Fixing WinGet Install for good

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okay today we are doing some cleanup of well we kind of messed up this whole system installed on Windows server on the last stream screwed up the boot MGR so clean up that a little bit and then also hit up some wind utility it's gonna be a pretty fast stream today as uh gotta get ready for LTX I'm heading out tomorrow morning to Canada that'll be first time to visit that country I'm afraid it might be too cold for me I think the high is going to be 72 Fahrenheit I'm like oh God that's chilly so we'll see we'll see I'm used to the 100 degree weather we've been getting down here in Texas so uh we'll we'll reboot into old windows and see what we have because uh this has been treating me really well I've been working on this and while I'm away too I'm gonna be away from my family and everything so I'm gonna have more time than I know what to do with myself and I think while I'm away I don't know if I'll be able to live stream it or not but I am going to work more on my dwm because I really really love this layout and I love living in Linux with the dwm uh Window Manager it's just oh so wonderful and it just can get even better so I have it installed on my laptop so I'll be working on that uh while I'm at LTX as well so that'll be fun and then also get to meet get to meet some fans and other stuff that'll be a blast so let's reboot into windows let's see what this bootloader looks like it's a there's this Windows bootloader's a bit of a disaster you're about to see yeah so we got to get rid of Windows Server default it's Windows 11 with no option I think we can just do that through like a sysdm panel and then just wipe out the server and then it shouldn't show it anymore we'll probably still need to rebuild the BCD database though ah that should be relatively simple I don't think that'll take me very long to do let's see how long it's going to take me to either mess up my system or fix the startup I don't know um you know I'm not really big into the we can Auto restart but the dump files yeah most times they are pointless let's just do that okay and then let's look at Disk Management I think we can probably just wipe out server 2011. oh which one is 2011 though I think it's that guy yeah I'm a betting man I'd say that's it so we'll just uh just delete it okay so that's gone and then I don't think BCD boot is here by stock defaults so we probably will work let's see BCD boot is that even a oh it is there look at that uh I think we could just do a BCD boot uh see Windows uh actually if we take a look at disk part first I guess you could use Easy BCD I'm kind of a big fan of just using all official Microsoft tools I don't know maybe I'm a masochist [Laughter] uh possibly let's select vol 4. uh let's assign letter equals job backup what do we call that a b c d let's call it e f g let's call it G I feel like G is the right way to go and then if we list Vol one more time you can see it's there great so now we should be able to do like a BCD boot and you know I think I documented this on my website I always pull it up and just because I screwed up so much well it's not really me screwing it up it's Windows screwing it up so windows partition um recovering a deleted windows partition that probably has it so SD force all okay that makes sense actually you know what we can probably just copy paste that command looking at it so now if I did that correctly we exit out and we pull up the BCD database again we're just going to go into systemdm.cpo go to Advanced startup look at that doesn't display operating systems and server 2000 is gone magic I guess we should read or reboot our computer just to make sure that works yeah yeah yeah we installed a bunch of Windows server instances yeah it was it Tuesday and it decided to just go Rogue on us and started messing up with the uh what is it uh the boot manager database and just started adding Windows versions to an existing Windows install I was like that's not what we want it's what I get for letting the windows installer do it automatically have you seen the Xena mask Chris I have not you'll have to tell me what what is the xenom miss yeah it's Windows band Windows let's get a little chat up yeah hola uh yeah the only problem with suing Microsoft is they have an entire department dedicated to just law work good luck you'll be stuck in litigation for years and then you end up owing them money I think the next thing to fix as well is winget I've got a lot of complaints on this which is winget failing to install and we can totally fix several issues all in one go by just changing the winget installation script so let's look at that uh and I kind of want to modify and use this script we used it a little bit on Windows server and it worked pretty well I recommitted this to the main branch as well so let's uh let's just download that poll origin yeah all right great so that should get us we'll open up old vs code and what we're going to do here is here's the winget new winget PSI or PS1 file I don't think we can need to call this file per se but what we can do is copy it and we're going to come into functions and if we look for winget here's this now typically in the past it's always tried to install winget using a method um like this but this method doesn't quite work and what I'm going to do instead is one let me get rid of those lines let's just take these up take that error action preference I think we're gonna actually get rid of and we're going to just go silently continue as I don't want it to cause any issue I think that should fix most of what we got for ltsc and server installations let me see if there is anything else else when get from Microsoft store we could still push this up but I'm almost to the point where I'm like it's not even worth trying to do an MS app installer even on Modern windows it's kind of Jank although there's workarounds to it as well one workaround is pulling this up advanced and if we look at I want to say environment variables in path sometimes on some installs this doesn't exist the user profile app data local Microsoft win apps I almost want to write it uh this is the bug in Windows Windows Microsoft should eventually fix this but we could