Windows Server instead of LTSC

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what do I have on this system I did think about this I don't know I'm getting I get an idea because Windows does change often and I almost feel like you know how everyone loves ltsc like Windows ltsc because it doesn't really change and it's a long-term servicing Branch um and you can do like 2016 or even 2019 and there's 2022. so there's like three versions of ltsc that's currently or ltsb depending on the version and flavor you get but they do go EOL a lot faster than I would like like 2016 is about to go end of life I want to say this year maybe maybe next year it might last all the way to 2025 with extended support and let's see what is the end of life ltsc 2016 ah 2016. what is it oh so yeah you can go extended main alive and get it to 2026. this is one of the best versions of Windows 10 if not the best in my opinion um this was before they blurred it up with a bunch of crap so a lot of people like the ltsb from like 2019 and 2022 but I had an idea something that would be more uh fitting and you could get all your security updates and you're not doing some kind of extended support nonsense and that would be like converting a server 2016 um what's the end of life of it I want to say is 2027. let's see oh no oh wait wait no improvements or bug fixes but it still will receive security updates so let's see Server 2016 so yeah extended end date not extended support but actually it will still get security updates meaning nothing really changes in it except for what absolutely has to which is security so you only get security and you're locked in right now this is very attractive to me because that means we'd have four years of just well three and a half years of just perfect thing and you just modify Windows Server 2016 and then I got to thinking I have a whole bunch of licenses of 2016 from a prior employer and I'm they're not going to use it so I was like I could just spin up 2016 everywhere strip it down add what I need to like Microsoft store and other things and then you just have a perfect version of Windows without any of the shenanigans and you'd never have to worry about updates Shanghai in you because you're only gonna ever get security updates I'm thinking that would be kind of amazing because most people with 2016 servers say well it doesn't have this it doesn't have that but you can add whatever you need to 2016. you can add the Microsoft store you can add whatever you need so I was thinking about doing a new like what's the best version of Windows you could possibly get today and I would say a pimped out version of Windows Server 2016 would get you there and you never have to worry about anything and it would be way more stable than anything else even ltsb and ltsc that everyone always Raves about and I was I was looking at this the other night and I'm like that I need to look at yeah it's server 2016 I still use it my work too um I think we have most of the servers I think we transition to 2019 so I think I have one Legacy 2016 still laying around and I want to say server 2016 is based on Windows Server 1703 it might be 1709. I want to say let's see 17-0 9 Windows Server version 1709 is not an update to Windows server 2016. uh let's see what is it based on it's based on Windows 10 anniversary update which I think is 1703 actually uh let's see verify that the anniversary update feature update oh it's actually 1607. that's old that's like 20 yeah that makes sense that's like the second or third version of Windows 10. it's really attractive to me though I love the idea yeah maybe on Thursday stream we wipe everything out and install 2016. uh that'd be cool what even is the difference between 10 Enterprise and server I remember installing Enterprise and having uh micro not having Microsoft store too yeah Enterprise and server I want to say is a core difference usually regular servers limited to two cores where Enterprise is limited to 16 cores if there is a limit I don't know very many very many uh server hosts that are going to use more than 16 cores late no yeah no there is no it's got to be 64 cores in today's world you gotta also realize that server hell I kind of feel we're gonna go off the rails I did want to get the windows utility version oh screw it let's do it yeah we're just gonna take a detour maybe I should update the stream title yeah let's go for it Windows server has always been better than the residential counterpart every version my favorite version of Windows Server of all time Server 2008 R2 amazing through and through well perfection uh Windows 7 can suck it I would take Windows 2000 R2 any day of the week oh so good uh let's let's update things though do we install it on this machine I think we install it here right e all right we're gonna change the title we're getting rid of that we're just gonna call it installing the best Windows version [Laughter] yeah yeah yeah yeah I think I did make a video on it too it didn't do very well it was a Windows Server gaming I probably should have named it something different all right all right let's uh let's download Windows server 2016. 16 ISO man I still remember TechNet I don't know if you all remember that you just get everything for free it was amazing uh uh Shady key websites although the Shady key websites I looked them up the other day there's some Windows Server 2016 keys that are going for like two dollars yeah I think even like the more reputable key websites like g2a I think have them for like 20 bucks so if you do want to do this they're wildly why widely available so you can pick up a key for nothing um well let's just see download the image all right server download the ISO really I think I have a log in here one second what's this Windows server on a oh as I don't deserve gross I hate azure okay just use okay great there we go I was like there's an easier way here what do we got oh this is using activation scripts and stuff yeah we don't need to do this I have legit keys I like I appreciate the source there but yeah we we don't need to so one second we're just gonna go the old school way direct from Microsoft I appreciate that though it's very nice uh oh man I don't want to give my ding whatever United States why do they put that all the way at the bottom okay we are downloading server 2016 Data Center don't think my version of 2016's data center I think it's standard Ah hell we'll see it should downgrade server 2019 is 1709 according to Wiki that's not bad I have keys for 2016. so let's just install 2016 see what we get that'd be kind of cool people been asking about running the toolbox in in server anyways uh as far as backups go yeah let's just make a good back up here do we have that okay view backup status what do we get okay we got a backup here for this yeah I think we're good so we have a recent backup which is good I will try could I export my profile nah it's got to be a fresh install since the versioning so so different alrighty we're gonna copy this guy and in case this doesn't work we do have a full backup we can image back uh been toy yeah pretty I don't know if you can do dism from uh happy maybe I don't think so though server is a lot different fundamentally yeah 1703 was my favorite version 1709 was pretty good too so honestly server 2019 would probably be the one to go with however I kind of attracted to 2016 just because it won't get any bug fixes it won't get anything but security updates which is kind of neat all right let's let's wipe our system out you know me I like to wipe my system out on stream it's just fun uh hard drive on vintoy USB drives I have a nasty history with we had one live stream where I was trying to image and install I think it was Debian it was all it's always Debian and I had a problem and it was just beyond nasty because the USB drive failed on me and I kept failing the install and it was just from a bad USB drive it was hilarious but it didn't feel hilarious at the time the Debian curse yeah oh geez terrible all right let's go here boot into our ventoy oh there we go Christian already put something in chat about repairing it with uh is that now we just gotta find our windows all right Windows 10 2016. going back in time oh cool cool yeah we got that um we'll do desktop experience that's going to give you a lot more stuff where is the standard is that core I think this is more for headless implementations does not include a GUI that's right yeah yeah so we'll go desktop and experience it used to be called Nano then it got called core and now it's just called standard that's cool alrighty hmm maybe just toss it on this drive let's triple boot because I still need to go back to the other one so instead of wiping that one out I think we'll I think we'll just grab one of these we got that one we also got this one um these are an lvm from a leftover