Eat It Or Yeet It: Ice Cream Party!

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- What are you tasting? Is it sweet? Savory? Sour? - A little bit of... Ugh! - Oh, no! (all laughing) (Smosh Pit intro) - [All] "Eat It or Yeet It!" (all cheering) - Guys, welcome to "Eat It or Yeet It", the show where we eat or yeet and nobody wins. This episode of "Eat It or Yeet It" is very special. I say that every time, but this time it's actually very special. - Finally true. - Finally true. It really is. This is the Ice Cream episode. (all cheering) We love ice cream. It's summer. It's hot. It's getting hotter, and hotter, and hotter. - Oops! - Here are the rules. First to ding the bell eats the dish. That person is then out and safe for the rest of the game. Last person standing eats the Big Bite, which is either the best or the worst dish of the game. (upbeat techno music) - Spencer, you've been in "Eat It or Yeet It", right? - No, this is my first "Eat It or Yeet It". - [All] Oh! (all clapping) - Wonderful! Wonderful! Well, Saige can tell you all about it. It's super fun, amazing to be here. - Yeah. - How do you do with gross foods? Can you handle it? - My one experience with the show is Kevin and I ate the bugs that Jackie got on one episode. - The bug pie. - Oh, those beetles, yeah. (Jackie screaming) - The show just started out and I've already got a literal shiver down my spine. - You guys enjoying having a good old time on the internet, you should subscribe. We have lots of good stuff. Come follow us on this journey, playing games, eating foods, laughing. (laughs) (light music) - Round one. - This one is usually bad. - [All] Five, four, three, two, one. (bell dings) (Shayne and Damien groaning) - Saige gets it. - Good one, Saige. - So look, I don't wanna eat anything that's gonna be on this table today. (Kimmy and Courtney chuckles) But I don't see any visible bugs in this. I don't see literal (beep). (Kimmy laughing) And I'm hoping that if I just get it out of the way, then I can recover while the rest of you. - Yeah. - Sometimes if there's one that hits you later, I put that first. - What the- (beep) - This is the texture of real ice cream. - That's a loving spoonful. - That's a good spoonful. Nobody's gonna give me a hard time. Nobody thought I drank the Butterbeer and I did. - All right, ready? We're gonna count you three, two, one, all right. - Okay. - [All] Three, two, one. - Nice. Nice. - Oh, boy. ♪ How do you feel, Saige? ♪ - Oh, it's good. - God dang it! (all cheering) - It's good? - Yeah. - It's pretty good. - That's infuriating. - It definitely like a mint chocolate chip something. It's minty. It's chocolatey. It has little bits of chocolate in it. It tastes like a little different from like a regular... - It's not that green color ones too. - No, there's little bits of green in there though. - Oh. - And they weren't bugs! (all cheering) Honestly, delicious. - Am I supposed to be pissed or happy? - Yeah. (all laughing) You should be pissed. It's rare that you get like a good one. - Yeah, I'm pissed. - Yeah, you should feel be bad. - Sucks to be you guys. - Oh. (all laughing) - That was, Saige, was the Palo Santo Mint Chip from Wanderlust. It is actualized flavor from an ice cream place. So we let the professionals do this one. - Yeah, it's like a little like toastier. Is that a word how you describe food? - And now, Saige, you are safe from the game! (all clapping) (light music) - I went off of it looking like real ice. - Well, that's a deadly mistake. - 'Cause I feel like one's gonna come out and just look like playdough. - You'd be surprised. All right. - And you will be. (ominous music) - [All] Five, four, - Oh, yeah. - three, two, one. (bell dings) - Nobody else wants that. (Shayne laughing) (Damien cheering) - Oh my god. - They're all yours, buddy. - [Saige] That looks rough. - [Kimmy] Oh, I know what that is. - [Saige] It does kinda look like playdough. - Yeah! - Or something else. - Which I also eat. - I know exactly what's about to happen. - I do too and it's fine. No. - It is fine. - Can I say what exactly I think is about to happen? - Yes, then I'll say exactly what I think is gonna happen but louder. Go. - Okay. I think this is a trick. I think it's gonna be good. And I think the next one that looks like that, one of us gonna end up getting it and it's gonna be bad that time. (all laughing) - Here's what I think is gonna happen. I think this is gonna be really bad and I knew it was bad from the start, and I did it for all of you. I did for all of you and I'm gonna die from it, and then you're gonna have to put up little plaque on the stage that says "A Memory of... Oh, what's his face. He's kinda look like Shayne." And then it's gonna be somewhere behind those pillars but we'll know it's there. - I hope you're right. (all laughing) - All right, get a big old, handsome, modest spoon. - Oh, the way it broke apart. (Shayne laughing) That is not the texture of ice cream. - I do know what this is! - Do you know what this is? - I do! - Yeah. - And I'm quite excited. - That's not proper ice cream behavior. - I do believe in fairies. - It