Efren Reyes vs Francisco Bustamante | One Pocket Showdown | Day 1

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Fantastic upload. The show girls are a bit weird to see there but the match is fantastic

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/umaid_i πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Sounds X-rated

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PostComa πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

What’s with the confused looking girl wearing barely anything?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Heilbroner πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
bye [Music] well this is the moment we've been waiting for for a very long time welcome to the sharks one pocket showdown my name is noel zarate nato no less than the two legends francisco bustamante american [Music] um ladies and gentlemen without further ado welcome to the sharks one pocket showdown featuring efren reyes versus francisco pustavante [Music] this is the sharks one pocket showdown race to 12 two day event featuring efren bata reyes versus francisco jungle bustamante good luck gentlemen i'm supposed to speak in english i forgot welcome to the sharks one pocket showdown we are about to begin this matchup between the two legends efrain reyes and francesco bustamatti my name is noel zarate speaking in straight english for our international audience and aj ong will be speaking in the vernacular to deal with our local audiences as well as our filipino audiences abroad that's right um good afternoon noel and salah this is going to be an interesting matchup actually aj you and i tried to play one packet yesterday and that's exactly what the break looked like when we were playing yesterday well the left pocket belongs to efren and the right pocket belongs to jack we'll see we'll double check because uh which side do you remember which side fm broke from he broke from the right side so efren's going to take the left pocket and the right pocket belongs to django and you can see immediately bustamante does not have any offensive options here he's gonna try to create something his pocket is on the left side and we expect to see a lot of this today a lot of defense to begin the game and again the the object of the game is whoever makes eight balls first in his assigned pocket will win the rack yeah that's right so now efren whose pocket is on the right side of the table looking to develop a bank shot and he gets that tool to drop so efrain scores first and not only that he's also developed several offensive options here you can see the seven nine plays as a combination he's also got the four ball there not all depends on how he prepares for the 15 and the three we may be off to an early win here for the man they call the magician and he continues to develop more on that side notice that he left the seven nine untouched because it serves as a combination yeah but maybe later on he's already gotten two balls here so efren two zero for jungle so far here in rack number one aj is trying to figure out exactly what the efforts next shot is it could be a defensive shot actually he can see he can snip this 11 and just um bring it up table for now he's gonna play what appears to be a 315 or he's just going to kick the three ball away and put the 15 near the pocket so again django does not have any early looks here although that 12 ball looks like it could bank fn already with two made balls here in rack number one again the object is to get to eight and effort was able to return the three ball into the pile he was trying to carry the 15 there here's what django is going to do he's going to try to bank this 15 across to his side or just take it out of the pocket you oh he scratches the cue ball and we have coach ramon mystica yeah as our referee that's right and effort was taking a bar but coach bunching as he's called here is the everybody that coach munching has taught did not achieve greatness that's what he was saying really but of course these are old friends so you notice when efrain scratched the ball one of the balls that he put in was placed back in the spot and django now has to take his next shot from behind the head string san francisco able to make that combination shot to his side so he's got one ball made already in this rack now the nice thing about this here is that your bank shot gets developed in matches like this yeah your bank shots your combinations so if you notice right now he's eyeing that three and the five these guys could bank and if you watched our bank shot showdown the last time although francisco did not advance to the finals he did a pretty decent job going up against dennis or coolio so what he's going to do is he's going to send more balls up table so that effort will have a difficulty bringing them down just like that so efra now comes to the table not quite sure if that one ball can can bank but he's going to try something else here it appears okay here's the deal uh efren is shooting into only one pocket that's why this is called the one pakistan look at this shot that he's got on the 11. he was trying to put that in his pocket which is the right pocket for this rack and francisco shooting into the left pocket only two pockets are in play now francisco sees this is efren's pocket so he's going to do is he's just going to get the 11 ball out of there or even bank it into his pocket just like that so francisco bustamante has taken the lead here in this rack and not only that he may have developed some offensive options here not quite sure if the eight passes the five but that could be his next shot now you can see his pocket francisco's pocket is only the left side at least for this rack look at that he combined it for the three now django up three to one that was like three balls right yeah he made three balls move but he's a combination but he's up now three to one and it appears that he may be able to slice in the eight into his pocket there you go and he's come up nicely for the 10 ball which can also go in now the 5 and 14 are also there so by all indications jacob bustamante has this rack under control yeah four bolts left 10 the 5 and the 14. yeah those are the automatics now let's see if we can develop one more well if he can hit the five and go into this rail with this this pile with the four and the six which he just did so francisco now it's six two balls away from claiming rack number one four ball will be the last ball that's exactly true so francisco bustamante after falling behind early against efferent reyes is going to take raft number one that's right in our shark's one pocket showdown now coach ramon mistika who is our acting referee for today also explained the intricacies of the game and he was telling me earlier that although there are only six there's six pockets here only two are in play the other four pockets can also be used as strategic uh strategic uh what you call this no you can put and it's just going to come out and be replaced into the spot so that comes into strategy that's not a foul if you shoot it in the side pocket or in the upper corner pocket pockets now francisco is breaking from the right side of the table that means the opposite pocket is his so we've alternated now so we've now alternated so efren is now shooting into the left pocket in francisco trying to put as many of the balls to his side of the pocket without giving efren a shot oh ephron rather than here comes francisco now he's got several looks over there to that left side he wants efforts balls to get out of there like that and again francisco is on the right side of the table now that's his left that's his pocket a friend's got the left the left lower corner pocket now what are the other questions this is a one-pocket showdown if you have any questions feel free to ask aj and i have actually experienced playing one pocket yesterday here's the bank to the seven so we have two potential mix on the side for on the side of jungle now efrain has nothing on his side right now not quite sure if this five ball banks let's see if he can bank in the five ball and efforts gonna try to slow roll the five and he makes it so that is the first here in rack number two going to efferent reyes he's got the 13 and he can probably also pop up for the uh 12 ball coming up next we've got the 13 12 ball is in good position to go as well let's see if he can develop more so two two balls made now for reference you can play the four next yes that's true but gets in contact with the four balls so the different develop another ball he still stuck at three yeah so he's got four made and then an e4 okay three balls right so just so that you're familiar with our scoreboard here the white digit indicates number of balls made in the rack and the yellow digit indicates the the rack one so francisco bustamante won rack number one we are playing to a race to six today and then the rest of the six games will be played tomorrow yes okay one of the best games it is if you like scoring then this is not the game for you yeah 9 volt 10 will be the game for you but one pocket as django said earlier in the interview is the most popular form of billiards in the united states right now listen there's a lot of high-stakes games yes except was asked earlier when i asked efren earlier he when he went to the states in 1985 and he beat everybody in nineveh when he came back in 1986 they didn't want to go up against him in nine bullets so they said let's just do this game with one pocket he became a world champion as well you can't stop this guy yeah that's right that's why it's called the goat and right now francisco bustamante has control of the table that's his fourth ball made here in this rack and by in by all indications right here he could take another wreck here from the champ good evening i good evening good afternoon sabine three balls away from taking a two to nothing lead in this race to six for today of course the rest of it will be played tomorrow and he makes enough room for the 11. last two balls now for django and here's his patented behind the back shot yes and he's got this 15 ball to take a 2-0 lead in this race to six there you go francisco bustamante all over efren reyes so far here yeah and we do have our our sponsors to thank you of course we would like to thank bugsy promotions origin carbon fiber shafts billy's resort in oslob cebu aqua v mud kicks by v v lugo anglugo nakuba kilohertz bounce apparel music avenue vehement all about the process sports bar in dmog quezon city outsville magic chalk jb cases thoroughbred layer tips hard times billiard planet and ropa commercial in binondo manila so our referee ramon mystica aka munching mystica one of the veterans of this game and he has taught many of our young professionals the the ropes and how to get better and there's angel always trying to get everybody better by smiling or the whole day that's right so if andreas now to break he is now going to have the right pocket the right side or the left side of your screen i i forgive me the left side of your screen will now belong to efrain to make a ball on the break which is rare in one pocket django sees this eighth ball as a threat let's see if he can get it out of there so reyes now on the left side django now on the right side he's gonna kick it out yeah kick it out right there and bring it back to the pile so that's fast because this is just an exhibition match and everyone was already telling me this is an exhibition match so we're just going to enjoy it but this is also like an educational tool to everybody look at the way he plays this one ball look at that [Music] that's a badge how do you put spin on the object it