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[Music] [Music] so [Music] what up guys mike chan here in the bay area of fremont california one of my favorite dumpling places in the area and today i'm about to chow down with the chow down king what's up buddy hey what's up how are you doing god you look awesome for eating like 20 000 pounds of food every single day it's not easy it's a job no not yet it's the yogurt prime the stomach getting ready for some dumplings and you've had some dumplings before i've had two dumplings but i know that i don't know anything about the whole world of dumplings so uh i'm excited to learn something today my friend we are gonna have every single dumpling today oh i'm excited this will be fun let's do this great [Music] oh thank you thank you thank you okay as you guys can see as soon as we sat down that's going crazy it's already on its way out i've been wanting to hear with you for years like seriously for real dude like actually no fair fair game likewise dude because um you know just watching your your travel stuff we've been to japan a couple times and just following the places that you've gone nice hopefully hope you like them yeah yeah for sure i want to dive into this whole competitive eating thing because like it's so fascinating but before we do that let's have some soup dumplings all right because uh good conversation needs some dumplings and these are what i have found the best soup dumplings in the bay area the best the best we got the crab soup dumplings and then we have the regular pork ones on the bottom oh my god it never ends yeah you know how to bite into a soup dumpling right man teach me all right i got you man little vinegar goes in all right cool and usually that's all we need for some good dumpling sauce low miner with some hot oil okay but you don't need to know you do that yeah this is my bloodstream if you cut me open this thing will bleed oh my god and then joke around no no we gotta take this seriously and there's a couple different ways to eat it so one way is just take your dumpling make sure it doesn't fall apart put it on the spoon bite it like a vampire a little nibble oh nipple yeah i love nipple right here yeah i love how your nipple is like a big bite off the top and you can just suck suck the soup out sometimes what i like to do is also pour the soup on the spoon and just add some vinegar and chilies but oh they don't have a little spoon for the chilies you can just dip it in here and just one bite this baby yeah that is fantastic right these are definitely the best soup dumplings in this area i know you don't like spicy but these are some spicy wontons all right but they're not that spicy it's just holding a little hot oil it doesn't look too bad [Music] filling is great yeah well really nice and meaty not too spicy a little henna spicy and i haven't spiced it at all i got to show you this this is like one of my favorite things in the world it's actually called a big plate of chicken big plate of chicken yeah this is xinjiang dish and the noodles are are thick white biambian noodles they call it them because when they make it they throw it on the board yeah try these maps so you gotta just kind of gotta break it what do you think very good flavor nice and chewy right yeah all right while we're eating this i wanted to ask you so you didn't get into this competitive eating thing until like you were in college like how did you learn you were like able to just gobble down 20 000 pounds of anything roughly when i was in college and stuff around 17 18 years old that was like when man bursted food at his peak you know that was a pop and shown travel channel yeah i was of course addicted to it one summer i got family on the east coast there was a lobster roll eating championship whoever eats someone's lobsters a thousand bucks cash and i was like i'll give it a shot i show up there's one dude comes up who's supposed to be a ringer he's like a former competitive eater i beat him by half a lobster roll and i was like oh and you've never done this before never done i trained for it because i took it seriously i was like i did how did you train for i was like eating broccoli i steamed broccoli i was like i got three pounds of steamed broccoli eat it i was taking it seriously you're like my worst enemy but yeah uh i hate broccoli but after that i was hooked and um i just got into the whole competitive meeting scene it's been a lot of fun before you joined the major league eating yes um you realize this could be like a hobby or were you thinking like okay this could be a career oh right off the bat i wanted to be a joey chestnut i wanted the mustard belt i didn't know exactly how i was gonna get there but um i figured if i'm going to jump into something i have low aspirations i started doing youtube videos just small food challenges like you know six pound pizza five pound burgers it's like a small food challenge this is a six pound pizza no big deal like whatever then eventually i i graduated i i pulled the trigger and majorly getting set up for the stockton deep fried asparagus championship got third place which i was psyched about and the rest is history what is your training training methods like what do you do it's pretty straight forward i'm doing a hot dog contest i cook up hot dogs yeah i eat hot dogs over and over again like how many pounds of food you eat a day or at a time to train for something so like if i'm planning to eat 50 hot dogs i'll cook up 50 hot dogs put 10 minutes on the clock and do the best i can in 10 minutes so training does help