The Starfield Arch Linux Failure

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so that's the first mission we're good let's load it up on Linux and see how well it plays most Bethesda games actually have a pretty good track record of it like you had to ask that's true that's true who follows me how many people have jumped into chat so far and asked is it on Linux because I'm sure that's been the the if the one question that's been asked a lot it's that um let's let's give it let's let's reboot and see what we get [Music] I just wanted to get the first first hour in just to kind of feel it I'm so far in most games these days when I buy and I shell out the 70 or 100 bucks for them I feel like I've got ripped off the last couple purchases like Diablo 4 felt that way this one it's a little too soon to tell but I'm kind of digging it but we'll see it always feels good for that first week or so it's like it's like Linux new that we wanted to come back right um what do we have Steam proton experimental proton hop pick Steam ah did I not install Steam on this oh I never installed steam all right well let's install Steam then I did just do that all right so let's go steam run time we're gonna just load this guy up once that updates the runtime environment get it the download for this is actually pretty fast too so I bought a 1K graphics card to save a hundred dollars on a game yeah no this is Windows [Laughter] it's a highly themed windows um yeah let's see how this goes I kind of love that it threw up a Nord Outer Space theme on a boot up on our Linux here that's pretty awesome alrighty toss us into workspace then see what we got yeah super late night stream just just for the Starfield launch I was like I gotta try it gotta try the star field let's start loading up old star field here oh only available on Windows all right fine one second Let's uh let's make Steam think this is Windows for a second where are you at all right we're going and enabling this and we're gonna force it through we should probably look at I think I have the latest glorious egg roll if not we need to probably download that too let's go libraries let's install it so that's going to start downloading oh I should have left my computer on another room let's see if we get a hundred Meg um download if we don't get that I'll just fire up the other room computer yeah that's too slow I wanted to get my headphones and I'm gonna go fire up that computer while this downloads and that way it'll increase our download speed because I am waiting around two hours for that portal open I shall return and that's going to increase I'm going to supercharge the internet real fast [Music] all right all right I'm back Internet's been super charged there we go yeah it's still not that fast but it's faster it's a lot better than 100 megabits per second then also got a headset too so I wanted to get that ah [Music] I used to sacrifice to lamb I want to rock and uh that made the internet faster or I could just turn on my other computer where starfield's already re-downloaded and transfers to the Lan but you know either way sacrifice verse actually having a second computer with the game already loaded you know whichever works for you uh Baldur's Gate three on Linux I don't know if I actually got that working or not um I hadn't actually tried to load it back up after after all this which is kind of funny I think we do need to grab like proton QT and a few other things to um probably flat pack for proton qt or actually yeah we're on Arch so I think we can just go proton QT um wow I guess uh guess we just go GE custom bin would probably be the best way to go about that you also have proton up you could use ah probably the bin actually now that I'm looking at it let's try that and just in case this fails I want to just go ahead and start loading up some alternatives in case we we run into some problems uh did star field uh get let's see let's let's load up Starfield on proton DB uh TV what is Starfield at what are they saying actually bronze okay so people are already saying it's working uh switch to experimental getting between 60 and 120. consistently on medium quality what's this guy using 6800 okay so he's gonna run a little bit better that's kind of neat uh with FSR enabled the shadowing was uh shading was doubled I don't know how else to describe it like after images or something books are bad when writing reviews okay everyone's like just switched uh experimental probably got some build here I'm guessing we got some Shader build issues um this guy's trying to use ge when he probably should just be using experimental buddy is also an Nvidia user you know if you're really a hardcore Linux user what are you doing with Nvidia you just hate life a lot of the red I'm seeing uh this one's a Steam OS Hollow Neptune so that's a steam deck does not look like it works on Steam deck interesting oh actually proton 8. use ge's proton 8 is what this guy says he's using a 7900 XT man money bags yeah I don't know how my 5700 is going to play on this it's gonna be interesting um go ahead and install that that's kind of cool it's actually just sitting there and there you are too yeah I proton up I really dig I kind of like a proton QT a lot too so if you're not familiar with it let's grab it while we're over here let's just go flat hub Let's Go Proton ah proton QT proton up QT this is a really neat tool um if you're not familiar oh let's just grab that ah we don't even have flat pack installed I did just install this oh geez I don't know how long ago this was I did buy that nvme drive but I hadn't put it in tomorrow morning I'll probably uh swap out my current drive and throw uh throw this on and towels are star field running right now we are 10 minutes still transferring not too bad should be playing here shortly looks like it tops out about seven eight hundred megabits per second so about 100 Megs which is about right so we have that let's try that let's install it and also I think we gotta check our mixer too so I think we need to check to see how that's playing let's just go um YouTube music and [Music] let's go Harris Heller shall we uh here it is Heller all right we'll just uh do a shuffle here all right we'll go ahead and fix our sound too while we're here uh awesome mixer let's see select uh or sound card audio DAC all right bring that down a hair ducking looks like it's still working Perfect all right we'll leave that for some background music so it's just not me and then when we start up star field we'll take that off let's try that again looks like it failed that first time around I bet you it just needed an update and we might need to bring flat Hub in no okay flat pack list flat pack update runtime Branch 6.4 end of life we strongly recommend the latest version by using this runtime okay flat pack install can we just grab that runtime all right and this is not an xtg data by environmental variable [Music] we'll probably have to fix that one too but we should have it and if you have never used proton up proton up yeah it's not going to show because of that variable issue that's okay flat plaque list flat pack run I'll just show it to you by running it Direct so ah blind oh it's too late for that business oh my uh but yeah so like let's say you go show game list if you can go compatibility tool or let's just add some uh add a version [Music] proton GE use this when you don't know what why isn't that working oh I think this is probably because it lacks the permissions so what we can do here there's another one called Flat seal we can get so this isn't gonna be Limited so we'll go flat seal grab it how we doing on our download [Music] where'd it go steam come back all right let's just exit what did I do hmm there it goes all right we got a flat ceiling um flat pack list flat pack run and we're gonna just launch flat seal real quick and we're just gonna give it access to our home directory uh does show other files so that should actually work hmm so then what was wrong with this home dot local share steam compat tools [Music] let's make sure [Music] the local share steam okay yeah so it has all of the access it needs weird so I don't get why we can't just add the version oh well there we go we can always just being impatient apparently this will install this under compact tools unused but we should be able to go show game list and then just switch it here apply it and then close then when we go to relaunch steam let's come back to here Steam will be on the latest proton GE and that should be good I would imagine star field just playing right out of the box Maybe oh no no no no no no no no no no or not I bet there's a like Rogue steam process just like hanging out let's see no [Music] okay there he goes [Music] Maybe [Music] oh come on so yeah you could run it through there but I don't know see what h-top's doing what he's using it's nothing really using any of a CPU resources there's really not that much running okay hmm [Applause] let's just relaunch steam here let's see what we get why are you crashing Steam display was not open yet good run time steam web helper huh yeah that is interesting uh it's always something always something that pops up in there uh I would say I'm curious to see there's a couple new gaming districts I wanted to try but why wouldn't this work it's weird it's just crashing on me I already have all the uterus drivers and everything could be like a new g-lib C that's causing an issue but it did launch earlier maybe just a reboot let's see it's probably gonna crash again but why is it crashing huh [Music] let's reboot just to make sure isn't that odd though maybe after installing that stuff and also uh messing around with uh proton GE could be something with that as well yeah it's always good like anytime you have a crash or something that just pops up and then um goes away typically you just want to open it in terminal and run it usually it gives you a little bit more hints than what we saw with steam crash in there but Let's see we just uh I'm just gonna run Steam I bet you it works just fine no all right what do we change we installed that proton GE custom bin from the Aur Aur always screws stuff up I swear let's just remove that let's try steam again all right that was better I guess steam run time is enabled automatically clients requirements it's not