Firefighter-Sarah Jakes Roberts

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I don't know about you but sometimes I have to remind my emotions that I'm not supposed to be bound up that my Saviour got on the cross so I could be free that I'm not supposed to be living and brokenness I'm not supposed to be wondering how I'm gonna make it through the day because he died so I could be whole so I have to remind my emotions that my circumstances don't control my praise because my Savior got on a cross and because he got on the cross I couldn't walk into wholeness I couldn't walk in freedom I don't care what my bank account says I don't care what CNN says CNN didn't save me my job didn't save me God got on the cross he wrapped himself in flesh and got on the cross and died so that I could be free so depression has to sleep and anxiety can't have a hold of me because I'm free I wish I had some people who would let that God set them free I wish I had some people who was gonna begin walking in authority chains can't hold me down generational curses don't hold me I'm free suicidal thoughts I'm free I'm free covered in the blood washed and redeemed my past can't define me so these thoughts they have to leave I have to bring my thoughts into submission to what God says and I needed a reminder that he thought I was worth saving I'm not just in this world to exist but I have the testimony detail and I want the world to know that I've been set free and delivered and His grace is over my life can you just give up one more praise we can do better than that that was good for the end of the song but can we just welcome the King of Kings into the room the fellowship [Music] thank you Jesus thank you guys for what you're doing in this place you can't see it from here but I can see people with tears streaming down their face because they needed a reminder that God thought that they were worth saving that even when friends walked away from him that he thought that they were worth saving when relationships didn't work out and job seemed a little funny that he felt like we were worth saving can you love when your neighbors say I'm so glad he saved you I needed you I love you I'm grateful for the grace that's on your life somebody hasn't been hugged all week somebody hasn't been seen all we can you just love honor my thankful for the God in you [Music] I'm excited to get in the word my husband is in Los Angeles but he's watching online before he goes into service can we just send love to the man of God Pastor Trey your Denver family is sending you love so much love I'm going to be preaching from Matthew 17 and 14 I'm reading from the New King James Version of the Bible and I'm excited I've been praying I believe that God wants to do something supernatural in this place this is not an unfamiliar text because I know you all are Bible scholars but if you would allow me the liberty to tell you what God has been sharing with me about this situation Matthew 17 and 14 if you're visiting for the first time you'll recognize that we're standing it is our custom to stand for the reading of the word if you are able if you would please acknowledge our tradition cuz you're family now you stuck with us we love you can we give it up for our VIPs again Matthew 17 and 14 and it says and when they had come to the multitude a man came to him him being Jesus and kneeling down to him and saying lord have mercy on my son for he is an epileptic and suffer severely for he often falls into the fire and often into the water so I brought him to your disciples but they couldn't cure him then jesus answered and said o faithless and perverse generation that's the Holy Ghost cousin right there I tell people I will come out with any bondings version of the Bible but just so you know when somebody calls you faithless and perverse it is not a compliment like jesus answered and said Oh faithless and perverse generation how long shall I be with you how long shall I bear with you bring him here to me and Jesus rebuked the demon and it came out of him and the child was cured from that very hour then the disciples came to Jesus scratching their head privately and saying why could we not why couldn't we cast it out I've been following you I've been connected to you I've been serving you but for some reason when I needed power to show up I was powerless I did all the right things I dropped my medicine I started following you but for some reason when I needed power to overcome a situation that was in front of me I feel like I failed how is it that I can be connected to Jesus and yet be powerless how is it that I can be connected to Jesus yet I don't have joy I can't find my peace my kids are acting crazy my marriage is on the brink how is it that I don't have power why couldn't I cast out the demon of my child and Jesus said to them because of your unbelief unbelief could it be possible that we walk with Jesus and still have unbelief for assuredly I say to you if you have faith as a mustard seed you will say to this mountain move from here to there and it will move and nothing will be impossible for you however however this kind of power don't come cheap they don't just hand out this kind of power at Target and Walmart you will have to work for this kind of power you will have to press for this kind of power you're gonna have to struggle and question yourself for this kind of power it doesn't come cheap it doesn't just go out you've been waiting to just feel strong this kind of power doesn't just go out you gotta change your mind and change their patterns you got to start praying and fasting you got to start what acting like your grandmother's used to do where they were just get in a closet and just start calling on the name of Jesus I don't know what else to pray but I got a press because my world seems a little shaky this this kind doesn't just go out it's not just going to get better things