was going straight i thought it wasn't gonna go in yeah but he put spin on the object that's very very correct that's the magician for you and then he combines for the six looks like efren um doesn't want to be left behind here by django he does have a shot on the two right now so 2-0 here in rack number three for efren let's see if he can develop the other balls inside he's putting a lot of left spin on this making the two does he see the nine yes he does he might even see the 12 as well not sure about the 12 maybe the nine yeah he's gonna cut the nine yeah i came up short here on the 12 but again by playing the nine he can run into the pile now if he puts a lot of left a right spin on the ball and just right the pile there you go four straight now for efren however he didn't hit the pile hard enough yeah make sure he has to get the balls away from the right side of the table which is jango's pocket and good afternoon to edward huffman ah edward is still up yeah so here we are this is what everyone was waiting for the whole week now efren's got a he's in a pickle right here he can't well is he going to take an intentional foul he is taking an intentional foul all right guys now this is part of the strategy here you can see referee munching mystica is bringing out one of the balls that efren made and re-spotting it so efforts now down to three balls made in this rack yeah you can see from our from our score right now the the rack count is determined by the yellow digit the yellow digit is number of racks one so francisco's leading in this match two racks to nothing but efren has made three balls already in this rack minus the one that he fouled on so he's got three uh balls made in this rack now francisco he's got a situation here where everyone's gonna force him to put one of the balls or at least at least one of the balls to the left side unless he comes up with something probably like snip the 14 and send the cue ball up table which is i think what he's going to do right now is just going to snip this 14 ball and bring the cue ball up table so that being a legal shot because the 14 hit a rail and now efren's gotta try to do something here i'm not quite sure if efren can cross back the 14 we've seen him do this before it doesn't pass he is going to take that 14 out of there by hook or by crook because that is an advantage ball for django so yeah he drags the 14 up table as well now django appears to have a shot on the 8th yeah django appears to have from this angle he appears to have a shot on the 8th and probably even mess up the table but it appears that he's going to try to bank the 14. he banks the 14 but it hits the pile so he's still scoreless here and see if efron can snip the seven into his pocket again this is one pocket guys this is one of the i would say the chess of billiards yes that's right so appreciate that yes yes yes and sometimes it grows on you oh my god [Music] remember guys aj my partner over here is exclusively a nine ball ten ball player well yesterday when i said all right let's practice one pocket we played one pocket he he caught him thinking a lot what am i gonna do next how am i gonna yeah yeah yeah that's a legal shot again for francisco he's leaving efren with no offensive options and i have a feeling rack number three unless somebody actually runs into the pile it's going to take a while thank you very much r.j silverio sabina staying a plate here in the u.s in arizona yeah and this is a very very popular game in the united states and efren just made took a barb at this game actually earlier by saying you know the older you are the older you are in terms of age the better you are at this game in one pocket and then i asked him so you have an advantage over django not really [Laughter] [Music] the guys who are excelling at this are guys like joshua filler uh the young guys from on tour in fact dennis or coolio is actually pretty good at the one pocket yeah actually credited his knowledge of one pocket for being the world bank shot champion because this exercise is your bank shot or the derby city backshot champion yes this exercise is your banking ability as well so francisco's got nothing going to his pocket so he's going to send the 14 ball back into the pile and deny efrain any offensive options from edward hoffman one pocket and three cushion will help your rotation game exactly three cushion which is efrain's specialty game yeah that's where efren really put himself on the map he's one of the best three cushion players in the world if not the best three cushion player in the world this that's why efren is so in love with this game because it puts all of his strengths to work so effort now is gonna try to send the cue ball up table by sending the three into the pile he's just gonna send the cue ball back into the pile how about that jungle i'm telling you rack number three this is gonna take a while this is what it normally looks like because racks one and two it looked like an offensive festival for for django this is what one pocket usually feels like and we study the options here so django can actually send the eight ball up table as well and keep the cue ball where it is right now just like that and if he had made that ball that ball would just be respotted it's not a foul yeah so notice that efren right now is eyeing the eighth ball oh he's just gonna loosen up the pile a bit and still not give django any offensive option here although i think the five ball is loose the five the five might be loose enough to bank at the back yeah yeah the five is loose enough django does bank in the five nicely done and now he's put the cue ball facing his side of the pocket right now let's see if he can attack this one ball if it passes the third of the four the that would be his next offensive option if he chooses to play offense but he's going to try to play some defensive game here by putting the cue ball back into the pile yeah save your energy for tonight that's right use the restroom now [Laughter] and shout out you know reagan from darwin australia yeah i i don't know if one pocket's a big game over in australia but it's sweeping the world i mean efren said as early as 1986 they were asking him already they were challenging him to one pocket which he didn't know anything about so he studied it yeah i believe that's a foul by jungle it is a foul he didn't hit any balls so he's gonna be back to zero as the ball he made is re-spotted afrin still at three needs five balls to claim his first victory in this match see what he what else he can develop right now there's actually nothing that can be developed here and if he sends the cue ball up table jungle is going to see the 14. so everyone would like to keep the cue ball at this side of the table and plays a legal shot again again django is shooting into the right pocket as you see on your scoreboards there is no offensive option at the moment unless he can do something with his 14 ball he's not gonna touch it though at the moment so that's a good reply is he forcing efren to play the three ball as a bank shot because if he forces their friend to do that the pile could widen yeah that's possible basically so he just get rid of the 14 ball which is something that efren might have wanted to do earlier so that the threat jango's side is diffused but that is a foul once again so efren sacrificed because that did not hit a rail coming off the bank so munching mystica our referee re-spots one of the balls that efren made so efren's daunted two maid in this rack there's a possibility that you can go negative here in this rack you know you make a bank shot without me or make a bad shot without having any balls spotted you could go minus one i've seen matches that had guys go to minus five already django is just gonna tell everyone all right i'm gonna put another ball in my side start thinking what you're gonna do next and everyone can't touch the tent now because of where jungle put it or can he back to my side too back to my side efforts got the positional advantage in this rack now django has a shot at the 14. we played this for about what an hour yesterday an hour yeah just to get the feel of the game yeah so django yeah the 14 is available that's for sure the thing is will he take it on what is the benefit of taking on the 14 wall and you notice where efren put the cue ball he's right put it up table really near the rail to give django a difficult um cue action after connecting with the 14 if django chooses to take on the 14 ball that's what's being given to him in filipino we may call this shot a pain shot meaning he's being given the shot because he knows that something bad is going to come out of it yeah he's going to use it as bait yeah and these two guys boy they've known each other for decades they've played this game in fact the first time i ever did a one pocket event was in 2015 and featuring these two guys it was a race to three and it took us about five hours almost five hours there there's the 14 ball on offense it's not going to make it and effort's just going to knock this 14 out of there yeah he's studying his offensive options but efren has to get that 14 ball out of there it's too near the pocket i wouldn't even be surprised if efrain banks the 14 to his side because janko didn't put it near enough in the pocket so efren might actually steal this 14 ball but that is the object well now for airframe get the 14 out of there either offensively or defensively is everybody still following yeah of course [Music] is he going to back the 14 or is he just going to knock it out of there he's just going to knock it out of there at the same time play the 12 ball nicely done so effort now back up to 3 here in this rack we'd like to give a big shout out to mr hadley mariano so it looks like efrain does have the control here the control of the table and also the balls to finish off django in this rack he's up to four now again one mistake yeah is if he had made the 14 that would have been it he could have been able to freeze efren again but now efren's up to five three balls needed there are three balls available the three the nine and the eight although the eight looks hooked that's what everyone's saying he's so he may have to attack one of the tied up balls here like the 11. lost position on the three though unless he can back the five effort at six two balls away if he can back the five he'll have good position on the three and that's gonna be it he's going to back the five look at the speed of speed ridiculous he almost made it but look at that and django can't take it out of there either because he's being blocked that's right yeah so what's gonna happen here now is jungle he can't get it out of there so he has to attack something maybe the 14 ball backs but he's going to be bridging really weird he can't get to the 15. yeah our friends won every aspect of this rack so far jacob cannot afford to make a mistake anymore because reference two balls away oh yeah i mean everyone's got the five in for sure he could actually choose between the three and the four for his final ball django is going to be bridging funny if he tries to hit the 14. from anito kidd mapuga is friend played against and learned the rudiments of one pocket with the beard freddie bentivegna so jungle tried to do something and you see he potted the the three ball in the upper corner it's not a foul he's just being responded so efrain's got two balls left five and whatever he wants five and whatever he wants yeah in this case the sixth ball yeah for win number one friend reyes there we go so efren is on the board now win number one here against francesco bustamante in our race to six for day one of course