Removing Edge is a Nightmare

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oh today we're revisiting would use uh when you tell issues I've been slowly just grinding them out we had over 300 at the beginning of last week it's down to like 140ish now so getting better I might go over like some news stories other stuff too on stream but uh that's kind of the the thought process today oh boy I started also a little bit late today because it's 108 degrees here in Texas 108 fahrenheit I think it's like 44 or 45 Celsius I don't know it's really hot so I did uh early workout today so that's why I'm a little bit late than my usual time now goes it everybody son amazing goat it is Windows yes yes uh a lot of a lot of uh people have donated to the windows utility and that's something I really have been doing a lot to try and keep up with every every couple months I usually do a big update and we've already done a huge commit in several pull requests and fixed quite a bit just in this past week but I'm going to continue that probably throughout the whole month I still need to go to Linux and dive back into the whole Debian Titus finish that out and make that a more cohesive one script you run it and it just works so that that should be fun uh the remove OneDrive uh the problem with removing one drive is when a person sets up one drive on their computer it reassociates all of the folders the OneDrive folders to desktop documents pictures downloads all that it moves them all into the OneDrive folder doesn't Sim link them because Microsoft's takes stupid pills when they install stuff and then when you go to an uninstall OneDrive what it does is it doesn't revert the Sim links it doesn't move the files back it just basically just uninstalls it and then delete your files I mean they're still in OneDrive so you go to and download them but uh I gotta make a whole script because Microsoft's incompetent and take all those files out of OneDrive move them back into their respective folders then uninstall OneDrive because Microsoft just couldn't see to do that I I don't understand why I'm the one who has to do it but oh well that's fine I've made money off of Microsoft's incompetence my entire life oh I'm not complaining it's just that's one of the reasons why OneDrive was removed because I haven't written that script in Microsoft uh uninstall of OneDrive leads to Lost files and and them not reverting the those folders that I just laid out is the main reason for it to go remove it it's just uh that's that's the whole thing it's kind of silly so yes if you do ever want to uninstall OneDrive do it manually and make sure you copy your files out of OneDrive before uninstalling it [Laughter] should probably warn people about that but yeah Microsoft logic it's been all day I'll happen to Major organization migrate to 365. it feels as weird as coming back from holiday speaking a different language oh I'm sorry a lot of organizations I know right now are trying to decouple from the cloud uh that's like like I did my first couple o365 conversions like 2012 2013 and uh 365's really gone downhill it it just has and they they try to nickel and dime a lot of their customers and I did a little tidbit that's coming out on Titus Tech talk of kind of going over how they did the Walmart model chased everybody away chased away all the on-prem exchange people to go 365 and then slowly made the product worse while charging more do you know that NT Lite has a good free version now Indie light went to paid after I want to say Vista and uh back in the XP days and part of seven I want to say it had a free freemium model but after uh after a little bit I think pretty much the last 10 years NT light has uh been paid paid to play kind of ever since it's still a great great piece of software and tea light is so I still recommend it but yeah it does cost the 30 bucks and as much as I'm always uninstalling crap on my computer and redoing it it does have a limited licensing structure so sometimes you use up all your licenses which is kind of a pain in the butt you have to call them and then say hey yeah I've installed on 10 different machines and now I need to install on another machine but I'm no longer using all those other ones so then they deactivate all your existing installs and then reissue it's it's a kind of a the DRM and ninty lights not great I kind of hate that minimal in stock I think they can do a better job but the actual software itself works well hey man I'm an old Acer Aspira laptop laying around the house oh my God the Aspire I remember the netbooks I have I had like three or four of those with tiling Window Manager desktop what do you suggest for that oh Stefan I would totally be using something very minimal like very very minimal um probably like an antics an Antics would be pretty darn lightweight like even system D is too heavy for that those Acer Aspire netbooks Those are nasty lap nasty netbooks but they would be fun to put like a really minimal distro on so I'd probably Antics would probably be a good one if you're not really familiar with Linux and you're like I really want systemd you could go with like a peppermint or a lubuntu oh rwx Rob and in tmux oh Rob's in the house he rob doesn't like he doesn't like the tiling window managers he's like tmux does everything I always just say agree to disagree I'm a big common Window Manager Different Strokes for different folks I'm literally using KDE on a 2005 PC kdes actually not as heavy as most people think uh I think what plasma came out they really did a good job of deep loading it down to uh last I checked Kitty runs at like five or six hundred Megs of memory and uh that's that's pretty lightweight I mean gnomes about a gig it's probably one of the heaviest desktop environments and almost everybody else is lower than that if you want to go really really low and need a desktop environment probably like open box I think you can get away with like a hundred and let's say you want to install it like on a toaster I'm not kidding you could probably install it on like a toaster or Seagate can drive something with like really really minimal processing power and has almost no memory you could go with tiny core tiny core only needs 46 Megs of memory so if it has 46 Megs of memory you could load tiny core on it so there's a lot of really neat projects out there I love it hey what's up zero been a long time no see yeah why does the browser say managed by your organization oh BCA there's actually a fun little issue on that so a lot of people that use Edge dude it's 104. I just got done we're working out so if I'm a little loopy this stream that's why I worked out in that heat and I did it because I didn't want to work out in 108 degree heat which is usually my 430. that's like no that's just too hot um let's go over to our when you tell I want to say I've been doing a lot better clearing out my GitHub issues too uh why I bring that up because someone mentioned in a chat uh manage ah fix Edge managed by organization here is what you need right here I actually did it on a reply comment uh here I'll just paste in chat for you should buy them oh wow that did not come out at all let me give you a link uh let's just go here that one didn't work if you want to fix that bam yeah for you Celsius users like I said 44.45 Celsius hot yeah it's fun it's fun I like it though like you get used to it 32c ah 32c sounds nice whereabouts do you live now Rob I think you live on the coast don't you because I remember seeing a picture like you you surfing or something do you suggest to try dwm Titus uh yeah dwm Titus is really lightweight um it's not quite as polished as I want it to be but it's usable and I love dwm okay North Carolina turn it into a rainforest but you have the humidity though I hate humidity like our humidity is pretty low here and like I I visited Florida before with 100 humidity and it being over 100 Fahrenheit that was that was uh that was an experience zero Linux has reached a milestone I watch all your Linux streams love how many issues you have just getting some of them something to work I know a lot of times I don't do any pre-research you can you cannot have nearly as many issues or sometimes I just like hey let's just install something on a whim and a lot of the streams is just me throwing something in there just saying hey without any um any prep work let's just toss it in and if it makes a video it makes a good video if not then screw it let's just go oh I don't get used to heat see I'm uh I hate cold cold weather is like my arch nemesis I just really despise cold weather I would rather it be 108 degrees outside than it be freezing that's just me I know some people are like hey [Laughter] oh no grub grub crap again man it froze on the last stable shipment I guess we gotta we gotta switch over to system D now huh I didn't realize that grub had a a bad update what's up with that oh tuppy thanks for the prime I lost God how many old days or aspires I have I think they're a handing them out Alan I think I got a whole bunch from a business we were doing uh we got all the netbooks from like at T so they have like built-in 3G and they just handed out the Acer Aspire no netbooks because they were so cheap in Windows 7 ran like crap on them I remember that like even on release I was like oh boy these are there's not much here man I tell you it was so great let's see what we can do let's set up uh do I have power tool toys on here kind of want to just leave chat up I kind of want to be lazy today sorry guys oh wait there's one more thing I wanted to go over too before we get in today oh it's a good one you guys are gonna love this um let's let's install fancy Zone zones you know it's been a while since I did that and I gotta fix my uh oops I need to fix up [Music] power toys what's where's that at because there's one other thing in the news I saw I was going through my news and I was like oh we gotta get that going fancy zones is cool though and I I I'm obsessed with this I am going to probably upgrade to a 4k monitor because I really want to do more editing on this computer oh so grub had a bad update for xfs uh users oh sucks yeah you know you don't ever hear about system D boot breaking I gotta say all right all right all right we got that so we got all right we got window shift and then totally I gotta rename that shortcut let's just do let's just do Control Alt shift Z and I guess let's make a fancy Zone so we'll just go control back control alt shift Z ah Perfect all right great um I want to change this to custom layout perfect haha and then wait it's fancy Zone's not working oh that's right I think you have to hover over this to get it to go is that yeah okay there we go oh no are you now rob you you move from mint I want to say to Windows because you're using oh geez um what you call it this is what the heat does to your brain just goes Linux on Linux subsystem for Windows WSL that's it I was looking for it oh all right all right all right I think I need to close this one I'm not gonna probably put Spotify back in through win util I probably will go a different direction on installing that so let's just delete this View and then we'll just have our workshop and in progress Edge removal tweak I think we have that in here we can take a look at the edge removal tweak and see what we got I think uh for the edge removal tweak we probably put that it's under functions did we separate it out if not we're probably gonna do a breakout uh PS1 file for this Edge removal where is it at well let's just try remove edge yeah essential tweaks remove edge so this