Eat Like A King | Sarah Jakes Roberts

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[Music] [Music] listen I want to get right into the word because I believe that God has a word that is specifically designed with you in mind I'm going to be speaking from first samuel 9 i'm going to start in verse 16 it is our custom to stand for the reading of the word so if you are able we daksa to just acknowledge our custom and verse 16 begins it says now this is the lord talking to the prophet samuel and he says tomorrow about this time i will send you a man from the land of benjamin and you shall anoint him commander over my people israel that he may save my people from the hand of the Philistines for I have looked upon my people because their cry has come to me so when samuel saul saw the lord said to him there he is the man of whom i spoke to you this one shall reign over my people now Saul has no idea what's going going he's looking for his donkeys he doesn't even know that he's about to be anointed king of Israel so saw draws near to Samuel and says to him please tell me where is the seers house samuel answered saul and said I am this year go up before me to the high place for you shall eat with me today and tomorrow I will let you go and will tell you all that is in your heart but as for your donkeys that were lost three days ago do not be anxious about them for they have been found and on whom is all the desire of Israel is it not on you and on all of your father's house and saw answered and said am I not a Benjamite of the smallest of the tribes of Israel and my family the least of all the families of the tribe of Benjamin why then do you speak like this to me why then would you tell me that could be king when I'm the smallest of all of the tribes when I don't have anything to work with like everyone else did I'm just looking for my donkeys and now I'm going to be king and Samuel took Saul and his servant and brought them into the Hall and had them sit in the place of honor among those who were invited there were about thirty persons and Samuels said to the cook bring the portion which I gave you of which I said to you set it apart so the cook took up the thigh with its upper part and said it before Saul and Samuel said here it is what was kept back it was set apart for you eat for until this time it has been kept for you since I said I invited the people so saw ate with Samuel that day my subject for this morning is eat like a king father God we just ask that you would sit in this place God you know the word that this world needs better than me better than anyone standing and so God we ask that this would be a prophetic moment that you would use this text that you would use every resource that is available to me ultimately so that your word can shine through and so god I ask that you would remove any distractions and that this would be a one-on-one encounter with you because we recognize that in your presence that's where the fullness of our joy is in your presence that's where vision is in your presence that's where creativity is in your presence we can't be depressed in your presence there is no mountain too high no Valley too low and so god we're asking that it would be your presence that spreads throughout this atmosphere and that it would be your presence that we take with us so god I ask that there would be no nerves no fear no anxiety no insecurity just your word your anointing your power shining through me in Jesus name Amen you guys can't get seated and be comfortable there's this poet that I follow on Instagram her name is nyira Wahid and she posted this poem that made me automatically follow her and this poem it goes like this it says she asked you are in love what does love look like till which I replied like everything I've ever lost come back to me I love that I love that because I know that it's exactly how I felt when I met my husband our pastor Pastor tre yes when I met him I felt like everything I ever lost came back to me in this one person the other day he posted about how we made a decision in our marriage to never lose the butterflies and it was such a beautiful post when he posted it we decided we would never let the honeymoon be over and people were commenting about how romantic it was and how sweet it was but I have to tell you that moment was actually not that romantic yeah if I could set the stage for you it was four weeks after I had our daughter Ella I was tired I was sore I wasn't sleeping that much I was struggling with my body I was having all of these issues but my husband my husband was living his best life LAPT was fully rested he was losing ten pounds without even trying he's like I don't know what this is I'm just losing weight it's just all falling off with me he's closing deals he's just traveling and he came home and I had an attitude but not like one of those attitudes that you can actually let people know that you have I just did petty things like only turn down my side of the bed at nighttime made myself a plate for dinner and was like yeah you can go over there and make yours and um he was like what's up with you what's going on and I was like I don't know I just think the honeymoon is over and he goes I don't give you butterflies anymore I was like well I mean I felt a caterpillar when you asked me that question not like a full butterfly but I guess something could happen there and that was the moment we decided that we would never lose the butterflies because we realized that though we were living in overflow with the birth of our daughter that if we were not intentional that we would end up losing what produced our daughter in the first place and I just wonder how many of us lose things along the way that we just accept as being lost forever I used to be confident I used to have passion I used to feel