like there's a way to increase the capacity you're eating where is it like like more like a you're kind of born with a natural gift of consumption it'd be ignorant to say i don't think i was born with something special it's hard work because it's paid off like i'm a small dude compared to a lot of competitors yeah that's like i got a little bit less of rich kids but kobayashi also yeah so that was a little bit of a mental like i could tell myself i could do it i made it sound as simple as cooking up hot dogs cooking up dumplings and eating them but um i want to make sure that my body is ready to push its limits my body is ready to recover afterwards because if i just did this every day every other day like i'd be trashed my body would be nope nope not gonna do it and that's really important i think like a lot of people ask me too they're like how do you stay in shape eating like this every day yeah you don't eat like this every day not at all no you gotta work for it and you got to make it work for you and you're a nutritionist you study nutrition i study nutrition yeah yeah i found it fascinating i've always been a science guy a math and science guy figuring out how like intricate like dumpling in energy in but like you know seeing how like how it breaks down in the body how your body handles high intakes of salt and all that type of stuff i mean i know what you are able to do which is like super human because um 20 pounds of poutine like 20 pounds you guys know how heavy 20 pounds is there's nothing here that's 20 pounds on the table that's like a fraction of me you shove that in your stomach in like 10 minutes poutine's easy i mean it's french fries it's gravy like you think that's easy the hardest one i added pumpkin pie up and outgrown yeah that was 20 something 20 almost 21 pound to pumpkin pie that was one of the most miserable i've ever felt in my life why i think there's something just so high sugar it's just the texture of it so fatty maybe i just like protein better yeah i mean it tastes better yeah so i want you to try uh try this yes so these are uh jajan noodles with some roasted pork on top all right kind of looks like the korean uh jajan ma'am yeah yeah you know what chajima is originally chinese yes i was gonna say because when i was in korea they were like you gotta try this it's like kind of like a spin off like a chinese dish yeah but it's like the hot dish here in korea now it's amazing porky and garlicky oh this is actually zach oh okay so that one has some jajan sauce in there but this is legit the real deal i mean you travel around the world do you have a favorite country you go to for food or it's still philippines it's the best hands down japan japan me too yeah what's your favorite thing to eat in japan i mean the ramen scene is you can't beat it it's just um have you been to tomato ramen my favorite write that down we gotta remember that my favorite ramen place in japan okay it used to be a five hour wait check out this footage guys the noodle is laid out it looks like a noodle heart and then you dip it in this like anchovy slash pork broth you slurp it up like you only hear the sound of slurping in the restaurants because nobody can mutter any words no time to talk no you just like you just overwhelmed all your senses are just overwhelmed you gotta try that that's why this guy does food review i'm like it was amazing that was good let me ask you though so when you're out eating regularly how much do you eat uh not too much because i mean i think it's become such a lifestyle at this point i gotta calm it down on the outside people say like oh i do get to enjoy food i get to enjoy food more so when i get to actually sit down eat a good meal yeah amazing well i think these noodles are awesome this has a little cumin put in there flavoring great this is one of my favorite things stir fried potatoes my favorite dishes wow it's called a cold dish so we eat this a lot with that dumplings turn that out take a bite of dumplings take a bite of potatoes it's a good pair the ice cream challenges oh how the heck because i did one kitchen sink kitchen sink yeah first of all there's no way i could do it in 30 minutes like they wanted to like there's no way come on man i am not god status like you it took me like an hour to do it first of all i realized how much i hated sorbet because i thought sorbet was gonna be uh easy for me oh you got a lot of swords a lot of survey it was bad how are you stuffing that thing that cold do you just like are you just immune to ice cream headaches well i mean the first thing i'm thinking is you said it took you an hour that sounds more miserable than doing it in 30 minutes just get it over with before the cold gets to set in and everything i mean the technique's really simple you just chase every bite of ice cream with hot water i thought you were just shoving in your face just like no ice cream headache no that'd be brutal you can't touch me what is your like favorite uh eating contests obviously the nathan freeman hotdog contest you like it the energy the crowd that's all you man oh this is all me i just had i just had a basket forget the plate i mean the nathan is hard to beat it's the biggest contest of the year fourth of july tens of thousands of people out there watching live the energy's crazy and the biggest contest that you're prestige prestigious i love all the food i don't really understand the whole major league eating thing how does that work immediately it's just um just they i think they say like the governing body of all stomach-centric sports or something like