is an invoker script that goes through stops process I think we got most of it with this script yeah I think if you go with the Samsung you can do like an ADB and start stripping out like Bixby and all the Samsung garbage that comes with it uh ADB is actually there's a quite a bit of privilege with it you can escalate it to really remove a lot of garbage from Samsung I might actually have to try a Samsung phone again I remember I got mad after I think the Samsung Galaxy 6 when they started locking their boot loaders I was like I'm done with Samsung I'm never gonna do Samsung again but after the pixel Shenanigans I'm kind of like yeah well maybe maybe I might do that so does this actually remove edge is the question does do we still have Edge on here it's the recommended browser really okay um Let's uh let's just launch it see what we get uh what do we get remove edge let's see what happens does it work says it's removed let's just see Edge yeah it's not removed yeah bless they really baked that in there okay well the design is based like that you can still get the old Design This is a little funny thing too we did this I think last stream so when you launch into it uh if you go tweaks if you turn off Dark theme let's close it then relaunch you'll still get the the light theme so it depends on how you're themed out so the Dark theme people it will actually actually do that it's kind of cool ah okay don't show it good so you can still do light theme just depending on uh on how your system's set up if you're a dark theme user you're gonna get dark theme but yeah that was actually not even me that did that that was a pull request I just added some extra code to say dark theme move it to this light theme move it to that uh somebody already added the theme functionality so I just took that and added a little bit extra to make it even even better the beauty of Open Source I just Revo uninstaller to remove edge but when update I have to remove it again yeah there's so many uh let's see remove edge script let's see how other people are doing it this is a bat file so this one's going through removes the links hmm what's that chat GPT get its opinion let's see what it says remove edge through a Powershell script uh yeah let's see what it does so it's saying go the appx approach that's not gonna work I already call foul here uh chat GPD I would love this to work but I'm going to tell you right now it's not gonna work the Microsoft thought of that let's let's just make sure though okay I love how this has gone into like if you walk outside you're gonna burst into flames okay all right let's see if it can get Microsoft Edge yeah not gonna allow it there let's go into an admin prompt Maybe yeah this app is part of Windows and cannot be installed on a per user basis an administrator can attempt to remove this app from the computer using turn Windows features off um let's see let's see what chat gpg says to that does not work error message beaded error messages and see if chat GPT can do anything oh man it says Powershell script maybe let's see okay that might work that would be a better way of removing it so they moved it into an uh so if you want to access this the standard way they moved it into Windows features so you could remove it through here I don't even see it listed huh media features maybe no so where the hell they tuck it remove windows optimal feature online feature name Microsoft Edge okay let's try that so they they just haven't made a new well they obviously wouldn't update the old version so maybe they tucked it and made it a Windows feature I mean I would love why I'm doing it this way instead of like the hacky approach of just deleting everything because I wanted to make it to where if someone does want to reinstall Edge after they did that whole Bing chat Shenanigans oh my God I got blown up on the tool of people wanting to use Edge and I was like okay okay well I nuked it from orbit basically you ain't reinstalling it or it makes it very difficult to reinstall but if we could do it through a disabled Windows optional feature that one probably keep it from coming back from an update but also make it easy for someone to reinstall it if they wanted so let's see if that works I'm skeptical cannot find a parameter that matches all okay well let's remove that okay yeah I didn't think so that is chat GPD go home you're drunk ah so that isn't a Windows feature you are correct I apologize why am I uh that's not removing it that's just disabling the pre-launch feature so like there's people out there that do these speed tests on browsers and I want to punch them in the face when it comes to these YouTubers because they're like edges so fast I'm like it's it's a fake because they're literally pre-launching parts of edge when you start your Windows that obviously gives them an edge in speed because it's part of the operating system and they're able to leverage that part so it makes them look better on tests but it's not faster it it just appears faster because of shenanigans like this um yeah I mean I guess we got a nuke it from orbit really is the only way to do it unfortunate all right yeah well Hedges owned Edge owns chat GPD so it's like not giving me the correct answer yeah uninstall Edge Powershell script let's see if we can find something like that I don't think there's anything I I don't believe it's an apex package oh Microsoft didn't like this thread it's locked these are so funny like the Microsoft knowledge based Community is like the worst in the world like I give me an arch form post any day of the week flaming me for my stupid comment or question then freaking the Microsoft knowledge base uh they'll probably just be like you can't do this okay it says hey if you want to disable Edge and windows this is probably like GPO people are like you can't this is hilarious okay here's how you remove I don't think this will actually do it let's see that'd be funny if it did but don't think so we got a couple Edge Dev tools client Edge and if we go to remove these remove appx and we go edge star yeah it's just not gonna allow you so they force you to be like nope nuke and pave is basically the way we do it oh wow in util's top 15 rank and Powershell category that's cool yeah I'm really going to dedicate a lot more time to it because I I will be using Windows more and I really want a better experience and I know I can give a better experience with some of these stuff let's see what do we got what do we got Powershell yeah so this is used to work but it no longer works and then you've also got an uninstaller yeah this used to work as well I even did a video on this this also no longer works oh geez this is a couple years old so this probably won't work anymore either but that actually might I like the way this guy scripted it sander holvoit I like how he's grabbing the edge version this would make sure it continually works pretty well and it's gone I love that Meme let's see think I can do with this method I might need to run it in script form but let's see don't think it's going to actually uh do that let's let's try to update our script and obviously the invoker script's not going to work anymore so we're gonna have to go a different route continue the stop Edge process I agree with that uninstall Edge I like that so I think we got it at one point in time yeah this is the right way to go about it but let's see top power exploit I like the name of that one Blazer oh Sophia script's a good one when you tell 18 swoot what else we got in here setup script win 10 script hey that's my old win10 script I've archived that I think didn't I archive that yeah yeah I archived that chocolate no yeah we can stop the edge command that's not the issue the big thing here is actually removing it they've basically got rid of the uninstaller that comes with it because Edge is a fork of chromium and chromium has an uninstaller built in because Google's not as bad as Microsoft where Microsoft's like hey we need to get rid of that and I think if you run and find the uninstaller we can we can try it but I don't believe that works any longer and you have to pretty much rip it out I'm actually just looking through some of these okay um let's just try GitHub Edge removal there's that one let's see what else we got there's sorghum which they've used but I don't like closed source binaries it's just not my jam so Edge uninstaller here and we could take one of these scripts and then convert it so we're doing a stop process here we CD into here we find the edge application this is doing that see I think they're blocking the uninstallation now though there's Edge Legacy hmm let's see what else we got remove Microsoft Edge and Edge base 600 Stars pretty good so this is Chrome version only some versions Edge will not work with this not updated Chrome version only slick it remove edge bat so it is finding the edge application grabbing the version running uninstall and then doing the same thing for Edge View and then deleting the actual files and additional files I don't think that'll work anymore I like the script though let's see let's just try and run the script or we can just save um we'll just call this like edge.bat all right let's run edge.bat oh yeah uh let's go CMD do we have an elevated ah I think I closed my elevated one just close that let's go CMD edge.bat does that work I bet you it does not yeah they block it now so they block the old method of removal that will no longer work hmm we can also check that with app Wiz yeah so here's Edge you can't oh that's too funny hey pad I've actually had pads made a couple commits to the utility actually yeah so let's see pad's method of removal ah ah look at this okay clear win32 uninstall block delete this right here uh oh it's slick there's always a way where there's a will there's a way I bet you this works dude look how many blocks they put in though damn Pat put some time in to make this possible that's fascinating look at that he's doing dism to remove the provisioned Apex package super cool shut Edge down again [Laughter] oh man look at this wow so he's putting the IE Edge stub back in open web search CMD yeah that's actually really cool so then when you click on like let's say you're right here and you're like hey I want to check the forecast it automatically hard links these to Edge and what open web search is doing is it's redirecting the shell open command to like Chrome how Microsoft gets away with this is because they own all the politicians they they're just so corrupt like this is obviously a monopolistic move that you can't change your browser they got sued in the 90s for it and then Microsoft learned they just dump Millions maybe billions of dollars into the government then they can control the law and get away with just these kinds of shenanigans it's just so messed up on so many levels damn but look at this pad did a great job of finding all of it I like it Let's uh let's try and run it let's try and run pads uh batch file so that's that's clean though and it even is taking a legacy Edge too so you can run it on uh old uh let's just exit uh let's remove edge dot bats let's Bim Edge dot bat we're going to just paste this guy in save that out come back into CMD let's see how pads removal of edge goes I have a oh man that's a thing of beauty damn a lot works yeah until they find well I don't know how they're going to find a way to block this this is pretty that's pretty beefy let's go edge ha ha gone all right look at pad man props to him I can't believe he found this that's a hell of a bat script right there that is amazing oh I already