Edge DIES Today

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Edge will die today that is what we're gonna do I will not quit until it's dead and or two or three hours past and then I just get so fed up however I think when we got offline on the past stream we got close and then I was like okay we found a batch script that does kill Edge but it it doesn't do a great job I wanted to include that whole thing into my uh toolbox but I didn't want to reference that batch script I wanted to convert it to a Powershell so we tried to convert it to Powershell and I think I pretty much got it there but we just have to refine a few things we're really close to getting it there so that's kind of where we're at right now with killing Edge so close yet so far so that's that's kind of where I'm at a little bit late today again it's I think it's just going to be my new start time to be honest with you being so hot here during the summer time it's like the only time I can stream so so be it oh all right uh looking at this this is there I'm gonna check to make sure our branch is up to date let's fetch that we do have some commits to pull down uh which is good those commits in we should be able to pull up the edge script now before when we look at the edge script here which here let me we're gonna make this I need to fix my fancy zone so when I hold I hate doing this is it right click no no that's that's not at all all right stupid fancy zones you're not working is it not launching on me oh no Powershell tools are there hmm well then and activation launch app hey how's it going goat launch editor display hold shift to activate wise zones okay so it's just shift to activate I was thinking it was alter or the Windows key yeah been a while since I used it okay so if I hold shift bam okay great so now I can do that and then we're gonna have ah gorgeous all right greatness I like it beautiful we got little gaps looks nice it's a pro pro streamer right there hey Don oh man yeah it's a late start today I usually stream a little earlier but with the summer time all I can do is do these late streams Edge is gonna Edge is gonna eat it today we're killing it yeah I mean fancy zones isn't bad once you learn it it's it's a little different it's like uh Fisher-Price version of Windows tiling I mean it's not bad I kind of like that you can set up each Zone and I like it a lot better than snapping although I do like the key bindings for snappings and windows like the whole windows and then just press like The Arrow key to snap it to the left and split it so I still use those bindings every once in a while but for streams I kind of like uh a 70 30 split like this so we can see chat a little bit on stream and and work on our project I might get a little bit more but yeah you know it's always weird whenever you do this I'm always tempted where you want a little more screen real estate but if you do 4K then no one can see what you're working on and it's like I'm gonna go ahead and run this script just to see yeah I agree with that it does seem a little too small but as good as we're gonna get so we'll just toss that in here um I do need to fix some like my icon here and update Powershell yeah do it later though for now let's just uh come over to GitHub when you tell we're gonna run that edge script let's see what it does on run we have a couple errors set item property path Edge path remote registry oh we're not running as admin rut row let's try that oh no fancy zones doesn't work when you run it as admin really oh that's okay that's okay we'll just cheese it cash Microsoft all right anyhow back to it yeah I mean Windows 10 and windows 11 are pretty much the same just a couple different things like I like the aesthetic of 11 a little bit better like the start menu I kind of dig um I also like the settings menu being more uniform I like this I think they did a good job with updating the aesthetic of the settings and start menu I just wish it would have been quite as buggy as it is um I'm not so sure about this widgets thing this is kind of janky so I'm not a huge fan of that but teach his own I suppose so I I kind of flip flop back and forth between 10 and 11 right now if it was a production machine where I was doing a lot of work and I was like I can't be down for any reason uh I would be on 10 for sure no it won't break Windows that's a that is a why old wives tale all right so that did work did it fix uh let's I like to test links inside of Windows to see if it if we also created a program or almost like a shell script basically that redirects Edge requests to like Brave or your browser that's installed of choice so you see we have Brave up I want to take this and when we click this it should launch actually into Brave not explore system 32 so yeah probably some work that needs to be done there but let's also test it on stock installs too so we're going to launch into our workstation VMware Workstation see here I'm sure I just run everything in the little tiny window today oh alrighty here we go uh Google Chrome is pretty easy to uninstall their uninstalled script actually works in uh in that which is is kind of cool um can we do an auto resize bet we can uh fancy zones doesn't work with that but I bet you free stretch no oh all right here we go here we go this is gonna be a weird ratio let's see if it works keep ask about Erasure stretch re-stretch I like free stretch let's see no I think we broke it already oh what do you think about Center taskbar apps why did you stay to the right because it's how it always was that's a good question like I don't mind it when it's in the center but there's one problem there's a bug in Windows 11 that it's not actually centering it it's I don't know if they like did it through like a division of it not like true centering but when you start adding stuff like a whole bunch of apps to your taskbar what ends up happening is that the start button should shift to the left right it should drift to the left and then make room for all the stuff you're pinning Windows 11 is so stupid at least the earlier versions of it I probably need to try it again let's see if it I can just demonstrate it for you like when you do centered you'll see taskbar behaviors let's go Center yeah it it feels weird you see how it's like the center of the screen it I don't know it just feels off to me once you get enough icons down here I'm gonna leave it for now does just not work what would have happened here I just see a black screen I broke it uh um to return your computer press control alt okay this is direct input into the VM okay fine ah let's just restart guest hey Mr gain thanks for the sub tier one two months all right yeah Ray meter's fun and it's actually not too resource incentive I don't typically install it on most my installs though yeah the bar is off center is it not it always feels off center to me like there's way too much space on the left and then it it like encroaches on the right it just feels funky like and you guys aren't even seeing like all the icon oh you can't even make them out really but the icons all drift over so I'm like even making it better so I don't understand why it is the way it is but yeah I know one of them things one of the things I'm gonna change it I just wanted to like leave it for a little bit just to make sure it's not me uh on crazy pills okay that just feels better to me on the left uh try our new Bing from your taskbar chat with new AI powered Bing yeah try it let's see being in the chat bar hot dog show us some Microsoft Edge okay cool