First Time NixOS Install with Customization

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it's time for NYX OS it's been a while actually it's been never but I've used the crap out of their package manager and today we will be taking the Venture on them home production machine no no VM here no virtual machine we're going full Knicks minimal build with dwm kind of like what you see here but I've been working a little bit with dwm and we're going to change this this is actually was Peter Jensen's uh configuration that he sent me I've been working on my laptop with dwm I really really like dwm with its just everything's baked into the the binary so you you literally can't screw it up it's impossible to break you can't put a bad configuration because it won't compile if you do so I have really really enjoyed uh dwm far more than I thought I would but using NYX OS as a base is something I've always wanted to try it's been there I love the package manager I don't know much about the base OS though I know that when we go to search to install stuff like let's say we're going to install Brave I know that when you do this like NYX OS configuration you just have a a configuration file you just throw all your packages right here and then it just installs them automatically so it's a setup once OS and then it just doesn't matter how many times you reinstall it just puts everything back so very replicatable I love it I know some businesses use it and it does run into it's considered a stable release every six months it it happens so that is what's on the agenda for today is NYX OS minimal install with just dwm the thing I'm kind of I don't know how it'll end up is how does it do dependency resolution how's it going to do a minimal install when it needs xorg and some other things that I need to build out there's a lot of things probably for prep work we need to do and I'm going to try and do that on the front end before we wipe out Old Rocky Linux Rocky Linux has been great for us it's been a fun experiment and I've really enjoyed the structure of it more than I have a lot of other installs I've done but I think it's time to go into the unknown uh because I kind of want to start laying out the configuration of Nyx OS we've already downloaded you can see NYX OS over here let's open it up um I'm trying to think did I did I install a file browser on this I can't remember I think I have a bad configuration on my file browser or or I just didn't install it let's see which is it I don't know yeah it's a bad configuration okay let's just uninstall that configuration shall we um we need to sooner let's just get rid of thunar and then if we do it yeah sooner is fine now it was a bad configuration it was just failing on me that's why it was taking forever to Launch um so let's get thunar up and start looking at the downloads we'll create that and then we're gonna get kind of our packages so it should be like an all-in-one just knock it out all right we're gonna go to images drop it in here so that's going to be NYX OS I am grabbing the minimal ISO of Nyx because I don't want NYX installing KDE or gnome which are the two desktop that it sets up by default I don't want any of those tools actually so I kind of want to pick out what we're choosing on this and I feel like the way to do it is to create our own configuration.nix file and then grab all the stuff we're going to use that would be kind of cool I feel like uh that would be neat Let's uh come into probably our images directory media images and let's Vim it's a configuration.nix yeah configuration.nix and yes oh what is NYX our Nix nil LS I mean I imagine it'd be our Knicks Maybe oh cargo's not executable I don't have cargo installed now well not does not matter so we're going to copy this configuration over to here and then we're gonna just add to these packages so for like NYX environment Q we have all these packages let's just uh copy this paste it here and now we're gonna just do a substitute command let's just go full file substitute dash dot star um and why didn't they grab plus Weyland hmm let's just get rid of that and then let's just grab the beginning of these lines we're going to substitute the beginning with a carrot and add pkgs Dot that sounds good and this will be an easy way to kind of past our stuff so we're just going to grab oh man that's so cool I don't think we need some of these though I think we'll leave next get rid of that'll be there already picon Powershell I'm Gonna Leave most of these just in case we want to go to a different configuration like go back to our bspwm hmm yeah I think that'll be good now let's take a look at what our install packages are dnf list okay being for dwm we do have some issues there maybe xorg probably xorg is what we're going to have to grab let's see what that looks like what kind of packages xorg oh we're gonna have a lot I bet you to grab all the dependencies though let's do X in it because X in it would grab all the dependencies and should be fine so like an xorg X in it like this would grab so much oops wrong copy command so that would grab our xorg which would be what we used to render our display and what else we got uh is this using Nvidia no no no this is an AMD card in here we're good there what other packages do we have Vulcan AMD GPU I'm kind of think we do need Vulcan tools let's see about that Vulcan tools maybe not yeah no we're gonna leave that off how does NYX what is what does NYX do for virtual machines has anybody run virtual machines and Knicks that's a question I have for chat yeah because I use qmu with vert manager right now and that would be pretty awesome NYX can be both a stable and a rolling release there's an unstable version of Knicks much like Debian unstable and then there's a stable version of Nyx so you can actually do both we're doing obviously the six month stable it'd be like installing a Debian bookworm yeah there should be qmus must have so we'll see how NYX does with virtualization let's see qmu yeah qmu is going to be there I want to see how it does with dependency resolution so let's just do vert manager because vert manager should uh should kick up quite a few different dependencies with that uh let's just grab vert manager da we'll put that into our NYX configuration as well all right I imagine we do probably should put qmu in there as well too just just around the bases qmu yeah that's such a simplistic virtualization package that doesn't make any sense not to so right here let's just put packages qmu okay moving on right now I'm just looking at all the packages that are currently installed on my system we're going to just try and grab most of these from Nyx should have unzipped in here which I don't see so let's grab unzip because that's a package I'm going to need yeah packages on zip I could have guessed that uh so we got unzip uh thunars usually what I use for my package manager funar is probably just going to be thinner yeah xfc okay it's a little different glad I looked that up I would have put the wrong thing so let's put xfc thunar tldr is such a clutch tool I have used that to death I absolutely just adore tldr it's so much better than using man or uh dash dash help uh it's it's once you've once you've started doing tldr you just can't go back so there's tldr probably should do tiny PNG and set that up as well just because I do use that for conversion when I'm making a an article on Chris this just looks like all of I don't know what text live is but there's a lot of it hmm [Music] I'm pretty sure probably NYX uses system D I'm kind of want to design a system with you know open RC or in it d uh I really miss that especially since the last stream we were really working on like Alpine Linux a little bit we installed that that's just it's fun that's just fun in in general to do let's grab lutras and then steam as well from here so we just this package is Steam for that and then lutras I imagine it's just lutras other couple different variants of lutras yeah continuing on there's a lot of garbage in this that I installed hence it's not very much a minimal system uh uh there's all our rusts good night how much rust did this install all right let's uh um it's just a lot of packages I don't want to scroll through all of it forever so we're gonna just go we're gonna just do it uh dwm install on this NYX OS we can just grab dwm just so it grabs the dependencies so we're gonna be obviously building dwm anyways but we can use the install just to grab any dependencies dwm might need we've got xorg which is the big thing we've got dwm I've kind of waffled offline going between display managers like light DM or sddm for the boot process and auto login scripts or just modifying Getty the login service to just Auto log in the user I kind of gone back and forth I see the benefits of both and at the end of the day I think I like the most minimal approach which is just modifying Getty to Auto log in and launch everything through an X init script like you see down here with the xorg X in it I feel like that's probably the best solution so we have that uh let's cat our Etc FS tab you can see that's what we're rocking our home directory is set as a volume group on lvm and we got a lot of different stuff going so we're gonna wipe out boot boot EFI and the localhost live swap file as well and live root so let's just copy Etc FS tab to Media images I feel like this actually should probably go to home but um let's also copy this to um Titus do we have like backups because I still need to clean up my backup my own directory is getting ridiculous I have reinstalled so many times my home directory is