day two will be also race to six this is a race to twelve we are doing our best sharks the sharks community and the sharks and the bugsy promotions along with pouya sports of course are doing our best to educate everybody about the new forms of uh not really the new forms the unpopular forms of the game or the not so popular forms remember we had a bank shot contest the other day and for our international audience as we educated them on the rotation game which is something that is indigenous not really indigenous but more popular in the philippines perhaps than anywhere else in the world except probably for russia and today we are doing what is probably the most popular game in the united states which is one pocket so this is just a great learning tool brought to us by bugsy promotions by sharks and of course thank you to puyat sports for uh helping us in this event so now django bustamante is going to be shooting into the right pocket because he's breaking from the left side so django is still on the right side now and efren is still on the left side here in rack number four [Music] breaking from the right side right so he takes the the the right or the left side he's taking the right pocket now yes that's what dictates this that's why that's why django put that three ball there so effort has to play defense first jungle might have a combination shot here from 1413. no no no but he's he's fighting on the right side that's efrain who has that lately yeah so nothing banks here for django you just decide to put more balls on his side just in case later on still leaves no shot for air fred efren can't bank anything in or can he everyone's sending a lot of balls over to his side now quanting champion [Music] [Music] again you have to understand that when we featured the rotation when we featured the rotation showdown here in sharks it baffled the the foreign viewers because what the heck is rotation and they finally got it so now we're trying to give the one pocket to our filipino audience because if you didn't know that these our filipino players are some of the best one pocket players in the world a friend can't bank i don't know if he can snip in the four probably everything can roll in the four here and and just create more shots from running into the pile so this four ball is going to go on the ledger of efferent there you go nicely done so the pile has widened up but the nine does not pass the seven and jungle's got the eight ball right there in his pocket so what everyone can do is actually take the eight ball out of here oh looks like he found an offensive shot it's a two seven combination there it is two seven combination he's gonna follow this up with a 9-2 combination but the thing is he's still lacking a few more offensive options because django does have that eight ball already there so if it's going to continue attacking here oh he's going to play the 14 10 combination just like that that brings reference ball count down to three that's it he can finish off at this point yes he can because the 15 the 12 the 14 the two they're all available now from dennis nassar efferent played buddy hall in the legends of one pocket world championship buddy hall two years in a row yeah playing buddy hall buddy beat him yeah both years four one in the finals yeah both years becoming world one pocket champion twice ooh effort almost scratched there he's up to five he's gonna have to play this 11-2 combination well at least he got the eight ball out of there but yeah this is the only shot he's got now it's an 11-2 combination from chris capp i think that scorecard girl is digging me digging you fall in line sir [Laughter] reference up to five he's got at least two balls left that are visible let's see if he can develop the 14 ball as well reference hesitating on this shot he's smiling too if he misses jungle is going to win this because jungle's got all those balls on his side already he's not playing oh yeah he's playing the 11 rail first and he did miss however did not leave a shot here for jungle got nothing he can't bank anything in he's going to have to make sure that he plays some form of defense but efrain's got to get a bunch of balls already on his side so django's thinking how is he going to get the two ball out of there and leave our friend with no shot probably use the he's gonna use the 14 ball it appears that's what you call giving efra no shot nicely done hello from eric penaranda garlingza i know paris oh is this is one pocket of popular sport in in france jeffrey gonna do here he's gonna send the cue ball underneath the eight and tie up one of the the balls here for django the five and the nine are now together this is getting diff more more and more difficult for bustamante at this point just gonna knock the two out of the pocket from ephrain better be careful because it could scratch or he could foul if he misses the two ball completely oh look at this he just brought the two ball back to his side almost made it however that cue ball is going to stay up that's a lucky break for francisco bustamante half the cue ball yeah it's on the pocket see if efren can attack the three ball from here and still hold position for the 11 and the 14. those are the only balls now he needs to think about i missed the three badly believe it or not django still doesn't have an offensive option unless he can see enough of this 13 ball if you can see enough of this 13 ball to pot he might be able to hold position for the next couple of balls five nine is not on unless he probably uses the eight see this is the beauty of one pocket you have so many options that you need to think about yeah from this angle looks like he can hit the 13 and it does pass the eight oh he's gonna try to manufacture something here with the three or the fourteen he's trying to try to manufacture the 14. that was a very smart shot he just didn't make it efrain at five needing three balls to win this rack i think efrain can bank the eighth do you think everyone can bank v8 he's looking at it right now it does it banks i put a thing yeah yeah or oh he's going to play some defense here on django yeah this is vicious yeah where are you gonna go from there django zero here in rack number four and he's going to play an intentional foul did the 14 move no and there's the marker now so minus one for francisco here in rack four there's the markers the the chalk was placed there by our referee see that there's a chalk right there that's the marker now that francisco owes a ball that's a legal shot again does not leave anything for francisco there's one match i saw danny circle you go for a three rail bank three real bags it mystified his opponent oh this is gonna sell out though or jungle is forcing efren to take a very long shot at the three actually if you look at it there's also got the 13. so is it either the three or the thirteen on offense at least that's available for efferent and the eleventh ball is too near the side pocket for any offensive option from that angle so it looks like everyone's taking on the three ball can't get it in oh and francisco's got a shot on the two he was prepping for the five next yeah francisco's got the two ball and he could open up his side he's opened up his side now eighth ball is next oh of course that is the that was his um the ball he owed so he's back to zero now there it is francisco now with one not only that he might be able to steal the rack now from ephraim everything's opened up he's got the five the one if he can develop the 13 14 still lacking though though from bain mendoza yes one pocket in penis finally finally i i think this is gonna we're gonna learn so much from these guys that it could be a trend already here so francisco avoided hitting the one he's now on the 13 and it's easier from this side now he is in trouble he is in trouble he's gonna have to play the nine to the fourteen he's in trouble now one mistake efra needs only three more balls yeah that's the only shot he's got 9 14 combination and it's very difficult well it's risky to hit the 14 to kick the 14. no he might sell out he's gonna have to play the 914 that's his only shot just when everything looked to be on a roll for francisco bustamante he runs into this these guys are lucky that they don't have a shot clock in derby city they have a shot clock for one pocket a one minute shot clock francisco gets it to go does he lose position on the cue ball no he does not he can see the nine that is just a lot of experience for you there are a lot of guts as well but he's in the clear a hard combination shot yeah with the bridge yeah so he's got he needs uh four balls he's gonna need either that 11 or that or that three the three is the easier of the two so is it six it looks like he's gonna bank the six in probably hold position oh he's gonna go what is this two rails for the three or okay he's gonna yeah there's the ball that he owed earlier so efrain can't attack the 11 because he's going to scratch so he's going to try to get some of those balls back to his side is francisco thinking about cross banking the nine that'll be crazy is it the nine sorry it's a 13 ball he is going to cross back the 13. there it is he attacked it from this angle can a friend make the 11 or the six perhaps yeah the six yes but he still needs three balls total francisco only needs two so that 11 ball is gonna have to be played in one way or one way or another and he's doing the 11 right now just needs to play this a little bit forward so it won't scratch missed it again yeah and that brings it to the side of francisco and django needs only two more that was not an easy shot that therefore took because there was a big scratch looming for him there so francisco is going to use the sixth ball as his last ball wow and he steals a rack from efren afrin was in complete control of rack four this is now a three one count francisco bustamante now leading 3-1 here in this race to six day one that was a very very interesting rack they're going to take yeah that's right yeah they're going to take a short break here but esther missed a few shots that he normally makes by the way you know important yeah we do have our sponsors to thank of course bugsy promotions origin carbon fiber shafts police resort in oslob cebu aqua v mud kicks by v v lugo anglugo nankubo the target on airsoft dcme 1530 kilohertz bounce apparel music avenue vehement all about the process the sports bar in timo quezon city outsville magic chalk jb cases thoroughbred layered tips billiard planet hard times and ropa commercial this break is brought to us by origin carbon fiber shafts europa commercial and hard time sports bar so efrain now taking the left pocket francisco now taking the right pocket from kevin burris thank you both not just for blessing us with this match but many years you have given us a great pool thank you very much sir yeah the two of them they deserve all your praises francisco and efren we are so lucky that even in this generation this generation still gets to watch these two legends at work now francisco is going to tie something up he's giving a friend [Music] no shot here on his uh on his side although maybe afrin can manufacture this 15 ball as a bank shot or this 10 ball rather as a bank shot that's the only thing open or is he going to be patient he's gonna put the two ball closer to his pocket django sees that the two ball is a threat is banking the 13. oh well he gives everyone a point that that will go into the ledger reference efforts got the 13. if he plays it right he's got the one ball no stayed up for a while he's got the six ball now effort could make short work of this rack right now if he opens this one up django was