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cop hot is like a universal pool where everything's just seemed to work a little bit of the fuse oh oh by the way one thing I forgot before we start eating up I'll be right back hopefully forgot was good hey guys what's up it's Mike Jim this is a really special video for me because I have right next to me basically my food Idol Adam seriously - I've been watching this man ever since the beginning I gotta say though I kind of I kind of did the Asian where I got I didn't pay for a discount I just found it give me the Jewish boy I mean please perfectly fine I'm a big fan of yours as well I actually I followed him and we just started I we slid into each other's da yeah yeah not anything to do but I'm so happy to have you on the show my friend on earth and today we're gonna we're gonna have some hot pot you have hot Chinese how about before I have indeed okay in this place we're at a whole year I know it's one of my favorite how about places because their broth is insanely spicy but not only is it spicy it's also really flavorful you never been here no I've never been me and what I also like about this place is that they also have like a bunch of like little drinks that we can get for free so it's like an agent thing like freeze free drinks right now I just walked past this place the other day actually and I was blown away by the amount of different broths if they have but I will say and I plead the white man on this one that I've never felt that I've really lived up to my full hop-hop potential because there's a lot of what do they have or what do you recommend and I know that very often you get like the whatever but they do make it like super useable like pick your bra pick your base okay whatever you want so like they have different types of broth here we're definitely door dance I'm gonna trust you on this one so we're gonna definitely go for their beef spicy hot now what do you think's big spice for medium spice your dance man Chuck I inherently know it's like well I know the content will be better but the pain will be high they don't get around with it when they talk about spice to it at Basel pork so then in terms of the accoutrement that come with it is that usually a Wiese we select we saw oh my gosh let's get all the meat right that's why this is again I'm down for whatever pork belly so there you'll be alright I haven't really had try is a good in high school you know what I'll do it I don't normally do it but I will let's do it let's do Drive are you a big seafood person I like seafood okay some crab so how do they do the crab this whole problem and they just sort of the pot I'm hot and you break it up and eat it no absolutely we don't get around in here you gotta try this this is a stuffed fish ball okay but it has meat in the center it's insane fish meat or like like pork or beef in a center my friends would like this give you awesome oh here we go our broth is already good thank you so much to induction pretty cool and is that like topokki these rice cakes yeah do they work in the hot pot is like a universal pool where everything's just seemed to work I'm in the house we know this is fantastic okay let's do it let's hand it out to the server you know what I feel I've not really had hot pot that I truly feel now I'm out of my depth so that I've been a little bit of the fumes you feel that no choke yet they aren't joking around with it say this is like the spiciest bra that hat anywhere in any hotpot place in New York City now that that's boiling we gotta go to our sauces I feel that I'm gonna bout to learn a whole bunch I can't wait to share there's one of my loves of life so really let's go yes awesome and this is where it gets kind of kind of tricky oh my god because there's so much stuff here and if you don't know like what to put in it gets a little overwhelming first sauce is a very traditional Chinese dipping sauce so every sauce has to have either sesame sauce or peanut sauce usually cuz that's the cream factor here so it's gonna be like three parts sesame and then one part chive flour that's it this is like the first sauce I'm just gonna make you one of mine see if you like it hit it this is Chinese barbecue sauce right cha-cha garlic all the good stuff does hit it yeah nice all right little Sesame give it a little spice I don't need it from the hop hop Roth but you got to have some chili oil and then a little sesame for some fragrance cilantro chives and then he wants to add just a tiny bit of black vinegar for some acid and then soy sauce it up now I had this sauce in Hong Kong and hey hey and it was almost like an Asian chimichurri and I was like I wonder if I could recreate something like that yeah hopefully then I was thinking maybe if I take some gold nagi-chan right here a little bit of green onion maybe one or two jalapenos with seeds oh look at that I think that's brilliant because you're actually releasing more of the flavors of the greens right now here one of the sake of yeah yeah absolutely it's getting there I think there's yellow spicy and sour going on here very refreshing and oh my god this is gorgeous here is your mess these are customize your mess so first thing we're gonna do is amazing we always start with some meat because the water pop out typically and I learned the hard way because I got y'all got a lot is you put a meat in because you want the meat cooks in like 10 seconds even less and then the veggies actually going the broth that doesn't have this hot oil on the top because otherwise it soaks up all the oil and then your brats can be left without flavor and noodles going last because they're gonna soak up all your broth and then you get that