable Champion the future of the lands between remains uncertain Queen Marika imprisoned shards of the Alden ring scattered and the Alden Throne vacant the road ahead is long and grueling with many demigods yet to be formed hidden cities yet to be explored and most importantly Destiny yet to be defied [Music] thank you thank you so much for watching this marks the end of the second chapter of Alden Ring's story explained a huge thank you to our patrons who have allowed us to continue working on this hobby which we love so much without you guys none of it would be possible please click the link in the description to find out more on how to get early access to our videos receive frequent updates on upcoming projects and be mentioned in the credits of all of our content please click the Subscribe button to stay up to date on future installments in the series leave a like as it helps our content reach a wider audience and comment let us know your thoughts on the video stay tuned as there is still much to be explored such as character stories and World building laws surrounding the locations and bosses of Alden ring we must say our goodbyes for now but we will be back with more very soon [Music] thank you
Channel: The brother's code
Views: 211,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elden Ring, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro, Story Explained, Lore, VaatiVidya, Gaming, Movie, Documentary, FromSoftware, Fantasy, RPG, Open World
Id: wEdQE5pF5Ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 43sec (5143 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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