just become Bonkers um but that's okay backups okay yeah let's just overwrite that all right greatness I think we're ready now the new you'll see the new dwm I'm not quite done designing it but close very close but let's start our install on this system Dynamic window manager is what dwm stands for it's a secless tool you have to compile it you can't install it through a package menu I mean you can install it for a package manager but that's just like the base config it's not uh not as fun yeah we're going full Knicks at last exciting times are ahead of us Mark Market on the stream here 33 33 is the time for Knicks to finally happen did I put it where did I put it I think this is where I put it oh yeah hydrate important that's kind of funny I just noticed all my Arch Linux it's like once a year in January I'm like let's reinstall Arch that's kind of funny I just noticed I haven't cleaned that up and all of them are in January except right here that was not January I think it was probably when I was doing architis back in 2021 that's funny all right let's go to Nick's Nicks where are you at nix oh no ah man I forgot I forgot something uh that's that's not what I meant to do Ella yeah probably need to do that I'm back when I pretended to be an arch user hey people are still salty that I I stopped art although I got my art shirt on today [Laughter] uh I still pretend to be an arch user from time to time depends if you catch me on the right day there is nothing wrong with Arch if that's you if that's what you know that's what you like then that's what you like um we're gonna go back into our Rocky install one last time because we forgot to uh copy that ISO over I've Loved You Rocky Linux you've served me well but it's time so we have this let's go into our images where did I put Nyx oh I need to fix my collating on the next system I hate it when they don't properly alphabetize caps in lower case um NYX OS minimal there it is all right and Vin toy yes I forgot to put next there okey dokey and oh did I put the Nyx configuration over there too let's grab that why we're here did I not save that file oh crap oh it's under configuration next okay my bad all right let's grab that and put that in Vin toy so we can easily access this stuff uh now I'm thinking about it in my home folder I have a backups let's grab that FS tab as well and toss that on Vin toy just so I can refer to all those map drives oh one other thing we're going to be missing from NYX config oops oh well whatever it's fine let's reboot away we go it's happening for real this time it's a false start but that's okay come on boot menu did I get it yes yeah I did Ashlyn as far as getting the message you sent uh about installing any Windows uh thing using that GitHub project I went ahead and went back to the video clip I made from a live stream in the past and copy that I gave you credit for it too to Ashland thanks so much for sending that over that's gonna help somebody that's looking to install an old version all right NYX OS here we go all right looks kind of like an arch setup that's interesting NYX OS help ah NYX OS help okay oh they got a little manual well isn't that sweet installing okay now we did do the manual setup because I didn't want to do uh didn't want to do it the easy way I like I like making my life hard that and I want the most minimal setup here too uh let's see sudo-i so you can load keys and switch your keyboard profile set font we should probably do like a set font or 22 probably we can do that okay so partitioning and formatting probably should have read this before uh before launching it but that's okay hmm okay UA Phi create a oh dang everything's super manual all right it feels like I'm installing arch for the first time again back before they had the what are the calamares install tool that's awesome okay once a primary GPT partition make partition primary yeah you can go with the graphical ISO but I don't want all that bloat I don't want to install gnome or KDE so that's why I chose this method interesting so how is it loading it so you go ahead and partition everything you got your swap you have your primary and that's it yeah so you're just creating a partition table a root partition a swap partition and then a boot partition which is in the dash boot partition so I like that setup so that's using ESP let's see it's an interesting way of doing it probably will just use G parted I kind of like G part it better than parted um ESP et32 one Meg 512 set three ESP on yeah all right then you got Legacy which is fine we got formatting wow oh this kind of kind of reminds me of that we're gonna have an interesting go at it I'm gonna forget all this it's been so long since I've done a manual install like a true manual install and then you do the install after you partition all right well let's take a stab at it shall we we're gonna skip the swap though uh all right yes all right so we're going to first go with suda we'll just switch to super user and then let's go BLK ID let's map out what drive we want to use First uh uh okay nvme in one is our Windows drive so let's not wipe it out you know me I have a tendency of wiping out everything but uh nvme e0 in one is our current drive with Rocky and everything installed we have those Dev mappers for the lvms for the Swap and also the live root that you see there we need to wipe that out although I think if we just do G parted Dev nvme zero in one I think that oh dang it can I do like a NYX environment q a g parted oh that'd be cool let's try see if I can't like create a NYX environment inside of Nyx OS installer tool to use g-parted because I don't want to use parted sometimes this does take a little bit you should be able to with Nick shell Dash p g parted okay let's try that Nick well let's first go APA do we get an IP yeah we got an IP okay so let's try Nick shell Dash p I don't have to do Nick's packages anymore it's nice G parted oh oh I'm liking it I'm liking it that's so sweet g-parted do we have uh oh I cleared that out can't remember was it g parted depth I gotta figure out what the hell is my USB doing but uh nvme e0 in one oh not g parted CG CG parted is that it no what's the graphic it's like a graphic terminal parted command I thought it was it's not CF I think it's just C parted right I know maybe CG parted I think CG parted I don't know why I was thinking g-parted let's see if we can just grab CG parted is that a thing no I know there's CF parted okay that's not there either exit this ah CG parted CF parted okay CF part it's definitely a tool okay it's not there hmm interesting so it drops into a shell and then you can do configurations with certain ones there's just parted hmm CF disk now that's what I was thinking of I'm such a bonehead that's right see uh I think it's actually CG disk is what I was looking for maybe it was CF disk uh what oh what if I go just see okay that does work it's already there I'm searching crazy person all right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this is what I wanted it was CG disk uh CF disc is for traditional dos Legacy system CG disk is for G GPT UEFI systems so we have this and I think does this have format commands I can't remember um we have a one gig Linux well I think we can just go delete delete and uh EFI system partition EFS all right let's just delete that let's go new a partition size let's go 500 m uh oh no actually cancel cancel no oh dang it oopsies my bad try that again round two all right first sector size in sector 500m type of file system code I think it just we need EFI there's the EFI partition let's just do an l l what was it I feel like there was another UEFI partition too so there's e f which would be yeah there's EF zero zero I want to say there's another one too I don't think I need it but I was just curious I was just curious on the different ones hmm let's just do an l oh here we go continuing down okay so then there's the BIOS one which is ef02 which would be a bios boot partition so if you're doing a legacy one you'd want to do that obviously we don't so EF 0 0 would be the hex code new Partition name we're just going to call EFI boom 500 Megs and then we're not doing a swap if we want swap we can just do a swap file the difference between swap file and swap partition not a whole hell of a lot a lot of people give all this credit to swap partitions being like infinitely faster or something but in testing I have not seen almost any difference between a swap file and a swap partition interesting tidbit so why why bother gunking up your partition table with the swap partition is what I say um what kind of file system do we want just do Linux file system root alrighty let's write that out sounds good to me we'll destroy all the data yes all right we're done uh what was the next step was it just like Nyx Dash install okay uh oh NYX OS Dash install uh NYX Mount Etc doesn't exist interesting probably should look more into that help file was it NYX Dash help I can't remember what we were using try Nix OS generate conf into mmt okay so how Arch Linux does it from here is it uses it's Pac-Man and you're you're you mount the file so you probably would have mounted the file system before this because if you go into let's just do it let's be okay just to get kind of a readout of our file system you can see here what we're doing and you can see our oh that's wrong why is this not reflective of our partition changes huh we did wipe that out did we not it does not look like we did I don't think it accepted our rights hmm let's reboot let's just uh I'd hate to what the hell did I wipe out then that's a unfortunate oh yeah