Demon's Souls - Story Explained

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[Music] on the first day man was granted a soul and with it Clarity on the second day upon Earth was planted an irrevocable poison Soul devouring demon an entity known as the old one a creature that could spell the Doom of the world itself long ago mankind faced Extinction at the hands of demons commanded by the old one at this point in history the world was United by the use of Soul art the ability to manipulate The Souls of others whether it be to gain strength or heal oneself the potential was Limitless this magic is empowered by the old one itself if mankind seeks to displace this entity then they must abandon the use of Soul Arts if the soul of a being is claimed they lose their mind a land of barren Souls inhabited by Mindless beings is swallowed by the fog and banished to infinite Darkness left us prey for the old one the old one is a vast Chasm of nothingness a being with an insatiable appetite for the souls collected by its Legion of devout demons Mortals cannot comprehend the nature of the creature only that it exists for a singular purpose to devour The Souls of the living in the distant past under benevolent rule the world was United owing to the soul ODS until a lust for power caused the Awakening of the old one Mankind's overreliance on the soul Arts caused the Beast to awaken the old old one was roused from its Slumber and a colorless deep fog engulfed The Horizon Humanity quivered under the heels of demons mankind faced a slow and steady Extinction to counter the old one a faction of humans banded together after the loss of innumerable souls and half the world was erased by the fog they were able to L the old one back to his deep sleep in order to preserve while little remain of the lands the territories were divided and among six Elders one to the king of a small yet diligent Land one to the king of the burrowers underground one to the wise Queen of the great Ivory Tower one to the chieftain of lost and Ill fortuned souls and one to the charman of the Tempest worshiping shadowmen entry to these lands is granted by an Archstone objects placed at nodes across the Earth there exists a sixth Archstone one belonging to the Giants though this Gateway remain remains broken leaving the land isolated from the World As for the old one the Colossal entity was contained below the Nexus to ensure the creature remained unconscious the use of Soul Arts were banned though few can resist the allore of such power Soul Arts were integral to society as it served as a source of healing and power for all without it many were lost this video is brought to you by project Orochi if you're not aware project toochi is a streetwear clothing brand inspired by Japanese mythology and art with some designs having references to beloved video games including Demon Souls SRO and even titles beyond the from software umbrella to share one of our favorites take a look at these designs inspired by demon souls in particular we really like the flame looker hoodie now you can die repeatedly to your favorite bosses while wrapping their merch not only do they provide game inspired products but also Timeless original art art such as the fisherman twin tigers and the minimalist but elegant classic arochi design just to name a few today we have a special offer just for you guys use the promo code souls to get 10% off your order if you're based in North America you're also eligible for free shipping please take a look at project orochi's Instagram and drop them a follow to stay up to date with their latest releases you can also participate in their monthly giveaways and Community discussions once again a major thank you to project Orochi for sponsoring this video those who saved mankind formed the order of monumentals with the displacement of Souls and the fog distorting existence itself these half- living Sentinels were needed to maintain the fabric of reality unfortunately for the monumentals much of their faction would perish leaving only a single Sentinel to watch over reality man's view of history is often shortsighted without the monumentals much of History fell a myth Humanity once again was doomed to repeat the mistakes of their forebears in regards to the arch Stones they were forgotten and are now left for the mice torat much of this tale revolves around the kingdom of bataria an industrious city founded by Old King Doran a mortal who ascended to the status of a demigod he wielded the northern regalia a powerful Armament even boletarian royal family Legend scarcely mentions its Origins but it is believed that a malicious Force left it behind in this world along with the old one a weapon formed by combining the two legendary swords known as Soul brand and Demon brand the latter is a white blade made to be wielded against demons held for Generations by the batarian royal family the less demonic the soul of the wielder the more powerful this blade becomes on the other hand to utilize Soul brand and and harness its full potential one must Embrace demonic power once the old King's goals were accomplished he confined himself and the two blades in the batarian Royal Mausoleum serving as a judge for any who would enter one must pass the test of the Ancient King if they are to wield the Fable swords of bataria the key to the mausoleum was left under the stewardship of the batarian family time will show us that this was an unwise choice after a Time King Gant I 12th was crowned King opening the mosum he retrieved the notorious blade Soul Brandt the closer the soul of the wielder is to a demon the more powerful this blade becomes no wonder it was chosen by Old King alant a clear indication that Alan's Soul unlike his predecessor Doran is morak to that of a demon than a human throughout his Reign King Gant by channeling the power of souls brought unprecedented prosperity to his people bataria came to be known as Paradise on Earth however this would not last the notion that history is cyclical Rings true as once again the old one is awakened the once benevolent ruler grew wistful with age an inner turmoil raged within the king is there a point to Prosperity if life is ultimately a state of suffering arriving at the conclusion that the world is filled with pain and anguish a lant abandoned hope he shunned the monumentals and forged a paack with the old one electing to fight poison with poison with the being awakened elant journeyed to its heart forming an Unholy Union one which warped his body beyond recognition using his new found power he conjured a demonic reflection stationed at the peak of his Tower it would rule boletaria in his name and image in ensuring the demon hordes consumed the living and gathered their souls Arch demons powerful demonic entities were stationed throughout various Plains of existence acting as Generals in their respective domains they were extensions of the old ones will no longer confined by his rigid station of lordship a land could now pursue his true goal he believed that God created the old one as a mercy to put an end to the tragic realm of existence that is Humanity viewing death's Embrace as the only salvation for mankind a barbaric and selfish act that he viewed as Mercy an unfortunate conclusion for the once Mighty and revered alant who became nothing but a false King as the demons ran rampant in bataria the fat officials gained favor with a lant the sadistic ministers oppressed the masses with Sly grins their weapon of choice the weighty Cresent attacks displayed their unbelievable strength residents of boletaria despised them men who grew fat from the suffering of others as the kingdom was shrouded in fog bitar's Army crumbled its loyal soldiers whose Souls were stolen and now controlled by the demons remain dutiful in their current mindless State they still defend the palace from Intruders amongst the ranks of the army were stalwart Knights Warriors of true Vigor the grass of the batarian knights is emblazened with the image of the Sun as proof of their commission from the King sadly for the hotlights they were reduced to the lowest of life forms living slimes covert operations were carried out in the shadows by the Imperial spies their orders came directly from the King himself victims would seldom see the Rogues before it is too late however it is doubtful that any of bolar's forces are used in a capacity Beyond defending the nation from sole hungry adventurers history speaks of three Fable Legends Heroes of bolaria Alfred the tower Knight metas the penetrator and the Brave tribesman longbo anulan and his fearsome Legions unfortunately these great warriors were corrupted longbo Anan became a demonic entity known as the fanks Alfred warped into the colossal toite and metas Knight of the ls was transformed into the penetrator an elite order existed under the king known as the twin fangs this jro consisted of vfax and beor defying his oath to the king vfax Broke Free from the fog and told the world of bataria plight that the old kinging of land had roused the old one he spoke of the enticing power of the Demon Souls each time a demon claims a human soul the Demon's own soul is invigorated by the life force and the power of a mature demon soul is beyond human imagination the legend spread quickly enticing many to approach the accursed land Bor remained devoted staying behind to defend the honor of the true king Gant believing the allegations against his King were mere Fabrications woven by jealous conspirators the Allure of power enticed many adventurers to make the perilous Journey to bataria the most prominent of which were as follows yur the silent Chief scura the wer the sixth Saint arria and her Knight G Inland Saint Aban and Sage Frank the Visionary Saint aain is a pilgrim of God and a devout believer in Miracles he puts his faith in his Lord that prayer and worship will rid bataria of the Demons viewing the rise of these evil creatures as a a test from God Saint obain vows to eliminate them from this realm of existence furthermore he seeks to stamp outs The Magicians who conjure Soul arts for these dark magics are inherently evil as they are connected to the demons and the Old One's presence the followers of St herban proclaim the following a miracle is a Heavenly act but spells are the acts of demons the work of Soul Arts they have similar effects and yet one is clearly evil and the other is clearly good magicians in the end are mere Servants of the Demons indoctrinated by the saint his followers believe they are fighting for a righteous cause opposing Saint Urban is Sage frake a powerful magician who has devoted his life to studying the soul Arts fra has a long-standing rivalry with Saint aban due to his assertion that the god Urbane and his followers worship is actually a romanticized depiction of the old one the Saints of this world would have you believe that Miracles and soul Arts are Polar Opposites in reality the two are cut from the same cloth empowered and birthed by the old one this is proven further by the Talisman of beasts a holy item carried by priests of Faith an old wooden amulet featuring a symbolic depiction of the old one can be used to cast both Miracles and Magic what was considered a depiction of God was in fact an image of the old one portrayed as a force of feral chaos to this day Saints and mages continue to clash with no end in sight and so the great bataria succumbed to the fog at the whims of a king who judged Humanity Unworthy of Life humans wander the Earth seeking souls to maintain their sanity and Free Will without Souls they are lost husks to be commandeered by the demons the deep fog will eventually swallow all lands near and far but bataria has one final hope a lone Warrior who has braved the banful fog oh has the land found its savior or have the demons found a new slave [Music] a beckoned by a comforting voice the warrior is guided to the Fisher torn open by vfax a goal is set before them lull the old one back to Slumber the adventurer is summoned to a foror Outpost as the warrior advances they discover moongrass a medicinal herb there are several categories for this herb Each of which is named after a phase of the moon the different Luna Phases indicate the healing potency of the herb healing items in hand the warrior Journeys deeper before long they are halted by a Vanguard demon a small taste of the many enemies yet to come upon its death a fragment of an Archstone appears allowing the Demon Slayer to warp to another location the warrior navigates the humid and dimly lit hor hallway only to be confronted by yet another