Elden Ring - Story Explained

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a golden star in an age-long past traversed the cosmos pass through the unknown and crossed the shine of the pale crescent moon to find its way to the lands between the falling star was no coincidence nor did it Act of its own accord it is said that long ago the greater will sent a golden star bearing a beast into the lands between which would later become the Alden ring the star was dispatched by an outer God known as the greater will and the Alden Beast inhabiting it was tasked with occupying the land between acting as a monarch on behalf of its deific Master the eldenbeast was the living form of order bestowed upon the lands between for guidance but this was only temporary one day A fitting Champion will would be chosen to take the mantle a Newman empyrion named Marika the Newman a set to have come from outside the lands between perhaps the greater will sought a ruler with no inherent bias with the crowning of Queen Marika the Alden Beast had fulfilled its Duty and in turn took the form of the Alden ring with the influence of the Ring along with Queen Marika at the helm the golden order came to be a Creed enforced upon all who inhabit the lands between two concepts formed the basis for Golden order fundamentalism one is the law of regression the second the law of causality regression is the pull of meaning that all things yearn eternally to converge causality is the pull between meanings that which links all things in a chain of relation regression refers to the circle of life where One Life Begins it must inevitably collapse unto itself the unfailing convergence of all things causality refers to the cause and effect of one's actions and how said actions form a chain of relationships between all living things regression and causality are symbolized in the interlocking circles that form the Alden ring a collective of lines that all link and converge the ring itself is made up of many great runes each possessing the power to influence the integral aspects that construct the fabric of existence this includes facets such as life and death and potentially the space-time Continuum the Alden ring sits at the base of the earth tree which connects all living things marking the Inception of the age of the Earth tree in the beginning everything was in opposition to the Earth tree but through countless victories in war it became the embodiment of order the air trees a luminous tree which flourished with abundance towering high above Lindell the Royal Capital the tree is formed by a primordial Mata and stands as a visual reminder to all of the sovereignty of the golden order its power is derived directly from the Alden ring some say the archery was once as warm as the gentle sun and would gradually heal all who bathed in its Rays as established the being responsible for the creation of the Alden ring and the rise of the golden order is an outer god named the greater will but what exactly is an outer God they are external forces that Harbor incredible influence over the world the greater will is one such entity a fun fundamental force of the universe which was once The Shining Grace that busts over the land between even now slivers of its presence can be found scattered through the land known as the guidance of Grace the greater will is just one of many outer gods that populate the universe Each of which in their own right have left a stain on the world whilst the Alden ring is a product of the greater world the flame of frenzy and the Scarlet rot are products of other outer Gods the Scarlet Rock gives way for Decay and rebirth tenants brought forth by shepherding the order of rot into the lands between long ago Lord served the Scarlet wrought becoming enraptured by its presence their bodies gave way to Decay they believed the Affliction caused by the rot served the purpose of rooting one to the Earth on the other hand the flame of friend wishes for nothing but to set a blaze all life and spread chaos there was also another outer God one which existed in a time before the Earth tree during this Age Death was burned in ghost flame death birds were the keepers of that fire the deathbeds descended from the Twin bird an Envoy of there are to God the birds were graveyard fire Keepers who raked out the Ashen remains of the dead from their Kilns death appears to have played an integral role in this age the power of the birds stemmed from the corpse as they raised in their Kilns of ghost flame resulting in the creation of powerful magic ancient death hexes that conjured The Souls of those who burned in the flame by many the death birds were revered as malevolent deities as such their existence would spark the founding of a new religion priests would come to stand amongst the ranks of the death Birds Through The Rite of death which served as an oath sworn to their distant Resurrection the priests became their Guardians in addition assassins were done cloaks adorned with black feathers an imitation of the deity they served these assassins would refer to themselves as Birds of Prey Bringers of death outer Gods appeared to operate on a higher plane of existence as they cannot directly communicate with Mortals instead they employ envoys to speak on their behalf the two fingers are representatives of the greater will whilst the three fingers are loyal to the god of the frenzied flame and the twin bird served the outer god of the death birds in regards to the fingers their messages would be relayed onto mankind by translators known as finger readers with the blessing of the greater world and the Council of the two fingers Queen Marika ascended to godhood and reigned over the lands between interestingly Marika was no singular being as she had a male counterpart by the name of radagon it's difficult to identify the exact nature of their relationship however it is clear that although they possessed their own Consciousness they were truth one and the same being Marika and radagon share one body which morphs between the two depending on who inhabits it at the time whether this was always the case or if the two were once separated is unknown but what is certain is that radagon's association with Marika was kept a secret as an emperion Queen Marika was granted a shadow her half-brother malikath who would live in service to her majesty imperians are individuals who the outer Gods deem worthy vessels to serve on their behalf upon rising to power Marika altered the very concept of life and death with One Singular action the removal of the Rune of death from the Alden ring the rule of death goes by two names the other is destined death The Forbidden Shadow plucked from the golden order upon its creation the removal of the death Rune meant that in the lands between dying would serve as a contribution to the golden order all who die would return to the Earth tree for this reason the catacombs were built at the roots of the tree the choice to remove the Rune of death was to safeguard marika's lineage in addition to ensuring the golden order maintains its Vigor for eternity this will draw the attention of a particular individual who served destined death the glomite queen as the leader of the godskins she wielded the