yeah let's increase magnification so you all can see the mistakes when I make them all right let's go Knicks oh what what is going on here I only downloaded the minimal installer hmm that's interesting okay next OS Dash help or if we get lost again uh I wanted to do that blkid uh let's switch to City Uber be okay ID couldn't read it all okay it is now reflecting the proper partition scheme that we set up it just needed a reboot we probably could have like re-initialized the drive uh somehow and then had it reread it but you can see our partitions are there and those lvms did get wiped out so if this is like Arch if we go into mmt there's nothing there and if we do like oh let's do set font tur V 22 in yeah let's get that a little bit clearer for you guys all right so this is what we're working with um and I didn't wipe windows we actually did it right and if we look at the partition layout right now we want to write the install to nvme e0 in one so I'm guessing here let's just see if my guess is right let's do like a mount Dev in vme 0 1 in 1p2 M into the mount directory like that wrong file system so probably the issue here is we've we didn't format these things oh gosh formats uh it's not format it's a make FS Dot fat oh God bless I can't remember exactly what was it make FS dot fat I want to say f 32 and then we would do Dev in vme e0 in one p one I don't hope that I don't screw this up uh and I believe that just formats it right is there a quick format option I don't think there is okay I think that should have worked and then make FS Dot um we could do better FS yeah well let's not confuse ourselves let's just do an ext4 can't remember the options for ext4 I don't think there was much I want to say I just do like a nvme 0 1 n1p2 something like that oh do I need to specify that as a bootable one on that partition uh make FS dot fat was there a bootable option Dash in is what they said yeah maybe not I think I got it the partition itself might need a boot flag I can't remember I know I think on EFI we don't how do I mute stream elements I don't think you can mute it okay well let's uh try that mount command one more time so there we go and then what we do is like boot and then we do P1 oh I need to update the schedule yeah because we're doing Tuesday Thursday now uh does not so I think we just do make directory boot and then try that again all right so now if we look at our Destructor directory structure this is a typical Linux install I'm guessing here so you know what you see here at the bottom you should see that nvme e0 n1p1 that's our EFI one is is mounted to dash m t Boot and then the root where all the data is pretty much stored is M and T there's one more here the lvm the vg1 lv1 that pry needs to be mounted into mmt home Titus as my home directory but I like to kind of install the OS first and then make that directory yeah all right so now we have NYX OS install uh but if when we run NYX OS install it says we need mmt Etc NYX OS configuration does not exist feel like there's something else we're missing here too let's just do help let's go installing the OS again booting the installation media let's go manual install let's see what we're missing networking the installer we're already doing DHCP it already grabbed it we looked at an IPA we did our partitioning and formatting uh we could have done the in boot that's just a label though we can come back it's not really important installing so the installation Mount the target file in m t yeah that makes sense ufi systems you need to do this look at that look at that I guess that that's beautiful and next you need to create a file configuration.nix that's cool the Knicks generate comp dash dash root MNT then you should edit the configuration.nics to suit your needs let's see how far off this is from what we did next you must select your bootloader we recommend the recommended option system D boot I don't really like the recommended option I like grub if you want to use grub set boot.loader.grubdevice to nodev and then boot.loader.grub.efi support to True okay good to know that's a helpful configuration all right neat so the big thing here is generating the comp file with uh root MNT Nix OS generate that config and then root MNT yes NYX OS generate config dash dash root Dash m t okay so then we go into we have them oh look at that it comes with them already after my own heart here Vim Etc Vim Etc ah M and T C NYX OS configuration okey-doke what do we have this is neat all right so set your time zone we'll go yeah we're gonna go America uh Chicago no proxy configurate keymap for X11 nah leave it no cups we will enable need some sound here pulse audio I wonder if they're using pipe wire or pulse audio I guess we'll figure out touch pad don't need Define a user account don't forget to set a password with PSW okay kind of neat oh you get to pick the packages here interesting okay uh We're Not Gonna Be Alice we'll just call this Titus okay this package is installed with system profile Nana oh yeah let's do that oh God I gotta get rid of that error message it's driving me crazy USB 3 just sucks but oh well uh networking firewall enable false yeah we're just gonna disable it disable it for now copy NYX OS configuration file link it with resulting this is useful in case you accidentally delete the configuration file yeah I guess I could see me deleting the system configuration file let's be real pretty sure that's the end of the config it's pretty simplistic so we're doing LSB okay Vin toys Dash ISO if we cat or let's do an LS dot ISO oh I don't have all my configuration from there darn it I don't think I can mount that either because of how Vin VIN toys set up that's okay if I was smart I would have put it on a different disk but I'm not smart I didn't so I will just have to rely on the stock configuration and then see how can we we'll figure out how to rerun that um one other thing I'm just seeing on the bottom here I guess we'll do let's just do system EFI system D we'll try and change that after the fact that should be fun enable X11 windowing service yes we do want X11 us X server we're not going to change that one other thing here let's get rid of that um you know I think we could actually set this up as like Brave instead of Firefox Nic search environmental packages so just Nick's command I like it some programs need suid wrappers can be configured [Music] um services pretty Bare Bones all right now I feel better yeah I could disable the stream elements it's bothering you too much once I get everything set back up here hmm all right so if we look at we generated the was it help let's look at this one more time and we're just flipping through looking at our install so now that we've got the configuration we didn't really change anything from the stock just like instead of Firefox and Thunderbird we're just installing Brave we're going to do a NYX Dash or next NYX OS Dash install it would set the root password or root user which is fine man that seems so simple I feel like that might not work you should now be able to boot into Nyx OS every time you change the configuration you should log in and change the root password or password WD you probably want to create some user accounts as well this can be done with user ad which I think that was actually part of the configuration.nix we'll see if Titus gets created or not and this is the summary yeah that's slick I'm good documentation goes a long ways is there some things you definitely would get tripped up here um the bootloader grub device example configuration I don't think we need that though so we should be fine that's fine We're Not Gonna over complicate it we'll figure it out afterwards so NYX OS install let's see what happens all right building the configuration yeah I'm curious to see all the different paths we can take here what are the odds we'll be able to reinstall our stuff I'm kind of looking at the packages it's installing it's grabbing a good bit a lot of libraries we got Nick sudo there's our X tools the drivers I suppose units price system D units looks like installs X screensaver I still love the Gibson model from X screensaver still one of my favorite screensavers of all time system D and UW rules it is installing pipe wire I was wondering about that created all the EFI stuff looks like it's good now let's set up our root password password updated so we take a look at our oh it unmounted unmounted at all okay so let's reboot and see if we get uh NYX OS installed properly don't know if it actually installed my user though that's that's the question oh you know what the user's not going to be able to log in because I didn't set a password so that's that's a problem all right let's see what NYX OS looks like all right there it is okay what did it install oh there's nothing I was like I didn't install a desktop environment it's like nope you sure didn't it does look like it's using this looks like light DM where's this gnome now I think that's light DM all right fine TTY yes there's TTY let's go root password did it create the tightish user okay it did nice uh let's set our font right uh oh set font ter V 22 in unable to find file hmm all right how do we install stuff we have NYX what's the Nix command do I've always wanted to use the Nyx command we got examples look at this hmm NYX build tool for building a software blah blah blah sub commands oh it's set faunter let's just see what we have available on set font oh set font dash dash help usually it gives you files are loaded from the current directory Etc kbd console font ah okay what do we have to choose from here set font hmm I guess we don't have