Quezon City 10-Ball Open Day 7 | FINALS

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] from a field of 64 players we are down to our two finalists for the quezon city 10 ball open before we begin the finals we have this special message from the mayor of quezon city the honorable joy belmonte [Music] good day everyone i appreciate all of you for being with us here today before we commence i would like to welcome you all to our very first question city temple open after all the immense challenges that our nation and the rest of the world have faced our esteemed billiard event is now finally happening our country and the sport of billiards have a long-standing relationship as filipinos we have embraced billiards as a part of our culture so much so that we were able to produce some of the sports hall of famers and legends from efren bata reyes and francisco django bustamante to ronnie alcano dennis porculio and other reputable names in the industry they have given our country an identity and have represented us throughout numerous championships internationally with this i personally believe that we have a considerable amount of potential talent out there waiting to be discovered developed and set out into the world our goal with this auspicious event is to flick our searchlights on to uncover new pool artists and to place question city on the map as the billiard capital of the philippines and hopefully the world with the amount of pride that the sport and our talents have given our nation my support for billiards and especially our players will never cease before i end i would like to give my thanks to the billiard managers and players association of the philippines for your willingness to uphold pool in this country it is with your determination that we are able to team up and create a healthy culture of competition in our community thank you as well for cooperating with us in guaranteeing the health and safety of everyone involved secondly i would also like to extend my gratitude to our brave players for taking part in showing their unwavering love for this sport and lastly thank you everyone for your steadfast support it is my deepest desire that question city 10 ball open will not just bring joy and entertainment but also dignity and honor to us all and with that i wish everyone the best of love thank you [Music] and of course the players of the quezon city 10 ball open also have this special message to mayor joy belmonte let's watch this uh [Music] support [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello [Music] [Music] all right all the players have had their say dito pero only two players remain to contest a quarter of a million pesos and of course the title of the winner of the quezon city 10 ball open we have ronnie alcano ronnie going up against anton draga finals semi-finals jericho [Music] um and the finals will begin who will it be who will hoist the beautiful trophy mayor joy belmonte will it be ronnie calambalcano or will it be the dragon anton raga race to 15 po dito satin finals of the quezon city 10 ball open [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to the final of the quezon city 10 ball open this is a race to 15 affair between the dragon anton raga versus ronnie calamba alcano oh my god and uh noel it has been a grueling and punishing seven days of us pool tournament action here no no and wow we now have our final two and it will be anton draga winning the lag detail i know this the road to the final for these two gentlemen has just been laced with land mines left and right of course in the semi-final it was a battle of the youth the first one with anton raga defeating eton kyle amoroto and then in our previous semi-final that we just had right now jericho banares calabanitos both had struggles with their break but in the end it was ronnie alcano using his experience to prevail noelle this is a this is a battle of the generations no i mean uh we're talking here one of uh the more senior players on the on the philippine scene we have and uh anton raga a southerner coming from uh cebu and just taking the philippine pools pool scene by storm yeah look 48 years old now no so wow wow wow now this could the question here norman um manny is this a passing of the torch if anton is able to defeat ronnie or if ronnie wins over anton is he saying that we the old guys the veterans the guys with experience we still have the stranglehold on pull i want you know what uh personally i want to uh see this as well as a like passing of the torch ceremony i uh the better side of me just says no it's not like that it's this is just a battle between two people you know who are really great at this game and uh will assert their superiority at any given time and then raga continues to be hot with the break and i think this was one of his weaknesses coming into the semi-finals that he among the four semi-finals champion has a break but he's proving otherwise right now yeah that's the er that's the irony that you pointed out earlier no noelle but anyway here anton raga broke and made a ball on the break however doesn't have uh a good look at the one so is he looking to jump is he looking to play safe or is he pushing not to push those are the three options available right now and it looks like anton is eyeing what could be initially is that a jump shot that he's going to try hmm well a jump shot at this point is going to be a pretty daring considering the distance along that long rail there okay so he's pushing he is pushing do a jump shot for ronnie ronnie's gonna take a look at this you can hear in the background referee ramon mystica announcing the push out ronnie just uh took one quick look at that and told anton he doesn't want any part of that shot and immediately returned return the situation back to anton anton came out here with his jump q okay so uh this is a fearless shot a lot of things could go wrong here fearless kid and there's the thing that could go wrong and it happened the scratch by anton draga that's what i'm talking about because uh a jump shot at that uh from that angle is pretty dangerous okay he would lose control of that cue ball and that's exactly what happened there's still an issue on the table here manny the four and the five well okay four into five actually if uh anton is feeling frisky he can just hit that four off that five and probably make it uh rather whoever is shooting or whoever will get to shoot at the four but seeing that it's ronnie alcano that's gonna be shooting at this noel i'm gonna tell you he's going to take this to the bank uh-huh let's see how he sets it up the one to the three not an issue see there he was looking at the shot i was originally describing he wants to hit the four into the five knocking it into the pocket but but i again we're talking about ronnie alcano here okay so and his opening shot is a behind the back shot on the one he wants to do this in style all right yeah he's gonna land on the four no problem on the short on the long rail rather but is he gonna play the kiss off the five okay let's see he's banking yeah okay oh he didn't get much of an angle but he he can manage this yeah it's a cross side he can't manage this it's not on the rail there it is it's official now he's gonna cross side beautiful beautiful noel like i said we're talking about ronnie alcano and given those kinds of situations that's always going to be his go-to uh selection and just like that everything is wide open already here now for the man they call the volcano on the international stage but here in the philippines when he competes he'd rather be called ronnie [Music] and he had a long list of people that he thanked before we started this first rack just wants to do there two rails out okay brown seven to the side he's gonna stop the cue ball right there where the brown seven is okay coming back out uh for the eight and here i'd say he wants to take this two rails to come back straight for the nine he wants a straight shot for the nine now my question to you is anton draga has been sitting for over an hour because semi-final and he's been watching ronnie who is who has the advantage the rested player or the guy in the gal england's uh semi-final matchup well in terms of energy reserves i don't think uh anton raga being the younger man here will have any problem uh with energy reserves uh if anything he wants to put that that energy to good use later on in this table uh this is a race to 15 so we have a maximum of 29 racks here yeah and that's going to take us a while noah well it's okay as long as the pool action is supreme which is what we expect from these two gentlemen once again and again we have our sponsors to thank as we see this rack being set up by munching mistika bugsy promotions bet and win gaming corporation hard time sports bar along with billy's resort in oslob cebu aqua v v lugo and blue golden cobalt mud cakes by v characters and target on air said easy me 15 30 kilohertz wrap a commercial and flash tv and we are also being flashed now with this uh image of the beautiful trophies donated by mayor joy belmonte uh cherry on the sunday yeah i love those trophies though yeah mini replicas of the quezon city memorial uh memorial circle yeah and uh hey that would look good in one in my own trophy case right now ronnie ronnie alcano has returned to his original breaking spot it's not working nothing again he didn't get anything on that break i think what ronnie needs to do here is adjust his aim on the one ball like uh a little to the left or right or maybe instead of breaking from the corner of the break box just break near uh somewhere near the middle like uh four inches to the left or right off center anyway well anton's looking to crawl this no no he's banking yeah no he's banking it he's looking to do to make it safe just calling it to the corner for good measure ronnie's looking at a jump shot detail over the nine ball what ronnie alcano on a jump shot he's good at it anyway also exactly a there's one time and i think i've never broadcasted air friends uh doing a jump shot until that double showdown johannes with anton raga against django and everyone efren did a jump shot guys he actually hated the jump shot he didn't really like it pero since uh it was considered a legal shot in international tournaments there was really nothing he could do about it so he learned how to do the jump shot as well [Music] the few times i've seen him jump he actually makes good on those jumps he also has a shoulder issue that's why he doesn't really own a jump queue he doesn't use a chomp cube but in the doubles matchup that he had against raga and chua where he was forced into a jump shot he borrowed the ohanchewa's jump queue [Music] documentation that efren actually used it for a jump so of course johan was kidding but if i would sell it i would i would ask efren to sign it and sell it here now after the miss on the on the jump shot by ronnie alcano and tundra able to get the one ball now it's the two ball that's uh the issue here he's he's going for cover here uh using the seven is he gonna force ronnie into another jump shot hmm well if ronnie can get in between the the lane here between uh the seven and eight he can kick into the two here yes he can i think hang on yeah yeah i think he can if ronnie can do that ronnie will kick the two ball up table and uh try to get the cue ball behind the black eight for uh counter safety let's see how he plans this one rodney did make a hand yeah ronnie did make a barb about us in our commentary the narrative yeah hang on look at two rails behind the eight well actually if he's going that way he can there's a there's another safety option there but he's going offensive i just called it in case now raga has a a back shot on the two he called it it's a back shot now for the two you can actually draw back the cue ball to get to the three as well there it is and the eight ball and nine ball are not an issue so it looks like anton may have opened up the table you know what it's a sunday it's a sunday afternoon here in manila and yet the banks are open for both ronnie alcano and anton raga the bank is going to be open for whoever wins here today because that's a quarter of a million pesos oh so true so true yeah the bank should be open well it's going to be less than 250 000 after we eat with the food yeah good point now whoever wins from from these two always dinner and it's a nice thing we're not working sharks tonight so we have all the time in the world he tried to cross corner that time and this is his result tawidagat crossed the ocean [Music] i wonder from the look of this well there is no obvious offensive option here okay no point in banking the three so i is ronia kind of going to hide behind the green six maybe even the 10 actually the speed was for the 10 but he knocked the 10 off oh this is gonna show yeah this is going to