is not. - Oh, man. - I'm so confident, I'll take a good old bite. - [Courtney] Get a handsome... Yeah! - Gotta get in there. It's a big old, handsome as you say. - [Courtney] Yeah. - [All] Three, two, one. - Oh, your one of those guys where you do half the spoon and leave the rest on the spoon. - Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! - Oh my gosh. - I can't pick out what the flavor is but it's damn good. - [All] No! - Yeah, baby. - It's a Damien damn good, though. - No. - No, it's a normal damn good. - [Shayne] I knew it! - Wait, but why does it break apart like that? - I've been on this show 500 times in 30 episodes. I know. - It's sweet, very fruity. Almost like I can feel like there's a little green tea in there, but there's probably some kind of fruit that is making the consistency weird. But it's good. It's like more icy than normal ice cream. It's not very creamy. It's like icy. - Well, what you did just eat was called Sweet Greens. It's from Yoga-urt. It is a green drink vegan frozen yogurt. - Oh! - Oh, yeah! - Oh, that's why. It's because it's vegan that it's all wrong texture. - (laughs) It's all wrong. - It's just like the texture is wrong. - Okay, Damien, you are safe from the game. - Thank you. - Should I leave this on you? (all clapping) We have three people left. How do you three feel? - Bad. (Saige and Courtney laughing) I feel like this might be the first time I scream because of ice cream and not for it. - Oh! (all laughing) - [Damien] That's good! - Another banger from Kimmy from Smosh. (light music) - This one's gonna be bad. (crew laughing) - Shut up. (laughs) (ominous music) - [All] Five, four, three, two, one. (bell dings) (all laughing) - I love a sad ding. - A dainty ding. - Now, again, we're arriving in a place of texture the ice cream should not be. - Oh. Oh. - Yeah. Yeah. - Wow. - Why? Why is it doing that? - Oh. - Oh, 'cause it's cold. - That's what ice cream does. - Yeah. Come on guys. You guys aren't familiar with ice cream physics. - [All] Three, two, one. - [Courtney] Awm. Good awm. Good. (all laughing) - [Damien] Oh, no. - His face. (laughs) (all laughing) - [Courtney] Aw, baby. - It's milk, but from a bowl. - That stuff from- (Shayne laughing) - Are you okay? (all laughing) - You look like Mad Max when you're like, "I will be in the..." (all laughing) - It's not good. (all laughing) - What are you tasting? Is it sweet? Savory? Sour? - A little bit of... Ugh! - Oh, no! (all laughing) - It's in my teeth. - Aw. - The chunks are in my teeth. - You want water, bud? - I'm tasting toothpaste but like I ate toothpaste, like I ate a tube of toothpaste, and then the chunks are unidentifiable. - Oh god. (crew laughing) - UFC, Unidentifiable Chunks. (all laughing) - That's one word. (laughs) - What if Courtney just revealed and she's like, "What you just ate was liquid and chunks. It's a bunch of question marks." - It's getting worse. It's getting worse. - It's getting worse? - Yeah. Yeah. It's getting worse all the time. (all laughing) - Do you need the yeet bucket? You ate it? - We did a good job, Kimmy. - He ate it! (all clapping) - [Damien] I don't know if I should clap for that. - [Kimmy] He did it! Good job, buddy. - Good job. - In my- Why are you touching me? (all laughing) - [Courtney] How do you feel? - This is a weird take. I feel like it could be like some really high-brow ice cream that I just don't have the refined enough palate for. (all laughing) But- - Damien would love this. - Yeah, but like honestly, Damien might be like, "Ooh, the umami is off the chart." (all laughing) - Ooh, the umami. - Yeah. No, at first it was like, "I don't like this." And now, I'm like, "Don't." Yeah, would love to know what it is. - All right. Spencer, what you just ate was Dentist's Mint Chocolate Chip; mint toothpaste, edible, 100% chocolate, non-sugar, and unsweetened coconut-base ice cream. - Yeah. It tastes like the... 'Cause I hate the stuff they put in the dentist like when they fill the thing. Yeah. - You like the 100% chocolate? The 100%, it's like sugar free 100% chocolate. - Oh, it's like cacao. - Wow. - Yeah, that's intense. - Because that was what was tasting like, "Oh, this might be someone's thing." But I was like, "This is awful." - That is some people's thing. - Ah. It's someone's thing but you're judging them for it. - Yeah. - You are now safe! Good job! (all cheering) - Two more! (light music) - Oh, guys, this had been so fun. I'm having such a good time with you guys watching you eat and stuff. - [All] Five, four, three, two, - No! Don't touch that. Don't touch this one. - One. (bell dings) (Kimmy screaming) (all laughing) - Don't touch this one. (bell dings) - In order to steal a win. (all laughing) - Oh my god! (Shayne laughing) - You also, right before the game started today, were like, "The first one is always the worst. Don't go for the first one." - That looks really good. - I hope that's weird, stringy blood. (all laughing) - All right, Shayne. You ready? - [Damien] If you now what it is and you're gonna be pissed. - [All] Three, two, one. - You piece of (beep). (Kimmy laughing) - What is it, Shayne? How