just do a check to make sure Microsoft is doing their job because we all know that doesn't happen often and if this path does not exist it goes ahead and adds it what that does is it makes sure that your system has access to winget if you're on Windows 11 it's it's a pre-installed it's already there it's just on a lot of systems people are causing error messages because Microsoft forgot to put it in the path variable ah it's silly what's this A Xena is an x Xbox 360 Emulator I think you can just see this and get an idea for what happened well is it okay to make script to download and install cracked version of paid software what are your thoughts on this oh it depends on what software it is and your version of cracks and what kind of cracks are you using I would never condone cracks per se it's just mostly because there's just a lot of viruses in them so I would be looking for alternatives to the software there's so much free and open source software out there that there's very little things that are paid in today's world that are actually any good so I mean I'm trying to think I I constantly get like people trying to put shareware basically into my my toolbox and I even talked about this last stream I think where a lot of it uh actually that's not an admin prompt let's go admin but a lot of it I just kind of like you know what I really want um a lot of it just to be Foss maybe some exceptions here and there but there's some stuff that has made it into here where I'm kind of like ah I kind of regret adding that probably like Larry utilities the free version has some some utility but it it's a little bit more of a gray area like internet downloader I think it was another shareware project process lasso has another bit of a shareware Revo uninstallers free version is actually pretty good from what everyone's telling me there's a couple in here that I'm kind of like ah the free version does a lot but the paid version is there which kind of taints the software a little bit so I I don't know I don't technically like the the shareware side of you know software development I feel like the world has moved on from that it's either a paid product or not so I don't know so having a crack paid software is kind of like usually there's a better alternative is what I'm trying to say and if there's not then I don't know I think you should just pay for the software then but it just depends there's nuances to that like here's a good Nuance like Ubisoft connect is that their launcher I can't remember um I would never recommend anybody to ever buy a Ubisoft game you want to play them on the other hand I would I think it's totally okay if you went and did alternative methods than opening up your wallet to anything that runs on the Ubisoft launcher I'm not going to say what those methods are but I highly recommend you explore those because paying Ubisoft with for the launcher that is just awful you can have a lot better experience if you explore the alternative methods so there are there are there are things where I'm like I wouldn't would go the the piracy approach but it just depends as with everything in life it just depends there's gray areas hey Patrick half a year when time does fly I can't believe I've been streaming that long I love the streams though that's been the that's been I've been happier and just in a better spot than I ever have been in my entire life just doing the streams twice a week finding this really cool medium ground and then working on programming stuff and then bouncing back and forth between Windows and Linux I I know it's uh people get Whiplash watching me because I'll bounce between both operating systems but man that's just who I am it's just whatever I love it's what I love to do Let's test this by the way um we could test that but I almost want to just take out this L statement all together and just say run it but the one catch I probably would leave in so there's this I would leave the less than 1809 because if it is a really old version of Windows 10 winning it is not going to work but I think removing this if statement directly let's try this I think we'll remove this if statement all together and what we're gonna grab out of this instead of leaving it up to Windows to install winget we're going to make sure it happens every time and then we're gonna get rid of this else statement and I think that should be pretty good and let me just make sure we're on the test branch we're gonna fix when get install commit to test push oh okay unpunished I was like I was wondering about what's happening there with the emulator beeped really loudly I don't know why I missed that on the code still have a lot to learn all right all right look like they're just adding some piracy measures and then blocking isos but let's see what we have here now with that done let's go to our main branch we have test right here let's check our test Branch we're gonna fire up our old VM uh reinstalling Edge is still a little tricky so we'll have to we'll take a look at that as well um let's try stock Windows 10 first let's boot this one we could try to reinstall Edge after this see what happens yeah people always ask about reinstalling Edge there's some there's some Edge Fanboys out there the guy I work with actually uses Edge I gave him every time I see him open Edge but he still uses it I'm like all right you do you but I'm gonna make fun of you for being you [Laughter] all right let's see what happens when we launch our uh toolbox shall we this should install winget oh wait wait we gotta grab the test branch oh something there all right let's go here and let's grab where's the code oh view code right here it's like where is it at so we're gonna grab the new utility this says upgraded 16 hours ago oh we're on the main branch I was like that's not it now this should have been updated two minutes ago that's what we need we're gonna grab the raw file copy it all right copy that raw file again Ctrl C irm paste it and then we're executing now this should install winget for us let's see what it does yeah we'll install chocolaty too so that seems to work and then let's go just like install Brave checking if win good is installed running alternative and direct installing when get failed to install okay that did