give anton raga a full look at that three and not only that he can just actually play it really soft at the forest right there three ball to the corner so there coach munching mystica who is our uh referee is now being strict about calling everything at this point he's not going to roll it he's got a cannon into it and he is good on the four sharp shooting skills of anton raga all right if anything here well anton raga is kind of funny here and the natural path of the cue ball is it will be hampered or by the by the black eight i'm gonna guess here that anton draga will draw back into the side rail oh no but the way yeah he's drift he just punched it oh he punched it past the five ball good call anton yeah and he got he's got this straight in shot for the corner six ball can go into the same pocket as well then get the seven into the side so mejo and gandan on the layout for the 23 year old from talisa cebu check that he's gonna take the six into the opposite corner now and stop it right there for the seven look at his demeanor okay on the table some people still struggle to believe that this guy is only 23. well uh i'm one of those people that the struggle to believe he's 23. in my mind he's still 14. that's when he actually went up against ronnie alcalo for the first time in 2012 in a tournament in 2012. and they were sharing that memory earlier was that you know was that the sun star balita it might have been yeah that was the tournament in cebu yeah he was the champion of that tournament so anton raga able to put the 10 ball down we are tied at one and this is a race to 15. so once again thank you for joining us here in the wells out there with manny argonza and again the beautiful trophies given to us by mayor joy belmonte of quezon city for the grand champion i checked it out it was not a four foot trophy it's a three-foot trophy but it's still a big one and it will still look good in my trophy case well here's the deal here's what we do whoever wins this okay now if you win you get the trophy but if you lose you're going to have to give the prize money double oh my god they'd be billionaires i don't think uh i'm that good enough to go against either of these guys oh my goodness oh and done with another successful break brought to us by bet and win hard time sports bar and flash tv the issue here is the one and the eight not practicing any social distancing yes he is consistently making balls on his break however he keeps losing control of the one ball i mean yes [Applause] there's no consistency where his cue ball winds up you kick at this one ball and leave it uh behind the eight well it's gone it's going to be uh no i don't think that's going to be a good option for anton okay okay because at the angle of the the cue ball there it's going to peek out or hit or knock the eight ball out of the way he's calling the five into the corner so that's gonna be like what are you calling oh hang on okay uh anton called by accident uh the four ball when uh the five actually is actually the five the referee corrected him and uh there was a slight reaction reaction there from uh ronnie alcano that said hey why did you correct him well uh well it's not like poker your announcement is binding here you can change your mind yeah we got a bunch of commenters how many guys are watching us here right we have 1400 watching us here right now over at facebook live it's gonna be a long final guys this is a race to 15 and here's ronnie's answer now hiding the one ball behind the eight there's a two i can see here [Music] well or you can normally i would like to uh i would like to to just kick at this but if there's a if anton can cue comfortably here a jump would be more viable okay but providing that he can cue comfortably the way he was measuring it up a while ago it didn't seem like that and you can also play this off the long rail anyway just follow where the one ball he's going to call the one wall into the corner oh there's a two he hit it soft he's looking for oh it's legal i think it's a phone i think it's a foul yeah no ball hit the rail after contact ladies and gentlemen so that five ball never made it huh no so that counts as a foul giving ronnie alcano here ball in hand and uh with that a chance to take the lead yeah sinkita won oh he's going to take it into the corner to pop out for the two i'm trying to speak very softly sabina [Music] all right just wants to take this slightly straight on the two he's gonna take short side position for the three just like that oh he didn't want to be uh that far maybe he can still manufacture or bounce off the long rail to get to the four let's see there's the four there's the there's the pink four past the ten it does it does there the way ronnie i'll kind of shot that yeah should be perfect all right now yeah now i see it that the pink four does pass the 10 however what does he want to do for the purple five oh he is going to have to play this off the the short rail or unless he can draw it now he's playing it off the short rail behind the eight oh between the eight and that's that's beautiful that's a beautiful shot [Music] straight in on the five this isn't an easy shot not by any measure that's rodney alcana though but ronnie just made it look so easy so take the ate it to the side or the corner yeah well if he had like if he didn't over run the position here on the eight he would probably take this to the side but since he did option here would be the corner then draw back for the nine ball yeah that's a perfect angle he just wants to go back down one rail for the 10 ball and it's just a matter of uh getting the break i mean he's pocketing well reading the table very well if he can control his break anton drake is going to be in trouble 2-1 for akano here in the final of the quezon city 10 ball open this is a race to 15. melvin says vintage ronnie alcano right now actually i would agree with that comment from melvin because this is the ray this is the way that ronnie alcano really used to play back way back in the day again the shot at this beautiful trophy thank you very much to mayor joy belmonte for her all out support for our endeavor here the quezon city 10 ball open oh it's true noel no mayor joy has been really uh generous uh in to our billiard players here yeah the city government of quezon city put this put this tournament together uh in hopes of boosting the morale of its constituents and giving our local pool players the chance to uh stage their skills here in this tournament [Music] well rack number four breaking this break is brought to us by bet and win hard times sports bar and flash tv check out kunsan uh he's doing it from the side the six almost went down but almost doesn't count saving grace and ton can only see part of the one you should 23 year old it's not also every day that a a a small city in cebu or small town in cebu produces two world-class athletes from the same city anton raga of course one of the best pool players in in the philippines and another basketball player in the pba by the name of roger pogoy also comes from talisa cebu oh so two world-class athletes from one small city in cebu i thought as pointed out uh by uh sir aris al mario yes prof uh referring to ronnie others might not know had back to back first runner-up finishes in the u.s open u.s open tournament is one of the biggest pool tournaments in the world and ronnie was a back-to-back first runner-up finisher there in 2007 and 2008. and that's the tournament that jeff deluna was talking about earlier that he's going to be in oh see yousef was he polito is uh asking sir noel [Laughter] it starts when it starts oh my goodness we have no news on it right now but it starts when it starts so this is the push out um ronnie is looking at uh well at least anton gave ronnie a jump shot opportunity here but for sure and again ronnie gives it back to the youngster okay uh luis chavit augustine jacob says good evening to both of you sir commentator would you mind to mention the cue stick of our two great finalists did you inspect did you inspect well um i got to see i got a view of anton raga's uh q anton actually uses a predator to cue one of his uh sponsors and he is using a z shaft a z3 shaft from predator while roni alcano i i couldn't really tell i was trying to get a good look at the roni's q um i couldn't i can't really say for sure what q that is but uh jacob what i can tell you is uh ronnie has a certain affinity for viking queues all right i hope that helps you uh jacob not surprising that was surprising miss there by ronnie alcano ronnie was looking to thin the two no pero it didn't uh hit all he got was more totally the sixth ball tire six ball he got and uh now with this does anton have any geography problems here it looks like the five ball needs to be addressed no problem getting from the three to the four it's not from the four to the five that anton draga will have to pay close attention to i'm sure he's plotted this already before he even shoots the three oh by the way guys if i start to sound like jeremy jones please tell me already robin hood cruise shout out to then commentators sir noel zarate and sir manny argonsa thank you very much robyn very helpful oh yeah especially the sharks these are historians of sharks now here good angle here from the three to the four it's really the five now uh how do you pop up from this do you draw you want to be straight in on the four on the side yeah you want to be straight enough actually or well it depends on what angle the anton raga will come up here with so he can either well oh he's too thin on the three so he needs that cue ball to run but there is there you see where his q is uh where he's pointing at all he needs here is good speed control come out two rails oh he chose one three rails yeah but he's overran the angle but it's still clippable for him so he might even wind up with the same shot on the seven unless he addresses the angle now this is still makeable and it's gonna be the same shot on the seven i said it before and i'm gonna say it again anton raga keeps running these tables like it's nobody's business and he's very comfortable on this table here manny just to be honest again with everybody if you just joined us anton raga is on a winning streak in this building can he continue the win streak against the former world champion that remains to be seen i don't know if my eyes are playing tricks on me [Music] is [Music] yes and here anton ragas strikes back tied at two and that's off a mistake by ronnie alcano when he tried to thin the two ball to get to the six got all of the six and anton drago with ball in hand did the rest so tied at two guys in this race the 15 final once again for the quezon city 10 ball open championship we started out with 64 players and not just 64 players in the ordinary a bunch of the big names were in here and this is what these two gentlemen are competing for right now yes well again this trophy donated by mayor joy belmonte this is what's going to be going to the champion of course there's another one there for second place another one there for third place but you want the big one and uh so far one of these two players is 13 racks away from hoisting that trophy a little later on anton draga now breaking in rack number five all right again anton draga made something on the break thank you very much uh luis for your kind words yeah anton raga is three for three on his break yeah sorry two for come on this time around he has a good look at the one yeah and not only does he have a good look on the one man he's got a good look at everything uh-huh open table for anton raga anton if he can have this kind of consistency in his game oh he's gonna push forward two rails here one two and he's going to land perfect on the three oh my god the talent on this kid and again you know he stepped outside a bit he saw it's not raining the table's gonna speed up you know mark of a pro i know what they can adjust to even the atmospheric changes in the room oh i believe that that's a quality nakailangan for every pro for every uh sport or per every industry right because you can never tell what uh the day brings diba so uh whatever wherever you are you uh you should be able to uh adjust to certain uh changes in the environment or certain conditions in whatever industry you are in correct you know if it's raining you know it affects the table humidity wise if it's cold it affects the table also the way the table plays it is very cold here today [Music] bernice mariano uh good landing here on the five a little too close to the seven but he can address that by just drawing back probably taking the seven in the same pocket um will he draw back or just hold yep he held he drew back side pocket no it's as if wow i'm trying to remember how many events we've seen anton in this building already there was one time he actually arrived in