PT 9 - "The BIG One!" (Epic One-Pocket Match) / Tony CHOHAN vs Dennis ORCOLLO / Race to 40 for $50K

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- microphone alright welcome back everybody this is day 4 of the big one dinosaur polio versus Tony Chopin 100k posted the current score is 29 games to 30 Tony chauhan leads by one game and I'm sitting here with none other than Ariel Roy Francisco aka Roy Francisco who just wanted to check in with us quickly and say a couple of words how you doing Roy hey This Is It this is in waiting for this the final day yep and it's a close match it's a very close match hope you all enjoy Nash there you go scratch on the break I like to say hi to all my folks in Virginia hey uh yeah I won't be back til August because after this we're going to Vegas for two weeks so wow you're gonna be there at all - we yeah I'm still gonna be busy gosh are you doing anything else with like the BC a trade show and the APA nationals yeah the BCA APA everything goes on in August like mid August now okay just a B C a which is the C a CSI event is so dennis is playing the eight ball and the ten ball the CSI events yeah oh yeah yeah I'd like to say hi to you Alex Alex is on the chatroom Alex Francisco a house cool right now using college right now now you guys know where my money goes straight to that College Marina Tech that's good important so Tony's got kind of our free shot on the break and he looks like he's gonna play the eighth to the okay he played it oh wow what a great cue ball he played it under the seven and played the 8 under the 6 that's exactly what he was looking for yeah Daniel stick with my prediction right before the match what was my prediction again your prediction was the final score would be 36 36 to Tony and 40 to Dennis yes I'll stick with that okay and I remember a couple weeks ago before this big match even started Steve Lomax a chat room I told him were the only ones who were agreeing that this was gonna be a close match and here we go it's a close match well it wasn't close for the first couple days yeah you know I you know seemed like Tony was putting Dennis at home ah yeah this folks have no idea all this stuff that goes on behind this and we worked it out we did a good job well he's got Dennis thinking right away here Tony's opening shot very very strong I think he has a couple of options Dennis already owes a ball so I don't think I don't think he's gonna want he's Wow is he looking at this you might be looking at this Bank on the seventh which seems risky hey Stan I know you're watching those in your sweaters Stan is one of Dennis backers from Virginia yeah that was one of the shots I was looking at - he seems like Tony could probably don't same thing yeah let them in a little bit we got all these big plans going on about big matches yeah we'll just keep them guessing for now but stay tuned guys oh yeah I have a whole lot of big matches cooking yeah Roy Roy and Dennis are focusing heavily on the game of one pocket so what we what we plan to do in the future is bring you a lot more of that action and we're even gonna raise the bar a little bit you know we're talking about a lot of new things to the table simulcasting in different languages it's the whole like that yeah you guys might hear like Efrain and boost e you know comedy or log yeah yeah and tagalog if you guys want to hear that so I have a few meetings back in the town of Hollywood where I'm from and you know yeah our plan was to have we've got many technical things exactly our plan was to have the viewers have an option either to listen to a English commentaries or Tagalog right yes yeah but you guys are watching the sound feet yeah same video feed yeah yeah so that is something that we would we are we welcome that you know sort of platform and not to mention the matches you know oh yeah there are plenty of matches that Dennis Dennis wants to play and you know also we would bring in you know other english-speaking commentators that are working yeah of there to make their appearance yeah alex is watching this right now my son Alex maybe Alex maybe you can research on that how how could he have like two tracks of audios but only one feed of video and have the viewers have an option which language they want to hear it there you go Alex that's your homework how old it were son he's 18 all right on and is really good with computer internet that stuff he get him involved right away yeah so show him did he not scratch as well he did didn't he so I [Music] think it's even score now so all in all your experience at California billiards you like it here I love to where they're here I mean this is only my second time in California the highways I love the highways when they're moving yeah yeah you get used to sitting in traffic Roy yeah well it's the same thing we're back in the East goes great luck so what do you think what do you think went wrong last night for Tony because basically the score for yesterday was 15 games 2/10 exactly so do you think something went wrong for Tony or something more it kind of went right for Dennis what towards the end because I kept Dennis kept talking to me towards the end I think what happened is they swapped places Tony became Dennis and then it became Tony towards Dan meaning Dennis was telling me like when the score was like what was it 23:25 at that point when Dennis was still two games behind he told me look I'm gonna be aggressive from now on I'm gonna take all the risky shots with big payoffs I'm gonna take him I'm just gonna take him I just can't wait yeah so to me I'm thinking he just became Tony right now and Tony was the one that's keep waiting and waiting for Dennis yeah to make a mistake which is that's what happened last night especially late last night so and eventually Dennis got his stroke going and he couldn't miss that's why he was running out but if he miss Tony runs out yeah yeah that last how it was for the first couple of days yeah that last game it hurt Dennis a lot he thought he had a game in the back when he was 29 oh yeah he really did a six ball count zero to uh Tony he thought he had an in bag he left him with a long bang and Tony made it and got a good shape for the next ball that's all that's holy - wow what a shot yeah what a shot that was is that it's at the issue right now they only have one shot on the table am I had to get him some chow well there's plenty of chalk here I think they're you're fighting for that one chop okay well I did do some adjustments already nothing at all so Tony's got two now and this might be end of running unless he wants to he's gonna he's gonna come off the stack here with the five ball but he could also to relman nine no no if the cross on this six is on but looks like he might be just bumping it away yeah great cue ball to little force follow does does the body good sauce scores to zero now to zero in the ball count yeah Tony's got to he played a great shot on the 10 and unfortunately for him he ended up very straight on that eight ball and he had to really smash it to get the cue ball to move anywhere but very hard to control when you're smashing the cue ball like that so he ended up behind at five so it looks like Dennis might be taking a foul and that actually is a good time to take a foul but I think he wanted to get at the top of that fourteen like to say hi to my poker friends they're competing in Atlantic City right now Alex and Wasi all right yeah washy he's one of the yeah he's a poker dealer to you okay he's a sexy poker dealer we as sexy was sexy one at least that's what he thinks okay that's what ago I he's a legend in his own mind how about the World Series of Poker in Vegas yeah I think there by next week they'll have the final table that's exactly the same time we're gonna get this the same day the whole BCA starts right exactly though they'll be playing the final table in the Penn & Teller yeah yeah theater that's pretty amazing are you gonna go and be in the audience you're gonna go attend it probably gonna be busy with pool yeah yeah well it's a slightly careless shot here and he's Tony's left a bank for Dennis and I'm sure he'll go for this so they're they're chit-chatting about something I don't at least they are green yeah I think they're yeah I don't know I don't like this they're too nice to each other right now they're being too nice to each other as opposed to half an hour ago it's a little that's when I was not getting paid a lot of money being right in the middle of them - yeah what not getting paid at all so Dennis Thomas five he's got the crosshairs on it's gonna go sit Ubu so Tony adjust make this ball unless he sees something dead we all know when Tony sees the dead ball he goes right after it guys I'm so sorry I'm not a big hill - Daniel about calling the shots here that's okay it's okay tell me the difference between the flush and a full house I'll tell you okay that's a good cue ball - so dennis has got his one ball and it's to zero again so if you guys are just joining us we are live it's July 14th this is day four of the big one there's t-rex right now spotting Dennis's oddballs this is the first game of a possible 20 right yep possible 2020 games being played today Tony is 8 to 14 I lost track all righty what's that date and all that yeah that's a tease for tears today Shane bambo nice birthday MA and also my friend max Adams in Fairbanks Alaska hamburger and Torsten Holman who who just did pretty good here and 9-ball of that he did he came in second cuz uh what's his name warranty um kaorun can't for double-dip them yeah at the West Coast Swing not yeah which I put in one did you put it yeah well that's you know we put warrant in once we put him in the Andy Mercer uh oh I got a great story so Dennis calls me up and says put me in the Andy Mercer tournament I said sure no problem right I said I can I can spot the cash you know say $100 fine yeah so then he calls me ten minutes later he says warrants with me he wants into mm-hmm and uh and I'm like okay $400 yeah so so I'm like okay I can do the four hundred right just pay me when you get back you know when you get into town right so two days later I get another call and I'm about to go to the rumrunner to sign them up mm-hmm and I get another call hey uh Daniel it's Dennis Roberto Gomez has come with me at the time I didn't have the cash yeah so I had to borrow the two hundred so you had no idea what you were doing you didn't know that's the way to go what do you mean you put in for one there's the friend yeah the friend of the friend and a friend of the friend well no I didn't know that well yeah usually they used a player who's the best out of them for five players yeah I know but I should have just the first thing I should say to him is how many people you got with you you know instead he did it with three phone calls oh so I buy them all in mm-hmm first second third Dennis Warren Oh Gomez q would you like that no I was just proud of the fact they don't know I was able to help them you know oh yeah yeah so Dennis you ate a ball yay little buyers here yeah I know I'm gonna have to kick you out cuz that my audience is gonna be well Jay Halfords Nigeria and no he's he's not I don't know where he's coming in today so I know I bought him a dinner last night I can't wait to buy him another one where is he uh John Henderson will be here later today he's great there you go that's that's the word on the street oh he's here nice I don't know I'm all right now you take this headset for me my wife's looking at me and they come over here right next to me and sweat this match well you can join her yeah I'm okay Geraldine can jump on yeah she's the dynamic duo yeah Thank You Roy thank you all right guys I'm about to leave here and I want to sweat this again thanks Daniel and Geraldine good work the RV pool and you too ladies and gentlemen look out for more yeah Vance yeah we're gonna be working together yeah yeah and let's follow the one pocket King yeah oh you might not be just one pocket king my money be one pocket King money game Timbo King the money game nine ball King money game eight ball King hey there you go I like it I like it all belts yeah Pat alright guys thanks Thank You Roy okay so thanks again Roy four to three dennis is on the run make it might be able to pick off the four ball out of that stack now can he roll forward or draw back and develop this two or three ball he developed a three ball it's good shot playing for one ball very nice huh I was a nice out and Dennis ties it up it's 30 games of peace and the only other time it was tied was yesterday when it was 29 apiece so will we see the time the tide change here so Tony's break want to give a shout-out to our friend Jeffrey Leonard's aka wired space as well he came in to do some commentary with us during the West Coast Swing stuff and it was great to hang out with you sir and it's always a pleasure to see you I'd like to say hello to Patrick Santoro okay and his grandfather mm-hmm and I don't know they've been watching us for years every now and again I get a message you know saying thank you and you know I'm watching with my grandfather it's kind of cool to hear it's a great it's a good thing you know so so many people that we I don't know I it's the stuff I never really signed up for you know all the little thank-yous from people that we never really expected no but you know I like the fact that you know even I got a text from Brook saying that her and her dad were watching together and I'm like oh I wish I was sitting at home watching with my dad I know you know I always felt the same about friends of mine you know when they used to do shows like you know Andy Chen and Justin call it and other streamers out there Lenny you know and then they'd say no oh hey Daniel you know good to see you in the chat room and it's always a good feeling you know anyway oh man he Dennis was lucky there he was pretty lucky there as he rolled off that twelve ball and could have been could have been costly but even with ball in hand though I don't know what Tony really would have had but also knowing Tony he can make shots happen so yeah we've made it an even race now huh race to ten after all this back to day one yeah day one was uh day one was a kind of like a massacre for Tony he kind of ran over Dennis all day and then the second day it was kind of even no I'm saying like they started all over yes they like day 1 at 0-0 all right it's time to put in your beds well hold on a second got a pretty interesting situation here you better yeah you better place your bets before this shot is looking at where he can swing his cue ball after that there are many balls that point towards Dennis's hole I think the 8 and the 11 also point there too and that's just perfect right where he put his Q naught to say position play for both players has been pretty exceptional especially for yesterday with the exception of you know a few failed attempts by Tony noe and a few amazing shots by Tony in fact I think Tony's highlight reel for yesterday is about 20 shots long whereas Dennis's highlight reel is probably only about three shots long but still somehow Denis managed to high still Dennis managed to you know win by a five game advantage 15 games to ten over Dennis Okoye over Tony Cho am like everybody's showing up for work now [Music] so a couple of games well only one ball out of that and I would have expected more there but maybe the 8 and the 11 didn't go so I don't know might see Tony might see Tony come off the three ball here but it's a it's a big pocket looking at him Carmela says shout out to Mitch and Chad for watching and Gino's bathroom in Fayetteville North Carolina y'all get to work what they got the iPad going on and then in the bathroom oh my gosh that was good I didn't even notice that Tony could kick there surprising the dentist did not play a better cue ball on that last shot he could have really done some damage and left Tony right behind them though that little catcher's meant they're down by the corner pocket the Ford 512 but he failed to do so so what's he thinking about now what's he doing now he's trying to stick him behind that yeah that's exactly where I was saying he wanted to keep put him so because the seven balls up table the way it is I don't think we're gonna see he's even looking at it but I don't think I think we're gonna see Tony try to shoot that shot so he's in a little trouble here the only consolation for Tony is that he kicked away Dennis's fourteen ball earlier I say Dennis's fourteen ball but I only referred to it as his ball because it was it was close to Dennis's pocket Wow Tony manages to somehow Bank this four pass a seven down to his hole I will be I will be truly amazed because that is sure as hell thread the needle takes a foul so Tony throws up a penny Sheldon sitting duck says he loves the action the stream is top-notch thank you so much Thank You Sheldon see the super chat timber Bush and super chat he says I would have happily paid for this for the stream and the company and this is free thanks POV well thanks Tim in a way you just did pay for it didn't you appreciate it buddy super chat super job maybe Davison in the house he's been here all week you think he was gonna miss the last day no I don't think I don't think any of the usual suspects are gonna be absent today well considering that the last three days it's been a lot slower at the three o'clock hour and busier around the 6 o'clock hour here at the pool hall with spectators it looks like it's 6 p.m. already Wow can you believe that he's only gonna get one ball out of this completely robbed I don't even know if he but he might be corner hooked so he may only be able to hit the one ball looks like he's pretty deep in that pocket yeah he is think in the corner of the screen well you know he has can film the seven and bring ball town table you can also force follow the one ball that appears that he's not Corner hugged so he can hit the three ball and the two ball the force follow caught up with him on that shot so the ball he makes is the ball Denis takes it puts it on the head string he's back at negative one yes back to minus one so Dennis football in hand is looking wide open here and we may very well see Dennis take the lead for the first time in this in this match for the first time [Music] [Music] Tony says Daniel Morgan watch the tennis is playing for three and for the first time in the match Denis is ahead of Tony Joe well there it is guys for the first time in this match I'm sure I'm sure Geraldine has said it we have a different leader we have a new leader it's Denis for Koyo it's 31 to 33 Rach as per the rules if you make a ball on a break it's a rear AK this is supposed