Reversal of the Heart - Carolyn Chrisman Senior Thesis 2011
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Channel: FiddleGriff Animation
Views: 22,669,256
Rating: 4.8844142 out of 5
Keywords: dragons, dragon, fantasy, 2d animation, senior thesis, animation
Id: rHLwG3ioD4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Mon May 09 2011
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This was a very interesting story.
But it just goes to show you how powerful a media sound is. If the sound effects were a little stronger... or less muted... this would have been a very wondrous piece of art. Still, the animation itself was fabulous, don't get me wrong. But I felt as though the sound was a bit underwhelming.
But hey! [His] thesis was on animation, not sound! And I think [he] did a glorious job on the animation part. Well done.
Edit: The OP didn't make this. Whoops.
That was delightful.
This was an amazing animation.
Awesome animation. Lovely style.
I'm still trying to figure out what I learned from this, but it was a great animation.
I enjoyed the dragon fantasy. Some parts of the story seemed kinda loopy