shorts and slippers and he said it was magbibi but he was sitting on the sofa eating eating his meal in shorts and slippers and for a moment it looked like this was his house that's how that's how at home he is here sir mario tolentino thanks be to god for the opportunity to watch the live final 10 ball tournament yes yes coach shout out to boss finds gravity and anton draga now picks up his first lead of the finals so race to 15 and he will be breaking and again break percentages um anton draga three for three ronnie alcano o for 2. so far that has been the big number but this is the bigger number right here these trophies well we can't say enough about it yellow the second place trophy is also pretty third place trophy is usually the first place trophy in other tournaments uh you know what i'm sold uh i will settle even for the third place trophies again as long as i can have it for free jericho and kyle amoroto are currently competing for that trophy if jericho wins matalina kawasaki jericho in trophies 100 [Laughter] oh and as we say that anton also breaking from the side but opposite uh we're talking about the opposite side where ronnie was breaking okay and this experiment fails on him first time in the final that he produces nothing on the break i think i see the commissioner koikoi orimaku is in the building also here good evening sir koi commissioner is here wow it is an honor to be in the presence of the commissioner so is this a 1 8 combo oh i believe ronnie will have no second thoughts on knocking in that eight ball uh the only thing he's uh considering is where will he wind up with the cue ball we control the spin on that one go look at the white yeah castle check this out oh okay so the one clears the seven he does have a shot to the corner pocket which will bring the cue ball down perfectly in line with the blue two he knocks it he even touches the two to make it even a better shot is he looking at 310 no i think uh hang on is he looking to shoot this rail first because he he wound up kind of a little too straight on the two too perfect here so he needs to manufacture some kind of angle is he drawing back uh he's looking at all the options here now he's straight but not straight enough to roll for a 310 so he may have to just pop out diba well he can either okay if i was ronnie alcano he's looking at the the real first option but if i was him i would either roll forward past the three take the three to the side okay or draw back to the bottom cushion to get a better angle on the three he's playing it off the rail though right now he was gonna make the cue ball run into the side rail the rail first option uh i can understand that shot however that's going to be tricky not at this distance triple clutched on this already yeah he's playing it off the rail this way so he's got the three now he needs to avoid the traffic no i i think he's just going to go between the six and seven six and ten that is okay just like that there you go okay problem solving it out he's good though like noel said he is good now table just opened up for ronnie alcano four ball pink four to the corner well whenever anton is involved in uh in the match unless anton wants to to uh just toy around with his opponents i don't expect name no but that's why ronnie might actually initiate it he's on the 50-yard line with the six though well he's going to shoot in the right corner pocket because the natural path of the cue ball will bring him uh oh he chooses the left corner pocket either way it will still bring him in line with the brown seven there's your blind cut there you go now just put a touch of right spin here to uh bring the clue the cue ball closer to the nine and again ronnie alcano will take the lead okay tied at three oniakano makes it uh official now it's a virtual race to twelve nita satin la balan but we do have our sponsors to thank bugsy promotions bet and win gaming corporation hard time sports bar in quezon city kasama narendra billy's resort in oslob cebu aqua v v-lug mud cakes by v characters and target on-airs dcme 15 30 commercial kilohertz tv and they salman are not in the origin carbon fiber shafts outs fill magic chalk jb cases music avenue the hadista sports bar and resto in cabal quezon city billiard planets and thoroughbred layered tips and once again thank you to mayor joy belmonte of quezon city for these beautiful trophies that you're seeing there and you're also seeing the score right now anton raga three ronnie alcano 3 in this race the 15th final for the quezon city 10 ball open noel zarate with manny argonza and also again tonight guys the sharks nine ball showdown continues final five competition days tomobabo 27 28 29 30 final four competition days for four remaining slots that's uh for the the june uh championship i know right six in four remaining and of course marvin abhisamis was the last guy to qualify last night who's going to join him we'll find out later tonight at 9 00 pm this break is brought to us by bet and win hard time sports bar and flash tv and this is ronnie alcano finally getting a ball on the break and a good shot here on the one so he's one of three for our first break okay and ronnie alcano finally getting that to work something to drop something dropped uh on this brick two more yeah okay so looking at the table one and three oh this is going to get tricky this is going to get tricky he needs a really soft touch here hit as much of the one ball as he can that's your kill but uh this is manageable for him this is manageable um in this case i would say he needs this okay a natural shot here would bring the cue ball too far so if i was to second guess the world champion here he'd probably want this uh with right spin and take it two cushion rather one yeah two cushions go behind the pink four and take that pink four to the lower left lower right corner pocket nice crawl nice crawl he chose to go the long way around and look what happened here noel he's behind the nine he got snookered did he really have the blade at that speed though well yes uh because he wanted it to come off that top rail if he took that route but like like i originally mentioned if he had gone behind behind the pink four he would wound he would have gotten like or rather kill the speed off two rails and uh wound up somewhere near the brown seven have a good shot at the the pink for and uh continue his run out however he chose to do it the other way around and disaster now struck ronnie alcano's one of the best out at getting out of these situations of course usually it's his opponents that put him in this position so as ajl would say ronnie al-qaeda just performed self-defense that's what aj would say so true so true and luckily again for these players the shot clock is not in play ronnie alcana is looking at the three rail kick here and it's just checking out where the cue ball will deflect after hitting this pink four he wants to hide it between uh behind the 10 and six oh he didn't make contact though ball in hand now for anton raga there's a dejected ronnie alcano heading back to his seat now anton's also looking here is this a 610 that he might be landing on little later on well the 610 combination is on it will all depend on uh how frisky anton raga is feeling well from this angle it doesn't look like he landed on the six i don't think uh he'll take on the 610 from here it looks like he he might just go for the six to the corner but again okay with anton raga you can never say hmm he's still going for it there you go that's confirmation anton raga is calling the ten ball not that he can't run out the table but he'd like to conserve his energy here 23 year old conserving energy huh well i think he has to donate some of that to us well i failed to uh have any other explanation for taking that 10 ball other than just finishing off the wreck early yeah and again you you don't want to run into any problems later on you remember jericho bananas earlier had an opportunity to abbreviate the rack went tried to run it out they ran into an and so accident so true look at these really guys we can't just we just can't stop appreciating how beautiful these trophies are from mayor joy belmonte but again we'd also like to hear from you watching us from around the world illambasil jannah the more than 2 000 people now tuned in for this final this is going to be epic because it is a race to 15 anton raga has just won rack number seven our score is four to three and anton raga missed on his break the last time up though he was three for three before that three out of four right now can he get back on track now man he's he continues to break from where he was dry earlier this break well he nets the four ball and this break brought to us by bet and win hard time sports bar and flash tv i can't believe the speed that that that four ball just went into that that side pocket there anton raga must have uh must have something on this break that that ronnie alcano hasn't but you did uh mention earlier noel that anton raga in this venue so far has had uh a good track record yeah he's undefeated yeah yeah the last time he did lose and we tracked it down was a rotation showdown where he had lost levan corteza but as far as 10 ball goes wow look at this result he is going dennis satori says beautiful trophy an amazing commentary thank you thank you very much i'm trying to track the last uh last appearances of anton here he was actually the partner of yohanchua when they went up against uh scott in scotch doubles they went up against efren reyes and francisco bustamante they came from behind on day two and one that one and then he had a one-on-one with johan chua who was his partner against the effort and django then he beat johann and then he had and they defeated johann and uh i don't see jeff ignacio and he's undefeated so far here in uh in the question city 10 wall open in his uh how many appearances already here this is his knowledge and semis and allegiant quarters he was also here during the the uh group stages so check it out noel okay anton draga did make uh the one ball to the corner pocket that was a cut however he overran a position for two i mean he overran that by what probably four or five feet yeah yeah and uh and now i don't think he has a full ball to work with on the two he's gonna jump he has he did take his jump cue out and he's he's he's still he called it into the pocket so again this is still an offensive move doesn't make it though if it goes to the other pocket it does not would have been a player option all right this time around ronnie alcano has a fair look at the two okay the two here is not the problem but he's going to to be forced to do something amazing to get position for the red three now does he play this into the side and just put a lot of right spin on the cue ball by anything involved no because there are just too many balls he might run into there so there you go he calls the corner that's the viable pocket but how he controls that to get back to the red three i just can't tell and i was about to say that's a mugable shot and it happened but look at the result though look at the result well he didn't sell out on the two but had he gotten it check out where the yeah is the cue ball and the three see so that was always going to be the problem there was no problem with the two the two was mining its own business doing well but the three was going to be the one that's going to bring ronnie alcano problems yes anton now comes back to the table with this situation and uh let's see does he try to go offensive and cross this to the other side no i don't think so that's available with the seven there i think he might try to go just like that behind the ten oh the most and the two seven plays as a combination yep i believe that is on i mean it could it's a little tricky you have to play this this shot with pocket speed you can't you can't just whack at these balls it's not perfect he has to attack this at angle oh [Music] will want to take this to the side pocket okay and manufacture a three rail position play here for the three top rail side rail and then bottom rail yeah he's shooting it to the side one two three and there you go almost almost perfect if he had gone like uh one foot less he would have had a good safety opportunity uh had he gone one foot over he would have had an offensive shot he would have an offensive shot yeah looks like he's going to tie this up no he's just going to go away from it so he did perform a legal shot i'm seeing here a good counter safety off the bottom rail i wonder if ronnie alcano will uh take it on oh he's oh okay he's gonna call the seventh after the three is a billiard i don't like this option i don't like this well first some miracle he kept the cue ball that's the reason why i didn't like it i knew i i knew that the seven wall the seven ball was available but the chances of that