Disney's EPCOT Food Review | BEST & WORST Foods FLOWER & GARDEN Festival 2021

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[Music] good morning a little noodle injury right here i think it's getting better though oh it's humid outside i just wanted to give you guys a quick update because i've been kind of jumping around to different cities so i am back in texas now i'm going to stay here a bit go to all the different cities find some new foods to eat i'm going to san antonio tomorrow for the first time so that's kind of what i'm doing nowadays and as things are opening up gonna try to figure out what to do next what to eat next and just trying to sort my life out a bit more also this is really cool look out for this video down the road so 711 opened up a new chain of stores called 7-11 evolution and the first ones are here in texas so that's what i'm gonna go check out today and i haven't really posted a lot on instagram about where i've been where i'm at but the last month or so have been pretty life-changing and the video you're seeing today it's kind of like the the beginning of all that and this is my first time back at disney so i went to epcot center i think this was over a month ago it's my first time back in disney since i was eight years old and little did i know that tail is gonna change my life well forever and i'm just gonna leave it at that for now anyway before going to 7-eleven let's grab some breakfast [Music] a big shout out as always to magic spoon for sponsoring this video and continuing to support this channel i told you guys before cereal is one of my obsessions if i'm at a buffet even though i'm full if i see cereal there i'm getting a bowl of cereal but as i age and yes i am aging i've been cutting back for years but the addiction is strong to the point where if i'm going to a grocery store i'm not walking down a cereal out because i don't know if i can resist then i came across magic spoons this thing zero grams of sugar 14 grams of protein 4 grams of net carbs and only 140 calories per serving and actually tastes good i told you guys before usually at dinner when i want to cut back this is all i eat also it's gluten free grain free soy free low carb and if you're on the keto diet it's keto friendly this one i'm eating is birthday cake one of their limited time flavors they have these all the time they also have their original grape flavors like fruity frosted cocoa peanut butter this is good i think my favorite though is definitely peanut butter and cocoa maybe mixed together i got reese's pieces cereal kind of deal anyway if you want to give this a try and build your own variety box just go to my link down below use my promo called dumpling you're gonna get five dollars off your water also what i like about magic spoon they're so confident about their product if you don't like it for whatever reason they got a 100 happiness guarantee again don't like it for whatever reason get your money back so link down below promo code dumpling for five dollars off or just go to magicspring.com dumpling and now they also ship to canada all right i'm gonna get up into the 7011 so please enjoy my food review of epcot center in florida the day my life completely changed [Music] what a nice beautiful super hot day in florida let's go to disney all right getting closer to epcot and emotions i didn't know i had are now bubbling to the surface because last time i i was here it was the most memorable trip of my young life because it was the first trip i ever took as a child it was with a church and we went to orlando we went to magic kingdom we went to epcot i still remember going into the the ball i think there's some future cars in there that i remember seeing and eating around the i'm feeling i'm feeling things right now all right i'm here hat for the sun and let's get our disney on i just had a scare if you're gonna purchase a disney ticket you have to purchase the ticket and you have to select the park which apparently i didn't do i just want to say first of all buying the tickets for disney was probably the most am i just too old for this like i don't know but the nice gentleman in the front let us in and here we are standing in front of the giant dorian that looks like a dorian like a metallic door anyone else getting hungry right now hi sorry i trapped your cousin on a cheese trap last year first stop getting some food and my few memories of epcot is just going around the giant durian and eating at these international food places so that's where i'm gonna go first and we'll just see what's there i really don't remember what countries there i don't remember what foods they are but i think i see a japanese castle way over yonder way over younger [Music] here we are and start with mexico tacos nachos turtles margaritas all right there's so many people in mexico so um getting on to the next country what is this oh norway anna and elsa i know them i wish it was frozen right now oh look [Music] first stop on this world food tour is at the norway pavilion where the bakery is open and they have only sweet things this is gonna be kids when you grow up you can be like uncle mike and just go to disney and just eat all the sweet stuff you want for breakfast there's what they call the best cake in the world the apple pie with caramel sprinkled on top the chocolate cringla which is like a like a pastry but it's shaped like a pretzel and there's also the school cake it's all sweet pleasures of being an adult no nowhere to be like that's too much sweet mike you know don't eat that so [Music] there's not bad what i like about this actually is the raisins that's on the bottom that provides a nice little textural diversity this thing is very very doughy it feels kind of light it's very dense piece of pastry it's definitely not very airy and this thing will fill you up it just kind of tastes like a frosted chocolate syrup doused pieces of