noodle which is cooked in that hot pot broth we're just amazing okay we're gonna start with some fatty beef all right so we're gonna do some hot spicy wanna hit it okay I want through someone a nice spicy side the beef has already cooked I mean really really fast it this is very common where we serve each other so it's not like you know I know I feel my etiquette is lacking [Music] Wow I like that the heats not really aggressive you know it reminds me of it's like a pepper crusted pastrami kind of feeling because of the thinness of the meat and it's pepper forward not just like capsicum like am I here to kill ya oh by the way one thing I forgot before we start eating I'll be right back hopefully forgot was beer I'm gonna try this in my weird slurry so I didn't try it make it yet alright so they have a bunch of drinks I got some soy milk chrysanthemum tea but before we eat hop I forgot we got a drink one of these just Cal Pico is like that but before hot pot because how hot is coming aggressive you want to cold our stomachs first of all to Paige to wait right here cheers my friend there we go now we can go crazy what is this this is just it's just an ogre drink oh it's yogurt yeah it's like kind of a coffee cup got it Soha mint a coat yeah and I bet the these like creamy sauces are probably like a gift from God yeah so try try dipping and one this is so this is the ancient sauce kinda like that this has me in the hide is there any more meat in here I may need you to do a little bit more let me know what kind of meat you're filling to let her rip I couldn't even really necessarily identify some of the cuts the fatty beefs my favorite because see that it's got like so much like 50% almost and bacon I love it's like Korean Sun yep saw almost why we do that we're gonna put in some stuff that's gonna boil a little longer all right so let's put into potato these things are gonna cook a long time for the tofu this is the frozen tofu right there in the middle in the middle yeah that's what like you've uh tofu skin yeah tofu skin it's fantastic one of the must-have ingredients and hotpot corn is also fantastic and hotpot because it's a little sweet and then once it cooks there's a little salty is a little spicy it's just magical I think that's all so it's kind of fascinating is that when you see the same ingredient in different Asian cuisines like interpreted so just thinking about that like Inari sushi like when you have that bean curd skin and then you have in hotpot like the same ingredient in a completely different incarnation thank you so I wanted to ask you out because like it's my food I don't ask you some stuff so hit it uh okay let's start from beginning we were first filming that versus food all right I just want to know like how crazy was the film by tiny where you eating every uttered a first ten episodes were super hard those those are nice first ten episodes were a bit of a meat grinder - pardon the pun just because of the schedule because simply put no one had from the show like that before it's not who we were such a brave innovators but simply put in any kind of peripatetic travel food show you could do a location today because your host was sort of tasting and sampling and stuff and it wasn't about mass consumption or painful consumption but those first ten episodes I look back on it and I really can't believe I survived sometimes I remember vividly the day after the first challenge in the pilot the pilot was Memphis I remember that we did this big burger no one knew how to prepare no one I didn't know if I could do it how I could do it what methodology to use how to prepare my body for before or after as the case may be also I didn't know how to maintain the on-camera comportment that they had just seen you demonstrate at one place and no one really teaches you how to eat on camera like for me it was like Fat Boy travel food Fantasia like wait a minute you're sending me you're paying me to go to the rendezvous barbeque in Memphis to meet the member of the virgos family then introduce me to the pitmaster who literally opens the pit of this ancient iconic viroids of barbecue and goes hey yeah don't behead whatever you want may help yourself it was like I heard a choir of angels sing and go like units all right here you didn't try the poor poor oh you should try you know how he likes to eat the poor poor make him one of your sandwiches so this guy would toast it off and somewhere like the fat from something I mean it's like I'm dribbling now and I delicious food in front of me and then all of a sudden they go all right you're gonna show up you're gonna film of six hours of high energy content hey what makes you come to this restaurant do you ever do this challenge a lot now you have to sit there and eat a burger the size of a bar stool cushion while engaging with a camera and people used to constantly give me grief go dude it's a time challenge but the truth is the only network president said I would rather you lose a challenge and keep it engaging then just sit there like a you know like a vacuum cleaner but I remember then we filmed that Gus's fried chicken and I recommend it to any of your viewers to you personally it's amazing remember oh my gosh like I have to eat today this isn't a matter of you know I'm a little full or anything like that I had just put my body through whatever and I remember going it's a good thing this is the most delicious fried chicken because how about God's green earth am i eating so it was intense but eventually I was blessed to have a little bit of a recovery day built into the schedule so I could cleanse and I could restore and I didn't have to dive right back into high-fat high-salt really rich comfort