Merging Pull Requests and Project Advancements

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all right today we're gonna a little bit of a mobile live stream so we're kind of all over the place but um in a new spot over at my sister's and ah it should be fun we need to do submerging and pull requests and also fix up to the project a bit uh we'll see I'm gonna check it with chat here in a second we'll get that going uh yeah tie this in well then we'll update the project let's go here and change that around yes we'll see how everything sounds and I'm just gonna check uh the twitch make sure we're okay for bitrate and everything I am using Wi-Fi to stream so Wi-Fi streaming is a little bit on the weird side we'll see how that goes oh Ashland I saw that you did a pull request too on the the utility and I think it looked pretty good I think some of the alpha batai uh but I can switch that like the code I need to go through and clean up again so I'll probably just merge the pull request with that because we got some merges to do so I looked at this and I probably will remove like Opera GX uh I hate Opera like just as a company as a browser everything about Opera GX I'm just like although I think you actually fixed that no no yeah yeah you resubmitted the pull request um as let's look at the Json yeah yeah you killed Opera that's just one thing like there's a couple pieces of software I'm like I just can't I can't bring myself to add and Opera GX is one of them so that looks good um what about the xaml file let's take a peek at it Opera GX is still there so we probably need to edit that out Java Nano um I'll have to look at that uh Nano and neovim are a little bit off but we'll fix that the code after and monitoring you know I never even used that I'll have to look that up sometimes when people add uh stuff to the toolbox I'm like you know what I haven't used that and then I go to look at it I'm like oh that's a that's a cool tool I need to actually do that okay adjusting brightness levels on your monitor that's neat I dig that need to need to look at fixing that especially on my laptop [Music] oh you gotta do the air action with most command that's why you try try catch wasn't working oh thanks B4 for for letting me know like I said I'm still a bit of a noob when it comes to coding uh but I'm getting there I'm getting there I understand like the basics of it all yeah yeah I think this one's close the only thing you missed out of this here I can just edit it we don't even need to do a resubmit on the pr um if we look we could just do a find Opera and there's Opera GX right there under waterfox and we'll go through I think there's some things out of alphabetical order on their certain categories and that could have just been other PRS it still helps a lot when people do PRS for just application ads it just makes it a lot easier for me because then I just like oh well that should just be five lines higher so it's still I still appreciate the PRS all right so now we don't have Opera GX it hasn't updated over here but that should be good all right that's good I'll just prove that I'm gonna refresh the page on the file changes I think it'll probably still need to go through a couple checks doing well today doing well I'm a little bit out of my element I've been just traveling so much lately and was that LTX in Canada now I'm down in Austin today so I've just been world traveling and I'm not used to any of that I usually just stay in one spot for most most of the time all right and you see Opera is no longer in the xaml the winget this portion will actually get uh rebuilt so I'm not worried about like Opera GX being in here this whole file or get recompiled automatically so we're good we'll go ahead and merge this and it's going to the test branch you also need to pull that as well all right so we're good so now we can look through that code as well we can also look at that commit just to make sure the compile happened let's see on that let's also check out this other PR real fast as well add uninstall Edge tweak okay this is a new contributor I haven't seen Chase nolden before let's see what kind of he's putting it to the test Branch already already a winner here we have an install whim tweak.exe what is that binary um I'm sure it's not malicious but at the same time it's like oh closed Source binary is almost like the kiss of death I almost can't take it ah sad uh did he quote or Source where this binary is from yes he did oh no no he didn't that is the test Branch oh no he forked it what is it let's see nope ah I can't take a closed Source binary sad I bet it's good but I cannot replace uh open source CMD file with a closed Source binary well I'll just put that back can't replace and open or CMD file with a closed binary because what that could do is one what are we going to do when we update it to there's an off chance there could be something malicious in there and since there's no code to review on the executable I just can't uh so I can't tell I make sure it's it's good so that is why we're gonna have to close it PR's denied [Music] um sometimes it just depends um usually I put it in my project file so like when we're developing usually when I see a really good issue I'll add it either into Workshop to do in progress and then as I work on it we get it done and then we push it into done so usually I have a whole bunch of stuff to do and that way it kind of keeps me on task so even if something does get closed if it's still sitting in the project I need to make sure maybe just a as a Tickler to look back at it okay Harry let's see let's look up uh 886. let's take a peek since we got you in chat we might as well look at the issue and uh we'll just go 886 hey Gee you got you got a number and everything all right let's see you're having problems with Windows tool or the PIN also known as Nets login service is set to manual as a result of the tweaks I have only noticed the issue on one device they use the script hmm yeah it's okay to write on a closed issue you don't need to apologize Alex but I rated the same problem running The Tweak I can't re-enable the pin here's what happens when setting up in power user set up the pin fine I always use local accounts so that's probably why what would that be after loading into safe mode I fixed it myself first using net user administrator active oh the set service is to manual I wonder I don't know if Harry's still in chat let's see yeah no I appreciate it Harry um and I you've obviously rebooted the system after running this I have noticed a lot more issues popping up about setting the services to manual I think we need to change that in here because that will be problematic about here and oh what is this oh that's my website I was working on util let's make sure we're on that Branch yeah we're on the test Branch okay great uh revolver yeah we need to bring back the chest although it does Side Track me a bit so for this one um let's look at our functions and in our functions how we're setting those tweaks um we're invoking those tweaks I think I added that to do a service stop under these Services tweaks so we have check box registry and book scripts registry service set win util service so if you look at set when you till service we probably have a stop service in here um I think for stop service yeah this this is what's causing much of the problems since they need to reboot afterwards anyways we're just gonna kill this on a fresh install it's kind of nice just to see it melt away at the before your eyes but invoking that stop service slows the script down and you kind of need to reboot for a lot of those registry settings to take effect anyways I feel like removing that from there would be a good commit it'll just make the script go much faster and we just it the reboot needs to happen regardless um removing service stops in uh Services tweak let's do a commit for that um all right so we're gonna run into that that should fix part of this issue but the other thing was the pin not working from Henry earlier one second what is this thing yeah okay sorry yo ah yeah much better sorry my sister had like some weird heated backrest I was like dude this is Austin Texas it's like 110 degrees here much better um you know I I single monitor setup there's nothing wrong with it all right let's see here it narrowed it down to these following two surfaces credential manager and CNG key oscillation list of services stopping themselves login again just thumbs that up then the login would work wait I narrow it down by keeping a list of services when used mainly stopping themselves and then pressing win and logging again I stopped either of the two surfaces then the login would not work requiring a restart oh gosh that's perfect so we need to do key ISO and Vault Services let's change those around and picks that in the tweak I think we can just search key ISO and we're going to switch that to automatic and I don't know why the original type is manual actually that should be automatic and then the other one was a vault service Vault service let's add those in and then fix pin not working or Microsoft accounts dude I love GitHub like the people submitting stuff like that that would have taken me hours to track down like for real that's just freaking awesome all right we'll push that to our test Branch I think we're pretty much ready to do a merge on that test Branch I feel like that's really uh there's some really good stuff I don't want to make that PR too big merging it back in the Marine branch yeah GitHub and the collaborations just so good so now we've got that in there you should be able to fetch I think there'll be a pull from the compile and that should update when you tell so with the compile wind utility gets updated you see the surfaces are out and then these are switching to automatic that's pretty good so we're gonna do this um we'll fix that we'll just grab this this commit number Pro commit commit nice so let's take this and merge it into the main branch um before we do that we'll take one last run at it um do a squeak run just to make sure we don't have any errors we'll do a full recommended run of it so we're just going to grab our raw file grab this guy copy it will run his admin [Music] hopefully I don't close this down I have a tendency to do that um where's that okay so we're going to just do a quick test I'm going to go to tweaks desktop tweaks let's just click uh all of that um I don't think we're gonna do anything extra let's just run those tweaks um we'll disable that I'm on a laptop I do want to clean some of this stuff up too let's make sure yeah taking out those stop service really helps things out oh the message is still there good point good point oops let's fix that uh I believe it's set Windows Surface I don't even need this entire statement oh my gosh yeah oops my bad let's just remove that [Music] uh so I was just doing right hosts with the new statement remove bloat uh remove verbose code let's let's make it sound sound better I thought uh just putting removing code removing bloat code is what I wanted to put I'm not wrong saying that but yeah all right let's push that thank you guys for catching that oh geez okay so that's all fixed we're gonna push that out we're good anything else with that let's take another peek oh we're still cleaning out stuff if I ever run disc tool on this thing I guess I'm usually running this on my uh Studio PC hell get there one of these days man I really shouldn't do this on a live stream let's cancel that actually I would normally let that finish but I'm more worried about it deleting like a I don't