started I already looked at this how did I not implement it wow nicely done man nicely done so we need to get this and what I'm gonna do I don't I I hate linking to other people's repos but we do need to give credit where credit is due um well let's just exit them Edge so hybrid script blah blah blah this is an echo but then he's moving into Powershell we might be able to just take this part of the script yeah this is all Powershell what a chad this is not using any CMD except for some of the reg delete I probably would have done it a little different but overall man that is clean okay so what we're gonna do I think we can just open that file subscribe all right we're gonna take this I think he actually made the commit for the old way but with them doing this I'm looking to see how he's initiating it I think we can probably get away with it hmm let's come down into here copy since this isn't working anymore I like the delete additional files we might leave that actually and that all right I don't know if this invoke will work we can try it though um to reinstall Edge it's a little tricky you can't just go download Edge and install it um I actually found someone someone commented in the GitHub repo that's see this is why I love a lot of the open source stuff because you can learn a lot more in a short period of time so I think someone mentioned it I want to say can't reinstall Edge solution here yeah so you can't reinstall Edge someone found that you can grab the web view in the download section choose Standalone installer and then you could run this and it'll restore it yeah oh look at this okay so there was another Edition where it adds this image file execution options mshedge.exe so it blocks it from ever being run again that's kind of an elegant solution I like it so we'd have to write a script that removes that downloads this executable file and installs it back that's not too bad for a reinstall but it's not a simple undo that's for sure but totally doable so these are the two things that we look at let's first see if this script since we converted from bat to Powershell I think most of this was written with Powershell in mind it's once we get down into here that I'm like okay this looks like a CMD structure that does not look at all like Powershell so we might need to redo it because these are like go-to points in a Powershell or command a bat script so that's not going to quite work hmm yeah it's an interesting it's an interesting thing but yeah we'll definitely be able to it's totally doable as we just shown I just want to kind of convert some of this let's see if we can't convert this to just use Powershell exclusively for the invoker script um SP H key volatile environment Edge removal at I think we can remove that you can remove web View it's just how he's elevating it from CMD is kind of interesting to get around the Privileges and I've already done some removal I think we can do registry path and then change those values or just remove them all together I know that's how I am Rob I I use uh Windows 10 and it it's fine I usually lock down my updates and then just have a whole bunch of Elgato stuff the Elgato stream deck Pro with the four HDMI inputs is just such a great value it's Windows only there's no firmware for the Linux counterpart at least I last time I checked I don't think it never works so yeah and I mean I did run it for a bit there are magewell cards if you want to do capture cards in Linux that work really well so magewell does a good job so you could set up a stable desktop type thing but I don't know I use so many add-ins and stuff that I'm like ah you know what do you say about debian's endless orphan packages that so much security is not backported um it just depends on what you're doing I don't I don't see a problem with that Cade for for most things but like using Debian strictly for business and stuff like that I get I get the point uh that you're kind of alluding to where you you have like a Souza or a red hat that would take care of a lot of that but it look you know pick pick what's right for you for your use case I used to always just do like Centos 7 is what I learned Linux on uh Linux CLI for Server headless implementations and I loved that and these days I'm just like I don't even know what to recommend for a business oriented headless setup it's just like I'm so torn I almost want to say Debian I still want to say Debian server but I wouldn't recommend that for someone that doesn't that needs support obviously uh and there's also more security issues with Debian compared to a lot of the Enterprise distros out there so there's considerations for both but the windows user in me kind of just says yeah there's more security issues in Debian compared to like a rail or a Souza but still way better than Windows [Laughter] it's kind of where I'm like I know but if we're really comparing things is it really worth it and you're like yeah yeah Debbie and still like way better than the other crap it's way better than like a Windows Server so uh yeah [Laughter] so there's that back and forth I see I I and I I I always like to play Devil's Advocate I don't ever like to crap on someone and just be like hey this is wrong I was like um that's a that's a point of view I haven't heard before and I like to figure out why they think that way sadly a lot of that in today's society is just like I want clicks and views um it seems like Ubuntu Server really has things locked up both from the container size and virtualization someone told me that canonical took over ownership of lxc that like this week or something again okay yeah Ubuntu server is interesting I've I mean I used to use a bunch of it's been a while since I really was deploying a bunch of Ubuntu servers probably Ubuntu 16 and uh maybe a few Ubuntu 18s and then I've kind of gotten out of that game and I mean the latest versions of Ubuntu server that I I really don't like is snap and I know some people are like what's up with the snap hate and all that but if you ever install Ubuntu server and you go to the login prompt like it's just a little bit buggy it feels sluggish it feels like you're in some people like well who cares if it's taking a little extra resources I mean I do especially if you look in the VPS realm where I'm deploying these things when you have like one or two virtual processors for that server and it's doing something for a business every single little ounce counts especially when you're getting charged for it so uh you know I don't want to toss two more virtual CPUs at this just so it can have all the crap on it so it's kind of like ah yeah that's where I'm at Alpine is really amazing yeah it's so so small I agree so some just cool and small 100 it's it's in the boot times on Alpine are just stupid fast like what what is the init system Alpine uses open RC yeah that's right man it's just good night like you go to boot an Alpine server and it's like two seconds and you're on you're already logging in oh man makes me kind of want to just do a non-system d Linux install oh man Linux from scratch [Laughter] uh there's no I didn't know it it didn't have any GPL V3 in it what that's wild yeah I've seen Alpine a lot especially for like the basis of a lot of containers so if you're doing a lot of docker a lot of times people use Alpine as the base for it just because it's so so stinking small you should really try using Alpine as a desktop it's really good yeah um I'm not a huge fan of the APK package manager that it uses but I mean I could you can get used to it Alpine has absolutely zero driver support for pretty much anything yeah that's I those are the downsides for it being desktop like desktop usage a lot of times I just get fed up with some of the shenanigans and Linux and I'm I get back to Windows and like oh well everything works and then you're like okay and you kind of get around with it and then I'm like ah man I really missed this about Linux I really missed that I like I like my workspace is a lot better than the virtual desktops and Linux virtual desktops and Linux have just or virtual desktops and windows is just terrible where I love the workspaces approach in Linux it feels much cleaner to me and and you know that's that's kind of where I'm at with it uh that's why I haven't really explored a lot of like FreeBSD or ghost BSD there's a lot of different spins out there that you can go on those but eventually you're going to run into tools that you're like I really need this and this would be fine if I was just doing a couple things or browsing the web but I need more and that's where a lot of the shortcomings come in to using a lot of that stuff like uh gin too you know I I think I said gentu's just for tryhards in the desktop's face I love Gen 2 don't get me wrong it has its own place and time I think Gen 2 is great if you have like a one-off use case for that system and you just want to set a really minimal maybe a little bit deep bloated Linux kernel build that out and then just put one thing on that system to go do things great but using it as a desktop it's kind of a nightmare because emerge is a little bit uh limited and installing all the stuff that you need it's Gen 2 and it's just like you got to build almost everything and it's like ah why why did I do this to myself that's a bun yeah I think I probably would for for if I did Alpine I'd probably put NYX on the APK it's really amazing what you can get away with on Nix and flat pack these days yeah a customized Edge device totally Nick's Nix kind of cheeses everything I love NYX though that video did really well I was shocked I thought I was gonna bomb so like my next video I think got over 100k views and I was like dang there's a lot more people interested in NYX OS than I thought and then it is funny because I think Linux experiment a couple other people released Nick's videos like right after right after mine and I was like this is awesome so it was cool to see that unique distro yeah I wish could compete with Photoshop I I how I do my thumbnails I still use just oh this is another Windows thing I hate compared to Linux loads so freaking slow in Windows where it's just like almost instantaneous in in Linux I don't know if anybody else has noticed that let's relaunch well that was not bad okay maybe it's just been a while since I launched it haven't I haven't lived in slackware so I can't really give an opinion on it well things are going pretty good here guys um I've been working more on the GitHub side of things I really want to kind of transition more into software development and start writing writing code again some of that's obviously Powershell I want to get away from scripting though Powershell is not writing code Powershell is just like managing Windows systems is what Powershell is that's that's not what I'm talking about but like getting back and like doing C sharp that's been fun uh this past month and I really want to get back into that I would love to learn another language uh like go or something like that where you know I feel like I'm contributing to the world where a lot of times where I just churn out videos um I don't really I don't really want to just do that I don't mind doing like a video like once a week or once every other week especially like the live streams are amazing like clipping these up cool don't don't mind that at all um but like getting back to like three videos a week on YouTube on the main Channel I just I don't see myself doing that again I really want to more focus on building out actual programs and I have all these ideas that I'm like I need to get better and get back