all right now we're gonna rip out Edge that's fun I gotta see how much how many how many uh what is stock Windows process cow 150 it's not awful about three gigs of memory 150 not not the worst yeah it's kind of wild that they're able to get ads in Windows I mean we're going to strip all this out so it doesn't really matter yeah three gigs on idle not bad [Laughter] not bad at all all right we're gonna go to testing we're gonna see this Edge we're gonna try and kill it we're just gonna grab the raw file copy it see if it can work or not so this is a stock version of Windows I just want to see how it works like as we do it Edge should die in the background and then it should kill all of it uninstall it and then go it's a little tricky to do it because Microsoft added a block list for Edge uninstalls so an MSI util or MSI exec tries to run and uninstall Edge it's on a block list and immediately goes no you can't uninstall Edge that was a conscious decision Microsoft made to force Edge and installed permanently and then they also added into the image which you have to change the image with dism to properly get it out now this script should take care of all those concerns in a perfect world but we were having problems last time this is just the first run on stock install Let's uh oh well yeah let's actually launch and execute the script all right here we go what are we gonna get all right killed Edge come on baby kill them processes all right all right looking good I like what I'm seeing so far webview history Edge Edge removed still some cleanup that needs to be done obviously Edge on the desktop here you can see it let's try and launch it no so no that is it it's still there still there hmm man really let's let's try that again gosh that is impressive all right let's see yeah obviously this is not gonna work but hmm okay I want to just do their standard removal if you're unfamiliar with had he was the one that actually designed the first uh he he redid I think AO ni y o or some some other Dev got it and then pad grabbed it and pad's done some commits to the win util as well and his is pretty darn good let's let's take a peek here um let me go into our win util and I think I went ahead uh let's go edge removal I think I linked the original script we're gonna run it yeah I like to quote the sources if I use someone's work I like to actually quote it and then let's see here's here's what his is it's a batch script instead of Powershell I'm almost to the point where I'm like screw it let's just reference his script I don't think he's going anywhere he does a lot of other work too but let's just see i-e-x so here's his Edge removal let's see if it can properly kill and get rid of edge I think it does all right Maybe still thinking is it still going ugh there's teams we have to do as well oh yikes all right it shows that it's finished running it didn't give me any prop though okay I don't see anything there it does not launch Edge which is good so maybe we just use the batch script we can call a batch script directly from our script um I probably clone the project just to make sure we have a hundred percent of the control of it but uh does look like it's removed let's just uh unpin what does that look like on a reboot we'll do also Runner updates and see if it reinstalls it and then we'll throw like Brave on here as a test yeah we got to get rid teams uh which teams is a little bit difficult to get rid of as well because they baked that in with two different types of apps teams has a binary that is independent of the Microsoft store and then they also have one in the Microsoft store they actually might have four apps because there's also at one time there was a teams for business and then a teams for personal Microsoft likes making things difficult and likes pissing off their users uh yeah I've said it once I say it again the biggest cheerleader for Linux inadvertently is Microsoft because people are like I I hate Microsoft I am I will just use anything else I'm gonna go use Linux or they'll go I hate Microsoft I'll go to a Mac but I don't have that much money or I hate Apple I'm gonna just use Linux so a lot of times Linux is the biggest cheerleader for Linux is Microsoft it's kind of funny um for this one I don't see Edge oh there's Edge Let's see okay Moon facts I want some Moon facts no all right cool so let's just install um we'll do an installation of Brave I I think would be pretty easy we could also do Firefox too firefoxes relatively there yeah I mean Linux is a little bit of a crap shoot depending on your knowledge and skill set too and it also depends on your programs there's a lot of things that go into choosing Linux I mean it's not just like a de facto standard it's just most people will be driven to Dr want to have the drive to learn a new operating system just because Microsoft has pissed them off so much is kind of my my point um let's just do Brave install selection okay it's looking good so once we launch Brave set it as the default we'll see if the redirect works so we'll just launch Brave all right great we'll set it as the default we'll skip the import finish all right great it's a brief set so now if we're in here or let's say here how cold is it yeah okay so that does work fascinating so it does redirect into our brave browser dude look how many trackers 36 trackers on the geez Microsoft's just ranking in the money at every every turn here um so that works what about our search let's try and go paint our app search works what about web search um what if we do the chat being oh that's funny okay chat mode is only available when you have access to the new being uh-huh all right which if you want to get around this one a little hack like this is such antitrust like anybody with any amount of brain cells can figure out what Microsoft's doing here but just to show you how Petty they are user agent switcher Chrome let's see what we have user agent switcher 2 million users this should do it uh the resolution should be scaled properly for the most part so it should scale up and down depending on what it is some of the scaling is a little funky so if you do like a DPI scaling on your your system sometimes uh it won't all fit in there but most times it will fit on all stuff as long as you don't mess around with DPI scaling too much so let's switch this over and we can just say I think Chrome no do we not have uh internet Exploder I'll just use an user agent switcher doesn't have doesn't have it hmm okay let's uh let's just switch this over ah used to my settings oh well all right we'll go user agent switcher what is mine I have the same same thing what is mine called user agent switcher and manager really well [Laughter] ah okay user agent switcher and managers of what it's called all right good enough for me user agent switcher and manager oh there it is let's do that one that one probably has Edge all right so then we just click on this guy and then we say hey give me Edge we'll say we're on the latest apply all right great Boop and then we just refresh and look at that we can now use Edge so the extension that you're going to want is user agent switcher and manager to break into using Edge without using Edge or bringing chat I should say it's so stupid like how is that legal that's not I can't wait till they lose billions of dollars from some antitrust anywho moving on now Edge is gone we have Brave I think we just use the batch script I was just trying to reinvent the wheel converting that to Powershell uh I think so I should spoof both I guess we should