Eat It Or Yeet It: Happy Hour Edition!

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- What do you mean take a bigger bite? Was this bite not big enough for you? - [Tommy] No it wasn't sir, you wanna take a bigger bite for me? Oh my god. - What is it? (squeals of disgust) (introduction music) - (all) Eat It or Yeet It (cheering) - Alright everybody, on this episode of Eat It or Yeet It, it is happy hour baby. (cheering) - I'm going to really let my hair down on this one. - This is not the Smosh Studio, this is Bar Smosh and we have exclusive cocktails that we're going to be making today. - I only drink at airport hotel bars. (laughing) - She has a problem. - I thought she was just gonna stop at airport. - Yeah airport. - I only drink at airports. - Here are the rules, - First to ding the bell, eats the dish. That person is then out and safe for the rest of the game. Last person standing eats the big bite, which is either the best, or the worst dish of the game. (upbeat electronic music) - Also, so we have a special guest returning to the table. Mr. Garrett. (people cheer and applaud) - I don't like the looks in all your eyes right now. - You love it, you love this. - I know your choice of cocktail is milk bean? - No! No! That is not a thing! And I'm not getting anybody boba. - It's so crazy how Portland you are. - Why? I don' know, you're just like, so like I'm Garrett. - There better be some craft IPAs. - [Olivia] Yeah, that's your vibe. - What's that over there? - Whoa! Who did I just talk to? - Guys! Speaking of which, since Garrett's not normally at the Garrett care station today, we have a very special drink scientist. Drink chemist, mixologist, Tommy Bones. (cheering) - [Tommy] I'm gonna mix up some bad drinks for ya. - It's a bones day. - [Tommy] It's a bones day - Before we get the party started, why don't you guys hit that subscribe button. See what else we've got on the menu? - It's five o'clock somewhere. - Oh bartender? How do you feel about the menu this evening? - I wanna say they're (beep) (jazz music) (group counting down from five) (bell dings) - That looks poisonous, but I bet it's really good. - No that's gonna be - I think that's going to be really good. - I recognize, I feel like I recognize this. This is a Tommy special. - [Garrett] I know. I wanted to go for it but. - [Ian] Tommy's a big purple like drink boy. - I'm a purple drink boy. - Oh, I see actually like lemon pulp on here. - Is that the float-y thing? - Is that cleaning fluid? - Bleach? - [Tommy] It's purple bleach. Careful. - Alright, are you ready? Let's get this party started. (group counts down from three) - [Garrett] Big gulp! - Garrett! (everyone laughs) - [Tommy] I'm supposed to say that Garrett. (group counts down from three) - [Garrett] Big gulp! - Oh my God. So good. (cheering) - It's like obviously citrus-y. I think there is some sort of edible glitter in here. - Really? - I mean, it's like really burning my stomach and I don't know if it's because it's the alcohol. - Yeah. (everyone laughs) - I mean it's probably the alcohol. - But it's really good! - Is it herbal? Like does it have an herbal layer? - It it herbaceous? - No, it's like um, like lemon. - What's the purple then? - It's purple probably because of like, maybe um like lavender? - Do you guys want to know what this lovely cocktail was? (people cheer) this is called an aviation cocktail. It's Gin, Lemon Juice, Maraschino Liqueur, and Creme de Violette. - Wow, Tommy! (all cheer) - That's the purple, Creme de Violette. It's made from violet flowers. - [Courtney] Olivia you are safe for the game! (clapping and cheering) (jazz music) - Why is there a hole in there? - So it can breathe, there are live ingredients - I didn't want the hamster to (gasps) (All laughing) - Alrighty Ready? Who's Thirsty? (group counts down from five) (bell ding) - [Garrett] Those aren't even real ice cubes. - Did you just grab the candle? - Oh, ew it's not moving! It's not moving! (Squeals) - [Olivia] Oh my god it's not moving! - Oh (beep) no. (squeals and laughter) - [Courtney] Hold on, this isn't