into that and really immerse myself in in a lot of the code and getting getting those skills because I mean I I could I couldn't call myself a programmer past two thousand two thousand is really the last time where I'd spend hours every day on on programming and uh these days I mean you know I I'm the guy you call for scripts which I'm good with scripts Powershell scripts and those types of things even some bash scripting but not that's not really programming that's just like just automating something to me that's not quite the same so I really want to get back into that but that's kind of where I'm at I love where where I'm going it's just getting there and it's just so frustrating learning learning new stuff but I love it at the same time learn Zig instead okay Russ would be a great choice seeing internal Microsoft is also adopting okay yeah right now I'm using C sharp for one of the projects I'm doing and kind of learning it uh this this is this project but if we go to win one shot I've been developing this whole thing in C sharp where it goes through and the idea behind this is just to set up every single window system the same you just run this one executable there's no prompts really maybe a progress bar I'll add to it and it just goes through sets all the services exactly how I want it sets all the registry settings exactly how I want it does strips out all the junk and task scheduler and just makes windows how it should be for pretty much every user so no no settings in here that are really going to toss people through a loop it's just something that the configuration that every window should have I'm just going to make an in this c-sharp program this has been fun too because I've been able to uh this was the the function for deep loading the appx packages uh delete files what else did I do registry changing registry entries services and I was just functions for these mainly because I wanted to interface directly with them instead of just shooting Powershell or CMD commands because what happens with my regular utility and kind of why I wanted to go this route as you see there's nothing in here that's not using like Library is because with when you look back on the win util right here the problem is everything's getting pushed through a command line or Powershell and every single freaking antivirus known to man Flags my program I hate that I hate getting flagged as a virus and that's why I really wanted to redesign it and c-sharp because it's all windows libraries everything's built in and there's nothing that's being run there and then once it's compiled a lot of the source code will be you know obviously obscured from any virus from being looked at unlike open source script like this so I can get away with you know actually deep bloating every system without having to do hey first launch from admin do it this way and elevate it'll just strip all this crap out and it'll be just nice so that's kind of kind of where I'm at but there's also that I have looked at the AME playbooks which is neat I did a video on it using Atlas OS it's good and I even talked to the developer of it uh I do have some concerns around the open source and part of it's open source part of its closed source so it's in the developer was a little standoffish about giving all the stuff open so when you look at the website uh Windows AME let's see I think yeah when we looked at the source code here he shares the CLI the core of it but he still has an updated like how to actually use it like you can compile this but there's no usage there's no read me on how to actually use this without downloading his GUI tool so part of it is open source but part of it isn't open source so it's like uh when you get to modifying so much of it you gotta really trust the person behind that uh when when you got Parts closed off like that or trust the company entity whoever's making it where this says it's open source but it's not really open source it's like half open source so that's that's my only knock against it but it's really neat I do love the fact that we got this Playbook and you can do really kind of amazing things now it's been a while I think Atlas team is really responsive to my video and I think they've gone through and uh fixed quite a bit of the security aspects yeah so I really do like this and I probably would reinstall parts of it but I I did a kind of a deeper dive on it and the team was really responsive to me so I loved their response to this but I want to say Atlas and Revy pay the Emmy Amy guy here let's see if he's getting is he getting any love from public donations a little bit 41 bucks a month so I do worry about him not getting enough money from doing it because the problem with this is if this was like a thousand or two thousand bucks a month then I would be less worried about what happens with the closed source side of things but I went when he's not getting enough money he could easily slip something into the closed source side of things to Farm Bitcoin those types of things it'd be very easy for him to abuse this distribution method yeah I'm not saying that's happened and there's no no evidence of that happening let me just clarify that's just a worry when he's not making any money when does he just go well is this really worth forty dollars a month for me to dedicate all this time to have this project um so that's my my only critique really of that is I just want him to one it'd be nice if it was open source but I get that he doesn't want to open source it uh all of it because people might just copy it and take it and use it without downloading from his site and I think the whole part of him making money is distributions like revi and Atlas will pay him like ten dollars a month so they can have a Playbook hosted and verified by the Amy team and that's I think a decent way I just I hope it works for him but if people are using it to Pirate windows I don't know that's kind of where I'm at just I kind of bounce back and forth with it it does give me some worries the Titus virus yeah and and a lot of my stuff gets flagged as viruses too I just yeah you know it's frustrating antivirus in Windows is frustrating how about react OS reacto as is the interesting uh isn't that the Windows 2000 based one uh react OS yeah yeah yeah that's Windows 2000. yeah it was like a reverse engineered Windows 2000 that's kind of cool I mean obviously I would never use it but it's still cool I mean it kind of gives me memories a lot of the prompts and stuff kind of gives you that nostalgia it's neat that it can use some 32-bit applications I wonder what the limitations I mean if obviously it'll never get to the part where you could like install Steam if it ever got to that point it would be kind of insane but obviously that's a little bit gated [Laughter] ubuntu's the devil redheads the devil Windows antivirus is the real devil true although I mean I as much as I like to crap all over Windows antivirus is probably a good thing that it's there for especially for the normal users because I think back to the XP days and man everybody got infected in XP heck even visten 7 were pretty bad uh with a lot of the the viruses so I get why they did it it's just ah I missed the old days and having the choice of antivirus and I mean you still kind of have the choice but I don't know it still still bugs me that there's parts of Defender left over oh I think King root I think we did add the Minecraft into the top 10 uh let's see GitHub top five bootloader there we go uh I think we made a commit let's look at our commits last month yeah I want to say yeah we added the Mind mind grub or this Minecraft theme so you can actually select uh installing Minecraft theme uh grub bootloader so we did actually expand that a little bit kingroot but I'll make sure make it a point to keep updating these repos we also went through all the GitHub repos and and cleaned out a bunch of stuff as well so a lot of stuff that I no longer am updating I went ahead and closed or archived or deleted if it was pointless and then uh moved on so we've we've slowly been getting through some of it yeah Tron Crypt you know I'd still need to do I need to do an update video on tronscript if you look on like YouTube I want to say yeah this was using tronscript it was like go to GitHub or no go to Reddit download the transcript and run it and that's almost a two million views that's hilarious yeah all my top videos are windows goodbye Apple and Android the pine phone oh man then we got fix and Windows startup hosting Google gcp oh man that was using like an old VPS Ah that's terrible I need to do a new new iteration of that using cloudflare and like Hugo static sites Everyone likes WordPress though still to this day I'm like it's 2023 please please stop using Wordpress uh yeah I know I liked gcp four years ago I I don't use them at all these days but yeah recovering BitLocker this is a fun one and it's it still does really well almost to a million mainly because BitLocker started locking people out of their computers and laptops because of an update whenever Windows does a big feature update and there's BitLocker on the drive it'll lock you out but here's the crazy part all the BitLocker keys are stored online in Microsoft so you just have to log in your Microsoft account on your phone sit there fumble around their terrible navigation finally get to the BitLocker recovery keys and throw it in and I'm like how secure really is this I guess from the physical point it might be but I don't know BitLocker to me is just kind of like I don't know if I would trust this especially with some of the shenanigans Auto enabling on some some laptops and then we have Mac OS Nvidia Drive Dude where's my Linux videos okay I was about to say it's like come on we gotta have some Linux videos ah this is a qemu me doing it in Linux like that's kind of funny like my top 10 videos are all windows based oh clam AV I is good I think plan AV is great for like Nas boxes and stuff scanning stuff it doesn't do anything for like real-time protection for the most part uh but I I think if you're hosting a bunch of file shares that might interact with Windows and other things clam IV would be a good good thing to run um every once in a while it's not great but it's not bad you got the wannacry malware Wanna Cry was from uh I think it's Windows 7 that that infected the blue ocean Marie and that was pretty wild yeah and I I didn't get hit by Wanna Cry we did have one of the businesses somebody opened up uh some email a phishing email of course and I just remember it it being it it took all the folders in the network drive it immediately hunted out all the network drives hid all the folders put them as like system files hidden didn't delete them but just hit them and then replaced the folders with shortcuts to the executable that would run and infect more computers so everybody in the network drive because usually in small business you have all these computers with just like the X drive or whatever it might be and it would just hide all those folders and then replace them with links to the virus so then as soon as someone goes oh I need to get into this office admin they'll click on it and then it runs the virus instead of opening the folder and uh that was fun that was a fun day I immediately figured it out because luckily a buddy of mine had it happen to a client of his and he told me about it so I immediately was like oh man I'm so glad I talked to him so I was able to fix it in like an hour or two it wasn't that big a deal to shut it all down but I was like my word the funny part was the