aren't just going to change you're going to have to change the situation by prayer and fasting spirit of the Living God we came to sit with you to dine with you to commune with you so god I'm asking that you would release your glory in this place that you would release your glory in such a way that we're not afraid any longer that you would release your glory in such a way that mass start falling off at the altar and we're down to the reality of who we are Oh God we're asking for a fresh anointing go God you know exactly who's in this room you know exactly where they are and exactly what they need so god I accessed there would be none of me up here and only you that you would use me as your vessel to speak exactly to where they are only you can bring together thousands and cook us to make a word that meets is each and every last one of us where we are so father I'm asking that you do that thing that you do when hearts are surrendered to your word oh God less of me Oh God none of me and all of you oh god no no sno insecurities no fears only you standing tall through me let there be a fresh oil Oh God saturate this place until all I've seen and all have heard that you know them the two have plans to prosper them and not to harm them and that this too is not just going to pass but it's going to work together for their good in Jesus name Amen you may be seated if you so desire I was reading the news a few nights ago and to be honest I thought that when we moved to Denver that there were certain things that we wouldn't have to worry about anymore I knew we were giving up California sunshine but I was excited about that because I like the seasons and rain and in the idea of having all these different four seasons and honestly I was glad that they weren't going to be earthquakes because I'm not sure if you all are familiar but in California sometimes the earth just moves like you're minding your business amen going about your day and all of a sudden the ground just begins to shake and I thought that we would be not only escaping that but that we would also be escaping wildfires and so I imagine my surprise when I was reading the news and and I was reading and I saw this article about the growing concern for wildfires in Colorado because I knew it was so dry in California but I didn't realize that there was an issue with wildfires here and there was this quote I want to read it to you because it is the foundation of this entire message and this gentleman who's an ecologist said we probably need to think more about living with those fires rather than spending immense amounts of money fighting fires that actually do not threaten human infrastructures or homes and you know I don't want to question where he got his degree from because I'm not sure that we should just let fires just just like if the fire - business I'm a mind our business and we're just gonna live with fire so if you're visiting for the first time I'm always this crazy you can it's just a thing people grow to love it or and just accept it cuz God still working on me amen and so I was a little bit concerned because I didn't understand why we should just let fire just just burn and so I had to do a little bit of studying and I recognized that wildfires are not necessarily a bad thing although it is often harmful and destructive to humans naturally-occurring wildfires play an integral role in nature they return nutrients to the soil by burning dead or decaying matter hence fires can be regenerative for the forest but dangerous for the humans and I've been in this season where I've been kind of asking God like why you know because I don't think we really have a relationship with God unless we start asking him questions the Bible tells us that it is the glory of God to conceal a thing but the glory of kings to search it out so I had to ask myself I said God why why would you put this natural system in the earth that produces fire and then place humans in the world - when we are up against the opposition of wild fire at any given moment and this is such a plaguing question for me because sometimes I see is juxtaposed with these problems and issues and I don't understand why and I feel like God told me that yes I put that in the ecosystem to make wildfires natural but I also put in the minds of my people the ability to control and extinguish the fires that's something we really have to lay hold of because if we aren't careful we will begin to think that wildfires is burning that we don't have the ability to control them he said I didn't just put it in the system I put an idea in a person and how they can fight the fires that are in front of them so it's really not as dangerous as it seems it's just someone hasn't had the revelation on how to fight the fire they're currently in front of what if I told you that the solution to the wildfires we see in media and culture and on CNN isn't just going to be answered by just any random person that you hold the answer to it down on the inside of you so when we have these moments where we're saying you know someone should really do something about that we have to ask ourselves am i that someone one of the ways that people fight fire is with fire they have them controlled fires these prescribed fires remove undergrowth brush and ground litter from a force depriving a wildfire of fuel so God put this idea in man not just on how to extinguish the fire but to fight fire with fire and my topic for today if I may take one is firefighters because I want to dissect the concept that the fires that we face not just in the natural but in the spiritual that we have to fight it with a certain kind of fire and not just any kind of fire but there is a Holy Ghost fire available to us and if we aren't careful will allow the wildfires of our life to continue growing and growing and consuming our joys and consuming our relationships and consuming our piece not recognizing