know a file or something while I'm I'm doing this I would not that would not be good now did we get a completion it does not look like it's completed yet okay that's good all right now we got tweaks finished gravy um okay that's good it's not bad foreign way to remove old files from the win sux folder without taking ownership of the folder I've already tried on most con you know this is a great one Jennifer uh a great question like how do you remove all the old windows bloat uh I actually does it with my disk cleanup here but I want to actually show you what that's doing like if we pull up disk cleanup you can actually go clean up system files right here and when this launches you can go through and the win S I think it's SX sxs you may say that three times fast um you should see Windows updates in um mine's not showing it here but I believe the update cleanups here but oh there's also another method so I'd probably run cleanup as well but one other way to do it I actually put it in the config folder here is to do a reset Windows uh update and I want to say there was a rebase command if we actually look at the code I'm just going to run that willy-nilly but if we actually look at the code here and wow where's that invoke Windows utility tweaks oh you know what I think I did it in the tweaks I think it's an invoke script we used let's just do a find because you got to do a rebase a reset base not rebase rebase is the get thing um this here I'm going to paste in the chat so when you run the disk cleanup this is actually what's happening that's what was taking so long um so yeah actually running the disk cleanup does that command on top of disk cleanup so there's disk cleanup and then on the back end what it's doing is it's cleaning up the entire windows image which is the C Windows folder and the component cleanup just gets rid of extra components but you see this extra tag at the end this forward slash reset base a lot of people don't realize what that does is it says hey I am now going to remove all the old updates so you can't uninstall the updates after you do a reset face but I would say 99.99 of Windows users don't even know you can uninstall Windows updates and most people would uninstall and then just reinstall them again because they wouldn't know how to stop the updates from happening but that reset base basically goes back through it deletes all the uninstallers all the extra files in the win sxs folder so if we look at our folder how big is that folder and that's where a lot of old Windows updates kind of resides so if you look at Schwinn sxs growing still growing so we're at about six point oh that's not good oh oh no we got to do something right now guys this is just bad juju size on disk 6.66 gigabytes 666. oh no all right we gotta let's run this Command right now and you can see it that's uh that's not good okay what what so that command will run it automatically for you but let's get there a little verbose with the output here let's do a reset base right now on stream so operation completed successfully at 20. let's run it again that sucks I would probably need to redo a reboot to double check that can't reboot now because I'm streaming but let's see if it actually changed the windows folder at all because I'm curious did it um let's go here still the same so we probably need to do a reboot run that command again and do it several times to kind of finish flushing out that updates um is our updates giving us uh it might be cleaning up on a reset as well typical Windows it always wants a reboot yeah that's kind of bold doing that on a live stream for sure ugh I need a I should create I should bring another like mobile PC that just does the uh the live stream component of it and then have the laptop that I can just tear apart on stream uh that'd be great Okay so nice that's done also this very low disk tag so when you're running the disk cleanup will also kind of check almost all the options uh in flush most temporary files out too so those are really good two really good tags I honestly recommend everyone run these there's really I don't think there's anything bad that really happens from any of those two commands I can think of reset base if you wanted to keep like some of the uninstallers for your Windows updates you could remove that to be a hundred percent sure but I honestly would leave it both and I I like those two commands and I'd run them on any system uh all right so that's good we're good there I think we can come back into uh when you tell and let's create a PR and merge this onto the main branch so everyone gets these lovely updates I've been doing a PR almost once a week I think on this so it's it's been good um no if you have to ask you should switch to Windows 11 the answer is always no there's no reason to switch to Windows 11. the only thing I'd say about Windows 11 that people like are like the start menu changes and tabs on Explorer which the tabs on explorers is a bit of a double-edged sword because you do get worse performance with the tabs they didn't do a great job with the coding on that could be better could be better but I mean it's uh an arguable improvement but yeah overall if you if you're concerned about performance always stay on on Windows 10 stay on Windows 10 as long as you can um which I think it's EOL end of life at uh 2025. so those two things don't you need to do a dism online cleanup analyze component store first to analyze it I believe it should and auto analyze it we can run that command real fast um pop just to show it but whenever you do oh let's just analyze it right here and see what happens I don't believe you have to do the analyze first though let's verify let's try it right now so actual surprise component store 6.9 gigs shared with Windows 5.7 backups and disabled features 1.13 number of reclaimable packages zero component store recommendation cleanup no okay so you don't get any any benefit this just is a good readout but whenever you do the reset base command it should go through and clean up everything anyways but this is still a really nice command to know so you you know how beneficial running that dism cleanup would be obviously doing it isn't going to give us anything because there's zero reclaimable packages but a good good tool to know uh but yeah you don't have to run this command first but it's kind of nice to see the spit out any plans to do something about OneDrive integration for your script yes outplayed I have to be really careful by just adding it because uninstalling OneDrive especially for a user that just willy-nilly clicks it and they're actually using OneDrive it redirects your documents your desktop files everything to OneDrive and when you uninstall OneDrive it deletes all the files so your desktop would get cleared out your documents would get cleared out and so on and so forth so you to add it there has to be a script beforehand and then using that script it'll copy those files to their proper ones reassociate using like symbolic links or um changing the actual system link to your desktop to your documents and those types of things and then finally ending with a OneDrive on install so it's not quite a Brute Force just hey let's get rid of OneDrive and for most people it'd be okay but there's still that percentage of the population that uses it and that will accidentally remove OneDrive and be like oh no where's all my documents it'd be fine for them they could just install OneDrive and then it would re-download those in a perfect world but there's still a chance that some documents wouldn't make it back because they weren't backed up 100 to one drive when the uninstall happened so considerations need to be taken [Music] yeah I just installed Windows 11 and the desktop defaulted to OneDrive yep so it it's just tricky and some people have OneDrive uninstalled and then they aren't signed in as account and if you still have that redirection happening and you go to delete OneDrive it deletes all the files I don't know genius logic by Microsoft they're just full of great ideas but it's a thing do you recommend using the ultimate performance power plan yes for desktops no for laptops because laptops you really care about your battery life that'll that will literally just drain your battery to no no end so definitely not for laptops but definitely yes for a desktop most desktops I would run the ultimate power or performance plan uh winget script winget lots of wind git what's going on here does not work anymore in the case for Windows 10. oh okay worked pretty well works on Windows 10 11 and that a win good install really all right what's this one calyx hosting uh still not working keep getting Windows it looks like Windows 10 from the Windows decorations so uh what is that 943 all right dupe of 943 all right close that I guess we could take a look God bless we'll see if this laptop dies on me I'm taking bets this is the integrated Graphics only guys here we're gonna just try for 30 days sure um Arch hyperland whoa all right delete oh man all right let's just go typical okay well actually let's just grab the ISO oh boy I hate doing all this through Wi-Fi on a laptop and this is the stream ends you all know what happened boy alrighty um how this is bad they did change it on Windows 11 so you don't have to do the iso anymore uh here's a fun fact so you see how it doesn't give you the iso option here because of this check this out watch this uh let's go Linux let's change this to Edge in Linux apply to active window and then refresh find it confirm this is so stupid right oh wait some users entities and locations are banned from using this service what for this reason leveraging an anonymous or location hiding Technologies when connecting to the service is not generally allowed if you believe you encountered this error they're on to me they found me out oh no the hell [Laughter] That's too great all right well oh we gotta cap that that's gonna be a good one anywho uh let's go Linux oh I bet it Mass Firefox a little bit better Firefox active window refresh tab all right let's try that all right verify me now that one worked 64-bit that was a great error message it was like you are a big cheater you must download our ISO tool and spend 30 minutes downloading this or you could just like do a user agent switcher and switch it to Linux and say oh no no I'm not a Windows I'm on Linux I'm on Linux Microsoft just give me the iso I can't run your executable and then they just go here you go uh that's funny my voice is my passport verify me oh I want to switch from Linux to Windows for real they're like you're not using Edge you liar nobody uses Edge on Linux we're reporting this to the authorities and then you're like wait wait no no I'm just kidding I got Firefox they're like oh okay you can go ahead but that's that's exactly what just happened oh man did you remove today's video from YouTube I can't find it anymore no I should be still on there what was today's video wasn't it uh the stream let's take a look oh there's this one let's switch our account that is Tech talk yeah if you're looking for all these streams after the fact it should be on Titus Tech talk oh no dang that one's doing really well look at that got fireworks and everything um yeah should be there here let me let me just go to the video [Music] no bloat let's go oh let's go over all right here we go no bloat is today I get lost sometimes you know me oh that's a lot of comments so come back and read that yeah yeah I have my main Channel and then I have my live stream channel the live stream channel I love because it I take these streams usually