that they're just really just a league that has developed a really good roster of big and um well-run contests they're in charge of the nathan's contest the gyoza the hooters chicken wing and championship and they make sure it's safe you know you're hearing every once in a while about a contest some amateur contests safety's of a priority they always make sure that emts are there that the rules are set you know sometimes they let people dunk because the food is particularly hard to get down yeah when do you actually feel full because you put down 20 pounds that's like could you have kept going depends on the contest like certain contests are capacity like the poutine contest my training is so that within the contest i can't do anymore because if if you could could have done more why why didn't you do more my training has been predominantly to maximize as much as i could do in 10 minutes yeah usually around five six minutes i'm starting to feel full and kind of being like oh my god all right time to kind of bite down and get this done with eat some food i'm going to tell you about my horrible food challenge experience i hosted a dumpling contest in times square one year i don't know if you guys remember those videos like so long ago if you guys were watching like off the great wall back in the day i do think i remember seeing this i was like yeah let's do a dumpling contest we'll do all you can eat dumplings for in five minutes now i didn't realize at the time because i'm an amateur at this five minutes is actually eternity and when you're stumping food in your face i'm like feeling good about myself in two and a half minutes i'm like i'm done but there's still like two and a half more minutes to go and i literally felt i guess einstein's theory of relativity of when time just stood still i'm just standing on that stage it's like i want to die i want to kill my time is relative and your reality was pain i get so many comments that'd be like oh i could do a five pound burrito no problem i could do a five pound burger no problem it's just eating food that's crazy it's delicious but at that time you're like i can't handle it i mean you never did any spicy challenge i did a spice challenge i want to tell you what happened after that was in new york that was in new york yeah you guys might not know what happened after that video ended go and watch the video i'll link it down below i see him all happy right this is what happened right afterwards so i said goodbye and at the point i already finished every single last season they had in the store like they were sold out of lassie because of me because at that point i was like it's hurt so much you just want to finish it they have two locations this one was in jersey it was a pristine jersey neighborhood like the sidewalk is it just rained it smelled like freshly cut grass it was so beautiful everybody had beautifully curated lawns and there's a mother walking her carriage towards me and as soon as i stepped near my car i channeled internally both godzilla and the exorcist and it because it came out like red it was just like flaming projectile vomit everywhere and i see the lady who was walking a baby towards me and just crossed the street and then came like like an hour worth of stomach pains i'm just like in a fetal position by my car one of the first challenges i did was in san jose the hellfire wing challenge oh you did that that's right yeah and i just pounded it i just get it over with done it just sits it just lingers 10 minutes for the contest the spicy just lingers and lingers it's no fun oh that's pretty good were your family like always supportive of you like you're like hey i'm gonna eat for a living after going to college my rise in competitive eating whatever i'm going to call it it was kind of synonymous with me starting college so at the beginning i was doing classes and they were cool with it like like you can do your stuff as long as you're doing school and everything and then eventually when i decided to stop doing you know take off time from classes i was starting to do better and i think they they were very supportive they saw where i was trying to go with it so that was taken seriously which is a lot to ask for for a competitor yeah i wonder what happens okay after you eat like a 20 pound something you're like obviously food preggo like what happens in the next 24 hours first word that comes to mind is like a detox like you just take a nice a nice long shower just drink plenty of water just let your body like just rest it's hard to sleep people think i go take a nap it's kind of hard to see people just purge afterwards or not i can't speak for everybody else um i mean you can't train your body to do that that's the hard part it's like it's it's this tug of war thing nowadays like i literally just like swell up my body's like okay i know what to do with the salt now just push it into the tissue with water it looks like i'll deal with it the hulk after yeah a bunch of dumplings i feel like it a lot of people might be wondering i don't know the answer to this either like is it is it healthy to is it okay to do competitive eating it's not about the healthiest thing i mean putting on pads and stuff and hitting people head-butting people no sport inherently is healthy yeah um you're pushing your body to your limit on a competitive level it's all how you manage it and you just try to avoid anything that's going to be overly daunting on your body how long i mean i don't know like let's say football you go until you're like 35 or something what do you think about