install tempted to get those but I try to think if there's something special I mean I don't think there's anything I need on those anymore let's let's just go on a one terabyte I think these are PNY ssds that were really cheap not not the best but the price was right ah the default's not core yeah it's been a while since I've really installed a bunch of Windows servers I installed 2018 the most I followed by 20 2003 a whole bunch a little bit of 2000 installs but yeah oh all right let's see did not like the PNY drives probably probably from the lvm all right fine then huh dude this is getting dicey uh uh one second this is oh wait win boot drive one partition three why is that there um okay let's just uh let's just try this again get my dries mixed up and wipe out all my systems that'd be fun yeah it just kept going back to the beginning every time I was like oh crap windows cannot prepare the computer to boot into the next phase of the installation to install Windows restart the installation okay huh okay let's just reboot and try might have some ventoy problems here I've never used ventoy to install Windows Server so might be a compatibility issue uh let's go here are they a Windows Server 2016 or Windows 2000 probably 2019 would be the best but I have versions for 2016. but I don't know 2016 should be pretty good too let's let's try this again this time instead of doing the the formatting we're gonna just try and push it through this way and then if that doesn't work I'll grab a USB drive okay we could also hack around and do the install ourselves through command prompt that's kind of a fun it's been a while since I've done that that's a fun practice instead of using the GUI you can install Windows all through uh just like if you go shift F10 you can do it all through here if you want so you don't have to where are you at let's go drive to partition one next okay I get I get um it never makes me warm and fluffy when Windows like picks the recovery partition because it always seems to screw up all right fine yeah we could do the archway of installing Windows I mean um I'll have to look it up do we have let me grab it up screw it let's just install it this way let's first go disc art let's list our volumes first just to see I have like seven hard drives in this system so it's gonna be a little interesting oh disk Parts probably gonna have a brain fart here it you know it could be that disc hmm the fact disc Parts not populating tells me we got issues with our partitioning let's let's just clear out some of these old drives and make sure there's not there's a lot of like lvms and weird stuff here it could be a corrupted ISO as well yeah all right all right you gonna reboot on me black screen blah blah yeah current air is really what we're going for I mean technically for Performance XP was the best had like 10 processes you could de-load XP to an insane degree I think you could get it down to eight processes for XP where Windows 7 is still still I think I think like 20 or 30 processes as lowest you could get on that all right fine we're gonna go g parted and just wipe out some of these drives but I feel like that's what's causing a lot of the errors did my computer just shoot craps and just like I'm dead now I broke it okay what the hell come on [Laughter] just trying to get into BIOS what in the hell oh all right let's just shut it all the way down I guess oh yeah I mean it's pretty early in the Stream for me breaking something okay there we go I was like come on I'm always looking for an excuse to buy a new computer though this computer's three years old though well parts of it are uh some of it's older some of it's reused I I have a tendency to buy stuff off of eBay uh let's go part of magic part of Magic's fun I could have just booted into G parted though I think I have that ISO on here too what you doing computer why are you giving me black screen come on something no oh yeah yep I think the drive went out on us no all right I'm not closing the portal I feel like that's gonna jinx me yeah this might turn into a shopping stream uh oh no I don't want to buy a new computer though that's like one thing I hate doing is building computers never never been a big fan gotta tell you um all right let's try LG party We're not gonna try part of magic just give me a partition manager if I could get to the partitions uh well should be fun whatever uh uh it's fine okay see if we can start X might be a graphical issue be hilarious if like my my eBay My eBay GPU just finally gave out no man come on what the hell uh all right whatever on to the next issue what am I doing I'll just boot into my Linux partition yeah yeah yeah all right we'll just let it boot it'll Boot and do hopefully mine grub there we go Debbie and Linux please this will boot you better boot okay I was about to say [Laughter] I was about to get super pissed off oh man all right all righty let's fix our drives here what do we have here let's just delete delete uh color scheme kind of hard to kind of hard to see things okay Nord theme on G part is not great let's wipe that out come on this shouldn't take a long time this is pretty darn simple hmm oh no oh okay I was about to say oh I definitely pissed off the lynx gods they're just mad at me for my tier list uh okay oh I see what happened let's apply this close it okay so we've gotten that um let's create a GPT go ahead and grab a new partition table for these two things we're gonna go device create partition table I just want to make sure these are the proper partition tables with no partitions on them this should wipe out any remnances of like an lvm drive or anything that was on here This Is dwm dwm's My Jam and Linux now there's nothing better than dwm changed my mind all right this is the windows nvme this is the nvme we're in right now and then if I really only using I thought I had like a home drive mapped do I not I don't I don't have a home drive map well then okay did not know so we have that we have our partitions fixed I say we boot back into Windows now and we should have everything right as rain yeah why would you use MBR it's 2023 guys don't don't use MBR or MS-DOS what are you a caveman no there is no reason to be using MBR Legacy or MS-DOS in 2023 they need to die okay so let's boot back into Vin toy I bet you it's just like a bad partition table or that pmy driver is giving problems okay I actually like the Cyber re grub theme a little bit better we could change that back to cyber re oh my gosh there's still computers coming with the MBR Legacy manufacturers should be fired what are they doing what are they thinking MBR Legacy in 2023 shouldn't even have been a thing in 2020 um just to test this uh what I want to do let's just pull up disk part and list vol okay okay I feel better about this because last time disc part did not even function oh okay it wants to upgrade and use that no no you're not allowed all right now we're going to use this terabyte let's see what we get if this fails we're gonna just we're just gonna do it ourselves all right fine whatever all right we're doing Windows Server Windows install the Arch Linux way oops that's not that wrong keyboard my bad one second ah dude I think I did a video a while back about this I think I actually created an article on my website let's see oh [Music] uh Discord server's still there damn I've done this before but I cannot for the life of me remember how uh um I think I did a video actually let me just look at my video oh the terminal Cafe that one oh that we it just got so bloated and too many people in it that it was just unwieldy it was taking too much my time so like it got up to three or four thousand members and there's just a lot of drama so I was like I'm out and that's what happened the new Discord server is mainly just for like twitch chat and that I'm not mentioning any videos I feel like though when you do it through like a YouTube video you just get crazy people and uh I'm not I'm not about that life so the new Discord server is really chill I like it like that oh the new server yeah um just Chris Titus Tech uh I can put a link in chat real fast let's just see I had a bot at one time but we killed the bot because it was annoying everybody wait wait wait wait let's go let's just see here alrighty here we go bam Discord there's the new Discord link for those that want it and I'm still looking up the video I want to say this was during the 20th yeah it would have been 20 21 whenever the window is 11 leak happen and people are freaking about TPM I showed how to do this um this would have been windows 11. in the title and I think it was upgrade 11 on any PC ah this was a registry hack version there's an easier way to do it too okay one second bear with me I'm almost there oh I didn't do uh I didn't do a video on this gosh darn it all right I got it pulled up we're gonna