"In Demand" - Sarah Jakes Roberts

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[Music] I am in John to first three I only have a few scriptures you know it is our custom to stand for the reading of the word and my text begins it says and when they ran out of wine the mother of Jesus said to him child ain't got no wine and jesus said to her woman what does your cousin CERN have to do with me my hour has not yet come his mother said to the servants whatever he says to you do it that's it that's my whole text father whatever you say we're going to do it whatever you have already seen this night being father we're gonna fall into alignment with what it's supposed to be I don't believe that anyone is here by coincidence I believe that you have designed and orchestrated for everyone who was supposed to be watching online and in this room to be in here because you told me that you were sending your chosen people to hear this word so father I ask that you would open the floodgates of heaven on God and that you would just pour and pour and pour until depression has to leave until darkness can't stay that you would pour and pour and pour until somebody's creativity comes back until the spirit of heaviness is broken and some he receives their joy again I come up against every winch warlike demon that has ever tried to wage war against the people in this room and I claim it as territory for the kingdom of heaven we're going to take our position as a result of receiving this word so father I simply say have your way Great God that you are and as for me let there be no nerves no fear no anxiety just your words your power your strength standing tall and me in Jesus name Amen so this time of the year I always start thinking about the holidays and just getting myself mentally prepared for Thanksgiving when Petey and I got married this is almost my five year anniversary in Los Angeles darling big stuck with me so when we first got married though our Thanksgiving was very small and intimate it was just a couple weeks after we got married and you know I'm a Texas girl I like to cook I like to just put things in pans and see if the Lord would have his way he blesses that and so our first Thanksgiving was a little small and then as word began to get out our Thanksgivings grew and then all of a sudden it went from like eight people to like fifty people at our house for Thanksgiving and I do most of the cooking and I could cook for eight people with my eyes closed I grew up in a big family it's not a big deal when you start cooking for 50 people though you don't just run up on that you don't use your same situation that you use when you cook them for eight people and so I had to get a strategy together because there was a plan to have things given but I didn't want to just run up and just live in that plan sometimes you can't just activate things there's a step in between planning and activation and that step between planning and activation for me is preparation so my children will tell you on Monday we prepare for Thanksgiving I cut everything up I separate all of the ingredients for the cake we slice things I put everything in the pan but still on Tuesday there comes the most challenging part in the process and for me the most challenging part of that process is when I'm sitting there looking at the groceries and the groceries are looking at me I'm saying to myself I'm saying stuff you got to cook this food now you didn't get out this fart illusion spent the money at the grocery store the people are coming over I'm in a tight spot come on tight spot I preach the word come on tight spot this tight spot and I gotta cook this meal and I have to push myself to start because no matter how much you plan and how much you prepare there still comes a time when we have to push ourselves to be activated why is it that we plan and we prepare and yet when we're standing in a moment we still need a push to be activated everything we're doing suggests that we are headed in a specific direction but when we're standing in that moment sometimes we can be so blind to the moment that we're standing in that we don't trust that we can actually be activated I don't know who you are in this room but God told me to tell you that what he placed down on the inside of you is in demand in demand that's my subject for today because no matter how much planning and preparation you do you have to take that step into activation and part of the reason why you must take that step and you are pushed into taking that step is because the anointing that's down on the inside of your life is in demand it's in demand right now in this season in this culture there is an anointing that God placed down on the inside of you and it is in demand that is a word for somebody if you don't take anything else out of this message if I closed it up right now you've got to know that God did not just give you an idea that God did not just give you this thing in your head he gave you an anointing that this world needs and if it stays inside of you then the world is going to be robbed of what it really needs you are in demand I don't care what they say on Instagram I don't care who's popular right now I don't care who has the most followers I'm not talking about now I'm talking about what's in demand for what God wants to do in the earth and if you look at what culture says is in demand you will miss what the kingdom says is in demand and when the kingdom says that something is in demand you got to listen because when the kingdom think is in demand then darkness has got to back up when the kingdom think is in demand and demons start trembling and war start ending and mental health become saved and art is created with conscious why because the kingdom is in demand baby the kingdom the kingdom is in demand the kingdom is in demand the kingdom is in two men who is the kingdom the kingdom are those who do the work of our Father the kingdom is in demand God needs what's down on the inside of you I don't care [Applause] and it never goes out of season the kingdom the anointing that God placed on the inside of you it's in demand we need it now we need it now and somebody's been planning and somebody's been preparing but somebody is afraid to unleash what God has given them and God told me to tell you that the reason why he gave it to you is because he thought he could count on you to release it when it was in demand we need your leadership we need your music we need your art we need your ideas we need your wholeness it is in demand I don't know who that is for because I'm all out of sequence and it is not how my message is supposed to go but I came here to wage war with the thoughts that are down on the inside of you trying to make you believe that you are regular day killer and that someone else can come around and be who you are no no no honey the reason you are still in this earth it's because there is something that God says only you can do and it is in to man now and that's why all hell has been breaking out around you and through you but I hear God's saying that I came to cause peace to the storm so that who you are can rise to the top [Applause] [Music] halleluyah halleluyah halleluyah halleluyah your mind needs to know that you're in demand somebody's mind has been waging war with them trying to make them give up trying to make them back down trying to make them think that because someone else started that they don't have to get started but I came here to push you into your destiny mary has this moment with Jesus and she goes I gotta push you into your divinity you've been planning for this moment you've been preparing for this moment give me a little bit more base and the microphone cuz I got some work to do and I'm not gonna lose my voice playing with the devil we got something to do in this place Mary had to push Jesus she pushed him she pushed him because he was waiting for an hour but she wanted him to know this can get started whenever you're ready because you planned and you prepared properly for the moments you're now standing in oh god I don't know who you are cuz now then skip down to the end of my notes but Mary is looking at a version of Jesus that is not the little boy she raised when Jesus was 12 he was teaching in the temple and she had to pull him back because he got activated before he was prepared you were gifted you were talented you just weren't prepared and sometimes when you get pulled back it makes you afraid because you don't know when you should get started again somebody in this room got pulled back not held back you got to know the difference between getting pulled back versus held back I hear God saying that that pulls you back ain't holding you anymore so now you can start preparing like you're waiting for your hour to come I hear God saying something had to take his hands off to you it pulls you back but it didn't hold you down so between the ages of 12 and 30 Jesus is what appears to be undercover God told me he wasn't undercover he was underground so that he could have the roots and the training and the understanding of who he is so that for this moment in the text he could be pushed into activation that means that Jesus had to deal with being gifted but not seen for 18 for 18 years Jesus was anointed he was gifted he was powerful but he was not seen by man and he got pulled back but he was still working like he knew his hour was coming how do I know that he was still working like you knew his hour was coming because he started gathering disciples and he got baptized by John the Baptist but in this text it still says my hour hasn't come i'm just working like my hour is coming and until you start working like you know your hour is coming in spite of the fact that you have been pulled back then you will not be ready when your hour shows up but if you start working like i know the hour is coming i'm saving like the houses on the way i'm getting my heart ready like the family is already in the room I'm working like my hour is coming I'm studying like my hour is coming I'm creating like my hours coming I'm serving like my hours coming up working I'm working in a waiting I'm waiting I'm not waiting for somebody to give me work [Applause] [Music] you work differently when you know your hour is coming when you're I'm sure you start falling off your square that's all right you had activated a I came to put you back on your square somebody started to believe that the hour isn't coming and I came here to tell you that if you were still in this room then there is still an appointment with destiny that you have not yet and that came here to let you know that you got to start working like you know your hammers on the way you got to start create and let you know your hours on the way know for bitterness no room for hatefulness I'm working that's why I came out I'm working like I'm hours come and I woken like my hours come and I'm talking like my hours coming everything I do look like I'm waiting for the moment my hour is coming it doesn't make sense now cuz you can't see what's coming but jesus knew that his existence all started with the word so if I haven't seen the word I still got more work to do so that I can create an environment for the word to live in that's what your preparation does your preparation is you facilitating God's plan it's what you do in your life that says I'm giving things in order because there's a plan for my life and I got to make sure that everything that is in my life can facilitate what God is going to do through me I'm preparing differently I'm not preparing the way that I was preparing when I wanted to be famous that's a different preparation I'm preparing like I want to be used I'm preparing like that one miracles to flow through me preparation is when the miracle happens in you so the miracle can come through you I'm gonna say that again for somebody in the back preparation there's one miracle happens in you so that the miracles can come through somebody wants miracles to come