food because after a challenge it's the last thing you want speaking of the challenges by the way I went to I was in San Francisco and I did that human sundae challenge you know that's me almost killed me I did that same thing horrible and you know what after that I had mad respect for you because you didn't like with 40 minutes or something I didn't remember yeah and then I did it it took me an hour I almost died I felt like I was floating above my body on the last bite because that thing was it was just so much I'm impressed that you finished it and I also respect the fact that you even attempted it I think a lot of people are very adept at criticizing the stuff that they don't know until they actually get in the trenches and I always really appreciate anyone who's willing to actually give it a shot okay it's boiling oh thank you thank I'm like Lola with me right now well someone's not serving me see you soon okay okay because otherwise I'm gonna have to sort of go for self like a concept buddy wanna go yo you ready for this all right hot is crazy hot me I'm just so intrigued to see how like the broth flavors yeah [Music] wah peppercorn oh that's one peppercorns there on peppercorn ah I'm getting a little bit of the bar a little ah well you gotta have some mob with a lot you don't say like you're hot pop so try not buy especially I am obsessed with Xiao chuan cuisine right now I've been reading just tomes as Midea I can get my hands on about anything from Chengdu the weight oils are layered the way flavor is built like spices like cumin that are distinctly almost Middle East one of my favorite cuisine dinner it's one of those cuisines where the spice but spicy yes but it's got so much other stuff going on besides this price is probably is the most popular cuisine in China is it really so speaking of competition we're not gonna spend too much time on the show guys I'm really curious to know what you think what was your favorite challenge what was your worst challenge favorite is probably the Kodiak arrests in Alaska hot or spicy the temperature heat is that that frozen tofu yeah it like retains it it's all made of fiberglass I I should have warned you it soaks up a lot of that a lot of the sauce percent II know just regular course of them see it's a very popular drink love this team fantastic so much flavor so it's good the dipping sauce yeah we're gonna put some veggies in just so we don't you to fail from these are the crawlers right here in front of me right these right here you never had these before I've never had okay so this is a very typical Chinese breakfast item like we literally eat this every single morning it's deep fried dolt so these are great in a hot pot because they soak up all the broth so these gonna be hot when they come out but they're magnificent so you're saying the Alaska was your favorite channel last was my favorite simply because Humpy's where the challenge was they source so many great local ingredients and instead of a one portion of one thing that was gigantic it was a gigantic meal so it had a lot of other elements so you didn't get flavor fatigue our worst challenge I only lost one spicy one I saw that bed of wings right in Sarasota the guy actually admitted but he said it on camera that he and his boys were like yeah I had the whole bottle Wow wait what's the chilli used back then ghosts where it was gonna go is extract and that's really dangerous tell me what you think of the meat on my wackadoo sauce all right okay so that was crazy he did that could have hurt yeah physically and we did it did it's like in that moment yeah I remember legitimately thinking I'm gonna check the way don't you think I think you were getting yourself too much grief I think that's pretty bad it's not bad once it's on something that kind of has a little fat to neutralize it but you know what the thing was I remember thinking like I'm gonna check out here right now because what happens is your nose swells the mucus passages swell your nose and your throats well sounds like I can't breathe I can't my tears burn pretty intense but then there are other people that you know one kid like stepped up and ate one of my wings and he was fine so yes yeah if that was agony I got never want to like like Chili Peppers saying I don't want to feel the way I did that day I went to one of your challenges the the prickling curry challenge and he told me when you took it like it was he didn't use Carolina Reapers oh wow you never learn a Reaper didn't even exist no it didn't exist he upgraded it and literally after I did that challenge I don't have you ever it was like this before but when you did the spicy challenge but I couldn't stand for two days I got skinned up and get dizzy I have to sit down I thought was gonna die at Google I was like can I die from eating something that's too spicy yeah it's crazy there's a toxic levels when I habanero tends to be a bit of kryptonite for me in Portland Oregon I did a challenge that was done with these habanero fritters yeah I thought I was okay and then I was in the parking lot thank you sir I was in the parking lot I felt like I got kicked in the stomach from the inside by a mule it was terrible it was the second season going on third season now with secrets we shot - we show - see two seasons now you're going around the world yes so what did you like better corner America bored I love it all I'm not trying to be politic I do love it all I think it was helpful to do the first season in America I only ask that because going abroad you got the time difference issue like big time difference is huge and also when people eat what they eat when I didn't know till we filmed in Warsaw for example kielbasa