have I'll just flip through and get exactly what I need uh we're selecting the primary partition [Music] this does look like it's actually formatting these so we should just be able to we have to build the boot partition first and then good night that's all right Arch Linux Windows install uh that's too funny um no actually let's just go back close that all right let's just from here let's just go shift F10 uh we're gonna go disc par I think we already have uh this part list disks um I want to say disk 3 looks to be or maybe it's disc two list vol we have oh geez hmm on a sign colon uh what was it I want to say either detach Maybe detaches a virtual Drive I want to get rid of the other one so I don't accidentally wipe out my existing windows yeah I think the tat should get it there yeah yeah we have all the stuff here so we have the drive ease gonna be the uh dvd-rom Drive C right here Vault 2 is going to be the current Windows 11 install Drive 3 is also the boot partition so that's something we need uh starts getting complicated down here looks like Drive H and drive f are the new recovery partitions but we also have a hundred Megs on Drive G I can see why Windows is freaking out it's like I don't know what to do uh but yeah I think we'll be fine Let's uh list disk select disk two lispar this one has a recovery disk at 450 we have a system at 10 at a hundred that's kind of a weird allocation I mean it's not how I would do it but all right so the recovery is going to be f that seems wrong though like why the 450 NFS partition recovery that's probably reagency okay and then the 100 Meg is the FAT32 that should be our EFI so G is going to be where we put our boot files and H is where we're going to actually install the operating system so H operating system G and hopefully I don't screw that up we'll find out remember G partition for boot files H for the actual system simple so now we just need to copy all the images over okay so that should probably just be let's see dism get I'm gonna have to modify this a bit image info image file and we're gonna just go see sources install not exist really oh oh he is e wasn't it oh there it is okay whatever we should have install in here so dism get image info what we're trying to do now is grab the Wim file that has all our stuff image file install.m all right what do we have on here we're going to want index two so we'll do that all righty so now we'll just deploy the image with a dism apply this is what's happening when you do a Windows installer by the way image file colon C sources oh no no not C sources e sources install dot whim index will be two because we just got that we want the desktop experience apply directory H colon backslash okay what did I do wrong hmm let's just do a format of H real quick oh really yeah uh server 2016. huh okay that was weird let's try that again did not recognize it I mean I technically shouldn't matter oh well oh yeah yeah that's it so it should actually look like this yeah yeah I was like what the hell I'm missing a cola oh there we go we're applying our image so we got that then after that applies we still need to create the boot foreign which I think that's just a simple BCD boot copy all to G that should work we'll see this is such a Jank Jank set up it'll work though ugh feels dirty doing it this way but I've done worse things yeah this actually should be faster than the GUI there's a there's a lot of um shenanigans that happens behind the background in the GUI because there's like the oobe that it has to really establish and this still does the Obe but it doesn't set as many variables and weird weirdness so now we have our C drive basically created now we need to copy our boot files with just a BCD boot I want to say and then this which should be like age colon windows C is yeah I think G was our win32 boot partition that we're going to create and we think we can just do that right yeah so then if we go into G you should see the EFI partition with all our boot files I want to say that's it I mean really that's all that's going on in the windows all right I mean what do you all think there we go now the tricky part is picking out this in our EFI yeah we'll see all right there it is the PNY Windows boot manager that's the boot files we just put in I probably should have built that database a little bit better but it's hoping it it recognizes it yeah you should only need the BCD boot to create the boot files well this this looks a little different if you do MBR because there's the MBR flags and other crap you got with Legacy uh UEFI looks so much cleaner in my opinion oh is the music off oh I didn't realize just awkward silence is left and right well let's get the music going I need to fix that my bad sorry about that fellas all right here we go server 2016 setup yep all right let's let's see if it uh is it gonna take that no like come on man this is the server you can't be typing that crap in here well I mean you can uh uh let's see if we can bypass password requirements uh uh I mean might as well anything can be changed to Windows let's have some fun let's have some fun I think uh security settings account policies password policy maximum nope it will not expire uh minimum password length three characters password must meet disabled [Laughter] yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah there we go uh let's see if it takes it now wait wait wait wait we can do it better now we don't even need a password my bad what am I thinking wake up Chris here we go password policy minimum password link nothing no password required now we just do a GP update Force most secure server ever [Laughter] [Music] let's update our policy might require a reboot here we'll see a shortcut to open CMD on install shift F10 if you need more than that on Windows 11 a lot of people have problems with the out of box experience is what we're experiencing right now you can actually bypass it all together there's actually oobe backslash bypass I think on Windows 11 I can't remember what it is but you can bypass it with a simple command foreign GP update maybe we don't do a force ah it's broken yeah it updated enough it probably got stuck on something all right the most secure Windows ever now we start customizing it making it amazing this is version 1607 is what it's based on why we're using servers because servers have long-term support and you only get security updates you can't get any other updates with this sucker which is amazing so what we'll do now let's look at the roles we'll just properties uh dot dot do not start on setup let's look at removing roles I don't know why they put this crap I don't think any sis admin in the history of Windows server has read this page I don't think I have either so whatever all right so we got file and storage services and we can leave that it doesn't look like there's really much here probably what 3.5 games are going to want that um so let's just start adding some roles uh I'm not gonna want any server based rules here that I can think of we will want 3.5 [Music] that should be fine as well bits sometimes I use bits but not very often nah I use just like rem or invoke web we'll be fine now let's grab it let's grab it oh no no no cancel no no it's fine we don't want that correct play yeah sure there might be like a legacy game I need for that oh we could do Nick teaming on this Ah that's beauty of server or so they actually had Nick teaming on Windows 10 1607 and I think in the creators update I think it was like 1703 or 1709 they removed Nick teaming from Windows 10. but Windows 10 did have Nick teaming at one point which means you could combine Graphics or uh network cards you can do it in servers still though um anything else we want in here Windows search service I'm gonna take a hard pass okay that looks pretty good uh a lot of a lot of games actually require 1909 now really is that a thing what game we're gonna install it and make it work today you got you guys find me the incompatible games with Windows server and we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna do that are you able to spoof the windows version for software that refuses to install on server I think we can there's a will there's a way Remnant two I don't think I've ever played that get valorant to run on server yeah ballerina has like a root kit though I could see valorant but who plays valorant come on [Laughter] I've gotten a couple hate mails from valorant though well you can get most of the services uh through dism so I think we could we could hard code most of this in and not have any problems oh Remnant 2 is new okay well taking a look it's gonna be like the newer games I'm sure like I remember Red Dead Redemption 2 giving some issues on server installs because of the lack of uh some of the some of the components um audio service we probably should enable that too