Can We Ride Minion Mayhem 100 Times?

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(Speaks in Minion) - Well that's not true man, I didn't cheat on you, okay? (Shane grunts) (upbeat theme music) - Yup, we're riding the Minions ride 100 times. - This is, now it's for real. - It's gonna be crazier. - 100 times, let's go. - This what you've been waiting for. - Come on, come on Spencer. - 100 times. We're gonna do it 100 times. I don't care that all the people who work at this park have said it's impossible. They've said, they've said you can't possibly do that. They've also said stop bothering me. - So yeah like the line's a little too long at the moment. Should we get some food or something? - Yeah Spencer's hungy, right? - [Courtney] Spency hungy! - Spency's hungy? Right we need to feed Spency. - Come on, Minion's food. - Oh you, right now? - No, no I love it for you, I love that for you. - Let's go. - We do it, get some food? - They actually kill the Minions and we eat them here. This is Minion meat. - This is my little guy, I feel really bad eating his head, ah! - [Shayne] Kill him! - [Courtney] Eat him, kill him, murder him! - Oh yeah that's a death blow. - I gave him a Widow's Peak, he's Courtney Kardashian. - No he's dead now, yeah he's completely dead. - [Kimmy] They're pretty good. - I've got the Minion Shake, and it's got little Banana Runts on it, and I thought that was on brand. (thudding sound) (slurps drink) Wow that's really, that's actually really good. - [Kimmy] Really? - That's insanely good. - Then I got my tendies. And somehow Spencer you did either bring that in, or you have a Mountain Dew Kickstart, which is impressive, - [Kimmy] It is Minion color. - that you always have one on you. - This is Vito. (thuds) It's so little! (laughs) - Super Silly Fun land, that's just my house. - [Kimmy] You have to be this tall. Haha Shayne! - Yes! Finally I'm tall enough for something! - [Kimmy] You're taller than two Minions. (doorbell rings) (recorded voice hums) - Hey I think you left your baby outside. (doorbell rings) - [Kimmy] Run away, run away! - Stewart! - [Courtney] Stewart. - Take me back Stewart! I'm sorry! (doorbell rings) (speaks in Minion) - Stewart! - No that's not true man, I didn't cheat on you okay? Frick! Stewart! Stewart! (doorbell rings) (Minions laugh) - I can't believe you would say that to me. (speaks in Minion) On today of all days? - Hey, easy! (sign thuds) Be careful don't want you to be slipping on any banana peels around here! (animated whooshing) I did the gag. - Nice, that was awesome. - I did it. - We're doing it. - Cute. - It's so cool, we're in Gru's house! - Come on little guy, we're gonna go ride your ride little guy! - This is never gonna get old. I could do this forever, I'm gonna do this all day. - It's the front side of the car! Or the back side of it. Look buddy it's, oh my god, they have little, like torpedoes above you. - [Kimmy] We're turning into his kind. - I remember this from the movie. Which I've seen. (Kimmy laughs) - I have seen the Minion's movie, and it actually is funny. (Kimmy and Courtney mumble) (romantic music) (record scratches) - Ah! Oh my god, it's us! Gru equals Daddy, they knew what they were doing. - Gru equals Daddy. - Get ready for the experience of a lifetime Vito. - You smell that? - Oh it's a room going into another room. - It smells like bananas. You smell the bananas? - No I think you're having a stroke. (Kimmy laughs) - I'm having a stroke. - Kimmy just has a concussion. - I don't mind it though. (laughs) If everything smelled like bananas on a concussion. - One more for the road Vito. - Oh my god, I'm gonna get turned into a Minion, I'm gonna be so hot. - Before we begin your training, we need to do a routine body scan. Can't have you bringing any human germs into the lab. It's nothing serious, just some high density lasers! They're very, very powerful. (riders cheer) - [Announcer] Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. (upbeat disco music) - Minion, Minion, Minion, Minion! (Kimmy and Courtney laughing) - It's actually not too crowded today, - No it's not bad. - which is nice. This is better than our last experience where the ride straight up shut down, and we couldn't keep going on. But we've been able to continue going on, and it's kinda easy, breezy, beautiful, Cover Girl, honestly. - Yeah it's fun, I like