that we had a role to play and that was to fight fire with fire to fight fire with fire there I don't know about you but there are wild fire every time I look at my phone every time I look at my phone I have to ask myself what is the world coming to it seems like it's running wild natural disasters and and politics and and all of these things that I can't fully understand it seems like there are wildfires and I keep asking God what is going on with the world and he says I'm waiting for the people of God to recognize that they are firefighters that things will only run around for as long as you let them wildfires burning up your homes wildfires burning up your children and he put the answer down on the inside of you wildfires depression we talk about the wildfires on the outside but what about the wildfires on the inside infidelity in our marriages wildfires pain that we can't get over wildfires wildfires I don't remember the last time I was actually really happy like really really happy and not just putting on a mask it seems like one event happening it burned up all of my joy one person left me and I can't find Center again there's a wildfire burning on the inside of people that's why you have to be careful how you handle people because you don't know what kind of wildfire is burning down on the inside of them and you think you're just sharing your opinion but you're adding fuel to a wildfire that's why we got to start speaking hoping there's people and speaking love and the people even only don't agree with them it's not my place to tell you how to live your life but if I could get you to the King of Kings if I could let my love get you to the Spirit of God then maybe that wildfire can be extinguished down on the inside of you don't you understand that this world is on fire kids committing suicide wildfires burning everywhere and I know it doesn't seem like it but even in this text our people are under fire there are people under fire in this text we've got Jesus who just came from the mountain of Transfiguration which was a glorious moment he and his three closest disciples get to witness Jesus in his most glorious moment a sound comes from heaven and says this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased something shifts at the mountain of Transfiguration where we recognize the glory of who Jesus is and the disciples who have been following him and and knew that he was divine in some way know now without a shadow of a doubt that they are connected to something glorious and the moment that come from the mountain of Transfiguration and back into the multitudes he's met with worry and that's something we have to dissect because there is a relationship with glory and worry that we cannot ignore glory and worry glory and struggle they live in the same place everyone wants to go from glory to glory to glory to glory not recognizing that glory doesn't come without struggle and struggle is always pregnant with glory glory I I finally got the job but I but I don't have any friends glory glory glory God saved my marriage but our finances aren't what they used to be we we got glory and worry living in the same house glory glory and worry did you reckon always pregnant with glory but sometimes that glory is miscarried because we are so consumed with the idea of struggle and not making it to the other side that we allow the struggle to abort the destiny that God would manifest into glory that's why you gotta be careful when you're in struggle seasons because sometimes people come around and they abort what God is trying to birth through your struggle you're not just facing that struggle because God's forgotten about you that struggle is pregnant with glory and don't get too comfortable in that glory cuz everyone knows that you can go from glory to worry in the split second you got to recognize that God is in control of both seasons you see God was the same God when Jesus was on the mountain of Transfiguration as he was when he was met with worry after he came down from the mountain it wasn't just that he was on the mountain but he was down in the valley as well yeah Jesus is under fire when we find him in this text because his impeding sufferings are on the way and so he's beginning to carry himself a bit differently he's leaving Galilee he's headed into Jerusalem he's under fire he knows that his time is coming to an end on the earth and he's trying to impart fire into his disciples he's trying to help them to realize that you're not just with me to watch what I do you're with me because I want to impart something into you I think that's important because sometimes we come to church and we come to church to watch other people we'll let the spirit move through them and that's not why we're here we're here so that the spirit that moves through us can impart something and you so that you can function in the spirit when you leave this place it's not about coming to get entertained and that's where we get messed up sometimes this is an impartation and impartation and so Jesus is under fire he's exposed been exposed to his disciples and he's made them aware of his impending suffering and departure he's come down from the mountain of Transfiguration and his glory is met with worry and so this family we've got Jesus under fire because he's on the way to the cross and he's trying to end hearthfire into people who don't seem to get it which lord knows there's nothing more challenging than trying to fire somebody up who just doesn't get it but we also have a family under fire this family whose child is epileptic and keeps throwing himself into the fire and they're desperate because I don't know what's more challenging when you're either under fire or when you're trying to keep someone you love out of the fire have you ever been trying to keep someone alive and it was killing you because I feel like when we find this man in the text he is