bread and by the way how it usually works on my channel is that when i'm going around to small businesses if i don't like something i'm not even going to put in my video because i'm not out to hurt people's businesses but i will give people really good recommendations on food disney i'm just going to be brutally honest if it's good i'm going to tell you how good it is if it's bad i'm going to tell you how bad it is i don't really think disney's going to lose out any business so that's how it's going to work here this is a i have no idea it's like a tortilla wrapped something i'm sure i'm sure it will be sweet though i'm so confused by this it just tastes like this giant tortilla it's thick it's dense it's a little salt and there's some sort of sweet paste on the inside i keep taking more bites of this thing hoping there's like something like in the middle i'm gonna hit huh this is more cream there's some sort of whipped cream like they kind of wrapped inside this roll this is the school bread oh no my little olaf melted in the scorching florida sun so the school bread is some kind of banana bread with a sweet creamy filling and it's kind of wrapped in coconut sweet but the best thing i have so far today cream is actually really good the texture of the bread is delightful coconut on the outside who doesn't love that and it reminds me of snowflakes texturized good flavor a little too sweet but all right this is apparently the the best cake but kind of looks like a like a sponge cake cream in the middle oh this is all so sweet good god [Music] that's really good really fluffy cream is nice again it's going to be overly sweet the nice crunch of the almonds is good so soft and tendered up i don't even know why i got this it's a riced pudding or something like that with strawberries on top i'm not really expecting much here the rice pudding is really dense really really dense they're really just tasting all the artificial strawberry stuff on top the only thing i would recommend here is that i had so far school bread and the cake oh there's the apple pie so this was their most recommended item i asked the people and they said this is really really really good that's actually pretty good whatever it just came out of the oven and it's a little toasty on the outside but the apple slices are nice it tastes more like a like a banana pudding if you could just you gotta 100 put the caramel drizzle on top yeah i would say this is more like a apple bread pudding next stop china i didn't remember all the different countries being built out so elaborately this actually looks like like a life-size gate of uh what a chinatown gate will look like chao young men [Music] papa cakes bon bon chicken skewers homemade crab and cheese wonton that's a crab brand goon that's a fancy way to say it panda bubble tea jasmine beer wow kung fu punch i feel like you just add comfort in front of everything and be trying more chinese let's go take a look inside the gates first so there are restaurants uh in these pavilions obviously so this place got more like sit down oh grandma's pork belly that would have been good these are all clothes right now so i can't really taste that so i think this is kind of modeled after the forbidden city in beijing okay so we've got the lotus blossom buffet where there's mongolia okay and beef is actually not a chinese dish so i'm gonna steer clear of this place [Music] okay found this little table this is kind of like what i'm what i'm really eating next to here but it's private i like that it's all i care about so i pretty much figured out epcot world thingy basically it's just a country the architecture is pretty cool and if you walk around there's just gift shops and foods that's basically all it is so this is called the papa cake it looks like potato pancake with a big strawberry on there and raspberry syrup this is a chicken squirrel it looks like some spices on there some sauce and god i need something savory i don't know whether i'm just like craving for something savory so much or my expectation of disney food has just lowered considerably it's not too bad give us like a two and a half out of five a lot of sesame paste which i like a little bit of spices chicken is really tender beast i cut all the sweet stuff i just ate at the norwegian pavilion i like this much better this is one big strawberry potato pancake with an oversized strawberry in the middle with cabbage and lettuce and raspberry syrup definitely nothing traditional yet this is probably the best thing i had today so the potato pancake you can actually taste the shrimp and the crab very very well the texture is nice crunchy on the outside nice and chewy everything goes well with the sweet syrup the strawberry is deliciously fresh and juicy this is the best thing i had in epcot so far and it's in the chinese pavilion it's not even chinese food i have no idea what this is i just know this is pretty good i really feel like my standards for disney food has definitely lowered i'm really enjoying this right now i think at this point any food that doesn't give me a sugar rush is tasting really good to me that's good get rid of the lettuce and cabbage that does nothing to this for this dish disney standards three and a half out of five not bad just walked past uh germany and this is this is venice here this looks like some typical bratwurst and here's there's restaurants you can go through for pizza or pasta come here at the end because i feel like this is uh somewhere where you just want to kind of sit down and enjoy the meal let's go see if there's other places that sell stuff you can just grab on the go i have officially dropped stuff on myself ah and welcome to america so basically america is texas there's barbecues and colonel's mansion this is so elaborate look at japan you got shrines you got a giant castle in the background this is probably the most elaborate one it does make