Eden Streak #38 - Hutts Streams Afterbirth+

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let's get in there let's get naughty 38 [Music] bad fire eight bad damage bad health d for duality strength card not excel floor yikes holy yikes mega yikes I probably should have saved that bumper for a soul heart cuz we're in an e-1 we're gonna need one holy crepes [Music] this is bad bad bad leroy brown the baddest man in the whole damn town badder than two point seven damage mina then eleven fire rates this is just naughty this is just not a game this is just naughty who's gonna bring me down right now rag man double monstro pan if he pulls that stupid [ __ ] widow it's a double widow that could be a top one I don't feel like d4e I like duality Oh No [Music] I don't mind duality but maybe we should maybe we should get rid of it maybe we should reroll it's pink haunt don't mind the pink haunts you can definitely sit in a good spot and get them probably pop my strength card in the first boss room d4 depending on what this item room is that's that's what I'm gonna go for you know getting angel rooms would be fantastic right off the bat because of the fact that I would get help most likely you know it's the very the very defensive items you sing so well dad Thank You assie on you throw a bit so well I could have walked out of the room Dee Ford came back in we're gonna go Ames or rooms with infestation - yeah well see if I can't fight him if I take any damage we will just switch on over to our strengths three spiders if I shoot as little blobs one second anime wait wait got'em health yeah yeah yeah uh-huh does it make Chino feel better this is a 38th run correct because it said you were on a win streak of 37 yes I don't yeah uh-huh I think so who's buying buy he's just speaking his mind guys gotcha yeah you know guys we don't have to wait it's okay if people want to come here and say they don't like the strands not that big of a deal it's annoying in you forest want to defend me but people gonna do what they gonna do you know didn't seem malicious in nature hello father hello father hello mother Here I am at Camp Granada I'm gonna give good points at least good points and you agree with that ban anime mangas oh I would love to get into that room but III can't I'd love to get a bomb as well bomb me the last thing I want to do is have somebody like speak their mind and then like you know they get banned and then they like go on some vlog or something like Hutt's gaming is the [ __ ] worst because I gave them my opinion I need weed banned me from the channel and I hate everything where ah no but yeah though nope nope nope well you know it's better than the d4 I suppose would there ever be a time in a place where I'm so comfortable that I'll just use the dead scrolls no take the d4 if we're about to if we're on death's doorstep then we'll still d4 it this isn't his local Walmart it's generally bad from forum to pop into a stream and be like oh well I like the stream it is this but I don't like this so I'm unfollowing leaving for good but it technically it would be the last time you see you of them Chino and if they do come back then you can be like hi I know you chilling trolling now they see me trollin they a 18 I don't know just my opinions this is my opinions I try never to let other people's doing things in bad form or doing things wrong or being mean make me do things wrong or mean who farts the moon card strength moon card no no no no later later there's two of them so if it was a health town it would also give me health up but if it's a bad trip then rip right guys right could've chosen a less rude way of saying it I know we can't control people from being rude or not rude though sometimes it's easier to change the way we look at it than to try to change other people is what it is I'm okay with it no balls I just you know with you I don't know you know right didn't you get what I just said I was very clear about it I don't know but I know you know I don't know [Music] here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go booyah I'm feeling so much better you guys oh yeah oooh dime though wish I could get that are you up for soccer or something dude I'm such a Feist offer I love five Safa pink well there's our Hogs fight still at two point seven damage is it worth it to strength card right now gawrsh I'm sure tempted to did that guy even give a reason why he didn't like the stream he said good quality Mike ass off of fillet teeing the soft fellatio Inge I take full responsibility I'm making my Valen I'm making a voluntary leave into a mutual agreement a voluntary leave into mutual agreement well that doesn't mean you're leaving sure Herman good-good Herman the first hunter I don't know if I'm saying that right to your one sub welcome my friends hey hey now Hans look away for two seconds and you laser me right in the face I'm just playing out of the / if