through you but the miracle hasn't happened in you but when the miracle happens and you you look back over your life and you'll say it's a miracle that I think the way I do it's a miracle that I walk the way I do it's a miracle that I create the way I do who better I got confidence like this what happened to me I got touched most high god [Applause] shifted things preparation the miracles got to happen in you first because you cannot impart who you are not miracles got to happen in you you want to change the industry you got to understand how to change you first because when you understand how challenging it is to change you you'll see how challenging it is to influence another person the miracle must happen in you and it happens in how you prepare your life for the plan that God wants to activate through you and that's why we have to make some tough decisions about who we're going to be and what we're going to think and how we're going to act because the the powers gotta flow without being diluted it's gotta flow without being poisonous gotta flow is got to flow and it can only flow through your preparation gotta have it I gotta have honesty I gotta have integrity I gotta have loyalty I can't think that you're for me and against me at the same time because that messes with God's power and his ability to throw flow through me mary has an interesting job in this text because she's looking at a version of Jesus that is no longer the little boy that she raised she's got to make the challenging challenging decision to release Jesus so that he can fulfill the prophecy connected to who he is she pushes him to draw on the miracle that's down on the inside of him the anointing that's down on the inside of him Mary sees that his anointing is in demand not because they have ran out of wine but because the world is ready for the Messiah god help me so she's got a back room in a corner she's got to back him in a corner in this text and she's got to make him either fess up and be who God knows he is or deny that it's in him at all and you need people in your life who will back you in a corner and make you make a decision I'm tired of people who let you just live on the fence somebody came in this room because they need someone who will back them in the corner I need someone who will force me to draw on the anointing that's down on the inside of me that will make me pull a miracle out from the depths of my soul you need people in your life who will back you in a corner and say now you ought to be thinking better than that shouldn't you after all that you've been through they make you draw on the version of yourself that you've been hiding and that you've been questioning and they say if I can make you draw on that anointing then you can unleash that power in this room trying to push you in the corner trying to push you in the corner la I'm trying to push you in the corner online family because if I push you in the corner I know that you will either leave this place but if you stay in this room I feel the Spirit of God in this room if you stay in this room I want to prophesy that every person who stays in this room and who signs up to get pushed in a corner it's gonna draw on the anointing that God place down on the inside of them because they made a decision to be in this room and to activate everything that he is placed down on the inside of you I said that you are not here by coincidence I don't care what the suicidal thought said when you were on your way in here I can to push you in a corner I don't care what depression said I don't care what you've been through I can't no push you in the corner cuz I know that if you're in this room there is an anointing connected to you and I need that anointing to break open like never before I came to crush every thought every imagination every power every shameful action until your oil breaks through your oil is ready to break through oh that's it your oil is in the man I feel God in this place your anointing is in demand the ability to break that generational curse the anointing to do it it's in demand it's in demand it's in demand is in demand is in demand us in demand what God lays down on the inside of you this world needs and like never before our city is on fire the earth is groaning for the sons of God they were lighting and unleash it a nerd the tornadoes in Texas and floods all over the world your anointing it's in demand is in demand [Music] [Music] wish I could all see couldn't miss God wants to see you step into it these situations these experiments they're trying to push it out of you somebody's at their breaking point in this room and you think you're about to break down and I hear God saying you're gonna break through the real version of you was gonna break through what Mary does in this moment is she pushes him over to divinity she says you've been human loaned enough now it's time for you to be pushed into divinity it's time for you to be pushed until around what you see what God placed in you it's time for you to be pushed into a realm where darkness has to back up both of you you've been undercover too long you've been underground too long it's time for you to be pushed into what God has always known about you the hardest part of this is not the planning and it is not the preparation the hardest part is getting this started the hardest part is actually activating the confidence required to allow God's glory to be the only place you live you see Jesus got to live a regular human life for as long as he could but when his anointing was in demand glory was the only place he could live my husband and I we looked each other in the eyes and we made a decision a few years ago and we said glory or nothing at all so whatever we have to do and whoever we have to become so their glory can flow through us that's what we do every day that means that we've had to die to what we wanted to do and we had the diets of what we wanted to say and we had to get up and preach tired and we had to get up and