to present prevent any manipulation of the rack or any manipulation of the game in a player's favor you know what's funny Geraldine I haven't seen them make a ball twice in a row to react have you ever just seen that no fun fact fun fact for me I don't know there's probably been many games that have guns resulted that way but I've never seen one guess I don't watch enough Wow is there a reason or a way to make the ball go in your Hall when you break yeah you can twist the rack a little bit towards your side and then and then it will gravitate closer to the pocket and that actually enables you to contact the rack differently with the cue ball as well so another thing you want to do is is always rack the balls tight because if those two winged balls especially are not tight you can actually cause the you can actually cause the winged ball to gravitate towards your opponent's pocket so it's not a good break for you if your balls if you don't keep the balls really tight terrianna says he made Tony Joanne made the ball seven out of ten times once playing Danny Smith that's got to be tough to fade if you're Danny Smith hell if you're anybody so you know the rule is disputable arguable sometimes but if it's an action match and that's what you agreed upon yeah you know so be it yeah so Jeff Gregory is gonna join us for a game or two and uh and then later on - we got John Henderson so Thank You Geraldine for sitting in with us I thoroughly enjoyed our racking conversations Daniel Jeff Gregory did you did you drive out from Stockton I was up at 6:00 a.m. what were you in the neighborhood just got off work today I was working up in Oakland and decided to come down and support my pal Tony Johannah well that's awesome and let's watch these two champions play man this is good good stuff here that's good pool we're seeing absolutely don't want to get you in trouble this sir with the wires so we got a score of just jumping it what's the school right now is it 30 or is 31 now 230 the furnace is now ahead for the first time in this whole Matt wah Wow well it's it's very interesting how things have unfolded it's going to be a very interesting scene night today huh Dennis has got the momentum for sure he's won a bunch of games and I was watching last night and sat Tony know he's like he kind of didn't finish up some of the games they normally would finish Dennis just took good advantage and got the job done and got got the games back yeah I mean I had mentioned it earlier today that it it was it was really swinging Tony's way and Dennis made a lot of different mistakes you know that Tony capitalized on also Tony had some unbelievable outs and performances and literally some of those racks that he played and and he just you know I mean he made a believer out of me he just he found out that I just didn't even see and he's a pressure player I have a ton of respect for his game and and I still don't think I still don't think this is gonna be easy for either player know so you know Boyle Francisco he might be a little biased he predicted 36 to 40 going Dennis's way but I don't know I mean if I a long way to go I were a betting man I I would think it would be a little closer than 36 yes but today I'm not a betting man you're a sweating man I'm a sweating man it's a good sweat right here this is guys if you want to come on down and check it out live we're here at California burger club in Fremont California right off the 880 freeway and Steve is an exit we got about 12 open seats and they're filling up quick so come on down and support your favorite player these guys are playing for a lot of cheese here this is definitely a big big event yeah that's right all you all you snitches we gave you guys team Johanna and team or Colio t-shirts and we don't see you guys here wearing them so so get on down here mines in the wash tell you is it really it's in the wash I'm washing it yeah I don't know kind of a weird day to wash it well yes we have to wait till it cools off a little bit warmer from 105 degrees in the daytime but I still wash my shirts before I put them on I don't know just a character flaw anyways Tony's got a shot here looks like he's got a free shot in the eight ball no no no we're gonna see what he does here he got offensive and run some balls if he wants to get back in this match here and his Dennis looks like he's very focused today absolutely I tell you what the highlight reel from this match you guys have already put together looks pretty incredible yeah that's not even really a highlight reel it's just an archive of our already time-stamped relay shots you know I'm gonna put together some highlights from from the whole West Coast Swing because I think we've seen some great play by many many different players yeah Jason Shaw Corey dual you know war warranty on Co you know these two individuals I mean we've the West Coast Swing has just been a powerhouse of different matches you think absolutely well Tony looked a little dejected after missing an eight ball he slumped a bit his shoulders dropped and genis jumped out of his chair and here he goes again oh well still got a bank in this 13 here looks like it goes by and Daniel you guys have been here for quite a while man I know taking them a residency in Fremont how you guys liking it out here we're loving it and but it's you know it feels like residency but we're leavin we're leaving tonight you guys are doing a hell of a job man and a lot of people should give you guys a big thanks and hopefully donate to the to the cause we've had we've had some overwhelming responses and and we're very grateful for all of them we'd really appreciate it you know what if awesome stuff man keep up the good work Kenny and your leave thank you guys thank you and it's always a pleasure to have you here today you know it's good to be here so instead of taking this Bank on he's gonna cut this is he gonna cut it in Wow that's 12 in well if he shoots this shot here he's gonna get a couple of trouble balls over there he I mean the rice shot here's the bank this 13 you would think but he's thinking something a little bit different momentum is going Dennis's way I'll see if he can keep it running here he's won the last two in a row three in a row I believe since last night here he goes good speed people have been a real good spot yeah if nothing else it definitely puts pressure on Tony you know you gotta come with it now and find something that's just it Daniel Tony usually comes with shots like the eight ball I just missed the last inning he and he's just not coming with shots right now I mean well he might come in with one right now because I see one that see something see something that's Tony style that one right there the one was pointing at eight off that stripe removed the 13 but also play the eight in the corner Daniel good eye man good I didn't see that on well you're starting to pick things up watching this champion play yeah I'm seeing I'm seeing how he plays this game now it's exactly what he did look at this shot and besides while not making the ball though it was an excellent shot that was great takeout very creative right there Wow a nice shot Tony with the 13 out there mm-hmm great shot looks like Tony's been over hitting balls a little bit when he's been missing and jab instead of really stroke and smooth like he normally does you know tough sometimes when the pressure builds up you tend and grab that cue a little bit a little bit harder and uh well it's early in the day uh as far as pool players go for for these guys this has been a war man it has been man it's been and you know the you know tensions were rising earlier this afternoon in the room when they were practicing yeah just talking about little things like you know let's get these rules straight let's get the rack straight you know um you know lots of stake absolutely he had lots at stake and I just want you know for the record everybody to know that if you guys if you guys think there's any business going on here you're completely mistaken business this is an honorable match between two between two honorable players two great players these guys don't really always like each other but you know they are definitely uh emotions are starting to show so you know what I kind of like I kind of like I don't know why he's not shooting it but rub off that 14:5 and and just bring your cue ball down to the first diamond thereby the diamond yes it's a good shot but I like that he chose to take that route maybe he's gonna let Tony try and break those two balls up well I kind of liked him doing it because then obviously it ensures that it's done everything's opened up and it opens it up see what Tony's gonna do here but I kind of like the other way of just playing it off the Usos stripe ball nice shot Tony Wow something simple you know when I used to watch some of the guys play back the day Jose Perico and Grady Matthew uh-huh ready Matthews or what I always say if you don't know what to do do something simple and when I played one pocket I would find myself not knowing what to do sometimes and I would just think of the words of Grady Matthews and roll the ball six stitches forward and usually it'll work out pretty good so well there you go now look at the speed of that cue ball here from that shot I mean he he managed to get the cue ball exactly where he just had it so yes you know Dennis is a nice shot count you know he's Tony's gonna have to wait for Dennis to make some kind of mistake and and so far it's been pretty few and far between well yeah but if if Tony keeps doing the right thing here and you know forcing his you know forcing his hand like that you know Dennis to take a happily take a foul here yeah smart but Tony will just keep forcing his hand eventually we're gonna see a mistake from from from or Koyo well so far Tony's been the guy making mistakes today from the very first game to the last game what happens here so that is one foul or two fouls I believe it was about one foul yeah came off the two balls that broke him up less he's only on one right now now Tony does he wants to do the same thing but doesn't want to have to take a foul himself he can't rub off this eight ball because it actually brings the ball closer to Dennis's pocket so hey another foul here looks like yes he is gonna take a foul but he's up did you notice how he hit that a little more pace yes he did well didn't quite get there but so I think dennis is thinking about now bringing q-ball up table I don't think he wants to get in the situation where he's he's gonna have to be on three fouls or a possibility of three fouls he's gonna stick him right there and stack bring the Tim ball on his side yeah yeah just do something simple that's buying some time well Tony's definitely uh moving good this game so far looks like it and see you against the first shot this game I always get a little nervous when he winds up like that cuz it makes me feel like he's going for a shot you know just playing it safe simple yeah keep it simple just move it along I don't really see what he can do here except he's in a tricky spot here can you see the 13 ball no he can't Jeff it's like he said well just make the ball to the ball well there's check out the big brain on Dennis Tony Tony's back he still owes one actually Tony yeah I can't eat Tony's back to even you know last night Daniel you were talking about up table game compared to you know just run out one pocket and these guys played I think just a couple games of up table one pocket during the whole match just a couple yeah we did not see these guys go up table didn't see any wedgies we might actually see that in this game unless unless we do see a mistake early let's see how tight Tony's playing right now to play an old Chicago style just freeze him the stank yeah let me see nothing no I really like this but I think dennis has a little a little out here he can he can draw this 15 ball yeah got to be careful not to hit the one on the way down bring it back down table between the one of the tensions like that it's just good he's good my shot and for the time being this is kind of exactly one of where he wants to put his cue ball every time yeah except he he's giving him a look at the 15 so I would imagine Tony will remove this 15 he might draw back into that stack of balls - what are like almost a blunt well the 11 ball will be able to go to Dennis's pocket if your moves is 15 but it looks like the 15 six might even be dead - Dennis's hold - oh the 14 14 cigarette yeah he's looking at that and he's looking at the 15 hey Tony realized that that ball is dead you think that's what he saw oh yeah I think so yeah yeah you're right cuz he just knocked it away he would have loved to freeze it right on that eight ball but he got pretty close so this is gonna mean up table game - Daniel if you ask me yeah no I agree it's it's it's looking that way you know unless we see some sort of unforced error these guys are going upstairs or some kind of an amazing shot yes well that's a good shot like in a simple now there's a bunch of balls that go to Genesis holes so I got a feeling Tony is he's gonna slow down a little bit and go up table we'll see what it does here deep bank in this ball I don't think he's playing a bank I mean not toward is not to his hole maybe well I wouldn't he's gonna try something here what's he doing he's moving it over yeah yeah this is kind of one pocket Tony needs to play against Dennis you know this is what he always used to play as most of the games that Tony's one has has resulted in his favor because of this type of play where Dennis has made one critical error and it's costume you know three or four balls if nothing if not the game one thing I've noticed though watching tennis play one pocket is it seems like Dennis runs balls better when they're up table then Tony does I've seen Dennis get out and run five six balls and all of them above the head string in the kitchen he got there I was amazed and Tony gets the board here so it's now he'll be even is that correct or he'll have one ball he's got one ball okay and you know when I used to watch Tony who first learned this game 20 years ago up in Sacramento he used to watch he's to play the Monken Warren Costanza yes yes amar Kang was telling me about that yeah that's correct and Tony was 15 years old and here's monkey smoking his half pack of cigarettes while playing Tony and he would just Tony would just always shoot for the hole and the monk would just take his lunch money pretty much every week two or three days a week and but Tony learned a lot learn to have patience because when the ball is went up table you know you learn how to play the game up table monk knew how to play the game pretty well back then still does well you've confirmed a Mars version of the story so that's good yeah oh yeah well mom our was think of Mars just a couple of years older than Tony so they were yeah need a ride home together get a ride home together yeah yeah did you happen to catch any of the stream yesterday I did we got did you see amar in the beginning no no I didn't we interviewed him did you really busy working man you know you guys can watch that on YouTube at some point Mars got quite the one-pot game to plays pretty well Lamar has a very strong one pocket game totally different than Tony's game it's definitely more conservative yeah okay so back to this Tony's gonna try and Bank his eight ball here and get behind the one I believe somebody hits his cue ball tricky little touchy little shot here yeah I mean jacked up now he change his mind he's playing the stripe yes he is he's 13 easy total gosh that's a little bee sting so well yeah Dennis can cross this and and and actually bring his cue ball back around table Canty unless he he's gotta be careful he might hit the one he's gonna go underneath it yeah one put this cue ball up there by the 14 ball he's gonna swing into rails that's what I see him doing her outside English yes that's not English yeah he was he didn't want to hit the eight ball though so that's why he played that kind of wide yes he didn't looks like it left Tony calls out a bank yeah Tony he seems pretty good usually Tony could actually profit from this situation right now this could be worth about four balls to him if he if he can get maybe on the short side of that nine ball nicely you see what I'm saying yes oh my gosh he didn't even go for I like it you didn't like it away was land you think fatigues playing a factor with these guys right now good no I just think he's playing really tight right well for both of them no not today they're fresh today right now I would say no but maybe maybe around 7 or 8 o'clock tonight sure it'll start you'll start to see a a different kind of game we also like to thank California berry Club for hosting this event here in Fremont California come on down folks if you guys are in the neighborhood not too far away this is the last day of the big one the end tonight first man of 40 takes home the cheese just cheese cheeseburgers maybe surf and turf you name it Tony yes Tony likes to swing it he sure delights likes to swing to ball man well it's a free shot for him but it was I know what you mean by the swing he likes to he likes to fire them in doesn't he when he gets that stroke loose he's fun to watch yeah all right Dennis looks like he's got a little Bank here see what he does 13 balls ago I think that's what he's got his sights on yeah that did you notice how soft he hit that he'd instill this ball will not stop rolling it's almost like it's a conspiracy against Dennis no no way well Tony's got a tough shot here he's jacked up behind this 2 ball he's looking at the 13 at the for the right angle but see what he does here do you consider this a free shot considering where he is he's banking that he's banking the one ball what are you gonna do is gonna Bank the one ball once for the cue ball goes it's got a worry that he doesn't sell out the I don't think he's a free shot he's banking the one to hit the he was a little bit toward his hole as well yes he was looking at that trying to do a lot with one shot he's gonna he's gonna pound this ball tony has been missing a lot of shots Daniel I said tell me that's not no hangar by any means but my point is is that with his level of play he normally comes with shots like that on a consistent basis and as we're getting closer to the finish line seems like he's tightening up a bit so see if he can loosen up or find a way to make some more balls stay in the match is right now dennis is definitely has the momentum seems like to me well numbers don't lie it's now Denis is ahead yes sir who is there my buddy Jason okay yeah numbers don't lie I mean you know it's and