so desperate to help his child that he was willing to do whatever it took he was under fire he was desperate he went to his disciples he did everything that he thought he was supposed to do because he recognized that this was a giant that was too big for him and that's see that's something we got to really comprehend because sometimes we're trying to save someone from a fire with our own strength in our own power not recognizing that what we need to do is starting listening the help of Jesus and listen to help of disciples because I'm losing myself trying to hold on to you I know it's just me who's ever been in a situation where you were trying to help someone and it was hurting you but this family this family was desperate this family was desperate their child kept throwing themself into fire and throwing themself into the water and they knew that there was something wrong with them but they just couldn't fix it have you ever just wanted to fix somebody this family was under fire the family is under fire Jesus is under fire and they're trying to figure out how they're going to make things work I wrote this down as I was studying desperate Shin is the womb of change desperation is the womb of change because when the family got so desperate that they stopped babysitting the child to keep them out of the fire and they keep them out of the fire that they started calling on the name of Jesus that desperation births something down on the inside of them and I felt like when I was studying that God told me specifically that there is someone who's been waiting for their life to change and God said your life is not going to change until you get desperate for it until you get so desperate that you don't care who's looking until you get so desperate that you don't care what you have to do to get connected to God's glory the business isn't going to start until it gets desperate down on the inside of you you've got all of these ideas and all of this creativity but you haven't been desperate enough to manifest change in your life desperation is the womb of change desperation is the womb of change somebody needs to birth something but they've got to get desperate for it I mean whole egos desperate for it I mean Jesus if you can't I don't need a disciple I don't need another sermon I need Jesus to show me how do I birth this thing that's down on the inside of me how do I break this generational curse off of my family I'm desperate for it it's not gonna come until you get desperate for it that thing that spirit is not gonna break off of you until you get desperate for it I don't want to be this way any longer I don't want bitterness plaguing me anymore I don't want to be unforgiveness anymore I need desperation for change I'm desperate for it I'm desperate for it you come to church you don't want to worship that's fine you're not desperate enough for it but if I get too shaken up your life in such a way that you say god I don't care how you do it I don't care who I lose in the process I'm desperate for it I'm desperate get this addiction off of me save my child help my marriage give me the job god I'm desperate for it I learned what I have to learn I'll forget what I have to forget I'll release who I have to release I'm desperate for and I'm desperate for it I don't care how I look I'm desperate for it there's some things you don't get why you still look cute [Applause] if you ever start worshipping from a desperate place from a desperate place I'm desperate for this thing God saved my church I'm desperate you gotta have a passion you gotta have a fire you got to start fighting that fire in your life with fire and desperation is fire God if you can't do it no one else can I don't care if you don't bring me a man I don't care if I don't get another raise as long as I'm walking in the will of God I'm desperate for the will of God I'm desperate for the presence of God and the presence of God doesn't come to those easily it comes to those who are desperate I'm desperate for a touch I'm desperate for a touch I know somebody wants me to move on to the next point but somebody's desperation just got awakened and I don't want to just move on so fast in the interest of getting you to your parking spot on time that we miss an opportunity to have a desperate cry session to the King of Kings and the Lord of lords if I don't get to another point I'm fine with that because somebody just awakened the desperation but then I'm not just gonna let my marriage fall apart I'm not just gonna lose my mind I'm not just gonna let depression have its way with me no no I'm desperate for the presence of God I'm desperate for a miracle because this family was under fire every time they turned around it was something new first the boy fell in the fire then he fell into the water they got desperate that pain that you wish would go away it's not going anywhere until you get desperate that struggle that you wish would just disappear in your relationship it's not going away until you get desperate desperate for God to heal it desperate for God to touch it you can't smooth talk your way into this change you can't ignore the issues and bury it in the closet and tuck it up underneath the rug and throw on a hat you gotta get desperate for this thing generational curses don't break they get desperate enough that somebody says not in my house not in my family any longer I bind you Satan I wish I had some old school I'm sorry my parents praised me an old school Church where we would start rebuking devils and running up on demons and saying not in my house I'm desperate for the presence of God I'm desperate for change over my life I'm desperate for change over my mind I'm desperate for something and when I get desperate no weapon formed against me shall prosper when I get desperate demons start trembling don't back me up in a corner because my prayer life will change this situation I'll get so