have checked with shift 12 or shift f11 and looked at developer tools yeah I think you can also just do it in being a self let's try I I was doing it the extension way the the the Newbie friendly way but let's go Bing chat all right Bing chat China no of course chat dot Bing all right here we go chat there we go how does Bing suck as bad as it does like is it just me but I feel like they should be better all right chat oh it's not it's not working here so it just kind of flipping around between it okay but I believe you can do shift f11 um all right uh it's not working my hotkeys aren't working in the there but we can just go I'll Control Alt shift I should get you there and I want to say was it application now but usually you can just come into developer tools at one time I was doing this quite often when Bing chat first launched and then I just installed that extension I haven't done it since but maybe it was Network nope close it's in here somewhere yeah I can't remember where it was in here but if you do want to change it it's in their developer settings where you can drill down and change it but I would say just use this and just click this and say apply to active window I think it's a little easier but anywho I digress what is wrong with Edge um nothing's wrong with Edge I guess you could use Zedge if you want I I just personally don't like Edge there's a lot of uh spying and just Telemetry associated with it I also don't like the fact it launches on your computer startup so another false thing was when people launch Edge a lot of times they they're like hey Edge is so much faster than every other browser it's faster than Google Chrome and I'm like well first off they're just using chromium which is what Chrome also uses it's not it's not anything different on the back end what they did was they just launched half of the browser as soon as you start your computer up so when you go to launch Edge it's already running in the background I don't like that I mean heck I don't even like it when Brave does that you know so I I'd say that's kind of a problem for me I I wish it was just more of an option I know a lot of people use Edge nowadays and I'm really I used to take a hard line and just be like don't use Edge I'm not going to be tiptoeing around Edge but these days with how they Incorporated and pigeonholed a lot of people to think they need it or think it's faster they've gotten a lot of adoption that way by tricking users love it or hate it you know I'm like okay users if you really want to use Edge I'm going to play nice with it with my utility but Edge does have quite a bit of stuff you have to walk around which I just don't like and it's just dirty just just my two cents all right so this does work I think we are ready to put this on the old main system we'll see if this batch script fixes the mess up I did on my system too have you used night night I I mean night night's pretty I don't think anybody uses night night this day and age it doesn't doesn't really make any sense [Laughter] night night was great like back in the windows seven days and even even some of the early Windows 10 days we use night night but I don't think anybody uses night night anymore it's kind of a dead tool in my opinion heck I mean just launching into my tool I mean just look I I think I have more more programs than than night night and we're not even done we still have a lot to do with some tabs and other things we we could break this out and really expand it a lot more there's a couple things I really wanted to do with this and add to it but yeah I mean why why would why would you use night night that's the big thing like I get back in the day it was super nice but now it's like man it's so nice having everything managed by a package manager and then everything can update and you not have to sit there and run some other tool in the background you can just do win get upgrade all and then it'll just go through your entire directory and then grab all your updates so yeah that that's kind of cool why would you uh not want to do that it's like why would you want to use Edge there's more reasons not to than there is two in my opinion yeah and there's still some there's still a lot of tools I need to add to it as I started building out windows again I was like ah crap okay I need to add that to my toolbox oh crap I need to add that one too there were still quite a few to uh add to the the toolbox which we'll we'll get to in this next big update yeah twitch has some issues with buffering a lot of times you have to close your entire browser or refresh the page whenever you get a ton of buffering the whole point of doing I think a twitch partner was so I could get the transcoding so if people are watching on a phone or if they're watching on a laptop you'll get a good bit rate and it'll transcode it for you because I think all twitch Partners get it yeah I think chocolatey's really good and scoop's also another good one too if you really want to um kind of check out package managers and windows between winget chocolatey and scoop you can get pretty much everything from a package manager each one has their own strength and weakness though there's not one where I'm like that's the one you should use yeah they're all open source so this should be all up to date uh probably should remove TeamViewer probably just install any desk anymore teamviewer's such a pain in the butt uh that like even just using the free portion of teamviewers kind of pointless these days any desk does a better job I think a little more I think TeamViewer still has Brand recognition so I think there's still a couple people that still haven't installed but ah it's it's the devil I think version of what was it 114 of Brave didn't update but Brave up here let's see it should be 115.1 56.9 so that that's already successfully installed we can launch Brave let's just close this and it's Brave running anywhere I don't see it so relaunch Let's do an about Brave what do we have for an error error uh version 156 115 50.0.57 so we got 115. it updated us I think 114 did have an issue so I think you were right on uh Brave not auto updating on some of them although this one says 115.1.56 so maybe maybe it didn't uh okay Brave published something about the auto update not working on their site I'm sure they'll get it fixed I decided to get rid of Firefox oh really what what drove you to get rid of old Firefox uh thanks Marie we'll eventually get it I think we've I'm pretty much just resided to using the batch script I'm like I can't oh wow Firefox 115 can silently remote disable my extension on any site what that's kind of wild get out wow all right okay yeah I guess uh Firefox I swear Firefox is like Its Own Worst Enemy if they would just kind of stay quiet and just kind of do their thing in the background uh yeah I wouldn't ever bother you know no nobody would say be the wiser everybody be like okay yeah Firefox is cool no they just gotta go and ruin it uh damn it win get I don't think wind get worked either uh oh that's funny what all right so I think at this point we're gonna just Fork um pads Edge removal bat script this is pretty good let's see if it fixes my problems because I I did a half mine's not the best that I converted to Powershell so let's just click a news article see how it launches into Explorer let's see if we launch and run his batch script we're just gonna take it and we'll do a launch of it do IEX see if it fixes our redirect I bet it fixes the redirect too so then it'll open up in Brave yeah I think Brave has