demon of colossal size the draconic God's mere breath shakes the foundations with Mighty Force The Entity crushes the wouldbe Slayer of demons defeated we are called to the Nexus a Sacred Space which holds together the northern land of bataria serving as a central point that connects to all other Arch Stones across the Earth each land is affected by World tendency the tendency of a world depends depends upon the actions of those who inhabit it should one die in bodily form or Slaughter innocent foes the world's tendency shifts towards black in their blackened State new demons are birthed and existing ones are empowered rumors speak of the pure blackened state of the Land of the Giants suggesting this land is beyond Salvation And as such the Archstone was shattered to this day the old one can be seen impaled by gargantuan armaments could it be that the Giants once valant fought the Beast only to be trampled into submission punished for their hubris perhaps they were smoked from existence whatever the case it ended with their land being disconnected from the world and the Giants vanished from existence returning to World tendency Good Deeds such as the slaying of demons will turn the world's inclination towards White World tendency is intrinsically linked with our character commit evil acts and our soul too is blackened one must tread carefully as all actions influence our perception of reality the Nexus serves as a Haven from The Perils of the outside world however it is also a prison not only for the old one but all other inhabitants those who dwell in the Nexus are marked by The nexal Binding bearers of this seal are bound to the Nexus never to be free even in death its vast Halls are filled with decadent statues that evoke an air of Holiness a station of comfort for weary Souls upon death the soul is withdrawn from its vessel leaving one in a spiritual form in order to regain one's corporeal form they must utilize an object known as the stone of ephemeral eyes this artifact resurrects the user's body another option is to slay demons as this too can restore the flesh the enigmatic maen in Black tends to the people of the Nexus she is draped in Black robes and wax secludes her eyes just like any other she is trapped in the sanctuary as indicated by The nexal Binding around her ankle there's much more to her than meets the eye but for now her motives remain concealed she is not the only occupant of the Nexus close by we encounter stockpile Thomas he Reveals His traumatic past and a dire secret when the scge came I abandoned my wife and daughter and fled like a coward when I came to I was in this Nexus I haven't dared venture outside these WS since that candle maen cared for me during my first days here she says very little but has a kind heart she's just the age my young daughter would have been racked with guilt the broken man has chosen to live within the Nexus aiding others by storing and safeguarding their Wares it is clear he feels remorse for the family he abandoned at a later point he mentions sometimes I stop and wonder how I ended up here why didn't I protect my wife and daughter even if it meant being slain by demons H please forgive me it's all in the past although he made an impossible Choice he has not lost the will to live neither has he lost hope in us as he leaves us with some encouraging words you have a heart of gold don't let them take it from you in close proximity Is blacksmith Baldwin using souls to pay for his Services he can to strengthen the arms of the Slayer of demons souls are the currency of this land not gold or silver in addition he mentions another Smith by the name of Ed stationed at the entrance of stone Fang mine sat midst an arrangement of candles is a worshipper of God a devout disciple of St herban she questions her faith asking if God had abandoned Humanity for their lack of faith in King Gant perched upon the stairs close to an Archstone a Crest full Warrior speaks out well you slipped through the Fisher too did you you came for demon souls or to save this land and be remembered as a hero hunting for demons try one of the arch Stones it's all the same you're just another prisoner of the Nexus clearly CLE the man has accepted defeat spending the remainder of his days in the Nexus nonetheless he still provided us with simple yet effective guidance use the arch stones to Traverse the world and acquire the powerful Souls of demons with a goal set before them the warrior musters their courage and heads towards the Archstone of the small King upon interaction they transported to the gates of batarian Palace a huge Stone Castle in the heart of the northern kingdom of bataria hungry soldiers attack trespasses their souls stolen by demons while nearby terrible dragons have taken Roost time has not been kind to the city as both nature and the fog have begun to claim the kingdom and its denisons have been reduced to draglings weak zombie-like creatures upon their arrival The Wailing of a Fierce and red dragon Echoes through the skies the dragon makes its presence known before eagerly departing to Feast on its prey it roosts at its nest with another a blue dragon the two famitable creatures are a threat to adventurers and the inhabitants of bolitar alike found amongst their charred victims is potentially the cops of alifax a member of the twin fangs each member was granted a ring of great strength by the king himself an item that allowed them to wield their weighty steel Shields crossbows and Hefty great swords all at once such a ring can be found in the Dragon's Nest although there is no definitive proof that valax is among the deceased for some the ring alone is enough to convince them that he met his end by dragon fire dragons are not the only threat in this land but also the tainted remnants of King gant's forces additionally a vast gate prevents the Demon Slayer from venturing further into the palace navigating the decrepit terrain we come into contact with a draggling merchant the man has found his calling as a Tradesman loot is a plenty as he can pillage the corpses of Fallen adventurers he displays disdain towards the boletarian elite stating that the demons are not so bad in comparison for they do not send them to die in battle providing an interesting perspective into the treatment of the draglings they were nothing but canon in addition he mentions the Dragon encountered earlier stating that it is one of the king's pets interestingly he mentions a fellow clad in fabulous armor perhaps a man of high rank or nobility surely a man of such stature would be a valuable Ally in our quest to obtain Demon Souls scouring the land we eventually discover a knight fitting the Merchant's description the man is cornered by a troop of draglings and calls for help the Slayer leaps from the ramparts and kills the ambushers grateful the Knight offers a brass telescope a rare trinket which employs concave glass that allows one to view distant scenes as clear as day possibly originated in the relatively Advanced region to bataria South a luxurious item that reinforces the notion this night helds from the upper echelons of batarian society for now asraa returns to the Nexus ascending the walls of the stronghold we discover two two bodies suspended by chains a pair who appear to have been executed freeing them from their bonds allows their bodies to fall to the ground below enabling us to reach the loot on their corpses upon one of the corpses is a set of ragged clothes and Old Spice while a Jade Hair ornament can be found upon the other the Slayer Pockets the items perhaps it will come in use later exploring the environment the Slayer discovers a lever activating the device eyes opens the pork colors that once block the way from the darkness a spear is launched into the ground a warning that death awaits those who enter standing firm the Slayer enters through the gate here they are met by the fanks the once lorded hero longbo anulan is but a shadow of their former self accompanying them is an amalgamation of Twisted beings who have been molded into slimes each wields a spear and a shield making an offensive attack from the front difficult stacking upon each other they form an impenetrable mound of Shields and Spares One By One The Slayer draws them out cutting them down and melting their frames with firebombs eventually the heart of the creature is revealed the Slayer of demons earns their title as the creature dissipates an outline of the soul of Ulan can be seen from their death the Slayer obtains a lead Demon Soul a powerful source of strength having acquired a demon soul the Slayer returns to the Nexus they are welcomed by the maiden in Black who reveals that a Monumental is stationed above she implores us to seek them out following her Guidance the Slayer climbs the steps and discovers the individual sat alone amongst the corpses of their Brethren is a single living Monumental illuminated by candlelight the Monumental speaks of the troubled history plaguing these lands how the people had faced Extinction once before but thanks to their order they were able to avert Humanity's Demise by sealing the old one inside the Nexus but now the same threat looms over the world and once again the old one must be lulled back to Slumber before the colorless fog claims all the Monumental beseeches us to slay every demon with the creatures vanquished the old one has no choice but to seek another servant one that will feed them souls should the Slayer acquire every single Demon Soul the old one will invite them into its heart with the hopes it will be fed utilizing this opportunity working together with the candle Maiden the old one can be soothed once more the Monumental notes that we will be imprisoned in the Nexus eternally just like the candle maiden and that lulling the old one back to Slumber is of the highest priority only with its rest will the flood of demons be halted furthermore they State have you received assistance from the candle Maiden she is a prisoner of the Nexus it is her duty to love the old one back to its Slumber that is why she helps those who hunt demons and that is why she has become a demon herself not only does the Monumental providers with a cause to fight fight for but also informs us of the purpose of the maiden in black and the Revelation that she is a demon it is worth mentioning at the beginning of our journey The Voice we heard was that of the Monumental brave soul who fears not death I shall guide you to the Fisher so that you may lull the old one back to Slumber it was their intention to guide us on this Quest hopeful that in time time we would subdue the old one returning to the maiden she elaborates that she has always been in the Nexus existing when the old one was awakened and that she will be there when the Beast rests once more she reveals her ability to channel Souls allowing the Slayer of demons to surpass mortal strength an uncanny ability that only the maiden can utilize due to being a demon herself she was once one of the most powerful demons to ever exist why she opposed es the old one is unknown as she was not born a demon perhaps she sympathizes with Humanity after all she became a demon to inherit their powers in the hopes of aiding mankind her station is one of true selflessness she tends to the Flames ensuring the candles of the Nexus remain lit and assists all who would slay demons a singular Duty occupies her mind and none will stray her from this path having conversed with the monumental Al and the Maiden The Crest Fallen Warrior reveals the following have you met the last surviving Monumental those fools revived the old one on a whim and now they've trapped us here in the Nexus in a desperate attempt to undo their mistake it's all a travesty if you ask me a shocking Revelation if true the monumentals were praised as the saviors of of humanity but according to the crest Fallen Warrior they are the reason the world was driven to the brink in the first place it is unknown whether this statement is true regardless the only way to prevent Humanity's Extinction is to Ally with the Monumental and bring their plans to fruition nearby a familiar figure is encountered once more a Strava reminisces about pitaria in its Heyday he is saddened by the rapid decline of his homeland in interestingly in regards to the state of boletaria he mutters to himself I refuse to believe that this is what father wished for our great land insinuating that his father is one of nobility as his statement implies his father made a choice that directly resulted in the decline of this once prosperous Nation with the passage of time