power of destined death via the black Flames channeled through her godslayer's great sword this granted her and her Apostles the ability to kill any God who dared crossed their path from birth the godskins were cradled by the glomite queen to slaughter Gods who were deemed a threat to her succession a godskin peeler was used to remove the skin of their victims and a Stitcher was employed to sew their victim's skin onto themself a depraved practice to say the least the seduction of the godslaying flame is not so easily spurned as even the fire monks who were once Defenders of the Giants became traitors abandoning their posts as Guardians similar to Marika the glomide queen was an emperion who was chosen by the fingers to serve an outer God some posit the theory that this God was the greater will as they deemed imperians worthy of godhood with the aim of restoring the Rune of death the glomite queen along with her Apostles came to face the Queen's Shadow malikath who would be the cause of their defeats afraid that destined death would be targeted again Marika ordered malakath to seal it within his Black Blade the glomite queen would disappear indefinitely and what remained of her Apostles scattered to the wind having lost the power of the black flame they posed a threat no longer and now wonder the lands between as Charles of their former self the black flame could once slay Gods but when malikath sealed destined death the true power of the black flame was lost from that point on Queen marika's loyal half-brother bore a blade imbued with destined death and there was not one demigod who did not fear Him malikath assumed the role of an executioner in a world void of death he alone possessed the ability to end a life anybody struck with the Black Blade would be taken out of the cycle of rebirth and permanently vanish from existence to some this was a punishment to others Mercy every Queen has a console and tamarika this was her first husband Godfrey a ferocious Warrior who once went by the name horrorlu when he vowed to become a lord he took the Beast Regent sarosh upon his back to suppress the ceaseless lust for battle that raged within sarosh was an aged counselor to Godfrey aiding him in guiding the golden lineage as the first Elden Lord Godfrey LED marika's armies to defend the Earth tree and uphold the golden order against those who opposed it in time Godfrey and Marika would bear three children Godwin the golden and the twins morgot and Moog due to Queen Marika being a goddess her children would possess demigod status the firstborn son Godwin who was easily identified by his signature blonde hair would grow up to become a mighty warrior akin to his father and would be labeled the quintessence of the golden lineage on the other hand morgot and Moog were born as a cursed Omen viewed as impure beings the Twins were imprisoned deep within the Subterranean shunning grounds in the sewers of the royal Capital shackles were used to bind The accursed Omen granting them not but the strictest confinement though faint the shackles still retained vestiges of power with the rise of the golden order came those who recognized the threat of its Supremacy and sought to shatter its Rule and this was to be expected however a danger that was unforeseeable was the manifestation of the frenzied flame a blight with the potential to Scorch the Earth Tree in its entirety it is said that the sickness of the flame of frenzy began with shibriri the most reviled man in all history as punishment for the crime of slander shibriri's eyes were gouged out in time the bottomless void of his empty sockets would be replaced with the flame of frenzy shabri may have been the first to be possessed by the flame but its true Inception derived from nomadic Merchants who once thrived as the great Caravan but after being accused of heretical beliefs their entire Clan was rounded up and buried alive far Underground then they chanted a curse of Despair and summoned the flame of frenzy buried beneath the Royal Capital the merchants were denied their freedom by the golden order and from their suffering the flame of frenzy was given life in attempting to Snuff out the threat of the Merchant's heretical Faith the golden order unknowingly gave birth to an all-consuming chaos before we continue let's take a minute to talk about today's sponsor this video is brought to you by nordvpn Nord allows you to connect to one of over 5500 servers in 59 countries with one simple click of a button nordvpn is known for its amazing speed hailed as the fastest VPN there is you can use it on up to six devices on every major platform why would I need a VPN you may ask a VPN provides an encrypted server which hides your IP address 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assault by the dragons who once ruled in a time-long past prior to the age of the Earth tree it was the ancient dragons who commanded the lands between with their very own God and Eldon Lord governing the land this was known as the age of The Crucible a primeval era where all life Blended together vestiges of The Crucible of primordial life can be found throughout the world examples of which are fangs horns scales wings and Claws born partially of devolution they are considered signifiers of the Divine in ancient times a civilization advanced remnants of The Crucible became increasingly disdained as an impurity traces of History remain present in the existence of the Miss begotten who are held to be a punishment for making contact with the crew possible and from birth they are treated as slaves or Worse Crucible Knights were prevalent in the age of ancient dragons a collective of Warriors who drew from the air tree's Primal vital energies their armor and weapons shine with a hue of red tinged gold a coating which mirrors the primordial Mata that later became the Earth tree for a reason or known The God Who served in the age of The Crucible fled leaving the dragons and the Knights without leadership and their album Lord did nothing but await the return of his deity without Direction the Knights of The Crucible were lost Gladiators out of time eventually 16 nights would be repurposed to serve Lord Godfrey who had become the first Alden Lord in the age of the Earth tree the dragons remained uninvolved for a time but perhaps the success of the golden order invited them to fight Anew for their place in the hierarchy of power a great ancient dragon Grand sax once reigned Calamity upon the Royal Capital the only time in historical record that lindahl's walls have fallen this marked the dawn of the war against dragons the ancient dragons had scales of gravel Stone and wielded red lightning as their weapon on the opposing side the Knights of the earth tree utilized incantations to greatly negate the lightning strikes inflicted by the dragons the forces of the earth tree triumphed in the end with the outcome of the war still a visible reminder to all who set foot in Lindell towering above all else is the corpse of grand sax displayed as a trophy in the center of the capital a celebration of the Hartford battle that had been won some would argue the price of victory was far too costly but there was more to be gained from the conflict than one could have foreseen