any uh we need to get Terminus fonts going for sure uh we'll use like uh I'm thinking lat two Terminus 16 probably would be good I want a little bigger though do we have anything bigger than that hmm well a lot of small fonts to choose from I guess we could use a sun font I mean Sun 12 by 22. it works it looks a little weird but once uh we'll uh we'll address that once we get some better fonts installed hmm so how do we install things these are things you probably should look up before doing NYX but where's the fun in that so we have Nyx shell which builds it in a shell there's NYX environment which creates its own environment but since we're using NYX OS we should be able to just put it like NYX OS Dash install kind of thing but that's how you install the system all right let's go see how their help file hmm um there is no command for this so I guess the big thing here is um how do we install the first challenge and why does this USB 3 Port 1 keep popping up oh my gosh guys driving me nuts ah sorry how we do have the Nix configuration do we have them okay great we do have them so if we go Vim can fit them Etc um Nyx is it NYX OS mix OS configuration all right we have this so if we change this does it automatically just update the system questions full Nicks okay now this is where you make your changes and then you just run a NYX rebuild switch it can't be that easy right Can it can it be that easy that feels too easy so you have the system packages right here so what if we do like a dwm we'll use like the stock dwm until we get our I think Braves already installed so we have vimw get dwm and brave uh we also need like neofetch neofetch so then we do Knicks OS rebuild switch oh wait ah dang it NYX OS Dash rebuild switch building Nicks building the system configuration is it gonna okay that seemed fast oh okay it worked cool that is super cool all right so I bet you if I remember right the package oh here's what we're going to do wait oh you guys are gonna like this you're gonna like this a lot uh let's grab that VIN toy package SDC one it looks like let's uh do a mount Dev SD SDC one M2 M and T uh make directory M and T what Mount Point does not exist hmm oh what the hell where am I I'm in root uh uh that's funny okay yeah let's just come into here all right let's look let's go make directory MNT now and then let's do our Mount that was funny okay so then we go into Mount and we should have that configuration.nix perfection it's about to get real up in here that'd be so cool uh NYX OS configuration all right we did that to make this magical magical thing happen we're going to retrieve a cat of m t forward slash configuration Nyx compliance oh wait wait we don't need this don't need that let's just get that rid of that um I'll just grab these guys substitute pkgs dot dot to nothing alrighty and fix our indent oops wrong indent end it that way oh no ah I mean it's not the end of the world but let's let's fix that oh I forgot the default Vim kind of sucks oh well why did I have alacrity in there was that alacrity uh it was let's switch that with Kitty I know the indents wrong chat but we're gonna just rock that all right great so now we're gonna go NYX OS rebuild switch aha Oh shoot what GitHub oh github's not a valid package I'm probably it's probably like GitHub CLI or something G settings why do I have G settings weird not a valid package one more time third time's the charm okay maybe fifth time's the term one second uh papyrus and I had a whole bunch of packages that don't exist all right xdgs next all right yeah all right now this is gonna work all right oh it doesn't like to install Steam because of uh non-free by default for NYX OS rebuild you can set Nick's packages allowing free in the configuration next on where do I put that ah nixpackages dot config allow unfree that's like camel case I suppose okay where would I put it I imagine beat towards the top right these are Imports and if I was importing something I'd probably put it up now that's an import variable hmm alrighty should be in so where do I put it though anywhere in the config file is fine that seems wrong literally anywhere really okay well let's just put it at the top well don't forget the camel case true and I always forget the semicolon but that should be good alrighty Nyx rebuild switch yeah it seemed to work I bet steam's gonna grab quite a bit this should grab almost any kind of graphic thing we need I don't necessarily like let's say I'm not going to use Steam on here I still kind of like to install it if I'm playing games on this system which obviously I'm I'm kind of a gamer so I kind of want to check it out man it's so cool so far though it might be my forever distro I don't want to jinx it it's only been an hour but it could be my forever distro I really like its design like it feels Forward Thinking [Laughter] it it did yeah we'll see we'll see uh yeah stream steam will grab wine as well his wine will be needed for proton man it is building a lot though I did put a lot in there I just kind of wanted the base packages uh what do you guys think the package count will be because at the end of the title of the stream is the most minimal install what are we thinking with steam and all those 32-bit libraries obviously we're going to be a little more bloated than a true minimal install but this is like a minimal Linux gaming install really 69 I like that I like that I'm surprised we didn't get a 42. 690 packages 500 ish man that seems awfully low because we are using steam with the 32 paper I'm going to say a thousand yeah I'm saying a thousand will probably be it because when you install Steam it immediately installs probably at least 300 packages because all those 32-bit packages bloat things up but can it run crisis we're about to find out I think steam does have a built-in browser as well believe it or not I I don't know uh we'll see what it ends up doing if it was going to do a make I wonder if there's a way to speed this up with a thread count I mean it's not going slow it might be already using Max threads actually this is going pretty quick yeah this is my main machine Rocky is gone NYX is the new the new operating system of choice I've never used NYX so I was like I love the Nyx package manager so given my love for the next package manager the OS has to be like even better right that was my thought process going into today Rocky lasted one week I think it was two weeks that's a pretty long time in in my world but I love so what I hate is when you go to install like a new distro and it's like holding your hand and it's just more of the same like I love the thought process in the out of box thinking that went into Knicks especially when it comes to automation like once you get this NYX file built you can literally just throw it on a new system and go here here chat you want to install everything that you saw on the stream I'll give you my comp configuration.nix file you pop that configuration Nix file into your system go and do these type things it will replicate my system one-to-one for you you're not going oh crap I forgot this dependency or I need this it will be everything on mine no other Linux distribution has that you can create scripts you can do other things to kind of replicate it but that has so much human error where this is is the package in the configuration.nix file yes it gets installed that's pretty legit but yeah yeah there I'm sure there'll still be some changes especially when it comes to the dot configuration files so when we get into building out like um I wonder if we could automate this I bet we can because there's there's a lot of packages and nicks that are really neat but I really think grabbing like my DOT files and some there's going to be other little gotchas but they'll be pretty minimal so you get like my dark theme so I probably would throw everything in I'm going to redesign how I'm doing my DOT files there's two things on my DOT files I'm thinking of just for replicating this dot local share and going to a an xdg correct format so in the past I've thrown fonts and themes and other stuff into home dot fonts and home dot themes that's actually incorrect that's a bad practice hopefully nobody looked at me and copied because that's not exactly the way you should do it what you should do is put that xdg into dot local forward slash share forward slash fonts or forward slash themes in that directory that's where xdg which is what like determines your default uh terminal or your default uh folders or your default path that's going to show up in your start menu or whatever uh that's kind of how that works and that's probably where we should do all of that and that'll also make it very nice for when you go into like a flat pack that's where flat pack will look because it uses the xdg standard as well so it'll be your flat packs will act a little better too from past things so I'm just thinking through all those little things to where if we just copy the dot config and the dot local and then toss that in a new install that'd be pretty awesome oh yeah I need to look at flakes flakes will be interesting or you could set the appropriate xdg environment variable we could probably set some of those xdg environment variables in our DOT profile which X in it should also run on Startup now the next thing I want to kind of see how we modify NYX a bit here too I'm curious to see about modifying Getty and then how it interfaces with X in it be kind of cool yeah I mean you really don't need flat pack for NYX even though it probably would work like NYX has pretty much every package you possibly could want flat pack since