preach with the family falling apart but we got up anyway because we said glory or nothing at all I don't know about you but I don't want to live this little life that everyone else can predict and everyone else can dedicate and see what happens I want to live a life where glory is the only way I move forward what does it mean what does it mean to see God's glory in your life it is when his manifestation of his presence the manifestation of his presence the manifestation of his being is the only place you choose to live so any thoughts that can't live in his presence any decisions that can't live in his presence have to be confronted and killed because this thing is not about me it's about his glory and it's going to be about something that's the way this thing goes no matter what you do you're gonna fall into living your life for a specific purpose but in this room I want to give you an opportunity to qualify what you're living for that you would make a decision maybe you didn't even come in here for this but God said it's time for you to be pushed into glory geez this is not how this was supposed to happen [Applause] somebody's got a decision to make you know who you are you know who they are you know what it is and sometimes you just need somebody to push you if Jesus needed a push then guarantee we're going to need a push because it doesn't happen easily for any of us but it's time for what God wants to do in the earth to happen it's time like never before for his kingdom to be established in places that we literally have never seen his kingdom established before I don't know who you are maybe it's fashion maybe it's film maybe it's something that we haven't even seen yet but God says I want to give you the insight in this strategy to establish my kingdom and places that it hasn't been yet don't you know that's why you're here God did not send you here so that you can pick up and establish the kingdom where it has already been established you are here to establish the kingdom in an area where it hasn't been established yet that's why those people weigh on your heart like no one else because you're the one who's going to take the kingdom to them you're the one that's going to tell them the good news you're the one that's going to let them know there is another option you're the one that's going to let them know that your heart can still be healed you're the one that's going to let them know that our family doesn't have to continue living the way that it's been living you are one you're the one you're the one you're the one you're the one you're the one you're anointing is engine man your gift is in demand your songs are in demand your films are in demand I know the phone's not ringing yet because they don't know what I know that God is preparing you in advance for what the world is going to need in this text it would stand to reason that there was a need for one and then there was God's miracle through Jesus but the truth is that the miracle happened before the need arrived that the moment that Jesus was born there was a solution to the need you are already the solution the need hasn't been presented to you yet but you are already the solution that's why you have to know that that anointing is in demand because if you don't know that the anointing is in demand and you'll miss the need to unleash your anointing but if you see what God placed in you properly you'll be working and waiting I'm waiting I'm waiting my hour is coming I'm waiting I'm waiting I'm waiting I'm waiting I don't know who you are but I hear guys saying the way it is over I don't know who you are but I hear God saying that that you just got pushed into it that you just got pushed into it that's not everybody's word but if that is your word I want you to give God a shout on this place I just pushed you in position I just pushed you into who you're supposed to be you've been planning and preparing long enough you've been planning and preparing long enough God says you don't need to add another thought to it you don't need to add anyone else's opinion you've been planning and you prepared long enough God said unleash that seed God said let it go into the world let it heal the sick let it raise them from the dead God said let it go into the world this world needs to hear your worship your worship is not just what you do in this room your worship is how you create outside of this room this is my worship this is not just my word this is not just my song this is not just what I do for fun this this is my worship and I don't do it so man can validate it I do it because it was trapped down on the inside of me and I had to make room for God to give me something else so I just produced and produced and produced and it doesn't matter who sees it and it doesn't matter whose souls into it I do it because it's Who I am because who he's called me to be I do it whether 700 combo or seven people come because that's who I am I don't do it so that man can approve it I do it so that God can use it one more time cut the felt like bars I don't do it so man can approve it I do it so God can use it and if it's in me it can't be used but it is out of me then I pray yeah what have to back up and Damons what starts trembling [Music] [Applause] hear God's saying somebody's gonna worship in this room in a way they've never worshipped before and I hear guys saying that's gonna be the push you need to live in your divinity to live in your confidence to live in your ministry to live in your anointing guy said it's gonna happen through your worship that it's not you're not just gonna wake up one day and have what it takes you're gonna get it because you pursued it in worship I didn't have anything when I woke up this morning but I said if I worship I think gotta give me something I don't know what woman involved is gonna be but God told me if I worship I'll give it to you I don't know what happens for me in ten years but I know if I worship God again I don't leave my what man says my bread