during the war Godwin the golden defeated the ancient dragon forty sucks and befriended his Fallen foe an event that gave rise to the Ancient Dragon Cult in the capital Godwin befriending a dragon proved that both humans and dragons can exist in harmony introducing a time of peace that was much welcomed Dragon communion became widely accepted within the capital as worship of the ancient dragons does not conflict with belief in the air tree after all both dragon scale and lightning are imbued with gold this Alliance was potentially viewed as an opportunity to strengthen America's armies after the great ancient dragon Grand sax attacked the Sentinels had an epiphany the only way to truly protect the Earth tree was to become dragons themselves before long there was a record of crafting techniques taught by the capital's Ancient Dragon Cult the book detailed ways in which the dragon's lightning could be harnessed by humans however this was no simple feat as only those loved by dragons can survive the odd deal of cladding their bodies in lightning this infers that the cultists love for the dragons was indeed reciprocated forty sucks the dragon who befriended Godwin had a sister named lanciaks it is said that she took the form of a human to commune with the Knights as a priestess of the Ancient Dragon Cult in time war was on the horizon once again this time the threat being the flame of Ruin wielded by the Giants and capable of burning down the Earth tree to its last route the danger posed incited Godfrey first Alden Lord to wage war on the Giants who borrowed from the power of a foul God to call upon the flame in battle the Fallen God worshiped by the Giants was believed to have been slain by none other than Queen Marika perhaps this was the foundation of the conflict between humans and Giants their bellowing Roars desolated nature triggered avalanches and whipped up storms of flame Godfrey did not March alone into battle as the Knights of zamor matched his every step earning them great Renown during the war these long-lived Warriors clad in biting freezing winds are said to have been the mortal enemies of the fire Giants since time immemorial the champions of the earth tree were protected by incantations that created a fire within their soul which greatly increased their resistance to the flame of ruin the Giants were overwhelmed as even their own Descendants the trolls fought in their opposition the name of the ancient troll Warrior theodrix lives on as a hero of the war against the Giants inevitably the Giants were felled and the golden order once again proved unbeatable the fire giant was was the sole survivor of the war and for that he was punished upon realizing the Flames of their Forge would never die Queen Marika marked him with a curse o trifling Giants mace thou tend thy flame for eternity the ruinous Blaze was sealed and until this day the fire giant remains bound to the curse forever watching over the flame of Ruin located far above the clouds upon the snowy mountaintops in part the Giants who gave their life were fated to an endless cruel as their failure released them from their solitary curse to serve as keepers of the flame for eternity as for the first Alden Lord the cycle of never-ending conflict had finally taken its toll Lord Godfrey At Last At the end of his campaign his golden armies unvanquished and unbowed yet finds Grace lost tattered and Faded he led the war against the Giants faced the stormlord alone and then there came a moment when his lust worthy enemy fell and it was then as the stories told that the Hue of Lord Godfrey's eyes faded the stormlord mentioned was potentially the storm Hawk King he was revered by all others as Sovereign back in the days when stormville's winds still raged like no other alternatively some theorize that Godfrey marched against the dragonlord placidusacs severing one of his three heads a wound that time could never heal no longer able to serve Marika exiled Godfrey and his Warriors from the lands between making him the first ever tarnished Marika bid them to venture out into the world and struggle eternally this strategy may have been employed in the hopes that one day they can grow in power and return to brandish the Alden ring once more renouncing his kingship Godfrey once again carried the name horrolu and became Chieftain of the Badland Warriors he led the Long March as head of the tarnished and wielded an ax his loyal Warriors honored him by wielding axes of their own the weapon was symbolic of Godfrey's vow to conduct himself as a lord later becoming an emblem of the golden lineage poetically the ax broke during the Long March representing Godfrey's descent into a Savage his absence presented an opportunity for Queen Marika her marriage to a human prevented her from conceiving an impering child this may be the very reason that radagon Queen marica's male can't part exists in the first place to populate and bring forth a true imperian Heir some theories suggest that radagon was formed by the greater will by taking the aspect of Marika that is wholly loyal to the golden order and forging it into a being of itself as a precaution in the event of America's betrayal however the complete truth remains obscure Lord Radigan was a great Champion possessed of flowing red locks he came to these lands at the head of a great golden host when he met lady ranala in battle interestingly radagon detested the Hue of his hair a trait which every giant possessed understandably so as who would want to be likened to their enemy during Godfrey's reign as Eldon Lord radagon LED his armies to Leonia of the lakes to wage war on the Academy of Raya lucaria and spread the message of the golden order he earned great Renown as a valiant Champion during the war but nonetheless neither side would yield led by Queen ranala of the full moon the academy was not so easily conquered in her youth Ronaldo was a prominent champion who Charmed The Academy with her lunar magic becoming its Master she also led the glintstone nice and established the house of carrier as royalty despite numbering fewer than 20 the carrion Knights were a match for even the champions of gold in battle no victory for the golden nor for the the moon no prize but atonement the birth of a vowel unable to claim leernia radagon was forced to alter his methods and repent his territorial Ambitions where War failed love would Prevail and So radagon Married the head of the academy the carrion Queen ranala uniting the two factions through bonds of marriage it is here at the church of vows that the great houses of the earth tree and the moon were joined by the matrimonial bond between red-haired radican and ranala of the full moon the order of the earth tree and the fate of the moon were conjoined and all the wounds of War forgiven in celebration of their matrimonial Union and Reconciliation a full moon crossbow was made so that the houses of the earth tree and the full moon Lindell and Raya lucaria May stay at peace forevermore radagon wielded a great sword made of light modeled after the Alden ring itself a weapon believed to have been forged by radagon to proudly symbolize the tenets of the golden order however telltale signs betray that this was once the great sword