more adventurers arrive at the Nexus the first of them is the Acolyte and disciple of God followers who had sworn falty to Saint aain the acolyte mentions that he had fled and abandoned the saint in his time of need he refers to him being trapped in darkness where no light shall ever shine implying that the holy man had been captured in a prison of source found at the base of the Nexus is an apprentice of sage frake a man whose beliefs directly conflict with that of sa abanes The Apprentice begs a Slayer to free his master are you here to face the demons if so please free Sage Freight the Visionary from his cell in latria Sage frake is a gleaming hope for humankind but I have not the power to save him alone Master frake is a great man who has systemized the magic of the Soul Arts to make it possible for human imitation by observing the state of B ataria and the demons within it he is likely to pave the way for greater things ironic that both aain and frake have been imprisoned at this point in time frake and his followers do not shy away from the use of Soul Arts believing their power can be harnessed for the good of mankind before leaving the Nexus the Slayer pays a visit to stockpile Thomas that ornament that belongs to my daughter then she didn't make it after all my dearest little baby may she rest in peace me ask a favor would you mind giving me that hair ornament I'd like to have it in memory of my daughter should we return the hair pin he displays his gratitude by gifting us with a ring of Herculean strength Thomas Longs for his wife and daughter perhaps this herpen will provide him with comfort in these dark times if we are to believe that the two corpses found in boletaria were Thomas's wife and daughter then it is possible that his wife was a sorceress as upon her body with the ragged clothes of a witch as well as some Old Spice an item that replenishes Manor which is utilized in spellcasting it has even been banned in some regions due to its Association with unsavory Brewers hinting the pair were executed due to the mother's practice of forbidden arts on the other hand the Ragged robes could just be the attire of a prisoner once more we venture to bataria to the Lord's path past the huge Gates of batarian Palace lies what is now a feeding ground for Dragons the cliff pathway which leads to the inner Ward where Knights make their Abode yet again ostrava finds himself Sur surrounded by evil Warriors lending their sword the Slayer assists the Knight asraa thanks them before returning to the Nexus should the Slayer follow he will mention the legend of the two swords of the batarian royal family here in bataria we speak of the legend of the two swords and the solitary hero the two swords are demon brand and soul Brandt one sword banishes that which befs man and the other banishes man himself the solitary hero is Old King Doran King Doran is the Everlasting one founder of boletaria and protector of the two swords of course only according to Legend but in the dark state of our land sometimes Legends are all we have an integral piece of information that the Slayer commits to memory for it could prove useful in the journey ahead moving forward the Demon Slayer encounters a locked door held Within L is beor of the twin fangs a strong and Hearty Knight clad in heavy Brushwood armor his crime was his attempt to visit the king regrettably he was thwarted by the black souls and dragons that protect a lant as a consequence he was then imprisoned by executioner morala a woman known for her lunacy and beautiful voice in order to free him we must obtain the iron key ring from the fat official nearby once acquired we are able to free vior with his new found Freedom vior warps to the Nexus as mentioned earlier vior is part of an elite order known as the twin fangs he remains committed to the king unlike vfax the second member of this faction our great king was a magnanimous leader he was stolid spirited caring of his subjects he fought valiantly against the viol and depraved the sedici claims that our Lord brought this Scourge upon us there could only be Fabrications woren by jealous conspirators that must be it it must be my brother in arms vfax of the twin fangs was a brave and mighty knight and like myself he was the master of more than the sword vfx's mind was sharper than their Scholars dark times have the Fallen us if our Lord with the esteemed help of vfax could not prevent it then no one could have Bor maintains that king alant is not the monster others would paint him as he refuses to believe that the king could fall to Temptation and abandon his people it is this Blind Faith that drives him to hunt the foul creatures that plague bataria nevertheless he will prove a useful Ally to the Slayer of demons he also mentions a lone stone tower stating that a sorceress is held prisoner there another victim of miralda according to beor the captive has been subjected to all manner of Untold acts in the name of purification unfortunately vior could not find a way to the Tower and so places his faith in us instead moreover he unveiled a vital piece of information given to him by the draggling merchant Bor was informed that the son of the king Arona had come to bataria alone according to beor ariona is a wise and kind soul almost too kind he would not farewell in this accursed land without protection as a result he stays if we should find ariona we are to guide him to the Nexus immediately where Bor will take him under his wing curiously be's description of ariona certainly fits that of asraa a son of nobility and a the man who needed saving from certain death for he is ill prepared to deal with the blighted inhabitants of bataria a life raised in the Comforts of high society is unlikely to prosper on the battlefield of his own valtion under the name of straa ariona had returned to find his father King Gant and uncover the truth ariona hopes to exonerate or perhaps even put an end to his father should the need arise he could not fathom that his father may be the sole reason that batarus suffers was the king leray or did he do this of his own valtion these are the questions that plague arion's mind vfax of the twin fangs had already claimed bataria suffered a blight due to the actions of its king Arona must learn the truth behind the rumor only time will tell if the Young Prince Will reunite with his father traversing the ruins of bataria the Slayer arrives at a stone Stone Bridge as we attempt to cross a familiar Dragon makes an appearance releasing a torrent of fire incinerating all in its path narrowly avoiding death the Slayer arrives at a gate of fog penetrating the white Mist we are met by the Titanic Tower Knight at top the ramp Parts soldiers rain down bolts and arrows firstly we eliminate the men before facing the tower Knight itself the knight's armor is nion impenetrable is vast metallic shield and thick armor proves resilient slamming his shield and boot into the ground the Knight is difficult to approach avoiding the impact the Slayer of demons swings their sword at its heels with each strike an eruption of pressure is released from the suit of armor eventually the Knight comes Crashing Down The Slayer lifts their blade and plunges it into the head of the demon as the tower Knight Fades from existence we see Trace es of the hero he once was Alfred the Knight of the tower The Way Forward remains blocked to gain access to the inner confines of the palace we must first obtain the soul of an arch demon a task not easily accomplished for now we set our gaze not to the skies but to the Roaring fires of the Abyss below for what better place for a demon to reside than in the bows of a scorching Mountain [Music] in hopes of obtaining the next Demon Soul the hero Ventures beyond the borders of bataria to the outskirts of the tunnel city a city of miners who maintain the giant tunnel long ago the efforts of the hard-headed burrowers allowed batarian soldiers to carry out their work but now dispossessed of their souls they have no thought of their own and work in silence tirelessly without purpose the lands of the burrow King consist of giant Rocky formations and winding tunnels laboring within the vast mountains miners chip away at the Rock harvesting minerals that can be used in the forging of weapons and armor much of bitar's Weaponry is forged using the hardened iron sword from the tunnels of stone Fang there is no doubt the burrow King grew Rich from the land reaping the benefits of his people's servitude regardless of the wealth he had amassed they could not transcend the fog much like bataria the land eroded under the Mist the populous now mindless Soul starved husks who continue their Duty in a robotic fashion under the supervision of fat officials perhaps they were stationed here by a lance to ensure the batarian army remain steadily supplied with iron bear bugs fire lizards and rock worms infest the cracks and crevices of the mining shafts below a Barren Land Is All That Remains an opportunist known as the filthy man makes note of a treasure Seeker called scura The Wanderer and his expedition into the unknown scura had informed the filthy man that deep below in the pits of the city stands a draconic shrine could this be the same altar where we were neutralized earlier in time perhaps we will get our revenge found close by in a small opening below the surface is blacksmith Ed a forge Master previously mentioned by Baldwin a misanthropic Man by Nature dedicated solely to his craft both Baldwin and Ed possess an Armament known as the hands of God a fist weapon bearing God's name there was once a strong man who slaughtered dragons with his bare hands his Godlike fists earned him the title of the legendary Big M iron Knuckles a similar weapon to the hands of God were also adored by Stone Fang's rough blacksmiths with these weapons they would sometimes get drunk and Slug It Out at first glance Ed appears to be apathetic to all others perhaps his drunken brawling days are over or maybe he never partook in such rivalry right now he has no time for idle conversation and so we part ways with the Smith maneuvering through the twisting t tunnels the scale miners pay no heed to the Slayer of demons their coarse skin is thick with scales and their sunken eyes glow faintly in the dark chipping away at the Rock is the sole thought occupying their mind turning hostile only if one gets too close and disturbs their precious work found in the chasm below an armored spider blocks the narrow passage forward plated in metallic armor the arachne's flesh is protected its face and Stinger are the only weak nesses in its armor spewing fireballs and webs the creature keeps its distance attempting to ens snare and devour the Slayer of demons unwavering the Slayer charges forward evading its webs and fire with a swift strike the Beast is defeated overcoming this adversary grants the Slayer of demons entry to the tunnel City below the smithing grounds of stone Fang the tunnel city is a system of Pathways that gave the city its name Legend Hazard that deep inside beyond the molten swamps is a grave for Dragons traversing the labyrinthine city we encounter a strange man wow what Jolly traveling companions are we pleased to meet you call me PES oh see that treasure over there go on and take it my gift to you just to show that we're friends his possession of the thief ring lays be his true intent an ancient sapphire ring it subdues your presence making it difficult to be detected by enemies unsurprisingly patches is a thief masquerading as an amicable Adventurer should we fall for this Ploy we will be trapped by a bear buug when confronted after he will Fain ignorance he leaves us with a gift before moving to the Nexus at one point in time we come across scura the wanderer I seek Treasures of the unknown have you heard of the temple below it is a work of art molded by the ancient borrowers to appease the bones of dragons as a precaution a Broad Sword which can crush the bones of drags is stored in the temple truth told it's the laughing stock of many a swordsmith they say it's as blunt as a bludgeon a do BL meant to slay a dragon curious is it not the treasure Seeker has postponed his search for now as he would fare poorly against the demon presence his lust for Treasure has not blinded him from this fact at the base of a Chasm we stand before a veil of mist piercing the gate the Slayer of demons is confronted by their deadliest foe yet the flame lurker a demon of fire an entity held prisoner in a score Temple of stone its dominating presence is matched by its own parallel strength his fists like