for the first time in three days he's ahead Oh Tony Joanne so teamwork oh no he's taken the lead and technically if you want to really get you know factual about it the momentum has been going Dennis's way since yesterday because he I need he beat Tony Joanne 15 games to 10 on paper yesterday in order to catch up correct correct seems like I should have been closer than that I saw a couple games where Tony had his game ball and I skidded out and they were talking about cleaning the balls and polishing the yesterday you mean yeah yeah how did that work out today literally what did you guys end up doing Gerald did you switch the balls out or clean them yesterday they were cleaned yeah okay I know Jon Schmidt talks about that when he's playing straight pool to keep his run going and after an hour the balls get dirty and likes to clean them balls and keep keep it consistent playing conditions no Tony's looking to play some aggressive defense here but I think he might just clear the eight ball backup table that's one thing Tony does well as his aggressive defense is strong that uh well he let them pretty straight here so like dennis is gonna have a banking bank this eight ball in here well you know he's got to avoid the kiss but you're right knowing knowing how good he is and how experienced he is with the table this is a hanger Daniel it's a hanger for Denis money shot right there and I shot nice shot well this could be more than money if this cue ball seemed a little short down by 2l the 14 and I like double bank in the one two rails bring the cue ball right below and right above the nine he's cutting it you think he's cutting this ball yeah he's gonna cheese chopping wood now his mere mortals wouldn't really think about shooting this shot he's thinking about running out he couldn't get her over roll this if he misses this he could leave the 13 we got clean and period that shot he didn't even come anywhere near the 13 no wouldn't play that kind of speed great shot right there Wow I thought I didn't even see that ball going in cut it in like that and that's great shot like I said these guys execute just like this so well that's a hard shot to hit boy that three rail speed was just very impressive shooting at the eleven ball now their team bond looks like the 13 I may be wrong I know it's the 11 is it yeah not you either way here he goes it's gonna try and cut it in again what a shot looking good and position as well shoots he shoots he scores right now this guy just runs balls so good yeah I mean you might take a little longer get in there but he gets a job done isn't that what matters yeah he's looking at what to shoot after he makes his nine ball well there is it there was a 14 ball that he could to rail I don't know how or even you know yeah he's looking at your shot Daniel he could Eve live across the fives yes what's the ball count now Geraldine for I think 4 to 1 for 2 or 2 1 Dennis Leeds yes all right now he's not done yet he's still going oh this guy is fun to watch so for those of you who didn't think he was playing well with his new mayucchi like again he he's already won the cold Dixon with it this year yes the West Coast Challenge one pocket this year well he's trying to get another notch in his belt in case he made that ball he was almost straight in on the six ball say that's a great key ball he's got there Tony's got to shoot the six and you got to come with a shot and make money shots one time looks good all pocket clean you clean that's what they call the old one and stop here looks like he's gonna cross that fly back over nice shot though up table you think yeah yes indeedy is Denis have a bank on this fall there's 12 ball here so if it does you shooting it on y SE hai karate yeah it's or do you'd like to shoot this nice pocket speed shot I've seen Tony make shots like this but Tony banks so well but you can use hai karate a little bit of higher high right you guys stiffen it up though but it'll go in the diamond table this ball goes surprise 20 left in the shot he doesn't really need to stiffen it up that much ya got kissed yeah so that's where I scratched in the side [Laughter] all right looks like he gave Tony a free Bank here in this 14 it's fun and washing up table game every now and then well I think he's worried about this 14 you think yeah because he's gonna open up the balls to the top of the rent you know sitting up at the rail and he may he's he's gonna play safe or he's playing safe gotcha yeah it's pretty safe now I can agree with that shot you know that's seems like you give Dennis any sign of making a shot he's you know he's probably gonna make it pay for it well I did talk to Tony Joann yesterday I mean you know he basically was outside with me after after sort of like a brutal day playing even though he was ahead one game and he said man can condense just please missile ball yeah you know the guy just does not mess gets up from everywhere it's disgusting yeah he's very very talky talky acknowledges you know I mean you know he's got a lot of respect for Dennis and and and his ability I mean he wouldn't be in a box with him right now if he [Music] if he knew well he might be in the box if he knew it was gonna be easy is gonna be in the box regardless I mean he he wants he wants a feather in his cap too you know he wants to wear this belt he does he certainly does which I think will actually fit Tony I don't think it'll fit Dennis the one pocket King belt that we hit that we have on somebody got a safety pin yeah a safety pin that belt weighs about a 15 seems like 15 or 20 pounds it's very well made whoever made that that's awesome yeah it's a great bill wouldn't picked it up and I was thinking of myself I felt like I was picking up a horse saddle looks like it's very well made so that's very cool now I heard somebody said something about Alex wants to play the winner of this match that happens I guess they're gonna play for the belt against should be interesting oh wow oh no oh he's so lucky that that went in Tony got a little roll there you think yes he's very lucky that that went in but you know even though dennis has a has a chance to cross the ball underneath the five they Tony's got a carefree style at times and when it's work and it's fun to watch but no one doesn't work you know he's gonna sell some shots out I think was he trying to make a ball there was he yes he was looked like the speed he hit that wood yeah he got a yeah well he hit it not the way he wanted to hit it that's not what he wants to do I know do you guys drive up here your client yeah we drew we drove up and we're driving back and taking the red-eye you know and tomorrow yes what's going on tomorrow tomorrow's the 9-ball at Hard Times billiards don't forget to go down to hard times and sign up Bellflower by 1516 $80 amateur 124 the pro the big 30,000 added Wow very nice the West Coast Swing man this is the last stop on the swing did they fix the air conditioner down there they've done a lot of you know the improvements to the air conditioner over the years good yeah under there I have been told it'll be at full blast and you know it is still a tough room to keep cool but Eddie has prepared this year good deal they were gonna have a one pocket tournament here at California berry Club tomorrow the monthly one pocket oh that's a shame I can't be here too I will I I talked to Chris often about just coming up just just to do the one plea monthly one pocket one month just to well no you know he'd love to have you here for it oh I think you should play in it I'd love to I'd love to play in it too you know I haven't seen him any balls this week Daniel I haven't hit that many I haven't played that much it's like Tony's gonna go for a bank on his 10 ball here bring some balls down table he needs to get back in this from this game here think that pretty good there look at this shot how's his speed there not too shabby now did you leave Daniel our did he leave in us a shot here looks like he did so we're good yeah guys if you like what you're watching give it give a like on the stream please yeah see the little thumbs up thing go ahead and hit that Oh what the hey while you're at it hit the thumbs down if you want you may you may hate us no either way you get to see this action final day and the big one first Amanda 40 takes home the cash my dennis is not really sure what are you gonna do here but seriously even if he leaves tell me a shot I see Tony getting one maybe maybe two we'll see what happens you know I see Dennis in the States a lot does he live here in America in California or is he live in the Philippines Dennis lives in the Philippines but he he does spend quite some time here actually been well actually he's kind of been living here so yeah honest with you but he keeps going back to renew his visa I don't know how he's been working it out with the Philippines but uh it's nice to see him here world champion he's got a really intense focus on his face right now like he really wants to get this money you think he's learning too because Tony look at this shot well Dennis has to hit this ball away I've seen Tony shoot a ball into a ball in the hole and the ball goes into his opposite pocket at least twice in the last couple of days and I think dennis is he's like trying to he's trying to shut take a page from his book you mean it's a great shot uh I think that's gonna have to be another practice session for for Dennis I don't think he's got that dialed in yet yeah let me take the ball you know with Tony we're talking about years and years of experience of doing that so well you know Dennis misses a shot I've seen him go out there and practice a shot he missed for 20 minutes yeah you shoot it over and over till he gets a wired I heard people talking about this stuff he actually goes out and does it real first like a beautiful kick not enough not enough gas though good shot at that ball might win if you hit it harder there yeah yeah all right Tony's climbing his way back in starting to move a little bit bringing some balls down table putting Dennis on the defensive so I think it's four to three now um that appears to be yes ball count on the table so correct four to three the first game that Dennis is played leading the match so let's see what he does and how he handles himself yeah I mean this is this is gonna be this kind of this game right here actually could dictate you know it's a level of play for the next match because 20 for the rest is much he's kicking this ball wow that's so hard to execute that shot yes it is not easy because if he's got Tony on the ropes mm-hmm we haven't really seen Tony under the kind of pressure that he could potentially be under and oh yeah he's filling it you know a huge leave now he's down and he's probably thinking himself what happened oh oh he's shut how'd he hit it Wow oh man so close three real shot you know most of all on that shot I like his cue ball yeah great cue ball another nice shot and very experienced one pocket take out shot very shed well guys hope you learn something there I learned that shot from Kenny Yoshida about two years ago I never knew that shot until he shot it against me I think that's you know played him five a game for about three years straight it's far and partner huh so I think that's that lesson cost me five bucks everybody needs a good spine partner instead it's doing here it's clearing the ball up table okay well well you might be looking at this three ball Jeff he's looking at it but he knows if he leaves the cue ball up and I quadrant up there dennis is gonna have a shot he might lose the game from their Genesis prove when he can run out from anymore it's amazing this guy plays so good well Dennis needs four and there's a lot of balls you know that aren't really available right now but you know far be it for me to speak too soon he's kicking this ball again kicking the 14 against the rail spin kick how did he hit that Daniel Luna - like a champ 30 now he can bake like a boss definitely worthy of the applause mmm a little bit soft there yeah you did Idol sound the pressure is on in Dennis Duffy well here he's tied it up it's four four just to shoot that kick shot and make it it was a great shot Tony Wow alright but great speed - did he hit it up good shot Dennis that was amazing indeed yes okay so here comes Tony I said here comes Tony Tony's looking the crosses fly back over where's he gonna put the cue ball and not only Dennis a shot not three so this is a perfect example of how Tony should be playing the rest of the match no this this particular game he left he left it as a shot here dennis is gonna shoot this three-ball he's looking at her right now yeah Dennis also shoots these shots really well Daniel he makes it this could be it mister for Oh balls down there right now so he gets his shot and notice how committed he is to the shot when he plays it you know he did miss it by much oil blend so Tony will probably force follow this ball out but will Dennis play the return bank on the four ball it's like Dennis to get a shot here on this I'm a four ball up Table four ball up table bank oh it is the two ball I'm sorry that's that's the shot I was talking about I'm like Dennis shooting the shot here and actually if he plays this right I'll have a shot in the five if you just make it yeah yeah and you might swing around just enough to prevent Tony from getting a shot on the three if Dennis misses a shot Wow great shot I like how he cleared the three ball and it's nicely yeah he cleared the three that was an awesome shot right there so what do you shoot here the four or the five first I like I like shooting the fireball well if you can see the four he's gonna shoot the four I don't think you can see it you can see it he's at the four game over I like the four ball he makes his four balls I'm surprised you did that Wow well I'm not surprised I mean there's a lot of pressure you know and you can't just go into this like everything's routine here yeah because you know what I've noticed too is the up table game Dennis hasn't been really firing a lot of balls in it's been bunt bunt bunt yeah when you bunt for a wild bunt bonbon you gonna come with a shot it's not as easy when you've been shooting show yeah you hold you're not in stroke when it's been like a safety battle for ten innings yeah that's true well this is playing 9-ball or timbal I think I like him to make that four ball up table know what I'm talking to one that you Smith oh the one he missed yeah well that's a different story you know well we got a great game sweating here that's for sure this particular game is very good you know we're definitely on edge yeah I think the table favors Dennis a little bit even though you see a four ball there what do you think it goes either way it's all about who moves better at this point yeah and it's gonna clear the four ball back over try and bring him back down table I believe and not leave Tony a bank on the stripe all he's gonna try to draw back cue ball to the rail not easy shot to get yet no yeah that's why I saw him doing Tony's got to be careful not to leave Dennis a shot in that four ball again cuz then it's just made the last long rail bank he shot that's a good shot the beloved Janet Okamoto she says that Dennis isn't uh isn't in an easy match right now because not wearing his lucky orange shirt from last night yeah that looked like he was on vacation what's that issued the plaid shorts the orange shirt yeah golfing by the way I'd like to thank a few few donations we received today like I think John Paul Moore and Chris Hogan thank you very much for your paypal contribution appreciate that it is much needed thanks for the gas ride home I think Dennis was trying to make that combination in his whole or clear both walls are the way then he made one of Tony's he did let Tony an opportunity to bank a ball what you did also Gary Spence and Michael Singson Roger Howe and James Bowie Nick Prince I Bob got art thank you guys well well Tony needs one Tony's method is paying off right now my pianist up Daniel you'll see we got ourselves a match here Jeff I mean this is the kind of this is kind of one pocket I was hoping to see from day one yeah but but they were kind of circling each other like a couple of dogs sniffing butts these guys have sex before Dale don't worry ya said on a tiger each other out you know but it's getting pretty serious now the gloves are off final day I just got scolded for profanity shame on you Daniel now is this a 1 by 2 or is it going down the final game if it does go hill hill this may surprise you Jeff but no it is not a win by 2 okay you imagine a hill hill match here like Tony got away with one there double kissed you know eivol gonna easily scratch well a little lucky there check out Dennis he's nice he's honing in on this three [ __ ] bingo what a shot well uh-oh he left I made it something he left a little surprise for Tony it's not a hangar that's for sure not an easy shot here you know it's funny I usually see the balls when they're going in on gold crowns but on the diamonds a little deceptive they bank a little shorter Wow who well Tony was lucky not to get the kiss of death there was Dennis something's gonna to rail Bank this ball see what he does here Dennis needs a boss who's gonna be a little offensive you're short there looks good oh they're turning to good all right tie score 31 a piece here at California billiards for day four of the big one race 244 8,000 raised to 40 this is Daniel Busch I'm sitting here with Jeff Gregory we are so glad you guys are all watching and I don't know anything else you have like an auction company you want to promote come on now just got done doing some auctions today over in the know yeah I just wanna see how Tony breaks his balls real quick oh yeah all right Wow we're going right into this game where we owe a decent break there didn't sell out the corner ball it's a good good break there see what he does looks like he's got a shot that's five you can bank this fire ball back towards his pocket yeah Daniel we were doing some auctions here in the Bay Area NorCal storage auctions I like storage wars we have a lot of fun with it that's right a race to nine for a hundred thousand right now yeah it is I gotta say dennis's came back from a huge deficit of being down nine games and yeah it's been an uphill battle for Dennis the whole way you know very quickly early on today he has you know he has staked his claim and taken the lead but we're tied up again so it's like I was saying I think this match is gonna be very very close I don't know who's gonna win it but I know it'll be close this may even go down to the wire today 3131 is pretty close Daniel I like to