work let's try the native run time maybe it's missing like an old library I don't know all right we're gonna switch to Native okay that did look like it worked let's come back over to here we're still downloading star field um and if we look at properties what's that look like we could change the launch options compatibility already set to GE 8-13 um one thing I did want to check we go local share Steam and compatibility let's just make sure this directory has stuff in it yeah so it did install correctly all right let's bring back some music so it's not just me talking to myself and then it the empty error [Music] yeah somebody actually on stream gave me all these Nordic uh backgrounds so like all of this just kind of populated and if we look uh pictures backgrounds they make they have so many cool backgrounds they gave me because I was using like this old Debian black background which let me delete that so that doesn't come back and there's just this guy had a huge collection of really cool Nordic stuff like there's a mandala lorian one just mountains just very my style which is you know that more grayish Nord theme and uh I've yet to run into a background I didn't like out of here super cool car thanks for the prime a bit too blue yeah now that I'm a Capuchin user I need to I need to do it I think uh when I was doing I was talking to dark zero we're talking about that uh he's he's making me a Capuchin theme using KDE I think so that'll be pretty cool uh reboot didn't fix it we ended up installing a steam native client to launch for some odd reason the the run time was having issues so switching to 32-bit native seem to fix it we'll see though on launch yeah I think uh also on Saturday Saturday night I talked to lunduk and I'm probably gonna have him on if you guys are familiar with Brian lunduk he's an old old school Linux that he made like a Linux suck series kind of disappeared from the Limelight after covid and uh I'm gonna probably have him on ask him some questions what he's been up to and some uh thoughts about recent Linux Evolution and get his idea of immutable distros and a whole bunch of other stuff uh I'm gonna set up a whole bunch of stuff on the interview for Saturday night so we'll we got a lot of cool little live streams lined up even though they're kind of obscure and kind of out of the way this week but should be fun yeah it the actual download speeds of Starfield right now because the servers are a bit overloaded I pre-loaded most of it and I like to pre-load it on multiple computers so this is actually a local transfer and the thing that's actually limiting it is not the download speed if you look up there look at the disk usage it's using this really crappy SSD drive that's getting throttling the hell out of this has like zero cash so the disk usage is actually where the bottleneck exists not the internet I'm about to fix that I actually have an nvme Drive sitting in there so tomorrow when I wake up I'm gonna throw that new nvme Drive in Clone whatever's in there and dump all that PNY SSD crap I haven't I don't know why I bought those PNY drives I think they were like on sale and I knew they weren't very good and I knew the cash was just awful Oh shoot what happened there uh rut row hmm well that was interesting it's like give me anything okay that was weird just kind of shut down out of nowhere let's change bits are so pointless it's just like ugh I hate doing that and bits Also let's go friends in chat no no [Music] can we just like turn it off completely okay yeah we switched it from bits to megabyte we should probably I'm guessing we're gonna top out about 100 megabytes [Music] foreign also releasing a huge invite wave I'm just kind of impressive that Steam servers are going as fast as they are right now with as much load as they're experiencing but most of this bottleneck up top is just me being cheap and not buying the proper proper parts for this system one of these days I'm Gonna Learn [Music] yeah I love that steam added the local transfer because anytime I have like a big game like Star field I like loading it up in multiple spots so then it's real easy if I get on like my steam deck or if I get on my studio PC or my homepiece as long as one of them's turned on it'll transfer that game and uh no time flat usually yeah that's true I'll always buy the cheap stuff oh so true all right got two minutes left on the download transfer shouldn't take long now yeah I actually thought so this is where I go I like I have super cheap where I won't buy an nvme drive that costs 60 bucks which I did finally cave and buy I just hadn't put it in yet and then I'll start getting like weird stuff in like an email and be like hey we want to do a collab and I'll get like a ten thousand dollar rack mount land cash device and I'll be like yeah I'll do a video on that I get to keep the device though and that's just because I wanted a giant land cash so I go like between these where I won't Splurge sixty dollars for an nvme drive and then I'll do something silly like that that's just I don't know it's just who I am hahaha yeah I I that's the one thing I won't ever buy is renewed drives never buy a used hard drive nvme SSD anything that's renewed or has the thousands of hours of run time on it uh hard drives aren't one thing I've been burned too many times and it's just something that you never get a good or Roi on so always just pay the extra get it new don't ever buy renewed you know some people like renewed Enterprise drives like that's any better nah those renewed Enterprise drives have probably five years of 24 7 usage they're towards the end of their life you might get a couple more years out of them but it's not a selling point guys it really isn't renewed hard drives is a waste of money and just don't do it don't be that guy yeah but I'll buy used graphics cards I'll buy used CPUs I'll buy a lot of use stuff used it's just I will not buy a used hard drive spinning spinning platters is like in my opinion it's like buying a used fan you wouldn't do that coming it's probably somebody out there and nocta fans are pretty good but there's just those ball bearings will eventually wear out and the more run time you have more chances of that actually happening are yeah don't buy used Nas agreed to yeah because why risk your data 100 100 percent PSU is another one I would I wouldn't buy a used PSU I mean they're so cheap I don't know why you would a brand new PSU like an EVGA usually about 60 70 starting point I think what most people do is where I see people go wrong building a computer is they'll think that they need a 800 watt or a thousand watt PSU and they're they don't even have a really good graphics card that they're powering where they'd be much better served buying spending that same amount of money but going with like a 600 watt or 650 watt EVGA or a good name brand and just getting a higher quality PSU with lower wattage and it's just going to serve them so much better than you know some no name Amazon made made in China uh PSU drive that's just gonna die on them all right here we go verify and now we're just right in the disk look at that crappy PNY SSD drive oh I mean it's just a bit above spinning spinning rust man 450 megabytes a second ouch yeah mvme would be four times that [Music] Titus would you use a handled as an everyday gaming PC um would you use a handled as an everyday gaming PC what's a handled I don't even know what that is oh you think 450 is quite good okay I guess I'm spoiled with like I got a Western Digital black nvme with like I think they're rated up to five gigabits a second and man those transfer times are sweet oh [Laughter] look at that nice [Laughter] oh handheld yeah yeah no no no uh my uh uh my steam deck is what I usually primarily game on now a star field I don't know how well the steam deck plays on Starfield if we look star field steam deck let's see does not run well on Steam deck yeah I didn't think it would now with fsr3 you might be able to get away with it remember the game runs at 30 FPS on oh geez I didn't realize it did 30 FPS on series X yikes okay I don't know they might be able to optimize that a bit but yeah so far does not yeah used to we have a problem it technically will with low presets fsr2 with fsr3 we might get a little bit of a bump too [Music] yeah I'm sure it would not be good like honestly Baldur's Gate 3 took a lot of uh tinkering to really get that to the pretty playable still look kind of garbage but it's getting there oh no you didn't no no uh disk reader oh we ran into the same thing with Baldur's Gate no well that sucks oh yeah Rogala had play it for sure because that's uh I think rdna3 so Rogue allies should play it just fine yeah I you you'd be shocked I can actually do 40 45 frames per second and live with that it's not so bad oh man I swear these PNY drives I have are just garbage I think this is gonna go into a disk read error again and I think it's something with those PNY drives I I want to say those pnyssds are just absolute garbage another because Baldur's Gate three Baldur's Gate 3 did this exact same thing it was like corrupt data files it was another 130 gig game and this one another 120-ish gig game discrete error I think it's something with the Low Cash on the PNY drives and the low quality of the manufacturing of them ah damn how do I want to do this we can let it go one more time but I might just walk in and just say let's do a midnight let's do a midnight drive replace clone [Laughter] I mean I got the envy mean drive just sitting in there yep yep I'm I'm almost 100 percent crap you just complete nand yeah I agree with that well I could oh man that just sucks all right we got one minute left on this I almost guarantee you it's gonna give us like some red air like discreet air corrupt game files something like that and I if that's the case it's gonna be that PNY drive's fault [Music] oh man [Music] man first time catching me alive yeah I usually don't stream at this time I usually stream usually in the afternoons not at midnight but thanks for dropping in oh yeah disc reader all right um now a quitter would just reboot into Windows here but I ain't no quitter we're we're gonna we're gonna just do we're gonna just do a little uh midnight uh dissection of the computer back here I'm gonna pop that sucker out and we're gonna