desperate that I'll start calling on the name of Jesus and angels will start being dispatched from heaven the pot is hot the denver has been desperate baby we've been through some situations that made us so desperate that the glory had to sit on this house we got desperate we got desperate we didn't need a pastor to bring the presents we got desperate we didn't need nobody we got desperate I worship got desperate I'm desperate for it I'm desperate for it changed my country touch to my president I'm desperate for it I'm desperate for it touch the heart of every racist I'm desperate for it I gotta raise my kids in this world I need for it to change I'm desperate for it I'm desperate for it I'll cry out I'll cry out for it I don't mind two being I don't mind being desperate not for the present I'm not desperate for the things of this world and I'm desperate for cars I'm not desperate for shoes I'm desperate for what God is doing on the earth I'm desperate that the kingdom come if the kingdom don't come my children may not be saved so I'm desperate for something I'm desperate my family is broken I'm desperate my finances are in shambles I'm desperate the house is in foreclosure I'm desperate I'm not asking for a financial breakthrough him ask him for God to give me vision I'm asking for him to give me clarity I'm seeking the kingdom because I know my car is in the kingdom I know my provision is in the kingdom I know the business is in the kingdom I'm desperate and the man he kneeled at the feet of Jesus he kneeled he said lord have mercy on the place that's broken in my life lord have mercy on the secrets that my family have been keeping lord have mercy lord have mercy on that part of me that I can't hardly touch and I can't hardly face lord have mercy have mercy on my son because I'm trying to keep my son together but I don't have the right tools I don't have the right vision I don't know what to do any longer he got desperate and Jesus Jesus imparts something down on the inside of them first he says Oh faithless and perverse generation I don't understand why he called the disciples faithless I didn't understand when I was studying because the disciples they tried to cast out the demons they it didn't look like they were faithless but you can be functioning and operating and still be faithless you can be singing in the choir and volunteering every week and in your marriage but not really in your marriage because you don't have faith for it any longer and Jesus said I see past your attempt and I see that the problem is not that you didn't try the problem was that you didn't believe that it would actually happen the problem is not that the marriage cannot be saved the problem is that you don't really believe that it can be saved the problem is not that you needed a degree or that you needed the finances the problem is you don't really believe that you can start the business but I came for your unbelief this Sunday I didn't come for nothing else I came until businesses started shaking and I bind the devil right now for trying to take my boys because I swear on everything working down on the inside of me that somebody's gonna get loose today that belief is coming back today because belief is coming back into your household belief is coming back into your marriage belief is coming back into your gift preaching till I have to do sign language until belief is stirred up again [Applause] I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me [Applause] I believe on another level I know it's crazy I know the odds are against me but you need to start believing on another level you don't have to be well connected you don't need man's endorsement stop campaigning for what God has already called your destiny and start believing that all that matters is that he said I could do it and because he said I could do it glory is gonna be manifest through me I know it looks like I'm struggling but really I'm pregnant I'm pregnant with a glory you don't understand I'm pregnant with a fight that you don't fully understand I'm pregnant with something I know it looks like I'm under fire but the devil forgot that I fight fire with fire but there's a Holy Ghost working down on the inside of me and the more you place me under fire the more powerful I get cuz I start calling on the name of Jesus I know it looks like I'm under fire but I'm a firefighter baby I'm a firefighter baby I'll let the city on fire I like this marriage on fire I like this workplace on fire where are my firefighters where are my firefighters the world tried to back you up in a corner and you came out swinging even harder I may have been burnt but I still survived I may have cried but I came out on the other side I'm a firefighter and he that began to work in me so completed until the day of Jesus Christ though he slay me yet shall I trust in him I'm a firefighter [Applause] jesus said to the disciples you gotta get this thing right because I'm not gonna be with you like this forever you're used to connecting with me on one level but I'm telling you that I'm moving that I'm building a kingdom and you're not gonna be able to access me with a little half a prayer that you used to do you're gonna have to press you gonna have to turn the music off you will have to get the naysayers out of your ear you're gonna have to press cuz I'm moving into something and you gotta follow me when I move or you're gonna get left behind he told the disciples how long am I gonna be with you the way that you're used to me being with you he's moving in the earth and he's not moving in a way that you're used to seeing him so you think it's a wildfire but what it really is meant to do is delight afire down on the inside of you so that you can combat with your experiences and your knowledge and your anointing and your vision what you see as a problem in the world firefighters firefighters yeah two souls become one because