so what do we have here before we go crazy here let's just go what Powershell are we using oh let's get uh the store how hard is the store gonna be to install I'm curious what does my script do okay I can't can't establish a secure Channel okay let's oh that's right um some stupid with server we gotta remove this tickets and server manager oh let's see Windows Defender enhance notifications that's crap uh is there is a stupid uh IE enhanced security as well look away uh just gonna fix a couple of these guys disabled remote Management's on okay that's fine all right uh well let's just change this while we're here gaming server yeah okay we need to set the SSL TLS um from Powershell uh you know what I've never done that let's see good Lord does this have oh it is using IE uh blast from the past all right so set SSL TLS 1.2 Powershell all right that seemed to work yeah let's get us some chocolaty up in here because I'm sure wind gets gonna fail miserably there ain't no way that's gonna work we'll see all right this will take a while with no output okay I'm patient you can do it requires agility SDK okay that's a good one Alex I haven't bought last of us yet we'll pull up my library and see what all we can find sure there's something in there that's going to cause I know red Dead's gonna cause problems might be some other ones too now that's a good good good call there I bet you yeah yeah yeah Red Dead Redemption install might take a bit although steam does have uh local installs now so if one system's up oh actually you know what I can just go turn off my system inside we can just pull the iSCSI Drive in I have it all loaded on a five terabytes iSCSI so we could uh we can just put it on that I think it's already on that and so it might just need a little update yeah I saw glorious egg rolls making big Headway on a lot of uh a lot of the stuff all right cool chocolaty failed to install all right fine now I'm sure this is gonna fail but yeah oh wind gets not supported pre-1809 so maybe server 2022 is what you use hmm less cool than I thought damn yeah that's right I completely forgot about the Wingate problems and chocolatey probably doesn't work on this old system dang man so this is pretty much toast isn't it well that's why we didn't wipe out the windows Drive yeah that's not gonna work darn yeah I think 2019 is yeah 2019 I think is not valid either because 2019 is based on 1709 which is before 1809. so you'd have to upgrade to server 2022. which let's see what do we got let's go browse for uh Shady key on Internet Explorer shall we king of bad ideas here server 2022 key oh it's not so bad what do we got let's go like what you got g280 you got a server key for us probably server 2022. that I know that'll be 1809 or above oh you could go with The Insider preview server oh I mean it actually might not be that bad foreign yeah we can force install chocolaty did this uh not pull up anything Windows server oh it doesn't work on Internet Explorer I agree let's let's see if we can get chocolatey we're not ready to give up just quite yet every Everything gave up on an Explorer compatibility now uh we can try this remote okay that's fine is that not working huh oh the copy command doesn't work okay that's fine see if uh this will work eight eight point one oh can you get AMD drivers in 8.1 I thought AMD didn't support 8.1 anymore since 2017. foreign feels like we struck out here a little bit what do we got for updates I feel like um we could fix this though still feel like this could be fixed oh okay um that's funny I can make a custom configure for a custom ISO yeah I would I think I grabbed one like gamer a gamer OS um from NT light I use that config for a bit but I could change that up a bit let's update the cumulative update and a servicing stack update this is probably pretty old installation media so I'm curious to see what happens on reboot I'd say NT lights the best way to create a custom ISO it costs money thirty dollars you could also use msmg toolkit uh there's a couple other uh methods as well uh fix my time hmm I am tempted though to go with like a server 2022 I don't know something just so attractive using Windows server for this install I don't know maybe I'm just crazy so 2022 is based on Windows 11 then very interesting I'm gonna go the old school route I haven't downloaded crap on through the web in a while Brave why is your what where's your download button that should be like the first thing people see on your website wow Brave okay Firefox I bet it has a look download Firefox Brave you could learn something from Firefox see download button see that's just smart fine dude what is up with these updates they're taking forever good Lord how long is this cumulative update oh let's check out our winver build 14 393 1607 okay let's give this a reboot yeah those are slow maybe uh on reboot it'll just go ahead and do it servers usually start up rather slow so um I think so like ETA Prime he's usually pretty good about like setting that stuff up so I imagine the egpu didn't and steam deck might be using a little bit of a d-loaded or stripped down kernel that makes sense to me so I I think it not working right out of the box does make sense because steam doesn't really want to support that type of thing which I don't blame them yeah we could have slip stream some of these updates made this a lot faster slip streaming the updates on such an old server version would have been smart but I do hear my system fire up a little bit more server usually oh that's one thing we need to optimize for servers uh any Windows server is usually set up to optimize towards background tasks instead of whatever is taking precedent right now so it always optimizes for that so if it's doing updates or whatever it might be that usually doesn't get much priority to where if you re-go to reboot your computer it should update a lot faster this method I just wish we could see exactly what's happening I can kind of just hear my hear my system fire up we'd have a three hour long slip streaming video that's fair that's fair there's a lot of updates here I'm trying to think right now I'm just kind of looking at this going yeah this would be probably the lightest best run Windows on server 2016 because I do like this older version but we're going to run into some compatibility issues such as like when get not working so that makes me think we need to upgrade and push to a newer version of Windows Server what if we converted we could go to an Insider build of Windows server and see how that would work because The Insider version would be Windows 11 but I don't I think it would be more stable than Windows 11. it might be better I don't know I just really want to run Windows Server right now for some other reason yeah you could go Windows Server 2022 like we already talked about I mean I I prefer server over ltsc because ltsc goes into life relatively quick to where Windows Server just doesn't it has pretty much a 10-year long-term service and it works really really well right now that's basically what we're doing is taking a version of Windows Server 2016 stripping everything out from the server portion of it optimizing it for desktop usage and you still get security updates so it's even better than any ltsc in existence because you get it pretty good well I would say there is an ltsc for 2016 that we could use but I don't know something about using server you get a little bit more I think a couple more years than an LTS serial long-term servicing Branch distro run yeah LT long-term servicing branch is not quite 10 years you're going to get less usually about two or three years less than a server version it exists and it does work but there are certain aspects certain incompatibilities we ran into winget which my tool requires winget so I kind of need that I'm thinking you could but it'd be very easy to lock down updates on an Insider build too although The Insider build might not respect GPO and registry settings for updates but it still would because it's server it's an interesting idea because Insider builds don't have any licensing I don't think yeah it makes sense to go for Server 2022 no compatibility issues more stable than desktop version and you have like nine more years of support yeah you guys are right absolutely right um all right so alrighty well let's not sit here and wait at the look at this blue screen any longer we're just gonna boot that all right that's fine so for this one ah let's let's go back into our Debian we'll just grab uh server 2022 I shouldn't need a nuke another partition table the only reason I nuked that one was because of uh lvm kind of I think it was messing with the server install let's see let me get this going huh do I not have internet what's going on all right there we go that should get us what we need why we're doing this let's uh let's just do a