we're gonna go ahead and install an nvme drive on it and uh we're gonna fix this right now all right all right here we go Focus we're gonna put that guy in not backwards but it's a two terabyte uh it's a little on the cheaper side still silicon power that sounds good to me so let's do it um yeah let's uh direct cam all right I'm gonna take this guy back here we're gonna just shut it down um and pseudo power off that guy should just power off for me probably shouldn't be wearing socks all right make sure to unplug the power that should be good oh yeah yeah there's there's the come on come on Focus focus camera people want to see aha five-year limited warranty silicon power the cheapest two terabyte SSD money could buy all right uh sixty dollars for this guy so rather cheap unfortunate is it's actually uh below the graphics card here so it'd be in below the graphics card kind of sucks because I gotta kind of take more output but you might be able to get it shouldn't be too bad they're just taking this off it shouldn't take me but two seconds to replace pull this gun out alrighty there is our AMD what is that uh 5700 XT pretty good not a bad card um front here [Music] smaller screwdriver one second Steeler screwdriver should get us going here I should have bought a good kit oh crap I have to line a screwdriver in there I should use that little LTT screwdriver my bad oh yeah yeah I should you know what I'm gonna go use the ldt screwdriver one second let me go grab it it's a good idea all right let's see how the old LTT screwdriver is uh doesn't even have bits that are small enough for that um Maybe I don't know if that's a small enough bit this bit looks small enough let's try it out see how the old linuses screwdriver yeah it does look cool sorry so we're unscrewing magnetism too I've got the screw look at that ah thanks Linus that came in handy all righty yeah I would say seventy dollars for screwdriver is a bit on the upper side but when I went went to LTX they gave them they gave pretty much all the creators you had to ask for it but you know me I'm asking for free stuff and they hooked me up with a screwdriver I will say it's a good screwdriver it's worth 70 dollars yeah come on I didn't even spend 70 on my two two terabyte nvme drive I'm not spitting that on a screwdriver let's see what we got here alrighty this was always kind of tricky to get on I like the newer models with the rubberized [Music] to go on that front now let's toss our toss our graphics card back in and then we're gonna get it starts transferring the rest of this ah damn it's not my desk all right here we go here we go let's toss this guy back in I know I forgot to grab the LTD screwdriver over there but that's okay sometimes I just like tea the old-fashioned screwdriver this can't go wrong yeah yeah but I will say it did come in handy for that nvme the nvmh screws could just be a pain [Music] we're gonna power it back on I do need to transfer uh transfer all my data from the nvme drive so this is kind of a cool little tool if you guys have never done a transfer of nvme drives you just buy an external enclosure for an nvme like here's an old uh this is not an nvme this is actually I'll pull it off and show you ah Focus yeah this guy is an old I forget what the hell you call these things uh m.2 but not mvme uh so we're gonna switch it out this is what was in there that has like our Arch on it so we'll put that guy on here and then we'll just plug it into via USB and clone it and then we'll just expand that we should have everything on there um Rudd well didn't quite work the way I wanted it to I have a giant heat sink on this thing but yeah you get the idea all right [Music] well I do need a USB two USB C [Music] if I get gajillion micro SDs but not one isn't that how it always is got one alrighty this guy we're gonna just try and power this here I don't even have any USB openings huh I think I have one down here see we'll see if this works um and just double checking I did turn on so just checking to make sure it did not go into my other computer here now we're good we're good all right let's power this guy on hey it turned back on so we got that going for us sure not to kick my nvme drive oh hell beep beep beep beep that is GPU error ah dude I'm such a rookie mistake hey if you disconnect your graphics card make sure you plug the power cables back in yeah Pro tip that's hilarious oh man that's why we don't work on computers past midnight kids it's like Gremlins you don't feed them past midnight you don't work on them but we're making an exception tonight I really want Starfield to work properly here uh is this thing gonna power on oh ah VGA driver UEFI here all right all right okay well I don't know what happened there we're just gonna pick something else we'll just go here and start cloning drives ah tech support I'm I'm the guy tech support calls when they have problems if I have problems we got some serious serious issues man all right let's just go oh actually you know what not that let's go g parted actually uh or part of magic yeah it feels like a lot of the newer boards do cheap out a little bit all right how do we want to clone we could use Clonezilla we could use G parted I feel like we just clone it using Clonezilla and then fix it with G parted after you know so that's all unallocated nvme e0 this is the windows and this is everything I need now that's kind of a jinx setup why is that uh oh it is GPT partition table let's just uh clone this with Clonezilla I feel like let's just take a beginner let's go disk to local disk and then we'll just resize it after I feel like uh Source disk we're gonna grab this 250. that was the old nvme drive and we're gonna clone it to the spcc nvme1 we're gonna skip checking uh we'll choose after let's see what that does we're gonna continue yes because I want to kind of Clone most of this because I don't want to reset all this stuff up after yeah MIM test is a good a good tool to double check on is for sure failed a clone all right well let's see it doesn't really need that bios partition I think if it can just grab the FAT32 and the main data partition we should be fine uh [Music] we are getting some errors on our clone here that's never a good this is never a good thing a big old red failed to install grub oh man all right that did not look like it went well that was a betting man that didn't go well at all uh yeah [Laughter] uh went over like a turd um oh unfortunate let's just delete this I guess um bios boot it doesn't really matter let's come back over to our drive over here let's take this one let's copy it toss it over here oh this is getting super Jank but you know paste it and we're gonna have to expand those logical volumes too oh that's gonna be I don't feel good about this at all see you know I still love grub I know a lot of people hate grub totally get it but telling ya it's it's still one of my favorites when it comes to theming and just once you get it set up and dual booting I don't know it just feels the best to me one of these uh details look like thanks so much for the subs there gain and gear appreciate you oh boy let's see what we get yeah well this PC did boot back up um the way I have this nvme drive just kind of land on my floor like it's it's not my proudest moment but you know it's fine maybe it was a bad nvme look how slow this is transferring because Normal nvme drives would transfer at a rate at least it looks like it's about 100 to 200 Megs a second yeah I guess a bottleneck would probably be the USB but still that's pretty dog slow probably the external enclosure yeah I would say so Lux I would hope so I mean it is a Samsung 960. so those are pretty solid nvme drives I'm sure it's just the enclosure it's gonna be a little slow for us shoot maybe reinstall an arch and just doing it from scratch again might might be faster no no well Maybe no no that it's this is not going to take that long I do have two slots the other slot is uh windows so this would take this will probably take 30 minutes give or take although it might speed up once it gets through the data section because right now it says like an hour at 30 but I want to say it's going to transfer a lot faster once it gets through the data section of it and I think there's only 10 maybe 20 gigs worth of actual data on this drive so once it finishes the first section of this drive I think it'll transfer pretty darn quick a star field uh didn't boot for us because I think I have a bad drive so we ended up just tossing an nvme Drive in here because the drives I was using on my Linux box weren't the best and I feel like that's causing me to have problems I'll eventually get to the Debbie and Titus one for sure man feel like we should just I feel like I could rebuild Arch faster than this copies but then I gotta reinstall stuff but I don't know sometimes I like just blowing it out I still have my home directory on Old PNY and I'd copy all that over um I'm thinking I'm thinking we might just say screw it laughs [Music] ah there's really not much on there and I think I committed everything I wanted I know reinstalling is fun though I did want to test out that architis script again um it's already 12 30. 