cue ball staying in that area and having the three ball run around the table that was the bigger percentage so uh hence this result okay um irani is going to take to the air straight long and straight should eat on the three so he's gonna jump the six sabina manditoni francis magdaluyo jackson broncano antonio das marina made the three but not in the pocket where he called it so the game player option [Music] he's looking at the six right now five is not an issue it's about getting good position here on the six because he wants the cue ball to be where it is right now anton raga looking intently at that six ball he wants to get that cue ball roughly on the same angle it was originally i don't think he has it i don't think he got the right angle here noel did he might be let's see yeah he had enough of it yeah okay he had enough of it yeah i stand corrected ladies and gentlemen that was uh i also played that with the correct speed because now he does have an angle on the eight to go two rails around for the nine sabine stanley from bakersfield california wow guys we we have 2200 people watching this stream and it's a live feed you know you don't get much live billiards around the world now live and free yeah no pay-per-view charges and anton raga has now opened up a 5-3 lead against ronnie alcano yes and uh ladies and gentlemen watching over at facebook and youtube live this live broadcast is brought to you by the city government of quezon city in philippines uh headed by its mayor mayor joy belmonte the honorable mayor joy belmonte in cooperation with bugsy promotions yeah also with bet and win gaming corporation and hard time sports bar look at these trophies right here i mean this is uh for those of you who have not been to the philippines this is actually a glass depiction of one of the more famous landmarks in the city of in quezon city the quezon city memorial circle is a glass depiction of the monument that stands right smack in the center of the city not too far from here actually and this huge three-foot trophy goes to the grand champion and right now ronnie alcano is behind anton raga and uh i'd like to take this opportunity to uh shout out to melvin carpio medallia nice hearing both of you guys both are great billion players in our country they are amazing please shout out here in batanga santo tomas yeah they are pretty good players and again anton raga is now far was this four out of five five out of six on his break right now dude saying uh these are uh two good players is an understatement right right these are the best of the best i mean uh they're the final two of a 50 of a 64 man field featuring uh some of the top actually not some most of the top players players in the country in fact i think everybody who is the top player who is here was in this tournament you're talking about guys like francisco bustamante jeff de luna roberto gomez antonio leaning marlon manalo of jeffrey ignacio johan chuwa um raymond farah i mean it's a solid list of guys here and uh let's not forget jericho let's not forget the party crashers no like uh yeah these are the 13 14 and uh teenagers competing against the best of the best and for kyle amaroto to actually make it to the semi-finals that was an achievement in itself the kid's 18 years old and bernard regalario made it to the quarterfinals the 15 year old was it the quarterfinals no sorry the round of 32. yeah yeah was defeated by kaila moroto in the round of 32. so here is anton raga as we as we kept on yapping about the players who've seen action here he's actually undefeated in this tournament i make that uh yeah marlon manalo and roberto gomez came from the losers bracket to make it all the way to the quarterfinals [Music] take note now mr castillo that promotions like this now were started here uh by uh bugsy promotions and fully supported by the city government of quezon city under um the great and honorable mayor joy belmonte and it takes that kind of partnership guys to take billiards off the ground once again alumni we're in the middle of a pandemic the pandemic is easing up a bit so now the question city government has taken a step forward to bringing billiards back and anton raga has now won four straight racks mind you is this a break and run yeah it was a break and run oh that's the first for raga because ronnie had one earlier look at this again the trophies getting ready to be given out in fact the battle for third is ongoing now at the hard time sports bar between jericho banares and kyle amoroto and shout out then uh okay mr booboy rabbi no happy watching sir so here we are now at rack number 10. so i'm going in a maximum of 29.99 yeah maximum of 29. so yeah take your seats ladies and gentlemen break out that popcorn and uh uh well we're gonna have a celebration after this though whoever wins ronnie uh and uh anton so anton dragan now to break all business for the 23 year old and the break is brought to us by bet and win hard times sports bar and flash tv and nothing went down well if something was close to going down it would have been that the white cue ball and anton raga wouldn't have wanted that the keyboard apparently got kicked to that position let's see what ronnie alcano does with this one will send that cue ball up table and uh probably draw behind that black eight using the black eight or and uh the pink four as blockers he'll probably send the cue ball uh to go between the brown seven and uh purple five or probably even knock in knock into the brown seven he's jacking up as if he's gonna make a jump shot with his playing cue but that's a draw shot he wants to keep that cue ball within their ear oh he doesn't want that to peek out and he's got it well it peaked out but the one ball is behind the 10. what are the options here now for mr raga the options here is a two rail kick just past the side pocket then to the top to the top rail hitting the one ball behind however i would like to think that anton can have the one ball touch the side rail and oh he's going for a one rail kick yeah rick he called yeah he called the one ball into the corner off the two rail kick well that's the two rail kick i was talking about uh but that's as good as he can get it because uh the control on that kick was gonna be very hard well nothing very hard about this table right now this the four pass the eight because if so it looks like it does though if the four passes the eight then there should be no more problems here there's just the one ball you're not telling us just the one ball make the one ball everything else is on the open if even if the four didn't pass the eighth he can uh ronnie o'connor will probably come with uh some carom shot on that oh he needs this cue ball to stop he wants us to stop oh well now is there a 2 8 combination hmm well hang on if uh looking from here he can send the two ball behind oh yeah yeah yeah yeah then send the cue ball okay from the to the side rail the opposite side rail and then back down be somewhere between probably between the six and three or probably even behind the three he's calling the bank on the two that's always an option if it's ronnie alcano though oh right right needs to make sure he clears the six though this cue ball if he does make the two on the bank once again it is six to three in favor of anton raga race to 15. sabinia glad christian alambra tamba shout out is right well your idol now has a has a dilemma he called the bank on the two it's not binding of course you can change his mind but he also has to clear that sixth ball [Music] with a three let's see if he still continues with the back shot ronnie's not sure anymore that uh bank shot is going to be a very daring option here he's changed his mind okay ronnie is uh changing his mind is he gonna go with one of my other options i'm pretty sure he sees that option it's just a matter of which shot does he feel more confident doing will send the 2 ball behind the 4 8 and using yeah that's perfect that because even now the queuing is an issue yes ronnie alcano came up with a brilliant safety there okay now the escape here manny it only appears to be two rails with a scratch possibility or no he's going one rail he's gonna spin it into that short rail you're correct there oh i missed it the spin i think uh on that last shot anton raga lost the spin there somewhere yeah okay now ronnie alcano will have some problems pocketing this too this might be going for foul two though against the 8 ball i wonder how hang on that's not foul 2 that's an offensive shot [Music] or it could still be i don't know from this angle how he's gonna looks offensive to me i don't like this option yeah and there that would be the better side to take it okay ronnie alcano will hit this with some uh with some speed he's going to knock the two ball into par i mean just hitting part of that pink four pink four will travel towards the side pocket the blue two will track will track two rails the cue ball will be held behind the eight oh is he shooting all right so yeah that is the safety shot there that's the safety shot so this safety now is uh kind of hard to get out of if you're anton raga the one rail option follow he can follow where the two ball passed right oh he's hitting he's hitting this three rails oh two rails using spin okay ronnie alcano back at the table he does have a possible shot at the the far corner okay he needs to be very accurate on this but will he take it on does ronnie alcano have the confidence to shoot this bluetooth to the far corner he actually can do that at all this is going to be an amazing shot and that is perfect and he even got perfect position for the red three so the four does pass the eighth detail yeah doesn't seem to be any problems anymore he is kind of straight on this three but he can still play two rails oh he just drew it back all the time great shot great shot by rodney so looks like he's in the clear here except that he has to be having a good landing on the five for the side pocket well if the four ball does clear the eighth ronnie alcano can just actually go two rails forward here if it clears the eight he called the eight ball though oh he's gonna play that's a billiard oh there you go that solves something well he's into a bank again the bank is available however i believe an easier option here is to hide it behind the purple five but of course ronnie alcano is a great bank pool player okay so ronnie alcano can't uh can't make up his mind yet on what to do with this pink for does he go offensive does he go safe is he looking at the bank is he looking to thin this ah there it is it's always going to be an option if it's ronnie he called the coroner he's going offensive i missed it though and what did what does he leave for anton raga a makeable shot on the floor it's a makeable shot on the four here so see how he pops out yeah i can actually still see this five oh ran into the five that's still gonna be okay yeah that's not gonna oh wait a minute as we were gonna say we were about to say you know the both of us were like that's not going to hurt anton but as it turns out now he has a steeper angle to work with here call the five ball into the corner pocket all right now anton draga does have a great shot here in the six however it's too straight so he's gonna have to manufacture an angle looks like it might wind up as a seven nine here manny well he tried to knock into that seven uh to try to get it to some other other pocket and not have to shoot this combination however as it is he doesn't have any choice now but it's not going to be that much of a harder shot for anton raga remember anton has the lead and he still drops the nine so he does have the lead right now and he is two balls away from adding to this ten ball to build a four rack lead against ronnie alcalo just like that hey check it out yeah we have 2700 viewers on facebook and youtube thank you for joining us here it is right now a little past 7 p.m here in the philippines and that should make it around 7 00 a.m past little 7 a.m in the east coast of the united states so i guess we have some of our friends from across the globe already joining us as well from usa and canada so 7-3 anton ragana with five straight wins well anton raga is almost at the halfway mark here to the race of 15 and uh our more veteran player here ronnie alcano is contemplating how he can stop anton raga's rampage well actually rodney alcano was uh had more possession time on the table in the last track except that ronnie uh wasn't able to finish it true so now anton raga here rack number 11 looking to add to his lead on this break brought to us by bet and win hard time sports bar and flash tv two ball drops seven seven as well and can he see the one ball looks like he can see enough of this manny actually he can't see it and i think he can cut it into that corner he's going to do another reverse cut here this is going