shoot this fight he's like look at the fireball here he's putting the cue ball over there by the 15 by the side pocket see see what it does here you guys go to Vegas dinner maybe for a weekend or so we don't really have any work going on in Vegas sure go there for a bit yeah we love going to the BCA events and yeah seeing all the players and the vendors and you know some great matches that we get to watch all for free so if you guys are you know planning on going to BC I remember all that's like free for spectators at the Rio it's awesome you know and I think even at Griffes the CSI US Open event is free yeah and other actors to watch those great room I want to go check out pro events play on big tables there speak boy tables so what's Dennis doing he's thinking about kind of brushing off the the one ball to do something simple to try to come around the this is the most crucial shot of the whole game after the break you got her make sure you make the right decision here place cheese tree and up here jacking out what's he gonna do he's didn't try to keep his ball behind the three not an easy shot here like a great shot can do it this is still a great shot there well I think Tony can Bank anything here but we're gonna find out here in just a moment well he's doing that wind-up thing though and that's what scares me so much about Tony well oh good move there Dennis can I saw yesterday at the end of the night Dennis made a ball by kicking rail first and like that I think he's gonna look at the one ball put it back in his hole possibly oh you mean the kick bank that was a great chat I saw him play one that he played horribly though so is that right well you know it goes he might shoot this shot he's looking at something there I don't think he will play it because he could come close to selling out that Bank on the 15 or the or the cut shot on the floor correct that's right literally for that shot I don't think and get underneath the wanting my scratch if he does chicken I know I don't know what he's gonna do here hard to get under that one I think is gonna try to take the one out try not to leave a bank you might be playing your shot Jeff you know maybe maybe to the nth degree he'll play it slower the shot goes to shot goes yeah it's a shot good - Wow I don't think don't think you wanted to do that you think yeah I don't think I don't think dennis has that shot dialed in so well I know there are certain shots that are good with certain players well I saw him shooter he needed four balls Tony needed one he shot it and ran out him in an awesome out and I was like they got myself Tony's in trouble here so what's Tony looking at I guess nothing clearing these balls yeah I guess nothing goes to his hole right here so remember how he might play this eight off the alert off the 11 AK in his hole yeah back in the stack nope oh no you just played the cue ball to the stack so smart shot simple this indicates to me that this is where Tony's head is right now Tony's playing to win big time well I better he's gonna come with it here it's not planned for a highlight reel he's not planned for you know for the audience he is playing to win this match no Tony's gonna shoot that 13-7 and to reel the seven back put him back in the stack I think but we'll see seems like that's what he's looking at right now just don't sell at the bank if he does know he's taking his time he certainly is Daniel he's starting to realize and become aware of what worked for him for every game but he's won in this event so far and it has to do with Denis making his first mistake yes sir who's gonna get the first shot now I like this shot where you feather off the 11 and bring the cue ball around to Rails but he's not even looking at that you see what I'm saying I'll watch his shot bank in the 7 Wow see that's nice mm now Dennis has got a shot but Tony got a little lucky again and had him jacked up over that 15 ball well he's got a very difficult shot to play through he may have to play a safety here no Dennis says I can make this ball watch this it's a tough shot here watch this in a few minutes he's shooting it he's shooting it see his execution I don't know if I like this shot I don't like this shot not easy to shoot this shot at all up on the trees like that man howdy hitting Wow yeah that's so so pure very pure great shot Rachel and there's actually a bank on the 11 - oh yes see most billiard players wouldn't have played that wouldn't have played that that Bank that Tony played because they would have seen the kiss you know he didn't really take a lot of time either that's a tough off angled Bank e14 all right Dennis made him pay that's for sure I would have you see where the cue ball is now that's kind of where it was when Tony shot that shot you know I would have played that shot that I called earlier where you feather off though - 11 on the 11 - I'm around 2 rails use the stack for cover and you know you got still putting the pressure on Dennis far be it for me to I mean I'm sorry if I'm second-guessing guys I don't mean to do that but nice shot Dennis didn't leave Tony much hurt at all the whole racks changed now I wonder what game is Dennis's favorite game to play whether it be ten ball one pocket nine ball um he's liking one pocket right now like that he likes it the best now even though he's I did you know I have to say he's he's extraordinarily good player but his one pocket style so it's still he's still learning still learning game yes indeed but he likes one pocket more than anything right now in fact Shane wanted to play Dennis and we are discussing a possible match between Shane and Dennis one pocket match but Dennis wants to play one pocket Shane wants to play ten ball either way that's gonna be fun to see what that meant you know I'd like to see if we can talk both players into kind of playing a little bit of both or maybe a trifecta of games some what's the decider game maybe straight pool you know or maybe we let the audience decide I don't know I don't like necessarily letting the audience decide because you have 3-cushion billiards could be the decider game bumper pool we got the pool toss Toni swingin looks like what's he doing here and Dennis put Tony in a tough spot he's not really sure what you do I don't think you can see the eleven ball Jenny yeah you can just a half ball like to send a shout out to Kentucky up in Washington State I know he'd be here now if he was still living in San Jose I hope we do it well Kentucky and Ray Garcia from Stockton hanging out what's up guys well your sweat the match it's gonna be a long night it's about five o'clock California time these guys are gonna be playing a race to nine till the very end it's gonna be gonna be great to sweat it here so if you guys are close by the California burger club here in Fremont California come on down great food there's some seats left oh here but it's filling up quick we got a lot of players in the house Bryce Avila just walk while he's been in action for the last three days playing some real players getting the best of it all right there Oh Bank on the 11 but I think you see he's temp and Dennis right now shoot this shot I dare you it's kind of a trap he's being careful though this guy's deadly Dennis can run out from pretty much anywhere he's proven that all right he may do well just just to knock the 11 away yeah well he's looking to see if he can knock your luvin into the three ball maybe make it back into his hole looks like he's looking at that shot he's looking at that angle what's going off with you basically I mean is it going to victory that's a little I don't know it's a little ambitious I think it I think it hits the 13 if he if he Clips it enough it'll go on his hole see what he does he's choosing to do something else yeah that's more of a Toni Joanne shot than a Dennis or Colio shot yes I'm not mistaken I think you're correct wow that's a good shot too both teams Johanna and team are colo each put up fifty thousand and this is the big one guys there's a hundred thousand in the middle race 240 it's been a four-day event this is day four of the big one here at the California burger club you guys are just joining us don't forget to hit the like button here on the YouTube stream for POV pool and stay tuned because there's gonna be a lot more great events coming up in the West Coast Swing guys starting tomorrow and they're gonna be down in Bellflower for the hard times open 3,000 that'd event you know as a spectator of the stream Daniel I gotta said the quality of the stream has been beautiful very really high quality stuff you guys got here so oh well thank you very much Jeff you know it makes it hard to get up to get up the couch and come out here so that's what I hear you're spoiling everybody out there so that's what I hear if you guys like what you're seeing don't forget to send a little donation if he'll be pulls away nice as a matter of fact I happen to have a little news from a friend oh yeah what's that uh whoo yeah on the subject of what you're saying he's got to go onstage in less than an hour now and and and play some songs from his next album coming out and that is Mark Kendall great white AB and great white he's gonna be going on stage in about an hour they're gonna be playing songs from their album full circle but his wife informs me that she cannot he cannot put the phone down and stop watching this so we're gonna give a shout out to to Mark Kendall and great white congratulations on your new record release full sir and we look forward to to get a copy of it and listening to it hey maybe we'll even do a highlight reel to one of your one of your tracks man so uh Lester luck on the on stage there break a leg buddy you plays a little bit of uh down in Southern California yeah yeah the band great white you've ever heard great white or some hard a great white what are you kidding me I grew up in the 80s me exactly exactly he's down in Southern California awesome and he's uh he's a avid one pocket and pool fan he's a good player too so he's digging this oh he's digging this big-time as most of us are absolutely all right well guys looks like it's gonna be an up table game again Tony's really being conservative now right now and as his Dennis man it's hard to execute jacked up like this these guys do it so well pinky my left Tony a bank on this 12 ball here possibly maybe not though he didn't he did Daniel I mean we may have a wedge game coming up one these time soon so we'll see what happens cheese wedge she's wide yeah and this I totally expect the snail from Tony today this change of gear well he knows he's not playing he's playing a guy who can play the game he's playing the guy that can't miss a ball you know I mean if you give him a chance to shoot it as ole he's 90% on almost anything so you take the biggest 90% that's a damn high it's a very high percentage did you say boy or why no I said that's a high percentage I mean I said it's very high what his execution is just so good wait it's so much discipline in his stroke whereas you know Tony is all you know just raw talent that he's been developing for years as well but it seems like such an undisciplined stroke you know yeah she's a raw talent stroke if you ask me yeah he sure keeps it loose these guys both control the cue ball pretty well you look at Dennis jacked up again it's like Tony's trying to keep him jacked up if you're gonna make a mistake I think you might make this mistake jacked up as compared to what's on the rail not a lot going on for either player except that wedge wedges for me that wedge will will favor if there is a complete wedge up there by the end of this session here it will favor whoever has the opposite corner pocket diagonal to the wedge did you play much wedge Daniel I've played a few wedge games it's funny I remember first real wedge game I got into with this was with Danny shades and I didn't really understand what I was in you know what I mean I was like man this is gonna take a while you know and he said why don't we just react this and then I looked for a second and it occurred to me that the wedge I was on the opposite diagonal pocket and he knows that the wedge favors my pocket so I just looked at him I said no I don't think so I said I think we're gonna play this out and I won that game Danny shades what a great name for a bull oh yeah Danny shades plays out of Santa Monica so billiards I mean everything everything was with it yeah it was a real wedge it was yeah one guy who plays the wedge real good here is Hugo oh you know you go as a wedge player he plays real real good wedge so anyway uh looks like Dennis might be trying this for ball well so far nobody's really made a crucial mistake this game just let him move in a bumping but I think Tony my bank is for ball now it does go in his hole see what he does he's got a free shot here ceiling hits this ball he's looking at it but they both been bunting for the last 10 minutes 15 minutes he's got the green light to go see how he hits it here he goes great great turn on the ball nice shot well t-rex has spoken he swung it know what he's gonna do here I don't see it much of a bank cross over the 11 ball he's not looking to beg his 11 ball is he it's possible with a little kill on the ball you know he's these diamond rails are so well made but they do get a little hard toward the point Wow yeah I didn't see that shot coming at all well well Tony inches ahead is the wedge forms above yes that's a big heavy sigh I agree yeah when I see shots that shouldn't be played that was a good shot though I thought he was gonna try to spin it hey it looks like we're gonna have a couple of wedges in our hamburger today well I don't see much of anything that goes here or any kind of I mean how do you play offensive and defensive this is this what's a little confusing about this stage of the game to a lot of players including no time Daniel yeah one ball at a time that's so yeah I pick out one at a time and and uh some guys like the wedge cause if you sell out you only sell out one ball yeah it's tough to get to run balls when you play in the wedge it's very tough to run balls you gotta think of favors this he's carrying a lot less weight around and he can probably walk around the table for a lot longer in my opinion but we're gonna find out well that's a that's a bait shot there it's bait and it's very hard shot so do you think the eleven ball I think he could play this pocket speed too and I wonder how he's hitting it doesn't appear to be banking it oh it's I'm sorry I got confused which pocket is his look at that look at that shot well played cue ball another Bank here from Washington guys played the last few days who banks the balls better Daniel your opinion Oh you're gonna really ask me that question hope you think's been banking better i think dennis been banking overall a little better but i think but the disclaimer on that is that i think Tony's been playing at some unbelievable combo banks and and kicks that or coils gonna just need to practice for several years and shooting out of the stack the way he does it's just it's amazing I mean twenties make another ball here but that's safe now you know we got great great shot makers great great bankers but Tony's like a Houdini you know what I mean he gets out of traps pretty well he gets out of traps and he he he just makes things happen that I I just don't expect never expect but now I'm starting to learn his style looks like Tony's got the slant advantages game so I'm gonna see what happens here oh did he Dennis fouled on ball he didn't get a rail okay so scratch yeah Dennis didn't get a real Tony's trying to keep Dennis behind that wage back there so far it's working yeah left in this little Bank here in this tube all so he gets it yes he did I think it goes to matey he doesn't want it to go he doesn't yeah well good shot yeah so here we go this is the Houdini okay maybe not well maybe Wow I saw that show Houdini at work well if you look where you love Dennis in case you missed that monkey left them a shot yeah but doesn't matter Tony sees a dead ball and he goes for it I mean I don't know anybody sees dead balls like him maybe Afrin yeah Efrain probably but but you know he sees him he sees him like tripled up doubled up you know like however they however they're lying if they're dead he sees them and look at this take out back in the ledge is gonna leave a shot though yeah now mass while the great Houdini as my friend James Woods would say all right Dennis has got a shot here all right it looks like Dennis is taking just a brief moment here every gear up the Gatorade you know Tony's leading this match this game for games zero this game but he seems like he played a little bit of wild there and now dennis has got a good chance here to get some balls see what happens thank you all right here dennis is doing some calisthenics over here trying to loosen up a little bit he's gonna come back the table with a shot on the 15 ball here see if he makes it so how many balls do you think this could be worth let's say to you to you to me I'd be happy to get three balls out of this I mean the way I've been playing one I just want to make the 15 it looks like he wants to follow which would mean that I mean did it look like he was trying to follow there or stunned I think follow well he's at an awkward angle with six balls right up over the cue ball and he's up in the trees as John Henderson says and this is a tough shot for anybody especially eight and a half feet away here eight feet away it's a tough shot he's just gonna focus I'm making the 15 he's got the eight ball next he's got the two ball next I mean he's got yeah he's looking at the 8 he wants to get all the way over in case he does miss he's gonna leave Tony a tough shot on the rail well also if he misses he might double up to 7 and the ten you know two-way shot here yeah so it's a two-way she's gonna shoot the eight ball next if it makes his 15 you know that was nice you Jen did nice shot he's a he's a little straight though I think about roll forward from at my bank wait yeah well can he do that though we look at this side pocket the jaws look pretty big yeah you're right he's a little you wanted to get over just a little hair more but he's Dennis or Cole oh man this guy can do amazing thanks he's looking at that Bank at the ten right now Wow I can't even I can't even conceive that he can roll forward past that past the the horn of the side pocket and see how he hits it here he goes mushroom magic oh yeah he got it oh he needed the pocket okay great perfect we were saying about you know Tony he's up for zero in this game he got a little wild there and opened up all those balls and tarish dennis