Alone a wolf's winter - ESMA 2020
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: ESMA Movies
Views: 184,018
Rating: 4.949039 out of 5
Keywords: esma, école supérieure des métiers artistiques, esma school, école esma, formation 3d, formation fx, formation cinéma 3d, formation effets spéciaux, effets spéciaux, animation 3d, short film, student short film, film étudiant, film d'animation étudiant, CGI, CG, CG graduation movie, alone a wolf's winter, wolfs, loups, loup noir, louveteaux, meute de loup, alaska, wolf pack, trappeur, trapper, trappeur alaska
Id: lviabKgc-Lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 21sec (381 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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