they fight fire together businesses go from nothing to something because they fight fire we don't let this spring up of another company convinced us them our voices are needed because I'm a firefighter and so Jesus rebukes the demon out of the child he used his fire to go up against their fire and that fire had to back down he used the fire of God working down on the inside of him to go up against the fire that was breaking someone now somebody's child doesn't need another election they don't need another sermon they need your fire to spring up down on the inside of you what you don't even have to say your word to the child you start talking to your father and you start saying God protecting my child God cover their mind God bring them out the prison cell God pray for my husband only you know what he's up against only you know ahead I wish I had some firefighters that knew that praying and fasting would change the situation they knew that they could pray their self into their next breakthrough you don't need another inspirational quote you don't need somebody else to speak into your life you got enough prophecies to last for a lifetime God wants to know where is your fire where is that thing that brought you into the room where is that thing that brought you into the marriage you lost you lost your fire that's what it is you let life rob you of your fire that's who this message is for it just hit me somebody lost their fire Church disappointed you your parents didn't respond the way you wanted them to your child isn't acting the way you raised them to your job isn't coming through your businesses aren't there you lost your fire you're not passionate the way you used to be anymore that fire you're still there though that fire is still there I decree that over your life that that fire that used to burn down on the inside of you that you think your ex-husband walked away with that you think that job fired you from that fire is still done on the inside of you and it's waiting for you to start throwing something in it so that that ember can turn into a flame I decree flames returning into this place that Holy Ghost oil is going to begin dowsing on your fire and there's going to be an explosion over your life an explosion over your finances an explosion over your children you still gotta fire cuz fire connects with fire and I know it looks like a group full of people but this is really just wood in this room so that we could get together in a fire somebody sees smoke going out the top of the potter's house Denver because of fire just erupted in this place this whole story has so little to do with the man whose child was epileptic and everything to do with the disciples who had lost their fire they let the idea that Jesus was about to get on the cross hurt them so badly that they stopped functioning and operating in the same power that they used to function in you cannot let the disappointment of things not going the way that you wanted them to but check this they went exactly the way God wanted them to because he knew that if you got so disappointed that you desperate that a fire would be lit down on the inside of you and you would be so grateful for the fire that you would thank God for the disappointment because that disappointment lit a fire down on the inside of me when you walked away from me I had to get a job I had to figure out who I was you let him fire down on the inside of me you see struggle and God sees fire you see struggle and God sees glory the disciples that lost their fire and Jesus tells us them it wasn't that you weren't trying is that you stopped believing but if you would just believe again a little bit a mustard seed a mustard seed you couldn't even see a mustard seed if I had it in my hand not that all you would need it was a mustard seed but that that mustard seed would multiply so greatly down on the inside of you that you would be with holy boldness to are going up to mountains and struggles and saying I can do that you must move out of my way because I have so much faith and what God has called me to do that I don't care how many people told me no before you know that no just got me closer to God's yes that your disappointment just got me closer to that Holy Ghost fire there's firefighters in this room would you stand with me as I prepare to close fire fire fire I'm a firefighter I'm a firefighter I don't let life just run me over I don't let people just Punk me I'm a firefighter I'm a firefighter I don't care what the news is I'm a firefighter I'm a firefighter I'll have to rob Peter to pay Paul in my finances but I'm not just gonna sit back and die I'm a firefighter I may have to lose the car for a season but it's not forever I'm a firefighter I'm a firefighter I'm a firefighter I just gotta impart that into someone because something happens when we leave this place well we don't feel inspired up anymore and I need your fire because this world is running Wow like a wildfire people's hearts are growing cold but God said there's a fire down on the inside of my people and if they would ever release it the hearts of people who have grown cold would be warmed up again into the knowledge of what I have for them and the knowledge of the plans that I have for them so when you leave this place it's not enough for me if you just say man sure sure was good but I need you to take your fire and start applying it to something I need you to start praying like you believe that it's gonna change I need you to start fasting like you believe that you are the breakthrough I need you to start fighting fire with fire no longer am I gonna sit back and watch things fall apart no I've got ideas and and maybe I don't articulate them the best way and I didn't go to Harvard but that doesn't mean my fire doesn't burn because God plays something down on the inside of me and I don't have to be well connected or the most intelligent for my