hammers each of its strikes akin to a volcanic eruption beneath the Blazing feet of the Beast the Slayer of demons becomes one with the blade evading the Demon's Claws and persevering under Relentless heat the Slayer of demons whittles the foe down before vanquishing the demon another Falls before us its searing Soul now in our hands so some believe that the legendary Big M the man who beat dragons to death with his Godlike fists was warped into the flame lurker after all the demon predominantly fights with its fists and is surrounded by the bones of dragons sadly there is little information supporting this Theory at long last the Slayer of demons stands in the Fable Shrine of the Dragon God ages ago a fire demon was imprisoned in an underground Temple l Ed with the bones of dragons beyond the prison in a sea of molten lava of the resting bones of a dragon of unfathomable size the underground Shrine was constructed both to worship and imprison the dragon God the min's ancestors were inspired to Faith by the great dragon bones and pay their respects by maintaining the shrine with great care the temple was founded by a group of people known as the burrowers who were descended from the excavators of stone Fang in their Chronicles the burrowers unearth the remains of many dragon bones in awe they constructed a temple to worship and imprison what they believe to be a dragon God arriving at the Chamber of the deity the Slayer of demons is unable to confront the god head on doing so will only result in death for this reason the Demon Slayer avoids the Gaze of the Beast positioned on the flanks of the demon are gigantic Harpoon launching devices a mechanism that when activated fires a projectile with immense force a fail safe existing solely to bring the draconic deity into submission unlike many followers of Faith the worshippers have the foresight to install these machines should their omnipotent deity turn upon them using this we are able to incapacitate the demon leaving it vulnerable unable to defend itself the dragon God can only watch as the Slayer of demons drives their blade in into it skull the ravenous Beast lies silent its rage quelled at last curiously unique spells and miracles exist both originating from the bones and demonic soul of the Dragon God Fireball and Firestorm evoke The Infernal and uncontrollable chaotic powers of the Dragon whereas God's Wrath a miracle represents the power of God against tremendous malice it is one of the greatest Miracles aiding all who are righteous strangely one of the most powerful miracles to exist is derived from the soul of a demon affirming the notion that magic spells and miracles are one and the same in the vicinity we discover the fabled dragon bone Smasher a weapon coveted by many a bladeless thick mass of iron used for smashing according to the ancestors of stone Fang's excavators it said this weapon was created to face dragons and is imbued with magic to protect the wielder from fire it could be shown to scura for which he is grateful he beseeches the Slayer of demons to take care of the storied blade at last we return to bataria to penetrate the inner ward of the palace inside bitar's Gates where the streets intertwine lie traps set by the much reviled fat officials themselves living proof of old kingan's Madness navigating the cobbled Alleyways of the ward the Slayer of demons hears an all too familiar Voice once again asraa calls for Aid saved from certain Doom asraa thanks a Slayer clearly the Knight is out of his depth every inch he moves forward is a mighty struggle rraa is all too aware of the countless times he has been saved helplessness stifles his courage but this does not dissuade him from achieving his goal you saved my life this is the third time I am truly TR indebted to you now I must go my father the king awaits me recalling the prisoner mentioned by beor the Demon Slayer Ventures to the stone tower met by a fat official the Slayer is unable to enter to bypass the warden we disguise ourselves by equipping the attire of an official before speaking with the woman the Slayer of demons deals with the Jailer upon close inspection we can see that the prisoner is draped in the Ragged Robes of a witch identical to the garments found on the corpse of Thomas's wife at first she mistakes us for one of the officials after realizing she has been freed she chooses to rest and recuperate her strength before making the journey to the Nexus inside the room in which she was held is a ring of magical nature Legend says that cursed witches are born holding it the natives of savage lands avoid it at all costs residents of boletaria viewed her as a heretical witch who needed to be cleansed leading to her imprisonment in truth this cleansing was simply torture conducted by the fat officials alas the Slayer of demons has no choice but to forge ahead after faing countless Knights and soldiers we are met by a fog gate crossing the veil a lone fat official taunts us before he can make his first move a straight sword is thrust through his torso in a single strike the man is no more marching through the fog appears the penetrator a demon who has once met us Knight of the Lun this torn and lean Knight delivers precise and deadly thrusts unyielding the Slayer of demons prepares for the fight ahead that is until they hear the voice of beor the Knight of the twin fangs will repay our kindness by lending his strength in the battle ahead together the Demon Slayer and beor crush the penetrator banishing The Entity once and for all akin to the fanks and Tower Knight demons for a brief moment the spirit of metas can be seen seeking respite the Slayer of demons returns to the Nexus beor shares his thoughts do you intend to challenge the king you may be a great Demon Hunter but I fear you may not be ready the king's defended by the black Souls of Mighty Knights and the fire breathing Drake they defeated even myself elf that's how I ended up in the dungeon beware the limits of your own power although beor fights in the name of his King he is aware of our intent ultimately the cycle can only end with the king the Knight of the twin fangs fights for his Monarch perhaps this is be's way of honoring the king he once knew in an isolated corner of the Nexus yua has made herself a new home hello again you saved me from great Agony I am sorry for I cannot offer proper thanks but should you have Demon Souls I can teach you magic only my witchcraft is of a dark nature and arouses suspicions once I lusted after Demon Souls I passed the Fisher into boletaria but became trapped by the Nexus then the king's executioner morala chained me up inside that Tower my thirst for Demon Souls is no more on the contrary I find such power dangerous yua no longer covers The Souls of demons and even dissuades us from learning her dark magic due to the pain it brought her ironic considering her magic is closely related to Miracles An Inconvenient Truth for the church nonetheless the practice of magic of any kind is forbidden perched upon a narrow bridge asraa speaks to the Slayer despite the incoming hordes of demons and the boundless fog he holds fast to Hope a far cry from what his father felt before plunging Humanity into ruin together asraa the Slayer of demons and all who accompany them are beacons of hope in these dark times king alant led boletaria with a round table of the bravest Knights but today boletaria is an abysmal mess vfax was lost and Bor slipped through the Fisher never to be heard from again all the rest along with boletaria are either devoured by the fog or Fallen a foul of the Demons the batarian knights are no longer but perhaps our age will see the rise of new Heroes such as [Music] yourself the Slayer of demons approaches the Archstone of the tower Queen a mirror to the world of latria the land of the Queen's Ivory Tower engraved in stone the following words paint a picture a vengeful old man claimed the Queen's life and imprisoned any remaining royalty the prison Echoes with the resentful cries of its inmates tormented by their inhuman guards latria was once home to a benevolent Queen She ruled alongside her husband and through consistent effort developed the kingdom of latria to be one that commanded respect the denisons of latria had great adoration for their Queen recognizing that she placed their needs above her own in time latria even became home to Nobles the land encompasses an Infamous Penitentiary a church and of course the great Ivory Tower itself at the peak of a civilization's rise evil Finds Its way through the cracks it is through the acquisition of power that one's character is present in its most authentic form and put to the test a test that the king unfortunately failed his greed grew along with his pockets the more he obtained the more he desired the old man's nature to yearn for power that was not his would become not only his downfall but the collapse of latria the greed of man is a cautionary Tale As Old As Time a catalyst to a downward trajectory with no Redemption recognizing that her husband's intentions were no longer aligned with her own the queen banished that depraved old man from the land during the king's Exile the old one was awakened and with that came the second scourge of demons the Stars aligned for the vengeful old man who was granted power through a magical entity in the form of a golden Garb unbeknownst to him the Garb would not be an ally but a force for evil which seeks a vessel to subjugate latching onto any old fool desperate enough to allow it the old man was nothing more than a medium for the robe that drives men mad the lust for power and revenge led to the old man adorning the golden Garb and in turn losing his mind becoming a mere vessel to an entity of Darkness an arch demon to the old one if you have no future to lose then who could blame you for placing your faith in the golden robes such is the mark of desperation as the story is told he returned in strange golden Garb with foul demons in toe they pillaged great latria land of the learned and shut us away in this prison unforeseen the depos opposed King returned as the old monk leading an army of demons he took the Queen's life and imprisoned the denisons of latria the Wrath of the vengeful King resulted in the Kingdom of latria becoming a place of torture and death a key structure within latria is the prison of Hope one may assume the name to be nothing more than an ironic monik for a dungeon that inspires all but hope but the origin of its name is far more Sinister a prisoner known as a former Noble wife also referred to as the once's Royal mistress or the singing Lady sheds light on the truth of the prison and the purpose it serves at first the denisons were locked away but since then they've been feeding off our souls telling us over and over that if we go above we will be granted Redemption those imprisoned are under the impression that their Queen still lives and resides in the Church of latria the old monk promised Redemption to all on the basis they achiev One Singular goal to ascend the dungeon and meet their Queen's embrace the helpless captives held fast to Hope fighting tooth and nail to reach their beloved Queen and be rescued from the depths of their despair however upon reaching the church they were met with the realization that their Queen is no more in her place was the Fool's Idol the idol was in the form of the queen of now lost latria the church devoted to an idol that mimicked the queen gave the prisoners a ray of Hope but no doubt a deep malice awaited them poised to mercilessly Dash what faint dreams they had manipulated by the Fool's Idol prisoners were lulled by a false projection of their Queen and snatched by gargoyles who carried them at top the Ivory Tower in the Ivory Tower prisoners hung in cages their flesh patched together to create fleshy monstrosities it was the doing of lat's new master an old man who had long ceased to be human seeking to to create Demons by his own hand countless corpses were discarded in an Endless Sea of blood tentacles absorbed the remains of those sacrificed and fed them to an entity resembling an artificial womb at the core of the tower the end results sees the prisoners emerge as horrific Abominations contorted into spider-like creatures their faces still humanoid and their Agony ever present in their expression this is the Redemption promised to the prisoners of latria a skin crawling reev ation that the mission bestowed by the vengeful old monk was not for salvation but to see the people of his former Queen suffer eternally there is no worse suffering than one embedded