and just chop them up this stream is going to be pretty much unedited on that one just because I have a backing track and since I can't record while I'm streaming um due to limitations I will uh probably have to leave it up in its entirety on YouTube so people will have to get the whole experience for this particular video uh yeah I'll probably just upload it the whole thing I might I might chop it up a little bit but not much fresh Windows 10 installs do not come with winget we'll we'll install it uh we're gonna install a 22 H2 and we'll get we'll give it a whirl to test this out so we have that let's go ahead and make the pr while Windows 10 is downloading I think we can go ahead and merge this one in we'll take a look at when get after this not too many people are installed on Windows 10 still although I I still install Windows 10 quite often especially for like production machines so yeah well we're gonna open up a PR for this test branch and this this one's gonna have fixed restore points before tweaks um our windows uh Snappy driver origin installer uh fix the username space so some people do it local account with the space in their username and it was causing error for running the windows uh or the Ono shut up portion of the script or is that fix a couple applications from Ashland and chat uh from earlier removing service stops and services tweaks we did at the beginning and then also fixing the pin not working for Microsoft accounts from the services tweaks as well and then some miscellaneous cleanup that should be good we're gonna squash and merge squash and merge alrighty and then I usually just delete the branch after the merge is done and then when we go back to the main branch you'll see I only have the one branch now and usually I just go ahead and create another Branch with today's date this is kind of like my new process of building out or collaborating with people I feel like this is the way to go really test and then I usually do the year the month and then the day so it's 0808 and then just create a new Branch off of the main and then I update all my projects so if we go to the main branch fetch it and oh and then we should be able to switch branches to the new one and then we can start a whole new week of improvements that's kind of like how I do it so I do all the testing get it all done I'm like okay that's great do a PR emerging domain and then we're ready to go for more PR's and that way we have a really it's actually really good for switching back and forth I ran into a problem where I was having I think my run spaces got mixed up because I ran the script a whole bunch on a stream and then it started just the Run spaces were dying and I needed to reboot because windows and as soon as I relaunched the the terminal window is fine everything was fixed but I was I had I created a new Branch from an old snapshot and started running I'm like oh no this one's broken too and yeah but it was it was neat to just be able to do that on a moment's notice so I really like this method of kind of operating GitHub alrighty I think we're done with the iso download we didn't have to use that janky media creation tool but you know we could have just launched Rufus too although Rufus you kind of need like a USB drive to burn it too so all right it's all good let's see if it crashes the stream running a virtual machine how much memory does this machine have so please tell me it's not 16 gigs okay we got 32 gigs we're fine like really uh stretch stretches legs here yeah you can you can host your own git repository uh you can do it through a whole variety like I think even Synology Nas boxes have it built in for git tools you can launch GitHub or git lab instances you can do a lot of really cool stuff a lot of people like git lab as an alternative you could use bitbucket you could use how about geez there's another kind of up and coming one too I've seen some projects use drawn a blank right now um let's go win 10 Pro Chris whatever yeah don't ask again um disk size how much space do we have on this plenty of space the gigs it's only one to give two gigs of memory okay it's Windows let's give it 10 gigs I like 10 gigs I know I'm weird all right we'll get that processors uh well it's One processor let's give it four cores it's gonna run a little far I just don't want to with doing all the stuff I'm doing live streaming and everything on the single integrated Graphics laptop and kind of like I don't want to stretch it's like too much that could get odd gidea that's another one that's right [Music] oh you know a fun fact too on the Windows 10 I think if you do the uh get the region thing in that I just made a video about I don't think it works on Windows 10. let's try it that'll be a fun fun tidbit as well do you use your own yeah I use my own wire guard VPN I like I like streaming everything to my network I forgot I am oh my gosh I'm live streaming this to my house and then to Twitch I forgot completely that my wire guard was connected oh wow that's kind of insane so I'm going all the way to my house through a wire guard and then to Twitch okay I'm surprised this is working that well then I'm literally live streaming through a VPN yeah well I like having access to all my resources at my house so that's why I usually have wireguard always active yeah this is this is the absolute most secure stream on Twitch right here I'm streaming with a VPN uh on Wi-Fi too nonetheless I don't have a wired connection here oh my oh my yeah that is hilarious don't don't do this don't try this at home uh and you know it didn't even ask on the setup did I oh VMware Auto Otto did it oh well yeah it auto completed all the uh unattended installation I was like wait a second did I forget that now no no no no [Music] yeah he introduced enough variables for it to break hey but I rarely Break My Stream rarely I want to say I've gotten almost this whole year yeah I'm not gonna say anything else that's we got any wood in here that's not wood that's what okay we had to knock on the wood Ah that's just bad luck [Music] a t480 and put an arch on it oh man I think I have I want to try I remember I was trying to flash a custom like a Libre boot onto a t it was an older one but I want to say it was like a t480 but I think it was the lower end model not the model that you want oh no okay well we'll run the tool here on the fresh windows 10. and see what it says too [Music] not got wood once twice Thrice before you know and I have a fair case of OCD yeah I think we all have OCD some extent there's some of us worse than others foreign I do miss my my home PC the old laptop here can be a little bit uh a little bit on the slow side yeah at least we should we definitely fixed the the pin we'll run the tweaks again on the windows 10. I haven't tried it on Windows 10 so probably good to have this VM just chilling out here anyways Harry are you on Windows 10 are you on Windows 11 yeah this is a little bit slower and I did pull back a lot of the virtual CPUs because I didn't want to max out the laptop because it's encoding the stream with it encoding the stream here kind of like I don't want to I don't want to stretch the legs of the laptop too much that would be not good yeah they could be using an old windows 10 where uh like something before 1809 Windgate won't install them before 1809 or maybe they're using like server 2016 which is um I think that's like a 1703 base and that one won't install wouldn't get either so you have to be on server I want to see you guys be on server 2022 or above for winget to install and uh Windows 10 1809 or above which most people should be these days yeah yeah this is the laptop I use on the studio I have a ton of spare VMS I even have a template for my Windows 10 so I could just spin up a new instance uh at a moment's notice but this sadly is uh I'm on the road hence the the background in the horror camera slash audio quality although you know shockingly for this being a hundred bucks a hundred dollar stream setup it does pretty good like I'm I'm actually kind of impressed with Razer I feel like anybody could set this up and make it somewhat decent oh yeah I've been playing a little bit at Baldur's Gate three um it kind of looks like poo on the steam deck so you have to run proton experimental and then you got to change AMD FSR to Quality uh I think was it high quality or extreme quality on the FSR and it looks better it runs decent I think it runs between 30 and 40 frames but uh it was just fine for Baldur's Gate because it's turn based so yeah but I've been playing some Baldur's Gate 3. I was thinking about pulling it up on this stream but I don't have it loaded up on my laptop I don't I don't think the laptop would quite play it sad to say uh let's see I think it's like AMD or no no this is an Intel what do we got 12 gin it is an i7 20 12 700h so but I don't have any external GPU or egpu so it's going to be I don't think that would play Baldur's Gate because I know the steam deck relies heavily on FSR to make it even somewhat playable and Intel I think Intel has something kind of like FSR but it kind of sucks it's not nearly as not nearly as good yeah I haven't tried the GE I'm pretty sure like uh what is it ge813 and it's on now I bet that the latest GE would be good the Glorious egg roll proton yeah yeah I would totally play some Baldur's Gate because uh I'm I'm gonna be by myself tonight I'll probably throw on probably throw on some Baldur's Gate on the steam deck lay down and that'll be fun wouldn't get failed to install on server 2022 okay so maybe we do need to update that script we could do that oh dang I mean I love the steam deck it is really a very very good mobile gaming system highly recommend it to everybody yeah a lot of people run into that where they won't just ship to the country I think uh Hikari uh Curry Knight that's in chat every once in a while he was having problems with it but he's up in uh Norway yeah I think it's almost time to to do some script script breaking code dang only 319 bucks I would definitely get the 64 gig model and then just replace the hard drive like dude I'm telling you that's the way to go because if you can get a one terabyte nvme 2230 uh probably for about a hundred bucks maybe a little bit over 100 bucks I think I got mine for 140. so you get the lowest tier steam deck which the highest tier is only 512. you replace it with a one terabyte uh small form factor it'd be me and you will literally have one of the best steam decks out there a lot of people like to go with the upper tier model for the screen because it has like an anti-glare screen I don't really care for the anti-glare screen to be honest with you and if I did I still would probably get the base model and then there's uh some aftermarket screens that are even better than that that have even more colors and stuff to them so I don't know I think you get the base model absolute base model and then just kind of pimp it out yourself that's my recommendation oh sorry Alex that sucks oh no no yeah the deck's super easy to work on like I'm not a hardware guy and it took me 10 minutes 15 minutes maybe and then I mean if you factor in I think I was using Clonezilla to clone my existing nvme because I didn't want to reinstall everything um I think that was like another 30 or 45 minutes because of the slow transfer speeds through USB but uh yeah past that dude it was amazing one terabyte's 50 bucks now get out dang okay yeah that's amazing [Music] now you you so you look at that somebody in chat was sitting they just did a 10 anti-glare screen protector yeah that's amazing if you really want to