30 minutes past midnight ooh do we really go another hour probably 30 minutes I bet I could do it in 30 minutes yeah effort let's do it live uh yeah I've got time I've got time nah I mean there's nothing we just rebuilt Arch what why why not just let's just rebuild it again it's it's fun that way it's better than watching a progress bar let's go let's do it I feel like that would be even more fun yeah I would imagine a lot of Europe maybe some Aussies too uh let's uh let's see I think we can just boot my Arch script's a little bit on the slow side right now but that's okay um let's go 120. team Europe all right let's go Arch let's see how fast we can we can uh do this all right Asia sweet sweet I bet five minutes and we're gonna be sitting on an arch prompt we can do it all right booting into Arch here we go uh I think I'm just gonna go ext4 screw it I just I don't feel like messing with it uh let's go Pac-Man syy um Pac-Man s uh get and G lib C uh we'll install those get clone [Music] Chris Titus attack Arch Titus and architis we're just gonna go with uh running that I'm gonna pick our username password hostname's gonna be Studio PC we're gonna go server and we're installing this on the two terabytes nvme e0 in one oh shoot which one is it one second root uh LSB okay oh which one is it shoot uh BLK ID root EFI boot uh bios boot what is the other ones NFS is e nvme E1 so we want e0 is this an LCD yes I'm just gonna do ext4 yes us all right Arch installs commencing set your stop watches record install time happening right now we're going to be playing in Linux we're gonna be playing in Linux in the next 25 minutes we're starting the arch install two star field in 25 minutes most people on Windows can't even download Starfield in two hours we're gonna do it in 25 minutes including the install of the whole operating system yeah we can do it I think I'm gonna actually unplug this in the end drive I'm gonna kick everything all right uh we should be about done with our Arch install all right Arch is finished installing we installed arch in exactly oh how long did that take to run uh usually says 23 seconds or was it two as two minutes and one second total for our Arch install let's reboot not bad all right we're done that um let's boot to our new Arch install give me a pretty uh screen here nope it did not like that did it shoot really did I forget to install grub I don't know dude let's reboot that would have been so easy that would have been nice if that just worked come on all right Arch Linux we're back that did work we are good all right cool let's uh do this sign-in uh first first thing we gotta do is uh Pac-Man s Terminus fonts let's get that uh let's set our font so you guys can see things right V uh let's go 28 normal ah much better right do we have yay oh we don't have yay that's okay uh let's start installing things sudo Pac-Man s I guess let's grab xorg and what are the make build build Essentials on this I can't remember exactly but that's okay uh let's go X org [Music] probably server common I think probably what we're gonna go for all right I'm also just gonna grab xor server too just grab those two base Devils definitely needed thank you I think we already got base devil actually though that's already installed um let's do uh probably better FS right back man s uh what is the better FS progs we need that so sudo Pac-Man because I want to grab some of my files from uh from the home directory onto here as well so let's install that yeah you can Pac-Man yay I don't think I have any Aur installed on here so there is no yay or paru or any kind of helper at this point I just did the bass um now what else do we have remove RF oops let's go into Titus CD Titus oh this is annoying all right remove star yes yes yes yes yes yes now we still have architis let's remove RF architis great so this should be pretty much done um now I want to mount let's just do a LSB okay I want to mount that old crappy PNY drive that was giving us all those problems and I want to say that was probably SDA let's go mount and we'll go into options should be like better FS right ah no not options I think we can just Mount the drive direct actually sda1 to m t and if we go let's just switch to root switch over to m t now better FS I want to say we can go subvoll list and do we have anything here this is the data okay so it does have one in the data directory but that's not what I need yeah I would say PNY drives suck they definitely are just a big thumbs down for me uh all right let's come back into here well it's you mount m t and if we look at our Mount again just gonna go mount Dev sdb1 in Mt I think at this point we can we know that we need option uh subvoll equals at home and if we go into m t we should have all of Titus perfect so from here what we do is just a copy um actually let's grab our sink so rsync just does a better job it's already installed so we'll do rsync AVP um Titus and we're gonna put that into home Titus like that and this is just going to copy all of our cash gaming files you know the whole shebang uh bashrc customizations um and it go on nvme to SSD to nvme this should happen relatively quickly it's moving pretty quick so I think we'll be fine and we also should have some stuff too it'll also copy star field too speak but I don't know if Starfield ever really got properly installed because it kept airing out on us so I think uh we should be able to just compile or like our dwm again and I do need to grab some of those files yeah I feel like we gotta re-retransfer it from the other system and we'll know for sure once that's done uh this is going pretty quick like I can't even make out pretty much anything here we're pretty much through most of the cash but I don't know I don't know how we doing on time yeah we're about 10 15 minutes into this install I feel like this section will probably take the longest why this is copying though we can uh supplement that um set font uh ter V 28 in all right let's uh let's just work on some of the dependencies here we're gonna have picom that we're gonna need um Pac-Man s picom what else we're gonna need let's go Pac-Man s uh I think there's like desktop portal we will need as well what what is that xdg desktop portal I think we used hyperlan last time let's not do that this time let's just grab xdg portal for sandbox so let's go Pac-Man s xdg desktop portal and it's gonna want that we'll go portal gtk I feel like that would be the way to go grab that I'm gonna get Alex appearance Two that's going to be needed Pac-Man s LX appearance and X randar as well oh no exprander Ah that's a tools I think that's like xorg X randar yeah since this is like that so we got gtk LX appearance x-frandar I feel like that's gonna be pretty good starting to grab the rest of our files how's that going it's grabbing some of my steam packed it is grabbing some of the star field there I mean that's that's going pretty darn quick ish yeah I think it'll still pick it up now why we're over here why that's still copying star field and stuff let's go into [Music] probably pack man like a we have Vim we need uh we'd probably need Neo of him yeah let's grab some Neo of him shall we uh uh let's go Vim Etc actually invim Etc probably let's go down how's multi-lib yeah multi-lib was enabled so we're good there steam in Pac-Man that'd be cool gamescope is there so Steam Pac-Man as Steam now if you put game scope I don't know if anybody in chat knows the answer to this question is that going to be Wayland can you use game scope with xorg I don't think you can I think it has to I think you need Waylon for that if uh memory serves me correctly could be wrong there uh let's go there let's go amdv okay that sounds right to me uh we'll continue amdb okay although lib32 Vulcan Radeon does make me I think Vulcan Radeon is what we should have gone with instead of AMD vlk oh Maybe maybe this is where I went wrong when I installed Steam I want to say Vulcan radeons what you should go with instead of AMD vlk oh gamescope does work in xorg okay oh I do want AMD V okay okay thanks akari it's Jeremy in the right spot let's grab gamescope too while we're here then so Pac-Man s gamescope is lutras in here too yeah of course it is Arch makes things so much easier okay grab game scope and that I guess we should grab like lib32 game mode and some other stuff too uh probably wine gaming uh wine staging I mean staging grab that uh did we grab game mode already I thought we did oh we didn't grab game mode okay thank you that's another good one ah okay so now we have that we have a steam installed we're still copying some of Starfield you can see the error there update verification of Starfield we'll see on the download if it's able to correct that data or not do see the error the failure and I'm gonna say that's probably I think if we do a verification that's probably where that P and Y Drive is just bombing out and causing all these problems hoping that's it man if it's not that's gonna suck um all right other issues so we got that uh we need rophie too Brophy is gonna be needed uh what else do we need to go with this uh we need Kitty of course um Brave is typically needed uh I don't remember the exact uh to install yay I don't think you can do it through like Pac-Man and I can't remember was it like packages dot Arch forward slash yay Dash bin can't remember the exact documentation for installing EA that's okay that's why we got a second computer uh oh but let's pretend we didn't have the second computer because that's just that's just cheating let's just do was it e-links or uh I I really hate e-links I always end up screwing up and I hate how it looks um what was the other one w3m [Music] I think it was w3m oh no that wasn't it oh I do need that too by the way while I'm thinking of it how you could do like w3m or something oh yeah you can okay so let's just come over here let's type in install yay and okay can we Now search oh dang okay install yay Arch okay Google search all right let's see all right install yay backpack get Aur Arch yet I get okay so we get clone that into there and then we just do a package build I don't think we even need to do that I think we can just go make package dash s i yeah some of this is a little bit Jack so Aur Arch yay Dash get I want to say could you do yay Dash bin let's see get clone um [Music] let's go get clone https Aur Arch yay Dash get um let's get I think we can just do that cdea Dash gets make yes yeah I feel like I I really like proton up QT as well let's look to see what other versions of proton up there are for us and we'll do that a hundred percent yeah s y u perfect everything looks good there so we got yay now let's grab Brave Dash bin yep we'll go ahead and install Brave my browser of choice just because I'm too lazy to switch to anything else just to be let down once again and what do we have for proton up so we have a couple options for proton up uh probably the proton up QT bin would be what I'd go with proton up Dash QT Dash bin probably be the best one to go with there's also proton up QT that we could do there but I like I like the bin files typically a little bit better than building from source although this one is more popular if you just go with the dash QT so ah teach his own uh this one's an app image that's why still not bad that's going to give us a really good starting spot I think how we doing over here all right we're looking good some files and attributes are not transferred blah blah