Elden Ring Lore ▶ Every Dragon Explained

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the dragons are among the most notable and powerful enemies found in elden ring these creatures can be found throughout all of the lands between and they are as diverse as the landscapes they inhabit you may be surprised at just how much of this world ties back to the dragons so let's explore each of them one by one to uncover the secrets that they hold and if you're a fan of eldon ringlore be sure to subscribe to the channel and ring the bell icon for future content and check out theashenhallow.com for all of my social links and merch in this video we'll be covering each dragon in the order that they're most likely to be encountered by the tarnished which makes the flying dragon egg heal first on our list the first mention of the dragon comes from a man named yura before even introducing himself yura warns the tarnish to steer clear of agile lake in his words a dragon roost there and it's as fearsome as it is majestic so unless you're mad or wish to be burned alive stay clear of the lake we'll quickly see that the last part of yura's warning wasn't rhetorical the cycle of life and death in the lands between has been corrupted and those known as the tarnished often go mad from their inability to die a true death to properly end one's life different types of flame are often used to burn away bodies and souls alike the ag hill lake is occupied by the dead who gazed at the skies over the lakes of limgrave praying that the dragon's flames would burn them to ash the flying dragon eggheal fulfills this wish soaring overhead and burning the undead with a wave of flaming breath should the tarnish choose to fight agile demonstrates the power of the dragons with a flurry of claws and flames however the strength of the tarnished is not to be underestimated defeating ag hill rewards a dragon heart an organ that is described as terrible and savage looking but with a peculiar beauty to it euro reveals that these hearts are used in dragon communion a ritual that can be performed at the church off the western coast by those who yearn for the strength of dragons but his advice comes with a warning those who partake in dragon communion will one day shed their humanity unleashing the strength of a mighty dragon along with eternal torment following yura's instruction will lead the tarnish to the church of dragon communion where dragon hearts can be consumed to learn special incantations incantations that grant the ability to mimic the dragon's flames and claws acting as proof of the work done by a new dragon tracker [Music] the next area that the urgery's grace will guide the tarnish towards is lyrnia of the lakes here countless green and blue crystals classified as glintstones can be found scattered throughout the shallow waters golden amber is described to contain the remnants and vitality of ancient life and with glintstones being the amber of the cosmos it holds the vitality of the stars and allows one to cast the spells taught by the academy of reya lucaria students need a special key to grant entrance into the academy one of which can be found by a meeting place of now deceased sorcerers however this key is guarded by the sleeping glintstone dragon smarog his abilities are mostly identical to that of agile but instead of breathing regular fire he breathes a blue glint stone tinted flame smallrog was a devourer of sorcerers and over time his body became corrupted by glenstones these crystals embedded in the armor and weapons of the rear lucarian sorcerers are the reason for smarog's hide being covered with glintstone to the point where it almost seems parasitic though even after smarog's defeat other glintstone dragons can still be discovered behind caria manor lies the three sisters where the glintstone dragon agila resides much like s'morog aguila breathes a glintstone breath and is covered in crystals but the color of agile's glenstone is a much deeper shade of blue agela also has abilities beyond that of ag heal and smarog as shown by the usage of her homing crystals and a spectral blade of ice before the tarnish can defeat this dragon however agila flies away and magically vanishes into the sky this fight will need to be finished another time [Music] after chasing off angela the tarnish comes face to face with the lunar princess ronnie she opposes the erd tree and the golden order but her fate is tied to the stars which are being held in stasis by the one known as the star scourge general radon ronnie's war counselor eg reasons that if general radon were defeated the stars would once again resume their movement and restore irani's fate this means that the next step is to find and kill general radon in the rot infested lands of caled here lies the dragon barrow where the elder dragon grail is being protected by what seems to be her offspring this massive creature's roar weakens the tarnished and strengthens nearby dragons but it's not capable of doing much more than that killing the surrounding dragons will cause grey all to die and likewise defeating grayol herself will kill all of the surrounding dragons with both outcomes granting a total of five of their hearts grael is described as the mother of all dragons which makes sense as her anatomy closely matches that of every dragon previously seen this also