not work that was a failed commit alrighty let's take a peek what what happened here I still face an issue to launch when you tell on some Wi-Fi networks how do I fix this if you're having issues with Wi-Fi after running the tweaks I imagine if that's what you're asking um you could just launch into like services.msc I think it's like w man let's see uh what is it Wireless what is the wireless service I think it's WLAN Auto config I would probably take this change that to automatic from manual if you had a Wi-Fi I mean I I could just disable it because I don't have Wi-Fi on this computer but uh why Lan service basically provides you know Discovery connection disconnect to wireless local Access Network or local area networks so if you're having access problems with your Wi-Fi on like a laptop you want to make sure that is automatic because you're going to be using Wi-Fi like crazy and you want WLAN Auto config to go it'll probably still work after running the tweaks but you might run into some slowness on that so you might do the WLAN Auto config Wan is for like 3G cards and stuff so if you have like a you know three 4G card that you have on your laptop that doesn't use wireless then you might need the WAN Service as well I could run a alternate notification for that um what is remove that API latest temp folder I mean we could do a quick fix with that that's just changing it to milk web request remove item probably yeah sure fix those just warnings though that shouldn't actually keep things up hmm this doesn't work we'll probably just curl the independent script and run it Direct so it went here and then it just stopped and just said when get failed hmm yeah I wouldn't get failed installed on the catch okay see what happens on that and change too much just the error action do a pull and then we'll try and update this we'll just do a basic commit and push yeah VMware Workstation Pro easy to easy to Pirate well I mean it's VMware VMware makes their money from Big Business and I think they actually give you licenses for some I can't remember what it was they actually changed their licensing up I think this last year I haven't been following it okay let's see what we got we're gonna just refresh and then let's see winget that's uh programs checking if wind gets already installed yeah so from here this should switch over and you can see the updated code let's see if it works this time around and we're gonna just come on over here and put that right there just say Brave install selection nah it's just immediately dying let's try curl we'll change the way this is implemented kind of like how we did with the remove edge because I already have the independent script there so that's fine see so from all of this if when util package manager Dash wouldn't get break interesting let's see if it'll run any of that actually uh so we're gonna leave that let's just get rid of all this it looks almost redundant it's not at all it's happening okay you should be able to start the process but I almost kind of want to download this locally and run it but it should start the Powershell process and run that even the branch I have updated one to pretty much force and install regardless hmm yeah this should technically work and as far as Branch version is that being set let's make sure that's the next thing Branch to use I don't know if that is actually being said anymore hmm Branch to use let's let's verify that with the full-blown compiled file wrench to use now that's that is not a valid variable that is not set anywhere that's what I was thinking I was like I remember I was using that a Once Upon a Time but uh yeah not not any longer what we can do ah jeez let's just go here and I think we can just do Main and I'm just going to double check that this resolves this address resolves it should never really be updated except for every once in a while that does resolve into our script which is great so what we're doing is kind of stripping this out we're fixing this and changing it to the main branch it should start a new Powershell process run this independent winget script and then kick it back to here and when git should be installed for real this time Let's uh let's push we could copy the script we're going to try to execute it direct without downloading it first if that fails then we will do like uh old school copy and then we can remove it directly there or after if we wanted a couple ways to skin that cat so to speak so this one if we refresh start process yes so this is all good to go let's send it so we're going to launch into the test branch we'll just toss this up it's a little bit ugly I know but uh we're gonna just test it should open up a new window and yet it did not hmm alrighty then okay let's see why is that so we started the process argument list command it's doing invoke rust method grabbing the winget and then out to The Host or action stop test when you till package manager I think this being called too soon and that's causing issues so probably need that to wait for the command to finish before doing it it's fine to test it but once it tests it breaks this which the brake might actually throw it into the fail to install catch hmm um the Bluetooth audio Gateway service to stop anything that would cause it this is my first time running the utility uh if you're getting like a you see this in term Service as well not just Bluetooth I typically would just let it wait it'll eventually stop or uh you have like a Bluetooth device connected you just disconnect it and it'll stop or you could just reboot all those things should work it should eventually go through I'm almost tempted to remove the error check for that and then just force people to reboot anyways uh that might be a little bit more proper so I might rework it to where just say hey run the tweaks and then it just automatically sets all the services instead of trying to stop each service that we're setting to manual uh having said that if you are using Bluetooth might need to look at changing that tweak because Bluetooth might be something that you like the same thing happens with WLAN Service as well in tweaks so if we look at that and we'd look at WLAN that's set to automatic what about Bluetooth Bluetooth user service is set to manual