high spyware I don't disagree with the article yeah there is a new one called molvad and movad has pretty decent VPN too okay so we've got that now let's click on here deal alert yeah see it did fix it okay good we're just gonna use that batch script why reinvent the wheel pad did such a good job on this we do need to give him credit for it uh I think we can just do we'll just come back to it real fast copy and this is edge.bat we're gonna just uh let's go in Vim Edge dot bats paste um I don't want to add this to um let's get his name give him credit uh yank that his name there I think that should do it take that guy we're removing the PS1 script adding that script Edge removal push origin alrighty so with that published now we gotta reference the script um I want to say we could just do another call from inside the script to outside of it but it's a little hacky don't particularly like that method but totally doable let's see all right Standalone script by Edge uh I gave him credit here too so I was already ahead of myself here um invokescript trying to think the best way to call this could do like a curl output and then run it that way yeah I think that's really the best way to go about doing it let's just curl it and we're gonna go output edge.bat it's going to go into temporary files as far as escaping this stuff or just escaping the quotes with the backslash which is fine and we're gonna call directly from ours I love Pad but whenever you're creating a script or anything like that you really want to house all your executables and batch files within yours because you just don't know even if the person's cool and you trust them 100 you don't know if maybe their security is a little lacks or someone gets a hold of their GitHub credentials they could they could wreak some Havoc especially with something as white used as mine so really protective and I don't link to any outside executables or batch files except for oh no shut up I do use because if anyone knows shut up does it um there's I mean they have tens if not hundreds of thousands of users use an Ono shut up so that's why that one thing I do one exclusion to the rule um I think we're gonna need to uh darn it all right uh and we're gonna have to do to test this we're gonna have to push it for our production oh well we'll just do another another push I don't I don't foresee any issues with it though and then we're going to start process edge.bat and we are not gonna do any arguments and I don't think we need to escape any of that so we're good I'm gonna rename this Edge removal we'll just output it um kind of want to make that a little more specific now we got Edge removal bat great yeah and I mean we could always it just depends on what we're doing we're gonna just quote The Source copy the the batch file for now we're not gonna directly link it to another person's GitHub uh repo so but I wanted to keep an eye on it too and see if Pat is and also uh put comments in our code to say hey I didn't write this this was uh pulled from here but pad has done a lot of uh contributions to the project directly he just happened to make his own uh repository here we're gonna say Edge removal push all right that should work I don't see any issues with that uh let's go ahead and establish a pull request let's compare and pull request that um what do we have a bunch of update Edge to get rid of it we have some security updates not getting set to fix that and ndu fix the slight task manager issue um what did I do here update input xaml oh that was just a typo and then it's just been a bunch of working on edge removal darn Edge removals like domain of my existence but I think we finally licked it we'll let our unit tests run why not uh do it directly from the we could do it directly from the app um but I don't want to execute we're already executing it remotely doing it I'd be I feel better about just curling that and just copying it directly and running it do you run Hugo on your server on your main work machine yeah usually uh Darth that's a great for for my website everything is Hugo based uh so here goes our static site generation and then I push it all out to cloudflare for for hosting that's the CDN so it's it's not really a host but it is in the typical sense I guess it's serverless but uh that doesn't suck and it's it's really amazing so all my websites done through cloudflare and Hugo but it's not actually run here we might run it like a test do I have Hugo installed let's see uh if we go website let's pull let's go Hugo server yeah I still have Hugo here uh 111 so if I want to see like a local copy of my website with all future posts it would just pull it up so then I can go through and edit things still working on things I got rid of Google ads on the banner websites uh Google's cpms have gotten so low that I was ended up making between the banner and then I put one usually right before comments and those were making about 50 cents a day or something so it ended up being like 15 a month but it made the site look worse so I was like screw you Google so the new website is this I still have an anchor ad which still makes a good bit of money that makes like I think five dollars a day or so but when you go into the articles I wanted everything here now so the anchor ads fine for pulling in money it still pays pretty good but all the article ads and that type of thing on the website I was like I'm just gonna kill them they're not making money and Google's not paying out so I'm gonna I'd much rather host my store you know download merch and more if someone clicks on one of these every 10 days and buy something for my store for like five bucks I will make back what I was making from Google so I was like that's enough for me and it looks better so to me that's that's my justification I'm gonna pull up my AdSense actually let's see I'm always interested in websites what is it making okay maybe maybe maybe I took a little bit bigger hit than I thought ah Google the devil I was making anywhere between 12 and eleven dollars a day from Google ads on the website and then I just did the anchor ad and now I'm making oh hell okay well one to three dollars maybe I just remove the anchor ad all together God you suck Google where is that where you at where you at we're just gonna kill them all not even worth it you suck apply off here we value your your feedback have you used these yes using it I mean the confidence no strongly disagree you're gonna do stuff in the preview should I see the ad area I want to exclude yeah I guess a stop on what it adds by using ad exclusion areas your rates are awful [Laughter] that's it we're again we're getting rid of Google ads it's not even worth doing the anchor ad for a dollar or two a day I'd rather just be ad-free at that point everyone I'm almost everybody that watches me uses an ad blocker anyway so ah whatever that's hilarious forget them yeah oh yeah I think uh much better for ad site for each article I've seen that elsewhere too yeah I go back and forth with Google ads sometimes Google ads does pay well especially during uh the holidays so like November December you'll see ad rates go up two or three times usually and that that can equate to like 20 or 30 dollars then you're like okay yeah go ahead and toss some ads on my website for that amount of money but when it's like a dollar or two a day it's like you're making maybe 60 or 70 bucks a month and then you have to deal with you know your site looking worse for some users and I'm like well most people most I think most my visitors are actually