includes the flying dragon grail whose nearby location and similar name to graham both suggest some sort of close relation yet one exception to this trend exists in the church of the dragon communion where the corpse of something with a different type of head wings and claws can be found but we'll touch on that subject again a bit later [Music] in the southern region of caitlyn a dragon named execuse guards a distant building while executes resembles the other dragons his body is completely covered in rot and wounds scarlet rod of caled is shown to infect almost all forms of life that come into contact with it and while grail and her kin seem to be mostly unaffected executes wasn't as fortunate instead of breathing any type of fire he breathes a rotten fog that reflects his state of decay and disease execuse is also described as the dragon communion revenger and he did not forget his hatred even as he succumbed to the scarlet rot it's likely that most dragons condemned the practice of dragon communion as it requires their hearts to be harvested and consumed as a part of that ritual after his defeat we see that executes was actually guarding a second location of where dragon communion was practiced much like the church in limb grave this cathedral houses the corpse of a stone dragon with unique anatomy along with something that resembles a baptismal font filled with a bright red liquid here the tarnished gains access to new incantations including the signature abilities of each major dragon previously defeated as of now this includes agile's flame smallrog's glintstone breath grail's roar and executes decay however these special incantations can cost 2 or 3 dragon hearts each so while the tarnish should have 9 hearts by now it would cost a total of 15 hearts to learn every spell a new source of dragon hearts will be needed [Music] luckily the creatures known as magma worms hold these needed hearts these worms somewhat resemble the dragons but their scales are darker their heads are flatter and they have arms separate from their wings additionally the worms show the ability to spew magma and wield a massive greatsword one of these worms can be found in caled another two are found around mount gelmere and a fourth named worm guards one of the entrances to the altus plateau this is magma worm makar who is classified as a great enemy upon its defeat makar drops the magma worm scale sword which explains that these land-bound dragons were once humans who partook in dragon communion a grave transgression for which they were cursed to crawl the earth upon their bellies just a shadow of their former selves now with enough hearts to buy nearly every dragon communion spell the eyes of the tarnish may now glow yellow and reptilian at this point their fate is likely sealed as yet another who would be cursed to become a magma worm [Music] for those who seek to know every draconic spell a few more dragon hearts will be required if you'll remember the glintstone dragon agila is still alive and in order to find it we must continue to follow ronnie's quest upon defeating general radan a path to the eternal city of nakron will be opened in limgrave after traveling through nakron providing ronnie with a weapon capable of slaying the two fingers and passing through the second eternal city of noxtella the tarnished will reach the southern plateau of lyrnia four glenstone dragons reside here three of which will drop one heart each the fourth is none other than agila who now fights to the death as if there's something here worth protecting in addition to three dragon hearts angela will drop their signature moonblade sorcery upon defeat which describes how agila a devourer of sorcerers was bested by ronnie and subsequently swore a nightly oath to her dark moon this answers why angela was found outside of ronnie's rise and the cathedral of manicellus these are both locations where ronnie the witch can be found and angela has taken a vow to protect ronnie and follow the wisdom of the dark moon which acted as the guide to the countless stars with six new dragon hearts the tarnish should have more than enough to learn every signature incantation of the dragons and can now proceed onward to the altus plateau [Music] if the tarnish proceeds through the rune strewn precipice where magma worm makar was defeated they are likely to have an encounter with the ancient dragon lanosax swooping in and attacking near a side of abandoned coffins lanisax is noticeably larger and more powerful than most dragons that have yet to be found her appearance is also unique but looking back at the stone corpses found in the dragon communion church and cathedral will see that they all share the same anatomy lanisax demonstrates the ability to control red lightning but similarly to agila she flies away before she can be defeated fortunately the nearby royal capital leyendale holds plenty of clues to the true nature of the ancient dragons for example the weapons used by the draconic tree sentinels are described to be whittled from the claws of a great ancient dragon and since these are enraged with lightning they tear through the dragon's feeble descendants with ease this shows why grail is described as the mother of all dragons but has a different anatomy compared to the stone corpses and lanisacks while the ancient dragons had scales of gravel