executable's name was porn.exe I was like what you looking up and the guy had just got hired that infected the whole network he just got hired like the last week so I don't know what he was doing in his email but it was hilarious that was probably the worst infection I've ever seen uh even though I was I was lucky I already heard about it already pretty well you know up to speed with it so I kind of knew exactly what was happening so I was able to just take the shares offline fix it all and then restore it and then just go to those machines and make sure they're clean but uh I think it ended up affecting six machines out of 50 as soon as it started happening I immediately just shut down the shares because I talked to my buddy if I didn't know man that would have wreaked havoc for like days then I could totally see that just shutting down entire businesses but yeah that was the Windows 7 days oh that's great yeah I think I I think the first virus I ever got was the I love you virus in 98 SE and I remember that during those days that was a fun one um during the XP days I got to see every oh man I got to see so many viruses Under the Sun there's just infinite amounts some of them were really complex most of them were not but they were just able to just man XP was just so wide open you could do anything you wanted to it so everyone got infected I first found you searching about Linux but your windows content is so useful it made me switch stick to Windows for now yeah I you know honestly Doug uh Dutch when it comes to that like between Windows and Linux it's not an All or Nothing thing it's find a dual boot like I do a boot here between it and uh Linux just because you know so much so much to do and I love it I love uh love my time Windows usually gets me so aggravated after a good bit that I'm like I'm going back to Linux so usually I'll I'll flip back after it really frustrates me usually it's Windows update reinstalling something or doing something silly and then I'm like okay I hate that I'm gonna fix that and then I'm going back to Linux where that would never happen sometimes that happens a lot almost every time so I usually will stick around windows for a little bit and then it'll do something to make me angry then I'm like ah I'm just gonna do Linux oh yeah collected viruses oh man yeah I don't probably a lot of the 90s viruses wouldn't work in today's modern systems I don't think so all right um let me get this Edge batch file done I'm tempted to just link pad's version of this um if I convert this hmm what if we did this this is so crazy but I kind of want to see what chat GPT does with this script One of These Days Chachi piece is going to work for me command line CMD to Powershell it's probably just gonna do a wrapper what's it what's it gonna do with that I mean uh started off strong this is still not not good for each reg ad that should be converted to like uh that let's see what else we got reg delete okay when you modify Windows 10 1011 installation when you strip out the components how do you prevent it from being reinstalled in the next big update slack joint you usually put hopefully you're using like Windows 10 or Windows 11 professional and then you put a really strict GPO to not do feature updates for like two years and then after two years you got to reinstall the alternate option in that is to use ltsc which does not update and doesn't get feature updates so you could do windows ltfc and then you don't have to worry about feature updates ever coming so those are the two two options that I see all right so far it's actually not terrible hell let's try it we're going to do it as an independent script though just copy the code um let's come down here let's do Edge dot PS1 move oh okay we have a syntax error I don't think that'll work yeah I mean that looks super jacked up to me I I don't know why you'd set the item to a volatile environment Edge removal that seems strange like how this is going about doing it but you know look let's let's just run this randomly generated PT script let's see what it does uh I wish we could do we probably need to probably put some verbose settings in here but yeah I went in Rome let's let's just see how bad it is off the get-go yeah yeah yeah I didn't think that would work let's fix this up a bit let's just fix this up a hair let's go oh what's going on there all right close these uh close others and let's take this guy let's see what other problems we have it says we got this probably just missing a closing bracket uh probably still won't work but I'm interested to see I'm here for it yeah yeah okay get methods that was let's see you or I get method it looks like this was just misspelled it's trying to escape that I don't know why that would be like that let's just switch that to a for each I kind of like a space after pipe commands oh is it still sitting there oh good call good call so the registry ad I would change that to item properties using Powershell reg add is more of a CMD command I mean you can hack it with like a CMD space forward slash S oh really that looks odd but all right let's let's just come back up copy let's try the whole command we can come back and fix some of that did it still screw up the methods though like obviously we got to fix that like like get that methods I mean come on we can run it but that's gonna err well let's see let's just see if it'll run yeah I didn't think so so let's take what the Bots bit out and see if we can't fix it up um we're gonna get rid of that we're gonna see these things like git methods probably it should be there we should change this to like where object I want to say get that and then this for each these are just subtle warnings we don't necessarily have to fix them it'll still work but I would like to fix it ah just whatever for each that's fine it's kind of weird yeah so this should I don't think it's gonna work but let's see what errors it gives us the term for each is not recognized Edge removed okay great uh let's verify that for each for each object probably what other air we got okay it's the same line I believe you cannot call a method on a null valued expression that's the methods that seems a little bit off you are correct I am mistaken apologize yeah it's for each Dash object next I mean I think this would work does anybody have Edge installed that they want to test this on wait wait never mind I have this exact scenario set up specifically for this we got stock Windows 10 Stock windows 11. so what I do with these and I want to say we have screenshots Let's uh snapshots let's manage it yeah so let's power on this machine and we're just gonna remove it and then take our snapshot back great way of uh testing things so let's change that D1 module I think that should I'm not going to copy all this crap um I think it's mostly just the admin privileges for elevation don't necessarily need to do this but did they fix the method there's that's still weird I don't think that's right that doesn't look right to me screw it I'm just gonna I'm gonna be admin anyways in here so we don't even need this just looking for D1 referenced anywhere in here no it's not screw it not needed all right so I like this I believe this shouldn't give us any errors now it should just say Edge removed abracadabra after yeah perfect um so tweaks oh let's just discard those changes for now um this is our test Edge script we're going to push that to uh we're not in the right branch oops I deleted the file by changing the branch but luckily it was still sitting in vs code all right cool got lucky uh all right let's test it let's commit push all right cool that's in our test branch so let's finish setting up our computer just remind me in three days okay our beautiful Windows 10 installer with Microsoft Edge all its glory is exactly how it is from Microsoft stock why do people like Edge a bunch of weirdos okay ooh dark and stormy okay download oh let's just go GitHub Chris Titus Tech we're just going to switch over to our testing branch where's that edge script Edge give me the raw file please um I could download this but we're not going to do that we're just gonna go Powershell with admin we're just gonna do irm paste pipe to an IEX and then if we do everything right Edge should just disappear uh I'm actually gonna leave it open because the script should kill the process kill Edge delete the files uninstall it and get rid of all the shortcuts all right kill the process removing the apps and ta-da [Music] it's gone Edge removed it's still pinned but yeah pretty much got rid of it okay so then let's just install like uh I feel like that's a pretty good conversion to Powershell uh we're gonna skip chocolatey for now throw Chrome on here install okay oh that's right I still got to do the winget is there ads in here oh look at that oh that's cute your AI powered co-pilot let's try the new being oh I probably shouldn't have done that I just got excited all right let's try Chrome again oh installs still go is it I don't believe you Let's Just Launch it again Chrome install there we go we're gonna work on the winget install did that actually install Chrome I don't think it did what the hell all right fine Firefox you never you never fail me apparently the installer hash didn't match for Chrome Microsoft's trying to kill off chrome even though it forked it I don't know all right so we got that we got Firefox and then oh we don't have wait we got this thing let's click on something in here does it redirect to Firefox let's set it as the default all right no didn't launch that time so probably the open shell implementation of the script's not working let's give it a reboot uh the red ads didn't work yeah good we'll call them later I didn't like how the red ads were done in here anyways but that's okay we can go through I wanted to do set item property through Powershell and not reg add reg adds a CMD command so that's totally okay and honestly we could just say we can change that and just tell chat Chad GPT to do it go my AI minion do my bidding um this Edge okay no Edge the red ads didn't work so we can't open these up it'll just do nothing and we'll just have Firefox okay still an improvement over the old way I like the new way we just gotta clean up some of the reg ads that's cool all right cool uh let's go snapshot manager go to restore nice all right so it's ready to be done again let's fix up our script and make it better uh change reg add to I want to say set item property and then it would do it if we look in here I know during the tweaks I I specify that or maybe it was a function uh where's tweaks uh when you till registry oh so when you do registry yeah so new item in set item property so let's come back to here change reg add to set item property let's see if there's anything else in here we might need to do a verify like a test path as well yeah so if you do remap the registry instead of launch and Edge it should launch your regular one because it uses this IE to Edge stub dot exe that should redirect it and that's created during this script I believe where's that coming from ah let's see okay remove item path open web search to redirect any Microsoft Edge okay these four Loops down here for open web search well that might work actually let's see how it's calling this variable open web search because this is writing out open web search all to a singular variable continue generating so this is what that exe should set content path open web search directory CMD okay cool this doesn't look quite right because you're setting the variable up here where's it at I go too far I went too far where's