bequeathed to him by his first wife renala it appears as though the two kept their Alliance hidden from The Wider masses radagon even ordered the carrion magic preceptors to Don a mask of confidence to make it clear that all of their matters were to be kept strictly private radagon and Ronaldo bought three children radon Reichard and Rani all likened by their Crimson hair from his youth redone idealized Godfrey out of adoration he emulated his Hero by adorning his armor with lions the Elden Lord's sigil as time went on radon continuously grew in size to the point in which his horse Leonard could no longer carry his weight the Red Lion General wielded gravitational Powers which he learned in Salia during his younger days also that he would never have to abandon his beloved but scrawny Steed to avoid leaving his horse behind Rodan studied and eventually mastered gravitational magic under the guidance of an alabaster Lord with skin of stone this granted him control over the forces of gravity and in turn allowed him to once again saddle up his Noble Steed as he grew more powerful he came to realize that his Newfound abilities could prove useful in more ways than one the Mightiest Hero of the demigods confronted the falling stars alone and thus did he crush them his Conquest sealing the very fate of the Stars General radon earned himself the moniker of starscourage long ago General Rodan challenged the swirling constellations and in a crushing Victory arrested their Cycles now he is the force that repulses the Stars as for his brother reichardt was a man driven by power and power alone he spent the majority of his time in the volcano Mount Gilmer located in a mountainous region known to have practiced a now forgotten religion in service of an ancient serpent deity after discovering the ancient hexes of Gilmer reichardt son of Queen ranala brought them back into practical use as new forms of sorcery with every historic Discovery reichardt grew more ambitious finding his purpose in commanding the powers of the volcano but the arrogance of attempting to harness it is solely that of men and serpents during his travels reichardt sets Eyes On a Woman by the name of tanith who was working as a dancer in a foreign land soon he made her his consort reichardt continued to delve deeper into ancient sorcery keeping his distance from his family and their quarrels the path he chose would inevitably lead to his heretical dissent where taking by force became the rule the gods themselves were no different after all out of the three siblings Rani was the only one to be born an emperion meaning that she could potentially succeed Marika as the ruler of the lands between akin to the queen herself Ronnie was granted a shadow by the name of blive who was raised as her foster brother blive who served as rani's Shadow was a loyal Ally who would defy Destiny itself if it would have him turn upon his lady growing up Ronnie spent good time playing with her brother blive in addition to eg a giant blacksmith who served the Korean Royals although rani's fate seemed to have been carved out for her destined to take the mantle of Queen and servant to the greater will she had plans of her own leading up to Godfrey's banishment radagon and Ronaldo's relationship appeared healthy but for one reason or another this one event would lead to radagon having a change of heart when Godfrey first Eldon Lord was hounded from the lands between Radigan left renala to return to the Earth tree capital becoming Queen marika's second husband and King consort taking the title of second Eldon Lord this suggests that radagon's marriage to Ronaldo was in part A formality the instance that Queen Marika lost her consort he was prepared to take her side abandoning his former life in the process however radagon felt some semblance of guilt as before departing he ordered his red wolf to remain by Ronaldo's side acting as both a guardian and a reminder of him in addition he gifted her a great Rune sealed within an Amber egg a symbol of his love great Rune of unborn demigods perfects those who have been born Anew children born Anew by Ronaldo are all frail and short-lived imperfect beings each and all the Amber reg allowed ronalda to birth the juvenile Scholars seen within the academy yet their rebirth is not without imperfections and thus do they repeat the process eventually becoming utterly dependent upon it rebirth is a sleep to them and with each Awakening memory Fades into Oblivion sadly her heart was broken when Lord Radigan left her and then when the academy rebelled against the Royals she was locked away in the grand Library in the end lady Ronaldo was left alone cradling the Amber egg Lord radicand bequeathed her when ronalda head of both the Academy of ryalakaria and the Korean royal family lost her husband radagon her heart went along with him and then those at the Academy realized that Ronaldo was no champion after all at her most vulnerable Ronaldo's veil of Excellence had slipped and those at the Academy renounced her leadership in Rebellion the soldiers of Raya lucaria who were also known as the Cuckoos were dispatched to Ridley hernia of the carrion monarchy the soldiers were given free reign by the academy to wage war as they pleased and they were Infamous for their rapacious ways a Cutthroat military of this nature needed nothing but a direction to be pointed in and the carrion family were the perfect enemy their lies the resting place of the contemptible Cuckoos lost in the siege of kariyamana to attack the heart of the carrion family the Cuckoo's likely targeted the Luna princess Ronnie alas their efforts were both foolish and ill-advised leading to their Doom the disloyalty of the academy was anticipated as the carrion family prepared a secret means to retaliate against betrayal a sorcery by the fitting name carrion retaliation they knew that the moon and the stars would one day go their separate ways the Moon being granola and the Stars representing the scholars of the academy as the husband of ranala of Korea the redhead radagon stood its sorcery and as the husband of Queen Marica he studied incantations thus did the hero aspire to be complete radagon and Marika would go on to have twin demigods Melania and mikola the imperian children would both be born Afflicted with a curse Melania stricken by the Scarlet's rods and mikola burdened with eternal childhood their Misfortune likely stems from radagon and Marika being a single entity a result of interbreeding so to speak speak sympathetic to each other's struggles the siblings grew to be close Whispers also tell of a third child but her name would be shadowed in secrecy Melania was trained by a blind swordsman a warrior who in Legend was bestowed a flowing sword by a fairy with this Blade The Swordsman sealed away an ancient god a God that was wrought itself possessing the skill of a champion from myths of old he single-handedly felt the god of rods set to be a great scorpion it was only natural that this figure would train Melania for she displayed the symptoms of scarlet rot corruption birthed by The Entity he sealed away the disease had also claimed her eyes and The Swordsman knew all too well the struggles of battling in the dark instead of pitting