Return To Zootopia | Full Fan Film
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Channel: Browntable
Views: 4,511,691
Rating: 4.8982234 out of 5
Keywords: Browntable, Entertainment, Video, Essay, Analysis, Analyze, Analyzed, Review, Reviewer, Critic, Critique, Critical, Reviewing, Return To Zootopia, Fan Film, Episode, Return To Zootopia Episodes, Zootopia 2, Return To Zootopia Full Film, nick wilde, judy hopps, miles walker, chief bogo, Return To Zootopia Fan Film, Return To Zootopia Film, Browntable return to zootopia, browntable zootopia, fan made, zootopia fan fiction, return to zootopia fan fiction, fan fic, rtz, zootopia
Id: aVBQD2etF5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 26sec (6806 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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This is the one where she gets pregnant, right?
there's also a subreddit devoted to fan-made zootopia content
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Feels a lot like an animated book. As if you were a kid and having the story read to you, this is what you'd picture.
I dig the illustrations. That is some nice watercolour. The voice work was generally pretty good too. Feels kinda like I'm being read to in their voices, which goes back to it feeling like a book.
Music is alright too.
All in all I think they hit the mark for capturing the feeling of Zootopia. Pretty decent considering it was entirely created by one guy who's still of school age. That's a lot to bring all together.
A review from someone who HAS actually just watched this movie:
Overall movie: About the plot quality of what a kids' movie would be like- predictable, with some humorous lines sprinkled in here and there. The suggestive lines and scenes between Nick and Judy were overkill (I think they forgot their audience: children). The bad guy was obvious from the get-go (and would be obvious for children as well), unlike Zootopia. The movie was mostly done through still scenes/characters with voice-overs, with minor animations only at key moments. That being said, you can see the quality of the pictures and animation improve throughout the movie, so I thought that was very interesting.
Voice acting: Most of it was well done. Minor characters did speak with a flat, monotone voice sometimes, especially in scenes which required more emotion. I don't think any professional voice actors were used, but it can throw you off sometimes.
Moral message: I'll be honest. It was overdone. The movie felt more like a moral lecture than a kids' comedy/action movie. It just really felt like they could've toned it down a little bit instead of making it such a huge issue. The reactions of the workplace in firing them after the live tv incidentalso didn't make sense to me. Especially considering that it's set in the main city, not the outskirts or the countryside or something. However, I guess that's up for debate.
In Zootopia, the message the filmmakers were trying to convey really worked in the movie's favor as the motivations for the villain were tied to discrimination. In this movie, the motivations of the villain for his villainous acts and the moral message of the movie have no connection at all. I just feel like the writing and conveying could have been done better. Dialogues about it felt repeated just because of how often you hear similar things throughout the movie.
Other comments: I'll rate the movie somewhere around 7/10. For a one-man team, it was a good effort. However, there were issues in consistency and flow of screenwriting, and minor characters weren't done properly. For example, Karen. Her entire personality was too stereotypical and vapid. As a character, she was too two-dimensional (no pun intended). Things like the wine throwing incident felt like it was shoved in there just for the heck of it. If it was meant to be symbolism, it wasn't a good one. And the villain, Miles/Liam, his motivations and reactions to triggering incidents should have been thought out and researched more. In the scene where he was about to shoot Judy, and later in the scene where he shot Nick, his reactions and mindset was hard to follow. This is partly because of the animation, but mostly because I don't think it felt very well thought out and portrayed.
I'll update this if I think of anything else I'd like to add.
"I appreciate [this] the same way I'd appreciate someone drinking a liter of cooking oil. More so by the effort than the wisdom behind it." - Yahtzee 2018
TBH, I appreciate the effort, but I ain't ever gonna watch that shit
EDIT: thanks for the silver. I did a little tailless dance.
Dang it I was hoping it wasn’t going go the romantic direction with these two.
The most impressive part? He managed to be 17 for 2 whole years.
Also isn't Zootopia a kids movie? In the first 5 minutes the rabbit propositions the fox for sex.
edit: WTF is Zootopia about? I watched a bit more of this and there's swearing, a gun, blood. Is all of that in the original?
Fuck it. I’ve got nothing to do tomorrow. I’ll watch it and provide running commentary for the benefit of anyone who’s curious but doesn’t want to waste two hours of their life.