you know from you know use ad blockers so it's not really yeah oh well yeah you block Origins pretty good and brave Shields is pretty bad uh Brave Shields does an okay job I I personally prefer to block it from a DNS level so using not necessarily a pie hole but you can use the pie hole servers and block uh block everything through custom DNS so if you're gonna do that you could do like a Docker pie hole I think Docker pie hole you can set up in a Docker image so instead of just doing because I don't like raspberry pies really for hosting like pies are fun to play around with and to like Workshop stuff but once you figure something out you're like hey let's just uh let's just do it in a Docker container on like a server and then you just toss up everything otherwise I'd have like 20 pies just littered throughout my house I'd have a whole whole rack of just nothing but raspberry pies with USB plug I mean it would just be a mess so just use this one one good server with you know 20 or 30 Dockers running on it I think is what I do uh probably using like portaner to to run all those Dockers too uh or actually we should probably just run it through an irm did that commit go through I forget oh did we not merge it we never merged it we never merged it I'm a I'm a big Goob now this was done here we'll we need to check the win util after this just to verify that it actually did all this because when you tell should work technically yeah we'll see we'll see I approve my own changes now you're not gonna allow me all right since I'm the only one that can prove let's squash and merge it I got kid I kid I kid Dart it's fine like I said I'm still such a noobed programming I can't say anything from any position of authority I'm just getting back into coding okay if you don't want to install vs code and just run it from browser you can go to vsco.dev ew like I already cringe when I launched vs code I could only imagine running vs code in a browser that sounds dirty I'd like want to take a shower after just saying that sentence [Laughter] oh yeah oh let's see if uh we do have a workflow that should run and rebuild the main branch here let's see when you tell one minute ago okay yeah it does look like that worked we're gonna just double check here uh Edge remove D that looks wrong remove edge yeah that does look wrong okay so I guess the compile didn't work because this technically has a workflow built in if we look at GitHub workflows release it should run and compile yeah should run this on um on there so why what happened hmm good to see you drummer take it easy man oh you prefer web apps hopefully this removes Reliance on Windows um I don't know I don't know I really like neovim a lot I just wish I was better at it so I wouldn't use vs code as much eventually I'll get there one day so this builds the Run space runs on Windows latest use this step with that create local changes run Powershell dot exe forward slash compile get Auto commit action V4 compile when you tell Why didn't it run history so yeah this is just not running damn really we gotta fix our workflow oh yeah it's always something it was running let's see um let's use Dash chat GPD create a GitHub workflow for running compile.ps1 on a new commit let's see what it spits out all right the final yaml file blah blah blah create a directory GitHub workflows blah blah compile okay perfect runs on Ubuntu latest oh that seems weird I guess Powershell does properly compile using power or pwsh in Linux but that compile with it running Ubuntu Dash latest okay I was like wait a second you can't do that in Ubuntu I guess you could with some packages okay anything else is anybody else see anything in chat that's like hey that looks very sus um okay uh Bard and chat GPT yeah I need to start using Bard a little bit I mean both kind of suck to be honest I've used Bart a little bit but not not as much as chat GPT uh like I said every every every stream I'm always like cheese chat GPT why do people keep saying you're really that good because it's nice to bounce stuff off of you but a lot of times I'm reading through it I'm like wait wait wait wait wait wait wait that's not right like runs on Ubuntu this is Powershell what the hell bro check out Claude AI I haven't heard of that what is that talk to Claude Clan Van Damme a constitutional AI supports AI according to set pretzels with the goal of making whatever I don't care about that next Generation AI for your task no matter the scale our API is currently being offered on a limited set of customers and research Claude dot AI I might check that out later yeah it does it does get confused too easily lies and confuses way too much I think it's it's bad input that it gets like it's reading so much data that it's hard for it to figure out what's right and what's wrong but what I do like it for is it gets so much input that it's going to spit out a whole bunch of crap that you wouldn't get on like stack Overflow so then you can if you kind of get an idea of what you know kind of what you're doing you can be like oh that's cool I didn't even think about doing it that way I don't know if that works or not let me do a test but you always have to test it probably 50 of the time it does okay but you have to refine it a bit uh the other fifty percent of time it just spits out garbage so I mean is it going to replace the job of a programmer anytime soon absolutely not yeah yeah we need to let's just do we'll just do that one second I I me fix it me fix it one second um here we're gonna just do chat yeah I'm I'm getting sidetracked uh dot dot dot compile I like that I don't know why that wouldn't work though huh not seeing maybe on the marketplace this Auto commits not working I think it's compiling I think this top part's actually correct I think the auto commit action's wrong so I think this doesn't exist anymore Maybe let's see ah yeah so we have git Auto commit yeah there it is right there get out of commit uses ah come on oh shoot let's just copy it I don't want to use all that though maybe you just refined a script a little bit um commit message status options commit message I think just underscore commit compile should be fine let's commit changes all right it's fine I guess yes never done this directly in here but that should be fine yeah I think that's it uh funny chat finds it exactly the same time uh all right create pull request come on guys I don't I don't have time for don't have time for that we need to get this back up people are going to start emailing me like hey the script's not working squash and merge it's gonna be a quick fire bam pull request merge didn't even bother with the unit tests let's just go [Laughter] so this should Auto compile and when we look back on here we should have a committish so this should probably change and say um it should have a commit directly to win you till in right here it's a the compile or whatever workflow ran so then if we go back into here we go into workflows we see that the release right here we should be able to look at the history that's fine but let me see if that's running what's the history here uh I still don't think that's going though I don't see that that did compile it shoot let's fix this first I guess let's do a fetch I don't think there's anything to pull but we'll just do it anyways um what being used by another process oh what did I do what did I do hmm okay I guess we got it oh let me just kill this branch uh I committed this but I I really did it back a year on test dang it really you know what screw it it's it's not worth