little G parted all right uh let's just create a new partition table since someone said it makes them nervous in chat it'll be fun it's the easy way to wipe out a drive hahaha all right we got our ISO downloaded we wiped out our partition table for old server 2016. we're gonna try and do oh we gotta copy that over to ventoy now there's one other thing I need to fix with this install I think my D Bus menu um ah jeez ah there it goes okay um let's go downloads what do we got ta just copy that toss that into vintoy and paste all right and then before we do anything let's just make sure that syncs to that drive and then we'll give it a reboot oh it has been a little bit since I updated ventoy okay let's let's check and update Vin toy do we have ventoy installed I wonder if they ever installed it to apt that'd be cool yeah I didn't think so yeah that'd be cool all right well let's just update old then toy cool Robin toy oh look at that I have 1903 on here uh oh all righty one one version's probably not gonna hurt anything but it's worth checking um we just do I think we can just do like a ventoy to disk and then um actually what is my ventoy disc sdb u-mount SD okay so we'll just do sdb for the VIN toy ventway ah ventoy 2 Disc Dev sdb okay let's do update update ventoy oh man I was on 1.044 that's a lot all right cool so yeah that's a big update so maybe that was causing us issues I didn't realize it was that bad badly out of date even though I had a recent version of vintoy I didn't didn't update all right now we come down to win server oh I already got 2019. we got 2022 all right something's telling me we're probably gonna get a failed install again we just have so many instances Windows installers just have a really hard time with auto partitioning when you have all this but we're gonna give it a shot give it the old College try all right Drive zero let's let's make it happen hey look at that we'll see if it just grabs another EFI and destroys like my Debian boot or my Windows 10 boot it has a tendency to do that too uh Alex you said earlier that you had problems with a task scheduler and auto run not ended up not working if you bypass oob the oob bypass should fix all that because it's not necessarily bypassing it's just completing oob without any user interaction and setting up a local account so it should work just fine all right let's restart that was a pretty quick install surprisingly fast all right oh crap it did it it always does this see this is what I get for allowing Microsoft to manage the bootloader every damn time it just picks up another EFI I gave you a blank disc just create a new EF5 partition how is that a big deal like why is the default like look for another EFI partition and go hey let's destroy someone else's operating system because we suck so bad uh yeah we'll have to wipe out but we'll have to wipe out the windows boot MGR and rebuild it just sucks oh well there can only be one it's like Highlander yeah that's how Windows treats it all right now we're in business great now let's make things super insecure again we'll just uh fix some of these security policies because we're using this for a gaming box we ain't gonna live in here all right maximum age zero all right complex requirements disabled and yep cool a little quick GP update oh hell that's not gonna work let's just go alrighty Armory crate software update service no alrighty well let's just change a few things out of our current thing we'll fix our time zone really quick I do kind of like uh a lot of these like it's like a check box as soon as you you get in your Windows Server you're like oh hey I need to fix all these things and it's just like you know pretty easy to get through it's not bad at all righty and we got all of that in perfection does seem like it is installing a lot more devices this time around too it looks like it's still on a version of Windows 10. which is 21 H2 okay so it's not up to 22 H2 yet but 21 H2 that's bearable it is still have the new edge browser now windgit should work with when you tell let's see because we still don't have a Microsoft Store Windows Server does not include any kind of Microsoft store at all and that's where the wind git is so this is what I kind of wanted to test too with the utility was to see how well this will work if we do Chris win IEX probably get like that SSL Error still oh no I guess that's like an old version with the sslr all right it looks like that's okay nice okay so then if we go Brave yeah running alternate installer that did fail okay interesting so let's just run that by ourselves I do have the alternate installer kind of like programmed into when util yeah this right here let's just grab this raw file alrighty let's just go yes it should get a nuget I was actually watching Twitter the other day and Theo Joe got like a malicious package installed from nougat I was like oh damn first time I've ever heard of that happening all right winget it's not going to be there and get nope don't think that's quite gonna work but we got to work around to that as well I don't know why it gets all this crap all right and we'll probably do an updates hopefully the updates won't take too long okay just checking a few settings just to see what the stocks are stock defaults hmm yeah we could grab it from the CLI that would probably work we could activate Windows I don't know it depends on how much I like it we still got 180 days if it lasts the whole 180 days I'll go grab a license there was one thing I was looking at on the win util though like if we look at bet you there's another let's go repositories projects let's open up my development oh God I'm getting blind from all the white but that's okay so there was this new script I wanted to try out this is an install winget script and then he updated this a couple weeks ago let's just see what this does so I wanted to try this one let's go Notepad gosh what do we call this winget.ps1 ah no fat finger that one so let's look at the lines here we're setting up air actions preference it'll stop on error set these points set the TLs to 1.2 update variables get the latest URL for the desktop installer that's wingit hide progress bar of invoke web request app installer VC Libs and yeah that looks pretty good and then this is just some cleanup down here I like that so we'll do that get what's our execution policy remote sign that should work when get dot PS1 see if this script works it says it will install all right so winget yeah okay when get works so that new installer I need to update I did want to test it on server but it looks like it works and if it works on server then it'll work on everything I dig it I dig it all right so then let's go let's set our settings up while that's updating we're gonna go irm what version of Powershell is this damn it doesn't even have auto complete what is this this is not even five I don't think oh maybe it is five huh okay whatever oh that Lincoln chat yeah veg I don't have access to my thing to get it but you can grab it from my projects in there um in the when you tell it's a everything I showed you right now I'm not logged into anything so everything's public so if I was logged in I could just copy paste it for you but I'm not logged into anything just trying to see what all we can get installed that looks good let's try our tweaks Dark theme all right yep nice little switch we'll go desktop for this one uh we'll delete run disk cleanup um actually let's let's wait on that everything else looks pretty good we're gonna remove edge and yeah I think I'll leave the rest for now set time to U UTC dual boot all right great let's add performance and run tweaks all that looks pretty good I bet you get stuck on term service it'd be insert or server I'm sure although remote desktop was disabled in the server manager but I imagine that's going to cause some issues we'll find out um when we when we shut this down it'll actually this is this classic view on light theme but once you switch to dark theme and relaunch it'll look a little different so far this is looking nice update Orchestra service it's probably still doing updates oh yeah there it goes and we're doing Edge removal this is going to look this is going to be pretty sweet once we're finished it's our performance look like yeah 90 processes right now memory is still pretty high server though um other tweaks we need to make for server let's go sisdm.cpl and from here we need to change a few things yeah we can leave that that's fine adjust best performance for programs not background services depth that's fine as well all right settings um I don't like the dump files they're hard to read anyways and they kind of suck uh let's change the we'll just boot to server yeah I guess that's fine I bet bet I could modify the BCD to delete a entry though we could probably use BCD boot or something to strip out