trying to get that two ball out of there he was surprised when he made it there it is oh efrain's just scattered everything down his direction this should be a short rack that's right he's going to play a 12-9 combination and hold everything else for there oh but he missed it though oh he's giving francisco a bunch of balls to him this could be a massive mistake for the for the magician how many balls does francisco have in this area right now he's got at least five yeah if he sees the seven that's six balls right there he could work his way around he's actually going for the seven next already just to be sure wow massive mistake there foreign yeah the seven solves many problems if francisca takes it on now and he decided to leave it for later that's his cherry on top of his sunday here he actually made a ball into efren's pocket and now he's gifted with this layout probably play the three next and then hold position a little bit of inside for the 11 ball that's why i was thinking if you played the seven first it solves a lot of uh solves a lot of problems but he's he's still okay now hold for the eleven brings his total up to now to three and come up for the seven ball next probably even the ten now he's playing the seven so he wanted this angle for the seven not the straight in one earlier you can see that the seven is unobstructed he runs into the 14 ball might even make the four yeah well that's reference pocket though yeah there he knocked it out and this is gonna be francisco bustamante running away with this rack there are no more problems here he's gonna play this inside to get the 15. needs two more balls he's gonna pop back up probably get the 10 ball there it is boy one mistake from efren very costly yeah this is going to be a 4-1 lead now and you can do it you can do you're safe to say so francisco bustamante able to get it done so now leading four racks to one two wins away yeah two wins away from ending hostilities here and day number one and this will be a very early break for us but again you can't count out efren yeah of course but again but that combination shot that's that's effective of course it is it is effort makes that like 9 out of 10 times even perhaps 10 out of 10 times but he missed it that time and that mistake opened up the entire side for django amazing well again yes you said aj one mistake in one pocket that could cost you the whole rack that's right jan francesco now is moving to the right side of the table now he's breaking this break brought to us by origin carbon fiber shafts rapa commercial and hard time sports bar well yeah so efren now on the right side of the table ojango now on the right side of the table efren on the left side of the table he's gonna try to manufacture something wow look at that back shot by by the legend right there and he's smiling because that that must have felt good he let that last rack slip away in fact he let two racks slip away yeah i know efrain well definitely he's got this 13 ball he just needs to develop the next one it's not necessarily straight so you can actually probably play this off two rails and get to the six he chooses to draw and get you attack the 14 next and he can open up the table now by bouncing from the 14 into the pile avoids the pile looks like he's content with what he sees three ball six ball perhaps even the 10 ball or the 12 ball rather he's gonna draw from the six he's made three already in this rack i should draw [Music] still sees enough of the three and then he needs to develop his next shot nice to have you with us how many people are watching today 612. yeah good afternoon so efren's got the three what does he develop next though there it is three he develops everything yeah he develops everything you're right that that i believe is the 10 ball from this layout it is safe to say oops not quite mr safe to say bumped into the aid so you hit a friend with your safety i think it was late the moment he struck it this is safe to say bang and he runs into this to the eighth wow aj has just put his curse on the greatest of all time [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh no he's going to sell this out to francisco oh francisco might steal another rack but this one's coming off as safe to say so we're gonna put an asterisk on that for everyone it wasn't entirely his fault this time for our international viewers if aj on my part that's safe to say the curse if aj ong says something about safe to say something happens to the wreck and it usually doesn't affect the pros he's done it twice to francisco in a 10 well competition and he actually effort this is his third appearance here efren has never been hit by the safe to say until today that's crazy yeah amazing aj really thought that you know efren would be immune because he is the greatest of all time would be immune to your safety plague the plague is back francisco is now rolling here in this rack and good afternoon to you don vager hope we got your name right sir yeah francisco now two balls away now here's here's the key shot because he needs to land on one of these guys oh this is a scary shot but makeable on the eight for the hill for today it's safe to see you it doesn't work anymore 5-1 lead five wins and three racks that efren should have easily won well two of them efren wasn't able to deliver the last one was on a safe to say so one rack away for bending hostility in day number one that that's cassie by the way angel had the the first crack at the board earlier because you know what rack three was an indication of how it normally should have been played yeah even one rack three right but since then there's been a series of unfortunate roles for efren a combination shot that he should have made and then that the preparation shot that he should have made then there was one that he just missed something and left it for django so it's actually just three racks that could have gone either way it could have gone effects way but django stole three consecutive racks now and air france deciding i'm gonna shift to the left side now of the pocket he's moved to the left now so left side left pocket belongs to airframe right side now belongs to francisco 5-1 lead [Music] well he owes francisco now a ball that's minus one now for efren and it will be ball in hand for francisco from behind the head string so efren reyes minus one in this rack [Music] [Music] there's probably a reason why he made that foul janko might he's just gonna get that six ball out of there oh he puts it into efren's pocket he did this in the last iraq so effort owes nothing again it's back to zero for a friend no everyone's trying to pull a fast one he's trying to pull a fast one under one mistake and say hey that's mine yeah but you owe something i do [Laughter] so air france back to zero effort goes into the pile once again sending more of his balls was adding more balls to his side and francisco can't attack because of the way he's gonna have to bridge over everything here so he's gonna try to just poke at that two ball all right that's a good result in case you're just joining us i know we're just about an hour in but francisco bustamante has already taken a 5-1 lead here in day one action and he's on the hill for day one we will play a race to six today and then another race to six tomorrow starting 3 p.m philippine time once again yeah yeah so guys thank you again for joining us my name is noel zarate doing the english commentary aj ong mr safe to say himself is doing the vernacular that's another foul by efren so he's going to be back at -1 he has nothing potted so again ramon mystica our referee puts a marker on the side of the reference so efferent back to -1 in this rack look at this it's like a this is like a drill if you're doing nine balls shoot the four into the corner three into the side seven into the corner this is like a drill this is a pocketing drill look at this it's like the letter u and their friend this is this is well this is the way it really looks like let's see if django is going to put more hurt into efren's world now they're really just running into the pile right now and django's got a bunch of them on his side efren has nothing to attack at this point under 5 pm yeah okay mr kabat they were absent last night absolutely last night i don't know i don't see any anything that efren can do to salvage what's on the side of django right now let's see if django can attack the sixth ball efren still owes a ball here in this rack well django's going into the pile again this is a one mistake from efren already at this point there are four possible candidates for pots there on the side or maybe even five on the side of jungle this is a one mistake by ephra and django is going to take over and their friend says all right let's send some my way almost made the film i don't think jago can get that out of there but he now has a shot at the eight from christian joseph guess what i have a team here in sydney and our our team's name is safe to say are you serious you might not be winning a lot of games the safe to say curse here by aj ong in the philippines is is uncanny francisco did not shoot the eighth ball and he left the two ball this is gonna change fortunes now because everyone's got any form of combination for the four yeah no i'm just saying it in conversation you know it's such a big plaguey phrase that thing that aj says that's why django missed that two ball my goodness so here for now any combination on the four and he's rolling so he doesn't owe anything anymore he's back to zero back to zero eight balls and you notice that ramon mystical referee did not re-spot the ball he's going to be spotted at the end of efren's turn so effort now at one [Music] shot at the 11. he's gonna try to draw back and get something going he's not gonna make it though but i think he can still see the 13. draws back just enough for the 15 now and by all indications that one mistake by django is going to cost him let's see if efren can put the rest of the walls there down here at least into his ledger comes up a bit short here for the five but he's still okay i'd like to say hi there is that mr raj patalinghuk yeah he just came in mr joyron thing is also in the building some of our sharks players trying to learn as much as they can from these two legends efra needs two to go where's that last ball coming from that's it no he's going to back the last one he still needs one more back on the oh yeah no way [Music] need seven balls and how many are left on the table seven balls he needs to clear this but the eighth ball is in efference ledger he's in the effort's pocket right now he's gonna have to think of how he's gonna extract that how are we going to finish this oh okay francisco just came up short [Music] he could still play the three as a back shot and then he missed it and efren's going to steal this or is efforts going to survive this can i say this is for this is for his second win there you go all right yeah here's something we should never say safe to say anymore django is going to take a breather right now as efferent i need to work on my bank shot one of the greatest fall times as he needs to work on his bank shot attendance [Music] morales and christian joseph well good afternoon to you guys from the philippines we hope you're enjoying uh the sharks presentation of the one ball showdown something that may not be um what is this may not be something that most filipinos know about they probably heard about it before and we're on a timeout so we're going to take this short break [Music] all right back with us here in our continuing coverage of the sharks one pocket showdown between the two legends francisco bustamante