Oh No lunch is good I hate having to choose ah knife man 25 months welcome back Joan and prime sub welcome for the first time gear Minh the first hooter I mean for removing the rude guy okay [Music] make the right choice left left right left left right right left left flap flap flap flap flap flap flap all right chat definitely says left so go right relic is good I'm happy with it we're fine this is okay this is okay the qeh steamer prime sub it's up the queue esteem read it oh no let's take those pills maybe [Music] unsub always go with the opposite of what chant wants Proheat protip you dude gulp is really good I'm gonna leave with the gulp maybe strength is also amazing but if we go angel runs this whole time which you know I'd like to angel limbs are strong sometimes but once again we're in a run where we will need damage upgrades so I want my money back left was Godhead left Oh Sacred Heart somebody go on right now I'm like no joke BFC 6 + 2 zc find out what was on the left one somebody type that in doing it eat and run in hard mode and see what the left one was but make sure you have 1 million percent symbol is tier 1 sub thank you guys appreciate the subsidy xsf will uh elite thank you so much the four months in a row quad but someone do justice I want to hear from somebody what that actually was so I can torture myself well I think it's easier to say in the angel pool which items would have been worse than the relic breath of life holy water it was Bob's brain ones the pepper challenge 6 p.m. in about an hour and 15 we're still hanging on by a thread you know what two point seven damage isn't gonna do much for us here it's painful to watch low DPS dude it's painful to play low DPS trust me especially a one flippin red heart dude are they both die no I'm gonna miss the pepper challenge what about the peeper challenge Thank You relic BSC 6 + 2 Z see you guys got it fire soul heart oh my god y ou with a reroll machine in there and everything we go for the top secret room first with a perthro take it no not yet leave him for me alive oh gosh they predicted my my direction there I just need a damage upgrade breath Wow really big stuff oh the left item was sworn protector okay so I well swamp protectors what the shield no what's one protector is that all familiar now someone says circle protection because maybe someone doesn't have three million all right we got our bad trip out at a good time at the angelic familiar the one that shoots out Sacred Heart tears right relic is good relic is really good sworn item was the orbital Angel Sacred Heart familiar wow really big stuff that's what she said Allah Allah is the season to be trollee you know after hearing your comments Chino all I gotta say is your keyboard typing skills have been pretty quality but after this long I think I'm gonna have to unmod you I'm Shannon I'm always right you know I think I was right with the relic relic is really good Adam but see even like spicy stuff no I do like spicy stuff I just I don't know I don't have a tolerance for like the crazy stuff it still hurts hurts me deep how long has Chino been Ahmad he's Chino and sugar I've been the latest additions he's uh definitely more than earned his spot very appreciate his hard work is it as it we dealt what I call it hard work dedication dedication is well way better word for it so what you're saying is that you want to take my sword whoa Adam I papi smash shake shake shave Chino that's that's a different that's a different goal hashtag [ __ ] shave Chino shave him somebody hold him down okay can I get a bomb and another penny I know I'm asking for a lot here shaving private Chino shaving chinos privates gross you guys he didn't even read my bit message if you unmod Chino does that mean there is an opening for mods sugar just yelled no it's mine dying now no it's mine your hair there's my palms I feel good enough to go in here ah two point seven damage curse - I it's that deep force looking real good let me tell you you know I wanted an angel room hey that's not so bad I hurt myself today to see if I could feel focused on the pain the only thing that's real 11 months in her old mage master my mom told me I should remove my beard but I said shave it for later much love gum sweetie asked question where did you even find hard working mods your Chad is one of the best behaved it must be thanks to the mods right the mods do a really good job put some TLC into that Wow people already putting in applications no more van guilt can you still get angel room with duality I cannot if I've seen the devil room that means I have the devil room I have the devil inside of me but I can get it lit on later floors whenever one spawns the other will always spawn unless I've already been inside choice has been made you know what ah jeez how will we do for now if I do for now that means no more angel rooms undefined good going to the zeeco I am Arum