me miss japan does have that feeling katsuwa grill where you have noodles and sushi chicken wings i never thought i'd be eating ramen and sushi in disney but here i am if you don't see this video this will probably be why and if this matcha drink is any indication of the food this will probably be the worst drama i've ever had in my life so the wrong oh my gosh oh man this is already not looking so good i mean i don't know if you can tell but this is already looking like what you see when you're driving outside of las vegas the vast dry desert there is just zero moisture here in the chashu some ginger chinese broccoli first time i've ever seen that in ramen corn scallions and here we go this smells again it smells like that matcha drink tastes nothing at all the positives the texture is really nice beautifully al dente gotta say texture is great but at this point it just kind of tastes like salty noodles broth is very very what's the opposite of what you have to pay to stay at a beautiful disney suite around here you know the opposite of rich will be this is not rich this wouldn't be able to get into this i don't know how i got into disney because no like i need a ship with this very non-rich brother wash down the driest future trash i've ever had yeah this is a a two out of five bowl ramen did i expect it to be good no did i expect it to be this bad no yuzu chicken wings i really like that this is really good good usual flavor a lot of umami in this very saucy the chicken is tender flavor is steeped all the way through nice aroma from the sesame four out of five really flavor is nice texture is nice don't hate dish now let's see about this sushi i really don't think they can mess this up very much i mean it's a spicy roll i'm not really a sushi expert anyway so what do i know my rice is horrible ingredients is good the spicy tuna is actually pretty good crunchy veggies nice our rice is horrible i think a little way too sticky no flavor at all overall i think the japan pavilion give that a three out of five so if you're ever in the japan pavilion do not recommend the ramen do recommend the chicken wings unless you're just in the mood for green color water don't get this the japan pavilion has actually a lot of restaurants i count three so far this is the third place you can get food where you can get frushie fruit sushi we're gonna state the heck away from that this just looks like cold shrimp and crab with a drop of green whatever the heck it is on top this is interesting though soy glazed pork shank pork shank with little lotus crisp with truffle mashed potatoes let's try that out i am a little afraid because this is the first food line i've been a part of that has no lime maybe that means something i don't know thank you sir thank you thank you it's basically the size of a quarter of a popsicle oh it is really tender though i was kind of trying to scoop mashed potatoes up with this and kind of fell apart you know florida is kind of known to be humid and wet sad it didn't translate to the food there's a good reason why there's no line there this is probably the driest thing i had today and this morning i had a piece of a cracker also the fruchi i saw it sitting there i saw several flies laying on it don't recommend anything from that little booth what is happening here [Music] remember for directions to the green team first stage separation and manual control loading flight plan take a little break from food to fly a space shuttle first i gotta hove it by this commander initiate first stage separation engaged velocity 15 000. pretty cool mission space race that's what i was just starting it's pretty cool but the buttons and joists they get an actually shot to push anything or use the joystick at all i kind of feel my ramen coming up [Music] who is the magic [Music] that's actually a pretty cool ride i don't know if this is actually part of the ride but you can actually smell the grass when you're flying over the elephants and stuff recommend it i'm at the uh canada area and this is the international flower and garden festival special menu so lemon post lobster salad citrus braised crispy pork belly that looks good let's go try it it's towards the evening now so this is pretty much dinner time might have struck gold finally check this out lobster salad which is just tiny bits of lobster but this might be good okay this is the pork belly over a puree kind of toasty on the outside super juicy and tender looking this might be the best food i've encountered two days lobster salad is kind of sad honestly it's the smallest piece of lobster in existence it's actually pretty good really refreshing i like the crispy what is this i think it's like a crispy fig it's a crispy fig it's really good actually sauce is good it's creamy this is actually a very nice salad it's cucumbers on the bottom it's just not worth i think the seven dollar price tag for three tiny pieces of lobster but this is good all right it's a pumpkin puree flavor is delicious the fatty parts are nice and melty i think the problem with what i just ate is that it's been left out too long i think if this just came out of the cooker it would have been really really good but now since it's been sitting i don't know in their little maybe under some kind of lamp or whatever certain parts of the meat has gone super dry otherwise the flavor is good the puree is absolutely delicious i think the lobster salad flavor i give it a four out of five value i give it a two out of five this thing flavor i give it a four out of five the current state that is in about a two and a half out of five still much better than a lot of the stuff i had this morning in this area it's like the food's getting a little more fancy schmancy i feel like i stepped into the upper east side of epcot here but canada is nearby so i think i need some poutine thank you i'm kind of scared when things look really good