um I think bth also down here some of these bth Services might be Bluetooth as well you might set that to automatic again if it causes your problems with Bluetooth have you managed to defeat AMD drivers I gave up on that we just deleted uh server all of all of Tuesday's stream we're just gonna pretend like that never happened all right there we go if winget is not installed then catch throw and get installed failed I think so I think what we'll do is we'll probably take out the test and should launch in and then write that out let's see what happens just removing the test hypervous VMware I mean I like both to be honest with you I don't mind hyper-v or VMware they both aren't bad products a kind of prefer VMware a little bit but I don't know these days I'm almost I don't really set up much of that stuff anymore so I'm like xcp and G all the way screw both of them so a lot of it I'm kind of have an affinity for Zen server based xcpng it's like my favorite hypervisor I know I'm weird I'm weird refresh we need that to disappear Let's uh let's wait did we not commit it oh we didn't commit it I was like that's not updating yeah I forgot to push it that that would help just a scooch is it hot for everybody it was actually just when I started the stream I was like I'm I'm literally flying out to Canada to go to LTX tomorrow and I'm I'm afraid it's going to be too cold there I'm like dang do I need to pack like a hoodie and like jeans because it's supposed to be like a high of like 72 which sounds just chilly as hell I'm used to being like 105. driving in I mean flying into that it's just gonna be like culture shock so I'm gonna pack some jeans and a hoodie I guess is it supposed to be pretty cold the whole time I'm there with highs in the low 70s my wife's just like shut up I want that like I know I know I see our electric bill oh yeah I'm a big I prefer it hot than than cold kind of guy all right let's refresh did that get rid of it no the test is still there come on what's going on uh let's just do a control f um control F5 Maybe all right keep going install winget ah that test looks like it's still there let's check on this machine just to verify sometimes the raw files takes a little bit longer to update yeah so that works here and then if we look at the raw file and see that the raw file didn't update that's the one tricky thing about GitHub is sometimes when you're doing uh develop like testing you gotta watch out for that oh yeah software suggestions for sure yeah I take a ton we we have a huge backlog of uh a software that people want added to when you tell 70 isn't that cold I think it's getting down to like the 50s though I think the 70 72 is the high that sounds cold it sounds really cold too coming from where I'm at I wonder why this is taking so long usually it doesn't take this long usually it's like a minute or two hmm oh yeah test locally that's a good point Alex we could do that do like a curl and it occur if doesn't exist locally in the tent directory go ahead and curl it and then if it does um the big thing there is if it updates how do I know the local copy isn't like an older version because like installing winget is going to be a little bit tricky on that regard what in the hell come on there it goes okay dang that took forever to update the raw file okay let's go here and then we click Brave install and then that seemed like it uh it did not work it's thinking about it but no ah man all right let's see what we got in the temp file see what uh what's bombing out I think is it temp I can't remember where it tosses it I think it's temp when you tell yeah we have a little bit of log file we can look that's not telling me a whole lot is it right this is the initial run these are your subsequential runs last run it's just like nothing nothing spit out to the log file okay helpful yeah I think that I think that's what we initially tried to do but it just bombed out on us for whatever reason let's see so here's winget PS1 let's see what do we have when get dependencies it should grab those and I I just tried this on server on Tuesday and it did work so we got the functions I think the functions are what's throwing this one off because I think it's trying to call a function within a function Maybe yeah function install when you till when get um so I think what we'll do on that maybe is ADD we got update invoke install yeah update environment okay we'll just we'll just do private functions right here we'll toss these in here as their own independent functions so let's go new file and this is going to be called update environment [Music] variables yeah I didn't want to use the Microsoft method though no profile PS command path oh man okay here we go function there let's just add our little cheat sheet at the top so we'll update programs via winget updates path variables for the current session sure that sounds good yeah this does check for if it's already installed so we have a minute all right we're going to close this one so we got update environmental variables making sure I didn't misspell it I have a tendency to do that should be good and then if we look over here function get latest URL um I don't particularly like how this one is grabbing things through like an uh iwr I kind of want to change these functions around we could honestly just get rid of the functions am I going to call this variable more maybe I might actually use that one so what I would do here is let's remove those we're gonna just get rid of get latest you are yeah let's see get latest URL is that anywhere else in here I do not see that anywhere else so we're gonna paste that guy in there then we're gonna get latest hash I don't know why these were broken out into oh this one is a little a little more tricky we're gonna grab and set the Sha variable and Shaw URL [Music] um it's actually a function of kind of need um I need to reject all these changes too I forgot I'm not even doing it in the proper spot but that's okay it makes sense in my mind it's gonna make sense for everybody else too after you cringe a little bit watch me do it uh uh yeah so we're gonna get rid of this but instead of calling that function there we're going to toss it above this function so I don't think we can Define the function inside