you feeling, Shayne? Oh, (beep) you. (all laughing) - You little asshole. - Wow, it's really good. (all laughing) - What is in it? What are you tasting? - It's like very syrupy but like that flavorful, fruity syrup - Oh. - With vanilla. Hmm. Delicious. (Kimmy laughing) Oh my gosh! I'm enjoying it so much. - I mean he can't run away if I try to beat him up right now. - You're right. (all laughing) - [Courtney] The doors, we'll lock the doors. - Lock the doors! - This is the Goat Cheese, Marionberry, and Habanero from Salt and Straw. - Wow. - You couldn't taste the habanero? - Well, it's a muted like... It's not spicy. It just has the flavor of habanero. - Shayne, after a delicious bowl of ice cream, you are now safe from the game. (all clapping) - There is no way that this next bite is going to be the best of the game. We had amazing mint chocolate chip ice cream, that (beep) which is fantastic looking. (light music) - Okay, Kimmy. - Yeah. - I'm gonna give you the old countdown so you can ding-ding all by your lonesome. - Thanks, Court. - [Courtney] All right. - [All] Five, four, three, two, one. - No, no, no. (bell dings) (all laughing) - Oh no! - Oh! Oh no! (Shayne laughing) (somber music) - [Saige] Dirt slushy. - You turned me into this. - [Courtney] So let's get a big old, creamy spoonful. Creamy smooth. Yeah. - What is that? Wow. - Now, creamy is not... (Saige and Courtney laughing) Creamy is not the word available here. - Oh my god, I did not understand what makes this texture and this look. - Archeology vibes. - Have the yeet bucket. (crew laughing) - [Saige] Never a thing you wanna hear. - Yeah, have it right in front of Kimmy. - I'm just gonna give you a little space. - Have it right in front of me? Oh no. (laughs) Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. All right. Sorry, let me just. - You got this. You got this. - Okay. - All right. Kimmy, you got this in three, - [All] Two, one. - Oh, that was a... - That was a big bite. Good bite. - Good bite. - [Courtney] Good bite. - What the (beep) (all laughing) So cold. (all laughing) - Yeah, it's ice cream. - I don't want it. Hmm-hmm. (all laughing) - [Damien] Oh, no! (all groans) - Why do I look? - What do we do? We hit them? (Shayne laughing) - Oh my god! Oh, it's the weirdest texture. I think that's just... In another form, something I really love. It feel like just a lot of coffee grinds and ice. - I mean that's a Turkish coffee. - Yeah, but it's a grain. It wasn't a slush. It was more of just like grains. So it tasted like dirt. It was very dirty. - [Spencer] It looks like dirt. - It looks like dirt. I don't know if it'll be too much coffee for me to consume in one bite so I had to spit it out. Oh man. - Ooh. - Very bitter. Very bitter. Weird. Not bugs. (chuckles) (all clapping) - All right. Well, Kimmy. - Yeah. - What that was Used Coffee Grounds Sorbet, extra burnt used coffee grounds. (all clapping) Yeah, baby! Hell of a Big Bite! - That's beans. - That's beans. - That's beans. - I'm very caffeinated. - It was used. I made coffee with them. - So I don't even get the benefits that come with coffee - You don't even get the energy. - While going through that (beep)? (laughs) Dammit. - I pan burned them to make them more like Starbucks quality. - Nice! - Thank you. - That is Starbucks roast from Garrett. (all laughing) - Starbucks roast! (comedic rimshots beating) - All right, Kimmy, you have survived. - I did it. - Good job. - Thank you. - Everybody did it! (all clapping) - Do you have water? - I'm okay for now. - I have some. - I just have little stuff in my teeth. - Yeah. - Cute! So cute. (Kimmy and Saige laughing) That's so cute. Guys, how do you feel you have a good ice cream break? - Really good. - Yeah. - Really good. - It's so good. Yeah. - Yeah. Honestly, it's so good. - So sorry, man. - Nah, it's cool, you guys. It's cool. I'm glad you guys have fun. - Yeah, right. - I have a really good time this time. - Yeah, you guys are chill. - Maybe "Eat It or Yeet It" is not so bad. - Yes. - Yeah! - All right! - So excited. Well, if you guys wanna come back for another episode of "Eat It or Yeet It", we have new videos that come out all the time, all types of good stuff. So make sure you stick around, little folks. Subscribe. And there's two more videos right there and right there. Tell me about these videos, guys. - Well, this one over here on the left was filmed about two years ago, but we're still trying to milk it for views. And the one on the right was very recent and we're hoping it does a little bit better. It's the one Shayne's the most proud of. - Yep, that's right. The one on the right, that's just me running. (all laughing) Back when I could.
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 752,426
Rating: 4.9802361 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, eat it or yeet it, eat it or yeet it ice cream party, eat it or yeet it smosh, eat it or yeet it smosh pit, courtney miller, damien smosh, courtney smosh, shayne smosh, kimmy smosh
Id: zPRev_Jijq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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