to be uh this is going to be a thin cut and the next ball coming up will be the red three well he he's it's gonna have natural position on that red three as well oh but he didn't cut it enough that was a tough cut though so it was it was it was but nobody told anton raga that that was a tough cut well now this is for ronnie alcano i mean the layout should favor him here for us or for any other player that would have been that would have counted as a tough cut pero antonio doesn't see those things as tough right right he eats those things for for uh breakfast all day long so i don't know if you can you characterize that as an unforced error oh yes okay uh definitely that is an unforced error and just like that ronnie alcano opens up the table okay everything is sitting pretty looking uh [Music] looking like this is going to be a just another day at the office for ronnie elgano yeah there's no issue right now because there's the five right beside the eight unimpeded to the pocket and his unorthodox stance and using the mechanical bridge it's always fun to watch i love seeing him do this actually it didn't feel natural i don't think it's going to feel natural to anybody what is natural though is the way ronnie alcala's grown going through this rack right now anton raga has a five-game winning streak here in the final and uh yeah looks like ronnie alcala might be able to snap that right now and he'll be breaking if he does get the last three balls he will be breaking he doesn't want to wind up straight here [Music] he's got a good angle he's gonna go three rails okay back for the seven one two three and there you go ten ball to the corner pocket alcano pulling one back over uh from anton raga seven four now in favor of the gentleman from cebu against the gentleman from laguna so anton raga once again still on top and we'd like to thank our sponsors bugsy promotions bet and win gaming corporation hard time sports bar as well as billy's resort in oslob cebu aqua v v lugo unluckily mud cakes by v characters and target on airs dcme 15 30 kilohertz rapa commercial flash tv along with the origin carbon fiber shafts outsville magic shock jp cases music avenue the adista sports bar and resto in cabochon city billiard planet and thoroughbred layered tips all right sir jonathan chan at number one tiradon san carlos city negros occidental dan and uh happy watching to imran majid oh jimmy jimmy black how are you man maharaja has joined us here imran majid i actually had a chance to work with imran majid when he was here we did commentary for a few tournaments in 2004 and i think in 2010 as well so the maharaja this guy that guy loves to cook by the way oh i haven't had the chance to taste his cooking yeah we got him some some cook books filipino recipe cookbooks back in 2004 oh that's cool and ronnie's still cold on the break and take yeah and benefiting from that is anton raga with a great look at the one to start with and uh doesn't have much to do with the cue ball to follow up for the blue too yeah he's gonna go for the corner here on the one ball so no no oh i was about to say no issues on the layout scene here look at how fast ronnie uh algado stood up after the miss and ronnie alcano can see enough of the one ball to make it now you can make the one he's just got to negotiate the rest of the table now well he he can just uh shoot this naturally come back out one rail for the two but that's not what he chose to do he chose to go around two rails he's off angle though for the three yes but i'm i'm thinking let's see he does need uh to exactly a certain measure of control coming out from the top rail just like that yeah that'll do and now he wants to hit this rail first hang on oh he's shooting directly and he's going to come out three rails and have a oh well looked like he did go real first there did he well because uh going rail first will give him a bit a closer shot on the pink four had he gotten that if he had gotten it correctly but yeah cue ball got hit twice by the three so now anton draga probably an opportunity he thought he would never have in this rack he's got to get some legs he's short yeah anton raga came up short here his bro is he's going to cut this or is he going to bank it you know what i would if uh i would normal save it this was any other player he'd probably they would probably bank this or even go safe but knowing it's anton raga to shoot i would say he's going to cut this he's called it and just like that anton raga again shooting lights out like it's nobody's business i think he's also gotten the perfect position now for the five to drift back for the six this guy has so much confidence in his shot making abilities that cuts like that don't even phase him one bit uses the nine as a stopping ball well not just uh as a stopping ball he really intentionally cleared the path towards at that brown seven that's a very uh skillful decision there for anton raga i mean knowledge decision boys got four balls remaining to reclaim another four rack lead he's gonna stop right there where the eight ball is shoot the nine from the same position stop again for the 10 or probably even run to the rail and i think he will need to move forward to the rail and then back out to get perfect position in line with the stripe 10. one ball away or the 10 ball away now from reclaiming another four rack lead to go eight four against ronnie alcano halfway to the goal now for anton raga the 23 year old from talisai city in cebu who's looking to stay undefeated in this building once again so he's not smiling usually at this point he'd be smiling a bit but he knows that ronnie alcano has enough in the arsenal to just come back at any time you mentality offensive mentality are you approaching and to the game of nine ball or ten ball especially ten ball okay uh that's his strength that is his strength no because all he uh thinks about in in the way he approaches to the table uh in every layout the way he manages uh the table he makes he gives himself the best opportunity to run out the table from whatever position he has the cue ball on well we are looking at these beautiful trophies once again a mayor joy belmonte of quezon city and that's what one of the things they're competing for of course the champion does get a quarter of a million pesos as well this break is brought to us by bet and win hard time sports bar and flash tv hey check it out noel anton raga didn't make anything here it's only the second time he's had a dry break tonight now one ball doesn't seem to be available let's see what ronnie alcala does doesn't seem to be available into that corner pocket well uh he's gonna play safe here behind the two or right there behind the brown seven he chose to send it there well yeah the seven's still affecting it yeah it's gonna be looks like is he a kick at this one to get to the eight he's called the eighth don draga wants to hit just a third of this one ball he doesn't want a full ball hit there it is and oh my goodness oh my goodness does he have enough of this one manny to put it into the corner well i don't think so if if he was gonna go if uh offensive here he's gonna shoot uh from the opposite long rail i don't think he has enough of the one to uh pocketed nevertheless that was an amazing shot on a kick from the one to the eighth so it's a kick combination combination it's looking somewhere up table now he's looking uh to send the cue ball up table behind the purple five he's gonna knock it in there three rails retain the one ball above that side pocket and he oh he got it however this is jumpable yeah jump a ball from running for ronnie alcano and this from how the table is laid out a jump shot here is going to be beneficial rather than a kick but ronnie alcano has other ideas he's kicked at it and he may have sold it out no anton is going to be operating off the long rail can't see all of the cue ball will anton draga come from behind on the 2 here no let's see yeah that's the answer to your question no i don't think so i don't think the 2 ball passes the 10 here however i don't think anton drago will venture a combination shot as well looks on to me sir well yes i mean he called it but that's going to be a call just in case i think he's going to hide the cue ball behind the purple 5. that's a just in case call just like that beautiful so now alcano looking at jail i'm looking at some kind of a funky three here but uh what is his option is he stuck with that funky three or is he gonna just a two-railer okay there you go volcano will need to hit this with some speed oh he doesn't want that down it goes another open layout here for anton raga it's just also been a bunch of misfortunes now um well actually what happened there was alcano hit it too soft he needed more speed on that so he can bend the rails and get the right side of the two and the way he hit it okay he hit the bottom side of the two and uh hence he scratched there he would have hit more solidly on on the two if he hit it with speed raga's got an open layout again here buddy i'm not seeing any spot on this table that would would stop raga's rampage here well he if he continues and gets this rack it'll be his biggest lead of the final [Music] it's not over guys this is a race to 15. but anton is playing well right now i'm seeing here a lot of people uh cheering for anton raga now well there were also people cheering for ronnie alcano okay because uh everyone knows ronnie alcano is very much capable as well if ronnie alcano hits his gear well he can practically beat anyone in the world and he did in 2006 exactly i see so ronnie i mean anton raga chose to uh move forward with that cue ball so he can just go out one rail and come go to that spot behind a rather below that nine ball looks simple but that wasn't very played with the perfect speed now he wants to punch this out somewhere to that spot area get the 10 ball to the opposite corner pocket and this for a 9-4 lead in the final so anton draga now five racks clear of ronnie alcano 9-4 as we now enter rack number 15 once again thank you to bugsy promotions bet and win gaming corporation hard time sports bar in quezon city along with billy's resort in oslob cebu aqua v v luger mud cakes by v carex kayang the target on here so dc me 15 30 kilohertz proper commercial and flash tv as well as origin carbon fiber shafts outsville magic chalk jb cases music avenue the hadista sports bar and resto in cobalt quezon city billiard planet and thoroughbred layered tips thank you once again to mayor joy belmonte for the trophies that you see on your screens right now and uh this is what it's all about billiards is back in quezon city again mayor joy belmonte's aim is to make quezon city not only the billiards capital of the philippines but perhaps even the world tony papa ron carlo perez hello [Music] has only had two dry breaks so far tonight well looks like all the stars are lining up for anton raga one ball dropped and a perfect look at the two to start off the rack and not just that okay and the moment that cue ball leaves the four all balls have practiced social distancing sabine it's all clear all right that's five in that eight manny is that five eight gonna be an issue uh the five eight for me it would have been an issue but for anton raga i doubt it or rather from if once he gets perfect position on the four if he gets that line uh this line i'm pointing there that's that's the line that anton you saw where anton put his q yes so he was looking at that line as well if he gets that line he can slide that uh cue ball between the eight and the five here that's perfect that is perfect it's gonna knock the five out no uh he's gonna probably hit the eight using a stopper there you go okay i wouldn't need to that's that's uh what i'm talking about he's gonna take short side position for the five to the to the lower corner pocket okay since he can mostly hit the top part of the cue ball here there will be some follow action as he will shoot towards rather going to the green six what a stroke okay with here if anton raga wants to let his stroke out he's going to go long rail long rail take the seven ball to the side pocket just like so i'm having fun watching i'm having fun i would like to shout out again to uh our friends at the whiz kid works courtesy of our good friend [Music] watching anton on the table i'm seeing all of a sudden i'm seeing the kid come out of his game this could be a breakthrough for him really see anton draga he has yet to campaign in the western hemisphere he's had some campaigns in china japan even in thailand but it's uh really the western hemisphere that he hopes to conquer one day and company everybody starting to make their mark in europe and in the united states anton is about to follow suit this for a six rack lead and this is another uh break and run anton raga now 23 year old is cooking here in the finals