Melania he trained her to resist the curse though Born Into The accursed Rot when the young girl encountered a a mentor and his flowing blade she gained wings of unparalleled strength just as Still Waters turned foul stagnation leads to Decay Warriors must remain ever drifting under the guidance of the Swordsmen Melania sharpened her skills and strengthened her resolve disciplining both body and mind rising to the peak of swordsmanship she danced in the wind her mind and body were worn flowing like water to be still is to give in to the rot for this reason her gaze were set to the Horizon ever marching towards her fate she would be the blade of mikola eternally fighting in his name alone despite the struggles faced by their offspring radagon and marika's Union had proven productive with the golden order stature reaching insurmountable highs and their grasp on the lands between ever tightening but peace does not warrant comfort as only a fool would take solace in the Calm before the storm War looms over the lands between one that would shake the foundations of the golden order splintering the age of the Earth tree fracturing the rule of America and her family like the ages that came before no rule is eternal on that ill-fated night a fragment of the death Rune was stolen from America's Shadow an artifact of dire power that would enable one to deliver death to the Gods on the night of the black knives under the cover of Darkness the black knife assassins crept into the domain of Godwin the golden hidden by their veils of concealment they were invisible to the naked eye each wielded a dagger imbued with the essence of the Rune of death Tish the daughter of electo ringleader of the Assassins using her Darkly gleamed blade slew Godwin giving the demigods their first taste of death yet the progeny of Maraca held on to life albeit in a ghastly form a half symbol of the curse mark of death was imprinted upon him this symbol should have taken the shape of a wheel but where was the missing piece nevertheless the version of Godwin the people once knew perished that night as the Assassins fled the scene Tish was killed protecting her mother during their flight from the capital ironic that the one who felt Godwin would die that very night since Godwin was unable to die a true death he was given the moniker Prince of death his passing would be the Catalyst that would accelerate the decline of the golden order the first Dead of the demigods was buried deep under the capital at the ER tree's roots after the night of the plot deathroot appeared in the lands between and those who live in death soon followed the roots of the earth tree intertwined with his malformed undying corpse leading to the birth and spread of death root the Rune of death spread across the lands between through the underground roots of the great tree sprouting in the form of death those who were unfortunate enough to come into contact with this route were morphed into the undead beings who came to be known as those who live in death these Undead Wanderers are the pitiful product of an ending life they were viewed as an abomination in the eyes of the golden order a mark of their failure and reminder of the Fallen Godwin a stain which had tainted their age in death one was returned to the Earth tree for this was not the case for the undead as such the order established Hunters who wielded various holy items to Stamp Out default reason all for the Perfection of the golden order they would not tolerate their existence and sought to eliminate the undead unobjective in which they failed as long as Godwin lived death rude would continue to manifest furthermore it is said that the dead easily lose their way and have always been in sore need of a guiding hand potentially signifying that the dead are awaiting the return of their leader the prince of death having witnessed the concealment cloaks of the assassins and how it enabled them to slip into the hearts of the capital and noticed the Sentry torch was devised its Flames are bestowed with a special incantation which allows the bearer to see assassins cloaked in veils furnished on behalf of the earth tree and the grace given Lord such that a knight of black knives will never come again additionally following Godwin's death malakith bound the blade within his own flesh such that none might ever rob death again malakith would go on to adopt the name garank Beast clergyman concealing his identity building an order of ardent followers together they would seek out deathroots the shadow would then consume the root thus returning the power of destined death to him mourning the loss of Godwin his family forged the golden Epitaph oh brother Lord Brother please die a true death revealing that his family knew that Godwin was yet to die and that from their view his fate was worse than death itself no wonder they haunted those who live in death with such revile but who were the black knife assassins and what stirred them to commit murder the Assassins that carried out the Deeds of the night of the black knives were all women and rumored to be Newman who had close ties with Marika herself in order to orchestrate the first death of a demigod one must have knowledge regarding the Rune of death something which was kept as a closely guarded secret known only to the members of America's Inner Circle enforcing the idea that God would death was planned from within the culprit behind this plot was the Luna princess Ronnie I was once an imperial of the demigods only I mikola and Melania could claim that title each of us was chosen by our own two fingers as a candidate to succeed Queen America to become the new god of the coming age which is when I received Blythe in the form of a vassal tailored for an imperial but I would not acquiesce to the two fingers I stole the Rune of death slew mine own Imperium flesh casting it away I would not be controlled by that thing like her mother Ronnie as a child would find a moon of her own this moon was encountered by a young Rani led by the hand of her mother ranala what she beheld was cold dark and veiled in a cult mystery a singular moment that would have a Rippling effect on the princess's life inspiring her to pursue another path one that would lead to the founding of an age under the bitter chill of the Moon realizing the intentions of the outer God to replace Marika to be a slave to their will the lunar princess rejected her fate leading her to orchestrate the death of her brother I stole a fragment of the Rune of death and used it to forge the god slaying black knives through fearsome right I did it all it was her act of thievery that enabled the black knife assassins to imbue their daggers with its power in addition on the night of the dire plot Rani rewarded Prater Reichard with these traces of the Rune of death should the coming trespass one day transpire they would serve as the last Resort's foil allowing reichardt to challenge malakith the Black Blade the black beast of Destin death Ronnie conspired with her brother Reichard to eliminate malikith if needed the acts of Godwin's murder was in truth a ritual rani's goal was to destroy her empyrion form and preserve her spirit without her flesh she cannot serve the greater will to do this she