running hard well he's you know he's he's got his work cut out for him right now you asked me earlier Daniel how many balls do you think he's gonna get here I said four he's on leave he's on this is his third one here if it makes his bank I like him making the 7:13 there love yeah he's he's running mint well once again work cut out for him oh yeah he doesn't want to sell anything out he makes you show real thanks real nice though makes it harder to make these banks when you're being very careful about you know the rest of the table I mean look he kind of did sell out a shot I think he's gonna go to ball 11 ball seven ball I could be wrong yeah I would I would maybe agree with you I'm just cue ball so good he'll bring it over for the 11 next sold out the 11th Geraldine's so if you missed that Bank what do you think you think Tony's gonna go for that 11 Geraldine's asking me what did he sell out I think he's in issue ball and get behind the 11 I know Geraldine okay never mind Tony was just out moving the guy and all of a sudden you lose a shot and not a good thing to do miss Dennis gonna run out another tough shot see how he hits his two ball well he got the cue ball safe but he might have left the bank of the to cross the cross bank you got three balls from there which is pretty good but in case he made that ball is that or do it I think it's the four ball Jeff this is before no it's a two ball yeah oh I'm sorry you're looking at the table I'm looking at the screen Tony shoot dinner right now so he hits his ball did I hear a skid no I hit that pretty good actually okay that was a nice shot indeed yes you guys are watching yeah watch this nice smooth stroke of Tony going here say we get you some lemon ball we are watching some good hello guys wow I shot I thought it trickled in well Chris Fort mentioned that that is the toughest pocket on this table season I'm starting to agree with them oh absolutely Tony's got six if he makes this it'll be seven and he needs one ball after the seven ball goes down and blammo has that position folks well kid I don't know what can he do here I thought he was gonna Bank that thirteen ball next I didn't see him trying to get behind these balls here so he's gonna have to bunt or I I really don't see an offensive shot realize six ball Wow looking at this shot right now that's an aggressive shot if he hits a shot bad it's really aggressive Jeff well that's how Tony thinks he thinks run out mm-hmm I would even try this shot yeah I think he's one why do you shoot the shot but he's gonna do it this is insane yeah so I'm thinking do you think he's really thinking about it was laying he's thinking about where he's gonna leave the cue ball to play on safe he needs to get past a side pocket is he gonna try to kick this no you get two rails watch oh gosh here we go aah I leave balls up table that's me made my money yeah nice 50,000 moments of clarity from Joe for 50 grand I just rolled it just like that and I freeze him on the bottom room yeah well you know Dennis needs them all you can understand him wanting to go for it you know cuz Dennis needs them all but at the same time just go and letting Dennis back in either just goes to show you how fearless Tony can be sometimes when he's thinking of my shooting those shots when he only needs one Dennis had a good chance though he made that he missed that one shots I mean if he makes it though it's a whole different story well but Tony just came with a pretty good run out very good run out yeah sure so this could take a while we're playing one pocket here so this is great you can't you can't use all the pockets you only get to shoot your balls in one pocket and it looks like Denis might play this Bank on the stripe um I don't see him playing a bank I don't think you'll notice on the 14 ball or team well that's I think he's gonna move a little bit more my thinking really ease that's a tough Bank yeah explain safety try and position shots and not leave Tony a shot which I think he has he just did you rail yeah I just left them no one rail on the five oh yeah that's right Tony's looking at the two rail I'm sure a rail you know I've got a weird camera angle I'm looking at so I can't really tell a little long there but five please yeah Dennis needs to bring balls down table now he really does he needs him all he wants to just make sure and bring them all down table shout out to Steve lista Cal he's probably out there delivered a diamond table or recovery at a table somewhere out there in California good stuff here guys watching two champs play yeah I mean you can also see at the score the way the game score is right now both players are like clinging to dear life not to lose a game yeah I like to make the six ball bring some table balls down table goodness needs of all right now he sure does yeah Tony can three rail his ball of a three-railers on sure can he's looking at it right away so this is an error from Dennis is where Dennis I really thought he's gonna bring balls down table but with Tony jumped after hitting that shot yeah it's a little short well short little short but that's that's Tony's pocket right there and he'll settle for at least she'd Dennis should be bringing now whoa whoa whoa I think Tony shooting his fireball all day long all the five ball cross back straight back well it's possible he's up seven seven to three so six three or seven three oh he needs to whoa no those things Tony's got seven balls doesn't he there's only five balls on the table so if somebody's gonna be seven three or six to four Tony needs one here score should be seven three pretty sure I bet my money on it Joe Tucker thanks for the super chat sir paying $10 just for that jacked up cut shot by Tony Joanne and maybe cuz POV does such a great job thanks Joe Tucker Joe Tucker does a good job too check him out at Joe Tucker dotnet yeah pretty sure it's seven to three you're pretty sure it's 73 I'm gonna go take a look I thought it was seven as well hold on Tony's playing like he needs one it's gonna let Dennis try and make a mistake here so you can get this last ball this is gonna shut you up a little shorter you wanted to come all the way back down table Geraldine you guys are doing a great job I know you're probably tired after being here for a little while looking forward to getting home and yes normal sleep schedule your own bed I know what you mean guys hurry out there sweating this match please hit the like button on the YouTube stream your thumbs up button if you like what you're seeing out here watching Dennis or Colo and Tony Chauhan play this match howdy hit it guys nice shot great shot one down four to go you can through rail this ball here you can drill the nine ball so he gets a shot I think that's the shot it's laying right Daniels gonna go attend to some technical issues and we're gonna have John Henderson coming to booth in a minute score here is he's got seven Dennis has four 31 31 going to 40 folks guys we appreciate the love and the donations here in POV pull Gerald and Daniel been doing a heck of a job for the last ten days here with the stream of high high quality HD stream and I can tell you I've been enjoying it myself when I'm beating him home so if you guys can show some love send him a little donation there away he'll be pulled calm hey John Henderson are you playing the one pocket tournament tomorrow no I came to sweat the end of this got some family stuff going on yeah I'd love to play yeah so you can win it you give me the free pass John I'm gonna give you the free pass thank you buddy it looks like Tony's tightened up a little bit hon last couple games yeah yeah well you know dennis has just steadily gotten a little bit better Tony got some brutal rolls I noticed early but unless something funny happens he could get this one in what take a one game lead last two games all what up table Antonis had the advantage well he he's he's beat him to the shot almost every game i think but he just hasn't you know he had that one scratch and another one but anyway the rolls there's an ab and i'd as we all know with the rolls they probably come out pretty even but he looks pretty focused let's just hope he can hold on to it Dennis Dennis does what Dennis does I was surprised to see him miss that one ball you know they agree he could have took the lead in this game there Tony did not want to make that ball on the side Dennis got a free bank now in the slab all free bank here he hits he's pretty sporty yeah if he makes it he's gonna have a free shot on the sixth day I'll have a little angle to come back down on the nine probably that simple mistake might cost Tony here we'll see what Dennis to us then it's just maybe one just like this a minute ago I heard it right back in the hole yeah he he just he hit some awful good he hits a nice and clean doesn't he was go striker yeah tony has more imagination you know and and in his you nailed it look at this yeah he always does yeah well now what do you do here do you try and make the 13 or just make the six and you know I think you'll just take a three roller on the 9 try and do too much you might in my cost you hear source it with make the ball right well he's got a little bit of an angle if he thinks he can pound it enough to to rail it down what ideally he'd liked it to rail it make the 13 out he put him in the one hole or reason follow it and do that watch this shot here guys howdy hit that stroke Wow nice shot well guess what Tony next time you try and clear a ball make sure you don't make in the side pocket cause you tend this is gonna make you pay for it right here did I seen some also yeah this would be a hard another heartbreaker to lose well Oh Missy over cut that ball a little bit yes sir all right usually hits those pretty well yeah this banks I don't know if he has to ram it to make the angle but I don't think so I think he can play a pocket speed Dennis knows he and it's an opportunity there there I was he's been nailing low shots all week Tony usually didn't let her with that ball in the hole what a shot he doesn't let those roll off does he um yeah that was a great shot though yeah Tony takes the lead again 32 31 it's gonna go down the wire yes it is remember the very first time Tony chi'lan play tennis or Colo in Sacramento a hard time oh my gosh were you there for that I was there and I remember that Dennis won the nine ball Tony won the one pocket and they played us the first set was for 2,000 or 3,000 and and and Dennis's backer said the window is open so we lined up like it was a pair of mutual I got on the bed like I think I'll be bet 200 but there was probably 3,000 on the side Tony beat him I forget what is a race to he has raised to 4 4 mm yeah and Tony beat him in about 20 minutes 20 minutes exactly you know it was when he gets rolling like that and I'd love to see him have a stretch like that here well yeah because he's certainly that's a big difference though I'll tell you what I know but you know it it's so fun that he's so creative he's fun to watch you play right it's great to watch him play there's nobody nobody more exciting and and then Dennis arguably the best you know one best ball strikers and I've watched Dennis's 1 pocket you know ever since he started playing it in and he won the US Open 1 pocket in Las Vegas a few years back Jay Huffer and I were doing the commentary on attic I think it was against Cory dual and he was you think this is slow it was you know but he literally wanted his shot-making ability he really didn't have a clue as to moving in my opinion Corey should have beat him but Corey just he likes to invent shots in the middle of the game and it ended up costing him sure the US Open time I'm learning stuff watching Tony play just some of the shots he sees out the stack yeah yeah he'll do things backwards we think he's gonna do something here and he does he does something and then he he does so many things at once and like he plays a form of aggressive defense yeah yes defensively taken balls putting balls towards his hole and taking him away from Dennis's hole yeah Harvick's what is when it's all when it when it all comes together nobody's going to beat him and Tony if anybody saw his Facebook post he says the heck with all you haters I'm not a play what got me here that's the way I play is everybody said you know he lost some games are being too aggressive but he won a lot of games by being aggressive and that's how he plays you know that he sees the table a certain way and you cannot change your style the last day of a four-day set so dennis is gonna get some shots when he misses those and the balls are spread because Tony likes to break them up but when he makes those shots and and gets out like he did the first day he got he had Dennis on tilt for a little while all right part two of day four here we go all right and I'm here with Jeff Gregory and Don Henderson we play up at a hard time sexy what are we talking about key will travel all right Dennis is break and see how he gets this breakdown now nice the table is freaking pretty good every time there's you know ball near the hole and they're both breaking for the same hole I guess they think that holes a little softer for some reason or breaks better on that side seems like your prices yeah it breaks better to the side then the corner balls not coming out and selling out like it is from breaking on the other side because the first day or two I think they both broke to the opposite yeah they both broke the norm of the standard break and then Toni continued to do it after Dennis switched sides I noticed this is an interesting shot he's what's he looking on here John I think he's just got to keep the ball right there where it is you know roll up on the 12 and it's prolong the agony that's what I think in either that he might try to draw it down behind the one he's got a little bit yeah yeah but if he doesn't hit it hard enough then he leaves an easy Bank you know I'm much more conservative because I don't have the shot making ability and the straw will have that guy's sweet stroke this guy's have I tell you what but I'd roll up on the 15 and try and trim and then he but he would then cut he's he's always trying to get something over on his side now he's gonna draw into the stack here and try it out he's doing some with a 6-4 ball he's drawn into the deuce and trying to block it and get a ball on his side looks like he was shooting at the 6-4 then what could be wrong the problem is if he Nick's that ball going into the deuce with the cue ball he leaves a real easy combination and lots of balls Fred I say yes but you know he'll figure out something different probably this is the most crucial shot of this game is this shot after the break yeah gotta make sure make the right decision and not sell another thing out because you give Dennis a shot he'll pick him on a real quick especially when all the balls oh he's gonna get something on his side he just depends where this cue ball goes yes sir and it to hit this right he can't I don't think run into the Doosan item but let's say maybe about it here he goes well looks like he know he got him you got lots of time as you say huh yeah yeah I know he's gonna shoot the two rail and put the cue ball down by the one but he'll look him all over for a few minutes unless he see something something he thinks is dead but well Dennis Brook this is Dennis's pocket right here yeah I think he's might have a two-reeler on the seven I don't know if you know and if the angle might not be right to draw down behind there I think you might wanna see but Tony yeah you know he got some balls on his side he spread them out and what kind of advantage do you think a guy with a good break has in an even matchup you know maybe I are playing I said John you got the brakes let's play some you think it's a ball advantage ball and a half they say between a ball and a ball and a half but you know if you look at the statistics of the real good players it's a little under 60% that you know generally that the breaker wins I see because these guys get out of it so good there's an advantage but not a huge advantage unless you break him yeah you know I add at our level the advantage is it's probably greater but yes yes somebody like Tony and Dennis cuz they'll take scratches you know they don't care how many scratch you know they don't care how many scratches they have to take and I used to watch Filipino gene play back in San Francisco back in the day and he would take a lot of scratches he'd never wanted to play three foul but a lot of times he'd have seven eight nine coins he owed oh he's played a nice little shot in and I'm gonna try to make the one or the oh he would have made to fire that shot he harder he makes it Wow yeah yeah Tony's in a tough spot here you'll have to kick at it and I think one real kick yeah and he doesn't have to you know he can pinch it and probably leave the ball there and bump it out a little bit or because he might hit it and not make it so that's still a real tough kick a lot can go wrong there hang it up you can scratch couldn't scratch I don't think I think that you know if you had to really be on a double kiss scratch maybe he was gonna kick you can't come behind and scratch her I don't think I think a double kiss and you'd hang in the hole I think he's gonna try and make it and go over you know he kicks so well he's gonna try and make it he's gonna hit the rail first I think try to get behind the one yeah here we go or he might do he just makes it he's in good shape perfect that's a good shot I shot this would be huge if he can win this game on Dennis's break because Dennis laid down a real solid break yes he did Joe sent him some lunch money haraway well I think it's gonna be within three games I'll say that this has been a seesaw battle a final day so far and we're just getting started here folks for those you getting off work grab a snack and come sweat someone pocket act will be here for a while yeah what was it 12:30 last night Daniel probably pace to slow down a little bit and this is a big day though this is a final day here california-berkeley busy bank in this one boy he's just hiding over behind the stack I think that Chase he is you mind left him seven ball yeah he eating two rail or seven and draw down candy yes I think he's gonna to Rilla seven get behind the one boy hit see so good I don't know that he can make it but he can get it close it's really stiffened this ball up here John yeah he's got the stroke to do it and the touch to do that touch nice shot well you see just played cue ball he didn't try to get the ball by the side pocket he just made sure that he didn't spin out too much yep do something crazy he's really tightened