like I lived a life of purpose but something happened something shifted and I just don't know what happened not only do I not know what happened but I'm not even actively looking for what I lost I've just learned to live with that piece of me gone I'm a church girl and there's this song they used to sing in church that says I went into the enemy's camp and I took back what he stole from me it's a great song because it is not that the enemy will not steal from you it just means that the enemy can't keep what he stole it doesn't mean that depression won't take something from you doesn't mean that life won't take something from you it just means that life can't keep what it's stole it means that I'm not gonna learn to live with this thing just lost I'm not just gonna live with this half version of Who I am if you take it from me I'm coming back to get it because there is a blessing attached to every part of me that means you're gonna have to give me my joy back that means you're gonna have to give me my power back that means you're gonna have to give me my anointing back you can't just take it from me I want it back I want it back because when God gave it to me there was a blessing connected to it and if we are not careful there will be things that we lose along the way that we just resign ourselves to never finding again and so I want to challenge you to never forget the value of what you lost never forget the value and what you lost because the enemy's camp sometimes is disguised as a divorce and the enemy's camp sometimes is designed as I got released from a job the enemy's camp is sometimes disguised as these life situations and it would be so easy for us to say that I just don't need that part of me but it takes a special kind of person to say I'm going to go back into the enemy's camp I'm gonna go back into that season of my life that changed me and shape me and I'm gonna find the joy connected to it I'm gonna find the wisdom connected to it because my word told me that all things will work together for my good and if that thing has not worked together for my good that means there's still something down on the inside of that situation that is gonna make me better don't don't give up on what you lost don't give up on what you lost you might have to fight for it you may have to lose some friendships over it you may have to change your environment for it but I'm telling you right now don't upon what you lost because it is saw looking for what he lost that reveals God's plan for his life it was in the process of him looking for these lost donkeys that seemed to have not much value were not much purpose but it meant something to saw and because it meant something to saw God was able to use it to set the stage for the next dimension of who he was going to be when we begin our text Saul is about to give up on looking for the donkeys and his servant says to him he says listen before we give up there is a prophet there is a seer who may be able to tell us which direction to look in I love this because what it spoke to me is the value of having someone in your life who can add a valuable perspective to your search yeah I know so many times I'm like coaching people who want to be in relationships and and I want to find someone who I can go to the movies with and and I want to cuddle with someone but when I decided to marry my husband I was searching for what I lost and so when he decided to come into my life the only thing I wanted to know is can you add valuable perspective to my search that's really that's really good because I need someone who is going to help me get back to the version of me that God knew the version of me that life tried to take away from me in the process all perspective is not good perspective but there is something about having someone who adds valuable perspective to your life you may not be able to fix the problem for me but if you could widen my so that I can see all of the possible resources then you've added valuable perspective for me you should start asking your friendships and asking of your relationships what type of perspective do you add to me because sometimes people add perspective that is a not always necessary and if you're one of those people we love you we just want you to know that when we're gaining weight and you tell us we're gaining weight that doesn't help us that's not valuable perspective but there is something about having someone in your circle who adds a valuable perspective to your growth and when you have that you need to honor those people in your life because it is that valuable perspective that the servant gave that led him one step closer to his destiny I didn't just come to church because I wanted to feel good and sing songs I came to church because I needed some perspective added to my situation I needed some valuable perspective I didn't just stop talking to certain people because I didn't love them I just needed some valuable perspective and whenever I presented my purpose and presented my dream you made me think it was impossible and so I learned that I had to protect what God was doing in my life and only allow people who could see it properly access to me I need valuable perspective I don't need just any kind of insight I need someone who was prayed and submitted their vision to God so when they look at my situation they see the possibilities for miracles don't know don't come bringing me no more bad news I don't need any more statistics I don't need any more issues I don't need any more problems if you can't help me save this child if you can't help me write this book then pray for me and go sit down in the corner somewhere cuz I need valuable perspective I need annointed perspective not everybody can speak into my marriage not everyone can speak into my dream not everyone since what God is