would have to take the soul of another an equivalent exchange preserving her soul by offering godwins as the black knives descended upon Godwin Rani snuffed out her own life prior to this she had constructed a doll a vassal for her soul to reside in a form which resembles the snow witch ranner Once a mentor to the Luna princess she was a witch and well-versed in cold sorceries it is said that the doll that houses Ronnie's Soul was modeled after her the snowy Crone taught the young Ranny to fear the Dark Moon as she imparted her cold sorcery Renner further influenced rani's decision to reject the greater will and to pursue the age of the Stars instead whereas Godwin's corpse lay in the deepest depths ranis resides at the highest peak Atop The Divine Tower of lyonia identifiable by her red hair similar to her brother's Reichard and radan the missing half of the curse mark of death is located on her carcass curse mark carved into the discarded flesh of Rani the witch also known as the half-wheel wound of the centipede this curse mark was carved at the moment of death of the first demigod and should have taken the shape of a circle however two demigods perished at the same time breaking the curse mark into two half wheels Rani was the first of the demigods whose flesh perished while the prince of death perished in Seoul alone Queen America driven to the brink sought a means to slay the greater will why uphold the golden order if it could not protect her family her years of servitude amounted to naught and so she set her plans into motion instructing the smithing Master huge to construct a weapon that can kill a god her intentions were laid bare oh your Divinity have mercy brought me forgiveness road is yet long a God is not easily felled but one day without fail you will have your wish so please Grump your forgiveness go in America cursed the Craftsman to eternally Smith weapons with the aim of constructing one that destroy a god I was given this great entreaty to craft a weapon which could slay a god though I can't help but think of it as a curse face and curse put on him by Queen Marika day by day the Queen's sorrow swelled within her heart her solemn Duty weighed upon her like annoying curse from which there was no Deliverance with her Hummer in Hand Forged in her homeland of Newman Queen Marica shattered the Eldon ring and radagon attempted to repair it the Elden ring now broken the greater will delivered divine retribution to America imprisoning her within the Earth tree radagon although loyal to the greater will a scene with his actions of attempting to reforge the ring was also held captive as he was Tethered to America the Elden Beast descended upon the queen puncturing her with golden Spears of light though she survived this encounter Marico was brought to the precipice of death a hollow cracked puppet incapable of speech or movement she can never rise against the greater will again and so ensued a calamitous battle from which no Victor would arise leading the lands between to the edge of ruin in Wake of this event those destined to become Elden Lord would meet an untimely end the Lord's runes a remnants of those who almost became consort to the queen their Journey was brought to a close when America shattered the Elden ring her relatives both close and distant would claim shards of the Ring these great runes fell into the hands of Rani Reichard Redan Millennia mikola morgot Moog and lastly godric unlike her siblings Ronnie withdrew herself from the Forefront the location of her great Rune remains unknown though some speculate that Ranny carved her Shard upon the moon itself since her doll form was fragile she needed to hibernate to regain her strength she returned home to carrier Manor where she would work with Blyth EG and salivus there they were toil away trying to find a means to free the lands between from the grip of the greater will for Rani to bring to fruition the age of the Stars she must first end the age of the Earth tree rather than succeed Marika in the golden order as a puppet she would be the queen of a new age one of her own making a Schism formed between the remaining demigods deluded by their ill-gotten Powers they entered a state of conflict known as the shattering at one point in time morgot and Moog broke the shackles that bound them The Omen King the last monarch of Landell remained loyal to the golden order claiming the anchor ring which was once housed at the base of the Elden ring as his great Rune to bolster his might for he would need all the strength he could muster to defend the Royal capital in the wars to come despite having been shunned his whole life imprisoned in the darkest pits of the city he was devout in his faith of the golden order defending the honor of his family though born one of the graceless Omen morgot took it upon himself to become the Earth trees protector he loved not in return for he was never loved but nevertheless love it he did more Gods was the sole relative of America who selflessly defended the Earth tree viewing his relatives as traitorous pillages deceivers who sought to take the Elden Throne under the rule of the Yeoman King none would become Elden Lord it is for this reason he remained dutiful a protector of his kingdom a noble station befitting the greatest of all Kings in time Godfrey a descendant of the golden lineage would lead the first Siege of londel capital believing the city to be ripe for the taking he charged with haste more Gods however was not alone many Royal Knights of the capital fought by his side joining them was the Ancient Dragon Knights steadfast followers of the Dragon Cult one such Warrior Kristoff would Jewel Godfrey calling upon the thunderous powers of the Dragons of old he smote down Godfrey subduing him marking the end of his Conquest similarly General radon also attempted to take the capital but he too would feel the wrath of the golden order and be resisted by morgot returning to Khalid radan had little time to recuperate Millennia blade of mikola would invade his domain with her Legions of clean rot nights Millennia and radon locked horns in combat radan who had mastered gravity magic both held back the stars in the sky and retaliated against Millennia simultaneously some theorize that the stars are in fact outer gods or creatures known as astels a legendary display of immense fortitude to uphold other worldly entities while engaging a champion who had never known defeat the Colossal strength of radon was matched by the Swift finesse of the blade of mikola the battle was fought to a stalemate for a moment Millennia lay still no longer suppressing the curse of the rat guard allowing the Scarlet Ionia flower to bloom bringing forth a concentrated burst of scarlet rot infecting the lands of Khalid radon was severely weakened by this maneuver as his form began to Decay and the rot seeped into his mind he was driven close to Insanity his great Rune Burns still resisting the completing encroachment of the Scarlet's rods an essence of his Consciousness remained as he continued his duty of upholding the Stars the blade of mikola would also sustain injuries the Scarlet wrought held within rapidly consumed her millennia's most faithful Knight Finlay carried her back to the