it it's just sure programmers watch this stream and just cringe the entire time what am I doing what am I doing what am I doing just just no just delete it just goodbye bye-bye it's fine I'm gonna go to Maine we're gonna go here let's just switch it over to Maine we're just gonna go all the way over here boom all right fine we're on the main branch we're gonna compile compile then we're gonna come back here it's gonna say hey we've fixed all these things great we're removing all this we're adding this one liner for you perfect push perfect and then over here will just reload I mean [Laughter] yeah yeah yeah I think it takes a while to wrap your brain around GitHub I think it takes like a good two years I mean it's getting there maybe three or four years for me I'm a little slow on the uptick and I feel like we're getting there slowly but surely okay so now we have that this is committed and if we go edge removal or move Edge sorry so there's remove edge you see that it's now up to date let's look at the raw file that's done so we're good I still don't know why the stupid workflow is not working though all right let's uh irm Chris Titus uh uh that was interesting what if we remove oh what was all that about well let's just pull it from we'll just pull it from a secure Channel just to make sure oh did I break it I broke it damn it oh no no broken and dead oh I think run space dispose oh uh bro oh oh damn it okay easiest way okay let's just revert it easy yeah yeah still doing the C sharp one I wanted to update the main toolbox that everybody uses first though before I get back to the C sharp oh it does Okay click on the red so Red X details uh uh I'm such an idiot that's hilarious [Laughter] click on the Red X that's hilarious I'm sure you guys were just sitting there screaming at me oh okay must be done through a pull request rejected okay so how do we exclude and allow this to work without uh to bypass the protection of the branch yeah yeah yeah so let's ask what's that chat GPT how to allow a workflow in GitHub to publish to uh protected branch hmm ah shoot oh this just got all right all right man Windows Office activator using KMS I mean KMS activation method has been around forever I haven't used that one though man thinking thinking one second I'm totally thinking that right now Alex I didn't have to mess with this crap we just compiled it locally in our Borland C plus plus compiler and we liked it that way it gave an error or it gave us a go and we're like hey it compiled we're good now you got all these fancy workflows and protected branches and GitHub and ah hard you know what I'm just disabled yes yes disable Branch protection rules yes you see nothing this is totally fine thanks fingers crossed laughs let's hope it doesn't delete everything I think we're fine [Laughter] don't worry we only got like five thousand or six thousand stars on here nobody's gonna notice hey success detected Texans for a bunch of wimps alrighty so now we've got the compile when you till Bam Bam we've got that we go to Raw we looking through remove edge everything looks good there all right we fixed it we probably should run it to make sure we fixed it um you can get around it by doing all these things I'm like nah I'm just gonna unprotect it that's that that just looks like too much work all right we'll get back to here all this looks fine and ah oil uh will hmm damn it's okay one second I will fix this problem slight issue I think uh okay [Music] just probably too much white space um that's what I'm gonna go with it's the white space problem uh uh yeah yeah I forgot to run that you cannot call a method on a null account oh geez I done messed this up that's not a spell [Laughter] where's the bag up oh no oh let's look back through our history here did we mess anything up here [Music] fine just looking through my changes surely there was something in here that I must have missed and caused some unintended Quant consequences that's okay we're just gonna fix it sure it was something very simple that I'm just overlooking did [Music] I did have quite a few commits in here oh damn it I don't want to go back through all this let's just go back from today because we really haven't done much today I think we're fine just going back four commits you know just just uh right here let's just uh what do we do hmm yeah yeah yeah I mean powershell's a tricky Beast it's a it's a Fickle one and it's not one that's uh easily fixed [Music] um man these are all really good commits though uh broken let's see here we're just gonna go to the broken branch we're on the broken branches we're gonna call this one uh let's get out a little bit we're gonna do a compile and then we're gonna run this thing and if it works then uh yeah no we'll uh take another stab at doing it properly so um let's just LL that we're on broken get status yep unbroken on Branch broken uh let's do a compile let's do a win util it was an earlier commit I didn't compile the damn script on an earlier commit oh Chris Chris Chris you silly silly man what were you thinking so it's probably if I was a guessing man I bet you it's some something I did when I was fixing up the updates uh maybe something in here it's all working fine for you guys wait am I just oh I just having a moment wait it can't be as simple as just shut it down and relaunch it can it oh [Laughter] yeah yeah yeah did you reboot dang it man we missed the Golden Rule did you reboot no did I shut it down and relaunch no you oh my gosh let's see if remove edge is working nice okay so I guess that works all right good all right well thank you chat uh this is why I do these things publicly so I can avoid uh doing something really stupid privately this was dumb but man if I would have kept doing going down this Rabbit Hole oh I would have gotten really bad oh leave my changes unbroken yeah let's just leave them Unbroken um Let's uh pull the origin yep yep all right we're back on Main Branch everything's perfect we're looking so good we're just gonna pretend like that Branch didn't exist um what where is that Branch where'd it go did the broken Branch never really get created oh I never published the branch I just created it in GitHub oh okay yeah yeah yeah yeah this is just junk branches okay we're good all right um everything's fine in the world again oh yeah let's test it in a VM good call good call uh let's go snapshots we're gonna go original yeah revert that back and start her up man that was a close one I gotta tell you that could have gone really bad oh all right here we are Let's uh let's test it up on a fresh brand or fresh fresh install of win 11. oops misspelled that one nope I don't want to install chocolate but you're gonna ask me anyways all right so we have Edge going in the background there's our Edge beautiful Edge you edge you can go die in a fire now Edge please just stop go away all right so we go to tweaks we go remove edge We Run The tweaks Edge die looking good I think it's five packages in total there's Edge one more yeah yeah now it should just go bye bye any second yes Edge goodbye Edge no more nice um let's install waterfox feeling spicy here we go I've never installed waterfox before sure 64 mags I kind of want to put cute browser on here just because cute browser is like five Megs or something stupid small and it's really nice for testing I I really do like Cube browser all right so we got our water Fox we'll launch it it'll probably prompt for defaults okay yeah make default yep not now Dark theme beautiful so then we go here we go Moon bound Artemis team should launch waterfox updater.exe's running sure whatever I don't care it's a VM there we go launched waterfox wait is that edge is this is this waterfox I don't even know oh no it's waterfox okay cool nice all right so it does work everything looks good we have committed to main we'll create a new Branch now let's shut this guy down Magnus thanks for the tier two man seven months hell yeah we gotta play some uh oh what do we play that one time it was terrible you were carrying the team the shooter game I'm drawn a blank uh apex apex Legends there it is oh boy [Laughter] yeah yeah let's make another test Branch I agree with that test Branch needed branches we're gonna create a new one we're gonna call this test 7 20. 