Snaps are the double you've been watching too much Chris Titus Tech uh oh man where was I the other day I think I was like on a Linux meme subreddit and I was reading and my name popped up but I looked at it I was like oh that's unfortunate and it was uh I think some pretty jaded vets are probably the Arch Linux crew because I often don't speak highly of arch even though it's it's a good distro you know I still love arch for what it is and they they're like yeah that Chris taught us Tech he knows servers but he doesn't know anything about Linux desktop but I'm like okay [Laughter] at the end of the day everything's like based on Linux server like you can literally do anything in the CLI how is knowing like a gooey tool in Linux gonna help you I I don't understand that like that was a weird comment and then it got like a whole bunch of upvotes and I'm like wow okay that's enough internet today for me you know this the flat pack versus snaps debate uh it's always interesting I mean I'm getting to the point where I'm like I just don't think either or a true solution I think flat pack is better than snaps but still a substandard solution in my opinion I still would hate to install more than 10 flat packs on my system there's a couple of things where I I sacrificed that belief a good one's like a mutable file systems you pretty much have to use them like if it's an immutable file system you put it anywhere but your home folder that's gonna get wiped out by the way NYX has a utility that creates a package for an app image URL that's cool yeah I can't wait to dive into some more of these Nick options between flakes the shell if you need like a sandbox version you can do that through I believe it's Nick stash shell you can do special environments with Nixie and V and that's how it's done on other systems which I've been messing with that's kind of how I've always used Nick's package managers through a NYX environment so man so many cool little things God bless how long is this gonna take oh you can even redirect your configuration file with the switch and then the dash l command okay yeah I've noticed that too lab and I've actually done like a NYX environment in a specialized directory when installing mix on the steam deck so I use the Nyx packages on the steam deck uh I think I even had to do a separate user base systemd service to to adjust things a little bit so on Steam updates it wouldn't wipe out my NYX packages because I had to switch it from the the root NYX package directory to a home NYX package directory that was a little bit difficult to to put in but once I got that in NYX is working great on a steam deck and that's nice because then you can install anything oh is that a pipe not an L okay or no I and I I'm sorry that's yes Dash I uppercase i okay that's funny uh I as an information well I also have like my chat on like a super small screen up here although I will say the new new desk configuration with the up and down monitors I love it so good for stable and up-to-date software gaming would you say go fedora oh Ah that's a hard one I mean if you don't really want to mess with your system very much I've recommended nubara in the past which is based on Fedora and the reason why I say that because glorious egg rolls probably probably the de facto standard when it comes to Linux gaming like he just knows his stuff and he makes nubara and he chooses so many great defaults way better than 99.9 percent of the users out there so if you're doing a lot of gaming on Linux I would say nabaro's really what you should install it's gonna have the best defaults it's gonna have the best compatibility and that's because glorious egg roll makes it and he's the guy that makes like proton GE GE means glorious egg roll and uh man it's it's really good okay that was a lot of packages neofetch what are we at yeah oh 1585 packages all right yeah thanks Michael yeah I'll be sure and remove the stream elements if it gets annoying I kind of imagined it would be like that so from here we should have dwm not really hmm that's okay we'll just drop into TTY too um what do we have for our home folder you know what I'm gonna do here let's there's nothing in here right now and it's under Titus users those are groups users and wheel let's just Mount our old volume group um I need to check to see if there's lvm command what would that be maybe do we have git dang it do we have to do a rebuild every time we want to install a package I guess you do uh it gets annoying I guess when first setting up a system but still not bad oops yeah we're probably missing mini xorg the dependencies probably did not quite get there oh that's right you need to move it from your packages and add this Services DW oh okay wow this is so weird okay so we have X server enabled true so then we would do Services dot X server Dot Window Manager dot dwm enable equals equals true I know true interesting when you want to permanently install it yes although you can just do a Nick stash LP get to get a temporary shell does that shell get destroyed when you exit it that'd be interesting you can do it with an unstable okay yes it gets destroyed so if you do just need a one-off command uh next Shell would just install it interesting that's cool all right so let's come here I'm sure this is just like a get and then Nick's OS rebuilt whatever oh man my history is getting wiped out switch uh I I need to reinstall my bash anyways it's all good oh it did not redo my history I was in my user yeah that's a problem okay so now we have that what if we go back into wait was it tty7 yeah still there yeah so let's before we reboot what if we do like a pseudo system CTL restart light DM is that not light DM does it handle system D services differently is it even using system d what did I miss the services are handled by Nix so interesting Noah's is going to be a little bit of a mind F right here because system d you can't interact with it directly because the services are somewhere else okay let's take a look system CTL dash dash all ah let's see I'm looking there's a Getty service I swear that's light DM is it not because I don't see that so strange there's not very many services here hmm you have to set it in the configuration huh what bookmark manager are you using I don't I don't know what you're talking about on the bookmark manager all right let's reboot so everything's in configuration.nix means more reboots and but that's okay once it's set up it's set up it can't really break it sounds like a challenge to me [Laughter] all right um there is none plus dwm let's see do we have yeah okay all right um oh what is the default binding for D menu oh I didn't install demon you okay crap what are the default bindings on dwm yeah we didn't even install St now man that's okay TTY TTY to the rescue anytime you get in trouble the beauty of Linux is you can just say you know what give me the console I will just fix it myself um I did want to mount this so let's come back one we're gonna go into super user mode all right we'll have Titus Titus we're going to copy Titus to Titus Nix uh we're gonna have to do a recursive on that and then we're gonna Mount that FS tab let's just remove Titus and then what we're going to grab is the LV oh shoot lvm guys the lvm is going to be a problem I don't think I can mount the lvm oh cool it installed LV by default oh nice that's clutch yeah oh so nice so nice of it Dev bg1 yes okay I think on this one I can just do a mount the vg1 lv1 I forget if I have to specify I can't remember I think it was better off fast uh home Titus I make directory tennis CD Titus oh crap okay backpack you mount um Titus um this actually needs to be a mount just home then we do a list oh boy all right there's all that uh uh I wonder if it's gonna mess with my Knicks that much now we'll figure it out uh pseudo Vim Etc FS tab so this does work and uh let's just oh really oh I needed this wait what can you not change why is that a read only it's immutable isn't it ah shoot yeah yeah I know about searching packages on NYX this is the first time I've used NYX OS and there's a lot of nuances to this OS to make changes oh it says it right in the readme read Chris uh to make changes edit the file systems camel case or and swap devices in Nix OS options in your Etc ah poop joking what does that look like as with everything it's in NYX OS configuration okay copy system configuration file okay list packages you want to installed configuration file is there no files okay so we just kind of have to guess on the syntax here ah poop all right how we gonna do fstab all files in the next door are immutable hmm oh that's fresh RSS uh for checking the news by the way guys um all right let's go to the help file Nick's help NYX OS help please help me NYX I don't understand oh that's right we gotta get uh probably w3m or e-links I I've used e-links a whole bunch in the past uh w3ms kind of the one I want to go with though back to our HTC next w3m [Music] all right now we'll just do a NYX OS rebuild switch so odd kind of like it getting still wrapping my brain around this but I really I enjoy it I really do like it it's not bad but NYX OS help aha there we go so we get changing the configuration file systems what do we have here yeah I can't even open up a browser yet because I I have a stock dwm install and I need to I can clone I think we've rebuild my dwm with my my dwm I have it'll make this way easier I'm overthinking it but I wonder if this tabs we have encryption that looks like a fun time luckily nothing's encrypted here okay interactive mounting a non-interactive mounting dude this is so so strange for