halik tree Finlay was one of the few survivors of the battle of aeonia who in an unimaginable Act of heroism carried the slumbering demigod Millennia all the way back to the halik tree she managed the feast alone Fanning off all manner of foes along the way now safe Millennia awaited mikola at the foot of the husk but he would never arrive for the Lord of blood Moog had abducted the demigod my brother will keep his promise he possesses the wisdom the Allure of a God he is the most fearsome emperion of all millennius Quote reveals a partial reason as to why she waged a war with radon just like her siblings the twin prodigies were also imperians worthy of ascending to America's position perhaps they viewed radon as a threat to their succession they may have assumed the general was weakened by his defeat at the hands of morgart however he proved to be stronger than anticipated nonetheless neither radon or Millennia would emerge the victor the blade of Michela for the first time in many years remained stagnant accelerating the process of her rebirth as the seasons passed the rot wormed its way into her heart like America she was merely a conduit of an outer God melania's resilient Spirit intertwined with her great Rune prevented the rot from consuming her entirely her great Rune should have been the most sacred of all were it not for the ailment that tainted her flesh after a time she would come to be known as the rot goddess worshiped by the Kindred though she would forsake them implying that the Mansel of godhood was of little interest to her she lived only for the prosperity of mikola his absence filled her with grief without him she was lost millennia's actions display her Devotion to her brother who shed the utmost faith in her love of mikola is not unfounded as he spent much of his days in pursuit of curing her Scarlet rot's curse to no avail despite having a loving bond with his father radagon he would Stray From the Path of golden order fundamentalism for it could do nothing to treat millennia's accursed rot this was the beginning of unalloid gold one such invention of mikola formed by his research of pure gold was the needle an instrument crafted to Ward away the meddling of outer Gods since Scarlet's rot is the result of an outer God it would explain mikola's obsession with ending their reign as the Affliction directly affected his beloved sister inch by inch the rot claimed her body resulting in the loss of her sight and limbs Mickey knew of the consequences many had suffered under the Gaze of the outer gods and so researched various means of severing their influence it is unknown whether Nicola used his great Rune in any of his Endeavors the location and powers of his Shard Remains the subject of mystery in addition those who were rejected by the societies of Norm could find shelter at his holic tree a safe haven protecting The Forsaken a stark contrast to the Earth tree which rejected many for the purity of the golden order it is no surprise that he was loved by many due to his selflessness to this day the lands of Khalid lay Baron as a result of millennia's Conquest the Scarlet wrought eating away at life like a vicious plague millennia's troops were poisoned by her curse yet they remained fighting on her behalf radon's men would construct a burning wall around the perimeter of Khalid to stifle the spread of the disease when they were driven to defeat by Millennial Scarlet wrought the red main Knights burned the crest on the left breast of their armor to indicate their resolve alas dear home I shan't see you again for our duty is to remain here a bulwark against the blight with steadfast resolve the red main Knights continued to defend their blighted Homeland but there was one demigod who refused to bloody his hands in a war from which he would gain little his ambition was to Devour the world itself Reichard Lord of blasphemy fell to utter degeneracy in his own words he stated I understand the road of blasphemy is long and perilous one cannot walk it unprepared to sin believing this he allowed both himself and his great Rune to be consumed by the god devouring serpent Eagle an Elder Beast that dwelled within the fiery chasms of Mance gelmer in his final moments before being devoured by the Great Serpent reichardt glimpsed a vision of the future a vision that is depicted in the devara's scepter the Armament resembled the world being consumed by a monolithic snake a depiction of reichardt's insatiable thirst embodying the sigil stitched upon his Banner an uruboros that consumes itself representing the cycle of rebirth immortality and repetition with this Unholy Union came the birth of man serpents the Lord of blasphemy once known for his soaring ambition is now known only for his gluttonous depravity as the Lord lost his dignity so too did his Knights lose their Master during the reign of the golden order the symbol of the snake was used to portray traitors of the earth tree an icon that rye card would manifest into reality his path was not one that would cement the rule of the greater will but one that would lead to the end of the Earth if left unchecked as the last defender of the earth tree The Omen King displaced his forces from the capital but they were resisted by reichardt's loyalists never to reach volcano Manor his men were crushed and the Blasphemous Rebellion remained unsuppressed yet another wretched unending war with no glory in an act of defiance of what the Lord had become reichardt's servants searched for the serpent Hunter thought to have been used to hunt an immortal Great Serpent in the distant past it manifests a Long Blade of light when facing such a creature when their masters heroic aspirations degenerated into Meg greed his men surged for a weapon with which they might halt their lord having obtained the fabled spear they attempted to slaughter The Serpent and Reichard however their Quest would end in defeat many pondered if reichardt was merely a slave to the god of Aaron's serpent or if he had rustled control forcing the snake to his will it mattered little for the two had the same goal and for now no one could cease their Eternal feast Moog too would Forge his own path akin to America in days of yore he too served an outer God the formless mother the mother of Truth craves wounds when Moog stood before her deep underground his accursed blood erupted with fire and he was besotted with the defilement that he was born into xicated by the power bestowed upon his blood he took the title Lord of blood his Rune too was soaked in a cursed blood stemming from his devout love for The Wretched Maya that he was born into far below the Earth unlike his brother he felt no shame in the curse that had plagued him since birth embracing it for it granted him unspeakable power he was not alone in his faith of the formless mother for many disciples followed aiding him in his goal of forming a new Dynasty Moog promised strength to his people which inspired Fierce loyalty within their hearts among the followers were white mask to war surgeons whenever the doctors performed bloodletting the curse of the blood Lord would enliven them shedding blood in the name of the former's mother was often met with a reward sacred spear in hand Moog would commune