stone wielded lightning as their weapon and had a pair of arms separate from their four wings grail would be the mother to a modern weaker generation of dragons that lacked these traits who would instead possess different types of elemental breath while within the walls of landel another ancient dragon corpse that rivals the enormity of grail lies across the city's architecture this was grand sax who once reigned calamity upon the royal capital the only time and historical record that landel's walls have fallen this marked the dawn of the war against the ancient dragon the forces of leondel along with godfrey's crucible knights would retaliate against grand sax's assault culminating in a fight where godwin the golden defeated the ancient dragon fortisex and befriended his fallen foe which was an event that gave rise to the ancient dragon cult within the capital lana sachs who was the sister of fortisacks would come to support this newfound group it is said that she took on the form of a human to commune with the knights as a priestess of the ancient dragon cult members of this cult were able to channel the red lightning of the dragons and in some cases those loved by the dragons could survive cladding their entire bodies and lightning vike who was a knight of the round table hold even learned special incantations of his own of all the knights vike the dragon spear was the one that lana sax loved the most we never get to see lana sax's human form but she can be found for a second fight near the capital's rampart side path while defeating her grants the incantation of her signature red lightning glaive attack nanosax does not give up a dragon heart adding another layer of separation between the ancient and modern dragons [Music] to understand what became of lana sax's sibling fortisex we must first explore the history of godwin the golden this demigod was the offspring of queen america and elden lord godfrey long ago a fragment of the rune of death was stolen in what was known as the night of the black knives and with it the black knives planned to create a rune of their own they were able to catch godwin and begin to curve out this ruin on his back but before this process was completed another demigod perished at the same time breaking the curse mark into two half wheels because of this godwin died in soul alone now his disfigured half-dead corpse lies at the root of the urgery it has since become the source of death blight death root and those who live in death however a few characters such as the death bed companion fia and sorcerer rajeir seek to normalize those who live in death and to do so they must restore both half wheels of the curse mark that the black knives intended to create the tarnish can choose to help with these goals ultimately leading to a moment where fia's deathbed dream can be entered by the base of godwin's corpse this initiates a fight with the lich dragon fortisex who has now been corrupted by godwin's death blight instead of the standard lightning strikes used by lana sacks fortisacks utilizes death lightning a corrupted version of the golden lightning that was wielded by godwin while lana sachs was known for her glaive of red lightning forta sax's twin red lightning stakes were the hallmark of the ancient dragon who was called the mightiest bolder stone it's not entirely clear why fortisacks is inside the death bed dream but after god when the golden became the prince of death the ancient dragon fought long and hard against the death within its companion unfortunately victory was never achieved and its only reward was corruption much like lana sacks forta sax's death does not yield a dragon heart reinforcing that this trait is only shared by the modern dragons and the magma worms [Music] as the tarnish proceeds beyond layendale and into the mountaintops of the giants there's one final modern dragon to be defeated borealis the freezing fog can be found hidden within a blizzard on the frozen lake borealis is classified as one of the ice dragons who were once lords of the mountaintops long ago until they were defeated by the fire giants and chased from the peak despite this borealis remains in the mountains and several outside forces have since banded together and defeated the fire giants including another who borrowed the power of the dragons [Music] the elden lord godfrey led the war against the giants and other forces such as the heroes of zamor and the sorcerers of the briar helped in this battle however one particular group opposed the giants from within the trolls who were descended from the giants were lesser giants who fought for the urge tree during the war against the giants long ago perhaps the most notable of these was the ancient troll warrior theodorix whose name lives on as a hero however a magma worm called great worm theodorix lives deep within the consecrated snowfield while theodorix is the strongest of the magma worms and drops triple the normal amount of dragon hearts his fate acts as proof that even the strongest warriors can fall victim to the temptation of the dragon's power time and time again we see that attempting to control this power ends in ruin godric who viewed the dragons as trueborn heirs to the throne fails to defeat a singular tarnished after grafting the head of a dragon onto himself elianora who was considered a hero partook and