2023 actually I kind of like to go test 2023 7 20. because if like you ever look at it in like a list form it would be test test test but then like the year would be where it sorted it from I don't know in my brain that makes sense that's why I like to put the year first I don't know maybe I'm just crazy well I'm definitely crazy but hey I like it all right that's pretty cool yeah we'll still have to update some of that we can take a look at that uh batch script too and clean some of that up right now I just kind of wanted to get Edge out of there You're Gonna Go full time with any tinkering with Linux gaming uh you're going full Tech well so let me see let me let me first get this like um all right that should be good I would say uh when it comes to full attack with any tinkering in Linux gaming don't know like I I flip back and forth quite often I love like the next project after I update when you till probably do some coding and get our c-sharp project done with win one shot I don't know how long all that it'll take but once that's done I really want to get a Polish Debbie and Titus done so that script will work for everybody because I really do like dwm and I probably passed that would really enjoy learning a whole different language like go because Go is is one of those things that I'm kind of interested in from a language perspective maybe even rust after that uh but I just want to think of like fun projects that I can stay in Linux for that might have application maybe it's just go back to C and just do see just regular C or C plus yeah I mean a lot of people all the cool kids keep talking about rust but I don't know yeah I mean C plus plus is what I used to know so I know my knowledge is somewhere in there it's gotta be it's like in the old creaky corners of my brain like the attic area with full of cobwebs that I can't access any of the information but if I feel like if I started really working in C plus and building programs in it again I feel like that knowledge would come back to me I mean yes it's like 24 years old at this point maybe no 23 years old I would think it was 2000 was really the last time I was really programming on a daily basis in C plus plus but it's somewhere in there simply I do remember like with C plus plus I wouldn't like super gifted or anything like I I could do I think I was just getting to pointers and some aspects of C plus plus that were uh difficult uh memory management and pointers was a little bit of a mind f i remember from back in those days but I don't know I don't know Russ seems like what everyone wants to use but a lot of it I still like old old stuff because it's what all the programs of yesteryear were programmed in and I like the ability to kind of Tinker around in that stuff where a lot of stuff won't be made in Rust I think but I don't know I don't know but in today's age there's just so many resources that's the thing I think everyone misses is I would kill to have a tint of these resources 23 years ago everyone was like man you had to go read books and the books were outdated and then there'd be updates to the the compiler and you'd be like oh I none of this even is relevant anymore and you'd have to try and find another book uh or or maybe if you're super lucky you could get on the internet and maybe pull down like uh some of the information there but it was very rare so that's why I'm like man I I I'm really excited about this next bit just getting into it more I don't know if books were fun I think that there's there's some some nice features to them but a lot of times you're reading chapters just to find a paragraph of useful information that's the main problem especially when it comes to technical books I've read a lot of technical books and many times I'd go through an entire chapter and there'd just be like one or two lines that I really needed or took from that chapter most of it was just fluff or garbage that or outdated information that's no longer relevant and that's the main problem with a lot of the books especially in the program because the a lot of the language at least technical books that I've read in the past it just the information in the technology moves so quick that the books become outdated so fast a friend used to use a tech call number that caused Bank to call to get answers yeah yeah and that's a thing like today you have so many things like you got GPD or any AI based stuff like they were mentioned like Claude you have um auto fill tools like when I was doing the the C sharp that was so much fun when I was looking through it and uh GitHub co-pilot just pops in and just says hey you need to you really want to fill this next line in this is I see what you're doing let me just fill it in for you and then it just grabbed all my syntax and and kind of felt and was able to program to my style I think that's super cool there's like so many Time Savers I wouldn't have co-pilot write functions for me or anything crazy like that but a lot of times it does auto fill stuff according to how you're coding which is neat yeah and I'm tempted when I say like C or C plus plus a lot of that comes from when I was messing around with like dwm I was enjoying myself immensely when I was booted back into there like when uh I have it installed here we can reboot into it I just really really enjoyed it but I think I'll probably save that for another stream uh because I was like I'd get started but I gotta I gotta get gotta get out there on the porch and start fire up the smoker we're having some people over tonight so I was like no no no don't don't get into dwm right now Titus you're gonna you're gonna be gone for another hour and then it's just you're not gonna have time to start the smoker and all that uh and then then I might probably you know knowing me and and my absent-mindedness I will probably forget something and have to run to the store have you seen sound switch it's a program to chant you can uh change your audio device with one click um I don't use sound switch itch a lot of times I use like ear trumpet which what do we have here I don't have it installed here haven't really used that let's just uh let's just run it and I want to say ear trumpet yeah there it is there was another one in here too somebody else asked asked about so we'll throw that out so if you look and we'll just launch ear trumpet yes cool so then you got ear trumpet and then you can select everything here and then kind of throw throw out everything or you can change your your defaults as well and you get the Legacy Windows 10 style which is kind of neat or you can go Legacy mixers Playbook playback devices because a lot of times I'm like hey I need to go to my recording devices and shut certain things down uh ear Trump is just so nice I love ear trumpet highly highly recommend Mark thanks for the five gifted