with the outer God and in turn she would bless those whose veins ran with a cursed blood blood Boon rituals would also be conducted a ceremony in which Moog would raise his sacred Spear and Pierce the body of the formless mother blood was shed by the outer God herself not just her followers as stated prior the Lord of blood snatched mikola from the heart of the Hallock tree the imperian was key to moog's plan and so he brought him home to his Palace in the lightless depths lies the grave of an ancient civilization it is here Moog the Lord of blood is building his Palace to be the seed of his coming Dynasty named mogrin and whatever nightmares that may bring wishing to raise mikola to full godhood Moog wished to become his consort taking the role of Monarch but no matter how much of his bloody bed chamber he tried to share he received no response from the Jung imperian mikola lay dormant impeding the onset of moog's Dynasty mikola most likely entered a death-like slumber of his own free will as his stance was firmly against the outer Gods Moog could not harm him for he needed an emperion vessel to serve the formless mother when melgrin presented mikola to his deity perhaps she was drawn to his suffering after all the mother of Truth craves wounds upon closer inspection of the Cocoon Nicola appears to have grown in size the Lord of blood may have achieved The Impossible curing the emperion's lifelong curse mogrin proclaimed to his followers render up you offerings of blood to your lord drench my consorts chamber slake his cocoon's thirst his Awakening shall Herald the dawn of our Dynasty despite his best efforts mikola cannot be aroused from Slumber the two were stuck in a stalemate a similar conclusion to the battle of aeonian lastly godric a feeble descendant of the first Elden Lord sought to obtain power to stand amongst the ranks of his Godly family theories suggest that godric fled Landell joring Rodan Siege prior to his departure he stole a treasure called the mimics Veil also known as marika's Mischief a special artifact that allows one to transform into an inanimate object to hide in plain sight godric may have utilized this item when he concealed himself amongst the women folk and fled the city finding respite in Stormville where he would spend much of his Reign many soldiers followed in his footsteps they are what remains of the army that fled the Royal capital of the archery insinuating these men did not participate in the defense of the capital and turntail and Iran at the first sign of invasion after the shattering godric claimed the great Rune known as the anchoring the same namesake as Morgan's Shard once found at the center of the Elden ring even with the Rune in his possession he was no match for his family when Millennia journeyed from Nicholas halik tree to caled she may have passed through the domain of godric limgrave History tells us that godric challenged Millennia unsurprisingly he was humiliated having suffered defeat by the blade of mikola he begged for mercy and Millennia obliged it is hypothesized that this may be the very reason that godric sought power in grafting the barbarous ACT involved robbing the limbs of worthy individuals and sowing them to one's body ultimately godric wanted to return home to the capital obtaining power through grafting so that he could stand amongst the demigods as an equal be that as it may the frail Lord remains relegated to insignificance cowering within the walls of Stormville Castle no Lord would arise from the shattering leading to abandonment by the greater will in a turn of events the grace of the earth tree was restored and the Exile tarnished returned to the lands between did the greater will seek a new Alden Lord to continue the golden order or did someone command the tarnish to return to attain power and overthrow the outer God as stated earlier the Long March was ordered by Marika with the aim of strengthening the tarnished without the guidance of Grace having grown stronger in the face of death they would return to the lands between to brandish the Eldon ring was the restoration of of the earth tree's Grace another of her schemes and so we are tarnished of no Renown whom Grace would again bless return to the lands between in search of the Elden ring seeking the demigods and the shards they bear to take the mantle of Elden Lord does one follow in the footsteps of the golden order and become consorts to Queen America thus extending the age of the Earth tree after all it is easier to prolong than Start Anew or do we journey to the void and confront the greater will to break the shackles that bind the lands between to Voyage under the stars of the night sky my Lord and thy Warriors I divest each of thee of thy Grace With Thine Eyes dimmed ye will be driven from the lands between ye will wage war in a land afar where you will live and die after thy death I will give back what I once claimed return to the lands between wage war and brandish the Elden race grow strong in the face of death Warriors of my lord lord Godfrey [Music] the world has grown crooked and if you intend to put it to Rice you'd better understand what happened to make it this way the misshapen corpse under stormvale that is a sacred relic of the black knives Club as that famed night of assassination is known it happened during the golden age of the Earth tree long before the shattering of the elderling someone stole a fragment of the Rune of Death From malacath the Black Blade and on a bitter night murdered Godwin the golden they say the assassins carried out the deed were signs of the Eternal City a group entirely of women arrayed in armor of silver under cloaks which fooled the eye the knives they wielded though were imparted with the power of the Rune of death through Sinister right that was the first recorded death of a demigod in all history and it became the Catalyst soon the Elden ring was smashed and thus sprung forth the war known as the shattering for the there is came from the one great thinking fractures and Earths there's a greater will made a mistake torment despair Affliction every sin Every curse everyone born with the mistake the Earth tree governs all the choice is thine become one with the order or divest thyself of it to wallow at the fringes a powerless upstart [Music] thank you all for watching we really hope you enjoyed this chapter of Alden Ring's story explained and once again a major thank you to nordvpn for sponsoring this video please click the link in the description or go to nordvpn.com Brothers code to receive a generous discount and four months free on any two-year plan if you would like early access to our videos please visit our patreon linked below your support enables us to deliver stories such as this as always leave a comment let us know what you think a like and subscription is also appreciated as it helps get our content out there as always thank you for watching we'll see you in the next one foreign [Music]
Channel: The brother's code
Views: 444,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HfqfnAjuzT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 14sec (4574 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 24 2022
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