son of a dick son of a dick there goes my D for ya yeah yeah yep yeah give me a battery saved now we're the black bean oh I love beans that's so funny cuz we were having a conversation about how much I love beans we were just talking about that oh my gosh Santa you got my [ __ ] list you hairy bastard battery how could you how could you give me everything but a battery how could you do this ping was an appropriate response why am I not playing the same machine I don't know [Music] cursed i teleport outs oh I like the way you're thinking I could a curse died on the this machine I still can cursed I was the best thing that's ever happened to me in my life I've never said anything bad about cursed I ever not even once maybe twice let's go for another item here the soul hearts I can take that with me I'm Janet I'm so smart anime manga says with other bits oh yeah alright we it's time that we D for it is time now fire two point seven damage hey we got another guppy piece though we got another guppy piece but everything else is literally just a bunch of tit just a titmouse it's tit nipply curse the tower yeah we deep or again then still 2.7 tech tiny planets wait what's going on right now how are we shooting tears how are we shooting tears i Antec at the same time this trying to plan it make it both happen how are we shooting tears and lasers oh it's tech 5 it's tech 5 it's tech 5 let's take 5 you dingus battery you know this is not the worst thing I've ever seen but I think we gotta keep going I think we keep going can we find the sacrum at this point in time can someone get helps to check the questions never know people already putting in applications here hard-working mods fat man use the seed in heart and had different items but have 1 million percent do I need 3 million no I don't think so that's how I see four questions alright here goes nothing 8 damage Oh Oh money equals power I did the nails and the magic mush in a host head yeah yeah ha ha sure I am Bighorn and little monster a body I love him oh I love him he actually does a ton of damage warp dude he's gotta blow up on him floor floor get Warped on what was in our shop we can't see it right curse to the blind still then I open up my secret I'm and then not go I think I did that why don't I go into my secret room I don't need that anymore actually I feel quite comfortable where I met thanks though there's no fat finger the spacebar d4 saved me [Music] weren't we already in the deal to double you guys I'm pretty sure we were I'm not mistaken didn't we already go in there Rex route 13 months in a row that's why he already added the guy yet yeah that's what I thought teleported into it with a red chest trying to slander me make me look foolish for nothing a little monstro body are your fingers that fat don't finger shame me fatten up for your mom's teach I'll let myself out worth probably not at 11:00 fire rate what you guys think huge wrecked Oh buddy I like evil eye no no do it yes you got shitty luck don't take it you know you got a good point there with the luck yeah well the ability to get into all secret rooms for free the ability to get all tinted rocks for free what do we think about sulfuric acid tears Oh black yes no no can we get genital jousting IRL and vote nay no no yes can be worth and damage right nope nope yes damage up - yes that's a yes for me and worth it sure and damage butts yes yes yes okay well you guys were yes and now 0.45 damaged I kind of like really need a a tears up cheers up hill I'll sulfur gases free Seagram's don't forget already checked there can't be there sulfuric acid doesn't make bridges write that down [Music] like a bridge over troubled waters double charge I could come in handy later hope for like Tammy's head or something goodbye Glen see bunny we got a farting baby to devil rooms are gonna be totally fine with me at this point in time because of the fact that we're two-thirds cup so that would be the right choice anyways shiny rock gulp hey look at that might as well gulp it first room it pays out with [ __ ] but still money goes power don't forget I don't like double charge at all it can be handy with a lot of things though people look out for shiny rocks you guys now I concern really on this floor cuz it'll take me the same crawl space but later on copy No Maggie's faith yeah maybe [Music] anytime now well I should have waited a gulp lucky Rock dammit sulfuric acid plus lucky rock dull pretty good stuff pretty nice pretty sweet combo dude for the needle [Music] let me shop refresh start off a zero and there's a hero little battery - I should have waited on that gulp premature gulp I really don't have to use bombs in order to get into rocks I don't know why I keep thinking that oh but this rock i got these bombs on [Music] [Music] you got me good oh yeah buddy we're doing okay we're doing okay what's the deal with airline food I've had some decently good airline