up today compare that he really has to I see a couple games he made fantastic shots and I'm the adrenaline got going yesterday and he tried to end the game with the next shot and cost him the game tighten up a little bit miss the ball yeah so yes he's still making fantastic shots but he's looking the table over a little more well he knows that Dennis gets a shot he's gonna do some damage Dennis is yes Dennis a run-out player well he's gonna try and Bank this ball I think or he same take his ball out I don't I like to just come up the stack here the 6:00 6:15 and put him behind that two balls I can't up in the corner what do you like to do here John what do you what would you shoot you're playing me for a hundred a game well you got uske I like thin and thin into six and coming down past the side pocket yeah but with Tony's and he's gonna rifle that to rail that one rail bank on the two or you you like those yourself I do like to bank long rail yeah what do you think I learned her from yeah he's okay he's gonna he's gonna go up he wants to bank the one and go up table and hide the ball but he's gonna shoot our shot now let's see where he puts it he goes thin with it comes below the side pocket or you might just go behind adduced like you want and not let Tony banking that's my first my first look yeah he came right behind it hit it pretty good it's a great spot to be I like it now can Tony see that six ball from there no okay so that's a great shot simple what's Tony looking at now eh you deduce in a heartbeat we got no enimies lie to try the combo and the night you just don't well that's he likes his swing and he really does like to swing that ball well I mean he this deuce is actually a high percentage shot for him but there's no second shot for him and he gives up at least four balls maybe the game yeah a little percent but he's in a bad spot see that he's gonna shoot the two this is looking at it yeah that's right in front of him he's got a look at that first yeah I don't know what else he can do he sees things sometimes that other people don't but I think I was thinking I don't know seeing kick the six I might just take a scratch and roll down and back I think he can roll him back at the sick now I can't do that cuz any dentists will cut that dent in or whatever it is yeah you're right he's gonna tell us he's really in a predicament you know but but what he does and he will not play a hundred-percent defensive shot if he's in this kind of a trap piece he's gonna he's gonna shoot this deuce when Denis has made him shoot a shot like this he's hasn't been coming with it so look at this alright let the bank on the floor ball but he got out of it for now yeah I just got a couple options here he can make that six or the for the horses shot I think yeah the forest but he I don't know that he'll have a second shot yeah well all comes back to Dennis everything lay down a good break on Tony here miss game boy that was a nice I never you know no you know we don't we don't have the kind of stroke to think of that's yeah you're right well we put English Wow good shot Dennis is that 13-3 wired in looks like it might go 1313 three can you see the two he's looking at thirteen three right now see you know it's not my final night off look at none I throw it in might go off the deuce but I think he might be able to he's no telling I mean he back cuts well so well I think he can throw this ball or he can't see the deuce he's looking at the shot his throws in the hole he's looking at right now no he's playing it off the deuce I think find out yeah well you got to be careful he's looking else what else the table that's gonna show him here well he spun up table with that ball hit it was such such confidence without much anguish on a bank even though it's a hey you know hanger Bank when you put it dead you know dead center cue ball boy even if he could have got he could have easily spread those balls and got a lot of balls there so Tony got a break there he's got some breaks coming sure now John do you think dennis takes a long time between yes he does and he's much better than used to be because he knows the game better now oh I used to be tortured or watch it Mike J hillfort and I did a US Open one pocket like I said against him and Cory duel and it was just it was awful oh yeah you know and not looking at all of the options but getting down on the ball standing up getting down on the ball standing up he's gonna spin this in he's cutting cut the 15 in sure is ball goes and if he gets around the 6mm you're gonna run into this either well if he makes this ball Tony's I yeah he's trying to figure out how to have it shoot it if he just clips to six and stops it right there you can shoot the two you can do a lot of things we're gonna find out I think dennis is feel a little bit more pressure today that he has I don't think so he's you know he's playing very confidently sure is all right here we go he's playing this often I know you can't can't quite decide this could backfire or even win the game I mean if it goes off the deuce it just looks to me like it's gonna throw down too much you know go in between the deuce and the hole it's got a hit Hatter a ball of the deuce two may put a little insight on it and see what he does sure looks like this ball goes to me like that there you go I got a little unfortunate the one ball came back up and took away shot in the 13 that's about two pretty solid rolls in a row that Tony's got advantage of it sure is see now he took such a long time to decide that and at the end it looked like a hand yeah it did it did but he you know I mean I guess you could hit it with a little different English or a little different spot and I wouldn't have been anywhere near his he ball was good - absolutely yeah oh yeah if he gets on the 11 so nice playing a combo 1015 looks like it and how where does he think the cue balls gonna go here it's Rob back figure out maybe he thinks it's gonna draw back between the nine and the one I don't know it looks like it misses a shot he's gonna sell some math to Tony on his side but sure looks like it he's but you know he's he's doing the same thing that Tony does he's made a good shot he wants to continue the run instead of judgment yes sir here we go see where the cue ball is going here well like I said he drew it in between those yeah he was trying to he shot like a Tony shot there like Tony shot he got a little wild and reckless John yeah he begged his tempo oh he can it's a do or die er yeah it looks like he's not gonna really be able to control her huh there he goes you might be able to sprint going right into a deuce and then shoot the 13 miss it sure did and leptin is straight no Jose he can't putt he's having trouble shooting banks with pocket speed when he riffles them he was a little treat up there to notice too but maybe has something to do with the bet yeah you're right he's pocket speed banks he's having some trouble with indeed that was a five or six ball shot I don't blame him for trying that I decided you know try to put a little bit more confident stroke on it there pockets feet those are the in-between shots for me so you know first he's going around first to get on these balls yeah okay nice shot yeah that's what he does and I've mentioned it before when he dissed totally commits to to pocketing the ball you know but that's why he doesn't do both things as well as Dhoni but when he decides he's going for that ball his execution is second to none really yeah he just comes with shots makes tough shots look like hangers so he only needs what's he need for fall he's four for zero Dennis leading this game he's looking pretty good right now I think he's gonna go 7-7 next and then maybe the well I don't you know it's got a funny angle here you might you might go around table the three girls I know let's see what he does I guess he can just expand it and get there yeah he's going for this oh boy well gotta make this shot here put himself a little Jam he's not even gonna think twice about it I see you and me I'm looking at if I miss his ball how many balls am I gonna sell out it's a six six then problem yeah maybe seven there we go if I shoot hard enough knock that ball over something like this tough shot it's a little off angle he missed that he missed settled by a little bit more than normal Wow look at that I'm surprised he missed it like that Tony's like only at least gonna get four five yeah look at this this would be a huge game Oh No cut lucky he got lucky again I thought he's trying to get in the bottom ball maybe he's trying to get on that ball another inch though he would have been then you got a saver with the bottom ball so that's that's good sooner you can take the lead here well still got work to do John you can take the lead here buddy shoot and actually shoot the I'm going to twice I'm going to rails for them balls ever ball next either one I can I don't play that pinpointing shake Billy Palmer told me one time it's always easier to walk down stairs and walking up stairs yeah well Billy could play a little one pocket I miss Billy Palmer man he did ways but you know got the young family and a good job yes sir I shot they're gonna take care of that a little straight in come out might have to come out on the bottom side Oh easy there oh what a shot seemed getting on the seven ball from there Wow well this is gonna be a six ball who makes this he'll be tied up yeah and he's gonna have a banquette to win here whoo boy hit that little rough he struck his stroke carried that chat though you know he got such a loose loosey-goosey extended stroke sure does he's got six does the only balls here John thinks I don't think so so he's gonna I don't think he's gonna try and draw down and get straight in but you never know with him I'm thinking he'll just take the bank keep it simple here give yourself a straight back yeah no he's cute I just don't know he's trying to get behind that ball yeah I just don't understand it I don't understand it either that I'm trying to think what he was thinking this it's good to see pretty good as he banks the balls well yes I don't know well Tony needs one dennis needs two here we go guys but you know they're playing for a lot of money maybe that changed his way of thinking well he and I had a conversation after Bustamante lost a game to Danis shower Bustamante needed one Dennis needed to and in one ball was totally out of play you know in the old my Freddie the beer our old friend Freddie the beer who a lot of books in one pocket and everything else Freddie said never shoot a shot when you only need one and they need multiple balls you can lose the game on and booster shot a shot bumped the other ball out and lost the game and the set Wow and I asked Tony about that I said why didn't he play the score and he said look at this a little bit short he said when you're playing the players at this level and you get a chance to win the game you better take huh essentially what that was his philosophy oh he hit that good but not quite good enough yeah it's a bank look at this put up in the one hole no not quite there we go you don't get all the way over Tony I'll cut it you eat that pretty well there Wow I would say see it's that real good all goes back to Tony try and get behind that 14 instead of just trying to bank it well he was feeling it so he thought you know member Dennis was up 6 0 this game and he got a little funny on that 6 ball he's missed it yeah this is yeah you can't hold the cue blown down there you know I think I'm just banking to the middle of the table on this one here just playing table speed I'm not trying to make it this is jacking up a little bit here what's she doing kicking it no nice try well you really dug behind that nice shot though there now Tony likes this shot no kiss in it mm-hmm well see if you can hold and hold his upper body straight nut and stay down on the ball that's a secret and push through there ball here yeah Tony does it pretty well not good enough they're not that time all right you didn't shoot your three [ __ ] hear that cue ball though to help us have that speak perfect all right you play a race to 40 playing one ball one pocket who you like Wow Oh Tony for sure yeah okay and banners Johanna yeah yeah good playing with one we still play louder one ball one pocket you don't see that much anymore yeah all right nice nice shot it's just simple well you got it done Thank You Johanna --k helping out the cause here at Pele you pull he's got a shot here but there's a you're gonna draw around the table with the cue ball as he swinging it John III think so oh no I'll guess what you shot the wrong hole no I hit it bad eating he jacked up and hit it bad he was fleeting there idle mess tennis his pocket yeah yeah that was that was a Yankee behind got a little reckless again yeah carelessness will cost you a Wow well there you go folks tied up again Tony was really trying to do something man he's trying to three rail it he had to hit right in front of it you know he hit it here too thin yeah tough shot all right Tony's breaking yeah he needs to win this one get that game but both those guys made a mistake that game and Dennis prevail tied up yet again 32 apiece race to age for the for the cash John we're gonna have uh George Michaels come in and pay us a visit here in a minute all right I'm gonna go take a break and it's a fresh air and maybe I'll see a little later oh you're gonna play some soon to be back and stroll my back gets better okay you get alright thank you Jeff well unfortunately that's happened all too many times Tony's giving up games that he had in the bag almost well but that really is the first major error on a last ball that we've seen yeah like yeah and in today's performance hello George Michaels get your microphone yeah so let's hand it on over to George Michaels thank you and thank you for Jeff Gregory for stepping in with us and you too John Henderson we'll be right back here's George Tony lay down a nice break but he can draw down behind the balls hello everybody now George what we're watching here is nothing like the old Chicago style one pocket isn't well a little bit of bug the stuff is in here well yes told him you're Tony gets Tony gets creative I know bugs did I'm not sure what he was trying the last shot there Easter the last game he was trying to three-rail at his holy just hit an awfully jacked up oh yeah jacked up and skidded the ball and hit it ball he I think he can bank on the 15 here and where's the cue ball going he jacks up and forces them forward watch this he will leave something probably but he's got a good you know he's going to shoot he's gonna Bank it to 15 I'm pretty sure mm-hmm and as I say that he figures have something else yeah well I should not I should forget that huh he's just what's he doing here you just playing safe yeah he's gonna come down the other side of the table okay so that little air slowed his aggressions forward forward motion a little bit now he's got a bank on the 15 probably no matter what he does yeah buddy really have a 7 to 2 liter something last game no no no Dennis had him six to nothing and never had seven balls instead of playing position for a one-world about Hank he tried to get behind it exactly I know I don't understand that one then he left and then he shot another shot short and left the one dennis is just deadly on short row you know that he had real Banksy oh yes no question he's deadly and just about anything he decides to shoot but I've watched you know I guess I've watched him play now for six years five six years one pocket he skis he won before he won the US Open against Cory dual strictly in shot-making ability mm-hmm and Cory trying to invent cuts in the middle of the course but you think Tony I'll Drive you crazy watch you know try betting on Cory oh my goodness him look here he's gonna take the deuce out and try to send it over he's he's shooting a lot of chauhan shots irid walks that key ball real nice too yeah now George you come up with you know two of the best one pocket players out of Chicago already Boden door fur and bugs yep I wouldn't play their one-on-one Parkin well I only saw bugs once and that was when he came to hard times that nobody knew who he was yeah he used to sneak around pretty good and he asked little owl to play little owl Romero announces a place on five hundred again and and bugs one to break lay down a break no living human could get out of hell took three scratches before he could play illegal safety lost the game paid off five hundred and quit and I sell what are you doing playing a stranger for 500 a game he said that's all I was gonna lose was 500 John he said what if the guy was a sucker I have him down for 500 agree well and now you know it took a real good player to be there anyway yeah Ronnie used to give him eight to seven nine nine seven eight seven or sometimes just say so no he Cal could play still to play I didn't I you know he's the only guy my age older did he's two years older than me uh-huh then I'm afraid oh I mean I'm sure there's some out there that I don't know but not sure anybody 78 wants to play give me a holler yeah then it's going into the five year yeah and he's gonna get lucky and unlucky at the same time yeah Rose rode up on the stack they like to send them at the hole anymore she first know where that cutter percent safety know everything all included yeah Hank just come off to 7:00 and get down under the balls here Ken yeah he's gonna end up in the stack again though mm-hmm he doesn't want to come all the way oh he's gonna bank it okay he can get behind all three of those balls I want to get all the way over and leave the fight now that's tree and he he didn't hit I don't think he did he wanted to make sure he got down he did leave the fire oh he did leave the pie yeah yeah hit it close to making it I think either already hit it too full in the cue ball couldn't travel a this guy [ __ ] it's falsies yeah and although he did miss her you know he's missed a couple last couple days yeah he this is can become pretty free here if you just hit a little speed he's gonna oh he'll play shape I think you know try to you know maybe get on the deuce if not have a bank on this or that that drives straight ball fourteen ball mm-hm or maybe hide himself yeah put a nice stroke on it not quite enough or a little too much one other - I was just back in Chicago your old stomping ground in one pocket org tournament at Chris's we had a great time what a great old fool yeah and some 41 tables upstairs no music right no jukebox no machines just play pool how many players 32 or 31 I think one guy dropped out at the end we had a great time guys from all over the