fire to burn you gotta be on fire for something again guy hill my marriage touching my church help my children give me a hunger to finish school touch the loan officers hearts right now God impressed me on their hearts God give me the fire to finish that book God wants to restore fire into your life if you've been struggling to keep your fire would you meet me at this altar because as firefighters we're gonna have a meetin and I'm gonna pour my fire under your fire and you're gonna pour your fire onto your neighbor's fire and there's gonna be an explosion like you cannot imagine I promise I wish I had some people who had just a mustard seed of faith who believed that there could be a fire that took place in the Potters house of Denver that changes the world that changes technology that changes the criminal justice system there are wildfires people please hear me our men and women are being imprisoned by lack of knowledge I need some firefighters to start going up against systems and structures and generational curses who say not on my watch not on my watch I'm not gonna lose another child to suicide not on my watch not on my watch no gang violence in my community not on my watch I'm a firefighter I can press then intercede in such a way that people just start dropping guns for no reason that change happens drugs are no match for your fire chains are no match for your fire God said it's time to get back in the game you gotta get back in the game you still got fire fire you're connected you to this message is not over there's still a fire down on the inside of you and you have to take every negative thought and every fear in every insecurity and throw it into that Holy Ghost fire you can't live in my mind no I have the righteousness of God I'm fearfully and wonderfully made his strength is made perfect in my weakness into the fire depression into the fire suicide and to the fire infidelity I need discipline to be a firefighter there's a glory in this house and it's not just here to fill the room it's here to feed your fire it's here to feed your fire and God just needed you to align your heart and mind with the fact that fire is still available to you don't let the fact that someone else extinguished their fire keep you from letting your fire burn don't let the fact that somebody tried to blow out your candle keep you from saying oh no you didn't start this fire so you can't end it because people will try to extinguish your fire they'll try to tell you that people like you can't do things like that I wasn't able to do it so you can't do it that's them blowing out your fire but they didn't know that your fire is protected there's a hedge of protection around my fire I didn't need your validation for the fire I don't need it for inter burn I don't need your opinion for the fire he plays this fire down on the inside of me this joy I have the world didn't give it to me and I won't let it take it away you gotta fight for this fire the the Bible said in the text it says this kind of power the kind of power to cast a demon out it doesn't just go out except by prayer and fasting you got to restrict yourself some of you are going to start fast other you are going to others if you're going to make fasting a lifestyle I can't afford to listen to certain music this isn't a fast this is a lifestyle I can't afford to indulge in any more activities this isn't a fast this isn't a lifestyle and it's not because I think I'm better than you it's because I know me well enough to know that if I give myself an inch I'm gonna take a mile and I'm pressing for something I want something to breakthrough in my life and I got to leave some things behind to do it and we got to pray and not just those religious prayers we got to let them in this is where I need your fire I gave up I don't believe any more the rate hurt me the molestation broke me the divorce almost killed me that's where I need your fire is that too real for you because it's some people in this room with real issues and they need fire to touch not just the cute parts of them that got dressed to come into church they need that fire to touch the parts of them that nobody sees but them the parts that keep them up crying in the middle of the night that's where I need your fire I have trust issues I got daddy issues I need your fire there if you're in this room and you want to know that Jesus that I'm talking about and you're not really religious and you don't fully understand everything that's in the Bible and you can't interpret it but you know that something took place in this room that connected with a part of you that you can't even fully comprehend I want to invite you to this altar you don't have to have all of the answers frankly none of us do and that's what makes him so good is that he chooses to use people who aren't so self righteous that they pretend like they have it all together but he would use little old broken me little old imperfect me it's important for me to tell you one last thing and then we're going to pray when Jesus exposed the disciples unbelief it wasn't so that they would feel ashamed it was so that he could show them an area of their life where he could still be manifest it's important for me to tell you that because you'll find areas in your life where you have unbelief and it'll make you question am I really the Christian that I said I am am I really doing as good as I said I am but the process of being coal is when God reveals to us areas of our life where there is still unbelief everybody in this room has a level of unbelief whether they know it yet or not sometimes you don't know you have unbelief until the situation is in front of you I prayed for the job but now I have the opportunity for the job and I don't think I can do it I have unbelief I prayed for the men but I don't know if I can open up to the man because I have a little bit of unbelief so as God is working