blah um everything else looks pretty darn good so we'll exit this and then we gotta rebuild let's exit that um CD PWD we're in Titus directory Let's uh come on on GitHub let's go let's just do a make everything looks good here sudo make install everything's great there um if we look at CD user X sessions I believe are share X sessions uh we don't have anything there so probably uh need to install some light DM action too um CTL enable light DM oops all right light DM's enabled um probably that's not going to be able to select dwm so that's gonna be it can we do start X no young thanks for the prime all right take it easy Curry uh uh how we doing we're getting close it's now 1am we should be done and back on the desktop launching Steam and we're right there so let's let's switch over to graphical uh let's go pseudo system CTL and we're gonna go set defaults uh default graphical let's set the graphical from a default Target that's going to force it to boot into light DM instead of standard old CLI and then we just need to move move into light DM and change the launch to use dwm um trying to think what if we go over the USR share uh there is no X sessions so let's just reboot and see we should have a light DM that goes to nowhere but let's just let's see how that looks it's almost 100 there we're almost back so we have that and we should get a kind of an ugly login screen oh no it failed to start light DM all right fine unfortunate but that's okay let's grab Starship Auto jump and also alrighty um oh yeah late night Archie Linux uh I don't know what I'm doing uh on this front uh I just need to grab one thing because our light DM is not starting start X [Music] I can't remember what was um oh yeah yeah I want to say xorg we don't need it from let's look at xorg real fast there's some x-oric stuff we're missing probably XDM for the display manager oh no no xdm's like an alternative to light DM probably X in it actually yeah that should be enough no no I'm switching to xorg actually Waylon always gives me some some issues there so I'm like ah screw it I don't really feel like messing with that so I think with that do we have start X now yeah we should have StarTex perfect and if we do like an xq dwm oh well um ah usually execute dwm should launch it but it does not oh I'm missing some vital component here what is it let's go uh what am I missing here let's go over to dwm I bet you it's like a dependency I just completely overlooked what would be that dependency though [Music] forget does their their website does show the dependencies no maybe not shoot if I wanted to make this easy mode I should have just done like xfce or something [Music] yeah xorg I don't think will it does support 4K but it looks like garbage and a lot of times the uh refresh rate can be a little dicey especially when using xorg I highly recommend Waylon for Waylon's the future for you know HDR and 4K and a lot of that stuff xorg's just not really meant for any of that at all um let's see let's quit that yes let's do w3m I can't remember what it was but let's put in text we need geez I'm trying to think of what exactly I'm trying to ask uh dependencies or dwm what exactly are our dependencies here feel like I'm just missing one package and it's causing me all this headache oh XX okay so that's one of the packages we're missing while we find it let's go Pac-Man let's just go yay s um the xorg xsec root X set root we do need that what else we need fig I feel like I should have installed a couple a couple more things for that scrot and I'm kind of out on that pipe wire I probably would need pipe wire actually I don't know pipe wires aren't either can you imagine the Optics if this thing president Singapore uses Linux I think that's amazing live X11 installed yep libex 11's there not so and it built just fine but it did crash it crashes and just logs me out which is odd there's gotta be another one I'm missing standard Library x11x lib yeah lid x11s there um weird and you can't do a startax right um twm yeah I was trying to do that for the window manager it might be enough now let's go pseudo system CTL restart light DM huh failed start failed to start huh how weird yeah I could just put it in my X in it r and then do a startx yeah it's not typically how I like to do it but it would technically work so just I think I exited RC and then just type dwm uh I think it's like oh yeah yeah that did it a little bit dirty but hey that works to this brave brave does launch all right cool let's get going wow we're just we're just gonna not stop at all let's just start it right into steam let's not waste any more time we probably should wait for us to get more stuff on go on here but I just want to see this thing actually install and download and verify now think we're still gonna need to download some stuff because I think the verification should still fail and we need to clear out the downloads but I want to Jack but yeah I should detect and re-download the bad stuff now our disk usage is almost double the last time I think we're peaking out around 400 last time with this new silicon power nvme we're now around 760 something disk usage which is not bad yeah I know I need to try void man 100 percent thanks John ah it's this is so much fun though I know a lot of people are like why are you always reinstalling man every time I do it I'm always kind of like ah there's a better way or a faster way of doing this or something to tweak just to just to make things a bit better all right now this is just dwm about as minimal as you can get uh compiles like two Megs or something uh there's more that goes into the Starfield Hub in space than my window manager that powers my entire operating system oh can we still use Windows 7 as a daily driver if we don't do stupid things like downloading free Minecraft games I mean man you can use XP as your daily if you really feel like it would I advise it hell no like why you know there's not much compatible with seven that's you know out now so you pretty much have to move on but you know it's fine I don't know like the one thing I have problem with people using seven for is you know if they do banking or something like some security man you run to all kinds of problems with the security threats because there's just no security patches for Windows 7 anymore I mean Windows 10 is honestly my go-to you know if I want a minimal system you can you can strip down and deep load it pretty darn easily um all right that did not go let's go manage shoot what can I do to verify this I feel like these corrupt update files if it's not the if it's not that then it has to be the download from the Lan going from Windows to Linux it's corrupting the update file Maybe can we verify Integrity game files don't think we can ah damn so I think what's happening here now that we've kind of ruled out the nvme drive uh or the the old PNY drives as much as I talked on pmy I'd have to say it was not really their fault I think this is more of a lan transfer from a Windows box to a Linux box and that's what causes this corrupt update files I think ish so maybe if we resume but we don't have that other Drive open what if let me go turn off my other computer so it won't transfer through the Lan and it forces it to go fetch it I feel like that's that's the ticket let's see let's see I I want to try it real quick and then see if that makes any difference all right so now we're gonna retry but this time we're not going to use anything from the land let's see if it verification actually pulls anything from online I think we'll get probably more of the same if I was a Batman so we'll we'll let that go um probably should fix light DM too so mic system boots tomorrow uh let's uh dwm dots X session let's see what we got that should be good dwm dwm exec user share X sessions dwm desktop all right cool so let's just uh kind of weird that I had to make the X sessions folder though but you know to each his own all right that should be done so now we have that built out how we doing over here it should be closing up on this imagine you'll still say that and that means um I'll probably end it with uninstalling it and then re-downloading it directly from the internet and not allowing a lan download because it's it's just incapable of using any files from Windows boxes on Linux boxes and that Lan transfer will corrupt everything it'd make the most sense to me because Baldur's Gate did the exact same thing with corrupt update files uh so that's what I think is going on there I love the land transfer from Steam it's just there's still some work to be done that causes this corrupt update files to happen so uh unfortunate that we can't make that faster I imagine if you go Linux to Linux it would be fine but I bet you if you go Linux to Windows it would still probably have the same issues kind of wild so let's just install this on our local Drive see it can be transferred locally saving a bandwidth if you turn on main PC I don't think we're gonna do that I think that's what's causing the problem let's see how fast this does on our download we might actually be able to get like 100 megabytes per second with my gig connection it's pretty late now I imagine the steam update servers are starting to cool off and people go into bed yeah could be I don't think there's really any DRM in star star field though but it could be there's definitely a difference between the windows version and the Linux version even if it is just wine compatibility it's really not that bad though we're getting good transfer rates from the steam update servers as I said I think more people are going offline and I think if we can just get up to a hundred and maintain it we don't we only have to wait 10 minutes to download 100 gigs 102 116 gigs that ain't bad it's definitely not too nouveau Bethesda I you know hate on Bethesda all you want but they don't use the Nouveau crap what do they Uplay you play is like the only like if something releases on Uplay like you guys know how much I don't like people pirate and stuff but I understand when it comes to you play games don't don't give them money you get a free pass on that one uh just because dude talk about the absolute worst platform they actively encourage any user of any genre on there let's say you like Assassin's Creeds you're better off just pirating it don't buy it