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I don't remember much but I do remember seeing these four blank walls the floor was always hard in stone cold the air in the room was forever stagnant I can often hear the barks from the other fellow canines some sound and was the dog some sound apart mechanical and the others she born into this world taken from my mother and given to the organization for as long as I can remember nothing here seemed a natural I have been trained to think like one of those machine dogs I often wondered why they didn't put any mechanical parts in my body like so many of the other dogs I soon realized it was because I was 86% of that was considered and the organization sought not to tamper with this naturally occurred phenomenon because I had wolf in my blood I was given special treatment what is considered special and compared to the other living conditions of my canine counterparts despite my privileges I was not a favorite among the other dogs I was bullied beaten and rejected the organization did not bother to separate the other dogs inside the gates from me as my wounds healed quickly with their special treatments afterwards who felt alone I had no one else to associate with I started noticing a white dog I believe a husky mix sometimes I never see all the canines in this colossal organization but I did see her a few times I didn't think much of it but one day she approached me from that moment everything changed I was no longer alone it turned out she didn't have any artificial parts a Tatar because she was 50% wolf she became my mother figure throughout the years and I heeded her advice each time she spoke to me each everyone who's here because this one city will close itself from Oh support the Wolves as lovely when you need to keep controllers use force if necessary this is an advanced traffic tips for you all are now eligible for more privileges of anonymity passes advanced normalization rules the spirit and the government wants the show so you will search backgrounds disclose those were not as attention execute these actions in order to preserve the organization's standards it works names that are there needs to be fewer than the people they will not watch repel against the opposition while this king of force is here to establish his dominance you want you to save the government and follow our system our discreet each employees are needed elsewhere more important than scoring the very states remember if you are disloyal with the file probes you will be permanently do I have any objections this may be cause it's already objective the organization is gone for what to be honest I do not watch your words I refuse to do anything that your mechanical core has been corrupted you do not understand without getting spear you have no heart you said words now people crackle - I wasn't machine true but I did not kill and I only did so to please your organization you brainwash us for your goals the only fault I see here is that not everyone is brave enough to stand up to you I had enough of this question but dog isn't going to cooperate have him get rid of it now yes sir dispose of this defector region I would rather die and go against what I believe ah I would rather die are you okay it doesn't look like it had a great sleep last night the images are still in my head from yesterday at training I keep seeing her face I know what you mean I'm glad you're here what are you thinking I know that look we are going to escape from this place we hit two white that's a little suicidal Lena since I first arrived at this place I have been studying the structure of this building when I went on my patrols I look for possible weak spots at the borders since the city's maze-like it can get a little confusing but it also gives us an advantage if we were pursued by the max as far as I know humans will like to make things complicated there is no way to get in and no way to get out of this building but only exceptions are the private cards the humans used to get through private doors and lastly the main gate you deserve so much better I can see that in your eyes you want to get out of you even if you push to police the organization we will escape together on we on patrol again we will make out moon this world has become a dangerous place and in order to survive you have to have patience you
Channel: SumikoOneeSan
Views: 2,906,381
Rating: 4.9268088 out of 5
Keywords: the story of eighty-six, sumikooneesan, 86, dog, canine, animation, mechanical, mech, mechs, the organization, corruption, government, future, technology, sumiko, lnb9, noireloupgarou, rabedessgottes, thetigerwolf55, wolf, mix, eighty, six
Id: bL6C5k4iIhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 11 2012
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