with you and dealing with you and he reveals areas of unbelief don't give up press don't give up press because he's exposing it so that he can heal it he's exposing it so that you can overcome it before I pray is there anyone else you can come while I'm pray Heavenly Father oh goodness there's a fire in this room Oh God there's a fire like never before oh god and we need you we need you to impart that fire down in the deepest part of our souls God life tried to rob us of our fire tried to make us believe that we weren't powerful that we couldn't stand up to it but God used in a word that ignited something down on the inside of us and God I decree and declare gasoline over their fires Oh God gasoline over their fires Oh God that you would begin to explode stir up the gift so God sir up the fire down on the inside of the Moga like never before that their marriages would be saved that their businesses would be started God impart a fire down on this wonder-working fire Oh God yoke destroying fire Oh God because the weapons of our warfare they're mighty o God but they come through fire so god I ask that you would give us the strength the wisdom and strategy to fight the fires that are raging in our life with fire with divine knowledge of who you are and who you've called us to be that you would help clear our mind of all of the distractions that keep us from fully tapping into that fire and so there is nothing there but you and fire but you and fire God we surrender ourselves we humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God and we say if you tell us to do it we'll do it and we won't just have to it and we won't do it with unbelief we will do it with fire Oh God give my brothers and sisters fire Oh God fire for their workplace fire for their relationships fire for their children Oh God fire fire fire I decree and declare fire Oh God fire Oh God wanted to work in fire Oh God Holy Ghost fire you're breaking fire Oh God fire that makes demons tremble fires that turns this world on its head fire Oh God fire Oh God fire Oh fire Oh God release us Oh God release us into fire Oh God release us into fire Oh God give us an opportunity to show what you can do when hearts are surrendered give us fire Oh God I'm sorry I just gotta keep repeating it and still somebody is lit on fire again Oh God fire over our creativity fire over our marriages fire fire fire in the school system fire in the White House fire fire fire Holy Ghost fire Oh God Holy Ghost fire Holy Ghost I need you Holy Ghost they need you Holy Ghost we can't do it without you Holy Ghost we won't do it without you Holy Ghost if you're not hovering we don't want it holy goes if you don't break it we can't do it Holy Ghost over addiction Holy Ghost over suicide Holy Ghost over depression Holy Ghost over our unbelief do that thing that you do Oh God that thing that only you can do and help us to walk in it with confidence and with power because we know that you're with us and because you're with us no weapon formed against us can prosper can you just start praising God in advance for what took place in this room somebody just had Church but somebody else just got saved somebody had Church but a demon just went running down Florida Avenue somebody just had Church but somebody's child is on their way home I wish you would start praising God in advance like you're on the mind of certain business people who wanted to start sewing into your ministry that's not a fire you not start believing in that's the kind of glory you gotta start pressing in press praying there's a song set a fire down in my soul if you guys don't mind can we just have 30 seconds of worship 30 seconds of crying out to God can we make that declaration where we aren't right now saying fine [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on it's a real simple line they sing along with me sing cry [Applause] come on it's a prayer if we are praying the fire's gonna come come on everybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's what we're asking [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] now everyone look your hair just set up fire down in my soul that I can't contain that I can't control cuz I want more of you God I want more of you come on me you say say [Music] I can't contain that [Music] fire [Music] see God Singh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] ah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I want more of you God [Music] come on in worship if you really want more if you really want lift your hands before the Lord before I pronounce the benediction those of you who've come into this sanctuary and you may have come into Christ just remain up at the altar and the pastors and the elders will will minister to you if you're a first-time visitor we got a reception just for you right outside in the lobby and we want to hug on you and give you a special gift and and married couples remember sign up for the ritual lift your hands for this blessing in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name that's above every name the name of Yeshua Jesus the one who comes to save and to set free do so now that we may be able to set this world on fire with that which you burn in our hearts today if you believe it put your hands together and thank the Lord turn to someone and give them a hug bless some visitors will see outside we'll see you on Wednesday night god bless you the altar will remain open for prayer pastors and elders will minister
Channel: The Potter's House of Denver
Views: 269,315
Rating: 4.8623405 out of 5
Keywords: Sarah Jakes Roberts, Toure Roberts, Sarah Jakes, Bishop TD Jakes, TD Jakes, The Potters House, Potters House, Denver, One LA, Los Angeles, Ministry, Preacher, Church
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 27sec (4047 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2017
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