in Hope a fictitious idea that the suffering can and will come to an end stepping foot and latria potent are the cries of those in captivity echoing through the desolate narrow walls and reverberating across the steel bars of its infinitely present cells the prisoners encountered a PE starved and doile imposing little threat chunks of melted poisonous ores are rationed to prisoners in latria in minis School quantities Mercury Stone chunks are commonly used to reinforce weapons potentially hinting at manual labor being forced upon prisoners alternatively the ORS may have been used to poison the already frail captives as a form of punishment moving forward we are halted by a myriad of prison guards they are octopus headed Mages who wield powerful magic this wasn't always the case However observing their robes it is possible that these creatures were once human in fact likely ones from a line of nobility out of spite the Elder chose Aristocrats to be his servants if those most righteous could be stripped completely of their humanity and turned into demon slaves then what hope did anyone else have here in the prison we come in contact with fra the Visionary the sorcerer originating from the distinguished yorar school he is adorned in a plain traveling suit which makes long marches possible however it is the travel wear of a dirty Sage this shows Sage freak's Origins quite well interestingly his robes are similar to that of a Saint's robe hinting at a likelihood that he was once a man of faith frake is found clasping a baby's nail in hand a dagger often used by women and children for assassination the agage was potentially on a mission to assassinate the tyrannical Elder who seized latria but his journey was cut short when he was captured and imprisoned in a Cell remarkably much of fr's equipment is crafted by Gary A Man known for his handiworks said to be a close acquaintance of frake through the use of prison of Hope Keys Freight can be set free allowing him to relocate to the Nexus he was just one of many Unfortunate Souls who reside in the dark claustrophobic confines of the prison my name is ryel please liberate me from this jail I have precious little time I must retrieve an article from my corpse as you can see the only thing that remains of me is my soul my corpse lies in another cell I fancy it a fine rotten Mess by now I have no interest in my corporeal flesh but I left upon my person a Keepsake of my late wife I will soon Fade Into the beyond my only wish is to do so near that token of my beloved Lord ryal watches as his body decomposes just beyond his reach he seeks not his corporeal form but a token left behind by his late wife ryel is often referred to as little alant meaning that he May potentially be a relative to King Gand a younger sibling perhaps but he himself would neither deny nor confirm such claims acquiring a particular set of keys Lord ryal can be freed from confinement with the little time he has left he pursues his own corpse in hopes that he'll pass away beside the token of his beloved interestingly maneuvering through the prison we come in contact with Lord ryle's body on it is a broken phosphorescent pole revealing that one of Lord ral's most storied exploits is his theft of this weapon from the witch in the sky some have theorized the witch in the sky to be a reference to the maiden in Black due to the likeness of the pole she wields but the true identity of the mystery person may never be revealed marching ahead the Slayer of demons sets their gaze to the Church of latria to put an end to the Fool's Idol and the Sinister plotting of the old monk as established the idol is an artificial doll crafted in the Queen's image it has the capacity to clone itself paralyze its opposition and cast magic in the form of deadly projectiles the Idol's expertise in sorcery is a reflection of the queen herself and the abilties she harbored it is soon realized that the battle is futile as in defeating the idol it will once again Rise From the Ashes it is a doll after all the culprit behind its Revival is a prisoner located on the balcony of the church he casts a magical seal on the floor a to the one conjured by the idol it is as if the idol is a marionette without strings when confronted the prisoner denies his contribution to the Idol's Resurgence but the proof is evident before our eyes none but one person knows of the facade created by the liar I know the truth the church goddess may die but never for long the former Noble's mistress is wise to the old Monk's cunning inviting some theories to suggest that her former husband may very very well be the liar now a slave to the old monk putting an end to the prisoner we pave the way to defeating the idol no more resurrections no more lies in taking down this adversary we are rewarded with the soul of the Fool's Idol demon ensuing the battle three gargoyle demons take hold of the Slayer delivering them above the church to Upper latria before progressing we Trace our steps back to the Nexus to recuperate here stands Sage fra and is a as established the Awakening of the old one revitalized magic within the kingdom of bolaria also giving rise to Faith in that which is divine fr's belief opposes the grain however and he does not shy away from making that heard prayer is for the foolish quaint and soon to be dead and heaven forbid the day you find out what their so-called God really is the god he believes to be the old one through conversing Frank's desire to obtain Demon Souls becomes ever more apparent promising the Demon Slayer that if they choose to present him with Souls they will be rewarded with knowledge of the dark arts studying the tale of the golden Elder of latria fra states that we were wrong to assume that only demons could do demon work as humans have proven to be capable of evolving to a higher state his fascination with demons and dark magic is a cause for concern the the role he plays is reminiscent of the ravenous ones within Norse mythology the names frake and his close acquaintance Gary are a reference to Odin's wolves Frey and Gary following a war the hounds would flood the battlefield feasting on the corpses of the Fallen parallel to this frak awaits the Slayer to defeat each of the arch demons and once the deed is done ravages their souls utilizing them for his own gain for now we Center our attention to opal latria as the old monk cannot be left to his own accord pivoting to the details of the environment red flags and pieces of cloth can be found attached to various objects in the original Demon Souls the cloth was colored yellow resembling the old Monk's robe a signifier of his takeover of latria maneuvering through the land we are ambushed by Stone gargoyles some are seen wielding a spiral Rapier which is meant to inflict pain and cause bleeding rather than deal damage which provides a glimpse into the insanity of the old monk other gargoyles opt to keep their distance and fire a crossbow at trespasses in the close distance we hear a faint voice seeking Aid are you here to fight the demons if so and help me escape this place I am on your side I have come to face the demons held within an elevator cell is yur the silent chief he Don an armor set which has an extremely high level of adhesion the black Iron robs the wearer of his or her body heat causing them to shiver and breathe out cold air his armor being stitched together hints at wear and tear possibly from fighting demons or perhaps looting it from a corpse he killed little is known yet but the fact he claims to be an ally but disappears from latria following his release leaves little room for Hope continuing ahead we encounter twin demons known as eers visually they resemble legendary animals from Persian mythology named Manor a Manor possesses the head of a man the body of a lion and the tail of a dragon or scorpion similarly maners are also a mold of various creatures they have a humanoid head the body of a lion bat wings and a serpentine tail intriguingly the serpent AIX to a manit's back appears to act independently from the rest of the body could it be that they are are two entities stitched into one a weapon derived from the soul of IM Manita is described as such it stabs its Target hooks into the Flesh and slowly grinds away at the soul could it symbolize the relationship between the host and the snake within the Manita this informs that the tie-in between a Manita and a serpent is formed through abnormal means revealing that manitas are likely products of experimentation the sum of the many attempts made by the old monk to trans form the people of latria into demons during the battle it is clear that the maneaters are tormented by the serpents their blinding green eyes indicative of the snake's poison perpetually inflicting from within the two are in Conflict as the serpent is often seen digging its fangs in the back of its host causing the manit to rrie in pain dismembering the tail alleviates the creature from its inner turmoil but its salvation is shortlived as the Slayer lays the twin demons to rest within the same room at the end of the hallway lies a corpse which uniquely possesses Two Souls this brings rise to the theory that the twin demons were created using the soul of a conjoined twin the Body Found is likely one of numerous who were used for the Abominable experiment scaling the Ivory Tower the Slayer of demons arrives at the throne room of yadal at the Pinnacle of an unrelenting Ascent through latria we finally lock eyes with the man responsible for the chaos imposed upon this once thriving Kingdom the old Monk's body appears Hollow and dry a shriveled husk of a man his revenge complete the old man withered away driven to Madness by the golden robes that controlled his body now too frail to serve as a vessel he was fully absorbed by the Demon's Soul no longer of use the old man was abandoned by The Robe stripped of the one entity believed to be his source of strength the old man took his fin fin breath before entering Eternal sleep within moments the Demonic robe latches onto a new prey one fresh and full of life without hesitation the Demon Slayer takes the life of the new vessel and with it the golden robes are no more in the end the Elder was a man like any other one driven by revenge and consumed by greed his dictor Ambitions with a very reason he was banished from latria and eventually consumed by a demon this isn't a tale of a stoic conqueror or a man who commanded respect through strength but one of a pitiful being too weak to control his own lust it is easy to dehumanize Those who commit evil ascribing their actions to be demonic or monstrous this exempts us from looking within ourselves and accepting that we humans are capable of such atrocities the truth is the old man was a demon long before the arrival of the golden gar to be human is to understand understand that we are innately flawed capable of greed tyranny and even Revenge despite this the Silver Lining lies in the fact that we are also capable of the complete opposite the Pinnacle of good if what is all powerful cannot be all good does that imply that power is the root of all evil or does human nature remain our ban the ivory Queen lived to serve her people and for that she was loved by her people proving that power isn't always corruptible maybe just just maybe power is made to enhance one's true nature a heightened reflection of what lies within our [Music] soul with another Arch demon conquered we Mark our return to the Nexus wondering The Hub is y to the silent Chief who was rescued earlier from opal latria suspiciously since his arrival corpses have begun to appear within the Nexus y a mercenary he'd kill his own kin for the right price now I'm not a saint but compared to yur I'm a saintly as they come so I implore you to stay away from y the Assassin in Black in truth yur is no Ally he's a self-serving mercenary working under a a woman named mephistophiles his mission is to murder anyone in boletaria who has learned the ways of Soul Arts if left without intervention the bloodthirsty mercenary will not rest until his goal is accomplished as mentioned the hooded figure orchestrating the assassinations is mephistophiles a high-ranking member of a masked Society who meet in secret to discuss the harnessing of souls their objective is to dispatch all who are knowledgeable in Soul arts in order to ensure the ancient right is kept a secret if we put an end to yur mephistophiles will attempt to employ us amongst her ranks presenting six contracts each naming a Target to be assassinated with every contract fulfilled the Slayer of demons