me so you have your device type for non-interactive mounting oh damn um whoa this is I'm gonna need a GUI for this this is going to be wacky uh let's just grab our our home directory I'm not going to try and grab our our NFS shares yet oh boy so for this one oh oops nope its device the device the dev path and then file system type that should get me what I need how do you determine where it gets mounted though you can Define file systems for instance the following definition causes Nix OS to mount the ext4 file system into onto the mount point forward slash data okay forward slash data so you put the label and then that's kind of Jank this will create an entry in FS tab corresponding to the Mount system FS tab generator blah blah Mount there no Auto can be changed Mount points are created automatically for device it's best to use a topology independent aliases in Dev by label which is fine so Deb by you you ID is these don't change probably what we want to do but this is a volume group so it doesn't matter but don't change it okay that's fine I like that warning it's just weird so the thing I'm debating here if you go file systems oh I see it now file systems quotes this is the Mount directory equals and then you do brackets device and file system type okay I was overthinking it I I missed the the dot quotes I'm still getting the syntax wrong all right okay once we get this we'll have our home directory and we'll get to the GUI and things will be right with the world ah uh oh and we need to install Terminus fonts too because nobody likes super small fonts [Music] okay dude oh don't forget d menu yeah yeah D minus needed all right let's go back to hey we're in this configuration file a lot get used to it if you install NYX I suppose okay so we have dwm let's install D menu because we can launch stuff and then we have kitty down there I feel like we should just throw St in there just in case uh oh actually you know let's go St just to have that uh the other thing I needed we're doing git the file system paths I feel like putting it here is fine all right file system camelcase dot path will be home equals okay and then do a bracket go here quotes oh what was it uh device equals Dev uh volume group one logic volume group one comma FS type camel case equals [Music] oh geez I think it was better FS yeah that does not look right to me uh it's not oh that should be after each line is a semicolon yeah semicolons not quote I'm singing Json for some odd reason So based on this is that the correct correct syntax I mean I think it is oh you have to do it after that too okay I missed that that's correct okay yeah yeah all right um let's go ahead and set the console font just in case we have to come back to TTY I don't have to keep setting font all right let's uh reconfigure NYX OS rebuild switch yeah oh console keymaps defined in more than one spot of course it's the one thing I didn't even care about key map is it defined in one more in response I don't see it Define anywhere else oh it's getting annoying well let's define our hostname I guess let's use that let's clean this up a little bit I'm just sitting here no no proxy select internationalism properties okay console configure team map in X11 I'm guessing the console can't be declared twice here oh right here so it's it's doing the key map in X11 and then also on the console I think we can still leave the console config alone cups I don't use printing here uh enable sound touchpad support not needed user account I almost don't even want to install any user packages there but that's okay and then we got the system packages so this is where you control services if you got any extras that's fine we might come back with the firewall I'll leave that in all right hmm let's make sure what is that lvm group if we look at the lvm group for the home folder it is oh no no no that's ext4 I got it wrong oh if you look right up here you can see VG Dash lv-1 is incorrect that should actually be ext4 instead of better FS I thought that was just wanted to double check it because I was unsure so if we look at file system type man this is so wonky so different kind of like different though ext4 is what this is going to be and I do want to check one more time the syntax of that file system's home NYX OS help and then let's take a look at file systems again device equals blah blah blah FS okay yeah I did I got it right so that's done now we just rebuild this time around should be fast okay that's good let's just restart oh yeah yeah that's a good point this is a mutable file system if I install it from that package manager it'll completely break on every single install yeah I was just trying to get to the desktop but you're absolutely right we need to fix that first and foremost absolutely correct there so um let's modify our NYX OS what is that config oop sudo Vim Etc NYX OS configuration yeah so we got d w m and d menu I'm not really patching we're going to just leave the menu alone I'll come back and rip that out though that's good point same with st I will remove that as well but I first want to get clone will it uninstall that's a good question if we do a rebuild and we remove a package so let's go sudo NYX OS rebuild switch does it remove the old package interesting I guess we'll find out so let's do a git clone Chris Titus oh actually let's take a look I think do I have a GitHub directory yeah get clone what did I call this we're gonna just do a non-writable clone right now and we're gonna call this dwm Titus I think is what it was dwm Titus now sudo make install I'll make I need build utilities dang it should have looked that up before I did this um what are the make utilities it's make but hmm all right I could just get build utilities I kind of say it's getting old and stalling stuff for this thing uh oh that's okay that's okay don't rebuild every time I need to install a package kind of sucks but that's all right all right we're gonna go here gnu make okay Reddit [Music] all right uh e-links oh gosh is there what do we have no um Essential Software I think this should get us what we need okay what is the main mapping I can't remember elinks is uh just to shift down instead of skipping to the next link what is it jump to link l keyboarding manager k move cursor down is not bound well how does that make sense [Music] yes move cursor up up yes it's weird weird e-links has some weird wait yeah okay all right there we go it's like I just need to go got pages Where is the maybe we just do a search hmm I think we'll be doing we do a search here um go into key bindings uh um [Music] oh this sucks I'm just gonna say right now oh yes uh okay oh we had somebody mention you can install pacca you can install packages with Nick's EMV yeah I think that's creates a specialized environment for it I'd like it for system-wide is kind of what I'm thinking um search packages let's just go search packages oh no what happened okay there we go oh oh I gotcha search packages ah there's no up um all right NYX OS search mixed packages search okay negative what happened there this is a subreddit isn't it oh Jesus all right I'm done with that um okay I I want to build dwm but I can't I guess I don't have the build tools and if I don't have the build tools how the hell am I gonna do it okay first roadblock it's been a little bit we've it's been Cruise easy easy sailing so far uh let's just do a q a build let's see what kind of uh query NYX has for us for build it has to has like a I'm like a group build Essentials package for compiling stuff hmm all right what about Essentials or essential sometimes that could be essential it's under STD environment really oh well let's see we got uh error on our make why is that an airing out error one two seven we're probably missing xcb I wonder if we can do Nick's queries of xcb and see if that has and probably it will also need xenorama okay all right I probably will need what about Terminus fonts while we're here I wonder if uh terminus so we don't have to rely on this sun font uh okay Terminus Dash font is a thing so wow what an interesting interesting way of doing things all right somebody also said STD environment should give you the standard environment we also wanted to grab my mind has gone blank oh Terminus font Terminus font so now we do pseudo NYX OS rebuild switch Terminus font is not there so the packages differ from Nick's environment to the actual build system unless it's Terminus fonts no that was not it um maybe ttf true type fonts let's try that if not Terminus is just not in there why does that why the hell does Nick's environment packages differ from Nyx that's kind of disappointing it's Terminus underscore font okay so there is no dash okay so anything that requires a dash is probably an underscore now vert manager is in there [Music] it's a little Jank it's a little janky because you allowed vert Dash manager but you didn't allow Terminus and you changed that to underscore um not not the best on the package naming but that's okay now we have our build so now let's do a make still have some God tracking down dependencies to build stuff is just gonna be a freaking nightmare oh my gosh let me think about this this is a definite real world problem with Knicks because like you're trying to track down like the xenorama or xcb dependencies of dwm to build it well good good F and lock right like how are you gonna track that down especially if you don't have a browser there's gotta be somebody that's already set this up but NYX how it works and it being immutable you don't really install packages on the system so it not having a very robust build built you know