of another function I could be wrong on that we're just going to test this real fast bear with me yeah we can curl it for sure I wanted to update this URL and grab the latest hash and also uh so I don't have to update this constantly and I don't want it to break every time there's a new version of when when you tell so that's kind of my thought process of doing it this method get latest hash and if we look at latest hash okay that's still there invoke and now we got some ivrs and RMS we'll update that to be more proper I guess proper not the double positive more proper um is a signed but never used so don't need that web client assigned but never used well before we delete those actually let's just take that copy it and then over here what we're gonna do damn it okay so then this is all our stuff but we need to make sure I call that other one let's go here winget discard changes sure let's just go ahead and pull that origin let's come back over to here all right why did I mess up here update environmental variables right there that's still being called I feel like that would work now let me fix some of these warnings real fast not necessarily needed but it's just good to do make me feel better that and if it's like an older version of Powershell that doesn't have that Alias or something it won't freak out so these two variables are never used apparently which makes sense because why would you ever call environmental temp let's just make sure those variables aren't in like update environment variable huh okay that should be good yeah RM Works in Powershell It's actually an alias for a remove item you can just do remove item instead but RM does work I actually made a huge Alias file with my Powershell so it does a lot a lot more hmm don't know why I even have that let's get rid of it we're not using this variable let's get rid of it or this variable let's get rid of it clean this up all right so now it's nice and clean I think we declared our functions properly everything should be called it's grabbing the latest hash downloads direct from Microsoft so in Microsoft updates like desktop app installer or um I think it's also using VC Libs or these other other aspects uh Microsoft UI xaml that might change I might need to update it as that goes we'll see we'll see how much they want to change when get around I do have a good feeling about this one though let's try it out winget fixes I think this one's gonna be it this is gonna be the money shot yeah if you guys ever thought like um like oh wait I'm missing icons really hmm what are my settings defaults parents huh yeah hmm interesting um some of my terminal fonts and stuff aren't showing up right here terminal icons while that's updating in the background I'm just gonna look let's make sure we have that module loaded does look like it's there so it must be something else that it's missing yeah it's already installed I wonder why I'm missing that icon maybe it's something I haven't installed yet what do we got in our Drive let's go into I'm just going to take a quick detour and install just a few fonts by a few I mean 187 let's just install those shall we yeah okay just grabbing a couple fonts I think I'm missing one I just don't feel like figuring out which one it is so uh yeah I use a couple couple fonts everybody likes fonts just have a folder full of them I'm like I'm missing one or two let's see did that fix our I don't know it's still broken okay is that really what the hell come on what is that font it's missing that's Windows bloat is its middle name uh huh maybe Starship yeah must be something in Starship oh well regardless I think we're good let's um I bet we can need a pull Let's uh head over to our VM that we've been testing alrighty so you'll see a lot of this change around on the refresh yeah let's see what this looks like it's gonna be interesting it is definitely going to be interesting but I think this will work this time around all right what what is this spam video editing moving in clip nobody uses clip champ dude all right all right looking better yes sir there it is all right that forcibly did it so now this should install winget on every install period like never should there be an install where win git can't be installed I'll just shut down and you're telling me you don't clip champ all your videos well all right we're gonna go here let's start it up we're gonna try Windows 11 now make sure everything's right with the world in old windows 11. or we'll go full screen with this one yes I think some might call it pointless all right all right here's a fresh install Stock Windows let's pretend like we're running our toolbox for the first time on this fresh windows Oh Lordy okay yeah just take my first child that's fine yep Cool Chris Titus Tech when you tell all right from here let's switch to our testing branch I'm going to come down here five minutes ago we did our update let's grab the raw file we are going to execute this in terminal so pull up our admin terminal irm toss that guy in and execute so this pulls it up do you want to install chocolate for now we're going to just say no and then we got our toolbox from here we're going to just say install Brave it says when gets already installed and it's going not bad so this should work on every iteration of Windows even server and ltsc so I like this method because it doesn't use the Microsoft store at all it forces all the dependencies in and just basically Brute Forces it into the system so you'll always have winget except on really old versions of Windows 10 like before 1807 which I don't think anybody's really using those anymore yeah or 1809 that's right yeah Wingate does require 1909 and newer but almost everything else should work so that is looking mighty fine on a stock install and then we'd be like all right we're good Edge and then our Edge we messed around with last week and figured out and got rid of it and made it default so that should fix wing it all together hot diggity dog if someone's using those versions they're probably still using Windows 11. yeah that's that's that's probably the truth man um what do we got yes all right all that shut down I think we're ready to do uh let's just fetch pull yeah we're good let's look at here what we're gonna