and efren reyes now francisco is taking the right side of the table and everyone's taking the left side of the table for those of you just joined us we are coming off a timeout francisco bustamante now leading five to two in this race to six here for day one this is a race to twelve so we will continue the next six racks tomorrow my name is noel zarate alongside aj ong and the friend who owns the left pocket now gonna leave nothing easier for jungle so how are you guys doing out there in cyber land and social media land again for those filipinos who are tuning in right now and are wondering what they're watching this is the one pocket showdown so this game of one pocket very popular in the united states very popular in many areas of the world in the philippines could still be in the infancy at least for the billiards aficionados we have hans paolo lustres right i'm sure most of the youngsters so hard times yeah efren knocks out the three from jungle side again jungle shooting on the right pocket in this rack and effort shooting on the left pocket junko needs just one more rack to end hostilities here in day one let's see if efren gets tempted to shoot the 14 as a two fourteen uh i've seen him do this before though yeah he's thought about it he's thinking now let's just play some more defense and 14 ball is not yet available here for django because the one and the three are in the way otherwise he wouldn't play that shot yeah or maybe the five ball is available now as a bank shot for django takes it on he's going to miss it though but does not sell out anything for efforts it doesn't give efren any offensive option you're right and this is rack number eight our race to six for today race to six again tomorrow my friend puts the seventh ball near the corner pocket near his pocket at least jungle's just going to knock it out of there also known as the maestro is our official referee for this event yes the meister used to teach pool in canada and in the us thus the moniker well he has touched many lives of course as a billiards coach you do have two legends here so why not bring in a third one in ramon mystika you know the jungle's itching to go all off you can see his face you can't you can't yeah you're up against effort even if everyone's down two racks to five he can just string together wins here not leaving anything easy here again for the magician there's your two here it comes he's just going to knock this out again who's that is that robinson robert yeah that's robin hood cruise so therefore aj is the real goat he is i mean how can you how can you put the safe to say one day release then he just comes up short on preparation and gives django the whole rack yeah the first person to actually get a shot here is gonna win the rack oh effort might take a chance here on the seven let's see if he does that he does he's not gonna come up anywhere near it though now it looks like the two ball might be available now for for django as a bank shot wow almost almost everyone's got the seven though yeah me seven chadito but conditions it all depends on where he puts the cue ball too dawn vegard aj the plague that's that's a great moniker don thank you very much he is i mean he's a nice guy and all but when he gets that safe to say thing oh shoot i said it when he said it puts that safe to say thing on the table you know bad things happen to really good men i mean you guys have to catch our sharks nine ball showdown tonight i mean we have a list of 50 players i guess half of them he's already cursed [Laughter] i'm telling he's a nice guy he means well and all but that that that that thing that was not that would which shall not be said look at this attack by efren how many rails how many rails did he do that with one two three three and the thing is django saying aha i see a seventh ball near his pocket i'm taking it out of here [Music] no still if you're jungle you still want to get that seven ball out of there no matter what offensive option you have you don't want airframe to have any shot at you know mounting any kind of momentum here so he's gonna get the seven ball out of there again and bring it to his side and again efferent's got nothing although the four ball looks like it can cross bank we're saying this because it's efren yeah he's looking at the four oh he's looking at getting some stuff out of jungle side now this is what one pocket feels like really not much on the offense we're still scoreless here in raqqa in rack eight these gentlemen are just putting on some pretty good defensive shots yeah everyone's still got nothing here but the balls are slowly creeping towards the side of jungle you notice uh on the bottom part of your screen [Music] oh that's cast by the way all of the balls are on the side of jungle and everyone's gonna continue doing this now i'm not sure if django sees enough of the five ball to bank it no he's frozen behind the seven so that or he might go rail first and try to bank it let's see you gotta hit something and it's a legal shot now efren has an 11 ball in his sights he can actually make this that's his first offensive look of this rack he's going for it too oh he's actually using the 11 ball to mess stuff up but sells out the seven yeah sells out the seven ball perhaps even the two perhaps even the 12 perhaps everything well we're looking at three balls right now probably four if he can get to the five ball but django's gonna get on the board now oh it looks like the three's he's eyeing the three to pass behind the seven oh he played it as a combination for the 13. well efren's got all sorts of looks now initially the nine perhaps the seven yeah seven first he's got the six next perhaps the 10. actually the 10 is a better shot because you can get the five oh but he left me 10 again well good news is django doesn't really have anything ready unless well i really don't see anything for django that 13 ball doesn't look like it banks maybe the nine yes you're right the nine the nine code bank this also tests the commentators actually so aj found it first it is the nine ball that banks now for for django almost and with that gets the three the thirteen perhaps even the two ball oh he missed it unforced errors yeah just like efren with just one shot yeah turn the tables around this is a combination shot for effort on anything it's the 15 to the is that the 12 ball right there 15 to 12 still holds for the 15 later on you can still see the 14 now this is looking good now for efren that's not the 14 check me that's the 12 that's a 10 ball when he shoots the two comes back for the 10 or anyone he wants puerto man yeah efra needs five more to take this rack [Music] two more needed five and perhaps the eleven ball that's the eleven ball it's gonna be the last ball now for efren so after a lot of jostling for position a friend sees one opportunity and nails it so efren reyes now has cut the lead to just two francisco bustamante still ahead here and this race to six for day one five to three he's on the hill everyone's gonna be breaking though yeah five games to three [Music] will cost you the match promotions origin carbon fiber shafts police resort in oslob cebu mud kicks by v lugao anglugona target on airs at dcme 30 kilohertz bounce apparel music avenue vehement all about the process the hadith sports bar in teamwork quezon city outsville magic chalk jb cases thoroughbred layer tips hard times billiard planet and ropa commercial so there we have it five three still in favor of francisco bustamante and our referee the great munching mystica and there's the greatest of all time right there efren he was sharing some jokes earlier today of course he's in a very very upbeat mood never over till it's over edward hoffman that's true and from doc milan [Music] is a different animal altogether friends now on the left side django is now on the right side looks like django's gonna do some early attacking here with the 13 ball so django's taking the right side efferents taking that's gotta hit a rail though oh that's a foul efferent owes one foreign [Music] 1986 the last time the first time maybe the last time oh must have been against this guy probably just this year um and hello to jefferson watching from bahrain oh another foul these guys owe each other one still nothing though i think if efrain's gonna bank this though bang the five he's double clutched on it ten's gonna be in the way and he knows it he's not even attacking anymore again leaves nothing for francisco good afternoon so there's already one ball on the side of the jungle that can go down any time everyone's thinking how he's gonna take it out he can actually see the whole five ball he can't take it out of there oh no i'm confused is efrain shooting into this right side right here right right right yeah okay so we are correct here it is jungle on the right side reference on the left all right just returned it they're still on one foul each they still owe each other one ball reference looking at the 12 or jungle rather is looking at the 12 ball but then looks like he's just gonna stray away from it shooting at the three now sends the eight back into the pile so air friends gonna try to develop the five just like that and jonko can't knock it out yeah that's a good shot jungle can't do anything he's bridging over like 10 000 balls well he is going to try to bridge over 10 000 balls probably send the 13 to his side no it's a foul and now he owes two mr mystica is going to run out of chalk i think he's brought like a lot of them usually you know you have those tables with the with the with the number with the ruler there that's what you could write the foul indicators we don't have that here so mr score yeah mr mystica is getting very creative so efren has the five for sure tries to manufacture the three and overcooks it overcooks the three so everyone back to zero good news for effortless jungle still owes in two at minus two right now yeah he has no choice here but to just give up the table once again one sends the 12 ball to his side and there's the ball that efren owes so mr mystica get some chalk back let's see if django can bank in the eight you see in the background our boss just arrived mr perry mariano of bugsy promotion there he is here is django shot he can bank this it looks like it clears the 14. it looks like he's opting to play some defense as well oh it clears the 14 that is just a wow razor thin shot there for django nice shot imagine the pressure of playing one pocket at the derby city classic with a one minute shot glock yeah those are the conditions there django's going to play this one left-handed so there's the ball that jungle owes he's down to minus one now choo choo train starting to develop there at the spot this way everyone's going to try to send i believe the three ball away yeah that's sort of messed up already up there we've got two balls near the rail that have to be developed later on django has a bank on the 14 but is opting not to go offensive at this point instead dirties up the table even more by sending yet another ball up table yeah this is what we came here for yes this is what this game is all about [Music] [Music] yeah he's back to zero yeah correct correct we corrected our score we did a re we the recount if you notice in the score now it's back to zero everyone's gonna go oh a ball right now we'll figure it out don't worry about it and you could try to copy him yeah so air friend back to minus one right now reference back to minus one minus one guys huh that's close at least he keeps it there and therefore can't knock it away unless he kicks at this which he might do yeah that's his only shot right now i don't know what he's oh he's gonna