it is the plague man oh gosh yeah UV soft man I don't know why everything man they always just make everything so difficult I think the last one I messed around with was uh the division division one and two I want to say division two had more DRM than one and cause more more issues but they finally kind of worked around it to where you can work play it a little bit on Steam deck but still kind of sucks man not great not great at all yeah I think the worst Nuvo instance that I can think in modern modern history was Devil May Cry when that that new version came out I remember it having the Nouveau but luckily the developers leaked the executable that didn't have the Nouveau patch so you're better off just downloading that executable I actually bought that game or actually no I didn't buy it it came with a graphics card I got and then I couldn't play it on Linux so I was like screw it and then that came out and I just grabbed the other executable from the developers and uh didn't have any problems after that so that would be cool so I think that'll be good well I'm trying to think what else we need there's probably something else what do we add on packages we go like Neo fetch or actually we need to install neo-fetch um steel tool I use all the time we also probably should grab bye and yeah it should be pretty good there's gonna be some other stuff there uh so far 500 packages this is a pretty bare bone system um all right cool what else we need probably why this is doing its thing I like to like on a new install just go like looters dependencies and just kind of grabbing uh all the dependencies needed a lot of it it'll probably be installed but just just good bass and then also grabbing like drivers that are needed like let's look at AMD drivers see this is using uh live 32 Mesa Radeon lib32 Radeon I want to say some of this stuff is a little bit outdated I think they need to update this guide where um chat earlier said use am AMD V okay so I think this guide might be a little bit dated uh as far as via dxvk I don't think we really need to install anything with it e-sync compatibility that's like not been a thing for like two years now so some of these guides in in looters are not not the best I would say the wine dependencies get these though you're gonna need some of those wine dependencies for sure a hundred percent um proton tricks do we already have proton tricks ah there's proton tricks um I probably would grab that but I don't like the Aur version of proton tricks I'll probably actually grab that direct from the website yeah what was the last time last week was in this updated proton 3.6 wine tricks and the ad oh we do need zinity I don't know it's already installed anything else I think we're good I'm really installing that through flat pack that seems silly oh wow it does want you to use that I would rather use like pipex pipex is pretty good uh probably python hip X hit backs install proton tricks uh I can't remember if you need to do super user for pipex or not I don't think you'd do yeah no sweet and if we do Vim check Health am I missing anything else ooh we're missing X clip yeah let's grab that all right what else we missing kind of like to use the check hell from Vim to tell me the stuff I'm missing uh npm and node.js probably let's grab that what else we got oh Lua rocks we're gonna need tip three not available [Music] python pip grab that two anything else node that should be fixed tree sitter I don't think that's an executable uh nope tree sitter's there Ruby I don't really use all right cool how we doing over here to check our Steam all right refresh uh broke steam what did I do um we're still cracking along at 45 percent I'm gonna just let it go Let's uh let's just keep installing stuff over here while it's doing its thing proton QT let's launch it Stalin uh ge right in the middle of this it's gonna be interesting if proton proton QT proton up yeah all right we need fuse now it should launch all right maybe not uh what is it all right we're missing QT platform plug-in xcb so it's probably like QT XP xcb or something yes all right well let's just grab QT we got okay that's an orphaned that's a-u-r and that's just a bunch of junk I guess and the lib xcb is there let's just do QT vibes probably missing one of these libraries it's it's one oh man I'm feeling so much better like I'm like 100 finally uh I tell you and I lost like 10 pounds when I was sick I've gained like five back already but man it felt like a really good trade-off feel like I was just like one good sickness to getting like a new PR [Music] uh feel like it came back stronger after all right all right we're in the AR now so that's not what I need I could do convantum I usually grabs QT as well I feel like there's a QT tool kit I'm not kidding yet let's just do qt5 tools probably would need that anyways it probably would set up some of the stuff I'm needing if you look at that again we still run into that xcb error nope all right that did work cool so that fixed that's why we're doing it uh don't know why let's see if we can what if we push this to like eight and push it back to nine nah that's funny all right let's go to downloads it's cracking along though oh yeah yeah Starfield we played about an hour of it at the start of the stream of Starfield and then people are like let's play it on Linux I'm like all right let's do it and then well it's been a bit of a bit of a roller coaster ever since I was like ah well maybe it's something with my old drives so then I've reformatted and reinstalled my whole system over here said I screw it let's let's let's load it up and now I've been like okay what other dependencies might not be missing feel like this one will work though just download it direct from the internet if it gives me corrupt game files I am gonna scream though that'd be hilarious what a great way to end it's not going to though we're gonna end on the start screen of star field on Linux it's gonna be beautiful ah you have faith in me at least one of us does hahaha yeah I mean and that's you know what you're getting into with gaming on Linux though it's still a lot of fun though like and when it comes to steam deck it is shockingly good I swear I don't have practically any issues on my steam deck I installed you know that Final Fantasy 11 game I like to play from like 2002 that's based on DirectX 8. I installed that and then I use an injector to do like gear swaps and some other you know more fancy stuff for that old MMO and it injects just fine using wine it kind of blows my mind of how far it's gone and I do all that on the steam deck and it's like this is this is just wild that this is even possible and the fact that steam's pretty much done that I'm super super happy with it [Music] I know if it works I feel a little bit bad for the shade thrown at PNY earlier yeah that's true but those were really cheap bottom Barrel ssds so I don't feel that bad and I've had lots of issues with like PNY flash drives in the past I really just don't think PNY is a very good company when it comes to storage and I have had other corruption issues on those drives to where I'm like I don't know why I keep using them feel like I'm just a glutton for punishment and I'm just like nah let's try it again uh crazy that valve makes it more secure OS than Microsoft yeah uh different ways of monetizing I suppose steam has every business incentive to make the best operating system they possibly can where Microsoft doesn't Microsoft already has you by the balls with a lot of the vendor lock-in whether it's Adobe Microsoft Office gaming there's a lot of things Windows does just you know has a monopoly on and there's you're gonna you're gonna have to use it it's just just the way the world works and their only incentive as to how to extract more money from you and for Microsoft if they make a better operating system let's say they make it cleaner they make it faster well they don't get any more business for that they may not piss as many people off but they don't get any more business from it and if they actively bloated up and they spy on you and they're able to extract more information from you and sell that information they do get more money so Microsoft has every incentive to be a bad actor and every incentive to you know not make a very good operating system where steam has every incentive to make a good operating system so it's kind of it makes sense really when you think about it from a business perspective and just dollars and you know what I mean I think eventually they will be um have enough competition where they lose enough market share or better systems come along like you saw what steam did with Steam OS imagine what happens you know Chrome OS has some traction especially on the younger you know more school-going crowd I think they've gotten a lot of penetration to that market where Microsoft has almost zero penetration with a lot of the younger hits now uh but it's it's still not there and then on the higher end side of things a lot of uh lamac Mac users the people that have the money have moved on to Mac so you see the downfall of Microsoft it's just a it's like the fall of Rome man it's gonna take like 30 years you know it's not going to be an overnight thing yeah younger kids want Mac now well I would say mac does a good job with their laptops it does have an amazing uh battery life them uh doing in changing the game with the arm chips I think they deserve the top seat for a little bit for a lot of the Mac uh laptops I just can't bring myself back or buy one I bought a Mac Mac M1 when I was using Final Cut for my YouTube videos before switching to DaVinci Resolve and it was good but I I really just did not like being in the Mac ecosystem there's not much to it like The Homebrew scenes kind of cool open course kind of cool for tinkering around and kind of hacking together your own Hackintosh that was fun but I don't know man I don't know I just I never can really I never it just never jives with me like sometimes I get sick of Linux stuff and I'm like hey I just need something to work or I need to use this proprietary device sometimes it's just easier to plug it into windows and go because it just works and you're like okay and that and Windows still has some spot there where I'm like I don't mind it sometimes but then inevitably when I use