alone but I live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth can I get a word and that's not ten seconds of worship [Applause] push them push them push it out bust it out let it break open in this place push it out push SAP the depression bless out the heart break I'm flowing but I gotta move some stuff out the way first I've been down it's sad I've been second-guessing too long what out of me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] your confidence they send your worship your healing ass in your worship love you need a senior worship it's a sin your worship it's in your worship resume your worship we'll talk practical later we'll talk practical later God says among Jews the foolish things of the world and we'll do some foolish like a few hundred people come together on a Thursday night to set this city up I'm coming with this city on fire cuz there's a fire burning down on the inside of me I could've turned around and went home but there's a fire trying to get out of me and I need a word that'll push that thing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this what you feel in this room it's not the overflow of my anointing this is your anointing breaking open never forget that what you feel in this room is down on the inside of you and you can take this into any room and you can take this into any bank and you can guarantee that when you leave this place and when you leave anywhere you go that I'm not rolling from myself strategy and you can say yes or you can say no but at the end of the day I'm still going somewhere I still got work to do [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I gotta tell you I got to tell you in the morning me and Petey we're gonna go to the doctor cuz I think I have a pinched nerve in my neck and I got this word and everything gave me said maybe you should not come maybe you should go to the hospital maybe you should not show up maybe you should back down but I said to myself there is nowhere else I want to be on Thursday night then releasing what God gave me we can worry about the doctor later I believe that if I get in this environment but I can cancel the doctor appointment in the morning that's how crazy we are that we didn't tuck our tails and go home that we said we won't be enough house of the Lord because at the end of has decided to set in motion in la will not be stopped by any means necessary you gotta make a decision who you're gonna be when it hurts [Music] [Applause] who are you gonna be when it hurts can I still count on glory when it hurts cuz when you work even through the hurt because there's our work it all together for you good you work out work it doesn't mean the hurt won't come just means that every hurt will have a purpose and that you will use every pain for his purpose that when it's all said and done pain will not have the final say there are some things family that only you can stand up to this was my lane tonight and I had to stand up to it even hurting you and when you leave here you're going to have to stand up so whatever it is you're facing the spirit of fear the spirit of anxiety the spirit of being unsettled when God has called you to be steadfast and unmovable I don't know what you're gonna have to stand up against I don't know who you're gonna have to leave alone I don't know what you're gonna have to change about the way that you live your life but what I do know for sure is that you're gonna have to stand up to yours too but God will give you the power to do it you won't have to do it by yourself and sometimes you just need a little push I want to pray for you you're in this room you know exactly what you need to do you've been known it for a long time you've been planning for it you've been preparing for it but you're afraid to actually step into it mentally I I'm ready but I'm not sure that what's in me is ready to come out of me I want you to come down to this altar I want you to push past people the way you're going to have to push past fear and anxiety I want you to push past people the way you're gonna have to push past second-guessing the way you're going to have to push past oppression push push push like the woman who's wanted to touch the hem of His garment she had to push God I've been knowing for a long time what I need in order to be activated but I've been scared it's nothing wrong with being scared all of us deal with fear and it's nothing wrong with being pushed in a direction that you know you're supposed to be in but you're gonna miss who you were that's okay too because as you continue to grow and evolve you're going to be so in love with who God has called you to be that you will not miss the counterfeit version of who you once were you'll look back and say I thought I had it all together but boy was I wrong there was another dimension of me that I could have never imagined I would ever be this confident I could have never imagined that I would ever be this whole I could have never imagined that I would no longer be depressed but you had to be pushed got to be pushed out of that humanity got to be pushed out of that flesh so that you can step into your divinity you're here and you're wondering as we were worshipping and singing and praising if Jesus is the one for you and I'm telling you that he will take you even when you're second-guessing and that he will say test me in this and I will prove myself to you but Jesus will show you that he's been there all along he'll show you the thoughts he has towards you he'll show you the plans he has towards you I want to invite you down too you don't have to have it all figured out we certainly do not but what we do know for sure is that when we were weak he was stronger and we were sick he was our healing and that it has been his vision for our lives that has seen us through over and over and over again I'm going to pray for those of you at the altar but first let's take 10 seconds to lift up our own voice before asking anyone else to pull us through let's just