go all out there is a screen replacement which is a lot more difficult to replace but you know I think it has a better RGB uh coverage where I think the stock stream is only like 80 coverage and that like gives you a full hundred percent uh a lot of the newer newer screens [Music] we're hacking the Gibson here uh uh yeah yeah it getting like IMU DAC gosh plus I mean there's so many great tweaks for the steam dug like why someone would go like buy a Nintendo switch Beyond me like you can emulate Nintendo switch games on the steam deck oh please I should probably remove that Nintendo will find me they will find me I didn't say that you should totally emulate from the steam deck you can just download the new breath of wild it's fine [Laughter] oh I'm not a hardware guy but I'm chronic angle hey Pop I forgot to tell you that end up working so I ended up removing that and then removing the heatsink we got it all going and remember when the screen didn't come back on afterwards all that needed to be done I guess the battery discharged enough we just plugged it in after it being plugged in the screen came on everything was fine with the laptop it worked out great and uh the thermals on that laptop are even better it blows my mind that we had to do uh that was actually not an angle grinder it was a Dremel tool uh that we had to cut uh into one of the screws on the motherboard I was worried about the Sparks hitting the motherboard but it ended up great check your walls they're probably already there uh deck versus Ally deck what's your opinion uh allies better Hardware I think that's obvious with rdna3 compared to rdna2 the thing about the steam deck I love is you buy it because of the software really the the hardware is nothing to write home about it really isn't it's just the the care put into the packaging of the steam deck is why you go with the steam deck over an ally the Ally I would like from a hot rod perspective but it runs windows by default maybe if you're like a Destiny 2 player which if you are what are you doing with your life do you just not like money you should go to get you should seek help if you play Destiny 2. it's all I can tell you uh but anyways side side note but um next stream I'm playing Destiny 2. uh but other than a few games that don't play on the deck I don't know I'm kind of like yeah I still would recommend the steam Deck Over The Ally one you can get it as low as 300 refurbed or I think the low end models like around 400 brand new I still think it's a better value especially for what you're getting and it does pretty much everything you need it to there's only a few titles that might top out on the deck that will play on the Ally so I still recommend the deck over the Ally just my two cents but I think the Ally someone will eventually Port the the steam deck over and I think it'll be pretty uh of the the Steam OS over to that to the Ally and that would be the the winning combo once you get the Ally with the steam deck software yeah that'd be pretty sweet I'd be all about it steam deck's out of stock eBay uh can you make a window video hey poor I'm gonna do a video for you right now live stream you want to bypass TP enemy windows are you ready for this super easy let's just launch the toolbox I think I have uh let's go Chris Titus uh IEX right uh oh what happened here hold on pause the video oh oops my bad probably this going in the background whatever we're gonna go old school forget that all right go Rufus video is continuing now okay type that in your browser download Rufus see where it says download just click this one top one over here got it launch it you want to allow for updates now then roof is a launch ready say we go okay we're gonna go and select like a Windows 11 ISO so I think we could probably oh crap I don't have a Windows 11 ISO here but and I don't have a device to show you anyways there's a little option in here when you select the windows 11 ISO that you can just say bypass TPM it's built into Rufus and you can install it right out again you just hit start and then you load that on your computer and you're done uh sadly yeah I don't have that right now ah how can I know which product is fixed I mean I would never trust a product you can't see the code you can't trust the product well you're looking at Hardware you just can't trust Hardware oh man uh God I need to do a video this is so off brand for me though I don't even know where I'd release this video and I don't know I might get blowback too from some professional colleagues too um anyways it's a live stream and if you're watching an hour and a half into the live stream I think I'm safe here unless someone Clips it and puts it on Twitter or something I need to track this down with Wireshark but there is telephones called yay-link phones that are made in China and I heard through the grapevine that they do send encrypted packets that no one can read once a day back to China that's really interesting because there was Huawei phones that you can't get here in the states anymore because of some spyware type stuff that was built into the hardware yalink phones are all over the states uh they're great phones but if it's sending out that encrypted packet once a day phone at home overseas we probably should be able to look into that a little more I need to do a video and do an in-depth dive with packet sniffing but if it's an encrypted packet which I'm pretty sure everybody's told me it was I don't know what we can find from that other than go we could probably look at the size of the packets how many packets how often and frequency of it but there is some concerns from the hardware I bring all that up because can you really trust any piece of Hardware like what's the you know shops in the United States like Intel and those type of things there's a lot going on with the firmware and there's a lot of going on at the hardware level that uh would be very easy to Snoop on to take advantage of especially when you look at like out of band type stuff and remoting in I mean these things are kind of wild uh kind of keeps you up at night if you think about it too much you know throw your tin foil hat on but it's uh it's it's real it really is and it is a little concerning um I need to take a deeper dive on some of that stuff Maybe yeah I still love what you know yay like phones they look cool and they work really well but there is that I mean I also have a Google pixel so yeah oh geez yeah I think Google spies at the hardware level too I think that's true Cub I think you're absolutely right oh anyway yeah that was the that was my my tutorial on the Rufus I'm sorry it got derailed there but that should bypass TPM there's a little option uh we used to do it through you could actually do it through a reg key too you could do like a shift F10 on Startup and uh change that around too hey we're in graph you know as graphene does a great job but if it's at a hardware level or like a firmware level uh the OS isn't gonna be able to shut that down poof all right let's run our toolbox shall we see what we get I think somebody was saying is having problems with restore point and also win again so let's look at those two issues so we should see the win get installed here in the background through the script yeah we gotta we won't do chocolatey because right now chocolatey just kind of sits in the background I still like to have chocolatey there but uh oh what resolution are we in we're in like ungodly low resolution land [Music] all right we'll scale that guy so we'll just install Brave wouldn't get failed to install Brave uh when get failed to install well what do we do why is that failing let's take a peek uh before we do anything else let's shut this guy down let's make a template and a snapshot just in case so we have something to test against before we start tinkering that way we can always revert back to stock settings and go okay let's run this again let's run it again and uh get a good uh get a good uh deal here let's uh snapshots Snapchat manager so we're here we'll take a snapshot we're just gonna call this one stock a stock boot bam so we got our stock boot snapshot now we'll power it back on and we'll fix this up [Music] yeah timeshift's amazing too yeah yeah we're working on a failover to chocolatey if when get fails Loop uh specifically for older versions of windows but also sometimes chocolate does a better job and there are certain packages that chocolatey has that when get doesn't so yeah and I need to take a look at that but yeah that's something that's definitely on the road map we should we're going to get to that this year for sure [Music] [Music] alrighty let's see what we got close that down thing is slow as molasses let's take a look while that's booting what does when we're looking at our tweaks win gets um Microsoft Edge um leave install winget so right now we have this describing it through here installing these dependencies and it should work but alas it is not I swear I switched this over to like a curl of an independent wind grip script well hmm oh gee look at all this nastiness Wonder so on Windows 11 when you launch into the store I'm just I want to try something real fast too just as an idea so the store populates here okay but we're not logged in and if we launch the toolbox again we should get another failure yeah I mean we can get it to work on Windows 10 for sure so we're just gonna go up launch yeah I wonder if we can break the store and still use winget I'm going to try that real fast so we'll just say now um God bless that search bar let's just turn that off turn that off oh gosh look at all this crap anyways let's just take this we'll maximize it uh we'll take Brave hit install that failed same thing okay so that's happening right there now I want to see if I can break the Microsoft store before trying to run the script independently just because I want to get to the point where even if the store is gone it's going to install winget through like nougat so let's go region region settings because there's that Theo Joe trick from Windows 11. but what happens is there a world on Windows 10 there isn't a world option in Windows 10 right there and English world is there an option here there is an option here okay some apps need may need to be closed and reopened for formatting changes so let's see what happens if we switch it to English world and then we go to install or launch when you okay that's not that's not good yeah oh Microsoft Store I'd love to just completely get rid of it though and I think we can everything from Powershell should work so I'm gonna I'm gonna try that and that should should help value Along by quite a bit the stream doesn't just bomb out on me from all the all the VMS running ah there yeah oh foreign here we go I don't know what the Locale is for English world probably United States I'd imagine but we'll find out so now let's move on to the Microsoft store does it break with the new region nah that's a window the 11th thing only if you have region set to the English World in Windows 11. Microsoft won't even uh store won't even load yeah anyways cool cool idea next up on our to-do list though let's try running the script directly we can change this to a curl of the Wingate script uh all right God bless all right let's go all right let's go there and yeah the old Edge screen I tell you you gross let's just grab our raw file I could actually right clicked the wrong copy the link but whatever alrighty uh was that oh that's when you tell my bad I wanted to grab the raw file from winget is I wanted to see what error it's giving so this is what's Happening Here