Windows too much it just pisses me off and I'm like okay I'm going back to Linux I just can't so I I think I'm in this never-ending Loop of that where I love the free open feel and just kind of always kind of workshop at a better workflow in Linux and then eventually something happens and I'm like okay I'll jump over to Windows and do that thing I need to do and then I'm there I'm like oh you know I I remember Windows this isn't so bad and then I use it for a bit and then after about a week something happens something with Microsoft some update just something something always happens and they always drive me away uh just just like it's this never-ending relationship with me and my computers where I'm like freaking Windows man if they would just make a good operating system I would still be on it it's just they don't I mean you can you can get by and Patch it but it's it feels hacky to me that's the thing about Windows where it's like yes I get everything to work but it really shouldn't feel like that it should be just light years ahead of everything they have every uh every bit of opportunity to make the best system possible and they just never do all right moment of truth here comes the verification yeah it just works until a Windows update makes it not work that's how Windows works it just works until it doesn't yeah that's the thing about Linux like some things don't work and you're like okay I'm gonna hack together something but you're taking every step you're customizing everything if something doesn't work it's on you you know just because you don't know how to do it and then it's just like okay look let me figure that out but with Windows a lot of times you get stuff working perfect you have everything set up perfect and then an update comes in and just wreckshop or something happens with the system or there's an update it's just not nearly as stable as it should be like when you get a perfect system set up it should not be hey an update comes in and ruins it it should be like hey an update comes in and makes it better and that's kind of where it is that's why I love Linux because it's never anytime I get something that I really enjoy it never really loses that spot it can only get better from there not worse uh in in where Windows is the exact opposite you get everything working exactly the way you want it and it's just like how long is this going to be good for you just keep going until yeah and that's the thing is like with Linux too you can just do minimal patches and once you get a working system you can just sit there and not really do any massive updates and you're gonna be fine for a long long long time unless you're on Arch and then and then you need to update pretty often uh there's always caveats like that yeah Linux opens the door to unlimited son of a biscuit eater man come on come on oh corrupt FD files really ah man brutal so we try to do a land transfer nothing we deleted it uninstalled it then like let's download it all directly from the internet uh directly from Steam update servers Rook uh oh jeez that's a kick in the nuts right there hmm I think what we do I'll go ahead and resume that I don't think anything's gonna come from it uh Linux there's one project that was kind of interesting Pika OS I wanted to see about this this looked interesting although it's based on gnome and I'm kind of out on that did hear about it and I wanted to at least look what the hell they did it's based on Navarro combined with an Ubuntu base I thought that was kind of interesting is there any other preference let's go Linux corrupt update files all right update steam Library folder verify Integrity of game files Clear download cache all right let's first do that let's pause that let's go steam settings downloads uh actually maybe it's Library no it's downloads I think let's clear the download cache should have done that before the re-download my bad on that reboot oh man too funny um all right so let's go back here so we've cleared the download cache let's come back to downloads what else we got pre-caching a loud background Vulcan transfers for sure and let's go storage let's go ahead and ah what happened all right settings storage all right let's go here let's repair folder make sure to repair folders done cool so repaired verify integrity clear the download cache change the download region and reinstall game that's weird I don't know why that would matter uh rename and delete the download folder I think that's a little excessive run check disk uh yeah that's not Windows man uh it's not like in TFS journaling that just sucks it should just work so with that let's just download and then it just downloads it all over again sucks oh it's too funny yeah I think you clear cache and then just verify files uh I I went ahead and cleared the cache I did that I also repaired the the install folder because we did copy it from the PNY drive maybe there's remnances of it on there so we went ahead and repaired the folder and then uh cleared the download cache as well so that should clear out any old files that were just sitting there stuck now I am noticing that the download rates are higher and our disk usage is higher as well OMG thanks for the prime man all right take it easy drummer thanks for hanging in there with me man keeping me company during this uh this disaster oh I would say this download is really taken off now we're well over 100 megabytes it's about as fast as you're gonna get from Steam update servers ah good stuff man good stuff that was a news article on mini tool it's a fake SEO article it's crazy how uh how a lot of that stuff just gets generated like almost everything from Google Now is just garbage like uh it's kind of wild right like when you look at the corruption you get from just Linux corrupt update files mini tool that's gonna be AI generated probably Reddit is the closest thing we can get to good results in in search now with steam Arch let's try this one would be probably the closest to what we're going on um faulty cables smart task now that ain't it did you format all your drive and kept something never had that issue run FS CK and check the file system yeah no corrupt update files outriders to update your files again Ah that's what I'm having man every time like five times now oh SD card is probably corrupted um that ain't it yikes same problem I get the same error too man that's weird kind of wild yeah I think 100 megabytes is the cap we megabits is like in the 800s I want to say did we just lose steam we just lost steam didn't we hmm yeah so if you really want to cheese it make it look amazing uh we can just go like downloads and do something like that to make it look like oh my gosh look how fast our internet is should get up to about 800 I imagine yeah a person curated web of trust for search engines I try to keep a website that's good like on mine if you just go like Chris a lot of my stuff which I I haven't been making a lot of Articles uh lately but anything I try and do usually like a perfect install I'll usually try and do screenshots and actually generate everything myself with easy copy paste commands I still feel like there's a spot on the internet for this kind of website I just believe it in my my heart of hearts and I think like it's just hadn't hit critical mass yet where I haven't created enough articles I think you need like 2 000 articles or something just ridiculous and uh let's see recovering a deleted Windows boot so yeah I feel like there's that that is there that will will be good with a little comment section and it's kind of crazy but I don't know I don't know I feel like this is the best I can do and I'm just gonna keep at it until I finally get it house dip back in the 400s oh but yes I have noticed that where like mini tool and many other things and mini tool has a huge software suite and they're actually they're partition Wizards actually not terrible on Windows I actually use it uh it's free but uh a lot of the other tools I'm not a big fan of um but it's weird that they're using like an AI generated article type driven system that just looks at whatever it is and then uses chat GPT to spit out an answer and then they just Auto create the article and toss it up on their website so then they get a ton of search traffic from whatever issue that you're searching and then you might actually install one of their software suite and then upgrade it to like the premium to give them money I can see how that could be extremely powerful much like if you have a really successful social media presence you're gonna sell a lot more stuff it's just I don't know man it feels dirty that whole thing just it doesn't feel like it would end well it feels like it cheapens the the internet experience and makes everybody stupider uh uh it's like uh God you know All Those ads you know when you're browsing around like the driver installer ads for Windows oh I feel so bad for the people that get duped into buying that garbage that's just the worst the registry cleaners the system tune-up the driver installer yeah all of those I'm just like Internet Security huh feel bad feel bad for Minnie yeah most people just go to YouTube now for the how to's and stuff and someone with an Indian accent walking you through the article yeah that's true gosh yeah the five antivirus that always drove me crazy I'm like you guys know you'd probably be better off if you got a virus than having five anti-viruses your system would probably work better yeah there's a lot of AI junk in YouTube I definitely see that happening too uh I think a lot of it is around some of the more bigger topics some of the more topical things like uh science I think it's called like science junk I want to say Kyle Hill from YouTube actually tackled that if you look I think it was Kyle because he does some uh some sciency stuff it's neat like he actually went to like Chernobyl and some other stuff but he had one on here which I thought was really interesting yeah the the YouTube science scam crisis and he went through and just showed like the simply space this thing was almost a million people but it's just fully AI generated the thumbnails the videos everything and they just churn out videos like two a day just constantly AI generated with all these really cool looking thumbnails and it's just wild this like this is 1.6 million and