tier one Subs man have a good night man what does that look like now on Twitch does it show I don't have it loaded up here but they have uh yeah they have certain things on Twitch now where the alerts can be pushed off because a lot of times I like taking these videos and then cutting them up I mean every single stream I'm cutting up and putting on Titus Tech talk because that's where it all is but I realize that you can do alerts directly in twitch chat and then it it does all the stuff and I was like that's so cool so it won't mess up my feed for YouTube for someone like gift and stuff and it can also have the alerts directly on Twitch and I was like it's the best of both worlds so I can make videos from this live stream cut it all up and also have twitch alerts but the alerts are separated not directly baked into the video they're actually on the outside of the browser image and I was like hey that's pretty awesome I dig that so I get a really clean recording and I'm able to recognize people that that donate I think that's awesome so it's actually something good twitch you don't hear about twitch doing good things but that is something new that I'm I have tried out and apparently it works it's awesome how to remove the annoying icons from the start menu usually the icons like in here ooh we might be able to actually go into like uh maybe app data percent app data I bet they threw that local let's see I bet it's local Microsoft what do you think they put it in Windows Maybe uh if I was a betting man probably windows could be shell no oh they probably hit it again I remember messing with the start menu and they keep kind of Shifting around where they put it shell start menu don't think that works anymore not for baked in apps we can try it real fast that's an oldie because I use shell startup all the time um Edge no Microsoft yeah shell start that's a that's a good shortcut to know but I I knew they didn't put it here Microsoft like to pull a pull a fast one on us and they hide it uh now there is so it's roaming Microsoft Windows start menu we could also look at public so let's say we go public backslash app data is that a thing no public app data is not a deal apparently in app data Microsoft Internet Explorer really no so we're in app data roaming Microsoft Windows oh Microsoft Internet Explorer really quick launch these are pinned implicit taskbar nope so that's for down here so that gets rid of that but I mean you can unpin those they don't lock that down user data low no it's kind of funny that's a leftover Remnant but nope it's not in there either what if it's common start menu I don't know I've never used that shortcut it used to be oh that might be it see this is looking good there's Edge delete and do we have that might have done it you might have actually got it let's see you have I just deleted it from mine did that get her to Edge it's looking good yes yes it did it's the common shell it's so cool the old shortcut still works so if there is something in here you want to get rid of look in Shell colon common startup and you'll get it there it is shell common start menu so that is the command that pulls this up just go in here delete what you don't want that's cool okay I forgot all about common start menu I I've used shell start menu before but I can't it's been a while since I've used common If Ever I I don't know that's awesome man I learned that from you but you forgot it sounds like me it sounds like me a lot of times I put all that stuff on my website a lot of times I'll put it on Chris titus.com and then I'll just completely space out and forget I'm like oh oh okay oops hey why is this still showing ads I thought we killed all the ads oh really wait a second these shysters you're gonna remove all the Google code um what are they doing all right we'll just get rid of no script what else we got we got any other Google stuff nope all that's gone check my ah probably head probably a partial see if there's any there's Google here but I already replaced all of it and commented it out Google ad enable let's look at our config possibly Google tag management okay delete that what other Google stuff we got any other Google all right Google ads enable false nothing for Google analytics all right great okay cool that should do her um let's commit that just make sure I don't have anything I could get status config and face up what are they changing the oh that's right I did change the base of delete Google all right that should update I was like why is that still there oh yeah yeah good to close the not working Edge issues nice yeah we're slowly getting through it it's a it's a little bit of a slog getting through a lot of uh these things but uh what's the last commit what's that called history yeah this was the edge removal that was the commit we need okay so let's just go edge oh boy dude look at this we're about to close look we're about to close some freaking issues awesome well three issues oops look at us look at us professional GitHub users here whoa this one really goes on for a while yeah that's where I actually I probably looked at this and I clicked on his Edge removal because he just com just made that comment back in May of 28. so we're gonna use his batch script on that look at that we are now down to 135 issues damn it kind of feels like it's growing oh we've got like three or four different new ones I have this on every more elegant this guy wants me to add a whole bunch of crap to people's host file that's not a solution that's a hack is a DNS server you manage that makes these changes yeah all right all right all right nice closing issues down to 134. felt like that's the number I said last stream but we're getting through it and maybe tonight I'll I'll get a wild hair and just decide to close a whole bunch uh but I I feel like the edge issue was a big one some of these are going to be really easy to work through a lot of them will be like emulators and windy till I probably won't add um yeah just just little stuff like that a lot of these I'm like hey uh ensure correct values on that I'd probably that so it depends some of these will take a long time to fix some of them will be more short like real easy ones like creating sdo uh installer on the drivers that'll be really easy to add a button for that um yeah just just those little things or fixing hibernation that would be super easy to uh fix as well but very neat very neat cool we made a lot of progress today little little touch and go there for a bit with uh my terminal just crapping out on me and starting to spit run space ever errors everywhere and then finally someone from chat was like Hey this works for me you probably shouldn't do all that oh it's greatness yeah nothing corrupted that's great oh man all right guys I'm gonna shut her down for the day I'll see you guys next Tuesday we'll see what we're doing um I don't know I do need to get in here and start uh probably over the weekend I probably will just spend some time going through a lot of these issues offline or maybe I'll spin up like a Saturday stream and just go for like 12 hours or something because a lot of this is it just takes a lot of time to work through but some of it will be pretty easy too but all right y'all have a great one see y'all in the next one
Channel: Titus Tech Talk
Views: 8,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -xdFLL9f9sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 31sec (5251 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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