run into the pile and put the seven and two in how about that wow yeah in one shot efrain says all right enough enough of this defense thing so he's back to on he's back on the plus side he's got one [Music] there's the 14 bulldog on the side of jungle so he decides just give django that ball to django now up to one look at that look at what munching now has to do those are the balls yeah they have to come out so tied at one now here in rack number nine look at that half the population of the table are up table now efferent can't bank in the six and he can't push it into a combination let's see what he does he is shooting the six you can try to push it into a combination it appears oh no he can't back the scene nicely done so there was enough angle for effort to get the six now he's got a shot on the two the 11 the 12 the nine it ain't over needing five more means four more he's good until the nine then you have to deal with some of those balls that are up table well he's not going to land favorably on the nine efren still needs three nothing backs at this point my kick at the four the 4 12 combination that's something that is reserved for television i think he's actually entertaining it right now no it looks like he's playing defense he played that shot left-handed too so he surrenders the table once again to francisco but needs only three more balls francisco needs but samantha needs seven nothing is close to his pocket right now so more balls are sent up table efra needs three can he bank the eight this thing could scratch so from bain mendoza this is why i encourage the young players from the philippines to play one pocket yeah start playing one pocket yes this is a beautiful game actually air france says let's dirty it up even more i think django can back the eight now that's he does have an offensive option here with the eight oh but he's looking elsewhere dirty it up even more oops gave our friend the four efforts got a shot on the floor maybe he could develop the others as well missed it though and he gives the four the jungle shells of the four efforts just kicking himself right now with a smile uh django is gonna have to play some kind of a mega draw this is actually straight in oh it's not straight in so he's going to play some kind of follow on this there you go not enough though yeah but he can still back the eight yeah the eight ball but he's gonna have to use the bridge to do that so he's gonna try to hide once again yeah 12 ball goes back up to the spot efren's got nothing right now but he still needs three i might try to steal the eight ball let's see if he does that yeah i might try to steal the eight ball huh oh oh my goodness look at what he just did he just blocked francisco by making the 12. you know he just blocked francesco that's that's a shot of a legend right there everyone can see the eight ball now he can see the 12 ball as well these are all bankable shots but one miss there's a big problem there look at the the way they dirtied the table by sending five balls up table they're all clustered together this this is going to take a while this rack's still going to take a while but somebody's got to start banking these open shots now everyone says no let's have more of the party now also it looks like francis is going to send the cue ball after banking the eight went into the wrong pocket though so that's going to be re-spotted he's going to force the action up table now for efren and our friend says i'll just leave them all there one and eight may go to the side of francisco right now both can go cross bank but that's not going to cut it francisco needs a lot more than just two so let's wait for somebody to make a mistake efra needs three oh this is going to take a while also they're playing up table all right guys we saw the offense earlier now it's time to show you what the defense looks like in one pocket so uh jango pat's one [Music] sends the 11 near his side already and because the one the five ball is going to be or the three ball is going to be respotted efferent's not going to try to knock this one out of here hold on jeffrey's going to try to knock out the 15 without costing himself a ball or does he just deposit it on the side of django already he just deposited deposits it uh in django's ledger not allow django to develop something from making the ball jogger's gonna attack with the five and then short and everyone's going to get that five ball out of there send it to his side and send the cue ball up table once again now that's what the defense looks like you always want to put the cue ball near the short rail up top to force all sorts of long shots distance yeah boy jungle's gonna send the five ball up table again i'll send it back to his side so we're seeing some kind of a tennis match now [Music] and their friend says no i want the five ball on my side what are you doing and send the cue ball back there again all right everyone's found his touch now does not show the one ball again to jungle so django can just go back and forth until somebody makes a mistake here there's the beauty of one pocket you have to think of the end result as you go along as well i mean they both need that clump of three balls up there django says come and get it everyone so he's literally selling out the five ball now for effort hoping that effort makes a mistake but efren only needs three more and there are four down table django sends the fireball to his side again look at this oh this is a great shot [Music] um running out of options here he's got to send the nine ball to his side and here's where you develop now that top pile that they dirtied up starting to come back down ninjago is just gonna knock the nine ball away again now let's see if efren likes to kick this is the closest the cue ball has been the striking distance so let's see if everyone tries to kick or is he going to use this 3 8 to his advantage again he knows that jungle needs the balls upstairs efren does not that's a phone yeah unless he hits this it's a foul so our friend's gonna lose a point it's gonna drive you crazy sir everyone looks like he's down to four all right reference down to four zhango's gonna send another ball to his side you are welcome brad the hearty living living in holland brad daugherty the nba player yeah that's probably the nba player's name yeah that is his name but i doubt it that's brad doherty the real nba player if he's living in bacolod oh my goodness don't say that now this is a great rack that we're witnessing here everyone's stuck best that he can do is get the 13 ball out of there now okay he got it out look at the safety he played too oh is jagger gonna back the five double clutch is here but maybe he can back the five swerve the cue ball a little then bank the five that's a tough job this is jungle we're talking about yeah but now he's just gonna play defense look at how far back the cue ball is and nothing now at the top of the table everything's near and afrien almost makes the 12. django can clip the 13. this is it can he see enough of the six that's the next question if not he could take on the five yeah but the six solves because he needs more than efren does the six solves something yeah six ball or at least within the area that's a legal shot too oh look at this efren used the point almost backed it in yeah so young the three is visible not enough to make the three maybe send the three to the six because it is close i think you can get enough of the three i think it's too thin maybe if he could hit the six or maybe if he could hit the six too yeah that'll help that's the only thing he's looking at right now now he's gonna put one down for effort and it appears and try to hide the the cue ball behind the five or just send it back to his side our friend sees the five though friend needs four where are you going can he bank the six or can he bank the one how about the nine yeah that's also a good option he's not even looking at the nine though so i think his intention on his intention was actually to play this shot but went a little too far off oh he looks like he's going for the six or just play defense again he was like now if the six and seven are together he can't well he can actually try to bank the six he's going for the 12 he'll send the 12 away reference on the rail so he can't do anything to attack the nine jungle is going to kick at the 12. and the one is sold out for efren everett needs three or for jungle rather jango's gonna send this to the other side again so we're back on defense efra now sends the cue ball up table once again again no offensive options here for bustamante django needs this wreck to end hostilities for day one if efrain wins we still play on this is looking good this is tracking well it's got good speed oh millimeters away the good news is airframe can't touch this anymore but i think he has the eight he's looking at something there no he doesn't have enough of the eight so eren's just gonna deposit this and tell jungle develop your own shot so efrain now gives jungle his fourth fourth ball of this rack jungle knows the powers of efferent does not give him any look at a clean bank shot that's right django does have a look for a bank shot with a six and if he holds the cue ball here it's like free offense just sends it up table though oh that's that's vicious putting the eight ball there it's out it's for no no of no use to anyone now let's see what jungle does here yeah still gives effort nothing [Music] no semblance of attacking efra needs three balls and there are three balls loose now django needs four so one of the balls at the pocket needs to be played for django to get a chance looks like jungle got stumped here let's see if he can actually bring the one ball back down to his side now just decides to play the one ball into that pile now if we can just send the cue ball down table again go afrin attacks sends the three and the one to his side now the three is bankable not quite sure if uh oh yeah it does it is vacable oh look at this almost well i freaking still get rid of that brings it back to his side don't want to hit the eighth because the eight is going to come back in play see if janko tries the same shot on the one sends the three-up table once again it's better to do that than just leave any possible offensive shot near the pocket for a friend look at this look at what everyone played oh goodness well look at the look at the result though django is behind the nine so he can't get the one ball out of there he's gonna have to he's being forced to shoot the nine again the eight is indisposed already unless it goes in django needs four efra needs three looks like things have opened up after he made that nine jungle now here's the dilemma three balls are deposited near the pocket and he's gonna have to give one up to efren right there he's not going to have to play it from the spot i found two balls away and returns the eighth ball it's gonna force jungle to play the eight ball or send it back up table again oh hit the point again even if jungle gets this eight he'll still need that last six ball actually both of them do it's gonna be two rails yeah send this up the table again they both need that sex ball that's in the corner pocket right now that at the brink of falling hmm everyone sends it towards the sixth ball django can actually hit the eight make the six just park it right behind but of course efren could have a shot oh everyone's gonna have a shot no great cue ball control reference gonna get rid of the six now friend putting the six ball near oh jungle scratches that's gonna cost him a ball efren makes the six nephron needs this he's gonna win this rack very long rack one