Each edit will refer to the timestamp in the movie
2:44—OK I'm questioning this dude's intentions based on the fact that Nick still is wearing a similar outfit to the real movie, but Judy isn't
3:17—Props to the voices of Bogo and Clawhouser. It's been a while since I've actually seen the movie but from what I remember the voices are fairly passable to the real ones
5:11—The internet has ruined me. I feel like if Disney was to do a romance plot between Nick and Judy I'd be OK with it, but a fan-movie...I feel like it's gonna take a weird turn
5:46—Yep. Judy just asked Nick if he wanted to come up to her place late at night for "coffee". This is going to get weirder isn't it?
6:10—And in case you weren't clear, Nick exclaims "I can't believe I blew my chance. Coffee? Coffee?? You know what that means?" and slams his head into the steering wheel. Kind of reminds me of me on my last date
7:18—Nick was just propositioned by a porcupine in order to get the apartment he wanted
8:22—Oh hey, cocaine and meth exist in the Zootopia universe now
(Side note: How do bugs fit in to Zootopia? I ask as I've been dealing with ants the last couple days)
12:31—Enter male rabbit character. How much you want to bet he'll not only be the romantic rival to Nick but also secretly the mastermind behind whatever is going to happen?
13:28—And in a surprise to no one I fucking called the romantic rivalry
I still have over an hour and a half left in this. I'm deeply regretting wasting my time
18:17—So why does this guy draw everyone else in police uniforms EXCEPT for Judy?
22:30—In the last two minutes we've had "That's a load of bull" and "Piss him off". I'm not sure if I'm watching a Disney movie anymore, although I probably should've picked up on that after the meth and interspecies bangin references
24:08—Book in the nightstand: Luther by Idris Elba. Guess someone's a fan of British TV
26:20—Judy "Well hello there. Officer Judy Hopps, ZPD." Nick "And I'm her boy toy"
26:40—Thanks for labeling the brochure as "Brochure!"
28:07—Nick "Oh I just love it when you talk dirty to me."
There's gonna be a sex scene in here at some point, isn't there?
29:53—Oh look! Flashbacks to child abuse! Just what every Disney property is missing
31:45—This character has the unique trait of his voice sounding like he's recording in an empty bathroom.
33:22—Two henchmen approach the sheep boss after failing their task. An example must be made. The boss spares one and shoots the otter.
34:05—So I didn't comment on this previously, but about five minutes ago in the movie there was a fight sequence on the top of the train. Flash was up there with Nick and Judy as they were trying to escape the two henchmen from the previous edit. The otter had pulled the emergency brakes on the train, which led to first Flash then Nick and Judy falling off the train down into the river below. Flash was not seen afterwards being treated or in the hospital, so I think Flash is dead.
35:41—OK that's one kinda good bit that I'm surprised they didn't put in the real movie. Nick pulls out his phone and opens up Pawtify
35:48—I'm retracting that now because of course the first song that pops up while Nick and Judy are on the rooftop alone is "Let's Get It On"
36:10—Deep gaze into each other's eyes. Nick "Hey, I want you to do something" (Insert your own punchline here)
36:18—Nick "I want you to close your eyes...yeah that's it." OK if I see fox penis here I'm done
36:23—Nick "My mother used to tell me to just close your eyes and listen" So Nick broke both his arms when he was a kid?
36:42—Nick "When things get hard, animals will help each other" ...
37:45—Romantic karaoke montage
40:31—Thanks random bar patrons for driving home the fact that Nick and Judy like each other. Really wasn't quite clear based off the rest of the movie...