food stuff as soon as I stopped being so goddamn picky [Music] before I didn't even like the peanuts cuz they came in a little airline bag I was like no yeah I was gross now I'm like I don't give a [ __ ] for that my mouth free would you like cookies peanuts or crackers can I have all three of them twice another health up yeah yeah I suppose I didn't suppose I alright bomb the desk in the first room you mean for a gulp pill right there's my gulp pill Lois's again pop that take this it's a pin room it's a nothing room okay little monstro can you yeah you can hit it over top of the rocks fire fires a missile attacks attacks is it worth it at what point in time do we ask ourselves that [Music] I got so much health too much health alright shop refresh here we go mr. beau oh my god stream is too quiet let's get some hype going let's get some hype going 10,000 bits up man you crazy oh my goodness thank you so much for that Wow ooh la la damn girl pretty pretty generous thank you for that hat oh yeah for sure [Music] absolutely [Music] and I break out this hats [Music] is this an acceptable hat to break out or do I need to go garan else so I can evolve or do we have different evolution steps now how does this work I'm actually gonna set take well you know d4 can be helpful later on I just I don't want to accidentally use it it's risky burn a hole in my pocket the pants though if you say anything bad about my puppy pants then you're getting banned wink one more guppy piece thought would have a nice how much is 10,000 bits a lot once again thank you mr. bones it's got boned Boog your pants my poopy pants your puppy pants are unpleased to the eyes oh yeah check these out see them this one's name is Charlie speak Charlie where are you where is he tell them my pants are stupid now huh approve them run can I get the fire No my eyes hots crotch long time no see hello darkness my old friend my PJ's are pink and fluffy turn it look like her what's up sire of the nipper licking pleased to meet you acquaintance petrified pizzle I'm gulping that [ __ ] out of that grab it sooner than later excuse me [Music] demonetised for showing pants you can actually have uh but emotes now if you put pants on them so twitch has got a thing for pants that love what is up you ready for today somebody just jumped on and sent me ten thousand bits [Music] um it starts whenever I'm done with this run then we'll start it up so alright go ahead and get ready I sure might put something on my stomach but I don't really [Music] you want to make me like one piece of toast with some peanut butter on it yeah yeah we can still have dinner later I should really like not have my hat like this I feel like people that don't know that I'm just completely trying to wear it like a douche they're gonna come in and think I'm actually a douche and be like I'm following you're a douche buddy jealousy he's rubbing itself on the camera blam blam the chats going nuts with the Chantal emote your dinner will be a burrito and shot you should def eat before the challenge that's the best way to prevent stomach issues from the spice I was asking people I said if someone donated like ten thousand dollars would I chug the whole bottle and it's like with ten thousand dollars be worth probably having to go to the hospital and getting my stomach pumped how much money would you take to do something in which you would have to go to the hospital get your stomach pumped nothing black drew prime sub thank you so much my friend dude they're making fun of my puppy pants I got up to get a hat and then they saw my butt and they're like news pants I said instead of hurt their eyes or something nothing wrong with my puppy pants they're not cat pants yeah I like puppies though Chantell is better dressed for sure because raiding our clothes [Music] showoff I'm so cute mercury mercury cui prime sub that hurt my brain a little bit welcome the show where am I going shouldn't I go into the curse room better use those hacks whenever you can see how safe this is am genius where we were of did we have a card already huge growth this is really good for damage upgrade walking over the spikes less good hidden spikes underneath of the money so I clocked I out sub sorry Connie steam sale is pretty good though we don't want to spend all of our money because we have money cause power but we only have one shop luck to do so oh you guys were saying keep blowing up the rocks because I forgot that I yeah the money the rocks the power I was singing it was just like whatever we get his weight but you know maybe we shouldn't wait maybe we should just keep the 99 cents immediately get that power you guys have been saying that I just didn't put two and two together Wow hi it's Wow we chat scrub sulfuric acid does not break the blue fire as we tried it the science tears break the fires more money over spikes nice dude Hots former engineer can't put two and two