do now is a PR so we're gonna go win util I need to just make this like my home page I go to it so often we're gonna compare and do a pull request all right so we're gonna go push our testing Branch to main let's see how many commits we have we have remove edge from start menu and desktop this fixes that we fix the UB key user service also there was a kiosk and AJ router disabled so it gives you a little bit more less processes um a merge Branch I don't know what that's from I can't remember the Telemetry tweak dupe tweak removal there's a couple spots where it was applying a tweak twice didn't want to do that hibernate actually deletes the hibernation file now and turns it off before it just turned it off uh cleaning up Windows update folder uh when you clear out stuff I do a rebase Now using dism with Windows update that cleans out the thing uh game DVR fix there's a problem with actually disabling game DVR where it was not disabling it all the way now it does uh fix consistency and variable names uh-huh also put a sbdx license someone requested that like having MIT license put in the code I was like sure so I put that in there uh derp uh did a good commit for a dark mode and then there's a bunch of other fixes good Lord how many commits am I doing here all right I'm tired of reading the comments let's just let's just go let's just create the pr IDE up let's go there's a lot that's a pretty big one let's look at our file changes they're probably not that many oh the Discord server's still around uh I think I still have it up don't I here I'll uh link it in chat for those that want to join the Discord I kind of I kind of like my Discord being kind of small but if you're hanging out in chat I'm sure you're good people I just try and keep it off the YouTubes where is that invite people yeah let's invite some people there we go okay let's uh do a quick preview that's all the tweaks yep yep yep uh get when you tilt dark mode oh yeah yeah oh this is a cool utility status that was changing this is all of that commit oh and then there was a problem with uh oh no shut up that this also fixed uh someone's complaining about I went ahead and put that in more wind git fixes damn wind get I regret I regret changing from chocolatey to win get but we also um derp has been working on improving it to where chocolaty will be a good fallback and we may even add scoop in soon as well because scoop has a couple packages I kind of like but uh yeah that's that's the future all right here we go Let's uh review oh I can't improve my own can't improve my own PR that's okay I just wanted to do a quick review uh let's look at our unit tests and see what it looks like oh yeah LTX I'm getting excited I can't wait to meet meet a whole bunch of people I haven't actually done a public event except for one during like shortly after covet I want to say it was 2020 still towards the end of 2020 uh met out like a little local Meetup of like 10 people or so it was it was cool like a Buffalo Wild Wings um but that's about the only public appearance I've ever made okay so that looks good anything else squash and merge giddy up let's get it I would love to see oh man I'd love to talk with Luke Smith that would be fun I like talking with with fellow nerves like whoever it is I don't even care if they don't like me I just like talking nerdy stuff that's just fun so I'm always like yeah I'll talk with anybody and I think I've actually been looking I've been stealing stuff from Luke lately I think I've been redoing some of my uh dwm and Luke has some really good one I think it's larbs is what he calls it and uh some of his stuff on his status bar I really liked uh it didn't I don't think I like dwm blocks that much and he uses that but a lot of his his grips are pretty pretty good I really have enjoyed using some of them all right so we got that um I think we're ready to delete this branch no open pull request yes yeah I think scoop Works a little bit differently for sure we're still working on some of the unit tests here I'll wait for this to go ahead and push through and then once that pushes through we'll launch into the terminal and then try it live so we got our 712 and then we go branches this one's been merged I think we are safe to delete test we'll create a new Branch today is 0727 test branch oops uh test 2023 let's try and be a little more uniform here create our new test Branch for people to do prs2 that's all set up and done with main I guess I should have looked at Maine before I did that Branch but ah I'm sure it's fine looks like it's still going through my unit tests should check out Arc theme it's a Nord type theme an official Debian repos okay I'll definitely look it out oh no no discord's for public uh Subs just get like a special role and then they get Auto invited so you get uh like if it's a sub from YouTube or twitch wherever you subscribe it'll uh give you a role for that and these unit tests are taking it Taking a little bit yeah I was I was actually 307 when I started lat so I've been doing nothing but just hammering stuff I just set my home page so like when I close out of my browser I open it I see when you tell you issues so uh every single day I try and Tackle something it's getting to like the meat and potatoes of the issues like the really difficult issues to tackle but I think we're to the point where it's like okay I think I I think I got it um let's pull up our last commit though Let's uh go to main branch fetch uh we'll pull and we'll go ahead and flip over to our new test branch if we go to history we're gonna do we'll call number 917 this PR we're gonna we're gonna do a lot with that PR but I think the big thing here was um yeah we'll just call 917 screw it I wanted to give it an exact commit I made for that but 917 encompasses quite a bit of fixes in the past weeks uh so this one is now got it it is done 917 let's reference rpr we're gonna do a lot of references to this PR close some more close some more issues my favorite reports were used when you tell PC broke set on fire I know I know you do get I'd say you get 50 of them are like that but I still appreciate people trying um some of them are not helpful but some of them are so it's like hey and I would prefer it just to be completely