that other entry just unfortunate all right cool I think we're ready for our first reboot and updates look pretty good we got one download happening while we're doing this one other issue I wanted to try too um actually it does look like Edge got removed though which is nice need to install the new Powershell too so we're now in dark mode so we got beautiful new dark mode theme do want to install NFS I wonder if this will work but this might actually cause problems let's see yeah I don't think there's a client services only in uh server Maybe the fixes section is broken for dark mode really once this finishes I'll test it out we'll do like a reset network that'll be fine oh oh you're saying yeah yeah so we gotta modify the theme so it looks more like that instead of this yeah I get what you're saying that's a minor oversight we'll get that fixed too is this gonna go how it's going slowly but surely just like it's not hiding a prompt on me doesn't look like it yeah the system's pretty clean I really do like uh Windows server as a starting point I've always liked Windows Server though it's like my jam don't think those features will work on Windows server which kind of makes sense because you have to usually come in here and add the role so I get it yeah normally you'd come through here oh it's my ah it's canceling okay I'm not 100 if that's actually working says it is I'm skeptical hmm yeah it looks Frozen but memories going up CPU usage is going over I just um I don't know what's our what's our updates doing I think it's an I think it's in queue so if you're looking at it okay that's done now this should fix and you probably see this go all the way over yeah I was just queued up it was because it's installing the cumulative update that was taking a while what do we have on the memory someone mentioned oh two two thousand 133 megahertz man we're blowing out of the water probably need to do hi XMP that looked a little dirty in the background I gotta tell you looks like just some all right update and restart um we can change and remove that prompt too every server has that reset prompt but you can make a group policy to uh get rid of it yeah let's let's let's take a little quick peek at bio shall we I wonder how that got turned off maybe on a bios update let's let's just uh fix that yeah well that would do it thanks guys you can't install AMD display drivers on laptops on Windows Server really okay is that a thing Let's uh let's try oh that Windows boot MGR is gonna kill me let's also uh fix that uh shut down string uh The Prompt it's like hey why are you shutting down the server we'll get rid of that prompt as well honestly I don't like that prompt I have never found it that useful always is more of a annoyance than anything else okay not too bad on the startup usually Windows Server does start up quite slow uh let's change a few things here Let's uh not have server pull automatic intervals and disable the auto startup of server manager let's also fix that update prompt from server because that's just super annoying so if we look on here uh is there a shutdown prompt oh nope where is that setting can't remember it's been so long does it shut down tracker no what was it all right so we have that remove shut down prompt server shut down event tracker that's what it's called it's under system display okay yeah that's I was like ah can't remember there we go I think it's just display shutdown event tracker yeah perfect all right I was like I can't remember where that was so that's all good we fixed that hmm might fix that up too okay now I think we're pretty much good to go for we've got most of tweaks what's the task manager looking like 60 processes two gigs of memory should be pretty good do we want to add the Microsoft store or not I don't know I don't know on that one let's see I think parts of the store are already there and when git can install the rest so what you can do since we already done uh I did the WSL and NFS enables that should get most the dependencies for this so if we were like Wingate search Ubuntu per se and we go Wing It install and we grab I'll shoot I guess let's get 2204 let's grab it it should technically install even though we don't have the Microsoft store installed so we have enough of the store dependencies in there that we can grab stuff from winget because I'd like WSL uh Windows Server licenses I think are relatively cheap now for the most part hell what are they what do they cost on like Amazon I know for business usually you have like uh I think I was using what was that reseller that escapes me now Windows Server 2022 standard I mean that's still pretty damn cheap 46 bucks from Microsoft that ain't bad why is Microsoft selling this for so cheap is it just Cal licenses yeah client access license okay yeah 2022 standard 400 2019 I mean that's not too terrible but still pretty bad what's does Windows server yeah 2022 standard PC g2a 25 29 bucks you could probably find them cheaper either even shadier sites if you do this use PayPal because then you can reverse any transaction PayPal always sides with the buyer all key shop yeah four dollars a license there you go yeah the Cal has a 16 core limit I want to say for the standard Enterprise doesn't though yeah so it's not that bad and I mean it's not like I recommend any keysight like I get my whole email is filled with people like hey please um sponsor this video in the keysight and you're like ah yeah nah I'm good but most of those key sites are all the same so don't feel like one's better than the other they're all just using old out-of-date keys they ripped off of decommission systems let's grab that should be good probably would require a reboot because it's Windows after all maybe not though oh yeah yeah GPU drivers you guys were saying that's what we need all right WSL is looking like it is rocking hot dog all right did this not resolve huh whatever we'll come back to it looks like WSL is pretty much working though now let's just let's go with the noob way we're just gonna download the AMD drivers we got uh what am I rocking 5700 XT so we'll go graphics 57 5700 XT submit all right um and if we look we are basically Windows 10 21 H2 so this should work I want Auto detect right all right it's not giving me it's not allowing me all right let's just try the absolute beginner way of doing it and see what Shenanigans happen is everybody in chat's like it's not going to work so we got VC requirements we might need to add a role to see if it has like dot net 3.5 maybe they're using it's also grabbing I guess my chipset unable to configure row all right well let's just go with a a little bit higher level something that people actually use guys all right let's pretend like we actually know something now ah what is this oh damn it one second I need to get my password should have made this like a super simple password but oh well it's not front-facing anyways all right here we go oh I might have fingered that I did all right there we go or in so what we're gonna grab here is SDI let's just try and run it directly from the network perfect okay so we got that it does look like it's gonna it never works though anytime you try this no doesn't work but let's just do that we're not creating a restore point though restore points are for sissies sdio man Snappy driver installer origin tool why wouldn't you use this right well SDI has the malware as SDI origin is actually open source and I don't believe it actually has any of the the malware of the original yeah I guess the long password was just for me uh I actually have information on that box I really care about so I do get I do have some bouts of paranoia and backups but that's usually nothing I front face especially like on a live stream don't mind mapping to it though the software looks like adware have you guys never used Snappy driver installer origin tool it's great it's magic it's probably gonna fail on this 5700 though let's just let's just let it bake though yeah SDI I think added malware to it sometime I can't remember exactly what it was but yeah well that was weird yeah the 360 wireless receiver is kind of a weird one I'll show you guys that that's a easy fix though probably is that there yeah I don't see it so usually I have an old 360 driver let's just update browse let me pick and Ah that's not there bummer that'll be a weird one to track down so there's be some driver issues that are going to be a little bit harder that's okay like a challenge let's get some chatterino going too so we can actually look at chat once again oh no visual C plus plus redistrutable not working okay still still works okay cool all right let me get this going we'll get chat up on the screen oh man my password manager I forgot all my passwords for online are like stupid I got two factor and like all these weird digits all right all right got that okay