doing for me I need a valuable perspective that's why I woke up this morning and dragged myself into church I could have been anywhere else but I decided I needed a word from the Lord because it adds value to my perspective maybe I really am fearfully and wonderfully made maybe His grace is sufficient maybe I can do anything with the Christ within me I needed some valuable perspectives someone who understood that what I was searching for has value to me the donkey's that Salah is looking for they add value to who he is and so I need people in my life and I need opportunities in my life and I need ministry in my life that recognizes the value and what I lost don't shame me don't condemn me don't make me feel any worse than I already feel I need you to help add value and perspective to my search and so saw servant adds value and this is what I love this is when we start really getting into the beauty of the text it's because Saul is looking for his donkeys that's it but at the same time that they have decided to go and see saw Samuel at the same time they've decided to go see Samuel God has told Samuel I'm sending someone to you who I'm going to anoint as King Saul is looking for his donkeys Samuel was looking for King God says I'm sending someone to you who's going to be king but they think they're just looking for donkeys so when saucy he's Samuel all he's thinking about is his donkeys but when Samuel sees so he's thinking about the kingdom Oh God yeah this is the moment when we realized that the search was just an excuse to get Saul in position for it helped me to saw it seemed like Samuel was on the move and that he was just going about his everyday function they said when you see Samuel he's going to be moving up to the high place so when Saul sees Samuel it looks like he's just going about his everyday life it looks like he's just doing what he's supposed to be doing he doesn't know that Samuel was waiting on him that's really good to me because right now it looks like the industry is just moving right now it looks like the world is just turning right now it looks like everything is just functioning and you're the only one who has a need but I hear God's saying it looks like it's moving but in reality it's actually waiting on you to arrive i'ma let the people who really need that take about 10 seconds to thank God that it looks like it's moving but it's really waiting on the anointing I carry it looks like it's gonna move on without me it looks like maybe it could just slip past me but I know that God has prepared something for me this is a word for somebody who recognizes that God has already spoken a word over my life he's already made it known who I'm gonna be so I'm gonna stay in position because while it looks like everything is moving it's actually waiting on me it looks like everybody's doing okay it looks like the industry doesn't need another voice like mine but the reality is it's waiting on me baby it's waiting on me baby it's way Donita step in position it's waiting on me to answer my call it's waiting on me to recognize Who I am it's waiting on me I'm not scared I'm not gonna lose my spot I'm not gonna lose my position it's waiting on me it may look like it's moving it's award season it may look like it's moving its promotion season but I'm not worried about that because what's mine is mine what God is set apart from me no man can touch if still waiting on me that child is still waiting on me drop it still way to know me that's why you got to go back and figure out what you lost cuz it was in the process of so figuring out what he lost that it led him to who he was always supposed to be and don't be afraid or discouraged when it looks like everything is moving on and that you're just left behind trying to find what'd you find what'd she lost I was supposed to graduate by now I should have started my business by now I'm just trying to figure out what I lost in the process but because you have committed to figuring out what you lost God says I can bless that because if I give you more you won't lose it you'll stop everything until you find it because you have decided to not just live without what's your lost and it was in this hunt and it was in this search that he told the prophet Samuel wait for him wait for him he told the prophet Samuel the day before that he's coming he didn't tell saw the day before he told Samuel because he did not want to dilute Saul's vision and make him start looking for a crown when at that time he was only supposed to be looking for what he lost but he told the next dimension that he's on his way god I want to let that go he prepared the next dimension for what was happening in this dimension because he knew it was only a matter time before the two dimensions collided and when the two dimensions collide I want you to be prepared because if you look at what you see in this dimension you'll see a boy looking for a donkey but I want you to know that what God sees is a man who can become king so God has already gone ahead of you and let them know they may not have the degree and they may not speak the language that everyone else speaks but I'm letting you know in advance there's someone coming who carries what you need and so in my text Samuel and Saul are about to engage in their first discussion I love this because Saul doesn't even know who he's speaking to he says do you know where the seer is prophet Samuel says fool I am this year it's okay if you're gonna be king I'm gonna have to get you more anointed you're going to be king you're gonna have to start looking for certain things differently if you're going to be king if you're going to start eating like a king and acting like a king you're gonna have to recognize that any person you talk to could carry you to the next dimension of your destiny oh yeah