there by efren and he is only down by one rack right now five to four django of course on the hill already there's confirmation of our score by cassie so jungle bustamante his lead is just down to one so efren coming back from being down 5-2 he has won the last two racks jungle not liking the way that rack ended for him because of the scratch and it's now five to four yeah the difference breaking we're heading into route 10 right now so it is jungle breaking rather this break is brought to us by origin carbon fiber shafts robocommercial and hard time sports bar in quezon city so it's a pretty much a scatter break one of the most scattered break that we've seen in the competition today yeah was my last name cassie is trying her best to stay poised everyone's gonna try to send the sixth ball i think that's is that a foul see the referee hasn't stepped in so i guess it's not a foul yeah there are no markers on the table so that's not a foul efrain may have no he would have had enough of the six ball if the 11 was then the way so see how they developed this and just sends a six ball away looking up table now i'm gonna have a little bit of defense here at the onset nothing really on anybody's side um they go shot once again was the month is shooting into the right pocket effort shooting into the left as you can see from the top view nothing's really available here for for django looks like he may push the 14 ball or push i was pushing the 11th ball and try to hide there you go everyone can't see the two just probably gonna return the favor right now just nudge the 12 and bring the cue ball back near jungle's pocket just like that so francisco now is gonna touch the 14 or touch the seven ball and put it up not quite sure now if efrain can see the two ball he can the seven might be on the way he's attacking the two seven wasn't the way you're right aj yeah hmm again there is no shot on the one let's see what bustamante does with this one he's looking up table at something from the way the angles work right now the one does not bank if he tries to go for the four the one is in the way so he'll just hook efren once again that's a foul or is it the foul referee roman mystica has not indicated that everyone owes anything do so that is a nice touch there coming from francisco air france can't go anywhere that's a legal shot this is the biggest chess match of all the racks so far yeah that's right because it's not intentionally being dirtied up it's just that the cue ball positioning has been pretty good for these two guys francisco shooting into the right side and front to the left here we go again and you know what francisco's not giving efren any chance to bank but now effort might take on the two again what goes through the minds of these players one pocket is such a different sport all together it's our friend trying to bank this now no he's just gonna send the two ball away now francisco has a bank shot on the four oh no the seven's in the way another good shot there from bustamante reyes just cannot fire is jungle now thinking of bringing this four ball down table and just leave it right there just get a kick that's a foul it's a jungle now with minus one jungle minus one just looking at the two ball probably send it to the near his pocket at least it's gonna cross all sorts of traffic but it gets the job done referencing the four ball right now to make the four ball go near his pocket he has to avoid the nine and the six and shooting at something else now or at least tried to look if he could shoot at the seven isn't the one in the natural path maybe [Music] so back to defense now for a friend he still can't make up his mind though you think he's gonna go for the seven so did the acrobatic shot look at this almost made that ball acrobatic with the 15 or look at the 12 ball mr monte on one foul decides to just give a friend that ball instead of letting him develop something so reyes now with one mr monty at minus one the jungle wailing to see what efren does for this next shot and that might have been a little on the weak side there is a 13 to two combinations yeah [Music] two thirteen make that thirteen to two yeah thirteen to two combination jungle's not shooting it though he's going to shoot something else since the 15 ball up table part's the one but it's just responded so a friend is still working on the left side of the table has this layout to look at again not quite sure if the seven actually banks he's not shooting it though he puts the nine ball into the side i think he sells out the two yep now by selling out the two he's also selling out the 13. perhaps even the eight let's see how django operates here so john go back to zero no runs into the pile nicely done nicely done i don't know the 13 still passes the eight i think not look at that i'll make that 13 to 10 still passes the eight and he's gonna queue over the one yeah that's a good good idea though but so it looks like he's gonna be playing back to playing defense again so there's the ball he owes so we're tied at one here in rack number 10. john goes up is on the hill already has been on the hill for the last hour efren was down 5-2 when django hit the hill four today at least this is a race to 12. imagine if we were playing a race to 12 today [Music] so everyone's made up his mind he's gonna kick at the eight oh almost manufactured an offensive shot not sure if django actually can hit on the 10 ball see if you can cut and cut the 10 ball in and play it with enough forward so that it hits the five and the eighth yeah he's looking at the ten ball now he has to just put a little bit of forward on this it's not gonna scratch if he if he changes the angle of the cue ball he's thinking about the benefits of hitting this yeah he may make the 10 but he's sending more balls to the side of efren aj was pointing out at the 15 ball as well looks like he's taking on the 15 or he's shooting at the 14. now he's taking on the 50 15 bank yeah almost made it yeah sells out the nine to four that was the risk yeah sells out the nine and and if efren plays this well he might even get the 10. my friend's not shooting the nine though he's trying to take the 15 out of django's ledger and put it to his side jungle still has the 10 by the way yeah he would have taken the nine jacob's not shooting at the tent though he's wrecking up that pile and oh almost made the five i'm not quite sure if efrain can back in the two from here yeah it is on two ball just gotta narrowly avoid the ten for that to happen seven ball it's a long distance bank he's really having second thoughts about the two because it's going to come really close to the 10 if it clips the 10 it's not going anywhere i wish we could hear what he's thinking i'm just going to kick at the five is that a foul well there are no markers on the table so i guess we'll find out after jungle's turn if our referee brings back a ball no he does not so it was not a foul everyone can only see the five directly here that's going to be another foul yeah so there's our referee watching mystica so efren back to zero and reyes now looking at the eight ball probably try to send it to his side jungle now thinking about what to do next kick at the five again sells nothing out i'm wondering why the effort hasn't taken on the seventh yeah me too the seven well at least you can develop stuff from up there now he's paused here he's perplexed about something he's gonna attack the two well it does pass if he can get the whole two ball and he's going to play defense again now he's going to send the nine ball down form an even longer line it's like someone's about to take a penalty kick look at that that's a long line choo choo train [Music] oh look at this a little stronger jungle would have made that he's also tied up the cue ball so everything can't address that so it's a good response francisco does have a free three but he's looking elsewhere right now just knock the seven into the five and so i think it comes to the point that you're also reading the other guy's mind yeah you know what's he doing what's he what's he trying to do here what's he gonna do next it'll be interesting these guys have been playing against each other and with each other for for decades already so there's probably thinking i know he does this so why is he doing this now yeah mind games and time and time again everyone's forcing francisco into a blind cut but francisco is just saying no i'm gonna do something else yeah but he should have taken some of those blind cuts already but django's now thinking also hey why is efren giving me the shot i'm going to try to wear him down and see where he takes it i don't think that's going to happen to any of these guys i think they're going to be very patient about the way they execute notice that efforts not giving jungle any shot on the one because efrain can't address the one reference and jungle's got to send another ball yeah our friend doesn't have anything especially now that he's sort of blocked by the eight in any direction he wants still doesn't sell anything out for bustamante oh look at this almost try some bang combination there my friend now has a bank on the nine small hole but he could make it i'm just attacking the three wall though oh into the 99 okay and at the same time look at the result doesn't sell out the one again francisco might try to snip into 14 no he's going to try to oh he's going to give everyone that one jeffrey back to one now the reason why he did that is he didn't want effort to develop a shot from making that one reference going into the pile now he's hitting the three and again look at the way he just he's very conscious about where the one ball is he won't give bustamante any shot at that yeah it'll come to a point where everyone can't hide the cue ball anymore he's gonna have to kick the one away now bustavante let's see if he tries to make the seventh ball fit oh he's gonna use the ricochet to bring the seven near the one now again the question beckons does a friend see enough of the two to bank it looks like he will try it now oh he's just gonna send the seven well look at this look at that wow that just solved a lot of problems that might be his key shot he's got the one that's for sure yeah does he try to manipulate to a bank on the two he'll just work his way he's not gonna make it ah got hooked though he's not gonna make it one mistake django's got two balls lined up already there perhaps even the eighth ball that's his best response reyes three bustamante one here in rack number 10. are you guys still okay out there yeah jungle knows that nothing banks here for efren either or so it seems because if everyone sees enough of this too he can cross this see that the two ball is right there he may be able to bank this in but he's looking at something else where you place the cue ball too django can actually go up table for the five and 10 to five near his pocket or he's gonna play this send the ball away that's a very good result because now janko can't go anywhere up the table unless he takes a shot at this 14. now he can shoot the 14 leave the cue ball right here send the 14 up table oh shooting the 12 sends both walls up table oh i'm not quite sure if our friend decides to attack it's to the 15 ball so sort of telling jungle go ahead i dare you to shoot the two hmm i dare you to shoot the two i open you might send 10 down there on the tool that almost went in jungle's mounting some consecutive balls over at his side and efrain has to do something about this now he can't do anything about the two ball right now he can still do something with the ten ball oh just gives the tube all away now too i think everyone's to take the 10 