country sure I'm from one pocket org and how'd you do I play I come in fifth and sixth yeah it was pretty good again you know there were we played they have four gold crowns and four diamonds and we switched back and forth and I just had trouble on the diamonds sure lost to the one pocket ghost Chicago boy Bruce Braley's no well yeah and and I lost the guy that came in second Jim tomassoni call him Rosie from he's from Louisiana he's from New Orleans but he's a pilot and he flies all around the country and plays full for a private evidently company and wherever he goes he contacts somebody in place full there and he's pretty darn good player sure guy from Texas wanted Robert Newkirk good player oh yeah I remember yeah old friend of Ronnie's I beat two of the better players in the tournament junior from Chicago right John Ross key and played a real good match against him and I beat Tom Worth who beat me at the last senior tournament soon I and I played well but not good enough to get any better I played on teams bar pool teams with John Ross key yeah good guy he was an abruzzo and Mike yeah all those retired Chicago cop any yeah yeah well what's he gonna do here he's gonna I think he's gonna Bank I know it's dangerous to say the least well it's it's dangerous to try to make it come out too far straight and he doesn't get you know he doesn't really get a second shot so there's not a lot of reward in it you wanna if you make a tough shot you want a kind of continuation going I think oops you'd like I've been a little harder there it's his speed which is generally so good shooting softest you know uneasy little touch shots right you know I mean he controls it you know I noticed on his in his short role banks when he slow roles whom he has a problem when he whacks him hard yeah splits splits the pocket with him and like it did the game before last yeah he missed he's got that crossed corner or a warp drive oh boy did he ever and I watched him when he does miss him they come out far enough that you know very seldom does easily even if they rattle the hole they come out mm-hmm [Music] see now he'll he's getting little creative himself I think he's looking at taking you know running the cue ball into the seven and banking that ball over into those boxes dangerous yeah is he just gonna follow figure out where he wants it you know he does a little bit more than Tony as he goes and looks to see where he wants to leave it Tony doesn't you seem to be doing that as much as Dennis does mean that's in a while he'll lay dick he'll lay the cute down all right I mean he does not near as much as your right now Dennis looks at all the options yeah much about Tony go yeah and even though when we know what he's gonna shoot he'll look as he'll still look sure he he probably in another life was from Chicago because you've never played anybody that likes to look him over until you've played already bowed indoors for a while you know and your buddy that passed away Freddie Freddie yeah no no what the straight pool in nine ball all the time he spent some Tommy Spencer and yeah yeah he looked at me look at a lot of stuff I watched him put a hurtin at the Derby on Darren Appleton everyone the first two game and Tommy went into the Chicago stall at six and a half hours later he said yeah yeah Derek pulling whatever Harry had out yeah he's a nice little shot there Tony yeah that was a nice shows right kind of changed things around mm-hmm yeah time he passed away young like 60 59 years old or something yeah he was fairly young a very you know solid looking south looking guy he was an excellent player in there today was it was the best tournament nine ball player in Chicago for years I want a couple major event well he could he could slow it down playing one pocket if he wanted to sure he's he's what's he looking at is he got room to know he can't bank the seventy I don't know he might be looking is he gonna great I don't know what he's lookin he doesn't shoot many suicide shots he looks at him yeah he analyzes and he doesn't hit by many shots bad once he makes his mind up I don't think I don't see anything where he can get offensive here no I think he's he's opened he could go off the six and leave him right underneath the straight ball not not sell out the nine okay he's gonna he's gonna shoot this hard and in draw it to the end reel-to-reel it out of there what's he done he's gonna knock the kind of a well if you don't draw to the side we're gonna hit back over there he's everyone over and back yet okay Tony just stick that one I don't want to move that one cuz it blocks that the tenant us well you may have to I don't see any other option here yeah that's what he's looking at he's looking at to really but I don't know that he can you know but he still if he sticks a cue ball there he's in he's gonna make him shoot to nine next oh my gosh you got it too far and I don't think he could do that I didn't either yeah he's looking at the bank I heard looking at the bank and draw straight back watch his way he hits this you know [Applause] I remember from playing bank pool drops right back out of the pack oh he jerked his help you know that's the first time I seen him do that not the first time that each very seldom does mm-hmm said to stand down but I thought he is big favorite to make that get get you know look where he where he got yeah what's Tony dude just sticking to stick on the eight-ball Mike got to be careful you might shoot the nine into the little combination there that's doesn't go anywhere ins just stick him above the four was that for ten you don't want to leave him a good angle bank that 10 you know you Dennis is one of those guys it'll go you know he's like Tony he'll go for a shot if he's in a deep enough trap but he does want to break those two and seven I've been there know if he's got the right angle to do what I was talking about he's looking he's gonna follow right up into the floor but be careful you know the billiard he looks that's a nine you have to get to bridge but that's an end yeah no way he plays shape he's got what you can get five balls here and yeah yeah I mean I would have been game for Tony probably if he makes it all right then six balls but gonna come up on the 12 I'm amazed if he shoots this shot without a bridge no he likes to lean over and shoot sideways and he seems to it doesn't he was really sad was here though yeah he doesn't seem I'm I'm gonna call her new man I don't I don't like that check he's made some errors with the bids we'll find out how he does I'm just one I'm like in the bridge again short-stroke here oh boy they'll get the bridge Wow when your arm is that far away from your body and it's real easy doing that go through you pulled it up yeah this folder tonic CD 8 yeah you know he does he have to come out break down balls up or not that's a good question we'll find out here yes did it perfectly when I got a goofy angle and it brought back for the six now well they might be able to go to rows out here you know he likes to go rail first a lot well not on here the way stretch it down to here I don't like the stretch that's a long stretch there he needs an extension for that cue yeah he's going with two rows out well it couldn't have shot it too hard cuz all the balls up there he still under hit it he's done that a lot they're awful days you know so now you know run and try and run under the seven we get under 1500 well he had to cinch the ball though yeah that's true I think the biggest problem I seen in his game so far is once he runs a few balls he has a hard time not trying to make some kind of a skyrocket or something then just you know keep on going you know take take what the table gives you mm-hmm you know he wants eight now either well you know we all want to eat nowadays you have it he knows he should have got more at this and this inning here yeah way is left that's what he said wasn't Kirsten get a little frustrated with no he's trying to know he's least thinking a two rail at this ball in this I know Chickie's we're gonna yeah kick it to his pocket I know I don't see how yeah you can get yourself to do that or or throw Bank the twelve you know he's looked at that mm-hmm I was finally came sense of to his senses and just shot it up the table yeah Dennis he's got a bank but they don't think he shooting it shooting it so what is it three two two three balls talk 23 he's shooting it and see well he doesn't leave dust he leaves it you know leave him buy that down on the rail probably missed it who looks it big you know near the pocket way off the rail he can shoot to seven yeah seven to twelve to his hole but he's gotta watch out for though yeah I don't know what he's gonna do to us or you could Bank the fifty and he won't do that [Music] [Applause] J hillfort sweating it that's all you got to do it's as simple as that yeah and I thought it was hard you know well that's because you're looking through your eyes getting the deep [ __ ] I got for eyes and I can't well the screen makes this angle look tougher than it is this is nice he's coming right across the table for that four ball or whatever that is up there eight ball how do you ever cut it who almost got a nice crowd here watching this Daniel this is the yeah it's Wonder it's too bad that George that one pocket didn't get so popular thirty years ago everybody thought I was a real good one pocket players 60 years ago because I the only guy that played this well you were then gonna slip no there was what got a guy but he could beat me it was dad oh the Filipino but there wasn't you know I read the Frank to Barbara and I have been friends over 50 years and everybody you know Frank plays better nine ball John plays what better one pocket well Frank never played one pocket till the last few years I guess what I'm capable with in one ball of each other that last tournament yeah there you go right now gonna take a little break yeah now that Frank embraced it he's a pretty good player pretty good one Flacco player as well so ok yeah I played him in the last one pocket in when two before this pass one month and a half two months ago maybe was three months ago and I I beat him but I got a little lucky his play and he's really he really looks things over - oh yeah he's a very cerebral player he and I went to the senior tournament in Houston together and we're watching the finals between Billy and Cardona and Jerry machen this was a 65 and over uh-huh and all of a sudden sirens start going off all over the place and the TV's front blinkin and the lights are blinking oh my god this is hurricane warning hurricane morning Jackson County so I asked the guy says where are we he said Jackson County there you go so so we went outside to see if maybe we could go and get to the room and the rent was going sideways so is that what we better know better down we better stick her stick around here every time we've been there you know tornado another time we was there you know and lucky to get the rental car back the one time we're driving you know hey you don't know if you don't live in flat country like that you know the flash flood the water rises so fast every turn and we're taking the car back to the car rattling guys running down the road waving his arms and he's he says stop stop the waters covered you're gonna be under 4 feet of water and go a little bit more yeah all right but I got fried cooked on the Waffle House oh yeah there we had breakfast every day at the wall so the first one I ever went to is in Gulfport Mississippi mmm-hmm and I love them you know well that reminds me of the catastrophes is when they had the earthquake during the straight pool tournament in LA area and Dallas West was undefeated and he was playing Dallas's in the Hall of Fame mainly for straight pool and he he was undefeated and he went directly to his room packed his bags and has never set foot in California seven and I think this was like the early seventies well you know they are scary if you feel you know yeah and of course if they make all the horrible horrible yeah we haven't had any we get little ones all the time fear he'll sigh mean we get them you know don't even wake me up anymore no but I would you know I lived in LA when they when they had had some bad ones sure well I was only here a few years when they had in Loma Prieta and I was shaking so bad in the building I was in the the floor was rolling as I'm trying to get out of a 5,000 square foot building and I'm taking one step forward two steps to the side to try and hold my keep my balance ya know there's nothing I mean there's nothing it's scary it's yeah I've looked at my bag several times yeah okay well what do you got in Chicago I mean you're from Chicago you had awful winters yeah that's all you know they have a little tornado winds house yeah but the city didn't get his name in the Windy City from the wind it actually got its name and I used to think of it was from the wind but it actually was from the politicians of the 19 second talk and talk I well when I was there to play the ghost what three three and a half years ago whatever it was I drove down and looked at Lake Michigan it's just like driving down to the Pacific Ocean yeah I couldn't believe you can't can't see the horizon yeah well if you go up into the Sears Tower of the Hancock building you can see Michigan on a clear day yeah yeah but otherwise no now here we go is Dennis's break-in 3332 tony and anytime you can win on the other guys break is big because you're breaking next you got a chance to go to a head oh look at is this oh that was that that's actually a bad break yes it is because they're playing if you make a ball to break rewrap but any time you get that double kiss down there that ball is either in or in the jaws it yeah a lot of the times right sits Tony which was kicking it that ball from there mm-hm so Daniel and I have both been birthday boys lately I have a few years on him [Laughter] well you know I'm lucky I'm healthy enough to do what I like to do and do it fairly well still if you do I see what Tony does here after 15 underneath the bones we got to shoot it hard enough he doesn't leave a cross bank right well he does hit these nice so he freezes yeah just floats right on top and as I say that he'll probably tire take them both out here oh that's risky to me I'm scratching you I feel like it pretty hard woman left hand left a bank and that could be very costly that's for sure I don't see how it's not gonna be costly yeah he knows he's just you can't I don't think he can hit that harder safely it's not it's just too dangerous no you know it often happened you know you spread them balls out and he just gonna whack that in like yeah he's he gets on he gets on the right side of the ball by the step well the nine doesn't go but he looks like he's got something in there that might go yeah he doesn't get all the way out here Tony's pretty lucky no you thought would come up for the three here it was the 14 go I'm looking at it looks like it might yeah if he gets if he like hits a six ball huh mm-hmm [Applause] Oh is he shooting at him now what is my he's shooting will you can or their one offs to the nine out of ten yeah Oh No Oh a dead ball wow what was that the what was that 50 I don't know whatever it was it was straight in 15 ball Wow just got him all spread and he's out probably one of my old competitors just left a note for me to call him Scott Kido and c9 hitters I met Scott at the last seniors you know didn't and yeah I beat him and he's he's not much of one pocket player no nice very nice guy oh yeah sure yeah yeah he played in our 65 and over in Houston mmm-hmm he still play with his tongue in his cheek I don't know hi Scott anyway I think I've read him okay then I was mostly a straight bull and I love her yeah yeah eight ball to the good eight ball well I would say that he's probably out here yeah can't imagine how he wouldn't [Music] anyways if the drug table freeze on a ball which has a way of happening often he needs three more you shoot the seven next to I think you'll go all the way around for that three or something over now now he'll come up and go in between the seven and I think the deuce probably goes by or the fifteen - yeah new place he has such good ball speed though he can get it I would just send the cue ball it to 14 mm-hmm he's not he's coming around yeah you're right well see he had a safety net there if he didn't get on the three now he's got a 12 right exactly good thinking yeah I bump into balls if you don't have to I don't know what the statistics would be but I think dennis has quite a few more eight and outs than Tony yeah I think so too so we're all tied up again 33 apiece quite a few Filipino people showed up to just let this I imagine Fremont which has a large oriental population probably there a lot of Filipinos say that's a pretty good break there right on the rail right on the rail there's no drawing down behind them this time you might have to do something with the deuce and try to follow down behind it [Applause] or kick you can't kick because any leaves a bank I think you're ready with the tus he's got to shoot it hard enough where Tony can't Bank back he's looking at maybe the two balls in the top of the stack and then just dropping down on top of the stack yeah but that's kind of hard to hold your cue ball with you yeah he's out of the rail you can't do that so he's looking at six the seven oh six right behind the Dukes okay well didn't put much spin on that no hit it feels kind of firm there's didn't one leave the bank in the 10 I guess so let's see how no I don't even get out of this you know what he likes to drawing the stack here sometimes you get treed yeah but he has to hit it fairly firm anyway I think well I don't know I mean Jesse just roll it over just a little bit and shoot that stripe and then get behind the 10 yeah the 10 and you know the 7-6 goes I don't know I'm trying to see if smells go you might be going down there now yeah oh you just put the ball away and I'm not spin he's gonna get it close to bury him well he could he's an excellent combination shooter so he need my pills should just combination but he's got to be careful if he shoots it hard enough to get shape and miss it he leaves a bank on the way yeah but he can just make a play for the six next just in right there like that this is just like simple as that no problemo that's home not to get through enough I think he's God deduce that near the 12 are either one oh yeah the dude for sure but it and once it's with the 12 now the deuce or yeah now deduce it in the 10th run 8 out of the 11 my golly I can't play a little sometimes 14 next miscue Oh No well fortunately he's gonna left himself a