oh okay let's just copy copy link let's go into here and what we're going to do is an irm we're gonna just do the winget and then we're gonna do an IEX and by executing this script it should download and execute and install winget at the same time so could not find file UI xaml file that's the error we're getting so let's refer back to that issue because that guy linked a script that looked good so we're gonna go win get script he said check out this script let's Overlook it see exactly what he's doing all right checking for version um looking for get GitHub release so he's downloading it directly from GitHub which is probably the way to do it instead of trying to do it through nuget but let's see if he's interfacing he's got an interface with nuget I believe just just grabbing all the release stuff through functions uh Handler error function checking for errors checking for updates for the repo looking for the VC Libs or visual C plus plus libraries nice ammo Wingate this does look really good I gotta tell you I kind of dig it all right let's just run it from the raw and see what we get uh we'll execute that alrighty oh it does run in Windows 11 too weird Okay so maybe it's only from install that it does that all right that looks like it worked let's just relaunch our admin our shell and did win get work yeah it's there it's good uh I'm accredited on this one did I write a script and I don't even remember he must have taken like a function or something from me let's see see if I can spot my code in here somewhere definitely not me this is definitely not me um maybe the UI xaml download I remember messing around with that a little bit on one of my versions but that's all gone now or maybe grab some of the wind yet portion but I don't know I don't know what he took from me but appreciate the accreditation and I like that he expanded on the script that actually works overall it looks like a better script to be honest with you so um foreign I think I'm just gonna tape that whole thing because it's a good project URI I like the notes section I'm gonna see if I can't drop that into here I think I can pretty much just use this entire thing which would be cool um actually I'm not even in my system so oh it was in the change log at the top let's take a look at it that is pretty darn cool foreign so this originated from PS Gallery I was probably he probably got turned on to it so he took the initial script from PS Gallery much like I did on my first times I was installing Windgate so you probably heard about it from me I don't think any of this code is mine though uh Mr Zeus optimized reliability major refactor reverted UI xaml the 7.2.73 for stability adjusted script to fix install issues due to wind git changes thank you Chris Titus Tech ah okay I probably and then we'd get changed again and then broke my script uh it all comes full circle oh that's great um rename repo you are okay I like it sweet let's see what we got here so install though you can't put functions and functions though all right this is a bit dirty but we're gonna do it this way we're gonna credit him and leave all of his comments at the top do need to go back through and delete some of the references there or old functions in mind I'm gonna just do a one-to-one copy to my winget PS1 this version did reference some functions that frankly need to be deleted I don't want my code bloating up so let's just take a little bit of time do some housekeeping update environmental variables I believe this we're gonna just get rid of it and we're gonna get rid of this let's do a search when you IPS one that's fine when we do the compile that'll get deleted so when get already installed if blah blah blah if no and [Music] I think we'll probably just launch a new new one here who before I do that though let's see if there was any other functions where you're calling right I think I set up one other one oh no never mind I lied all right hey got some Raiders how's it going guys we are just working on getting when get expanded on for a Windows 10 install here on our Powershell script had some problems with the old way of doing it worked fine in Windows 11 but Windows 10 did not like the script so we're just working on optimizing this getting pasta in here and I'm about to do something kind of dirty but so be it okay can't have a winner all the time oh I'm looking at it and I'm thinking I'm gonna just change it to like a curl let's see a funny tweet the other day from the package maintainers of curl that uh Windows Defender started flagging curl.exe as a virus and so did like a couple other different antiviruses out there and the the curl F Dev was like listen that's not us that's not on us that's just false positive for Microsoft like oh damn okay they win 10 what is this program okay that's fine hello all right let's do curl where am I calling curl in here leave we were doing it on the this script as well I think we will do something very similar so we'll take this I could do it in invoke script as well we already have the function for winget and I feel like I'm going to come back to this anyway so ah it's fine so we'll grab our standard file here which this should be come back here we're gonna grab we can get PS1 and this is old this one is old but once we merge it with the branch it'll be it'll be fine even though this right now is wrong we're gonna oh I just created that test branch I want to just commit it directly to Maine oh well so we're going to grab the raw file paste that in careful not to kill my Escape yeah well help if I grab the whole Hazard address man you're working on a laptop I cannot believe people do their entire work process on a laptop it is so aggravating all right we're gonna call this win get dot PS1 toss that in the environment temporary directory and then we're going to start the process um going to get dot PS1 but with this we're gonna have to invoke Powershell and not that it won't know what to do with just that so let's see and we don't need any arguments could do silent no new window and wait probably um let's see if we have Powershell foreign [Music] that will be fine and I'm just gonna check one more thing ah cash might add that in there as well for when we do the invoke we could invoke a new run space that would make it run a little faster but at the same time I don't want everything to be hung up by this one so maybe maybe we don't for the win get I think we're gonna just change it so we'll uh I really don't like that and we're also going to run into a problem running that PS1 file because uh it's gonna be restricted so we we'd have to start a new shell prompt and put it to an unrestricted or remote signed oh hell Hell's Bells now we're not going to do any of that screw it we're gonna just consolidate this is fine yeah yeah all of this is gonna go so we're just gonna get rid of the curl all together we're going to start a new process in Powershell um and I feel like we're not gonna do an how if we start the process we kind of need a new window Maybe I'm gonna go irm then do it like an IEX and that should be good uh when I've actually first started this tool it was really easy because I really all I did was take my admin scripts I've been running forever so like when I was setting up new boxes I would just toss a PS1 script and say do all this remove all this bloat set it up properly so they're just hooking an already existing thing I've already designed for years and just said here's how I set up Windows using one Powershell script so that's how this all started and then people are like hey what the hell this is installing Adobe Acrobat I don't want Adobe Acrobat and then so other people were like well I don't like these changes so then it started going okay how do I build a GUI on top of it so then initially I was just asking questions through the prompt and then I did win forms and then when forms is super ugly with like absolute positioning and no scaling so that really sucks so then I build out a whole xaml interface for it and it just kind of taken out a a mind of its own man it really has it's kind of wild to see that this all started just a couple years ago from a silly YouTube video of how I like automate things I think that's pretty good though [Music] why is Windows so dog water that is the question it should be a lot better than it is there's no reason why it shouldn't have 100 market share they've had every Advantage other than the fact they just squandered it by doing silly things [Music] what do you think of Mac especially now that they're putting more focus into gaming which might gain superiority no Mac will never gain gaming superiority hell they don't even have 32-bit support they threw that out with Catalina so like steam's not even on there really it's like a gimped version of steam if it even installs now I mean I haven't haven't tried the game on a Mac in a long time and you got the arcade store so I guess if you want to play like iPad games on a Mac sure but actual gamers are never going to use a Mac it's just not a thing um I know some people will point me to like a Linus Tech tips video where they emulated a PC and then played like Grand Theft Auto or some crap uh some older title that probably could go through like several levels of compatibility layers to play a game but Mac is never going to be competitive Apple just can't do it they don't have the ability they will always fumble it so [Music] but yeah you know it I think uh Linux has a good shot with the steam Steam OS and then um windows will always rain probably on top until it loses 50 market share or something which will it I don't I don't I just don't see that happening so I think windows will always be on top followed by Linux followed by like a distant third Mac I just can never see that happening man yeah it still requires Rosetta and anytime you do that it's just not going to be a good experience like I said you can play some old games if you want to like do like World of Warcraft something like the really big titles will be there but um past that uh nothing else jeez he's calling into the show yeah and last I checked on Mac they are using Rosetta to emulate Linux which runs wine which is a it's like the Inception of compatibility layers it's just Jank it up man [Music] yeah there is stream gaming like you can game you know via like GeForce now or you don't want a shadow and some other there's some other options there for you but no serious gamer ever takes those Services seriously that's just for like hey I really want to play this game on this piece of crap I have of like a Chromebook or um a Mac or something like that and then at that point you're not really using the computer it's more of like a a viewpoint so that's a good question but it's just yeah there's there's so much to go and then Max insistence on using metal which screw them why would we use metal game developers aren't going to choose metal over DirectX or Vulcan like what the hell are they smoking like they've they've been drinking the Kool-Aid way too long to think Metal's gonna take off in the gaming sphere ah yeah that's just my two cents yeah and I think they could they could see some success in Mobile gaming too ah let's see if it's good let's just do this commit run that off function change that switch this over and when get fixed fix [Music] I think that's good we're gonna look to see if our unit tests succeed on this or not uh I think I forgot something I feel like I'm forgetting something at least I'm like I don't know there's something there that I am missing I feel like so I kind of feel like the test is gonna fail we'll let our unit test