it's a breakfast thing like an I've had kielbasa at barbecues so to ask for a kielbasa on the afternoon of for dinner you were like looked at kind of beer like little things like this but no I mean for me it was important that we did it in America first in hindsight looking back on it because a it was a new format and so to try it and familiar ground was really cool but also like America made me you know America my audiences and my fans here gave me the opportunity to expand to his show that now and my spine shows her in 30 something mark is 36 I think is what I had heard and like it was good to ground it is like okay as much as I want to seem worldly I can't forget that I truly am an American abroad and what's important is never losing the perspective of the traveler as much as I want to be down with the local did you have happen to find a favorite city or country so far that you're just kinda like this is deep this food is just life-changing what I loved about it was a chance to be surprised by cities I never thought I'd go to let alone eat in one of our last episodes was Rome and I remember we were eating in a town called frascati we were there for porchetta in this little hidden place it was wonderful they prepared this meal for us with this excellent charcuterie and this excellent cheese and slices of pork Etta and wood-fired bread had literally my director of photography turns to me goes dude next season twelve episodes all Rome it's like yeah maybe just maybe I mean the food in that city is incredible but to be fair prior to going them on that trip I had said oh you know probably Tokyo is one of my favorite eating cities over there in a week - we're kale yeah I do a lot of food stuff I don't do nearly as much as you do do you ever get to a point where you're kind of like it's not funny anymore this is like so much eating going on no generally because I've been blessed that it's that mine thank you by the way no worries at my field the purview isn't just like my buddy George Motz is sort of like the high Prince of burgers right his burger knowledge is terrifying but one of the nicest people you'll ever meet but he's like a burger guy I mean it's just smart man he probably knows loads about other foods but you know burgers are his calling card Myron Mixon a good friend the winningest man in competition barbecue but he's forever gonna be barbecue the nice thing is because I came from a little bit of the fine dining thing and I've done the travel thing I don't know I feel like I could go highbrow lowbrow I could do a burger one day I could be eating hotpot with you as always the story changes I feel that if like I always had to do haute cuisine or I always had to do road food me and my colon would not be psyched now you're traveling a lot for for this show huh so now you're going like lot of different countries have you have you can counter proves that you're kind of like I can't eat this yes a hundred and ten percent by the way potatoes already oh those are the best you have your life okay I'm very excited about this Anna tests your Hoshi skill because if you squeeze too hard they break cause the potatoes delicious really really delicious crabs going in alright alright done so you got to eat that orange part uh-huh that's fantastic so you're saying like what did well are you kind of like hasn't ends he eats you know and the thing was this I kept hearing my late father in my head saying you don't have to finish it but you have to at least try it because this is a food that these people love and you don't want to be insulting or ruin sweet or some of these greens in oh absolutely absolutely there we go watercress number one base for oh this is this right right you a what's this one about ludo seconds right now not rubbery it's probably to go okay yeah that's trapped no dipping sauce dipping sauce do whatever you need [Music] the heat helps me with the texture the one thing you have to get used to here's the other piece it's that terry cloth like consistency against your tongue it literally felt like when I have like if I stub my toe and I bite the edge of my bathrobe allergy it felt like it was that fuzzy bit again that was a little bit like oh I don't normally experience this it's looking a lot of Chinese people can't take it either but here try to try some spam on how I got a boss spam is the greatest that's the best always the greatest and these to me in any kind of stew because they're like penny they catch every flavor all right thank you oh yeah I would say Iceland I wouldn't need to ferment and rotting shark Oh people call it hope Carville but it's actually pronounced how cocky and that was vile is that the one that Andrew will absolutely love but I don't think is ever liked how cocky he was something yeah he loves you loves meantime over there he liked eating that stuff yeah the how caucus is like fermenting fermented rotting shark and you did you did you try it I did I ate that there's another dish called honk Achatz is dung smoked lamb done smoke like with crap yeah and what they do is they they led to rainwater washes so the only thing that's left is a sort of fiber and that's a big fuel source because all the trees and ice when were cut down a long time ago can you taste a poop and if we're not at all actually it's they smoke it and it's maybe a little earthy but it's a dried like jerky and it's granulated and we had a pizza that has that on it oh we're going on today what we're onto the noodles Oh but before we do that check this out I'm gonna put you an egg in the hot oil so this is like something that not a lot of people do but it's great first of all have a crap oh my word there you go spicy crab roe broth more broth yeah