yes and now we are good it's installing Razer death pattern oh we need to block oh I need to add that block razor thing to my tool I keep forgetting I should use bit Warden I just I don't know I had all that stuff in there and I'm like ah you know synapse all right so we're pretty good um since we have some it's not signed here but I think we can download this one yeah we'll give it a reboot and see what we get all right well we got chat Arena let's pin that guy uh oh well before we do that let's put you guys I'm gonna put you guys over here wait does ah snapping hotkeys don't work in server oh well no they do so what we'll do is grab Chris Titus Tech I did a video about this a while back and it was just block razor I think it was there a search razor Razer razor how do you spell razor uh all right block razor here we go this will take care of that snaps once and for all Perfect all right great so now Razer will never come back and bother me oops shoot yeah now restart it's looking better I think I am liking it more than Windows 11. and I think we'll be able to get everything in a pretty good startup yeah so it's basically Windows 10 with no bloat we do have access to some of the store but we're doing it all through CLI not the actual Store install so here's a good test can we use the Microsoft store without really needing it just using winget and I think we can like there's a really cool piece of software called uh Dynamic theme let's see so when get search theme is there a dynamic theme in here I think that's yeah right here so let's try and use a Microsoft Store ID to install something all right yes I agree to terms okay yeah so it does have some issues with like provisioned Apex stuff which makes sense I want to try that one more time though bet you that is a dependency error unable to install Microsoft Authenticator huh that's not even the same error that is interesting though wind git does still have quite a few bugs FB 104 fb104 oh yeah yeah that's true Let's uh let's see if this the actual drivers yeah we just got that one search for updated drivers let's see if it grabs them that's just a Defender update whatever alrighty let's try that AMD driver now that we actually have quite a bit of the AMD stuff let's see if it uh if it actually goes this time I'd be curious yeah we could try the winget UI as well yeah so that's still not gonna work right there that's okay we'll just do it the manual way probably like um I don't know Guru 3D where you guys grab your graphics card drivers I hadn't been a little bit out of the loop I hadn't been Hot Rodding in a while uh video card drivers let's go with AMD do Alex's method uh what what method is you you're doing oh that's true yeah yeah I get what you're saying Alex so usually it would put it right here um does let me see I think I can't remember yeah this will still fail interesting and I don't think can we reference it let's see we might be able to reference it no yeah I don't think it actually downloaded this is the auto detect tool so we'll just grab it from here Guru 3D should still have AMD right ATI Catalyst that seems old yeah I think someone at one point said there was like a well I'm not using Nvidia but they said there was an AMD version of like uh the Envy clean install I have an AMD card though so AMD driver download you think I guess we could go protect power up July 6 2023 sure we'll grab this guy run it this is the full-blown not the auto detect tool so I'm kind of curious to see what it does I think it'll still fail and we can just extract the executable yeah you can also use 7-Zip to extract it too so it's not a big deal yeah unsupported operating system uh yeah so what we'll just do to here is just oh I don't have seven zip installed one second foreign cracks me up uh well I need to add pzip in here too pzip's pretty amazing if you guys haven't used it before seven Zips just kind of what it's like a tried and true old trusty friend let's see oh does it uh keep all the files there if you don't do it that way that's cool I keep forgetting these things um there's one thing that bugs the hell out of me with this it's always the sounds there's one default in chaturino I hate and it's the sound and I never can find it it's like hidden in here is it under messages live notifications Maybe but regardless that's not that big a deal probably should put all that on there ah whatever I'll find it again oh was it that was it live notifications okay finding it all right live notifications all right from the top got that start with Windows Maybe go do show dot dot dot in the header oh is it here well yeah once it's set up it's fast that's the thing I love about chaterino I love how clean it is so that's why I use it all right let's try to set this up oh wait this will still give me that that problem that's okay all right browse we're gonna go to downloads oh what come on do I have to manually select this now that's not a thing right maybe it is silly no this isn't yeah you're not gonna this is localization it should be in packages should it not oh Sony already found it please how do I manually uninstall AMD graphics cards in Windows 10. huh oh that's weird his frame rate's at 50. I don't see that every day so he's just going over ddu alrighty I don't think that this is like let's see driver you can't do is we can just choose that click ok yeah it's just so server Works a little differently like yes this would work on Windows 10 for manually doing it but he's not he's not manually installing these that's not really helpful [Music] foreign so we have that um how do I want to do this guys uh could just install all these directly on the system just do like an install like that I mean go through each one toss it on there and then it'll find them maybe okay I think at this point let's ask chat GPT wait chat GPD chat GPT tell me tell me how to do this oh crap I don't have any of my login information oh Bing chat Bing chat will tell me and uh let's install ah what is that user agent switcher manager a little bit of a mouthful let's just do that yeah yeah yeah cool pin that guy up there we're gonna just uh switch over to Old Edge yes damn it I gotta get rid of that beeping it's annoying the living F out of me I will find you we'll kill you all right install Windows 10. [Music] no no where are you where are you wait this looks this looks promising oh [Music] disable Windows audio problem solved I found it I found it uh Bing chat sucks isn't it yeah it usually does let's let's just see what Bing chat says install Windows 10 AMD drivers in Windows server 2022. so how you gonna just tell me let's see what we got you can install the Pro Edition from their website this driver is delivered Market you guys ever heard of this Pro Edition what is that what they make a special driver for Windows server did you all know this was a thing I don't think I've ever I never knew this was a thing I've never had a server really with AMD drivers in it so I guess that's kind of normal I mean this would be cool if it worked well I like this better though because the Pro Edition will probably be more stable I mean it's in the name Pro I think the question here is will it work with a residential card in a Windows Server will I will have the same drivers these are good questions and I it might just be for AMD pro drivers so I it probably won't work with my card I'd imagine yeah see yeah these are all workstation server based cards that's why I was like ah this would be cool but I don't think that's gonna work well let's try it okay well yeah yeah I ordered a shot I was like oh that'd be cool all right let's let's try it again yeah I need to install AMD Radeon or let's go AMD 5700 XT drivers in Windows server 2022 let's see if it'll give me that oh okay we just need to update to Windows 11 Windows 10 or Windows 7. so helpful you are so smart and helpful I'm just kidding you are the worst [Laughter] oh oh oh God that was worth it that was so worth it I need a good laugh can't you just click on your computer name in the device manager and add drivers and there you select the AMD folder yeah you you can't really do it that way so like if we select the AMD folder from what we extracted right here it won't actually detect any of the drivers or the devices uh let's see you said add Legacy Hardware I think let's see can we do manual no okay let's try to hang on the installer screen we'll try that uh let's delete this guy that's just gonna confuse people we have all the drivers spun out the problem is in this package there's like 50 or so drivers worst case we could go through and install each one but you know all right so we're on this screen uh what'd you want me to do here Alex install type driver only all right device manager tell it to have disk okay where is where you want me to tell it to have discs yeah just go right here update have disk