because they often been disappointing this hot dog is a spicy hot dog it looks like a really decent looking hot dog with pineapple chutney and little what looks like banana chips on top and then this berry cake looks like a good berry cake honestly wow this is actually pretty good thorough is burning up from the heat i can't believe something from disney is actually hurting me besides you know the remake of the lion king the chutney is good the chips provides a nice texture the sausage sauce that's one spicy sausage and the bun is really pillowy and nice usually i'm not a fan of hot dogs that's actually a really good hot dog [Music] that's really good this actually tastes like something i would get from a bakery the cake is crumbly the berry sauce is giving it a very asian compliment not very sweet more tart than anything else this whole thing works i feel like as the day go on either i'm just getting more and more tired and hungry but the food is getting better all right now let me see if i can find that poutine i was looking for it i got distracted by this whole spicy hot dog thing i saw spicy i saw hot dog kind of lost my mind a little bit but now let's go get that poutine so this is the canada pavilion but i can't find the poutine i don't know why i'm so stuck on this i really want the poutine oh you know what because some woman walked past me and she's like the protein's good now that voice is repeatedly sounding in my head okay so i found the poutine it's in here unfortunately it's dining only so i'm gonna have to go to canada if i want some good poutine by the way there's so many little animals here saw a rabbit doing a bunch of squirrels i'm just saying if i was a little animal just wandering around the world i would want to live in disney you know i got my bigger cousin who basically runs this place if i was a mouse rabbits i don't think disney had any famous rabbits then i probably want to go to looney tunes back at the moroccan pavilion again so this is a place i want to try some food at and it's about i think right now 7 30 ish yeah 7 30. so it's almost sunset been here all day this might be the last food i'm gonna get before just going off and doing some more rides and walking around and actually checking out some souvenirs i want to get something this is my first time back in epcot in so long just want to grab something so the moroccan menu seafood couscous shakshuka lemon magdalena cake so this is the three dishes i got this is the uh seafood couscous the cake i forgot what it is with figs on top this looks actually really good in the shakshuka so i looked at the seafood thing and i asked him i'm like can i get a fresh one and they're like this is fresh this we just made that if that is fresh i'm the asian mickey mouse because this does not look all that fresh at all mussels shrimp couscous a little less salt those would actually be perfect textures fantastic cruise cruises delicious soaked up all that great seafood flavor it's just way too salty this is so salty i mean the couscous is delicious the seafood is good it's citrusy it's got tons of good spices got olives in here tomatoes a little spicy little sweet little smoky flavor profiles from joshua ten percent less salt this will be perfect i mean it's burning me in my throat right now and it's the good type of pain that you love shakshuka okay this is might be the saddest shakshuk i've ever seen in my life eggs are runny [Music] this is not bad eggs are actually perfectly cooked beans are nice the spices are great okay the moroccan pavilion might be my favorite place today fresh herbs on top is a nice touch too [Music] this is so good the fig on top sugar the cake this thing is denser than peter griffin i think the crew screws a little less salt give that a four out of five shakshuka 3.5 out of five this the top part four out of five bottom part one point five out of five do not recommend the dessert crew screws is really good i'm rating everything like on a disney scale i feel like i'm giving disney a scale if you rate it like like like any other food none of the stuff i ate today was really good except maybe the lobster crumble cake the pork belly maybe those things are stuff that you would order in a restaurant and be okay with the rest of this stuff is very disney foodish so is it terrible sometimes is it okay most of the time is a great rarely obviously i didn't go to all the pavilions today i i went to as many as my stomach could muster so now i'm just gonna walk around uh maybe go on a couple more rides can i enjoy my time here in epcot without without worrying about the food if i see some food crossing my path that looks really interesting i'm gonna taste it otherwise let's go enjoy the park [Music] last ride inside the big giant dorian well that's it this ride was a lot less exhilarating than i remembered it i remember the first time i was here again i was eight years old i get to the end and there will be these crazy looking futuristic cars and i was like the future's gonna be so cool and here we are no flying cars just yet this time even though you know i'm a lot older still feel some of those things fun day here in epcot too bad i couldn't get really get into the magic kingdom or anything but i guess there'll be another trip to orlando in the future and as always thank you all so much for watching until weed again see you later
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 575,358
Rating: 4.8800068 out of 5
Keywords: disney epcot, disney food review, epcot food review, epcot food, disney food, best epcot food, best disney food, epcot disney, epcot, disney, food review, food, magic kingdom, disney tickets, epcot tickets, foods, eat, eating, travel, traveling, travels, hotel, disney resort, airline, ticket, tickets, disney cruise, cruise
Id: FhOoRxBs2rM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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