ability to build and install packages in the system makes sense because you typically would never install packages this way it's Bonkers but it does make sense you can patch it see let's see here I do have a second system here one second let me pull it up so I'm reading what was left in chat one second and yeah somebody just linked it appreciate it NYX OS dot Wiki wikidwm oh okay instead of doing a make oh wow you put your patches in the overlays directory and then you're building on the Nix rebuild it rebuilds dwm when you're doing the rebuild command oh okay that definitely adds a level of complexity I really was not ready for but it makes sense because that's just not how it's done in Nix it's meant to be replicatable and if you're building stuff manually then it's not ha wow so yeah so you're using the Nyx Comfort literally everything you will literally create a NYX packages overlay let me let me start to do it I mean I'm super interested in this now because this has gotten this is wild you just straight up Wild my mind is just because we're literally building dwm on a Reload using an overlay function basically in the next comp file I'm wrapping my brain around it my brain's like that sounds amazing yeah as smart as AF and you can do the same for St and D menu as well the cool part is you could even specify patches and from me reading this Wiki here I got it on my other screen it looks like it will dynamically grab the patches online as well instead of doing local diff files but if you have coded your own specialized local div file it also has another way to do that wow okay if you want to use fetch patch you obtain the hash for the patch you want to apply that makes sense you tame the hash for the patch you need to run the command by Nick prefix URL for example what the world that is completely amazing yeah this is okay let's let's do it let's do it all right let's put dwm back in oh yeah it's already in here okay so we have it there and then what we're going to do okay is there an overlay section already let's check that there's not an overlay section so now we have NYX packages overlays equals in the overlays apparently affect this hmm because this one's system packages user Titus packages with packages okay okay you can also yeah you can also segment these out into separate files and then reference them or overlaying dwm patches oh how so how do you overlay a configuration patch I'm like like let's say I want to change my hotkeys it's also kind of trying to figure that out so Nick's packages overlays hmm let's go self I need to change my damn font to this sun 12 by 22 is super annoying self super and then okay so then you'd go dwm sorry about the four point default Vim skip here it's kind of nuts dwm dot override attributes old atrs rack and then you'd put whatever it is in there close that you'd close that with uh something like this then close this with something like that okay I'm just looking at this and I'm that's the syntax it has on the guide well this makes my Rocky install look like nothing looks like man what in the world all right I figured it out this is all fine and dandy but from here to here [Music] um no good and I really don't like how this is set so I I just have too much to change I'm not gonna have it self build but and we can still do some really cool stuff because I have so many patches and other stuff and customizations I want to do I don't want to put it all in Nick's format in an overlay but you can specify in the overlay section to say hey in dwm like this we can build it using an override of the stock package manager and then change where it's looking for the source code to something like this and that would be something in the neighborhood yeah of that that looks about right so now what it's doing instead of overlaying because it will literally you there's there's a spec separate overlay you can do where you specify the download directory and then you grab the hash for the download directly from it'll download the patch and it'll just patch it for you I don't want to do that because I have so much other stuff going on custom configurations and other things that I really just wanted to use my patches that I've designed with um my custom hotkeys all for my source files because I distribute that out to let's say more people and I wanted to just use my git directory this is how you do that but if you only had like let's say three or four packet patches you want to apply and you're not really changing from the stock config this way would probably be not ideal for you you can probably want to get it directly from sockless or if you're really close to the stock sockless you probably wouldn't want to build from source but the thing I don't understand is is it gonna grab the dependencies yeah yeah how would it how would it handle 10 patches automatically because I I'm I'm patching well I did about seven patches in my repo that I built from Source I've been spending all weekend on dwm a lot uh kind of hacking around on my laptop which I've set up and I was like dude this is amazing still not a hundred percent it's not ready for prime time but very very close yeah I tried Flex the patch it's the lazy way to do it but I don't like how bloated it makes the comp file the config file gets so huge that I don't like the flexi patch flexipatch is a great way to do it for those that don't really want to dive in but I really only wanted to use like six or seven patches and flexipatch has like 50 and I'm like I'm out on all that I just I kind of want a more minimal setup so but yeah flex-a-patch is a good way for that let's see what this does because I am super curious let's go sudo Knicks OS rebuild switch all right does it build my version of dwm oh messed that up I did mean atrs okay getting status no such file or directory um oh I'm in the wrong directory yep let's try it now oh why did I do GitHub with a capital H that's so stupid of me get out shut the front door cheese and crackers did that work no way let's see bro no it worked wow wow how crazy is that it built my dwm obviously there's some other Shenanigans here but what wow dang ah this is nuts yeah first try yeah I mean there's still so much to learn but I man is really good what about Brave does it launch Brave ah brave is crashing on me and I can't launch Kitty let's just try St um um [Music] we'll just use St for now um what happens when we do Brave who doesn't like about oh I'm like pregnant oh oh I know it's happening okay that's fine Titus okay so what we need to do here we're gonna go CH own recursive Titus users and then we're gonna go to Titus what's happening is since I pulled in that from a rocky Linux or a weird distribution some of my home directories not being able to be properly read so we're gonna just take ownership of it using the new Titus and users group yeah that was pretty wild that was so wild um jeez oh man all right cool so then we exit let's go to our home now let's see what Brave kicks up this time perfect so now if we're in a new thing we launch Brave Brave no okay so this fixes my rebuild errors with dwm I think as well if I'm thinking correctly here we should be able to hmm no no there's still some issues I'm thinking of anyways uh my launch of Brave probably is just a different executable okay yeah that's it then we got St so why doesn't if we go into Kitty okay failed to launch child bin bash with air no such file or directory because it's trying to launch Bash from here yeah so we fixed all our permissions in here except for like win 11 stock image which let's just remove that nah can't remove really operation not permitted Ah that's odd I'm root what huh we'll have to revisit that I don't know what's happening with it but uh let's see Ben okay there is no bin there's an sh what about user Ben environment no um [Music] okay yeah that file looks odd I don't know what's happened with that that's interesting it's so the weird part about this whole system so we've got it pretty much functional I've still got to fix some little things here like referencing bin bash doesn't work I think the next question I have for this is if we do a listing like where does it stick everything like there's nothing in bin you have your standard boot with the EFI stuff you have your devices which have all your devices you have Etc which kind of just Sim links to stuff like let's do a long listing of Etc where's it sync so it sinks into everything's referenced from a NYX store that's so crazy to me it's all on forward slash Knicks but how the hell you reference it like let's say I want to reference Bash how do you do it these are good questions that I don't have answers to yet um well there's static so it does stick some normal stuff in static Etc static that doesn't change there's a shells directory what is this shells bin oh shells is not a directory shells is another simile going somewhere else where's that going oh it's going to another store wow I guess we can go which Bash okay so it puts bash in run current system as W bin Bash wow this is so crazy let's see yeah yeah that's got to be a Sim link too let's go run current system SW been oh that's definitely a Sim link but it puts it all there these Sim links are going to change see because this is referencing a specific version from an update so these versions will not hang around we're gonna have to this is the perfect spot to reference them though so if we do which bash and it's referencing it from here and let's say we launch another St terminal and uh what is that oh no no Ctrl shift there it is all right it's like I can't remember so you reference that from our Bash RC uh Neo