take a moment in our own way and acknowledge what's happening here prayer doesn't have to be scripted and fancy it can just be your truth and I don't know what's happening in this room but I feel something I've never felt before God my hope it was almost gone but I see a flicker god I see a flicker for somebody it's not the whole flame it's just a flicker acknowledge that light though we've acknowledged the pain we acknowledged the darkness we have acknowledged the disappointment in the shame now let's acknowledge the flicker there's a flicker there's a flicker down in your soul there's something telling you there's more to you than this there's another level available to you I know you can't hardly see it right now it's just a flicker but God says the more that you focus on this flicker you'll see that it's actually a bonfire but you got to move some things out of the way so that you can see what's burning down on the inside of you we worship your name Jesus Jesus you've gone ahead of us you have shown us how to face every obstacle that we will ever have to face thank you Jesus for being a big brother thank you Jesus for leaving us notes for how we can make our way through thank you Jesus thank you Jesus for showing us that it is possible for us to have humanity and divinity living in the same body God thank you for sending Jesus to show us that being human and divine is complicated but that the end of they divinity can rise to the top thank you Jesus thank you Jesus for showing us how to kill our flesh thank you Jesus for showing us how to take the devil and place them under our feet thank you Jesus for teaching us how to stand up to critics thank you Jesus for showing us how to walk out of our comfort zone thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus for the things we've seen in the things we haven't seen thank you Jesus for the things you did for us when no one was looking thank you Jesus but speaking our name in the father's here when we were strung out in trunking that our mind that Jesus was sitting on the right hand of the father making intercession on our behalf saying don't give up on Sarah she's coming saying don't give up on Jonathan he's on the way don't give up on the one he's still coming thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus that you can't speak in our name when we wanted it to be silence thank you Jesus that depression had to let us go and that pain could not have the final say because when they nailed you to the cross and when you were scarred broken and bleeding Jesus it looked like that would be the end for you Jesus there are people like this alter their scart they're broken they're bleeding and it looks like it'll be the end of but Jesus that same power that raised you from the dead is sitting at 6:14 not celebrating and we need some dreams resurrected in this place and we need some vision resurrected in this place so spirit of the Living God let's your resurrection power while in this womb like never before you're watching online in the same power that raised Jesus from the grave is available to you in London Africa it doesn't matter where you go it doesn't matter what you've been through the love of God we'll go into the strip club and it'll pull you out that's the kind of God I serve it is that same power that we are asking to fill our soul God let that power fill our soul and may it push out everything that doesn't look like you and may it remind us of what you've already known about us let that power that resurrected power bring us back to life God that our innocence would be restored I don't know who you are but God says your innocence is going to be restored that you're gonna have childlike joy again I know what your daddy did I know what the rape did I know what the disappointment did but God said I will restore the years that the locusts have eaten that I'm gonna give you joy you should have never had peace you should have never had but that it's gonna be my power that makes up the difference your marriage is gonna be healed your finances are gonna be more than a sable there's gonna be overflow God's gonna bless the work of your head the word of the Lord so father I pray that this would be one of those messages they never forget that every time they wonder about themselves that you would remind them that the anointing that you place down on the inside of them is in demand and that the hour is now for them to release the miracle of them into the earth so father repeat after me father I received my identity as a miracle thank you for believing in me for giving me another chance to step into my divinity father help me to resist the gravitational pull of who I used to be so that I can discover who I'm meant to be open my heart and open my mind to the possibilities of what you see when you see me Father uproot every negative thought every depressing thought every insecure thought and anything that doesn't look like you and in its place feel me God with your spirit your power your authority and your anointing so that my cup will never run John thank you for Jesus thank you for making him who had no sin all of my weakness all of my limitations and all of my shame and when you place him on the cross and put it to death and raised him up I was raised up to him free and victorious anointed and powerful confident and strategic and no devil in hail can undo what has already been done I claim this word I received this let it take room and produce fruit in Jesus name what God is alright your activation hallelujah it sounds like glory to your name it sounds like demons trembling [Applause] [Music]
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 315,820
Rating: 4.9153934 out of 5
Keywords: LA Churches, TPH, The Potters House, TPH LA, The Potters House LA, One LA, Toure Roberts, Sarah Jakes Roberts
Id: fcjS4Pa7MAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 6sec (3126 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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