go though and check out the test Branch if it goes I'm going to just go ahead and push it to live yeah I I think a lot of people a lot of gaming companies and stuff uh would never choose Apple too there's a business side of this that nobody's even thinking of um Apple has really screwed a ton of mobile Developers and how I mean they've really screwed a lot of mobile developers is they've taken 30 of the pie for basically just having a server for them to upload their projects to and basically had this giant Overlord of a person saying yes you can you can't stay Within These bounding boxes in this and I just don't see any developer ever wanting that kind of oversight from an exterior party like Apple oh that's another reason why desktop gaming will never be a thing on a Mac gosh he's blown me up oh I'm on a group message and where are you mute button notifications turn off okay hey it didn't succeed all right cool I think we got the win fix get in there let's go ahead and I'm going to merge this directly into the branch of the main branch I know I should probably do more testing here but I think at this point it's just one thing really let's just do a compare and merge when get fixed that's what we're gonna call that we're gonna squash and merge from the test Branch to the main go ahead and delete this branch come over to the main let these run and then we'll do it I haven't broke it yet give me time I know some guy running on 100 gigabytes has been facing a kernel issue to what he theorializes it's the some sort of memory leak that went up to 30 gigs wow 30 gigs that's kind of insane oh geot jalopy is there any way to set your default apps without a UI they removed part of the script and that used to be said yeah yeah you can do it there is a Powershell command to import a xaml file or no not a xaml file I think it's just XML um to set default apps I had to do it on a bunch of systems in the past uh set default apps template Powershell uh what is it so user Choice prog ID that's a registry setting Ah that's not what I want whale let's ask bard oh great that defaults on the Powershell do it for me bard let's see if it spits out the right thing um default apps module I don't think that works yeah I don't think that works I mean we can try it that looks wrong to me I don't think there's I want to say some of these modules aren't right then the template save does look right to me because it's using it's issuing a new defaults template and then it's saving that as a xaml file or XML file and then you just call the set default apps that is right actually so this is the one command actually I think that'll work we'll see that might work guys I mean just a neat little tidbit you could probably use I think I have a miscellaneous let's create it real fast for you um let's clone a new repo uh I think I already had like a miscellaneous Powershell script yeah we'll just toss in Powershell scripts let's create a Powershell script today a new one so this one has been frustrating to no end um let's go file uh let's open new folder Powershell Scripts yeah I mean if this works well let's let's not two bars horn before we actually try it though uh let's go default app template dot PS1 all right uh I feel like that's a little bit wordy let's just rename it default apps so we have that we save it out and then we should just be able to do an import module down here and so open Powershell run the following command to create the template file that'd be hilarious if chat GPT powered by Microsoft does a worse job than barred powered by Google that'd be that'd be a little bit fun funny um actually we don't need to call that that's not their template that would be fine and foreign think we can just set that as a default right there and we should be fine alrighty so we got Firefox Microsoft Outlook Spotify and DLC whatever let's just try it as is that actually looks good it does look very convincing and it looks I've said it in the past and I do remember using a command very much like this where you called in an XML file to set the default apps um so let's just go into Powershell Scripts and default apps okay that was what I was unsure of ha true so import module those are in a valid module yeah I was like I've never seen those this command down here though I remember it was something like this so Bard completely missed and made up a bunch of properties that don't exist and tried to import a bunch of modules that don't exist well all right let's let's see if Bard can fix it we'll be like invalid modules um these are invalid modules ah I'm glad you cut the stream John look at a class of Linux in college all right after that been running testing on Linux Debian 12 Katie with flat packs solid system I don't think you can break Debian 12 KD with flat packs that is awesome yeah uh Linux CLI is a dream to deal with that is not what we're dealing with today we're dealing with Powershell is just a nightmare oh my alrighty does it say like apologies here okay so up here is trying to import these and I was like that doesn't look like a valid module so now they're changing it to these modules man that's really far off I don't think these modules are there I'm not going to write all this out again we're just going to paste these modules in and see what happens oh no that's not I didn't copy it we're gonna just paste this in right here they're not a valid module I was like that doesn't look like a valid module um is it writing is it trying to do like an import module from dot net or something maybe hmm freaking AI man I just don't think it's capable of doing it I still think GPT is a little bit better than bard um still not a valid module let's see if we can detect that I'm like okay automation I believe is a valid module for net but this is Powershell this is Powershell aren't those modules for net you are correct the modules are for DOT net the correct modules are set in default apps uh that's not right either what what jobs are getting replaced by AI that isn't like that's not there and importing those modules that I just those aren't valid I already know they're not valid and I don't I don't do that much Powershell work I I am not like I should not be smarter than an AI that's been trained for a week yeah okay well Bard sucks let's see what GPT let's compare GPT why we're here might as well one second go over the other screen here log in real fast all right here we go all right here we go GPT let's see what it does uh create Powershell scripts that sets default apps so if we look okay they're going to different tact what is it doing here sure here's an example Powershell script that sets default applications for specific types and protocols um um no what in the hell is it doing I mean it could work in theory again I've never coded that foreign let's see here [Music] no I just don't see that being a thing so I I just remember in XML file let's see yeah Import and Export a default app Association yeah this this is how it was done through dism yeah this is the answer I was like I've done it before and this looks way off I don't know what all these AI tools were thinking I still like to try the AI tools just mess around if I was actually having to get the work done I probably would have gone the traditional approach here but yeah so you should be able to do uh export of the XML of like this let's go here this is just going to toss it on my desktop so if we go here use DSM to export you can open up the desktop uh desktop and oh where are you user profile desktop my default um okay user profile desktop um I'm not seeing it those are all just links I guess it didn't create the XML file do you remember using that so it probably uh wasn't able to resolve that quite but that's fine what we can do is just take this ah shoot let's just change that to a c if we can export it to there let's just go to C drive or the root of C drive I'll just see oh geez uh I've forgotten how to go to oh man let's see colon backslash I believe yeah I'm like oh my God so there's the default yeah there we go we got it we're missing the backslash so then we could export this out but we could also just them my default [Music] let's see what the file looks like so here's your apps and associations you can see it's associating like uh media player photos and what you could do is when you export this out like I'm using Brave right here so I could just change this if we look at Brave see how the app name is brave right here I would probably take that just be like ah let's just viw yank that word and then I probably would do like a substitute of uh do uh probably percent substitute [Music] uh Microsoft Edge replace it with brave like a g like that and then we'll save that file out and then what this will do when we go to import it using uh where are you at this we're just going to grab the first part so backwards oh let's go dism import C colon backslash my defaults ah I hate laptops just give me a regular keyboard already so then all the associations for Microsoft Edge are now associated with brave so then no matter what if it tries to reference Microsoft Edge it'd be like uh like that uh and this wasn't really needed to be done but I forget who it was in chat they were asking about setting default applications using dism import default app Apple Internet exporting is probably the best way to do it and then I would just you don't have to use Vim you could use like vs code and just do a global search and replace and that way you can easily grab all of the files uh for all that program and then replace them with the program of your choice and you'd be great so Firefox Brave whatever you want and uh I would at least make sure though that program is associated as a default for something in your system that way you can grab the program ID because you saw I just yanked the program ID from another uh program that was already Associated as the default which was Brave and now all of the edge ones was really easy to find and replace or just a really good good way very very cool [Music] ah yeah twitch does that so they think it's like the automatic ads or whatever it is here I can show you guys I don't have it set up a little bit better but I know for like subscribers you don't get ads and you get bods which I set that up but yeah there's like this Auto ads every 90 minutes it runs ads just like a twitch thing yeah but I I usually take all the vods I don't think there's any vods on Twitch that don't eventually make it to YouTube usually it takes me about a week to edit these vods down uh this bot will probably just be a straight straight um straight upload just because I don't have the separation of all the music and stuff in the background yeah you have to manually run ads three minutes every hour I guess I could change it to do that automatically but I I probably forget and then if you don't then anybody finding me on Twitch just gets paid with an entry ad which is awful for automatically bouncing the person yeah you could also try a purple ad blocker I didn't say anything about this but there is always purple ad blocker and they do it pretty a pretty good job or you could do a VPN to Syria or like Lebanon yeah one of those countries has a really good uh just terrible ad rates and twitch can't find any advertisers to advertise in them so if you VPN to one of those countries and then watch me on Twitch you get no ads because there's no ads to serve fun life hack Poland yeah and Poland has pretty good internet too so that would be a good one to VPN in Russia well if you can make it into the out of Russia I don't know uh I love it but yeah I always love ways for whatever