vims not installed oh Shucks okay what happens when we rebuild this stuff on the Fly we need to add more stuff neovim I don't know how I forgot any of them that's just odd of me but Etc man Starship Starship okay neofim still using a 0.81 fork but that's okay neovim starfit what about Auto jump Auto jumps there too okay Auto jump neovim and pseudo Vim Etc nixos configuration so neovim Auto jump Starship and then we go sudo NYX OS rebuild switch okay them Basher see huh okay Bash is that where it's referencing it from is every script has to be changed from forward slash bin Bash I feel like that's a little excessive but I feel like that's why we're having problems on the launch I wonder if we can just hack it and just kind of I did see a link to sh there what does that even look like let's just go Kitty now no bin bash hmm that's not it hmm yeah let's cat Etc shells so if we look over here cat Etc shelves it's got to be that intro line right or it could be something in the as well but hmm yeah your kitty cat comp file I think it's something like that I think it's some of the kitty cops so let's just go config Kitty is there bash yeah there it is that's the culprit so then it would be a run Dash current system SW bin Bash so then we close that out come to a new workspace Kitty ah all right close that come back to here let's fix this even further so the auto jump is wrong we go which Auto jump you can see auto jump being in that same issue so to fix that Auto jump so Auto jump dot sh hmm can't found the auto jump script um and if we go which Auto jump so how's it referencing Auto jump that's not anything with DOT pity Auto jump yeah it's not in here be pretty much fixed this file but I also notice our starship's a little janky maybe St is the way forward true I think it would automatically pick the environment there's so many good questions here guys so many good questions so no yes yeah wow well we've successfully moved to Nyx this is so interesting so interesting the kernel is actually kind of old too look at the Nyx OS kernel we're rocking 5.15. but yeah de's none dwm and dwm a lot of people are probably not liking my aesthetic choice of tossing my stuff up here but I kind of like this setup I know it looks ugly but it's so functional just so functional yeah yeah this is totally where all the cool kids hang out Citrus welcome yeah I love the Simplicity of dwm it's doesn't have a lot of flair but man you can just do anything you want I obviously dwm usually just has numbers instead of doing like icons and other stuff I can just pull up any new workspace or let's say I kill that one I can just pull up any workspace and then just I I just wanted to modify it a little bit and I was like dude you can do anything and it just I made it to where it closes all the other tags and then just lists what things I have to open because I usually don't have more than you know four or five things open and I'd rather it just list it at the top yeah and I I love the flexibility the speed the fact that it just can't break like you get it built once and you like that config nothing will ever break it it's so freaking simple that it's like bulletproof I love that yeah I should probably bling it out a little more because I think it would be a lot more appealing for more people but as I I was more just working on the function of it I was like dwm and the function it's just so good yeah I would say definitely do Knicks in a VM if you're gonna do this this was a huge step like if I had to go back knowing what I know now I probably would not have done this on my studio PC that I'm on all the time because holy crap that was way different than any other Linux install I've ever done in my entire life that's saying something I've installed a lot of different Linux distros but this one was just Wild I mean but in a great way like it it's like someone just took it takes a special mind not to just copy other people's work and that's what the Nyx OS really did here is they didn't they took what everybody else has done on os's and they're just like just I'm gonna do my own thing and then that's what they did here and that's super cool I really am appreciative and I love how I could easily just give you guys my configuration.nix and you would just have everything you see here that's kind of nuts with a couple exceptions because you would have to clone my dwm because I put in my NYX comp file that look in home Titus GitHub dwm and then you see all those source files go ahead and build that so anytime I run it's rebuilding my dwm based on my my setup that's nuts that just that was a complete mind-blowing moment welcome to the world of dwm users I've only been trying to convince you for four years thank you Peter for not giving up on me what about X monad probably we can check into that uh x monads stock configuration is made by a Madman though I looked at the key bindings in ex monad and I'm like whoa this person was on drugs when they made these key bindings but it's kind of funny I like those obscure ones too like I said thinking outside of the box and sometimes those people's minds work way different than the rest of us and then it's just trying to wrap around a new way of thinking that so neat just so neat yeah well I'm about to make a new video that I've been trying to design and I I wanted to you guys can give me your feedback on this chat Windows to Linux for power users and it's gonna be installing Linux three times three different ways none of which is using a GUI it'll be the first one using like a more simplistic minimal build using task SEL from like a Debian install right pretty basic you can just grab your desktop environment everyone should be able to follow around like that's like level one right so that that takes out the GUI and that's going to be people going oh that's interesting and then level two will go to a minimal Arch build where we're building Arch basically using Arch Wiki you know I think that's a great way to kind of learn the components of Linux and I think everyone should do this if you if you want to be a power user you know and really understand Linux and then once you get through that entire Arch build where you're building like the bootloader and doing grub or system D and then installing your packages one by one and loading it out then we go to like level three and level three is like a very unique build maybe even we do Knicks for level three because I love the design of it but uh yeah I'm just I'm thinking something in that neighborhood where you're building out and learning all the different components of Linux because once you learn those components like it doesn't matter where you go like it does like even NYX even though it gave us some problems we still understood hey where's the USR folders where where's the bin folder where where are these things because Linux still needs to reference those and the program still need to reference them it's just like but how Nicks do it and that's kind of like uh the thought process because I always understood hey these components have to exist and then you you look at them that way so but yeah that's my thought on the new windows to Linux it's gonna freak people out I'm gonna get a ton of hate comments but there's gonna be a couple power users out there that will freaking love it because I would have loved to have a a video like that when I first started doing Linux level 4 gen 2. uh level five lfs yeah that video would be like five hours long it'd be great I would love it oh man well this was amazing I love the little NYX dwm it was so great and I I will see how long I last on it but I I really love the newness it's like getting in a new car for the first time and you're like nothing's like my old car and that's the beauty of this setup right here and we'll see how long it lasts you know me I get bored and I'm like okay I'm going on the next thing but there's a lot to learn with NYX and there's a huge amount to absorb here uh so I don't know I bet you I bet you I stay on it longer than a month and that's High Praise coming from me foreign oh man it was so much fun so much fun so thank you guys for for hanging in there with me seeing me read and try to understand NYX and even even give me hints here and there ah but it's so great and you thank you big shout out to Peter do thank you for for the dwm I still have been I've been I've wasted the last two or three days just at night on my laptop customizing my dwm and this is kind of what I've got from the stock one you notice I might have gone to 6.3 from 6.4 for patches some of the patches I was using I was like ah I'm tired of changing this and I wanted it to be a little more Universal with some older distros and I think 6.4 was giving me a couple headaches maybe not though I probably need to rebuild from from Source again but I'm sold on dwm I love it it's so so cool and I love uh nyx's intro but with that y'all I'm gonna sign off thank you all have a great time I'll be back on Thursday we'll see what we do for Thursday stream I probably need to revisit Windows tools and all those as it been a little bit since I've worked on them but I might still be still messing around with Nick so I don't know we'll see how I'm feeling on Thursday uh be looking at the stream title I'll try and set all that up so thank you guys see y'all in the next one
Channel: Titus Tech Talk
Views: 13,782
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Id: _Z32SYFbxpw
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Length: 117min 34sec (7054 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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