yeah you can always tell who a person really is by how they speak to the people they don't think they need [Applause] and so immediately saws inability to recognize who Samuel is let Samuel know I'm going to have to start preparing you for kingship I love that because God's not just gonna put you in a situation that you're not prepared for he's going to create a bridge a person an opportunity a mentor who is going to prepare you for who you're supposed to be you're not just connected to this ministry you're not just connected to those people who you have been admiring on Instagram you're not just connected to those people who have been pouring into your life they're your bridge to help train you for the kingship that God has assigned to your name before this encounter Saul and his servant have a discussion and say to one another okay if we're going to go see this year then we need to make sure we have some kind of gift so that we can honor who the seer is and so they scratch up they scrape together what they have so that they have something to honor the seer with but what shakes them is when the seer the prophet Samuel begins to honor them yeah he says Samuel says to him I am this year go up before me to the high place for you shall eat with me today and tomorrow I will let you go and will tell you all that is in your heart and then he tells them where the donkey's are but then saw immediately rejects what Samuel says in that moment which taught me that sometimes we are more prepared to give honor than we are to receive honor because as long as Saul was the one giving he was okay but when Samuel said something to him that would have to stretch his capacity and make him capable of receiving he rejected it and I wonder how often we're willing to pour into other people and we're willing to love other people but when it's time for us to level up within ourselves we reject the very thing that was meant to help us get to that next dimension of who God has called us to be it really is easier to give than receive because receiving challenges my insecurities receiving challenges the areas where I have deficiencies receiving makes me look at the areas where I have brokenness and it makes me easier to just give to you and give to you and give to you instead of receiving in return but Samuel and Saul are going to be in relationship for a long time and so recognizes that if you're going to be king and you're not prepared to be king man I felt like that was for somebody you're not prepared to be king yet I'm not shaming you I'm just letting you know where you are so that you can receive what you need in order to become king because if you stay in a position where you realize I'm not ready yet and I'm okay with not being ready yet I just need someone who's gonna come into my life that's gonna help me get ready so that when I get there I don't squander it so that when I get there I don't lose myself in the process I'm okay not being ready yet everyone else can get promoted because if they're ready God will keep them there and if they're not ready God will remove them but when I get there I want to stay and so I need someone who recognizes that I'm not prepared yet and so the first thing that he does is he challenges him to receive honor to receive the high seat at the table Samuel says to walk up ahead of me man go up before me means that you're gonna walk ahead of me at that time Samuels highest priest there is but he says to saw I want you to walk ahead of me I want you to start walking like a king man God help me I want you to start walking differently I want you to stop walking like you're looking for what you lost because God is already giving you what you've lost you know I think that sometimes we can be so consumed with the just getting what we lost that we're not prepared for the overflow connected to it because God doesn't just give you what you lost he gives you exceedingly and abundantly above all that you could ask for a mansion but the question is will you be prepared for the training that comes with it exceedingly and abundantly because sometimes we just want what we lost so that we can go back to who we were but God says I'm gonna give you what you lost but you can't go back to who you were there's an overflow connected to what you lost and so I want to know can you learn to eat like a king what I want to know is can you learn to boss up to the overflow I want to know will you open the books in the middle of the night and start reading and setting to prepare for the next meeting I want to know can you eat like a king you just wanted a job I gave you a promotion but now I want to know can you level up and eat like a king I thought that gangster thing coming out of me I'm trying to stay cute and sanctified up here but there's something about someone who knows that I have to learn how to eat like a king because every time God does something for me he takes me to glory to glory to glory to glory and I won't be the reason that I get left if God's gonna take me into the overflow I'm gonna make sure that I know how to handle the overflow when he gives it to me I'm gonna learn how to eat like a king I'm gonna learn how to walk like a king I'm gonna learn how to talk like a king if God says I'm a king then I must be I must be the righteousness of God I must be a part of a royal priesthood if God keeps blessing me in spite of the mess that I am then I'm gonna give him something to work with I'm gonna give him every tool I'm gonna give him a free resource [Music] it's time to start eating like a king it's time to start walking like a king it's time to start changing your mindset and recognize that God doesn't just want to give you what you lost I want to show you who I saw when you were looking for what you lost and it may make you uncomfortable and it may mean that