way you find to get around ads I mean I don't know it's it'd break the bank for me how much do we make on that this past month let's see what do we get how much on that we got 210 bucks this last month we got 35 dollars from ads I'm gonna go eat me a nice no that's not quite a steak dinner um yeah so yeah don't ever feel bad about blocking ads if you can get around it go for it is what I say oh and we need to check our tools so we did our default ads I kind of got sidetracked there but let's oops power off let's run this real fast just to make sure our our commit went through how do you change Powershell in Powershell seven when you right click on the start button you don't I believe it defaults to Powershell Powershell core I believe is that what they call it it's like a version five so this right here Windows 11 everything can be set through Windows terminal so everything launches in a terminal and then you can specify through your defaults this is one of the downsides to Windows 10 and one thing I do like about 11 you know usually I'm crapping on 11 but I really like the fact you can set all your defaults and I could even set it by default to run Administration and I believe on Startup you can specify uh Powershell seven which is like what I like to run uh you could specify Powershell core which is I think like version five basically a Powershell um and you just set it all up and you're good to go so I dig this part of it uh the default terminal application always change this from con host or console host to to Windows terminal as well by default uh Windows 10 uses con console host they don't have they have terminal but it doesn't ever default to it and then it defaults to Powershell core uh up here which is like a Powershell five I try to do commands that work in both but there's certain things that don't quite translate um and then I'm you know got to do stuff what what is that person search bar now oh lordy okay so um oh wait wait we already installed winget Let's uh shut this down I forgot to switch over to Snapchat one second hey what's up HGH [Music] ah you John's doing VPN jumping or or you could do uh multiple VPN tunnels so you have a big tunnel let's say you use like expressvpn or something like that or nor Nord whatever big VPN manufacturer and then you toss another VPN into it uh you can actually do that multiple times I don't think I recommend it per se but it does technically work and I could see that breaking ads because they won't know where the traffic's from or it changes your location no oh okay yeah yeah the old thank you for the correction There Be EJ uh the built-in powershells using the where the Powershell 7 plus is core thank you yeah that's the difference I remember people referring into a core I I flip-flopped them all right what do we got so we will launch admin we'll verify there's no wind git let's see there's no wind yet now if we do an iron press IEX hopefully this grabs or this all streamers for not well we did do other ones too so we'll say no okay gravy let's fix that let's just grab Brave this should launch our winget Scripts and let's see what we get yeah I am running this stream through a VPN which is kind of nuts I didn't mean to probably shouldn't have done that but whatever John thanks for the tier one man all right so now we've it does look like that succeeded and we probably will have to relaunch but let's go ahead and try and force it through I imagine that'll fail no did not oh we're in business all right that that looks to have done it so that fixes win get for Windows 10 and then most of the servers I think server 2022 should be okay now yeah all right the twitch God smiled upon me that's funny that's actually the first person I think that said they got recommended by well I am a twitch partner which I did for the transcoding because I wanted people that are like watching me on a phone to be able to get like lower res transcode so if you're in a a worse area and you want to stream it like 140p in your car or something you could join the Stream mobile without uh without cutting out because they sometimes jip the affiliates sound like sweet look at that and there's Bray hot dog all right great so we've fixed it awesome sauce yeah good to hear HGH yeah I know there's recently revamped winget so this new uh this new new commit we just did should have fixed a lot of uh the win get issues hopefully for good this time until Microsoft changes something yet again they always have a tendency of doing that so let's clear out our issues and we'll just look at what was this last commit where are you at MIT we'll just grab that commit and we'll go into the utility closed a couple issues at least add poly MC ah tool not detecting okay I need to look at that that I'm going to get script fixed in commit bam closing issues those are those were some big issues today that we really took care of I really want to fix some of the verbiage and how the tool does maybe on the next stream I'll do that in that that's like a normal stream of mine uh oh Jennifer I'm just cut off my space I remember I think me and my wife are out somewhere and she was wearing Spanx and uh we were walking and she was like her face started turning like purple or something I think she got like a size too small it was just like her will to live and just like suffocating her and she's like I I'll be back she had to get out of it and just throw them away oh it was hilarious I was dying foreign ACC Switcher a super fast account switcher for steam Battlenet epic games origin Riot launcher oh that's pretty cool got over a thousand stars let's start I might come back to it simple it swaps out files and registry values pointing them into your last logged in account while the program is closed think of it as freezing a platform like steam in time and replacing the count block with a previously frozen account okay and then I'm freezing it that's neat so it doesn't ever log you out basically I mean a little bit of a concern from a security standpoint but convenient to say the least you know which I know I mean honestly if you have all this installed or you're really that concerned with security probably not that's pretty cool though you just click account ah neat I don't think I'd personally use this but I I'm I'll start maybe you never know sometimes you might run into something you're like was that program that someone mentioned I always like starring things like that that way I can always go back through my stars and go yeah that's what I needed it's made by a YouTuber must be good then well I I kind of prefer it though like if it's a very public in a popular YouTuber they're more incentivized to make sure that the program's good and stays up to date otherwise they get just tons of hate mail so I know that from just building like Windows utility there's times where I've like okay I gotta take a break for like a month or two people are like hey what the hell this is broken fix it uh and I'm like oh yeah I'm gonna get back to it fix it so I I do actually kind of like a lot of YouTuber driven projects because it it forces you to kind of stay on top of it where a lot of Open Source stuff when it's just Joe blow a lot of times they abandon it and then you can't find where they went they just got another job or they don't have time to do it anymore and it just kind of Falls the Wayside so you know I was half joking but really when I started to think about I'm like yeah it's probably a good thing that's cool which Youtuber ah okay oh oh yeah yeah let's run the tweaks I suppose I think we did those but let's load it up might as well let's let's uh let's do that just for completionist's sake close that close that close that close that ooh this laptop's starting to get kind of dicey all right got that drag this over power it on yeah really sure the restore point should work I mean I did it last stream so I'm pretty sure the restore point works but meh like I said it wasn't mentioned earlier and we did do a PR at the very beginning of the stream that pushed I think it was like two or three two or three streams ago we were messing around with restore points but it was left on the test Branch as we were still kind of testing a few things and I merged that at the start of the stream as well so we did a lot of merges and uh pull requests too ah long day 6 a.m to 6 p.m oh those are brutal HGH I've done many days like that man oh feel for you it was the YouTuber let's click what's up my name is I've heard this guy before I I it wasn't this video I was watching something else I remember him popping up in my feed but I remember it being a good video I I'm not gonna probably watch that whole thing but appreciate it because I was just curious of who it was if I knew him or not I don't know him personally but have seen him around oh yeah yeah I'll definitely create a new testing branch all right let's do a toolkit launch IEX and probably do something with that but uh we could probably like launch that maximized I don't know it's an idea do some like dark theme seems to work pretty good um just run the default tweaks see what we get creating their store point I'd say this restore Point's working and I redid where it enters the script so it doesn't try to run any tweaks before the restore points finished so as soon as the restore point is done it should run all the tweaks and solid that's what we want done done deal perfect so you'll see that all the tasks are still going and we're still getting a lot of utilization let's see what uh a little restart should should speed up this little tiny VM we have going on and then we'll wipe it down let's go ahead and create that test Branch while this boots back up too uh let's go win util um go branch New Branch test 2023.08 we'll just go ahead and date it for tomorrow I'm not going to do another PR tonight uh I think we've established everything's fixed it's in a lot better place than we started for the day just take the wins where you can I forget to ask did you add the connection modification to GP edit for Windows it's not already a part of the mods um I don't think I did I need to are you talking about changing Windows home so you can do gpos in it so it actually enforces Group Policy so I think I need to make that change if so I do uh I think I made an article about it not too long ago about modifying a Windows home to do group policy um anyways that does work yeah Qs um what we got for performance utilization ah I mean processes were down at least 67 processes that utilization though what the hell is my computer doing that only shows four percent you uh okay I guess it was hitting something at the beginning it's hard to say sometimes what the hell is doing in the background um that looks good though solid yeah some of the pictures are dated I need to change it up a bit do a dark light mode um change up some of that because yeah I mean it's kind of wild thinking back to how where the tools started from and where it's at now it's so wild yeah it'll just keep hammering away like I'm excited like it's been three years now that we've developed it and you know with everybody you know keep contributing and all that man I I mean I think it's just gonna keep going for well through Windows 12 and and onward because I don't see them getting rid of Powershell anytime soon and the fact that I'm kind of future proofing it especially with like a lot of and some of the c-sharp stuff I'm doing on the back end which we haven't really hit too much for the last month or two I really just wanted to get the Powershell really squared away especially with more people using it um which is in