together I'm not appreciating this personal attack this personal attack is been very personal very personally offended so I get my fly in there man my knock-back is too strong though I keep knocking them away how many syringes have we touched so far this has got to be spun right no we've rear old so many times how do we not have spun by this point time it's broken off worth taking oh no I don't know shoe 14 damaged a lot in the fire rate we still have 11 fire rate and that bothers me have we got an even got an angel room this whole run or even a devil room again again I mean come on [Music] justise soul arts pretty special a random soul art also pretty special how many red hearts do we have I don't know hopefully enough [Music] one you had four full red hearts that was one two three four hits that we just look I think it's number nine a to one and a half one half [Music] we meet emesis [Music] okay hematemesis would have taken me down to a half red heart and I was able to take three full red hearts and I can't take anymore so that means that we would have been in three and a half to the fact that I can't take anymore which means that we only have free three hearts so I think we just lost the soul heart two and a half to one and a half hey meet Emma says gets you with a one full red heart does it yeah oh yeah I think you're right so that means I don't my to then learn oh I don't know you guys don't like that could you just pay out though oh my god unbelievable I don't even know what I'm at anymore good oh good oh good hundred percent chance deal with the devil here cup cup cup got the gun pick up pick up pick up pick up pick up pick up pick up pick up coming up gobble gobble gulp oh ouch hey look at that nice it's gonna go for it I don't even care [Music] bad trips a full health when you're at half a heart hey spun better fire eight three plus three point four damage whoo I don't know my health is at but another gulp whoo I'm happy break out the happy tunes [Music] I'd be called happy dance also known as hutch looks like an idiot dance also known as never do that again please [Music] brain toad eight months in a row the bud baby is almost here dad bill I'll miss your bits bed oh no I read it I just didn't say thank you for the to hundreds thank you you Q I don't need anything else I'll think put a home sink for me Dad another ace of spades [Music] lovers my man oh [ __ ] girl yeah pump it up dude there's so many things that are coming out of these skulls my soul are to the shop I don't need I got a solar generator I wish sulfuric acid would melt these faces off [Music] don't forget about car battery oh [ __ ] car battery what this is real good flexi seven months in RL boop boop how is stuffing things Hart Stefan thinks are really good some things are probably gonna be less good when I'm dying from the the mouth burning but other than that really good so here's the deal you guys Chantal is upstairs getting some food right now she's gonna come back downstairs and we are going to do a pepper challenge in the co-op mode essentially what happens here is that we're just gonna play we're gonna play and bum around for a while in the co-op mode since I've never actually tried it out and on top of that we are going to be eating a Carolina Reaper ghost pepper sauce which is like one of the hottest peppers in the world sent to us by our very own sour kangaroo little sting EEPROM sub welcome my friends and for every fifty dollars that we get we are gonna add an extra drop of the hot sauce on a chip and then after every run however watch we got will eat and if we haven't gotten anything I say we like baseline one drop right and then add on from there and half the money I'm gonna go ahead and give this Chantal she's gonna you know use that on her bills and stuff important things so you feel like helping her out for the reason to help us suffer you know the more we suffer the more we gain no pain no gain brah you know what I mean I think making sure you actually eat eat like dinner first will be safer especially for Chantal cuz she doesn't do hot well yeah that's why I'm gonna get some toast and some peanut butter it might tell me and then I just took a bunch of milk early today and s in a smoothie and a shake thing so I'm loaded with milk but burrito um I don't know if I can make a hot sauce burrito does that is that even real but even make sense [Music] but a hot hot sauce in between hey that's that's kind of good too though I don't know man eat some tums I got tums I've got milk batteries are for real on this room [Music] [Music] don't eat it I think we're ready to go I think our item realm wondered our item room having it garbage right drink a bottle of Pepto hi I had a little dab of the hot sauce already you guys holy [ __ ] capsaicin is a fat soluble in alcohol soluble milk helps and so does beer just so you know who baked akira nakano it's up Kuryakin [Music] use