ball away he's got a kick at it yeah he's going to kick at the 10. it's on yeah it's a good shot did it bounce it bounced the 10 ball actually landed on the rail okay good shot reference been giving oh django is doing the other the thing to efferent right now he's giving efren a look at a cut shot reference gonna send this away he's gonna make the 11 too it's going to come back up again these guys know what setups look like in tagalog yeah they know what it looks like yeah he can he can do that but again what's what's after that might just open the table for jungle yeah that's right and if you miss it it's even worse so jungle look at this he is position wise he's ahead because he's sending all of the balls that he can shoot consecutively to his side for ephraim he needs to develop these balls if he can find some offense again jungle trying to win in the positional war at least for the moment their friends got a clean look at the 11. yeah much cleaner look let's see if he takes this everyone still needs five he's not taking it that's what that friend's trying to do right now he's actually well he sold something out now to francisco our friend francisco tried to their effort into shooting something eight monster listen bank i don't know if the three is seen if everyone can see the three he can attack oh [Music] mm-hmm he's going to send the five to his side but by doing so might also open up the side of uh bustamante yeah this is the problem now for a friend i mean probably the best shot he has is at the sixth ball and then just send the cue ball down table that's exactly what he does use the six and the cue ball down table leave john go with nothing again she's gonna try to send this 11 ball to his side and i just put the cue ball down i think this is going to be the trend for the better part of what we're seeing right now is that you don't want any form of a clean look to be developed so francisco down to 10 he's going to send the cue ball up table oh look at this he's sending the 10 wall to his side almost banked it in and their friend can't touch the 10 ball from here tried to but that's gonna leave the tent to francisco bustamante now from here what can francisco develop oh does he even have a shot at this stand that's the question that's just like a one millimeter line yeah one mini clip so jungle's just going to send the cue ball up table again up to the point now where efren still cannot touch the 12 ball or the 10 ball rather he's going to try to cross something in eleven and django can just knock that out again he's going to leave it there forever and do something of his own and it's going to be a roll a combination from the 6 to the 10 ball but he left the 10 ball and in doing so left an open shot for efren with the eleven now for now on his way to four and get to the six as well ephra now at four going on five oh nicely done effort now three balls away from sending us to a hill hill all started from a miss by francisco bustamante however what does everyone have left he still needs two he's just gonna give francesca this one so bustamante now up to three reyes now at six but reyes only needs two more bustamante needs five and try to roll this in long distance bank come up short once again put the pressure on efrain it's just going to get that 12 ball out of their butt yeah so everyone's down to five again and bustamante now has ball in hand from behind the head string there's only a lot yeah there are three balls past the head string one of them is the three see if django can have enough cue ball control now to address those balls upstairs he's gonna try to address the next shot after hitting the 10. bustamante now at four going on five you just said nacho that means he's gonna come up short he is very short resign for that what's this that's supposed to be the nine ball i believe bit nine he's gonna send the 14 towards his pocket look at this oh my goodness he almost made it too yeah not quite sure if efrain can knock this out so everyone's gonna have to attack the five ball though then five it's going to be a race now it was a defensive contest earlier now it's a race of better offense and friend great touch maestro great touch needs two more and he's got his eyes set now on this 12 ball however the eight and the four are still back there mm-hmm yeah he's not gonna get it done needs three ephra needs two they're tied they both need two oh is he getting he's is he gonna give the 12 ball to efrain he is oh and he scratches too so bustamante down to five ephron at seven yeah frozen number going to be shooting from behind the head string so let's see if this risk is going to pay off for for django that was an intentional scratch he did oh everyone's going to use this 11 ball almost get gets it to go yeah but it didn't sound good leaving off his q and jungle is going to knock the 11 out of that pocket now send it up now ephraim if he banks this it's right on the rail if efrain can bank in the 11 he gets it look at this look at this it's gonna go in it's gonna it's gonna go in and efren reyes oh now he's at seven that's not going to get there so efren just needs one more jungle's gonna knock this out again connect it to another ball yeah friend might just consider making the four ball and leaving the cue ball up table we still gonna attack that cluster there oh send the eight ball down here why not oh jungle's going to bank almost the reference going to knock that this out again send it to his side looks like jungle's playing two rails for this 11 now i'm not quite sure if he's gonna get there he throws the cue ball on at the top rail this makes it a difficult shot now for fn but if efrain gets this he's going to take the racket we're going to have a hill hill ball yeah gonna have make efrain work for this win oh look at this yeah looking at the 11 as well but doesn't want to take this on this is what django's giving him right now so is he just gonna send the eight ball up table or is he gonna go offensive with this oops didn't sound good that's gonna work into a bank shot now for for bustamante maybe if he's it's not frozen on the rail so jungle can bank this and come up for the 11 ball oh he missed it and efrain's got a golden opportunity now with this eight we're gonna have a hill hill match if afrin can make this eight their friend sends us to a hill hill for day one look at that smile he's whistling he's trying to whistle too that was a long match that was a pretty that was a lot of brains had to go into that one so efren was down 5-2 in the race to six for day one has now tied it up at five apiece as angel confirms the score once again i'm going to step away for a bit sir so you can actually i think we're on a timeout i think we're on a timeout are we oh we're on a timeout right now stay with us for the conclusion of this day one affair between efren and django one pocket showdown right here at sharks we'll be back [Music] and we are back this is the final rack of the day it has come down to this yeah we're playing to six right now of course no we won't determine the winner until tomorrow but it'll yeah for day one uh francisco bustamante was leading five to two reyes is now taking the right of the left pocket mr monte taking the right pocket once again this is our sharks one pocket showdown this is only the second time i've actually covered this one pocket event first time of course featuring these two gentlemen six years ago almost six years ago december of 2015. although this game has been around for decades the first time he actually got exposed to one pocket was in 1986 tagalog during the interview he was he was telling us a story earlier that he was uh went to the united states in 1985 and beat everybody in nine ball then when he came back in 86 nobody wanted to play him nine ball anymore so they said let's just do one pocket there's a new sport to him at the time one pocket in 1986 that he practiced went back to the united states and killed everyone yes henry john this is a race to 12. this is day one yeah and tomorrow will be day two yeah so more one pocket heading your way tomorrow as well so again efren taking the left pocket jungle taking the right effort trying to pot the five ball now sees two threats over that side the seven and the three see if you can knock both of them out in one shot knocks the three over to his side almost made it too effen's got a bank shot now on the 12 it appears see if he takes it on or just continue to play defense he's looking at the pile he's looking beyond his next two shots of the piers because if he does take on the bank shot on the 12 he could have the 10 and the 7 as well but then after that what's next are you still looking at the pile right now also thinking about what jungle is thinking about that's the beauty of this game as well so everything's not going to take the bank oh that was a foul though yeah so effort now at minus one jungle might see enough of the seven ball let's see if he decides to take it on into the 15. now he sees enough of the seventh departure wow nicely done nice shot now he's got a shot on the 15 perhaps even the two ball if he comes around to it now he just plays the stop ball there for the two now i can come up table and try to get the five as well well it looks like the 813 is on so he's going to try the 813. [Music] there it is open it up and this is all offense now for django yeah at this point needs four to win one shot yeah one shot just took everything out yeah at this point it's safe to say oh come on look at this oh come on aj ollie you should not just delete your shot at everything you just you did not just do that the jungle bustamante clear shot at everything is he gonna get there for the four eight four eight combination yeah two away one away now he's perfect at the nine to close day one francisco bustamante has taken a six to five lead heading into day two of our sharks one pocket showdown this has been entertaining we do have a few kinks to to iron out but this has been some kind of a spectacle i mean in terms of us commentating in terms of the viewers from the philippines watching it for the first time one pocket is one of the most interesting if not the most uh purely scientific version of pocket billiards so our young lady their angel confirming our score confirming our score it is francisco bustamante taking a six to five lead as we end the hostilities for day number one between efren reyes and francisco bustamante thank you once again for joining us for this uh special presentation of sharks bugsy promotion and of course thank you to our friends from pouya sports and of course we would like to thank bugsy promotions origin carbon fiber shafts billy's resort in oslob cebu aqua v mud kicks by v v lugo anglugo na kobao ke karex kayang and target on airs at dcme 1530 kilohertz bounce apparel music avenue vehement all about the process the sports bar in team quezon city outsville magic chalk jb cases thoroughbred layer tips billiard planet hard times and ropa commercial and once again ladies and gentlemen join us again for the conclusion of this two-day saga between efren reyes and francisco bustamante this is the shark's one pocket showdown for ajong my name is noel zarta join us again at 3 p.m philippine time tomorrow as we conclude who will win in the inaugural sharks one pocket showdown [Music] you
Channel: Sharks
Views: 173,623
Rating: 4.6952381 out of 5
Keywords: billards, pool, 9-ball, 9 ball, 10 ball, sharks billiards, billiard showdown, billiard game
Id: zvoZV53LSgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 207min 28sec (12448 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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