open like that with everyone being able to submit an issue because some people when they submit issues and I would say a good chunk of them are really good issues where I'm like hmm that is interesting that didn't happen for me but let me check it out and then sure enough if I do a little bit more digging I can replicate it and I'm like ah man that's awesome so that that does make a big difference uh when you tell something broke it I have run in a lot of those where I I find a lot of Windows users what they tend to do is like download and run like 30 tools and that that's wild because they'll like optimize their thing they'll they'll set up like their timings and change all this stuff maybe even change the scheduler in their CPU and just go completely wild and then run my toolbox and be like hey Uh something's not working right I'm like that's a little sus uh my tool doesn't really touch that so that does happen but hey and this black screening tabbing out of games I still haven't been able to replicate that yet uh you know what I'm just going to copy that I'm sure there's going to be other stuff in here I'm going to grab Hospital spend hours today configuring KDE desktop not finished but it's getting there Katie has some really good tweaks I still probably my favorite desktop environment if I had to choose one desktop environment to live in for the rest of my life it probably would be KDE it's still not perfect but it's close so that's that's kind of my thought uh program search does not work all righty and is there any other ones adding selection of software we really got to tackle that probably on the next stream we'll probably tackle that guy um some of these other ones should be pretty easy to get through like some of the Xbox errors and stuff those are usually simple little tweaks and remove like pre-installed blower that should also be pretty easy software request yeah anything else in here let's let's flip through we only got three pages of issues now laughs yeah I've been trying to get better at the tool I still would not recommend it in production for a big company uh that's something where I I think you should take and steal from my code and like design like a PS1 script that has zero interaction so that's a lot of the the original portion of my script was made because I had a script I ran from that's actually the origins of this script the very very beginnings of it before I even did win forums or the xaml or any of the stuff you see today it was mainly a PS1 script I used at my work that I ran on Startup on a new system so I'd throw up a new system and then I would just ran everything manually so I had a PS1 script but I would just program it all in so there was Zero user interaction you just ran the script and in the background it installed all the programs set all the settings and then that that computer was done so that was the whole origin of this script was me just taking that and going how do I make this easier for everybody and adapt it to everyone else's needs it's it's gotten uh as it's aged a little bit there's been a lot more a lot more nuances to it because there's certain things people do that I don't like use Edge and like fixing those things have been a little bit more of a a nuisance to get around but I'm getting there I'm getting there we'll get them all eventually just keep just keep at it and while I'm at LTX I might even work on win util a little bit too as I go through here I'm like all right you know we we've gotten a lot done just in the past week or two update tab changes Defender to disable hmm I always go back and forth on that win get UI with scoop to avoid infinite app requests it's probably something pretty easy I do want to add Tron script and reference it because that is good for removing viruses on Windows and these are pretty old I could probably close those out as we've attacked I think we've done most those tasks but we'll we'll Circle back around I think it's at a really good spot I'm really happy with all the progress that's happened this week so hey issue can't install edge actually funny you say that uh we actually have it on the development uh where is it can't reinstall Edge solution here uh what was it you can actually go and download web2 from the download selection and choose Standalone installer and manually install edge using this way so this method from pseudo Wolfie of course it's a Linux user to the rescue it uh it fixed it that's awesome and let's see there is an edge script removal and regedit delete that you have to do as well there's a couple other little nuances that I did that we'll we'll have to undo but we'll create a whole script to do all of that in one go for reinstalling Edge as all the pieces are there for us to do it it's just man getting rid of it was so hard now it's trying to get it back that is also almost equally as hard which is uh pretty hilarious oh just give Edge its own special tab and when you tell it's true oh my gosh Ashlyn dude [Laughter] uh make a script that uninstalls it and reinstalls it that's pretty much what this script will do on command uh so is this when you tell much more advanced than your old deep loader or just tweaked yeah the big problem I have with it is not necessarily doing what I want it to do it's having it its interaction with users this is the hardest part that I struggle with like when you launch into the script having it act in a way that a user would like and that's clean and then do it all on the Fly is like one of those things like having it in that user-friendly format is is the most difficult thing I struggle the most with and I think next week what I'm going to tackle the most or maybe I do it on the weekend I don't know we'll see I might because I I don't imagine I don't know how much free time I'm gonna have at LTX but I imagine it's going to be a substantial amount as I'm used to having almost all every minute of my day cataloged and I'm always got something going on but uh fixing this up like I think I'm gonna get rid of power throttling altogether uh changing num lock on Startup into a toggle switch like you see over here reading those settings on the Fly same with like file extensions uh display performance I'm not sure I might go between performance and visual