they just have all this stuff and it's enough to where you're like if you know stuff about science you're like well that's but if you don't it's enough to be interesting where people click on it and go neat and they just take it at face value and it could be completely false most times it is and it's just the yeah it's a science scam crisis on YouTube and he did a great video on it I highly recommend you guys checking that out here I'll link it in chat too because uh it was a neat video that I watched from him uh I'll just do a share oh wait I don't have my Synergy up dang it I forgot one more program oops um and try to relaunch that I'll just do Synergy great that's good yeah electro boom's awesome too I like him a lot so we got that that and as far as Steam goes ah man that is just brutal I don't see let's see if there's anybody else we've already gone have we already exhausted Reddit for the solution here all right reinstall the game five times reinstalled steam I've checked windows for any errors oh this this is a Windows person that's having this issue damn okay nope yeah it's having Synergy for Waylon would be a game changer I think I would use Weyland a lot more but with me having the double PCS I I have to have my synergy absolutely have to yeah that one's there then I've tried flat pack too I've run into this issue a couple times no one really has a good explanation for it make for a hell of a YouTube video if I figure it out and I think yeah I still think it's probably some corrupt files from that PNY I still think it's something with those PNY drives and there's just some leftover garbage from that copy it just needed to be re redone or I need to just wipe out my home folder again Wipe Out the steam section of my home folder and then do it that would make more sense to be honest with y'all that it would be like if we do a listing and we go into steam uh CD Steam it would make more sense if we look at this that it'd be like a permissions issue or something like that right here it says if you go dot dot this has lib vert in there which is weird why is there a lib vert group there and if we go groups what are my groups I am a part of libbert so it's not that that weird hmm uh Auto login Titus just add an auto log in it's uh fixer Auto login while this is downloading too so you get dwm not all right uh you can do barrier like if you want like a free version um there was barrier which I did a video on it it's a free open source KVM it's a fork of the original synergy but it hasn't seen any commits in about a year I want to say there's a new one that someone forked from barrier and it's even oh geez let me look at my stars real fast like let's go your stars what was it let's go KVM I think it was input leap actually was the closest open source KVM software this has a ton of commits tons of contributors uh over a thousand stars now at the moment input Leaf is not compatible with Synergy input leap installs on all machines that will share a keyboard and mouse what's different whereas Synergy has moved beyond the goals of the 1.x input link to maintain Simplicity now I want to say they were going to add Weyland support in here too but this looked like the most promising open source project where this was forked from barrier by barriers active maintainers barriers considered unmaintained at this point so yeah input leap is the future no drag and drop there but this one if you're really looking into it I would go with this I wouldn't pay any money for Synergy like I I have a license from like I don't know how long ago long time um but if I didn't want to pay any money I would just use input leap and just do that it's just as good and it has the 1.0 error without all the extra crap which honestly the new versions of synergy aren't any better than the old versions in my opinion I don't even know if there's anything in there that I'm like wow that was really nice uh actually the new new version of synergy was a complete show so I would say input leap is on I'm almost tempted to trade in my paid version of synergy 4 input leap that's how promising this project is so definitely check it out but does it have a Wayland support um yeah I believe let's see what we got they're working on it remove once Whalen support is stabilized add a note to Wayland warning code so they're working on the Whalen uh implementation here so this is the closest thing we got hell this energy doesn't have any kind of Whalen update they're just like I don't know yeah what other stuff all right project goals compatibility we want to open want to do use one more Opera so probably do two input leads should just work we also have our eye on Weyland when the time comes they're definitely working on it I want to say as of mid 2022 there's no expected completion date for Weyland support here's the status for it too oh so cool they're still working on it though Wayland support has been merged into input leap today in 1594 PR it still requires custom builds of Mudder lib portal xdg desktop portal xdg portal gnome so the code is not directly useful to end users just yet but they did actually make a breakthrough with it and whale and support under 50 109 dude they have been working working their butts off on this look at this close so we gotta merge here how we doing on this will be the last shot guys that's all I got in me tonight we at least got a new nvme drive on the studio PC I've been meaning to switch that out for a while so at the very least this Wild Hair got me off of the old ssds and that tiny little nvme I've had forever and uh now we just got a nice two terabyte nvme drive we can just toss all the Linux stuff on so whenever I go to reinstall stuff on the next version of whatever Destro I feel like hop into uh to make a video about or whatever it'll just be a nice two terabyte drive I can just throw it on there and done so it's nice yeah it's a little late 2 A.M here oh been streaming for about four hours I think but I've only gamed in Starfield for about an hour of that I probably should have changed my category here ow well it's all good yeah they're pretty cheap young I want to say I got mine on Amazon um I want to say it was like 20 bucks maybe I might not even been that much oh what is that The Wheel of Time primer interesting anyways um nvme Drive enclosure what do we get I think it was this one sovereign [Music] that looks like me usually it says you bought this on this thing yeah I want to say this is very close oh mine's a raven I would probably trust the Severn more in my cheap Raven one I mean it did the trick though a little bit on the slow side though probably because I was not transferring USBC to USBC I was using USB um USBC to USB a so that's probably what was the hang up with it being slow what else we got is there a raven even I've never even heard of that God bless there's so many but yeah I would just pick them up about 20 bucks I would say wouldn't I wouldn't go crazy I wouldn't break the bank with it but all these are probably pretty good it's a pretty basic um type setup yeah I actually changed my if you don't if you do a boot out there and you want um if you do a boot go in There's an actual registry setting I have it in my toolbox and it's like a little dual boot auction you click it and it sets uh Windows to be based off UTC time like every other like mac and Linux and you don't have to worry about it so that's pretty good and um not local time because the problem that most people run into with Windows is it's always based off their local time on the machine which is stupid it like everything in the world's based off UTC why would it vary from system to system wherever they're at and why would it be based off local time so it doesn't make any sense like you install servers anything they're all UTC based and uh I always just do that registry setting on setting up any Windows system hell even on some that I don't even uh use Linux on just because that's technically a bug in Windows where it bases on local time instead of UTC but yeah it's just a simple uh simple registry setting and I don't know why they never fixed it because it doesn't hurt you by switching it to UTC time that's the thing that kind of blows my mind like why why is this still like this why doesn't Microsoft just change the stock to be UTC Windows user wouldn't even know anything because everything's based off of like an ntp server and by default it runs off like time which kind of sucks honestly you probably switch you can actually do another registry hack to base that off of like a you know pool but uh I digress not uh not something you should worry about I fully expect this to at the end of this to just be like corrupt update files once again and then I'm just gonna be like all right let's shut it down because if it doesn't do that that means I have to stay up even later because then that means we have to play some star field [Laughter] uh uh so it'd be pretty hilarious if this didn't corrupt on me all right here we go the last 20 seconds the verification the moment of truth all right oh look at that I'm shocked shocked I say corrupt update files no way I would have never guessed that that was gonna happen shocked and appalled at that just crime oh good night I am done [Laughter] um I'm gonna just try a different distro I'm going to reformat I'm gonna use a dude partition table and uh uh man I I think I gotta delete steam all together too feel like there's like an old like corrupt permission or something that's stuck in there that's causing that I don't know I just know um I I just need to power off can't win them all it's uh we're gonna have to think of another way of coming at this because damn Baldur's Gate three and now this and disappointing all right y'all have a great one I am shutting it down see you guys later I probably won't stream tomorrow well maybe I will I don't know maybe do Starfield part two but if I do that I think I want to play Star field so we're probably just gonna boot into windows and call it a day sometimes it's just like ask for it all right y'all peace
Channel: Titus Tech Talk
Views: 8,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PnctXmW_ADw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 21sec (8841 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2023
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