42:45—Zootopia does not condone interspecies relationships. Keep the bloodlines pure
47:11—Judy is coming out of the bunny closet to her parents and telling them she and Nick are together. Doesn't go great but at least she wasn't disowned. Props to this guy for not going completely overboard there
52:00—OK so we have male rabbit romantic rival (Keep forgetting his name, think it's like Miles or something) is going hard after Judy, saying stuff like wanting to spend the rest of his life with her and shit, and they've had maybe five minutes of screentime together at this point. Also, while this is happening, we cut to a shot of henchmen violently (by Disney standards) getting his ass kicked
53:00—So apparently everyone in Zootopia is concerned with the fact that interspecies relationships are not biologically possible. Glad to know everyone is concerned with who's banging who
53:30—Male rabbit (who is running for mayor) just implied he'll impose laws against interspecies relationships if he's elected after finding out about Nick and Judy. Gotta keep the
racesspecies pure55:35—Think the male rabbit's name is Walker actually. Anyway, he just publicly outed Judy and Nick and EVERYONE IS GIVING DISAPPROVING STARES
1:00:00—OK so I'm at the one hour mark out of an hour and 53 minute movie. First off, holy shit how is there still 53 minutes left of this? The story feels like there should be only about 30 more minutes left. And second, I'm still not sure what the hell this movie is about. It seems like the main thing this movie is focusing on is the relationship between Nick and Judy. There's also something going on with this villain rabbit who's running for mayor (Because since the mayors of Zootopia ended up in jail in the original movie, anyone linked to the mayor's office must always be evil) and opening a homeless shelter? And evil rabbit was abused as a kid and kicked out of his home? And an armadillo was attacked and hospitalized and that somehow ties into all this? I have no clue what the hell is supposed to be going on here.
1:01:11—Oh hey thanks for waiting half an hour to show us Flash didn't die after all
1:01:58—Hey turns out villain rabbit is named Miles Walker. Now that I've written it down I'll be able to remember it. Maybe
1:02:40—Now Chief Bogo is talking about how Judy could say Nick was sexually harassing her in the workplace while telling Nick that they can't be together.
1:04:23—Exactly what I was missing in life: the image of Nick lying in bed in nothing but his boxers
1:08:32—Judy was at her family farm being all mopey. Her parents tell her to go back to Zootopia and get what she wants because she can do anything blah blah blah. Cut to Nick on a date with another fox. I place the over/under at 90 seconds before Judy sees Nick on the date and gets pissed and runs off.
1:09:47—Nick's date "You don't know how to tell a story." Nick "Nah I think I'm a pretty good storyteller." I feel like that same conversation would apply if I was talking with the guy who made this.
1:10:42—That got a laugh out of me. Nick and his date Karen are talking back and forth about Nick's relationship with Judy and all that stuff. Cut to a shot of the waiter mice sitting on the table looking up at them while holding a piece of popcorn.
1:12:27—Nick making it rain in the restaurant
1:13:38—Welp I was wrong. Judy did find Nick at the restaurant, but now it's going to be a nice reunion between the two of them since Karen was being a bitch
1:16:56—And it's official. They definitely banged. Nick is getting dressed as Judy is waking up in bed. I do appreciate the restraint on not actually showing fox-on-bunny action
1:17:01—I think they just implied during their passionate porking that Judy ripped the shirt off Nick. Did not need that imagery.
1:30:32—OK so I've been zoning out for the last little bit. There really hasn't been anything funny or stupid. Basically we've found out Walker's real name is Liam Margarine (Which side note, I'm sure there could've been a better name for him. I mean, I can't believe it's not Butter). Walker/Margarine is a psychopath who apparently killed his family when he burned down the house intentionally. Now he's going to try and wipe out all the homeless because reasons.
1:34:05—Thank you for literally spelling out the entire villain's plot again in one conversation when we have spent the last 12 minutes already having it pieced together
1:37:23—Creator definitely improved his skills over the two years of animating. Just had a ton of movement out of nowhere after basically still images for most of the movie
1:40:00—Man all this motion is really jarring. Like someone just tossed in a completely different movie. Kinda wish the guy had kept it all one style. Either go with what you started with or remaster the beginning using your new skills
1:42:52—Judy just pulled off the ending to Friday the 13th Part 2 to save the day
1:45:32—And the Zootopia-Frozen link lives on. Just LET IT GO
1:46:55—So the lesson here is the key to curing sociopaths who were abused by their fathers is giving them a hug and saying I'm sorry
1:46:21—Nick steps back from the hug and BITCH SLAPS MARGARINE TO THE GROUND
1:48:14—Nick "You know, this hospital yogurt isn't that bad, but I'm in the mood for something a little more...carroty" Fuckin barf
1:50:04—Oh come the fuck on. One of the random side characters turned out to be a bunny disguised as a ferret or something and he was working for ZI6
1:52:00—And the movie ends on a cliffhanger with Nick's mom showing up at the door. Cut to credits
TL;DR below