thank you so where are you going next for your show next thing I'm doing is actually doing some charity stuff with Andrew Zimmern for the Super Bowl oh nice I'm doing case to the NFL been doing it with Andrew for the past few Super Bowls basically we work with a chef in every one of the NFL cities and we raise money for the food banks in every given NFL city that's awesome I'd love to do software you hear so much about the Greek economy struggling the Spanish economy struggling I would love to do something where I could bring shows to countries and increased tourism there and help these countries out in some way through ecotourism counterterrorism I should say you've been to Greece or anywhere now I've not no so those are some of the countries that even bet you haven't been to that you would really I'd love to go there I don't film there truly I'm so excited to see this alright so any guys going into you're gonna put the scoopy thing a little in the bra so it doesn't like the egg that's a stick fascinating I can't wait to see this comes out now yeah you like your egg more runny or more heart I like the yolk runny but you could set the white I'm just trying to see that Oh I mean poached egg and almost absolutely the coolest thing I've ever seen I never would have thought to do this kind of crazy here they're done oh look at that dude I've messed up a little bit it's still a little stick into my little ladle thingy so I'm trying to break the map break it and then we're gonna finally do the noodles and it's gonna soak up our broth this remind you of timber legs hair when he was dating Brittany you're the first person that thought of Justin Timberlake while getting hop on I'm sure but that does remind me of his hair how do you feel our Chinatown ranks among because obviously there's just great chances in so many cities New York has Chinatown you know like there's then you go to Elmhurst or Flushing yes it is but I feel like the best place probably the best with the tribest Chinese food I would have to give it to LA like Gabriel Valley yeah San Gabriel Valley basically it's like cities of Chinese stuff you know I mean the Arcadia Alhambra exactly I'll hammer like is this everywhere it was awesome by the way it was stupid good you got to do that with the egg you have a favorite cutting ester on it oh man I haven't messed with instant ramen in a minute and the amount of sodium I remember when I looked at grams of sodium and so a four-digit number get a level up it you gotta just take that take the needles itself and do something with it that's what I do my grandma makes you as me seems to use them like croutons yeah here's a corn posting is sweet and spicy and the something is allowed to coming yet the dumplings are cooked already so I guess I already put some in yeah you got Chinese noodles - the amount of stuff you get and the size of stuff you get the size a bowl of to a plate you gets a little intense it's like I'm doing a lot of real estate negotiation here thank you this is my favorite thing to do is is all you can eat hotpot because okay you can't water off your menu but typically like each plate of beef will cost you like 10 bucks uh-huh so I typically like ten so then it's not really worth it buddy any time what is your stance on this slurps still like the general store pet meant to be corporate and what you can do as well what this is huh crying works better with this brought from home but the broth and the ramen make it a ramen noodle soup okay and this is gonna make you really happy so what is like the base of these boss well the spicy one is really just like chilies hot oil / corn uh-huh the broth itself is more chicken but sometimes like some restaurants they actually stood the beef flavor so usually what they added for you it's usually chicken broth this one I think they actually stew the ribs back in the kitchens that's where the beefiness comes from Tata it's like like a treasure hunt that's the beauty of hotpot is when you get down to it you find some in Korean and you love is like finding gold so what what can people see see this new shelf so secret eats airs two episodes every Tuesday 10:00 p.m. Eastern on Cooking Channel and then they air the previous week's episodes I believe in the nine o'clock hour before and literally we did just this past year alone 17 cities 14 countries five continents high brow low brow and the thing is my father my recipes used to say respect for respect and I'm proud to say and like if you want to see completely real like we kept the cameras rolling the whole time fun legit uninhibited travel through the places that noe tourists don't go but locals don't even know about that's what secret eats is and I love the fact that I get to show my crew because those guys work their butts off and to be able to show the people behind the camera means the world I was gonna mention that because yeah I love your style in this one thank you it's almost like like a vlog thank you you know I'm saying like it's really I'm not no I'm just saying I hate that but I love that you know you are interacting with your producers your camera people I mean that's awesome that's kind of like it's almost like you some little YouTube style mixed in personally I like it because I like that people will see the crew giving me grief and us busting each other's chops because that's the joy of traveling you're about to travel you know as well as I do that a lot of times the greatest adventure is not hiking that mountain but it's sort of late-night when you're looking for ribs or a fried chicken and you find it in this alleyway because of this taxi driver that's the greatest adventure of all I think you're totally right by the way and the