good bank but that yeah he was playing on the 14 that wouldn't been his game ball yeah I noticed that oniy a few times as she had several shots and roll without racking up Bank in the run and they I don't want this guy any kind of a shocker no get to all those balls with the five no yeah no problemo this is just eight balls a tan out by as soon as John says he's not running as many eight announces - he runs eight now here he comes with eight now okay you answered him yeah I know what I'm doing well you as you inspired in me that's why I've become a professional commentator pay is much better than yeah me gambling it pool I break even at this let's see if Tony can break a service for one of these guys that's huge at this stage oh yeah 3433 Tony he's got the old spin shot here - I don't know it wants to try mm-hmm this is gonna work out so good mornin Dennis's weaker brakes there I would have to say although it's not really weak it's not weak but you know he didn't get any trouble but he hadn't spread any balls right Tony appears to have some combinations heading in his direction if he ever get over there to him he gets an awful lotta you know he's got that extension he sure gets a lot of spin off the rail on those shots well if you see where he's cueing that cue ball yeah it goes the edge of the ball yes he does and sometimes that's why he misses once at all yeah yeah yeah that's way he's in the stack here so he's going to be to rail in the six next I think mm-hmm unless he's kicking it 2-1 no he's not gonna is just oh he is kicking it the one well yeah just doesn't look like it banks to me what do I know it's looks to me like a double kiss I know yeah you can get out of it he's gonna try it anyway you try and stroke through this ball I just don't like what happens next I don't see them yeah maybe we can beat the kiss I mean yeah they can't beat the kiss got away with murder yes he did no he thinks he can get out of that kiss it's so big there and he hit it really good just even you know that get a full kiss he's got another kick this one might go we don't go Tonys and death death of Death Valley anyway yeah might be better off if he makes it yeah you're right he might be I don't know what the combination looks like here yeah look at all the balls on his side yeah they're all holding service pretty good yeah till something happens [Music] 1 ball 1 0 Dennis and so far Tony probably got fairly lucky there because now yeah when that double kiss can go anywhere mm-hmm that's for sure and the this shot here is yeah he's got a shoot in the other direction you got shooting the other direction but yeah I'm gonna have him trapped on him yeah can't get underneath these and can't get it to 6 and it's I know it's a position I like to be in he figures some things out this is where his creativity really comes in you know I see some things he can do I mean I don't know for sure but he can he can Bank that one and and draw way down and make him shoot some kind of a combo that's true something but but there's balls that go on both sides so that makes that pretty dangerous yeah and it's hard to not you got to hit it pretty hard and if you just go to the end rail you're just prolonging the agony it could get even worse you know in the angle that he's got and the one is yes it hit are pretty firm to get up that table on so anything you know come back over even almost okay he see see what's he shooting shooting the do ball I'm gonna maybe sit Park on top of that 3:15 or whatever that is you know and he didn't know enough to 6 huh I think so yeah he did I can tell by the way his cue reaction yeah but it's a nice idea he got ball in his side if he ties him up there with it now you're probably looking another eight now they're close you know it I was balls I would say I don't imagine there's nothing to be anything but an eight out here I mean just pocketing the ball is just now myself I don't like that particular bridge it's the way out it's hard to wrap this up yeah yeah I mean it's not gonna make a mistake [Music] [Applause] well you don't lay as good as they have sometimes just gonna have to bust something up somewhere here think you know 1012 try to get an angle to get over on the five I guess no the nine yeah that's true then he could do a 1012 gets on the nine right now the right way you can break those two up and still have a shot up to 12 in case they don't come out that's what was gone after wow that's a little nick there and he could have had nothing you know already had a cross Bank on it just gonna gonna bump these two balls right that's a little risky all right got a little maybe a little angle to do it careful gonna get stuck behind the 13 like that bat oh not like that not like that [Laughter] now I just locked himself up you know I guess this isn't my first game one part yeah you've you've had those things happened to you before driver - Aaron you take it well yeah I want to hit myself in the head with a hammer there finally a story about you as well you didn't like the cue ball they wouldn't change it so you threw it down the road said could I get into it now yeah well I had to wait 20 minutes from the and and that of course is our is our present player was the tournament director and my opponent was his first cousin and he said well Omar doesn't want to change the cue ball I said well it's about him you know I don't know how much - too small and I can't play a ball with it you know you got to play with this one Omar is here yes I Franklin said earlier so I waited about 20 minutes and then I said now and I'm gonna make sure I don't play with this kick ball and that was probably his hundred-percent defensive shot as I seen him shoot in a while you know and he actually has a bank on the eleven if he chooses to shoot it and stick him on the three deadly and I guess not shoot this into the bone friend he's gonna take out a Paul oh yeah yeah oh he's got a two-reeler yeah there's nothing left after it but right you'll get it close you watch this mmm that would be careful not to leave he's got to get the closer he's leaving the bank on the 10th yeah that's just about what he wanted to do folks you know loosen things up once Dennis - here mister bank - one and draw back down the table but that's you gotta really be on the bottom rail there he's not cheating he's only quickly I think he can spin Tony likes to spin and Bank him on his side here but the cue ball goes way down he Dennis I don't know Dennis it's that chat Tony then he's just gonna drop behind it I think you know you didn't a bank to one and drop back it's a game-winning shot if he makes it we honor he's not he's gonna follow forward he feels more confident making it that way everything yeah but that's a game winner anyway yeah yeah and they get perfect and look what he did he told me what he had to shoot a combo yeah see he doesn't know what he's doing here yeah say the least Mimi the two in there yeah here we are tied up again [Music] [Music] well if it goes hill-hill Jan Tony breaks the I think the both need smelling salts I'm not sure boy wouldn't that be something it's going to be close to that it looks like it's heading in that direction yeah yeah that's a little harder would have been better but yeah and I don't think you see the ball by the by the pocket but let's see the other sprite next to it he might Bank shoot the five into the stands and hide them in the stack here yeah you know if he can get that three and break them balls off we can turn this break around and that combination looks like it might piss off the one go right towards the hole hits that two ball it lays I don't know it looks like it lays good [Music] [Music] [Music] he's got a lot of options he can fan the deuce get behind mm four ball and then tunic him with the stripe to Rosen or you can just take you can take it out but you don't know where they're going that's a net but isn't completely on the rails I can dig in a little bit here needs to he keeps going back to that combination but he's not gonna shoot it [Music] he's going in what's he doing here don't do the twelve two rails and he's gonna follow right behind the bone by the pocket trying to knock them both that man in the deuce see this angle stuff no that's a good shot mmm-hmm Tony's gotta loosen balls up on his side if he wants to you know get a safety and that's not a good idea you might leave him a bank I think you'll end up Fanning this fan in the three but I don't know it doesn't have too many followers to hide behind over there and the stack pretty touchy little shot I think he's gonna come off and try to freeze on the one or get below it on the deuce it's all whoops nice and now he's changed you know I'm the one like you said yeah you know that ball could have popped out for Frank I think that's it killer shot right there it is good if you want to now Belize will take a scratch here don't know where well you know yeah you can roll two rails three rails and run them on the bottom section there and trying to get behind that solid long around short rail long wheel yeah but Boyd be hard you know if you hit it you leave that easy bank yeah no I know he's looking at this Freight back here I don't think you can see enough of it no that's the question and where do you what do you do with the cue ball well he'd go right into the 9-ball with it but if he can shoot it yeah he's got the 11 next but he's got a bent he's got a hop it and bend it I think I don't think he's got enough ball to shoot this over mm-hmm Tony made an excellent shot yeah he's in the freezin on that ball was was yeah doubled the value of that shot no and he's done to take a swing at it anyway he's just figured he's in such a bad spot I just don't think you can see enough of it the way he's a man he can so we just don't have a good angle looking to go right in a little Azam Tony nothing then he's got a shot if he makes it in here of course oh no he's just oh he couldn't see enough so he's playing it off the stack there huh so Tony have well you can cut you can cut the 12 ball but that's dangerous let's see spin under the weird maybe we see the deuce I don't think so I think he's got a sheet to 12 and we have the whole pocket for that to question yeah after 12 [Applause] well you can't I don't think he can get under the he's got got to go he just gotta go you know we got lucky again no no don't shoot the two ball here yeah he knew the combination design yeah he's he's in the problem you got a problem there yeah losing on your break if you do and we don't have to here but it's a very worst he's going to get one ball and make your ball but he's if this combination is on its could be hurt no it's not on but it's not that I'm going to make the ball I'm talking you know it still goodish and play position for another status could be there are six balls right there when we should see yeah it looks like looks like he thinks it's on yeah it's just got to cut it a little bit she's not shooting at the - you think she can make this for sure yeah he doesn't have any way to get at that ball in front of Tony so anyway so he's got it she did something here oh yeah and Tony went all out to make that ball he wasn't trying to get any shape or anything oh I see the ball Wow Wow but he left it shot on the 11 here now I might not be able to see enough of the 11 I think he'll spin behind the one here anything's going on that's that's a pretty good shot - well if you can't Bank it if you can bank it he'll Bank it but I don't think you can see you know yeah Wow Dennis Dennis fooled us again yeah right back where you like - I thought he'd go off the 11 there yeah how do I know I can go off this he's robbed a deuce and come on for them I can't quite see the three but no they draw off they deuce he's loosening a lot of balls up and if he gets behind the deuce and he's behind the one again off the 11 so mmm [Music] whoa whoa too much stroke and yeah we've done that uh never stroke that I think I've seen him do that that's the third time I've seen him do that since the match started all right so he comes down on the fourteen dues he goes up table he looks like he's got a dead you're close to dead couple combos there I don't want a mini way yeah oh boy and he didn't get on the tent yeah they've had too much follow and it hit that with with a little bit more center ball you know now you got to spin around the table and hopefully I don't know what he's gonna shoot next I'm gonna come around see this come around and try to hope to get an angle on the seven got to get around the 14 he did to be perfect Wow nice shot yeah yep I can come down on the 11 I think yeah gonna make this one over the building's right English yeah a little tricky for more balls if he does it's pretty sweet you got a nice soft touch you can see this so what you do now get back on can he stun it back on the 11 I don't think strictest draw for the one what's he doing yeah he's Bank it back back for the 11 yeah it could get back there nicely it draws and gets on the one he's dentists have any balls no he doesn't have any balls it's Game three at six he needs to you know you just go up high for that 13 here I think we're good whatever nine but whatever that can't see the middle between the side markets yeah right yeah right there he's over stroking everything but he other lucky there that adrenaline gets going and you push through the ball I know I'm seen gonna go for the ball he's bridging over right now next he's done oh okay yeah yeah I'm sir 30:35 234 people it is getting intense Wow okay Dennis's break oh you left him a bank and he can spin down for another bank oh this is dangerous this could and then as it looks like a dead deuce I guarantee you that's what he's doing he's he makes this he could be off to the races I think he's got enough angle to spin it down well it looks like it's a little bit too much angle no not that much from here it looks didn't on this screen it looks looks like you can't get it down can't run it up enough yeah yes if anybody can load it up enough you cavity it looks like he has to cut it a little bit to the right which eliminates the duck underneath [Music] it's blurry I'm gonna get a little wiser doing here okay I can't tell what he's doing yeah me either Oh James Bauer is the winner what did James Bauer win 50 bucks from one of our donors all right who won the Tiger stuff I didn't get a phone call so someone who really needs the money right now Dennis hasn't he left him a bank there and cars corner yeah he might as well just tried to slam that Bank in like he likes to do he's gonna break these gonna bust him up a little and have a second shot oh he's making a kick show yeah Oh tell me he's probably gonna shoot at that bone and the rail over there I would think he depends he's good he's got a lot of a lot of cover here probably I would say about 98.5% he said he was trying to hit the one ball just pointed at the 1 or the 9 whatever that is there yeah and this is exactly what he tried did he do it yes he did folks this could be a brake service game should give four or five balls here at least what's up Jay amazing Japanese easier good to see you man out on the road oh boy let's close yet lucky here that stripe goes through there yeah it does goes by the 5 then 5 next and come back out there but Wow drawback for the Doosan see he doesn't he doesn't play the position that Dennis quite you know easy makes the shots you know but you know he got perfect done them balls and lost the cue ball a little bit mm-hmm he's gonna draw this and then spin over a little bit he's gonna get him maybe Wow yeah I thought he had an angle to get under other balls he's trying to hit the one where yeah perfect okay so you Castillo's you come back on the 10 I guess that snide pocket isn't coming to play now he's gonna hit by there all right yeah yeah by the diamond here well it means one more see I'd be rolling this ball and missing it and leaf in a bank and you're not rolling this because you gonna together there's no safety simple as that that's right Roy Francisco's prediction of 3640 Dennis cannot come true now no he can't come true dennis has to win every game from now on if dennis wins every game it does come out I would seems to be a little far-fetched at this point thirty six he wins on his break it puts a lot of pressure on dennis three-game lead with three games you know bigger wins more [Applause] and Daniel you have to get in the car and hit hit hit towards hard times hit the Bellflower nine ball you have really been busy the last few weeks but think of all the money you're making fun you have all the fun you're having yeah what is this now right now loud ball and no bro you gotta brace Trey didn't get a break he got straight in look at that he didn't that's the quickest I've seen him shoot yeah he's played several of them he's learning something from me I can force this ball he did give very well get eight here you know and Tony made a nice break down to but just happened to leave a dead one wow what a shot he could be very well be out here [Music] yeah okay you got to come up for the highball I think here unless you're gonna shoot easy and just bump it first and you might tie up the other ball yeah I don't think so dinky ones ended I think he runs into the one oh yeah I already split them okay nice got an angle to bump into the five Wow amazing huh just one bed bond right now yeah now it's not even out yet but it sure looks like it looks like you will yeah I think there'll be a break after this game [Music] you runs in the five gets on the 14 it's all over yeah it's all over boy from nowhere yep it needs to nine is one wow what a strange turn of events that shot was yeah but he got up and whacked it so fast yeah yeah needs another one evidently Tony had to huh that'll do it you know we are seeing someone pocket some offenses one pocket here folks do you know how when I made the comment about not as many eight now so we've seen five eight house ask and you shall receive alright they are taking a little break I am gonna have to take a little break [Music] [Music]
Channel: POVPOOL
Views: 107,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: povpool, pov pool, action sports, reality sports, sports programming, sports commentary, scalelab, billiards, great pool matches, Dennis Orcollo, Tony Chohan, 1 pocket, one pocket, the big one, California billiards, money challenge, pool action match, best of povpool, premium match, gambling match, billiards match, episodic pool, west coast swing, wcs2017
Id: l-7waRAAbAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 237min 47sec (14267 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2019
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