um UTC dual boot that's for like Linux users uh and some of these things I could do a better job on how this works but these also need to be Advanced and I think I might add like a red background or something to really just caution people from going crazy over here I'd much rather people just click this and go uh then then anything else but we'll see we'll see what I end up with but it's always the challenge is always making it as user friendly as possible writing the scripts super easy if I if I was just like if you just said hey I needed to do all these things and that's it I could just do that the big issue is most users have different uh options they want and they want an easy way to switch between those options and that's the that's the catch just writing a PS1 script to just go do those things are super easy it's it's making the other uh making everybody happy which you can't really do but you can get close and that's where we're gonna happen it's it's just one of those things but yeah the the toggles will help a lot I think but it I think the big challenge with that is a lot of people don't realize this is never installing anything on your system you know maybe a winget install program that you choose but running this script it is building this GUI in real time this is not a program this is actually Powershell it's a xaml driven menu system built in Powershell on the Fly this is a script and a lot of people it's like say what because I've had people email me and go how do I uninstall your utility I'm like you you didn't ever install it because I have zero settings or anything that gets left behind the only thing that ever gets left behind from my script is if you go to like CD into temp um uh what is it temp ah geez where is that let's just go explore what temp no that's not it did I fat finger it I did no that didn't work either damn it I guess that shortcut didn't work just go temp all right there we go so if you go into the temp folder which is actually your user folder apt at a local temp only thing that ever gets left behind by my utility is this a little log file so every time you run it you can actually reference stuff that uh gets left behind or what you did in the the script which you know obviously man I've run this a couple times on this system huh oh that's right I remember when I was having problems with the Run space but you can easily yeah pretty cool but that's the only thing that ever gets left behind from the thing is just a log file I'm proud of that [Laughter] so basically you leave behind your own name for post promo yeah I I think in the original it's funny you should say that uh in the original win forms when it was back when 10 script before Windows 11 I had buttons to go to certain videos to like how to remove a virus and you click that button it'll launch my YouTube video and then I think when I referenced the win 10 script I changed the shortcut so it would launch the the YouTube video that would show you how to use the new script and what it all changed so there was a auto launch so those people that made shortcuts for the old win10 script using win forms would Auto get redirected and it would launch YouTube with their default web browser uh showing the new script tell you that's pretty good self promo and I probably got a couple couple Pennies from Google in ad revenue from it mm-hmm are you going to clean GitHub issues today I think we're pretty much done we closed down probably five or six GitHub issues that's pretty good I don't really do too much more than that in a day especially as we're getting kind of the meat and potatoes you can see what uh the development looks like right here what we're working on and kind of the remaining issues and these we'll we'll do is as we get through them we mark them done close them out and just toss them in the done done branch which is kind of cool so uh yeah that's that's a fun way of doing it I really love the more I I use GitHub the more I love it it's just there's so many neat utilities one other thing I need to probably look at some more is like the discussions I don't ever come over here uh which is fun so I need to look at that and uh work on those a little bit uh and probably answer some of these it's just issues pull requests and and usually my projects tabs the thing I focus the most on uh I'm I'm in Powershell I I whenever I'm in Windows I'm in Powershell like I love Powershell when I'm in Windows I and now I would love to work on this I've even tinkered with the idea of using this in Linux and programming this uh utility in there but then I'm like okay that's just silly because I'd have to I'd have to virtualize Windows and do it for just the testing of the utility because you can install Powershell in Linux it's just it checks syntax and stuff but you can't really test a lot of this stuff from the the toolbox obviously without windows all right y'all well I'm gonna get ready for old LTX I'm gonna shut her down early today sorry for the short stream but um we'll we'll see what I can do I might be able to pull a stream out I think I'm actually going to be streaming with Jeff gearling on Saturday I want to say at LTX uh for a couple minutes and then uh doing like a little meet and greet and then I don't know what else is planned we got two days of entertainment uh there it's gonna be interesting so I don't even know what to expect I'm just gonna show up and then probably try to eat all the free food so that I can get if there is free food I will be all about it and uh and just enjoy myself and probably enjoy the cold weather in Canada yeah that'll that'll also be fun so all right guys take it easy have a great one and I'll fill you guys in on next Tuesday's stream everything went down and then we'll probably tackle some more when you tilt uh or I don't know maybe depending on how much stuff I get done we might go back to dwm Titus and kind of fill it out as well so either way it'll be great all right Deuces all
Channel: Titus Tech Talk
Views: 6,465
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Id: hKINo6mRaXg
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Length: 68min 24sec (4104 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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