it changes your circle but I'm telling you for what you're going to be exposed to that I place then on the inside of you it's going to be worth it it would be a disservice if God just gave you what you lost and Syd saw back to Benjamin God says I can do better than that I can show you what you lost and i can show you who you are I can show you why you had to lose what you lost I can show you how all things work together for your good I could just stop it what you lost but I'm too much of a God for that I'm too big for that I'm too great for that I'm too wonderful I'm too strategic I'm too strategic to just give you what you lost I gotta show you how it all worked together this is it this is just when I want to say Saul begins to walk ahead and then when they get to the feast the prophet Samuel says to him I want you to sit in the place of honor among those who were invited I want you to sit in a room where nobody knows what's going on but me and you he says there is about 30 people in the room these thirty people have no idea that Saul is about to be king and I want you to be okay with not everyone knowing who you are but you Oh God I need you to be okay with not everyone understanding the grace and the anointing that is on your life it might just be you in God for a season don't worry soon enough everybody will see what God saw but can you be okay if nobody knows it but you and God nobody knows how Taylor did I am that's all right let him sleep nobody knows how gifted I am that's all right let him sleep cuz you're not ready for it to be exposed anyway but God will sit you in the room to give you a preview of what the room feels because I want you to see the character of all the people who are gonna be around to before they know that you're king because when they find out you're king that may once yeah I want you to see everyone properly so I'm gonna sit you in the room but the rooms not gonna know who you are I don't know if you've ever had an encounter with someone who didn't really know who you were and so they knew who you were and you say to yourself you say so before you knew who I was you didn't treat me that well but now that you know who I am I see you but that's alright I forgive you because when you didn't know who I was I knew who I was [Music] [Music] okay so um sorry I got a little [Applause] so everyone sitting down at the table and so is sitting there with his servant and Samuel says to the cook he says bring the portion which I gave you of which I said to you set it apart so the cook took up the thigh with its upper part and said it before saw and Samuel said here it is what was kept back Samuel says to Saul here it is what has been kept back it was set apart for you as if you needed any more confirmation that I was expecting you I just wanted you to know that I didn't just think about you walking like a king and I didn't just think about you sitting like a king that I also took into consideration that you need to know what it's like to eat like a king and when you learn how to eat like a king it means it means that you expect that there is something that has been set apart with my name on it there is something in this world there is something in this marriage there is something in this business there is something in this industry that has been set apart in anticipation of my arrival so I'm not just walking like a king I'm not just sitting like a king I'm about to eat like a king I'm looking for the thing that has been set apart I prayed I said God give me this generation of women and God gave me that generation of women God said I've been setting apart a generation of women for you because I knew that they would come with you and learn how to walk talk and eat like a king and so my question for you the Potters and the potter's house of Denver is Artie go and find that that has been set apart it's been set apart for you your joy has been set apart your purpose has been set apart your destiny has been set apart your marriage has been set apart your ministry has been set apart it's been set apart for you nobody stole it your path didn't kill it shame couldn't touch it you went back into the enemy's camp and you're gonna so from you cut this time for me that start eating like a king as time I was the one who mad [Music] and so when I walk into a room the room either has something set apart for me or it's not the room I'm supposed to be in because if God brings me to the room there's something set apart for me there's a job here that only I can do when I met my husband he had been set apart not everyone could have access to him and that's how I knew she was the one because he'd already been set apart he was in Los Angeles far from where I was but he had been set apart from me The Potter's house Los Angeles had been set apart from me The Potter's house Denver had been set apart from me my father started the church over eight years ago and it didn't even look like we would have any reason to be here but God said just give it some time I set it apart for them just get it some time I set it apart when you touch down you need to touch it [Music] [Applause] but the reality is that Saul would have never found what had been set apart had he not made it his mission to figure out what he lost and if you're in this room and you know without a shadow of a doubt I've lost some things and I've learned to live with what I lost and I was kind of proud that I learned to live with what I lost but as you were speaking there was something in me that made me want to go back and get that innocence that made me want to go back and get that confidence that made me want to go back and get that joy there was something in me that made me believe that I wanted to go back and get that forgiveness I lost I lost some things along the way and you cannot learn to eat