is rewarded with weapons and items of value this however is at the cost of blackening their soul the character mephistophiles is inspired by one of the same name in a German folk tale the name itself roughly translates to not loving light which is fitting as mephistophiles darkens our soul through inciting murder in the folk tale an author named fa makes a deal with mephistophiles who is representative of a demon in exchange for knowledge and other worldly pleasures as a consequence the author's soul is corrupted and pulled to the depths of Hell in the same manner if we execute the requests of mephistophiles our soul is drowned in darkness unswayed by the evil that beckons we refuse to Aid in the murder of countless Innocents and instead later arrest the hooded woman continuing our journey we step foot in a new realm one belonging to the charman of the Tempest worshiping shadowmen the island Shrine of the shadowmen who worshiped storms and mourned the dead since the appearance of the flying storm beasts The Souls of the Dead have been lured to the island by its demons where they are revived by finding purchase in the bosoms of uninhabited skeletons in a Time long past the shadowman and ancient tribe of Barbarians built the Shrine of Storms on a desolate Island through ritualistic practices they would appease the storm beasts and their leader the Storm King in addition to explaining the malice of their deeds the ceremonies carried out as such shadowmen who die would be brought to the adjudicator the judge who determines if one is worthy of being carried to the shrine cowardly acts and the eating of birds must not be the Deeds of a hero of storms if the one being being judged displeases the adjudicator's master the golden Crow the deceased soul will be gwed upon until nothing but their bones Remain the golden Crow perched upon the adjudicator's head is the true judge punishing those who have sinned and providing respite for those who have not the adjudicator demon is the Executioner delivering Justice using a meat cleaver a weapon that transforms Sinners into delicious looking cuts of meat for those who are free of sin the adjudicator bestows token of heroism upon the deserving Dead who are delivered by shadowmen to the depths of the Shrine of Storms where they are cleansed by Brightwater and mourned by the storms during the Final Phase the hero's remains are offered to the Storm King a beacon for countless storm beasts whose broad Wings blacken the sky upon arriving in this ancient land it is evident that although the shrine still stands the tribe has long withered and passed Left Behind are Undead skeletons storm beasts and and even a Vanguard demon the skeletons were given Life by the storm beasts who collected souls and inserted them into the remains of heroic spirits who performed impressive Feats in life and died in battle evidently the shadow men did not fear death but welcomed it as only through death would they be offered to the shrine a ceremony they were honored to partake in from a distance the Slayer is called upon I am satsky I seek a king for sake of my father have you seen the sword inscribed maroto saty explains that the Makoto is no sword for the faint of heart it chooses its owner but he who Harbors self- delusions should be warned Upon returning the weapon to whom we believe to be its rifle owner sat's demeanor shifts this lter it's finally mine but could this sword really be as deadly as this SE there is only one way to find out in an instance satki turns his blade to the Slayer digging deeper into the origin of the blade the Betrayal begins to make sense a cursed Katana that has appeared in folklore Through the Ages named for Makoto the giant who lived in a distant land cursed weapons like the Makoto are set to Devour the wier's essence and rob their warmth innumerable Warriors continue to be taken by the Makoto's allore nonetheless it is safe to assume that the blade was no family heirloom but a weapon desired for its Supernatural qualities whether The Wanderer intended ill will from the beginning or was wholly transformed upon clasping the cursed sword remains unknown regardless the Slayer of demons is made to take his life ahead we encounter grave Robert blig a scavenger searching the abandoned Island for Left Behind treasure the grave robber appears to have fallen into one of many traps set out by patches the hyena using a copper key blig can be freed from captivity you you saved me Heavens I can't believe I fell for that trap this Shrine was used in a ghastly ritual by an ancient tribe they have long perish and now the demons have put the souls to work blig believes his actions to be moral explaining that on this island he kills only those who are already dead opposed to sapping the life out of Soul stared humans continuing forward the Slayer of demons stands opposing the adjudicator the sheer size of this demon indicates the number of unworthy Sinners it had devoured throughout time the adversary possesses an extremely long tongue used to attack those whose stand Beyond reach of its sharp Cleavers the claustrophobic Arena makes for a difficult battle as with such little space for evading Victory rests upon a game of inches interestingly the demon can be defeated through attacking the golden Crow on its head indicating that the bird is its source of Life the demon is weakened through a multitude of strikes aimed precisely at a gaping wound in its torso causing the creature to collapse seizing the opportunity the Demon Slayer cuts down the golden Crow emerging Victorious we enter the ritual path the dark cakums are home to Reapers cloaked in robes and wielding Harvest scythes they summon apparitions in the form of Shadow lurkers to protect the sacred grounds from grave robbers the shadowy figures granted life a pair humanoid with elongated features perhaps they were one shadowman in the dungeon we again cross paths with patches the hyena cowering in fear of the dangers that inhabit these lands even so trinkets remained the focal point of his existence that pit there is filled with treasure but uh I'm having a little trouble getting to it myself go on take a look they are more riches than you could dream of given him the benefit of the doubt we step closer to the edge only to be betrayed once again falling to the Bedrock of the catacombs we discovered that we weren't the first to have fallen for this windless deception corpses litter the ground from end to end all poor souls who were Hur to their death If the fall wasn't fatal starvation surely did the job to our Fortune we encounter another Survivor St Urban is a pilgrim of God a man embellished by faith believing holy that prayer and worship will rid batari of the Demonic Scourge the Saints white robes indicate his high ranking status as a priest as a man of faith it is peculiar to witness a saint being lured to the pit by the promise of treasure on the other hand he may have sought it for a selfless cause to fund the church's campaign against the demons Urbane claims that dark fearsome Souls stand between o and freedom referring to a Black Phantom wielding a hiltless blade a fine piece of work with an intricate design forged by a famous swordsmith in a distance land extremely difficult to handle owing to the fact that it must be held by the blade inevitably injuring the wielder defeating the Phantom a pathway out of the Bleak cavernous pit presents itself with our help Saint Urbane relocates to the Nexus where he along with his disciple cleansed the Demon Souls we provide and turned them into Miracles shifting back to the coven on the other side of Freedom we find Patches you hey I'm really sorry I didn't mean what I said well a man's got to make a living right forgiveness is a virtue but what if kindness is continually taken for granted despite pes's effort to guide us to our grave we decide to Live and Let Live A wise man once said the best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury advancing we are halted by the presence of a towering Warrior of Legend the old hero known through time as the Searcher of storms his name reveals that long ago the ancient tribe had designated this Brave Soldier to seek out the storm King's domain a task of this magnitude would coincide with endless years of battle now showcased through his bodily scars the state of his sword also legitimizes his status as a warrior the rickety blade has become severely weathered due to years of fighting with every conflict one tempts fate toil with fate enough times and like a pendulum it'll swing back without hesitation inevitably the old Hero's final day would see him meet the wrong end of a blade it is suggested that following his death the old one granted him life a new for his heroism was an amalgamation of all the ideals formed by the shadowman a true warrior if there ever was one reawakened the old hero would return as a demon although blind the Demon's heightened senses allow it to pick out its Target from the slightest motion or the faintest of sound using stealth-based tactics the Demon Slayer chips away at the old hero delivering Death By A Thousand Cuts at the altar of storms one final entity awaits the Storm King perhaps this demon a flying Beast resembling a gigantic Stingray is a manifestation of the thoughts and feelings of the shadowman who worshiped it centuries ago the Divine Beast hovers high above the clouds illuminated only by the strikes of lightning consuming the sky alongside it countless storm beasts swarm The Horizon the downpour of rain attacks the ground with intent allowing for very little visibility etched into the cliffs a message warns to challenge the storm you will need a sword to Ren the sky evading the unrelenting projectiles of the king the Slayer of demons clasps a sword wedged in stone calling upon the might of every brave soul Who's walked this path a storm ruler is pulled from the earth a legendary large sword with a barbed blade named for one who quells or controls storms it is said that the ancestral shadowman rent the very storm clouds from the sky with its might abandoned for an age the sword is badly deteriorated but what remains of this once Mighty weapon is still enough to send foes flying if wielded in the forest of monoliths resting place of ancestral Spirits its power to Rend the sky might just be re awoken surrendering their faith to the storm the Slayer of demons smites down the Beast each swing unleashing a concentrated strike of wind piercing the storm King's flesh unable to endure the blows inflicted the storm king plummets from the sky the deity of this land was not more than a demon one that emerged following the Old One's Awakening acknowledging the historic nature of the tribe and the ancient rituals they performed the storm king is potentially a product of the first Scourge whilst now demons are unanimously regarded as a force for evil centuries ago their appearance was a new phenomenon and understandably they were viewed as Gods as with all religions the shadowmen placed their Fates in the hands of what they believe to be a higher power they lift to serve the demons and died with optimism convinced that their afterlife would be a reflection of their mortal existence whether good or bad was down to the morality and actions of the individual the adjudicated demon along with the golden Crow are representative of a judge and executioner the old hero is the archetypal ideal that one would strive towards the prophet who demonstrates the feasibility of the path most desirable the Storm King was the higher power which couldn't be entirely understood but would be worshiped nonetheless after all that is the role of an all powerful Cosmic being truthfully the shadow men lived a false existence appeasing a false deity in spite of that their faith propelled them to strive for a meaningful life the life of a warrior one of courage and bravery with that said one may Ponder what's more important the validity of a belief system or the moral and ethical teachings elicited by [Music] it [Music] in a world of disorder and Chaos the depth of depravity seizes to surprise yet one could not have envisioned the existence of a Dumping Ground for those who are wretched neglected and abused the land of Decay known as the valley of defilement is a Cornerstone for the most Unholy of individuals Unfortunate Souls would be drafted to the valley to pay for their sins but there was no Redemption here those who enter do not see the light of day again it all begins in the depraved Chasm this humid Valley is a Haven for the used and forgotten its inhabitants afflicted by poison