the batteries I don't know had the book yeah right I was like on my passes of course they're flipping dirt breath [Music] [Music] you know what forget it we can probably make this run go a little bit faster so we can get that challenge sooner than later [Music] [Music] which enter orbital [Music] all right guppy guppy guppy guppy guppy guppy come pick up pick up pick up pick up up up up up up true buddy boop bop bop bop bop Chompy please wow that's pretty good too though that's you know okay fine acceptable deal deal got yourself an béal mister I can't sulfuric acid anymore backfire I'll make another donation when they start it then oh no it's her bunk please pain and coming warning [Music] still have a lot of read help you know what hematemesis for the soul hearts like an evil genius would there we go [Music] hell yeah buddy I don't really want you guys to suffer but it will be a donation so tough love I'm just teasing you do whatever you want I would love to raise some moola give Chantal a nice chunk of change cuz debt sucks exabyte gaming thank you so much to the prime sub my friend sounds very familiar you've been here before [Music] as the music a little loud I know I pumped it up but like we were who were jamming but if it's annoying jamming jamming I want to be Bob Marley style jamming and not you know holy crap I'm gonna cut my ears off jamming music is good it's so dark yes yes it is [Music] bandage girl hunter bits had ACL reconstruction surgery and I've been watching your YouTube videos to keep me happy it's been such a difficult relative depression and all that and you're honestly my hero sorry I'm a broke college student and can't give more thank you for the content thank you for being a fan of bandage girl that's amazing thank you I mean it's not amazing the ACL reconstruction surgery but you said some really nice things so thank you for that best of luck with that yeah kick that reconstruction surgeries ass into driving up the corner oh right guppy he met game slapper gifted at $4.99 sup the bandage girl that was very nice what's up slap daddy thank you slap dad and welcome bandage girl hell yeah the Hutt's love is real in the Chad's that makes me feel all warm and toasty wish you the best for your recovery that's not copy that's cramp poop nothing but the right weight I want to be sidetracked I don't have to pull clear here you know de lis No [Music] oh I love this channel howdy everybody use the sacrifice rub to hurt myself up I'm actually I think I'm gonna it's like take out bathroom break after this run I gotta go potty but people are saying that capsaicin is fat soluble so milk is really good but so is beer does beer have a lot of fat in it its calories right is it calories from fat though isn't just kind of like empty calories from carbs IG yeah but fat is useful like milk drinking milk it helps in some way shape or form right no deal with Adela here you guys copy dream is pretty much dead but that's okay we'll be fine it's also alcohol soluble Hutt's beer is sugar yeah the hot sauce is up in the fridge I dipped my finger in it when I first got it and holy no my finger was okay it wasn't enough great longer oh yeah I mean yes you will hate it but you know it's kind of like what ever since we've already put ourselves through right not really but I was saying that is fat and alcohol soluble sis Gernika gotcha confusion lifted fat soluble and alcohol soluble okay that's my bad this is the half half-assed reading job [Music] I'm hoping he's gonna finish this run real quick here geez depent lay in the back I think and see you know sure Chad doesn't mind gross you eating your sandwich disgusting girls aren't supposed to eat [Music] he doesn't want any [Music] like I want the sandwich but what's this gross jelly stuff on it when you have that one ship with six drops on it instead of swearing yell Kelly Clarkson dramatically bye you're coming back right yeah I'll take a quick recess but other than that I can come get you though what's up with that girl though see you slap [Music] I just want to find the boss room so though you guys I'll be done with this nonsense [Music] girls don't eat guys had to start myself now was a joke but girls actually don't poop [Music] my cat is a dog she'll beg anytime food is out you know Lenny is kind of like a dog how he like snuggles up my laughs and stuff and like he's super social but he's so picky with food he just likes his shitty cat food he's like nah man this is good I'll just stick with the with the stuff that tastes like poop I thought only grills poop wheel of Fortune's pretty good to the last floor but worth it uh yeah you know I don't know about that bloodbag right max speed sell not really that useful actually maybe I'll use my huge growth here and take a wheel of fortune down with me it sounds more exciting could I literally take every single wrong direction in the entire planet I think I can