this ride. - Here we go again! It's my favorite part of the ride. Aw (beep) here we go again. (upbeat disco music) - [Gru] Back to work! Hey, back to work I say! - This is our fourth ride. - I am getting tired, hungry, thirsty, this Minion ran out of juice a while ago. So I am dehydrated for sure. Can you give me some of your Mountain Dew Kickstart? Okay. - I'm good, hi. (laughs) It's good, we're having a good time. - I'm starting to get worried that we're not gonna be able to do this 100 times. I don't know if we can do it. It's getting, I'm getting, - 100 times it's very ambitious. - I'm gonna tap out. - It's a lot. - It's a lot. - Getting sprayed by that banana every single time. - Yeah we're not allowed to film inside the ride. It's like too special, secret. - Yeah. - And they don't wanna give away their Minion secrets. (dramatic music) - [Gru] Scientist Dr. Nefario created the device. (upbeat disco music) - I've learned from riding this ride several times I don't know how I feel about Minions. Yeah that's good, Minion needs water! - [Courtney] It's Minion O'clock. Copy! (flatulence) NO please don't smell bad, please don't smell bad! - It's banana, it's banana, you don't smell that banana? You told me there's no banana, there's banana in here. (upbeat disco music) - And I'm having weird fever dreams when I doze off on the ride. And it's very Miniony. - I fell asleep on the last ride through, and it's just moving you around, bumping you around, and I was just there just asleep, I think, 'cause I don't remember it. - Help us. (laughs) (static ringing noise) - This time around this feels like it's an attack. Like my life isn't good? - This is our 15th ride? - I truly have lost count. (upbeat disco music) (flatulence) (upbeat dance music) (upbeat disco music) - Everyone here knows I own this place. They know I'm the king. (flatulence) We've lost our minds now! - Is he okay? - Shayne are you okay? - Shayne are you alright? - Yeah I am. - Whoa! - Whoa! - Whoa it literally looks like a sticker. - Wow that is so realistic! - Don't touch! Don't touch! - Oh my god! - Don't touch! - I see the sparkle in the eye. - Don't touch! - Touch it, touch it. - It's so twinkly and happy! - Yeah, cost a lot of money. (Kimmy laughs) - Make him dance! (Kimmy laughs) - [Kimmy] Ah that's a great, yeah. - [Courtney] That's a good dance. - [Kimmy] Yeah that's a good dance. - [Courtney] That's a good Minion dance. - Yeah. - Good Minion dance. - I'm pretty fricking cool. - Okay. - The look is complete, huh? - I know, yeah. - That look's complete. - What can I say? - You're officially a Minion. - Final transformation. - I'm the sickest guy here. I'm very chill. (Kimmy laughs) - This is the award for most Minion. - Most Minion! - Most Minion. (Kimmy and Courtney cheering) Most Minion. Captain Minion over here. (whooshing) - Well, we have been here all day. Did we ride the ride 100 times? No. - No. - Definitely a Miniontastic day. I feel changed from the experience. You look changed from the experience. - [Kimmy] Physically different. - [Shayne] I'm the coolest man ever made. - [Kimmy] He's never gonna be the same after this. - [Shayne] Yeah, no I'm a changed man. I'm the coolest person ever. - You just, you look like you've been crying. And I just wanted to make sure you were okay. - You okay? - Are you okay? - Not crying, happy, I'm the happiest I've ever been. (Kimmy laughs) - If you guys have other ideas of what rides we should try to go on 100 times, and finally kick this challenge in the ass, put in the comments, let us know. - Yeah, yeah. - Me and Vito will be there waiting to chat with you. - Yeah we will be. Well this is our ride. - This is our ride home. There's two videos down to watch right there if you wanna click on one, and watch it 100 times. - Watch it, do it. - Just like the challenge. - Them views up. - Yeah. You good, here do you wanna hold baby? - Ready to go? - Oh I'll take the baby. - Mini me. - Take the baby. - Mini Minion. - That's my baby.
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 306,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, universal studios, universal studios hollywood, USH, minions, despicable me, minions ride, minion mayhem, despicable me minion mayhem
Id: 4sjUpuBie0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 14 2022
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