and plague await their deaths in this forsaken Place attacking those who wander in hoping to offer their souls to the one woman who showed them compassion the woman in question is made in asria who was once the sixth saint but now she lives beside those awaiting death in the valley of defilement to ease the pain of the Valley's dwellers asria chose surrender to a Demon's Soul over the cruel God she worshiped Maiden arria was raised in nobility her upbringing was one of perfection a pure soul and follower of God having heard of the valley of defilement and the abhorent conditions that its residents endure the maiden vowed to travel to the chasm in hopes of relieving their suffering upon arriving arria along with her companion G Vinland laid eyes on Horrors they could not have imagined the helplessness of those who were abandoned withered and disease ridden weighed heavily on the maiden's soul through years of working in service of its inhabitants her faith in God began to waver an incessant thought plagued her mind what God would allow such merciless suffering to exist and with that her belief vanished with the Wind prayer was no longer sufficient arria believed that she must take action herself to dirty her hands and heal the pain of the residence of the valley in doing so the once pure Saint would corrupt herself allowing demon Hood to possess her becoming an arch demon asria would rule over the valley along with her Still Human companion G although human no more the maiden maintained her qualities of compassion and kindness and as a result garnered favor with the valy residence a masing cult following who would collect souls and present them to her in exchange for salvation just as she served them the residents would come to serve her although arria is the most impure demon of all her works are equal to those of divine beings as true as that may be her intention to be a force for good would reap questionable results as mentioned to perform miracles of relief asria required souls as a demon expectedly does was in desperation the residents of the valley turned hostile killing newcomers in order to acquire their souls and in times of need presenting their own soul to the maiden in Consequence the soulless residents would lose the ability to think or feel effectively essentially becoming lobotomized this paradoxical behavior only worsened the state of the valley a mission that began as a means of helping the poor inhabitants would result inste inhabitants murdering each other and losing their Humanity ever since that demon has came here everything has turned foul those ridiculous white Robes of hers I swear I C her glaring at my son in disgust the words of the local paint a clear image of what has become of the valley a place where a mother fears for her child's life for it may be taken by the crazed followers of the maiden stepping foot in this land we see for ourselves that the state of the valley is no better than it was prior to the maiden's arrival depraved ones make up the bulk of the population once humans who were discarded having lived in putrid disease and Decay they appear pained and horrifically disfigured grotesque Vermin litter the ground beneath our feet infected rats that likely carry and spread disease not to mention giant ticks who luxuriate on the blood of the Dead which explains their bloated nature traversing deeper into the dark pits of the chasm the Slayer of demons encounters a leech Monga a horde of blood sucking leeches merg together into one colossal writhing demon to reach this foe one must maneuver through a series of narrow wooden planks a spiraling descent towards a river of waste all whilst evading countless chunks of leeches being H From Below once the distance is closed the leechmonger stands little chance in the way of Victory and is swiftly defeated although not a demanding obstacle the leech Monga personifies all that is depraved and wretched an amalgamation of the poison and disease that has accumulated through the years ahead lies the swamp of Sorrows all that is unclean ends up in the giant swamp at the base of the Valley of defilement the swamp is a cesspool of pilage vermin and plague why you are one of the San ones are you not I am selon of the West I seek my brother G Vinland the Knight who accompanied St arrier on her travels I believe they settled here if you happen to see my younger brother please tell me I must share with him the last words of our father in purpose of finding and delivering the final words of her late father selin travels through the valley alone her only defense a curved sword with a perfectly transparent blade Selen Vinland the dull gold Knight was famously dauntless and this sword was equally well known as a Vinland family treasure although we remained clueless of the location of G and the Maiden asria we promised to Aid suin in finding her younger brother continuing forward we Face the dirty Colossus a deformed creature formed of the compiled dregs of the valley akin to the leech Monga this demon is a shase of the filth which circulates this land like those who came before the demon is slain deeper still is the rotting Haven beyond the swamp filled with poisonous jellyfish and giant slugs is a cavern that absorbs all that is unclean and a shrine of rotten trees erected in honor of a demon visitors offer souls to be freed from their Notions of suffering within the sanctuary of the Lost we bear witness to maiden arria and G Vinland dozens of animated baby corpses infest the swamp surrounding them sacrificial bodies used to fuel the soul of demon estria in addition dead soldiers surround their feet all drowned in a river of blood the deceased Knights are adorned in armor given to Knights who protect sacred temples mid now long lost is the name of the area where the first temples were built the sacred temples of mid are said to be churches of worship built for those devout to God the same Faith from which her strier originally hailed in response to her betrayal Legions of soldiers were likely dispatched to locate and kill arria only to find themselves outnumbered by masses of her deranged followers veto the Moonlight Knight riah of Isel even Selen Vinland many honorable Knights have ventured into boletaria in search of the Valley of defilement the vicious rumors about estria offend our most basic sense of respect for God's name however none of these great Knights have made it back arria who willingly accepted the corrupted and corroded naturally became the most corrupted of them all she's found staring into the depths of a soul she clasps her white robes are partially submerged in a pool of blood symbolizing her slow descent into demon Hood although she had undertaken an altruistic Endeavor it is clear that asria had lost touch of reality in our presence the maiden loyal God and companion is forced to pick up arms the two have walked this path hand in hand from the very beginning gul's loyalty blinds him from the objective truth of the hypocrisy of arria's existence although human he remains by her side opposing anyone who wishes to disturb her healing if the Knight is defeated in battle the maiden will surrender her own life knowing that she alone cannot oppose the Slayer of demons a Bitter End for a selfless saint who ventured Into Darkness with little regard of the consequences that will transpire and not to forget G Vinland a trustworthy Knight whose loyalty would see him live and die by the side of a woman who gave up her Humanity for the betterment of others upon G's death an item of great importance can be obtained from his body a small intricately decorated Vinland family crest that Crest a Vinland heirloom for my younger brother the poor souls perhaps their hearts were too pure the sorrow of losing a loved one is not to be understated but the one comforting Prospect lies in knowing that g Vinland gave his life serving one that was dearest to him before departing selon is gifted the family heirloom so that she may carry it proudly in honor of the Vinland bloodline truth told the tale of Maiden arria G Vinland and the valley of defilement is one to be remembered as a harsh but necessary lesson that good intention isn't always sufficient asria vowed to serve the valley with a pure heart but her ractions led to dire consequences both for herself her companion and the residents of the valley in attempting to help ease people's pain she replaced their physical turmoil with that of mental demise denying them the faint possibility of withstanding the suffering themselves chaos is often all consuming a dark shadow that devours the Light Of Hope within man but it is within human nature to not surrender to face the darkness and fight to The Bitter End there is no doubt that life within the valley is no life at all but the maiden had no right usurping The Souls of its natives in turn stripping them of the ability to feel one mustn't forget it is the sensation of Love pain and everything in between that makes us human without that we are as good as dead this is the Fate inflicted on the valley by arria sadly her own fate would fare no better despite her greatest effort to do good the maiden would create a monster from a place of innocence and virtue a demon no less all of her good deeds would be swallowed by a pit and erased from history no Legacy to speak of no tale of heroism and no roses thrown at her feet it is more true now than ever that no good deed goes [Music] unpunished having acquired The Souls of the Dragon God old monk Storm King and made an asria one Arch Demon Soul remains belonging to Old King alant for our final Conquest we we travel back to where our journey began the King's Tower once a symbol of bolaria stands ravaged by the claw marks of Dres while silverhead Old King Galant sits on his crumbling Throne witness to the Desolation upon approaching the tower three Phantoms stand in opposition to the Demon Slayer longbo anulan metas Knight of the Lance and Alfred Knight of the tower as mentioned previously the three Knights are representative of three demons encountered throughout the journey now present in their Spirit form anulan is fank metas is the penetrator and Alfred is the tower Knight having defeated them as demons their soulle form remains as the final line of defense for trespassers who seek an audience with the King even as a trifecta the knights stand little chance in refusing our entry to the tower ascending the staircase to the old King's Tower we are halted by a blue dragon its fire breath scorches the ground before us denying progression in times of need those of a true companionship prove their worth Bor offers to take the dragon's gaze providing us with a narrow window of opportunity to slip past this however comes at the cost of his life alternatively we can choose to stand and fight along with our companion together the might of the Demon Slayer and Bor Pro too powerful for the creature of the sky nearby we once again cross paths with asraa my father is up above well something like him anyway a demon in his shape I began this quest to ask my father his reasons to drag him back to the path of righteousness but it seems it was all in vain please kill my father ostrava has come to believe that in his degenerated State his father is capable only of bringing Peril to the world in Truth The Old King residing in the tower is a false Monarch an arch demon posing in the image of King Gant not recognizing the prince the demon turned its blade on asraa who came unprepared for battle hoping to reason with his father in his dying wish the prince passes the mantle to the Slayer for they must defeat the demon and rid the world of its tyranny a final gift is bestowed upon us a key which opens the boletarian Royal Family mosum inside the mosum lies father's sword the demon brand twin of Soul brand use it to bring an end to his Madness interestingly only the demon brunt is stored within the mosum a blade whose power is indicative of one's Humanity the less demonic the soul of the wielder is the more powerful it becomes upon death ostrava yields a rune sword inscribed as a weapon of the legendary hero ironic considering this so-called legendary hero was in need of Aid at every turn of his journey perhaps the weapon was inherited rather than earned late to rest ostrava appears for the last time in spirit form a Black Phantom no longer of a conscious mind the prince draws his sword upon the Slayer a foolish choice that would see his end to earn demon brunt one must prove their Worth to the founder of great boletaria Old King Doren the hero Doren protector of the royal family of B