but at the end of the day he is two-thirds of the way to the goal noel yes sir aj yeah well aj is going to be here somewhere sometime later on but right now we are looking at this beautiful trophy once again courtesy of mayor joy belmonte that's the grand champion trophy and you can see that it is presented by the good mayor of quezon city along with the emblems of uh sharks and bugsy so this is today this is january june 27 that all ends today think about we started out with 64 players in a double elimination format since monday i didn't even start this tournament i started the tournament on wednesday already okay i don't know this is a rare dry break again that's the third dry break for anton and looking at this yeah it looks like ronnie's gonna open with a one seven he's gonna open with a one seven but he has to navigate uh that black eight there so what he wants to do is hit the one seven pass the eight okay and uh come back out with that cue ball all right he didn't hit the eight but he hit the nine however that's not gonna hurt him okay so we have again ronnie alcano with a good look at the one to the side does he want to to run into the blue two or does he want to avoid it all together what let's see that's the question right now does hitting the two provide some kind of uh actual advantage well uh it depends on what speed he will he's gonna hit it or is he trying to avoid the blue too he ran into the two he ran into well he wasn't going to avoid it and this is what i was concerned about his control on the blue too now he still has a shot at this this is going to be an obvious bank which i'm confident that ronnie will knock this nine out of ten times okay uh however well he gets that everything's opened up this is going to be well let's see is he looking at other possibilities here is he even considering a safety option well we're there yeah but with the balls laid out this way yeah there is this possible safety behind the tent but with the balls laid out this way and ronnie's acumen for banking shots should be this option just needs to concentrate on making this two ball don't think it's gonna make it though oh it just lost its legs because ronnie was trying to hold position for the red three okay and in doing so he didn't hit that two ball hard enough for for it to reach a bank now that's a very very very rare mistake from from ronnie alcano that's going to top the list of unforced errors for ronnie alcana tonight he was about two feet short exactly for the combination and now anton raga gifted with a wide open layout here do you fancy yeah do you fancy a 610 combination here no i'm not sure anymore about that because if he plays the five ball and bounces it off he can get the five and the six in the same pocket but if anton stops the ball okay so he didn't he just stopped the ball there he's going for a run out yeah i think they put the five and the six in the same pocket anyway there yeah no frills here for anton draga he's just all business in fact you get the feeling that anton wants to get this over with real quick already right now because if he makes one misstep you know this is ronnie alcala we're talking about a world champion i'm thinking uh he wants to finish this game because it's almost dinner time at home not really his wife is here actually but this is the kind of pace that anton came into this tournament with brought it all the way to the final remember against aj banas he sort of slowed down and then aj sped it up and took the lead and said okay that's enough we gotta i gotta finish this kid real quick and now he's finishing the veteran leading right now boy anton raga has strung together it is 11-4 i did not see the score line coming manny well neither did i uh noel but well just for uh just for kicks here if you add up anton raga's a score and with ronnie alcano well somebody would have made the the championships we all knew it was not going to be a sweep anyway it's gonna be sweet though for whoever it is who gets to hoist this trophy tonight it's a beautiful trophy yeah quezon city 10 ball cup grand champion yep that's what we're talking about here started on monday actually i'm trying to remember when they started playing i think ronnie played on the tuesday uh tuesday day one he they had different day ones right and so ronnie played on the tuesday day one and i believe i got to do anton's day one on wednesday and that all culminated here on friday with the round of 32 to the round of 16 to the round of eight and then of course yesterday was the round of eight today from the semis to the finals all live right here on sharks and here's the break by anton raga brought to us by bet and win hard times and flash tv okay now another so anton starting to lose his grip on the brake that's another dry one back to back for the first time but not an easy layout here for ronnie because of the six and the eight hmm let's take a look at the table here all right well ronnie uh can use that six and eight to hide behind but just wants to use purple five and that's a beautiful stripe nine that's beautiful so anton's gonna call it nine of the corners he got a kick at this yep there it goes but it's not gonna make it now anton draga has just placed the one ball in the one place where it's going to have a difficulty finding a pocket because of the six and the eighth pero no i don't think i think ronnie will play a bank here to the opposite corner pocket okay and then send the cue ball back up table somewhere near the two ball or if he just wants to play safe he can stop the cue ball uh behind the seven send the one ball two rails out i wonder what which option ronnie alcano will choose calling one ball back shot bank shot is uh the safer option should he miss he's gonna get distance and he missed he's gonna get distance and did he get cover as well well that's the bonus actually getting the cover from the seven ah check it out noel yeah had he made the one ball he would have had a good shot at the two yes from that small window between the four and the five that's the reason why he shot it that way oh almost made it into the side he's gonna sell out the one though that wasn't part of the plan no anton wanted that keyboard behind the three and then the one up table up table yeah all right ronnie alcano will shoot at this one and roll forward to the opposite rail okay for a good shot at the two probably even take the cue ball to the middle of the table okay off the rail off the rail now he's going to follow this hopefully missing the missing the 10 ball there and come back coming back out for the red three oh he doesn't want that in the pocket well he still can see the three at least very straight on it though now can he pop out for the six eight hmm you know he's landed in a pretty funny spot here almost in the pocket he's shooting away from the three uh-huh he's shooting away from the the three's target's target line let's take a look at a better angle there it is you can see doesn't look like the jaw is in play though looks like he's still good see yeah he's shooting away from the target line he's gonna send the cue ball okay there you go there that way oh nice if you can get no it's not gonna make it though he was corner hooked from the target line right right right all right now anton raga will probably want to send the three ball up table and maybe maybe hide behind the six eight cluster if he can execute control over this distance that's going to be an amazing shot unless unless antonio will want to return the cue ball behind the five or beside the nine ball there called it in the corner just in case and looks like part of the three is seen here from the right side nope nope okay this time around ronnie alcano's looking to jump this three yeah let's uh check out the comment section here what are they saying here okay people are talking about kylo viado or julio and the r and yeah i think that comment started was nobody can beat anton raga right now then somebody ventured except carlo biando and then accept dennis or cool except james aranas right yeah that's the best run you can do with that it's not going to be good enough to hide the three six is still the issue here though hmm well actually looking at the table there is a way to break the six from the five ball but it's going to be a three possibly four rail kick a rather a four-wheel break if anton draga can get below a rather above the target line just like that all right there's such a way where he can break this off for rails interesting this is going to be amazing one two three oh he got there amazing got there amazing shot by anton raga four rails wow he's now starting to look like destiny's child all over again oh you know he's fantastic yeah that was a great shot now it's all a matter of finishing the remaining five balls to take a commanding eight rack lead well it was only from that five ball could he have broken that so uh [Music] and here we go flirting with the scratch there but able to get it done good line here for the seven perhaps can draw back a bit to get to that eight alamo classic shots those are the confidence builders yeah those are the confidence builders and for your opponent those are the shots that dishearten them [Music] was in the same situation i am betting he would have done the same thing okay but as far as uh the shooter is concerned that's a confidence builder well here's a good lineup here's a good lineup now from the 9 to the 10. and this to pick up an eighth rack advantage who would have thought twelve four all right three racks away from that championship i gotta confess i gotta confess i was expecting a closer match yeah so did i of course but uh well it's not over of course it's not over and uh there's room here for a lot of drama to develop and uh ronnie alcano is capable of uh stringing uh racks one after the other well this trophy is this if the fat lady says warming up this trophy is warming up as well to go to the side of the cebuano but we're not done yet so this is now rack number 17 upon us once again thanks to our sponsors bugsy promotions red and wind gaming corporation hard time sports bar in quezon city and uh our referee ramon mystika alfredosa steakhouse here actually yeah and he's missed his breaks already nothing there it's happening well ronnie has a long look here at the one ball doesn't pass the two ronnie needs to compose himself here again okay anton didn't make anything on the break but didn't leave a lot of uh a lot for ronnie on this shot either and if i was going to venture a guess here let's see uh ronnie alcano's options you know what i'm just gonna say i don't see anything viable for ronnie in terms of hiding in terms of offensive option in terms of uh [Music] defense i don't see anything well can he hit the one into the two and then send the cue ball somewhere there behind the six or the eight let's see oh he's pushing he's pushing pushing yeah that's that's a better option too because he can't see an offensive nor a good defensive position i mean shot from where he is at the moment so now you can push even if you can see the object ball it's still your option all right so ronnie alcano decides to i don't know what he decided upon there mess up the table just a little bit more probably uh anton never even left the seat he said go ahead sir so ronnie's gonna jump and ronnie's jumping with just a thin look at the one just got half a tape uh half a ball yeah good contact good contact result result is ouch oh he just got that behind the four uh huh and is the one frozen frozen hang on hang on to your seats guys there you go anton raga just called the 10 ball well he cannot he can okay almost that's a foul so yeah foul so there's the 110 right now for uh our referee munching mystic uh was quick quick to the draw there he saw the foul called and called anton on it here's the and this is the shortcut reprieve for ronnie he didn't have anything and now he's got everything ball in hand and he's gonna do it in style behind the back there you go so that must feel good to be back in the win column he was actually leading three to two in this match and now he's down 12 to five now because uh from since leading three to two somewhere somehow anton raga just decided to shut him down and have a rampage of his own lick with a 10 10 rack string this is the first time in about 45 to 50 minutes that ronnie alcano is breaking yeah but again look at these trophies guys and there's no filter to this no hashtag no filter that's how beautiful those trophies are as on city 10 ball champion who is it going to be are those trophies made of uh crystalline glass or acrylic i have no idea i actually i got to touch the the the tent felt like it was a crystal mm-hmm so 12-5 for raga alcano trying to stay in this match and this break is brought to us by bet anduin hard times sports bar and flash tv and the cue ball has disappeared