and then here we would select the folder that's what we did yeah the problem is I don't think Windows server is actually recognizing these drivers so you can see we've already referenced this we could also reference AMD at the root of Drive C go next nothing found kind of an issue huh yeah it might just be the 5700 XT is just a difficult card to do on server which I get like nobody's gonna actually put this on server except for maybe me it should be recursive though so like when you're updating this driver and you say choose and like it says include sub subfolders but let's say we just go with the adrenaline minimal right here we can hit OK to this next it's still not going to find it it should recursively go through every subfolder and find any driver that's suitable it's just not Auto detecting yeah so it's kind of a kind of a weird error but I think we can get around it if I just run and troubleshoot compatibility can we do that that'd be hilarious go compatibility run this program as Windows 8 let's see no that's not gonna work oh it's already running it would be hilarious if that did work though ah there was no trouble if I was on Windows 11 I could probably change that to like Windows 10 and that'd be it would probably cheese it into working that'd be funny we could change the registry that'd be hilarious oh Mikey's coming through here configure an AMD driver all right download and extract we've done that packages driver display and then to the desktop okay oh this looks nice actually I like this one so technically when you go packages drivers display the INF and then you have this folder may be named delete everything apart from the following media AMD drop oh okay so it says to delete everything like that all right navigate to the driver folder extract the CC this is so easy like why didn't I just do this to begin with oh just extract here yeah so we're just going to extract that here then we're just going to go into C in cnext all right one second CNC next and cnx64 and that and then we're just going to install the software control panel mm-hmm sure and disable unnecessary AMD services like survey win these are typically for the AMD crash Defender Services oh that's good good to know alrighty and then we just configure the AMD panel from here all right okay well that didn't really work but on device we need to install the driver by right clicking the display update driver and select the driver folder okay so that's fine so we just need to select that driver update driver we're gonna browse let me pick have disk browse into the downloads folder yeah packages drivers display this guy give me something nothing okay browse [Music] not much there huh AMD driver no all right well that would have been cool yeah I don't see it we will we could do that we could manually install it I just don't think it's recognizing this kind of a bummer let's see so we have the driver's display right here we could right click the INF and install that I don't think do we have any other INF files uh Ben that I don't see any other INF in here so we can't use it what about here this is just a VC runtime support we don't have any INF files here and nothing here cheese back in my day we used to just have a freaking driver now that we could just reference and it worked great but yeah yeah it's like as if Microsoft didn't want you to game on server interesting let's see let's just ask Google install AMD 5700 XT on Windows server 2022. somebody's probably figured it out yeah I'd buy an Nvidia car driver at this point that's true uh it's not a bad idea so the regular Radeon adrenaline doesn't seem to support Windows Server 2019 just compatible with Windows 10 okay yeah I think I found a workaround if you're still looking go through the let it fail go into here go under there then just install all the INF files list in the directory similar to this one okay it says that does work and then the AMD setup utility probably would work which we actually found another workaround for damn man D get your together man come on yeah that's wild yeah it's definitely not F5 so it's not Auto gonna Auto detect this at all so what we're gonna just delete this folder for now we did change a lot so what I'm going to do is extract this again we'll just toss it into here we're going to go through and install all the INF files I thought we did that but so here's our INF file starting with this guy set up information we're just going to go install go into this one install go into this one install this is ridiculous all right install and install oh lordy it's too funny I don't see how this would work this is it just doesn't seem to reference this at all but as what the guide said to do who am I to argue with the guide all right yeah there's no setup information in the b39 so we have all those we've installed everything now we just need to update the drivers nope huh how odd I guess manually we could point to the drivers oh all right oh look at this update to thread so this used to work on server 2016 and 2019 but they closed the loophole in 2022. okay well should have kept reading there I don't think it I don't think this is gonna work guys yeah we could try SDI never works on this install the sdio display driver fails let's try sdio again we're just going to try to do a singular install but I've almost never had sdio actually work at installing a display driver we'll find out here so we got this one we go to install IObit driver booster too great too great let it unpack and fail the message cannot continue select your graphic device manually install the drivers by pointing it to the folder yeah see it just does not recognize I think it's just a bug with the 5700 XT that technically should work I've done that a million times very interesting I don't think so this will probably fail yeah Driver Easy is better oh my God are you guys gonna have me install a bunch of malware on this yeah it is it is detecting it as that server 2000 ah look at that yeah server 2016. let's try to install the Windows 10 version Windows version 64-bit [Laughter] yeah I don't think my my drivers are going to work at all just because of the 5700 XT I think it's just problematic I mean honestly it hasn't had a good history if I didn't get it so cheap I got it for like 150 bucks off eBay I wouldn't bother with it yeah we can try yeah this sdio is from November of 2022 so maybe but when you look at that Windows version it doesn't have a 2019 on there though so that's a bit concerning I don't think it would have I don't think it would have that yeah go man hello okay I'll be in a second well what a fun stream dinner is ready I'm gonna say that's not gonna work I don't think you can install a 5700 XT without a great deal of effort on server 2022 which is kind of funny wow funny that Windows 8.1 would probably give us a lot easier time yeah no no where is Alex it's just fun kind of discovering these things like that's just so wild that it just wouldn't even detect the AMD version you couldn't automatically or manually install like the INF files to get it to recognize you couldn't do a lot of things you know you could try an older driver version sure but the older driver versions of 5700 XT were pretty problematic even on Windows 10. so yeah we could try maybe going back in time a little bit might help that's true but yeah it's pretty wild [Laughter] uh but I mean I it does make sense like server is really not meant to be a gaming machine I just I don't know I had a wild hair the other day and I was just like man server would be a great operating system because it really doesn't change nearly as much as the residential side of things with like Windows 10 or Windows 11 and you're pretty much stuck on that version for like 10 years which is great so you get a lot of the idea the theory of it sounds great but in practice there's some Nuance to it to say the least which you're like oh okay yeah I think just do Enterprise ltsc I think that is the solution it's just it's so boring you know nobody nobody wants to see that video I mean I'd love to just take a server version and just make it awesome all right well it's dinner time here so take it easy all thanks for joining me for this Wild stream it was nothing like I actually intended it to be I just felt like messing around with server now I got to wipe all that out and figure out how to reconfigure the boot MGR again might just wipe it out and re-copy the boot files just wipe out the database regenerate it yeah oh well we'll save that for another day all right y'all have a great one I'll see you all in the next one peace
Channel: Titus Tech Talk
Views: 10,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: anibuEt1pzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 149min 55sec (8995 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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