Aria lives on forever as a demigod residing within the mosum the Everlasting one throws down his gauntlets challenging the Slayer of demons to a jewel to best determine their worth the accumulation of our travels has ingrained us with strength grit and persistence having sharpened our Blade with the Flesh of countless demons Old King Doren cannot deny the swordsmanship demonstrated by the Demon Slayer I am Old King Doran and thou Hast proven thy strength to me step forth and take the king sword in th hand encroaching on the false King we step foot in a dilapidated Throne Room Barren of any life the chamber is occupied by none but one the man who wielded Untold power calmly watching over the Kingdom from on high was not in fact Old King Gant but a demonic impostor who stood in his place the true king dwells with the old one with no exchange of words a jewel is initiated dextrous with his movement the false King leaps into range clashing his Blade with that of the Slayers the raw power of His swings direct shock waves through the air the Old King is Relentless but so too is the Demon Slayer who stands their ground evading the oncoming Onslaught and awaiting the opportunity to strike back at a point of vulnerability the demon fashioned after the king at at the height of his power utilizes magic within his Arsenal summoning a ball of energy in his left palm and launching forward in an attempt to take hold of the Slayer and drain their soul unbeknownst to the demon pain is a driving force impelling the Slayer to retaliate tenfold drawing on the power of the demon Brandt and the affirmative words of Old King Doren the Slayer of demons strikes down the false King bringing closure to his repressive Dominion of bataria in a war against Darkness Triumph was achieved through the use of the demon brunt sword proving that when light shines in the Darkness Darkness is swallowed by its gleam on obtaining all five Arch Demon Souls we return to the Nexus for the last time here Uria expresses misgivings about Sage Frank I was branded a witch at a very young age and have been persecuted ever since although I never had ill intentions this black craft of mine is intrinsically evil if there is a God he gave us souls to do good not to practice witchcraft my accusers detested my dark arts for good reason for the path I have taken is Tainted this has been one of my realizations since coming to boletaria but I am afraid that Frank too has ventured down the wrong path PA he has become obsessed with the dark arts during her time in boletaria yuria has reconciled with her past as a practitioner of Witchcraft and has grown to understand and accept the cruel treatment she had endured as a child owing it to the fact that her dark arts were a threat to society and herself Sage frake however would not come to that realization instead allowing his lust for power to reach its Pinnacle the old one must not be be cut off from us if the candle Maiden tries to entrap it kill her then absorb The Souls of the old one for yourself the old one is an unfathomable vessel it contains all the souls collected by all demons you will gain the power of a king and I will gain knowledge from Beyond and that my dear friend is the righteous path if there is a lesson to be learned from the events that have transpired within boletaria it's that the hunger for power and knowledge will blemish one's character good men turned evil evil men their impudence displayed in full an undeniable pattern that has proven itself true time and time again with that in mind the Slayer of demons must decide the fate of bataria do they chart the path initially paved for them to lull the old one back to Slumber or do they consider the alternative Choice presented by Sage Frank and take hold of the ultimate power offered by the old one at the center of the Nexus the maiden in Black offers her hand in an instance we are pulled into what appears to be an endless void of darkness and fog a blinding light arrogates our vision and not long after we awaken a mysterious land of rubble and ruins looking up we lock eyes with a cosmic entity the old one the maiden in Black summons the The Entity through deception under the guise of presenting the Slayer as a new demon vessel the manner in which the maiden Converses with the old one indicates a long-standing bond between the two after all she too was once a powerful demon proceeding to its layer a voice Echoes through the tunnel you have been chosen by the old one will you seek the Everlasting demon souls or has the Monumental blinded you dwelling within the old one is the real King Gant believing that the world had given up hope the king took it upon himself to free Humanity of their feeble existence why fight for a life of pain and suffering when the inevitability of death perpetually looms around us everything Fades so quickly turns into Legend and soon Oblivion swallows it all King alant serves the old one as a means of strengthening it to a point where it would be capable of destroying the world but with such an Endeavor a heavy price awaits the consequences of such a trade is written all over a lant now a mangled weakling deformed and broken the enfeebled Monarch still clings to the sbrand displaying that despite what he had faced the king's Soul still leans towards the dark with little effort the king of boletaria is slaughtered allowing the maiden to begin the process of lulling the old one back to Slumber it is now that the fate of the world world is determined a choice to be made that will alter the course of time and space causing a ripple effect that will impact future generations for eons ahead no human should be burdened with a responsibility of this magnitude but where others have stumbled and Fallen one must Rise Above the Rest in one reality we are enticed by the hypnotizing power of the old one infinite Demon Souls endless potential how can one resist such Temptation the greed of man trium s forever more taking hold of us like it had done to many before it is true as they say there is no greater enemy than the one within blindsiding the Maiden The Slayer swings their Blade with no warning killing the one and only being who could banish the old one Unchained The Entity is free to wreak havoc upon the world spreading chaos like a boundless fire a web of Destruction embracing the Earth the world King Galant had hoped for has come to fruition the old one senses a new and Powerful demon by its side and before long the world will be engulfed by the deep fog the maiden in Black was one of few demons rivaling the old one in age her death will unquestionably bring Strife a world without order Magic in all forms roaming without restraint ascending waves of demons molding the planet to their likeness a world to mirror the selfishness and unquenched able hunger of mankind an alternate reality sees a different outcome with the help of the maiden in Black the Slayer of demons AIDS in soothing the old one back to sleep having witnessed the complete corruption power can offer whether through the old monk of latria or Sage frake the Visionary we refuse to be held captive by the powers that be instead we turn our back on King gant's pessimistic sentiment on life choosing to embrace the suffering and walk away with our pride and morality intact the old one along with the maiden was swept back into the lulling fog bataria was spared from the demons but also lost its knowledge of the Soul Arts the souls lost during the pandemonium were never [Music] retrieved and today the unstable world has another Monument mental to hold its fabric together a brave new hero of unprecedented [Music] power in war there is no substitute to Victory it was either demons or humans who would inherit the world but that does not exempt Triumph from reaping sorrow with the old one banished all that is lost remains unattainable the perished Souls of countless victims forever in the void will faith in the church maintain its prominence or will the world soon realize that their religion is synonymous with that of worshiping demons knowledge in the soul Arts will be erased from history but how long before they are rediscovered and brought back to light if history's cyclical nature is to have any credibility then all that has transpired will emerge once more human nature will always be the greatest threat to face mankind a species with a tendency to think disproportionately on the ramifications of key events in history reent cbias shapes our ability to think cognitively for if wars were Remembered in their objective impartial truth there would only be one war to speak of the emergence of the old one brought to life the first scourge of demons in response monumentals were formed to imprison the cosmic entity and guard the fabric of reality repeating past mistakes the old one was awakened once more This Time by King alant thus reigniting the cycle if suffering was our unwavering fate written in the stars from the very beginning then how can one fault the king for surrendering to it a lant viewed life as Beyond saving an existence marred by pain and tragedy the one who prospered in war and Conquest would be broken by the burden of human existence some may argue that his surrender came from a place of strength choosing to selflessly commit his life to the old one as a means of ending human suffering conversely his concede may be that of cowardice and unwillingness to face the tribulations of Life ironically it would be his pampered son orra who would demonstrate that bravery requires only the will of the heart to not shudder under the weight of adversity unlike his father he was in experienced in life and unprepared for battle still he embarked on a life-threatening journey in in search of Truth knowing that it will likely be his last as established what's to come is what's already been the old one will inevitably be awoken for a third time a cycle tethered with the very nature of humanity an unbreakable thread interwoven through every mistake committed by man there is no outcome that assures peace but one may cherish a moment of respite leading up to an outpour of chaos every moment of Despair is mirrored by that of Solace even a SC ing flame casts a cold Shadow for that very reason hope can never be abandoned for when the bells of damnation beckon and the world cries for help a nameless hero will emerge from the colorless fog man's memory of history is ever short and before long he repeated his mistakes and the shortsighted King alant once again roused the old one king alant was over overcome by lust for such power and has placed boletaria in her present predicament the sedici claims that our Lord brought this Scourge upon us there can only be Fabrications woven by jealous conspirators this is bad not a single person left why on Earth how did this happen Noble father you found yourself a demon soul did you stay the power and you will soon be a monster yourself you soon shall hear the call of the old one then the candle naiden shall guide you below the Nexus she will lull the old one back to Slumber that is after all her purpose I shall await thy return Slayer of demons I am here for thee and thee alone you have a heart of gold don't let them take it from [Music] you thank you so much for watching a huge thank you to our patrons who have allowed us to continue working on this hobby which we love so much without you guys none of it would be possible please click the link in the description to find out more on how to get early access to our videos receive frequent updates on upcoming projects and be mentioned in the credits of all of our content thank you to project Orochi for sponsoring this video please visit their website through the link in the description and use code souls to get 10% off your order if you'd like to help us grow our community please subscribe to our Channel not only will it be supporting us in creating more content but we'll be 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Channel: The brother's code
Views: 363,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Elden Ring, Sekiro, Shadows Die Twice, Lore, Vaati Vidya, Story Explained, FromSoftware, Souls Like, Lords of the Fallen, Lies of P, Nioh, Playstation, Gaming, Bloodborne, hidetaka miyazaki, Assassin's Creed, Ending Explained, Iron Pineapple, Remake, analysis, retrospective, review, Video Games, Xbox, the brother's code, Bandai Namco, Old Hunters, DLC, Armored Core
Id: S993i0ZYfTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 11sec (7211 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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