and look at where this 10 ball has landed oh my god ronnie alcano was just just able to pull one back yeah and uh broke however he broke bad there giving returning a ball in hand to uh returning possession of the table ball in hand to anton raga and two shots away from the rack giving that uh giving this fast rack again back to anton two wins away from the title you know what i you just got a feel for ronnie alcano here he's just not getting any bricks well his his break uh cylinder and jericho bananas they both had issues with their break and it just so happened that ronnie was on point with his shooting but now against anton draga and you know what anton has actually lost his break over the last three or four breaks that he's had but you're right about ronnie alcala not being able to get any breaks when the balls are in play yeah i mean uh ronnie uh just ain't getting those good rolls uh he's really i don't know and and you know what i'm looking at tyroni alcano and i think the flow of this game is getting to him well two racks away for anton raga he has winning streak in this building still looking good and he finally gets the four ball of five ball to drop out from taiwan tau a lot of people here from sydney australia sabine chrysler hamwell and good evening sir victorinidad good evening and uh happy happy watching sir and also uh rendezvous no obstructions at the table here uh it's got to stop he got there yeah he got there well from here anton can attack the four ba the four ball so he's shooting at the three taking the pink four next he can attack this uh at least two ways taking the top rail or probably even just killing uh killing the cue ball speed off there right into the four i don't think he wanted to run into the four not that way it's still makable though so and anton doesn't want to take his foot off the gas oh it's makable in two pockets now so anton doesn't want to take his foot off the gas here you got to take what the table gives him and he's got to play a safety oh that's a foul that never made it to a rail yeah didn't want to land into the nine from the four so ball in hand now for ronnie alcano hang on what is ronnie alcano thinking about here ronald kind of wants uh to make the best of this and uh he wants to because for him for the most part he hasn't had a lot of uh shooting time at this table in the last 40 45 minutes was it yeah something like that almost an hour 50 50 minutes actually okay so what he wants to do is to run through these balls take him out grow his confidence get his confidence back okay and uh take it one point at a time it's a little off but this is manageable i'm confident there just like that now ronnie wants to go well he can go two rails or three rounds for uh to get positioned back for this black eight here one two mm-hmm he's just letting his stroking arm out yeah all right so well he can either draw from the side rail or go around four cushions whichever he fancies come back out one cushion he wanted uh he wanted closer distance but this will do up and down the top and bottom rails so this this could be a win number seven now for uh ronnie alcano and again he needs to find his break he has not won back to back back-to-back games since the score was four or three to two with his one back to back games then so 13 to six the trophy is still there there's no additional lighting to this by the way guys that's how beautiful this place is also so that is the first place trophy right beside it the second place trophy and then the third place trophy the grand champion quezon city ten ball who's it going to be care of mayor maria josefina tanya belmonte she's the one who has made this all possible with the help of course of bugsy promotions bet and win gaming corporation a hard time sports bar all right and the tono and uh guys watching over at facebook and youtube live how are you enjoying the matches so far ronnie this has been the story of the day for him it's like almost but not quite that one ball just sits up refuses to drop ronnie with another dry break and another opportunity for anton draga to put things away in a very very good layout here he is going for the hill huh anton raga's going gonna use his q extension to get to this one ball two balls already sitting pretty three ball attainable no problems with the layout in fact he might even be looking at a an abbreviation let's see no it looks like the five passes the 10 anyway so that should be good well uh [Music] for the five you know what i was spending the the last minute here trying to uh think out the paths of the cue ball from one ball to the next will there be any problems noel you're absolutely right i am not seeing anything uh going wrong for anton draga and this rack especially now that you can see that he's playing the four into the side so i think that answers the question now wait a minute does it pass wait a minute well i think the way that anton raga played this is he looking at the 510 combination that's right my question was does the five past the ten well if it doesn't really but i mean the five ball is available to the opposite uh corner pocket but the way anton shot this oh he's looking at the combination sir he is looking at the combination and he just called the 10 ball so the 510 combination to put him on the hill a while ago uh anton raga shot another combination for to abbreviate the rack okay and i said he's trying to conserve his energy well he is on the hill right now no need to conserve energy anymore you can let it all out here look at this after rack 20 anton raga one win away from the quezon city 10 ball open title leading ronnie alcano 14-6 14-6 wow anton ragas just had a very very great run for this tournament [Applause] we are looking at the trophies once again courtesy of mayor joy belmonte my sabres coming in [Laughter] i wonder who's also going to finish third that's still ongoing right now between jericho bananes and kyle amoroto but regardless it has been a great has been a very successful staging of the quezon city 10 ball open and anton draga now breaking for the championship brought to us by bet and win hard times and bugsy promotions lo and behold two ball drops 110 combination he can't see the one he cannot see the one ball though he's going to uh jump this this he's going to jump at this i have no doubt in my mind that uh anton raga will want to finish this here and now well so he's going to her for a push-out and he's going to ask ronnie to do the honors for this 110. and ronnie cannot say no to this one you know what i'm surprised that raga didn't take it on as a jump but i don't think ronnie will pass this yeah past one i mean pass this over either so pain finding [Music] yeah ronnie's too good for this i'm sure anton respects ronnie a lot and he's just really saying i dare you to take this sir ronnie may oblige ronnie will not uh resist this one he can't for all because uh he he can take this down right here right now he can win this rack with just this shot he's called it ronnie alcano needs this to stay in the match does not even make contact with the 10. [Music] well not too much of a bad leave i mean uh after this all the pockets are blocked uh for the one okay and uh well no obvious safety however you see what i see well uh i'm thinking uh anton raga will send the cue ball behind the green six does it get there yeah perfect just like that perfect and ronnie's gonna use that jump q again or is he gonna kick at this no he's gonna he's going to use a jump q again here the problem is okay i have no doubt that ronnie can hit this but where does he send the one ball and the cue ball i mean how does he get safe from here he's kind of going to the side he's kicking from the top rail he's calling the one ball to the side just in case but he wants to hit this soft there oh and that is the reason why he wanted that safe because he knew that even if he missed the pocket okay shooting it that way he will not leave something on for for raga unless anton goes for the 1-3 combination here the 1 3 combination is not automatic the distance between the 1 and 3 is considerable good shot but nobody told anton that that's a hard shot [Laughter] now the question is does he run this out now as it stands he will yeah i have no doubt that he will and wants to close out the match right here and now okay drew perfectly in line for the pink four he he's going to move forward just about an inch just to get a good angle yes just like that noel do you hear what i hear well that trophy is um probably uh what's this uh six balls away from finding an owner that's the fat lady singing yeah 23 years old from talisa cebu first went up against ronnie alcano in 2012 lost to ronnie of course at the age of what 14 well i'm pretty sure that uh being whatever that loss from uh from ronnie way back okay the skills he picked up that day is benefiting him from then till to now now here to get to the eighth is a different story well from here to the eight i'm betting anton will just draw back near the opposite uh side near the opposite side rail and take a long cut on the eight which is gonna be very easy for him actually he's not happy with the way he landed but he's got to move on from it though hang on i think he wants to do something fancy here he wants to hit this with inside english is he yeah he's aiming inside he's aiming inside top rail side rail back okay okay okay if he's hitting this with inside english that's the angle that he goes oh he didn't want to hit the nine he wanted it's not over are you looking at a long distance offensive shot or is there a safety option to this did he just call the ten ball i didn't hear coach munching though he pointed at something looks like a cut oh he's carrying into the tent oh [Music] [Laughter] ronnie's got an open look now at this eight what an entertaining match this is what an entertaining match he let his opportunity slip away by running into the nine ball as you said now ronnie alcano he gets this 10 we extend where he gets his eight he lands good on the nine we could extend here there's the eight oh we're gonna extend here a bit sir i'm getting the feeling that uh that anton just wants to finish this off an alcano break well ronnie able to put that away and we are staying on here it's now 14 to 7. the end of rock 21. well now that i think about it anton raga will not get another chance to break in this match well let's see because i'm very sure he's not gonna break anymore because okay the only uh oh yeah yeah i guess it'll be over yeah yeah no the thing is also with with ronnie if he finds his groove now in the break i mean yeah an anton purusa he's on the hill but if rodney can string things together he's going to put a lot of pressure on anton and anton might start making mistakes so that's why i'm telling you anton wants to finish this now exactly but for things to get to anton ronnie will need to get to 10 first yes make a string of at least three racks well it starts out with this break and he make a ball on this break brought to us by bet anduin hard time sports bar and flash tv he made two balls on the break but does not see the one well at least ronya kind of made some balls and uh gets to shoot after the break he's called the one he called the ten ball to the side using the one that's a good defensive shot from ronnie akano now anton if he chooses to jump this yeah he can make contact now looking at the layout here manny the five the seven the two oh they're they're having their own meaning there and anton drake able to make the one but creates more problems for himself now trying to get to the two he's he's kind of unfortunate he made an amazing shot amazing jump shot on that one uh kind of unfortunate to land where he is right now behind that green six okay uh however let's see what will anton raga do here he's calling the seven okay two rails to the two [Music] nope it's a foul and again an opportunity here to inch even closer for ronnie alcano so ronnie's got a clean look here at the two ball anton raga seems to be taking this uh next few racks easy okay so uh he's just waiting for one more mistake from ronnie alcano to seal the deal they're gonna ask the world champion to screw up yeah i think that's what that's what anton is trying to do here however like as you pointed it out noelle ronnie alcano is a world champion is this roberto gomes we see up here also with us i think so roberto gomez is in the building chatting with jane erdogan all right what does ronnie are kind of no he double clutched this is he drawing back now for the six well the way that the balls are laid out drawing uh drawing back here will bring him in contact with the brown seven and uh bad things can happen with that unless he's jump drawing this yeah or he drew into the rail and avoided the seven well that's a good maneuvering there for ronnie alcano it's very skillful that the way