competitive eating i don't even know that dude i don't know it's new there's no books written on it there's no how-to competitively from the case studies that there have been i mean there's a guy that's like seven years old and he still qualifies for nathan right i think rich lafever he's like he's in his late 60s almost 70. he's more than a lot of the other guys he's like a 30 30 mid 30 hot dogs i want to be like that guy also joey chestnut you know he's he tells me every year he's going to retire but dude gets better every year he keeps increasing i don't know he's doing it better every year i'm just going to do 70 this year he can do it i can do it all right we got to get through some of these dumplings i could totally do a contest with this it's already like there's already soup in it so it's easy to go down do you chew much when you're doing the contact with your trash is it swallow right minimal chewing try this this is a different type of dumpling it's a steam dumpling [Music] it's a fish company so this is a type of cucumber okay that's inside the soup dumpling so try this all veggie or yeah it's a veggie with a pork not pork shrimp oh that's pretty gentle very juicy yeah oh grab that man this is sunshinebo the big boys yeah the three ingredient bun chicken shrimp and pork all right dip dab dip it there you go oh oh yeah i love that i did not expect that to be so like tender and like juicy wow the bun is so soft right you could sleep on the snake this is actually really really good this is the first time i'm having this here what i love about this place everything is so juicy that's the show it's your mind yeah this looks more epic than any strong i've ever seen before yeah man this looks good it's like a shomei and a soup dumpling had a baby that's awesome onion i've had so much before nothing like that no i want to dive in i want to see the good stuff taste the good stuff like even chinese dumplings there's so many freaking different types and styles and varieties and even this is just the tip of the iceberg this is a dessert dumpling chocolate try this chocolate chocolate dumpling who would have thought i wouldn't would go authentic and go ahead oh it's kind of cold now oh it sucks now it's like a piece of chewy chocolate oh man oh that was solid chocolate it did bring that out first yeah was one of the coolest gifts that were prizes that you've won because i remember like you went to texas you got 100 bucks for eating like some vietnamese place okay yeah yeah that's pretty cool like a hundred dollars usually just give you free food yeah i mean sometimes even the best ones are just like travel i was in singapore and bangkok for the seafood food want onion contest and just being able to travel the world or ireland for oysters sometimes just to experience it the best part for those of you out there who want to be competitive eaters how do they start training first thing i'd say it sounds kind of like a softball but just go and do eating showers like you said you know you're like oh like i could do five minutes dumpling stuff like just dive into it and see if you like it because for all you know you'll go a couple bites and you'll be like oh this is horrible but like for practice and stuff um when i started i would just like hit up buffets eat as much as i can go home try to put drink some water on top of it yeah so no like broccoli method or i did the broccoli method yeah i wouldn't recommend it yeah i mean yeah the aftermath of eating six pounds of broccoli isn't too fast no one's gonna want to be around you got a great thing going on youtube what else is in the store for you this year what are you gonna what are you gonna do i'll keep doing the food challenge stuff like i have been um i love to do more stuff like you do i get jealous sometimes i watch your content watch other people who travel the world and eat food dude come with me next time i'm in japan japanese food challenges they pay you not in the states states they just give you a familiar with your pan free meal because they up the ante they don't do like six pounds they do like serious challenges i did that giant dumpling thing i mean you could have finished oh yeah but like i did finish it i did it you did it yeah yeah 100 bucks two but it's so great to finally hear with you likewise man man i've been really looking forward to this for like years really glad to have met you and hopefully we get to shout down again sometimes we got the youtube thing you got the competitive eating thing is that all in a website we can we can put up i mean i mean the youtube stuff i got it's just a passive website matt stoney on twitter instagram facebook all that stuff so and now all that information is all listed down below for you guys and guys we're going to finish this because we barely ate like a battery's running out god damn not enough time we're actually going to just eat and enjoy things and not not like a timer off but yeah so great to have you bro likewise man and thank you guys so much for watching until we all eat again see you later you
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 2,609,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mike chen matt stonie, matt stonie, dumplings, soup dumplings, chinese dumplings, chinese noodles, noodles, beef noodle soup, noodle soup, steam dumplings, bao, buns, pork buns, san jose, san francisco, competitive eater, food challenge, food contest, food, eating, eat, large, massive, entire menu
Id: ZYzbhIDab_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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