dairy queen. - [Olivia] It's coagulated. Wow it's fully coagulated (sounds of disgust) - [Tommy] Aren't they cold Ian? - [Courtney] Classic cocktail stuff. - [Olivia] Wait is that Jell-O? - Is the liquid coming out? - [Tommy] Gotta shake it a little, kinda give it a little. (all counting down from three) - [Tommy] There ya go, give it a little more shake-y. It'll come down. - Hit it, yeah. Hit it. - No it's not working. (beep) - Stir it up, stir it up, maybe that'll (gags of revulsion) - [Garrett] Okay I thought that was like a slushie. (cartoon-ish gushing noises) (people groaning) - Oh!! - Is that Moon Sand? - Oh, this smells very alcoholic. - [Garrett] This is just going to expand in your stomach. (all counting down from three) - Wanna take a bigger bite than that? - What do you mean take a bigger bite? Was this bite not big enough for you? - [Tommy] No, it wasn't sir. You want to take a bigger bite for me? - Oh my god - What is it? (all shriek) - [Tommy] Yummy yummy! - [Kimmy] I'm getting second-hand nausea. - The problem is like, when you drink like a hard liquor, which this tastes like. It immediately goes down your stomach and this, it doesn't leave your mouth. - [Keith] Oh! - So it's constantly there. - Like that burning taste? - [Olivia] Wait are you okay? - Yeah, it's like if somebody was like "let's do a shot" and then you do a shot and they're like hold! - [Tommy] Everyone pause. - Swallow slowly - What flavors are you experiencing other than that burning sensation? - Uh, this is just pure whiskey. - Oh - This just tastes like you turned whiskey into a jello? - What This really was, was thick ski on the rocks. A $9 bottle of whiskey and Thick It. (cheers) - Nine dollars - Yeah it smelled like cheap whiskey. - [Tommy] I specifically, no, no, no, it's a big bottle and it's only $9. - Was it a plastic bottle? - Yeah. - Oh, you know it's quality then! (all cheering) - Oh man! - [Keith] Uh-uh - Oh man! That consistency is terrifying. - [Tommy] Yeah Garrett! You wanna take a bite Garrett? - [Ian] Yeah, take a nugget. - It's so thick! (chuckles) - [Ian] Take a whisky nugget! - [Tommy] Aw it's a snack! - [Keith] No! (all) Do it Garrett! - Why do you guys? You guys willingly do this to yourselves? (sounds of disdain) - [Ian] It just like coats the mouth. - No, it's not good. - Taste like $9 whiskey? - Ian you have survived and your are safe from the game! (all cheer) - [Kimmy] You did it! (jazz music) - What? Why's everyone so nervous? It's fun! Okay? Ready? (all shout) - You got iced! You got iced! (cheering and shouting) - This is Smirnoff Ice. You got iced bro. You got iced bro! You got iced. Do it. Do it. (all chanting chug) (cheers) (Courtney burps) - [Kimmy] Nice! Let it out baby. Let it out. Good job. (Cheering continues) - [Kimmy] My girl! That's my girl! (Courtney burps again) - Wow! Hot! That's super hot! (Courtney roars) - [Tommy] Good work! - Did icing become like, a TikTok trend? Because I was at a place yesterday and they got iced. - What? - Yeah. - Is icing just back? - I think people are just bored, you know? (all laugh) (jazz music) (group counting down from five) (bell dings) - Oh! (bell dings again) - Oh my god I can't be here, I really can't be here for this. - Wow! No competition for that one! - [Tommy] Wow! - Garrett, he's gonna spit it. - Watch. Stare at Keith. Look him in the eyes. - That is disgusting it's like oil. That's (beep) mango and oil. - That's probably the drink that'll most remind you of your weekend. (Keith laughs nervously) - This looks like a, like an old fish tank. - [Olivia] I know. (all laugh) - [Keith] Oh my God. My stomach's churning right now. - [Garrett] Wait, do we need to stir this? - No, no that's how it's served. (group chattering) - That's what the bartender intended. - That's proper. Okay, I'm sorry. - Oh my god. That's actually nasty. - Yeah, ready? - Yeah I just want to get this over with. - [Courtney] Okay ready? (group counting down from three) - [Garrett] Gulp! Big gulp! Take a drink-y! (all scream) - [Keith] I didn't like it. There's something about it that I don't