it at here we go yeah it's setting the variable open web search to this entire script but I don't see open web search called from anybody or referenced might need to look at that because this should technically write out this all of this to openwebsearch.cmd let's just we'll verify that yeah bless what a mess all right got this and this string within a string I don't really like either no it's so close I mean it's so close we're not going to do any elevation get rid of that and then see this variable is being set but it's never being called so we need to write that variable out this is all wrong that looks right oh my god did copilot do something right Hallelujah that hasn't happened yet so this should spit it out drr who is that being let's find that let's go dollar sign d-i-r okay system Drive scripts okay good good good good oh okay it's coming together um disms still not being called properly for this one I would still change this up a little bit probably like a cmd-c command should be okay I'm not sure let's let's just change dism to use cmd-c will will it do that I mean technically that that's not bad well let's see what happens so that I'm not sure on this right here what else is it doing what else is old GPT screwed up overall I really like the conversion of the script though I gotta say usually I'm just sitting here cursing GPT but I don't know so far I'm kind of like really impressed with how close it got to being right and then we just do that out file man it's so good that looks so good so it's really just the dism we gotta fix right here so let's see what did you do for dism I don't think it quite got all the way there all right oh no it did okay all right perfect and now the script should be a hundred percent getting away with only calling command prompt once instead of like a whole bunch like every other Edge removal script out on the internet right now I don't particularly like um let's just because it uses uh leverages command prompt a little too much so that's why I wanted to use stick with Powershell wherever I can disms hard to do and interface with in Powershell well it technically probably would work I'd much rather call it from a command prompt because if we look okay DSM and we're in CMD dism I don't know I feel better about it running in in CMD than Powershell okay so we're updating all this changing reg add to set item property reg delete to remove item property a couple syntax issues I saw there that I changed and and fixing a few little things what changed here uh spacing okay getting rid of that switching that over i o file and get item proper okay we're clearing all that out we're just setting this variable and then we're just calling that variable and piping it over into there um one other thing I do like this right host let's just do that and what do you all think pretty good I feel like that would be the best Edge remover that should be relatively foolproof all right let's commit it I'll rip it out Xbox yeah I I had so many people complain about me ripping out Xbox last time I did it it's like okay fine all right starting up this again old fresh windows 10. stock it's kind of funny we did the snapshot removal and it it didn't direct us to that blue screen saying remind me to set up again it's like Microsoft it has zero consistency it's so weird alright so here's our Edge shenanigans oh this looks so weird in light mode didn't realize oh well um when you tell go to the testing branch Edge Raw actually we don't even we'll just irm it all right so we'll come here paste it in IEX oh didn't quite make it there okay oh damn it GPT it screwed up the syntax that's not where yeah all these paths are incorrect yeah bro like it didn't even make an attempt hkcr uh damn it shut this guy down reverts um okay revert it back to original again this time we'll test our paths looking at this I should have caught it that's my bad I should know better like what's it doing here what gosh hmm for HP in policies okay look hklm local machine software policies okay Edge Edge update so why is it doing a for Loop here that doesn't make much sense to me for software policies guess maybe it's looking in there and why is it outputting to a null value all this seems silly to me it's so and I want to say that said item properties also incorrect there let's see path okay tweaks um okay if you're calling you need to escape the backslashes as well uh otherwise it's not going to register that makes sense too as a value all right although don't know if we need to escape it we'll see I'll run it though hklm colon backslash okay I can't remember what's the command oh there it is okay it's like what's the command to go multi-line come on um and I want to say you gotta backslash these or Escape them oh I have another dism okay I'm gonna find it after this alrighty that looks good I don't I wonder why it left this it's kind of weird co-pilot's freaking out it's like hey you do you mean to put null on the end of these no no Cobalt that is incorrect you don't want to do that that's just silly um and then hklm software let's also take a look at it hklm software do we have Edge in here don't see edge here let's boot back up into our stock just to make sure software doesn't have it somewhere uh oh the command uh if you hold alt and shift and then you can drag and do multi-line without it falling off to the end and beginning of each line so that way if you just hold shift obviously it does the traditional hey it goes all the way to the end and beginning but if you hold alt shift it only selects that small area so then you can do multi lines really easy okay let's go back into software it's going to be in a Microsoft do we have Edge right here Edge don't really see I don't really see anything there so software right there's nothing and I want to say the other one was in policies Microsoft windows all right let's see where this went the problem I'm looking at right now is it's trying to set an item properly for a key that doesn't exist so we probably need to add a test path in here as well just to verify and let me see what else that had um software policies and that so this was policies Microsoft Edge update but policies Microsoft yeah didn't there is no Edge update in here uh so that's uh unfortunate okay I wouldn't say I'm hacking Windows I'm just fixing windows like we should be able to uninstall Edge and then redirect all the stuff to a traditional web browser without being coupled to stuff right just seems wrong so if we copied this I'm just going to run this one command I'm just going to put it in my terminal make sure that was good okay yeah escaping that worked properly installed default value one so let's pull up our browser again I'm gonna just refresh update so what we're gonna do here so we did Edge update install default and the value is zero we're going to just change this to one we're testing the command and then refresh that's one okay perfect that's what I want to see so that is the proper syntax everything looks good great so now we just got to fix all the paths all right um remove item property HK HK is going to be set to hkcu and hklm which should be colon backslash uh HK do we have to escape that too yeah we're gonna have to escape the colon software wow node for each wow node okay Microsoft Windows current version uninstall okay great so we got that escape this backslash escape this backslash escape this one and escape this one as far as I goes that's going to be in remove 32 okay that's up here Microsoft Edge View I don't know if that's going to be a valid key let's take a look yeah removing Edge does break the search function we'll see if we can't keep that a little bit but like I think if we once we remove it it should still pull in like local applications but like going what is Goofy this would not pull up anything so obviously that's using a hedge on the back end we'll see how it manages that I wonder if we replaced it with like a chromium-based browser if it would reference it properly we might be able to set these keys to use a chromium any chromium based browser I don't think Firefox would work though yeah we'll see um I did want to see where this is so we're in probably hklm I would say software all right so we'll go down to Microsoft Microsoft Windows current version and then what was the other uninstall all right what do you got here okay there's still a bunch of IE entries in here that's pretty funny um I don't see this key in here it might be under hkcu though so we look at that um Microsoft Edge and Edge update and also Edge web View so let's look for those Microsoft Edge values which I don't see here but it might be a per user it might have been sneaky about it let's try this again software Microsoft Windows okay probably put it on the same key come down and uninstall ah nope there's one drive hmm I wish there's more consistency behind the what I mean with a big company I get that there's not much consistency but still oh okay that's okay we're gonna leave it as is it's gonna just check to see if those are there um let's try the wow 32 node now so be it if we look at app with DOT CPL webview there yeah web views there fine is fine have it your way moving on fix up this man what a pain in the butt this is having to use my brain I didn't want to do that today yikes set item property passed or Reg uh store reg what do we got store replace interesting okay get the these item properties technically should still be okay although I don't think this will probably work um there's that dism I missed earlier well regardless we can uninstall it where there's a will there's a way this actually gets most of it I just want to really kind of clean it up it's just Microsoft's registry is a bit of a mess I want to make sure we set the item Properties or appropriately and I think we can uh at Value what what's the app value going to be I guess it's provisioning it from here the output forced to null I don't think is needed for this I like it outputting to null on the dism because it typically will kind of bloat things up a bit I mean we don't have to though I think what we're going to do is remove that remove this as well the set item properties path if you set this property you have to see I don't think this will work because you have to have a value and then type of like d word and then that would that would be something so it should look something something like you know zero and then type would be like d word that would be proper format if it was actually setting these things accurately but it's it's really not I don't think this is going to work because that just no the remove app X is fine the dism is fine this is not though I like that that's actually not a bad so this does all users this does per user on the computer so this should grab Edge from every user and then also remove it from all users that makes sense to me this does not we can leave it it's a remove item property so I don't think that's going to cause any issue the package name right here that's not doing anything it's just calling the package name but why was that there that's the big question let's look oh yeah yeah family name full name full name but it didn't do anything it's just like oh it's just outputting maybe a write host either way I don't think we need that and the asterisks I don't think will need to be escaped either so we should be fine there and just a couple little finishing touches and I feel like this scripts will be perfect so we're setting useless policies okay I would say the main issue with having like uh GPT doing a conversion of a CMD script like this when you look at it