a pretty good spot right now let's take a look I think we did Issue oh where was it uh that was fixed in the last commit [Music] uh I believe that's in there now that was added that was actually a PR as someone else did [Music] let's double check Snappy jar of our origin tool utilities Snappy driver okay yeah there perfect just toss that in the done pile um can't reinstall Edge I think we still gotta modify fix Edge being managed by our organization uh this is more of updating some of the code because git wmi objects deprecated and when you switch those over to CMI instances yeah I think and then probably the next thing I really want to work on too is a fallback to chocolatey when Wingate inevitably screws up because that that does happen um and removing OneDrive that's been asked a lot so I probably push that to the Forefront too so the rest of these are pretty low priority yeah see anything there's like ooh have to have disable fast boot I actually think I fixed that and I actually think I already made that change as well uh we also need to go back through I've already done some of the undo tweaks to make sure that was good but there's still some stragglers I think that's going to be ongoing though that's pretty good is there a way to send this picture um you could just do like Imager or uh IX IO or just copy paste the text all those work for me gaming yeah uh beaver I think we have uh that that change happening now the uninstall Edge tool I think two weeks ago now we were really going hard on it and it's it's a lot better a lot better all right let's see chocolate are installed blah blah the term in a mobile computer is not recognized by name command script or pot you know what it is gaming do you have a deep bloated version of Windows where you've stripped out system restore here's a good way to check some versions when people run a lot of other tools and they strip out system restore to like it happens with tiny 11 it happens with like Atlas OS review that's why I don't really recommend those products that much because they strip out a lot of stuff in Windows uh and some of that stuff is actually kind of needed so let's go to systemdm.cpl down here this is the command you want to run this opens up the old system properties go to system protect tab if you don't have a system protect tab you literally deleted system restore um and I would check to see if this is even on I'd be curious to see what it is because enable computer restore is a default setting you could easily check to see if that's there because if you just go enable uh computer restore yeah and yeah you can see that that does work but if you're getting invalid command Pro that tells me a modified version of Windows where it deleted it probably am I the only one in chat programs Sim Sim intrinsics I don't know what that is Sim intrinsics what [Music] foreign I am going down a rabbit hole here [Music] uh CPU on this laptop is a 12th gen i7 I think I think we looked at it earlier we got system yeah it's a i7 2012 700. is the tuxedo laptop I reviewed that uh in December mainly just so I have a really good portable laptop the old K Focus I had was a beast it had a 2080 super but dude the battery on that thing lasted like two or three hours with everything loaded up so not great battery life when rocking that that monster GPU in there but really nice to have so I have that laptop honestly I could just pack both laptops and use one for recording and then reboot into the other one that'd be cool although yeah oh gosh ingesting all that video into the other laptop would be a pain never mind it's best just to stream it all on one I'll just get a better I'll get a better laptop hopefully something big comes out this year I'll probably switch over to it what do you think about framework laptops and their mission to build I think that's amazing like modular laptop should be a thing like I I missed the days it used to be a lot more modular I mean there's a reason why a lot of Linux nerds love the ThinkPad live being thinkpads because you could you could change the CPU you could change the memory you could change shoot you could Flash the firmware on a lot of them you could do all kinds of really cool hacky stuff to to make it better so I love the idea of bringing that back it's definitely a neat thing so I really hope framework does well in their mission and I hope they do well as a company because I'd love to see that return I'm ever gonna make uh Chris dose laughs um I would say um maybe maybe not it depends I've been following that project there's like I really kind of want to use the ameliorated uh Miller rated made it I can't spell I think it was a Miller rate oh geez Google just give me the closest thing thank you all right we're close we're close there we go I really wanted to use this guy so I made a video kind of going over his tool the Amy Wizard and watching that um but the main problem with it because Atlas OS and I think revios the playbooks and stuff on it he was doing it like a pay-to-play kind of system he's up to 50 bucks a month now that he's making off of it but not very much and I know this is silly and I really love the project but the source code never has been updated look he updates a part of it but he doesn't share the GUI and he never has expanded the CLI usage so while you can load this into visual studio and compile it you're like I have no idea what the usage is because they there's not even like a help command to even specify the usage or even manual so I get why he does that but at the same time I'm like so I I would like to see him get more money but also I kind of want him to finish out his CLI tool because right now it's just too I wouldn't want to be attached to the project just in case something happened just a this is a cya on my part because anytime you do like a Windows ISO man I just I could see something bad happen and I do like the fact that this guy is running like a verify server a verified Playbook so Joe Blow can't just modify my playbook and install viruses and he would verify it so but it's like a chicken and egg scenario too he kind of needs someone bigger to to Really leverage the platform so he gets more donations so it'd be neat I love to do like a Titus Playbook using his tool I think it'd be cool but I don't know I don't know I still want to see it mature a little more oh and it has protection Ah that's weird so if it has protection then it should be able to do the checkpoints and enable computer restore you know let's see one second so I'm using Powershell here but let's switch this over to like old Powershell from Windows 10. enable computer now that still works huh I have no idea why you'd get an invalid command for that line what happens when you just type in enable computer restore into your Powershell does it still give you an invalid command because that should work hmm oh dude it's almost 7 P.M here okay the GUI in when you till on what is it written it's written in Powershell using xaml so everything you see in there is completely open like you can change everything there's nothing obfuscated everything is done there's no library or external libraries pulled in it's everything comes from Windows Powershell so all of what you see is just Powershell commands and it just is uh written in that weird xaml language which xaml designers are and I've never met one oh that was just me pounding around trying to figure it out because there's just not very many good examples out there uh so that's why it's kind of a unique project oh it's it it said everything you said well it should when you run the toolbox it should just launch right in that doesn't make sense oh system restore well it should enable it too lamb yeah when you do enable uh computer computer restore like C colon it should uh the the script should automatically do it for you so like all that though we showed was just troubleshooting with gaming yeah so you should have that and you can actually look at your system restore points two just to see if you have one and anytime you run it like let's go here system restore go next so you have this Auto restore point but if let's say you can see Windows installer module is there but if we run a tweak on this system it would change that so let's let's just verify um I'm going to delete all my restore points real fast don't do this uh VSS admin oh I can't remember I think we can go VSS admin delete Shadows I said bash Dash all hey how about that all right cool so now when we run system restore let's say we run our toolbox um great go to tweaks let's just say we run we'll just do a disable Telemetry they'll take like two seconds so it should create the system restore point right there once this is done it should do all the Telemetry tweaks so bam done okay perfect so then we can double check that we have that restore point I had to delete those restore points otherwise it won't create a new one because it already did one today this is Windows is like hey I'm not creating a ton of restore points and sucking up all your data and you can see system restore point created by win util on today's date at that time so definitely working like I said man it better be working we did like a three hour stream on that one yeah and uh I don't know if you've run it since but I mean I did do that PR that merged that that we did a couple streams ago into the branch the main branch today so just a couple hours ago was the very first time the new restore really took into effect for the mainstream as I usually like to delay those big changes like that at least a week or two just so we have a little bit more time to test but everything's good now the test Branch doesn't have any commits on it everything's committed and merged we're solid so I'm gonna wrap this stream up guys it's been a long one today um I'll have to I'll probably download this and just upload it raw to YouTube just so people can go through it I'll probably time stamp it still though uh I'll see if I can't I don't know yeah but the music in the background I can't really chop it up like I normally do sad to say should have done like a recording or maybe a VOD track or something I don't know ah anywho okay well let me know man yeah if you document a little bit and just create an issue if it's still an issue and then I can double check it on like a fresh Windows 10 but hey it's great yeah great to see it see you in chat too John I usually do these on Tuesday Thursday I'll try and do some more later streams too I do like the later streams uh they seem a little bit more put together I'm not great in the morning I I swear I've gotten paid for 20 years working jobs and from 10 to noon all I did was drink coffee and eat snacks in their pantry so I apologize to any current and past employers for you happen to pay me for morning activities because I don't think I did much after looking at a lot of my code I do in the morning I'm like wow yeah so great all right y'all take it easy I'll see you guys uh probably not Thursdays I'm gonna be traveling again I'll be back home though um and uh next week we'll resume everything will be normal I'll be back in the regular studio I won't have to deal with uh the more janky setup I might get a streaming no I won't get it streaming tomorrow I'm touring a company so um that'll be fun uh so with that I'm out of here guys peace
Channel: Titus Tech Talk
Views: 4,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: z1UvF95nNdI
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Length: 164min 24sec (9864 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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