like. It's different. - Oh really? Really? - I need to, hold on, I spit most of it out. I didn't get it, let me try again. (all laughing) - Can I stir it a little bit? - You don't need to stir it. - [Ian] No, you don't want to stir it. - Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, what! - [Woman In Background] There's a bucket behind you. - [Olivia] No, no, no. You don't have to swallow it. (Courtney shrieks) (all chattering) - [Keith] No, I've tasted this alcohol before, I don't know, but the consistency of this (bleep) right here? Boy! This is not right. It looks like (gags) (everyone laughs) - Oh my god, so stop! - Like it's jiggling. - Stop. Stop it! - So wait, wait, hold on. - Oh no! - After this lovely mess you just made, explain the flavors! What were you experiencing? Olivia are you okay? - [Keith] Okay, so the alcohol, I can't put, for me right now, all the alcohol tastes like any type of alcohol tastes like any type of alcohol. Okay, so I don't even know what it was, but like once I got to the bottom of this (bleep) oh my god, it was just like the consistency of it was disgusting, it just like threw me off. - I'm impressed you had drank all the liquid and even got to the thick stuff. - You're offending bartender Tommy. - I worked really hard on that. Like a full twenty five seconds. - [Keith] What is this? - [Kimmy] It's so strong. - Olivia, sit down! What that was, was Jamie Lee Cur-Spritz. This is Prosecco and Activia yogurt. (everyone cheering) - Dude you did that (beep) so good! You did that (beep) so good! - Wait a minute, why'd you spit it out? Why'd you spit it out? - Because I didn't like it like alcohol. - What do you mean? - You don't like, you don't like Prosecco? - Mm-mm - Do you like yogurt? - Mm no I don't like it. - During testing, it tasted great. It's just peach champagne, like peach Prosecco. - Yeah, I didn't I don't. - [Tommy] Like yogurt isn't even a part of it. It's just like, it should just kind of taste good but. - That's crazy. (everyone laughs) - I've never gotten somebody to spit on the table like that so. - Oh, are you out of a job now? (everyone laughs) - Um yeah, I'm jealous. - I'm not drinking for the rest of the year. - Oh Keith! Good thing your safe for the rest of this game. (all cheer) - Okay so, we're just down to Kimmy and Garrett. - Oh no I drank already. (everyone laughs) - Oh your apron is still on! - Oh it's because I'm messy! (everyone laughs again) - Protect yourself from the spit. - How do you guys feel? What's the plan? How you guys feeling? - I feel like your gonna wait for the big gulp. - I feel like I probably should have the big gulp. - Yeah! - And I but, but I also, yeah because I feel like that's gonna be really bad because they probably expected me to drink it. (jazz music) - Who's thirsty? (all count down from five) - Oh no! - Can I have an extra milky martini? (all laugh) - Kimmy you should do it. (bell rings) - No wait! (all cheer) - Is this the end of our friendship Tommy? (all laugh) - Hey Tommy, is this where it ends? - [Tommy] I hope not! I think it would've ended worse later, maybe. - I believe in you. - [Garrett] (groans) Why is it milky? - (shouts) Oh my god! - C'mon we were practicing this weekend. - We did, I did, we practiced a lot! (all counting down from three) - Big gulp! - [Garrett] You're shaking. - C'mon (babbles) - Oh (beep) (all laugh) - What was that? It's like eh. It's like eh! It's like eh! - Yeah I think you need a bigger sip. - It was so olive-y, salty. - [Tommy] Take another, take a bigger sip probably. - Probably need a bigger sip probably. - No more, no more than that. That's (gag) (everyone laughs) - Weird! Okay, like olive-y, uh there's a consistency, that makes it kind of like filmy. I don't know. Like look at that stuff around the edges. I have no idea what the (beep) that is. It's weird bro, it's weird. (laughs) It's kinda thick too. It's kinda thick. Gross, yeah you can have the olive. There you go have the olive. - Ew, ew, no Garrett. Ew ew garrett. Oh my god. - [Tommy] Garrett, I wouldn't. - (laughs) I love olives. - [Shayne] I