the problem is it it doesn't show the errors that need to be there so when you're doing this the big issue I see is much of the errors like this should actually output problems like these nulls shouldn't really exist so if we look at it we can do like a control h and replace this should not be there and those paths are all jacked up too it's a neat neat idea but aggravating is what it is and when we do that we look at tweaks H Caleb colon okay yeah yeah you can change the default search provider and we actually created um a CMD file to redirect all that so that's that's working actually pretty well I'm just looking through here for the paths aren't quite lining up the way I want it to like these paths hkcr Microsoft Edge that's that's hilarious that's that's cute why it doesn't spit an error I don't know that so hkcu oh CR so the classes root is what that's looking for so HKC classes root and you go down to Microsoft Edge what's that look like Microsoft Edge so much crap Microsoft Edge so you look at this uh classes root it's trying to specify or set and that's actually incorrect it's a good idea I like it but really how this should look is CR own backslash like this and that should set the name default to URL Microsoft Edge yeah okay and then let's just take this minimize you for a second we got to change the shell so this is where it changes the shell open command it's trying to use a force command name default and then we set the value to that I don't actually we can leave the force I don't like these single chords so much but I'll allow it and then this one just a little tedious some of this work but it's going to work so well once we're done that's the thing ifeo okay that's good fixing a few of these this is the image execution options and that should set all of these things the main issue with this is if you go to reinstall Edge it's still not going to work this really like goes through and makes sure because this is actually for like ransomware and a lot of viruses like to take over certain things like explore.exe so that's what ifeo is it's execution policy uh which you can see by running like cyst DM dot CPL if you go into I think it's system properties now no that's not it Advance Maybe and it should be in where are you where'd you go did it move it on me it might have moved it nope ah here it is yeah performance options this right here I believe they're gonna add they'll change this yeah I did it no maybe not yeah maybe I'm thinking of something else never mind disregard everything I just said um off my rocker close but not quite all right now that looks better so we have a force name value d word value name blah blah blah Force set set I don't see an issue here all right alrighty I think we got it all on that last hkcr [Music] we got all that yeah utilities coming along well a little aggravating on the edge they've really ratcheted down the edge on install so you can't do it easily anymore so the new new method is taken me a little bit of time to get a workaround in uh we could have just copied and pasted like another person's CMD but I really wanna test this out from a Powershell perspective so what we're going to do now I think we're ready to test again uh exe-0 exe is the key not a value so like whenever there's a forward slash like that or a backslash usually that is setting it to like there's an actual key which a key is just a folder in the registry so it works really weird but it'll make sense here in a second so close there a positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument okay that's fine uh cannot find Drive HK Cur does not exist so um we'll take does not exist and if we look at the value here I don't think this is spelling it out it's gonna work but it's worth a shot can't find a set classes hkcr classes root let's just ask GPT um I don't know about that let's see so it's saying it's not our drive so maybe we don't need the colon oh yeah no that did not work because then it's using a referencing our current point and then adding that to it which is kind of weird because the path no we're admin right now so it's not a privilege problem you can see it's trying to set it to this which obviously that's not right and when you set it to here it says cannot find the drive maybe we spell out the whole thing there might not be an alias for classes root because it's used less I know for hklm and hkcu for current user and local machine um those are there maybe we can just do that it's kind of weird right yeah okay that works odd look at that though that does work on this one so you can't do shorthand for classes root again Microsoft with their lovely consistency what the f man all right whatever let me leave that I'm not going to touch that yeah for some odd reason HKC you are is there for CMD but there is no Alias for Powershell strange yeah and from the example anyways I believe that'll work uh let's verify that now so we've got the command we're running it uh URL prior protocol value let's set it to like Titus or something all right so we have our value here let's verify this is working Titus and we'll do refresh works clear it out perfect okay so that test does work um who knew I learned something new today why is it like that Adam it's weird that's why I like GPT like GPT never gives you the correct answer but it gives you crap that like you would never find anywhere else except if you like poured through like a text manual for like an hour so I love GPT for like just going hey uh spit out this and then you're like no that's not right give me something using this and then it's like oh well this is what you really mean you're like yes but you're using it incorrectly but thank you for the value that I was searching for so I love GPT for it like God bless I can't tell you how much time that does save but it's never in the way people think it is like people think of it like Ai and how these things are being engineered as like this is going to remove all this stuff and I'm like trust me it's not like there's gonna be people that like develop a GPT skill set of how to read the damn thing or ask it good questions but it it's not it's not a hundred percent okay so we got all that [Applause] um that's all in there and we do need to remove the colon thank you for the update on that as that would be incorrect uh let's do alt shift delete so that gives us all these values fixes classes root sets everything properly to that like it let's submit this value and then we're going to run the whole script here locally push see what that does so we got an edge PS1 in a perfect world we shouldn't get very many errors positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument um what is that 90 62 and four what is it spitting back there fix those which value what's it setting the value to zero zero and one let's just verify real fast yeah it's really hot here I actually usually work out I usually call it around 4 30 uh central time here but uh today I was like I'm gonna go to do my new I work out outside so when I saw that it was going to be 109 or something today I was like um guys I'm gonna be late on my stream because I want to make sure I don't die that's why like the first hour of this stream is me just like staring blatantly into the camera and trying to come up with stuff to say but I'm glad I did that because it would have been disaster if I hadn't I know the feel it's turning mile yeah it's been hot it's been hot the last couple weeks at least the humidity has died off for the most part like it rained a couple days back here and uh we didn't get too much immunity from it though so it wouldn't it wasn't too bad dry heat right that's that's what they say it's just a dry heat um one thing to fix software policies okay let's go to policies hklm software policies Microsoft Edge so we have these values but it's unable to set them okay I bet you it's this silly let's put them in quotes should fix it yeah Madrid I'm sure is super super humid it's the humidity that gets you like just dry heat's not the worst thing I don't think I'm gonna go ahead and put these in quotes we're going to rerun the script and I believe those errors should disappear Edge removed yeah beautiful okay all those errors should be out of there everything looks gravy on this end we're gonna Commit This and then now we're ready for it all of our work yeah it's 45C I think what is 109 2C let's see 109 Fahrenheit 2C I don't know 42 42 close to 43. so there you go but 40 Man what's 40. 104 yeah so right now 106. yikes it's good to be a programmer right for me it's 25c oh yeah that's awesome okay we're ready for a test so we have this guy we're ready to go into here and we're gonna pull up oh ooh looks pretty forgot first ice Tech and win util let's go to testing Edge give me the Raw and now if we did this right it'll kill this browser in the background remove edge remove all shortcuts of edge so you'll see Edge right there this will disappear and then hopefully that disappears along with everything else and then we'll install like chromium or something and then test search because after you do this search usually breaks so let's go irm paste this we'll do an IEX it did not see that uh value we're also getting did I commit the value uh dang it one second I swear I got it right maybe not it could have been the raw file didn't update yet yeah it's always a moving Target with these this uh how they're doing Edge this used to work so well all right we've got that set useless policies object not found Edge update so we probably need to do a test path there and then it was also set item property at pipeline position one was also giving us problem and I don't think we actually need this set for item property I think we'll remove that and that should fix our problem not one thing it's the other right because we're using dism to strip it out oh I kind of like that suggestion set non-removable app policy package family non-removable value zero output null I kind of like that and then we remove the provision packages so then what it does is it shouldn't block us all right fine I don't like that just chilling either so we'll do a right host yeah so Jonathan that's a great question we actually are writing uh writing in our own CMD file that is referenced and then it's put into registry as IE to Edge stub it's an executable file that gets put in there so whenever Edge is referenced like mshedge.exe it goes through here and then references the default browser that's what open web search does through here and then it redirects it into your browser of choice so then when you click on something in actual OS like Microsoft's like your start menu or whatever I don't know what this this thing like you click on something here it'll open it up in in Brave but obviously I screwed something up there on this system I've been working on it all day so it's not actually redirecting to my default browser which is hilarious yeah yeah it's just such a pain but we're getting there I think we're close to the end of this we're very very close didn't really show much there gonna write the host package out then do this dism I feel like that should fix most of the errors we're running into um oh we also need if path does not exist go ahead and create this path up here so I think we already did that in an old one it's a test path actually so if there we go that should be fine so here's our path and then recall this Edge update path equals shoot all right and then we're just going to take this Edge update path oh this is so dirty oh well it works well enough and then on our test path we'll grab that that'll create the edge