Hong Kong episode yeah they should break their window or whatever what happened there in which when you were trying to find a speakeasy they she did she did your producer break the window oh it's still broken you pay for that it didn't break it just of the frame oh my god that's so funny I forgot that nothing was broke in the one place the die PI dong in the middle of the city that was the hardest thing because a lot of people didn't want to be filmed and it's in this big public area but also the government is trying to phase those licenses out so we were like how to kind of go guerilla style yeah well how did you do that with all the big hammers literally we just had a one camera with the other guy filmed it like a long lens and we did it really quick so we were like huddle and go okay he's gonna make you the razor clam dish let's make sure we talk about that sauce let's define what wok hey is and go we went back in there so tell me about the sauce the interpreter would interpret that lying dead I did it uh we just let him cook I'm gonna cover it in voiceover keep going that's crazy because you're literally experiencing like crazy headache key issues with filming in Asia because especially in China oh my god like people don't want to be this you want to be on camera on camera we had to have someone from the governments of Vietnam someone from the government of Thailand and someone from the Russian government actually on set to watch you what you told her people was okay to watch us to make sure that they were not being we weren't being disrespectful oh I'm Erin casting their country in a bad light Moscow Russia they had to actually see our script in advance we had to get a second passport I had to send them the passport months in advance the Russian government will only stamped the passport when you're leaving on the page with the bear in the back he like skipped four or five pages ahead and they know our our passport book well enough and they did that for my whole crew whatever you see is like a hundred percent we're like we almost couldn't leave Vietnam because they didn't trust us that our batteries were for cameras already monitor you so close like I know it's different but when I go like whatever no one cares well I mean not no one cares but like I don't have to tell the government so you guys have to tell the government you're going on my honor we have a picture at the wrong rat floating market i if you're a noodle fan if you're a Thai food fan that we filmed there they have the wrong rap boat noodle that's where they actually have the boat little Museum is on that boat we had a member of the government who wanted and like corrected my pronunciation on something she didn't get a joke she wanted to know what I meant by it so like there was a type of noodle called sanic so I grabbed some and I went look it could be my mustache and now I'm Tom Selleck so the Americans laughed but then they saw me grab their noodle say a word that that woman said to me and get a laugh so if they thought you were insulting the noodle dish or some country or the language Teleco she she just really loved Tom Selleck big bomb a big magnet pi4 yeah so i'll a cop to it bluebloods but that's what i'm saying i'm like to be able to say oh this beef stroganoff tastes like the filling of the most decadent beef pot pie but if you get that then then i don't have to sit there and break down stroganoff was a lord say i love i love you and you what would you do because I'm not Asian I don't have a fraction of your knowledge but you impart it in a cool very approachable way and I feel that's what man finds food and secret ease now secret eats has always tried to do everybody deserves to feel like the man everybody deserves to feel like they know the end thing and I promise you these restaurants are independent they're great they're give and they deserve all the business in the world no III truly love the new show I'm cool I'm making my way through it I love it thank you so much for coming and sharing a hop-on meal with me this is like literally one of my favorite episodes on this channel because literally like I said in the beginning like I watched you like ever since the beginning I'm not to say anything bad about any other food host because I love I love a lot of them uh-huh you're my favorite because I feel like you're the most like lay back and pinch to label earthly Jews shesha excuse me can you spit on me there's no but but really yeah sure I mean it's my first time meeting you tonight but it's do you our tour the beautiful friendship men and well same thing I admire you and the internet it's not short of food people and you have a really good unique voice and it's why I jumped at the chance to be here I appreciate that and guys I have all Adams on information for a show for its charity everything is in the description box below check our social media it's all there for you thank you so much again man for joining my pleasure thank you guys so much for watching and it's how we all get again thanks guys
Channel: Eat With Mikey
Views: 4,866,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hot pot, best hot pot, celebrity, adam richman, man vs food, food network, nyc hot pot, spicy hot pot, food channel, foodie, nyc, hot, pot, nyc food, asian food, food porn, cooking, kitchen, travel channel, strictly dumpling, chef, recipe, chinese hot pot, chinese, chinese food, man vs. food, peppers, hot oil, hot sauce, spicy, famous, famous celebrity, interview celebrity, celebrity dinner
Id: OtX1eXe9tNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 48sec (1788 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2018
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