didn't know we had Damien on this episode. (all laugh) - No. I love olives, this is going to be fine. Okay it's olive first, then it's salty. - Yeah! It's salty man! I don't get it! - You wanna know what that was? That was our Marchizi. That was sour cream runoff, olive on a stick, cottage cheese water, and buffalo mozzarella water. - Oh it was worse hearing about it than drinking it. (all laugh) - (laughs) I do love cheese! - That is so evil! That is so evil! - [Garrett] With the olive though (indistinct) - I'll see what the last one is and then I'll decide if I'm going to beat up Tommy. - Wait is that (indistinct) water or is it cheese water? - I think it's just cheese water. - Different waters of cheese. - It's a tres leches, if you think about it. - Yes! It's a tres leches drink! Oh now I want some! Yeah I want a tres leches olive. - We have so many freaks here. - Weird brains. Weird brains. - [Garrett] It was more fear, yeah. - Alright Kimmy! You are safe from the game! (everyone cheers) - I love cheese, that's (beep) - Alright, if you guys like this check out the links in the video. (everyone arguing) (jazz music) (group counting down from five) - Oh this looks great! (bell dings) - Yay! Oh, okay, alright! He's excited. - It looks like peace. - Make sure you get along the rim when you go for it, alright? - Yeah, okay, okay. - Lick the full rim and then drink it. - Alright, ready? - Is it bubbling? - Oh it's popping. Oh! (all counting down from three) - [Tommy] Big gulp. Big, big, big sip. Yum. - [Ian] Big ol' sip. - (chokes) (everyone laughs) - [Ian] Get some of the garnish. - Oh! Tommy this is why you told me to pee in a cup. (all laugh) - Olivia, everything came back negative. - Oh wow. That feels weird, that feels weird. (all laugh) - [Tommy] Go again! Go again, yeah! - Why is the drink getting louder as you drink it? - Uh (clears throat) yeah it just feels wrong inside. I guess I get a little bit of fruitiness, from the Pop rocks, and then there's a (stutters) (everyone laughs) - [Courtney] Can we get this man some coffee? - A little bit of lime, why do, why do I feel like my nose is stuffed up? - [Courtney] How many sips did you take? - Two! I don't know if there's alcohol in this. Is there alcohol? - Oh yeah. - Oh okay (all laugh) - So, you said there's Pop rocks? - Pop rocks, there's ice, there's lime, and there's pickle. (everyone groans) - I don't know my alcohols that well. - Nice sip. - Is it whiskey, maybe? - No, I wanna say tequila. - Yeah. - Probably got to be a cheap tequila. - Well, Garrett what're sipping on so willingly, this is called, I'm Pickle Rock. (everyone groans) This is frozen blended pickle margarita, Pop Rocks rim, and Jose Cuervo. (everyone claps) - Cheers to that! And you are safe from the game! (everyone cheers) - You won! You got the big gulp! I can't believe you're enjoying this right now. - I mean the pickles not - There's like four shots of Jose Cuervo. - Oh god, okay. - Dude, this is some intelligent (beep) coming from our mixologist over there. Big hand for Tommy Bones! (everyone claps) Creating some really cool stuff today, how does everybody feel? Everybody a little tipsy? - [Keith] I feel pretty good, because I spit it out. (everyone acts intoxicated) - Do you want some more? There's more if you want some. - No thank you! - My drink was really good! - If you guys liked this version of Eat it or Yeet it please let us know in the comments. Shout it out, be loud in there, if you want another happy hour. Let us know, like the video as well. If you're not done watching videos, we have two more! Right there! One. Two. More content. - Happy hour snacks - Happy hour snacks! (group Oo-ing and ah-ing) - That's a fun one. - Little mac and cheese. - Sounds like you're hungry! You want some cheese? We have a cheese drink over there. (everyone cheering in agreement)
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 1,084,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy
Id: HRUFgjDvauo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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