and I think I will good though I love full clearing the cathedral gosh feels so good this room is just such a [ __ ] show it's like close your eyes and pray that you only get hit twice ooh how about that for the last floor I like it if I die because I'm low in health and I'm an idiot but that won't happen right chats that pill is addicted to you you get enough items you're bound to get some duplicates duplicants oxygen i included [Music] well the top-secret was gonna be there for sure okay all right then Seagram be that way huge growth +10 damage yeah dude trying to somehow get behind my farting baby there we go it's still got me that's knock it around where's the dubstep stop this bad music this is not bad music this chiptune radio get off your music high horse some people come here and they're like you play in dubstep god you're such a douche they people like really look for a reasons that they can call me a douche or I'm really stretch it [Music] but I do like the chiptune where's the smooth jazz chiptune is awesome you know it's not as like hyper and like but like after hours and hours of listening to that music sometimes I do get a headache with the bright lights and the beat at some point it's like need to change it up where's the power metal shielded tears is pretty good we have copies tale don't we now Erie rolled it [Music] for damage soy milks not that bad Yolo rip run soy milk six months in row for a [ __ ] gosh she hit talk eh welcome back it's not kangaroo this is karma for delaying the challenge so long let's go and then it and in a little monster Oh save me out going down dudududududududududu all wrong direction could I please have a wrong direction I specialize in wrong directions wrong directions my middle name stay in the corner Punk tired of looking at you I probably should be rolling with the UM heart but I honor does it really matter [Music] I'll take wrong direction for 500 bits are burning a hole in your pocket aren't they mr. bones can we just be done with this I want a hot pepper challenge that's why on the outside of the map out of the screen or the room or whatever we call it does a lot of damage should we get it going people over there oh hey hey hey hey hey just wait until you get into the pepper challenge I'm gonna regret you know I was saying I was like trying to make some ground rules for it like okay I want to take a little bit of it but like I'm definitely willing to take more so we'll just like make a a certain amount at which you know we up the amount of pepper that we eat because that's a win-win and I suggested a hundred and I was like yeah all over the whole night and then Chantal suggested 50 so you know she wants to lay it on thick I think I think she wants a lot of pepper on her chip did I miss the giveaways we're not doing a giveaway today not today we're gonna pepper challenge today don't drink alcohol though this could not be more painful right now can we be done we're actually losing like too much help March 13 months intro lucky number 13 how's life been mark welcome back [Music] don't eat it nothing for the hell [Music] thousand from jolt should I grow Carolina Reapers can you absolutely did you need to stop the hell is he doing he's doing flips and [ __ ] what is he doing great the only spot that I could have put a bomb that wouldn't hit anything yeah it's a life of life for me dark bomb that's all you aha aha aha yep another wrong direction by the way could I have one of those please oh good glad to have it knock-back too stronk yeah due to my health is all the way back and I'm not gonna lie this sucks a lot by the way thanks to a thousand bits Joe I got totally caught up in your Carolina Reaper growing abilities name say thank you thank you for that there's lots areas oh if that would have been the era oh man there we go Eagles landed you need more wrong directions in your life I just tank this that's now working in anyway this really does legitimately blow about I just get them in the corner there it is shielded tears was clutch here shielded tears saved me I think if we had Guffey at this point in time though boy how did that be fun it's the most I had to focus on blue baby in a long time Oh ray T we did it derpy stepdad prime sub thank you so much my friend all right you guys I'm gonna take a break fill up my water go to the bathroom and pound this peanut butter toast here and I will be back in a second with Chantal we will be doing some co-op mode runs for a hot pepper and it's going to be a [ __ ] show big time is that for you know is that that feels good right no 39 all right hey guys
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 10,215
Rating: 4.9746838 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: d-zyyz7iFLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 16sec (4816 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2018
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