he avoided the seven oh did i see a twitch in ronnie alcano's a stroke there you know ronnie has won back to back huh looking for three in a row now he's kind of funny here see if he can actually control how he lands is he going to draw is he going three rails he wants to draw past the 10 or he's on top of the 10. this is makeable for him crossing the corner three straight wins there you go ronnie alcano needed that rack to gain some confidence back okay and pull one further i mean uh pull one closer to anton raga what's his target first 10 wins 10 wins he needs 10 points to at least get his confidence back and come back within striking range of anton raga now he made his break the last time two balls on the break the question is can he do it again once again you're looking at the trophies given to us by mayor joy belmonte for the winners of the quezon city 10 ball open which is of course brought to us by bugsy promotion bet and win gaming corporation hard times sports bar along with billy's resort in oslob cebu aqua v v lugo and glue gun cobalt mud cakes by v carrick on target on airs at dcme 1530 kilohertz rapa commercial and flash tv and we are now joined by the one and only superman roberto gomez uh hello hmm all right oh ronnie sabrina okay world-class players though experience morito coming back from europe of course recounting your experience the [Music] [Music] if he gets this uh mr gomez this will be four straight wins yes six [Music] [Music] [Music] so wish me luck guys and knocking three straight breaks and uh anton raga ronnie trying to go cross and look at the result here and uh he leaves anton draga safe here so anton is back at the table now looking at the trying to make contact with this one ball with a short stick almost knocked the one into the side that's a good reply that's lucky because that hit the jaw right and don raga's lucky stars have all lined up tonight no now what's the response here of ronnie alcano does he cannon into the side trailer um well right now the obvious uh rail hit or the obvious kick here will be coming up from the top rail here um and but ronnie alcano will will want a glancing hit he's called the one yeah he's called the eighth it's called eight to go offensive missed the eight sells out all right now the five and the eight are together there as well anton raga will this be the last rack of this tournament don raga with a clear shot on the one there you go bending the path of the cue ball with lots of bottom bottom right perfectly in line with the blue too well he want to draw or just stop the cue ball where he is is that 5 8 an issue not really not really he can do a lot of things with that 5 8 okay he chose to stop it just where it is however he's straight he's too straight he's too straight on this uh red three i wonder if he's gonna draw into the side rail with english no he chose to go forward well you gotta take his chances with the cut shot that he's been so good at tonight right exactly exactly he's his confidence level is so high he doesn't believe or he doesn't even think he can miss shots like this so he's gonna go long rail long rail just just passing that side pocket oh that's he made sure that he's in he was in no danger at all all right so he's gonna knock this eight ball in and have the one ball track towards oh that's not what he wanted wow he tried to be fancy and get the two balls eight and five all in one shot can he still make the five well he's gonna shoot off the bottom rail for that oh he can thin it mm-hmm he can thin it from here yeah yes he can and look at the way he played the cue ball also to control is he playing a 7-10 okay you know what noel i'm taking a wild guess area that he will take the six ball to the corner pocket oh he called the side no that means he's shooting at 710. unless he's gonna draw let's see let's see what anton will do here he is he's shooting at the 7 10. this is for the trophy the title of quezon city 10 ball open champion and he's going to take his time with this one anton raga looking to finish this here and now not willing to give ronnie alcano another point in this match this combination for the seven ball to the ten ball [Music] he's studying very carefully this shot for 250 000 pesos missed it and don raga missing that 710 combination and giving roni alcano here a window to come back now the thing is how what does ronnie do with this oh i have no doubt that ronnie will take this on as a combination yeah the combination is very much on and ronnie is looking from the bottom rail and checking out how confident he is oh is he looking at the two maybe possibly a three rail kick that's gonna be for showmanship no well he just felt like walking around the table to warm up his legs stretch his legs a bit well okay you said the goal was 10 for him to make some kind of a striking distance call he gets this he'll have 10 wins exactly that's the reason why anton raga wanted to close that out uh from uh from that combination of 7-10 fortunately he missed but ronnie alcano wants to make sure he gets this he's checking out all the options looking at all the angles so he's gonna thin this he wants to hit this as thin as he can and uh also making sure that he won't scratch after hitting after hitting he is he kicking at this yes now well he's looking at that possibility well possibly the reason here is he cannot he cannot hit the right side of the 7 to get that 10 in so the that's the reason why he's looking at it from a kick rodney made the call and ronnie is going to be kicking at this seven from the bottom rail oh two rails two rails wow that is perfect ronnie altano is still alive he was down 14 to 5. and you can hear the cheer from the crowd especially watching in this venue especially roberto gomez some of our sharks have made their way into the building here as well george oh jane art orca they're also here right now look at the smile on ronnie alcanon's face it's like he's just gotten a shot of adrenaline once again back to the smile but he's still down by four racks he cannot afford to make a mistake anton raga just needs one ronnie alcano needs five and uh noel check out our comment section it's exploding with the praises for that shot shot of the match so far from ronnie alcano but ronnie knows he still needs five more wins the trek is still arduous [Laughter] break is brought to us by bet anduin hard times sports bar and flash tv and uh did he make a ball on the break yes he did now ronnie is fighting an uphill battle here but again is making balls on the break now however he doesn't get a decent look at the one ball he sees the one ball right now can he actually play a safety can he put um i don't know what is the safety option that he has hearing ion uh is he looking at the seven the one seven combination is he well was there a benefit for the 170 combination not that nothing is so obvious to me however let's see didn't call anything so he's just going to try to make he needs a rail he needs a rail that's a phone no rail and uh foul cop foul is called yeah ponchi mistika also wants to be sure [Laughter] here's a look of somebody now who knows his destiny might not be in his hands roberto gomez is back yes mr superman go ahead [Music] go ahead mr superman hello [Laughter] [Laughter] is this [Music] to make [Music] mr [Music] [Music] [Music] we bring back manny argonza right here what happened in that last shot of anton from the 8 to the 10. he was one shot away from a quarter of a million pesos hey remember noel i told you i told you i called it early on that if ronnie alcano will get to 10 points anton will start failing the heat well he's at 11 right now ronnie's got 11 wins this was 14 to 5. anton made the two air i mean two errors back to back first of all from that uh ten to eight okay he made a poor positional shot and then on that last 10 ball okay he was trying to thin the 10 ball but missed it all together yeah well now ronnie alcano he can sense that he could be destiny's child one ball on the break and a shot on the two here for ronnie alcano on this break brought to us by bet and win hard times and flash tv there is an issue on the table right now the five and the nine are together ronnie alcano made a ball on his break again so ronnie alcan is starting to uh finally get the measure of the break right no yes but he won't be able to run this out unless he addresses this this problem with the five and the nine how does he address this there's no ball nearby that he can do this with unless now well if he gets a good angle uh on uh the pink four that might work out to be his breaking ball he's trying it now he still got onto three okay that's that's a more positive uh uh a more positive development he gave himself more landing room on the on the purple five now he needs to get a good angle here on the pink four off this three just like that he doesn't want to pass it doesn't want to pass it it's straight now hang on does the purple five past the nine can't tell from the top view well if it doesn't ronnie alcano will uh do some kind of safety here probably marrying the cue ball sending hang on he's trying something he's trying to punch it there oh he missed the pink four and does it sell out not necessarily yeah he the way he was shooting at it ronnie alcano was trying to punch into uh that purple five off the pink four now he's left raga an opportunity here for the four ball now does anton go cross side he does go cross side and he makes it how does he land on the five lands pretty well well now do you play this with right spin and go around the traffic or do you punch it backwards no he's gonna shoot this with low left yeah okay he's gonna shoot this low left taking position just just uh passing the side pocket there you go on the last few racks anton actually had great chances to finish them off but somehow somewhere along those racks he uh fine he was able to find ways to let ronnie alcano in uh one point at a time again well still good still good he's he just needs to draw along that side rail uh again passing the side pocket settling for an angled shot on this black eight he doesn't need to do uh anything special with that cue ball so normal patterns oh he chose to go the other route that's still this is still good it's still good [Music] and actually this is uh this is also a good option here because the natural path of the cue ball takes it closer to that yellow nine two balls away from raga this ten ball once again for uh oh did he concede i think ronnie alcado has just conceded this looks like i don't know if anton's gonna shoot this just for posterity's sake and he did do a bad shot there and there's your champion ladies and gentlemen 250 000 pesos the trophy and the title of quezon city open champion to the 23 year old from talisa cebu anton raga and guess what his winning streak in this building is still on still an immaculate record for anton raga here this is what anton's going to be taking home plus the whole the the cash prize of a quarter of a million pesos we're gonna have a word i believe with both uh uh competitors in just a few moments but again it has been a great week for the quezon city ten ball open we'll talk to anton raga and ronnie alcano when we return all right [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] since monday the competition has been heated 64 players and today we finally crown a champion in quezon city 10 ball open my name is noel zarate and let us meet the top three he says third placer the 18 year old from asparta kyle amaroto so congratulations once again kyle amoroto the 18 year old i got in third place he also takes home a hundred thousand pesos for finishing in second place now we bring in ronnie alcano and modito to get to this point in this [Music] foreign and finally of course ladies and gentlemen after seven days of competition the champion of the quezon city 10 ball open the 23 year old from talisa city cebu the dragon anton raga palace [Applause] foreign [Music] a reality the champion of the quezon city 10 ball open and he also takes home this trophy and a quarter of a million pesos as well and we'd also like to congratulate ang organizers of course bugsy promotions hadley mariano our tournament organizer and of course commissioner koikoi our champion of the quezon city 10 ball open anton raga until we do this all again salaam alabasi promotions and of course congratulations to everybody and good night from the shark's den here in quezon city [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Sharks Billiard League
Views: 69,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: billards, pool, 9-ball, 9 ball, 10 ball, sharks billiards, billiard showdown, billiard game
Id: fPNY8rtcHA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 197min 29sec (11849 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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