dragon communion but her pursuit of power led her to the madness of the bloody fingers even the eternal cities made an attempt to create dragons of their own but the dragonkin never knew a true sky nor true lightning and while they were able to wield ice lightning they never attained immortality and perished as a decrepit pale imitations of their skyborne kin the only exception to this trend was the dragon cult who defied this fate by being blessed and loved by the dragons themselves [Music] nearing the end of their journey the tarnished will later arrive in crumbling pharah missoula countless dragons can be seen circling this floating mausoleum marking this as their true home in addition to the ancient dragons the ruins of pharaoh missoula are home to the azula beastmen these ruins are said to be the remains of a giant mausoleum enshrining an ancient dragon guarded by chosen beastmen who wield weapons clad and lightning while this dragon lord is nowhere to be found their importance is made clear by certain artifacts found around fairy missoula one example is their scales that also happen to be scattered throughout this area the ancient dragon lord's seat is said to lie beyond time and this stone lightly twists with time the drake talisman describes how the ancient dragons who ruled in the prehistoric era before the erd tree would protect their lord as a wall of living rock this also is shown within the walls of pharah missoula itself which appear to be partially made from the stone bodies of ancient dragons these corpses also contain traces of gold explaining why the erd trees forces were so willing to form the ancient dragon cult the worship of the ancient dragons does not conflict with belief in the urgery after all gravel stones and lightning itself are both imbued with gold there's also a hidden talisman that depicts an old lord with two wings and four dragon heads whoever this dragon was it seems like they were at the core of pharah mozzula's purpose while this being is described to lie beyond time there is one way that the tarnished can confront them pharah missoula is constructed from the graves of the chosen beastmen and along a crumbling path beneath the mausoleum there lies an unoccupied beast grave the tarnished can lay inside until time freezes reverses and resumes in a time before pharah missoula was destroyed here dragon lord plessuda sax floats in the air motionless with both of his heads poised upwards with an eerie calmness the dragon lord whose seat lies at the heart of the storm beyond time is said to have been elden lord in the age before the urgery once his god was fled the lord continued to await his return while this god isn't explicitly identified it's possible that this could have been the greater will or perhaps a more primordial version of it this arena is also the only location where mikola's needle which was crafted to ward away the meddling of the outer gods can be used some things to note about the dragonlord's anatomy include his head shape and the number of his heads and fingers while placidu sacks more closely resembles the ancient dragons his head shape matches that of the modern dragons with another similar head being found within the dragon temple of pharah missoula and while placidusacs is shown with two heads the old lord's talisman depicts a dragon with four heads and the number of visibly severed stumps suggests that he may have once had up to five heads in total as for his fingers there are five on each hand which interestingly enough matches the beastman of pharah missoula whose five fingers were symbolic of the intelligence once granted upon their kind this of course was one of the traits lost by the modern dragons as their claws have been merged into their wings as the tarnished approaches placeudisex descends from the sky and shows why he is worthy of the title of dragon lord on top of the ancient dragon's red lightning placido sex summons a huge spiral bolt of lightning that takes the shape of the signature bolt of grand sex he can also breathe golden flames disappear into storm clouds and shoot beams of destructive light from both of his heads while this may be the strongest foe the tarnished has yet to face no dragon was ever proven to be unbeatable after so many victories as a dragon tracker not even this prehistoric lord should stand a chance against them after his defeat the remembrance of placido sacks is all that's left behind the final remnant that both commands great power over the dragon and holds the dying whales of the dragon lord who once dwelled eternal beyond time [Music] you
Channel: The Ashen Hollow
Views: 1,319,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elden ring, elden ring lore, elden ring story, elden ring explained, elden ring gameplay, elden ring dlc, elden ring dragon, elden ring dragon lore, elden ring dragons, elden ring dragons lore, elden ring agheel, elden ring lansseax, elden ring lansseax lore, elden ring dragonlord placidusax, elden ring dragonlord placidusax lore, elden ring lore dragon cult, elden ring lore dragons, elden ring dragon cult lore, elden ring dragon cult, elden ring lore dragonlord placidusax
Id: bgW53fwgyo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 35sec (1535 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 31 2022
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