like a king walk like a king or talk like a king until you first discover what you lost and decide that I'm going to go back and get it if you're here and you're ready to start that search I want you to meet us here at this altar if you're here and you recognize that maybe that pain took something from me maybe that situation that divorced maybe that rape maybe that abortion can we have a real conversation in here maybe that friendship tearing apart maybe me having to bury that parent it took something from me I don't trust the way that I used to I don't love the way that I used to and I've lost it and I'm willing to learn to live with what I lost but the truth is the truth is I want that part of me back maybe you're here and you're in a marriage and you say we've lost some things along the way and I want back those butterflies God if is not a butterfly give me a caterpillar God if you just throw a caterpillar in this relationship maybe it'll get better I want you to come down here too I'm gonna ask my husband to join us in prayer because I do believe that there is a special anointing for restoration and not just restoration but overflow Saul's kingship was overflow saw eating like a king and walking like a king that was overflow he just wanted what he lost but God says I have overflow for you [Music] that's bigger than restoration that is exceedingly and abundantly la I see you Denver I see you I see God touching I see God moving I see God breaking up the dirt where you tried to bury those seeds let them in let them in it's okay it's okay to still want it it's okay they still want your joy I know after all the things you've done you feel guilty even asking for joy it's okay God says I still want to give you joy I still want to give you peace he said I'm not doing it because you were so perfect I'm doing it because it's Who I am I am a giver and if I still have you here it's because I still have something I want to give you lift your hands and worship all over this place if you're not at this altar help us create an atmosphere for transformation somebody's about to go into the enemy's camp somebody's about to take back what's been stolen from them somebody's about to break a generational curse somebody's about to start generational blessings in their room create an atmosphere in this place for the King of glory is here the King of glory has stepped down into this room spirit of the Living God there is no one who can navigate hell better than you and God there are some things that the enemy tried to take from us there are some things that he'll tried to take from us and God because I know it was a god thing that they tried to steal I know that God fingers still alive and so god I'm going back into that situation I'm going back into those memories I'm going back into that pain and I'm looking for the wisdom connected to my wounds I'm looking for the purpose connected to my pain Spirit of the Living God fall fresh on these your sons and daughters when they go back into the enemy's camp they will not come back alone but a hedge of protection will be placed around them they're gonna go back and where they saw pain they're gonna see purpose i prophesy it right now in the name of Jesus where I once sought struggle I'm gonna see strength Wow once saw insecurity I'm gonna see victory that's the kind of God I serve and that's what he does when he gets in a room so God step into this room this room that is my soul this room that is my heart but this room that is my spirit God make room on the inside of them for your glory that they will look back and see that they had been protected through it all covered throughout it all anointed in spite of what they lost and so God don't just give them what they lost but give them the overflow connected to what they lost i prophesy it right now in the name of Jesus for every person who has decided to go back and get their joy that oh well it's women bring up what there was once a valley and rivers of living big rivers flowing on the inside of blood watch water spring it on the inside [Music] we receive this word allow it to take root and produce fruit I want to give you a moment just to praise your God is bringing restoration to you just just just take a moment this is a life defining moment by the Spirit of God come on from LA to Denver can we just come on come on all things new Wow is that over it [Music] now we're gonna confess something I just want you to repeat after me Heavenly Father I've hurt you you've spoken to my heart you are restoring the years that the locusts have eaten there are some things that I forgot about that belonged to me but God because you've spoken and because I receive your word I will no longer tolerate the absence of what you promised I thank you for Jesus thank you for making him who had no sin all of mine all of my weakness everything I lost you put in his body all of my shortcomings all of my limitations everything I thought that would disqualify me you place in his body nailed it to the cross and put it to death and since he's raised up free and victorious I declare I decree my freedom right now I declare my wholeness and I declare that I am worthy of God's best I won't push blessing away any more I am a worthy recipient because of what Jesus did I think I already see my restoration coming back to me I thank you for it i'ma lay hold of it in Jesus name Amen amen come on as his honor God [Music] you
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 393,043
Rating: 4.8950734 out of 5
Keywords: LA Churches, TPH, The Potters House, TPH LA, The Potters House LA, One LA, Toure Roberts, Sarah Jakes Roberts
Id: bkhVK6MrSao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 52sec (2812 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2019
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