update path key if it doesn't exist already and then it'll set these item properly uh and that should fix that now before we commit this let's do another test nothing really should changed no error no Whammy okay great now we're ready for the commit this is why we do the tests and it's also Windows 11 that we're on and we're testing on Windows 10. because they technically I want to make sure it's backwards compatible because many people I use still use Windows 10 quite often I want it to work on Windows 11 and I also wanted to work on Windows 10 flawlessly with no errors so that's all pushed out um if we come back to here we'll refresh this and then once that's done you see the test path great and if we go to the raw file test paths there too great so we're ready to go we're just going to go like that edge PS1 testing and then we shouldn't see any red fingers crossed well there's quite a bit of red there but uh it did technically work no no it did not oh damn it ah he's all right does it even work on Windows 11 all right let's close that stock 11. mood us up 11. if it doesn't uninstall from 11 I'm just gonna just flip my table here I'm just kidding yeah yeah the batch script I'm sure works uh the whole whole deal is switching it from like a CMD into uh CMD over into Powershell that that's that's kind of the whole purpose I I would like to convert it from that and then also it kind of gives me easy it sets the foundation to easily revert it as well uh come on just give me get me in oh go into testing Edge Raw all right we're gonna copy that admin yes just do an irm paste that IEX some of those nulls okay no that's not working for me so it works on my system but not on any other system out there great well so there's not a there's a lot of these paths that are not found and then we're also running into this um with these null values I think is actually oh oh the power shell that I'm using might be older so I can't accept some of these values okay so let's look at that uh two colon okay we're just gonna reduce this like I kind of need it for verbose output anyways and this one as well we're gonna go ahead and fill some of those remove item properties and probably create the path if they don't exist either yeah I probably need to reinstall Edge after all this is over and then rip it back out ah oh gosh spend hours on this the interesting part to this to me is as well is uh a lot of this I'm like looking at I'm like um I just don't like that okay we're gonna go I'm gonna put error action silent click continue on these guys as well hell there's a better way to do this but I don't feel like looking it up right now I don't want it erroring out on that and then these disms I'm hoping that should get me what I need um Chronicle luxury yeah you weren't here earlier that is a problem with Windows in Powershell for some other reason there's no short key for uh classes root where there is for local machine and current user weird bug we found but or maybe it's a feature you never know with Microsoft Powershell should just run dism I guess we could just let's just do that we don't necessarily need to be pushing this through CMD I agree with you I originally added that but now that I look at it I'm kind of like yeah that's silly it technically shouldn't matter either way but we got connect my phone uh let's just check dism P missed a quote that technically should get us what we need um all right let's go here let's run it here for some odd reason it never errors out on my machine it's just like my machine's like yeah your script's perfect I love you and then as soon as I put it on a stock windows it's like nah this shit's broke thank you uh uh all right adding some error checking now with those DSi disms running we should be able to remove edge and any errors with that we probably should add like a probably add like A New Path for for those paths that don't exist over here if if path does not exist go ahead and create path but the ifeo honestly we could leave out that's just to keep it from reinstalling which is is Microsoft they'll find a way to reinstall it anyways so we could technically remove it but either way let's uh let's just run it and see what errors we get this time around uh that went too fast oh geez okay yeah I think we're kind of what is the wind ver 22 H2 2 H2 I don't get it um parameter is incorrect foreign should be set in the script though package family name is set up here and it's even written out right there so yeah I it could be that it's version seven compared to five I agree with that lux I really want this to be Universal though yeah I don't think it's a version of a different version of Powershell though it's just so weird and I think it's probably because I think that this is not set up correctly for removal let me look back on the actual CMD file like if we look at the original remove act app all packages okay reg add deprovisioned so for this the where my my script is deviating from the old CMD is it's adding this registry entry and mine is not I didn't think it would be that big of a deal but it is apparently foreign set non-removable app policy yeah deep provisioned it definitely needs that registry entry and that's going to be like whack-a-mole for a lot of it trying to find they're going to change that around I'm just trying to think of a more elegant way of doing this um this is definitely a reach maybe we read the clients and then oh geez this is going to get dangerous but we read the clients and then we just delete the entire key from the local machine I mean that's one way to do it but I don't even think like local machine software Edge updates I don't think that is very let's see so if we go to local machine software Microsoft um was the was the rest of it Edge update see Edge updates not even here we have Edge so that's not gonna fix it that's that that's not a valid key yeah you can delete the folder and then it's there but you're gonna have a whole bunch of orphaned registry entries that could be problematic and it's also still going to try and reference that executable and I want to kill all the references to it because if you look Microsoft Edge update should be right in here hklm software Microsoft Edge hklm software Microsoft Edge update it doesn't exist on a stock install which is a little a little crazy and it feels like they just keep shifting stuff around and registry for that edge because I've had register I've done Powershell scripts where it does remove them but then they update Edge and then change it around again it's they're actively trying to keep Edge installed no matter what and that's probably the most fear infuriating thing I've uninstalled it like three times three different ways and then they just update it again and then just change the entire method then you're hunting down keys I delete the registry that's the simple way I mean if we delete the edge folder possibly but I don't think that would still fix the problem this app is part of Windows and cannot be uninstalled on a per user basis um really oh gosh I'll have to look at this some more yeah replacing the edge executable with a different fake one not not something I probably will do yeah I think so Marie I don't see an issue with that I do see an issue with this damn Edge oh my gosh ah I'm gonna shut her down I'm I'm I'm done I'm done with this damn thing I'm rage quitting I'm rage quitting I'm gonna have to look at it again the heat has gotten to me and I'm just I can't I just can't I just nope I am done oh I don't care just force Power it off I'm done yeah I'm sure I'll be back at it again you know me I don't I don't quit on it I'm just I want to take a different approach I felt like this was close but then as I I fixed up the script it felt like we got further away from the actual the actual where we need to be and I'm like what the hell but so be it ah yeah I don't want to do the fake executable I think that's just disingenuous to the end user and updates will still call it there's update services and tasks that happen in the background we still hadn't gotten to the attack you know tackling task scheduler if you look at task scheduler I'm sure there's Edge crap in here too what do we got Microsoft Windows what do we got they probably put it in here somewhere I know you I know you windows you you stuck an edge in here somewhere I guarantee it but yeah ah we still gotta look through this because then there's going to be an edge updater stuck in here somewhere that's going to just decide to run whenever the hell it wants like you're going to see like one drive yeah let's see what else we got just meh just other crap to get stuck in there I'm like okay I gotta track that down too because I don't want to leave a whole bunch of little bits of edge around I want to just like really find every little tidbit of Edge and then just destroy it once and for all it's like it's like herpes it just keeps coming back oh well yeah I don't want to reference the bat script directly for my tool and also I want to rewrite it I don't want to call like a batch script from that someone else wrote I I want to rewrite it for Powershell directly it is not like a knock against the author because obviously I like what the author did he already tracked down a lot of this to make that possible but I just want to make sure one I reread it for Powershell so then I don't have to call like another window up in my tool and two it can run in the background and then probably three I still think there's probably some remnances there that I could grab and do a better job in Powershell compared to CMD but obviously that is not what yielded today's stream but ah you know it's it's cool [Laughter] oh man it's it's easy to get rid of edge it's just it always comes back it always comes back and I think that's just the name of the game but I would like to make it uh much easier to track down and find and I think I can create systems in place to really track down all these things and then make it better just just make it easier to remove install Linux that's uh here's here's the fix I'll just uh whenever you tick the box that says uninstall Edge it'll pop up will be like yeah you need to uninstall Windows and then just install Linux oh man that would be hilarious oh I love it but it might be that might be the solution I think everybody would laugh their butt off on that for a little bit a couple people would get really upset but oh well gotta take a joke oh gosh oh yeah I would never hear the end of it so we'll we're gonna track it down though we'll get it done all right y'all well this one's have been a very frustrating stream didn't felt like accomplished much a lot of good chatter though I'm sure they'll make some fantastic Clips in here between either me calling Edge herpes or I mean that District tube uh reply video from the disturbs are pointless was pretty funny I'll probably clip that too there'll be some good ones on the Titus Tech talk channel from this stream for sure uh but was it fun I don't know it's tracking down Edge we're gonna get there we'll get it and it'll be good done until next week all right y'all see on Thursday uh Thursday I don't know on Thursday's stream if I'm still this aggravated I might choose something different uh check the title uh and uh we'll see how I'm feeling this one was fun later on
Channel: Titus Tech Talk
Views: 8,615
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Id: fQZze3oL9ow
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Length: 133min 24sec (8004 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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